“My biggest dream has always been about changing the world.. I love this season being about women””

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Leah
Nominees: Kimo & Rubina
POV Players: Leah, Rubina, Kimo, Angela, Chelsie, T’kor
POV Winner: Angela (Veto), Leah (Jankie Veto)
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: (they all have to sleep outside)

2 VETOS: Leah can only use her Veto, if Angela uses her Veto first

midnight – 5:00 am most the house is sleeping with occasional feeds blocks for dance parties.

Midnight T’kor and Rubina (of course)
T – you will have the numbers you have me and Chelsie regardless.
R – you think? Kimo will understand what we are trying to make happen.
T – I think he will be hurt but he wouldn’t be mad at us. You know what I mean?
R – I don’t think he’ll be mad at us.
T – Suck cause I don’t want to see Kimo go. In Season 23 they had to vote out their closest friends even if they were people they trusted more than in the cookout. There was a larger purpose..
R – there’s a bigger purpose I don’t have to like you to make history happen
R – I want to do it so that women can understand that in this game it has been larger dominated by strong Big Athletic men. (LOL wtf)
T – I haven’t had the opportunity to share MY STORY
Feeds switch. When we’re back they are moving to the couch
R – would you think I’m 35 if you met me?
T – You look like you are in your 20’s but you feel older.. I am realizing that 30’s is not really old.
R – I want to be proof of that also.

They go on a discussion about T’kor being in school.. Accent comes out in full force for a bit.
T – I’ve had a few jobs but they haven’t been jobs more like internships
R – I mean you still work
T – a lot of them were in the political space
R – political that makes sense
T – then the pandemic happens and I was like UGH I’m not interested in politics. The reason I considered law school was I wanted to create policies to help my community. Then I discovered there was more fun ways that I actually liked and I can do it.
R – I get it make a impact and uplift
T – exactly..
T’kor goes on about how going into politics in enact change is tough because politics is too polarizing.
T – there’s just as impactful ways to reach and touch people and change minds and offer a new perspective doing something like this is one way to to show representation.
Tkor adds that writing and stories is another way. “Stories to me are the key to changing the world”
Tkor goes on about learning about people of colour’s history through stories.
R – it’s really cool that we live in today’s world where there’s a lot more opportunities to hear other peoples stories and share your own.

They go on about “My story” “our stores” “sharing stories individually and as friends”
R – they can only share so much when there is always something happening maybe if we were a little more boring. (You’re boring enough)
Tkor thinks that last season wasn’t as crazy as this season and they still had time to show bits and pieces of people’s stories.
T – that is why I love the direction that reality TV is moving when you bring on a diverse cast you have to share their story. At the end of the Day it’s our Stories. you can’t have someone come in first place without knowing a t least a little bit of who they are and what they represent.

Feeds cut.. When we’re back they appear to be talking about cookout season.

T – Derek was a really good player and he won a lot of comps
R – the Asian one Yeah.
R – I would love it truthfully if you won the whole thing and I got America’s Favorite I would be happy with that.
R – I can see you winning
T – how?
R – you have the votes.. cause of your social game. Flipping The vote on your major alliance. Your HOH is how the biggest competitor in the game went out. You haven’t touched the block those are impressive feats.. Our stories our different. They Are equally amazing. Honestly I don’t think you will at this point.
R I can see you winning over me but I don’t care.
R – as soon as someone says your name they shoot themselves in the foot. They’ve all left this house before you even touched the block. That speaks to strategy and your social game. That speaks more than winning comps.
R – you’ve managed to position yourself in a way where you are not a threat but you are a blessing to this house and to the people here. Your presence is.. I think the one.. uh.. unmatched.. it’s unmatched there’s no one else left in this game. Well Kimo is, who doesn’t love Kimo. your energy is different it so light hearted it so.. genuinely joyful, it’s your spirit you can’t teach spiri. You are ni a good spot to take it all the way.

Rubina goes on about her story.. “how many women CEO’s are there?, we still don’t have a woman president”
T – we had the first female vice president, Kamala..
Production calls Tkor out for her Microphone placement.
R – I don’t want to leave this earth without being part of the change. Part of the influence where it leads us towards where I see the world going.
T – oh my gosh you are preaching to the choir
R – My biggest dream has always been about me changing the world..

T’kor starts sharing a story about applying for a job through instagram.. feeds flip to sleeping houseuguests.

2:00 am Leah and Rubina (Tkor may have been called to the DR)
Leah – I’m so sad you are up there. I just hate it.
R – it’s ok it’ll all work out
L – it has to
R – when will I ever do this again? when will I ever be in this environment again?
They go on about what they represent what they have accomplished, being a woman.
R – I want to see the impact it will have. Especially in this game where it’s been so dominated by the same kind of archetype.
L – Yes.. over and over
R – it’s tired and played out, it’s predictable and boring.. it’s the same old story. In the previous seasons you’ve seen a shift in people of colour, just even like the Taylor story. I love this season being about women
They talk about some girls alliance being the first one “EVER” and how it’s “Bigger than us”
L -it’s a real step in the right direction. So many companies feel they need to be performative activists. they have to be inclusive in a performative way
R – they are just filling numbers.
L -exactly.. that really bothers me. We’re inclusive so much we all represent such small percentages. We are the minorities within minorities as well (HUH) .
L -it’s so freaking cool you know what I mean. It’s such a vibe.
Leah says she’s proud to be the tiny percentage of “Female entrepreneurs” she says it’s such a harder path being a female entrepreneur than a male.
L – you wake up every day being unemployed.
Leah says they are making their journeys in male dominated industries and a make dominated game.
Rubina says all industries are male dominated.. “Patriarchy Patriarchy Patriarchy ”
Leah – yes
Leah says the last few years have been really tough on women’s rights “like ruth bader ginsburg and like the timing”
They talk about abortion laws.
Leah says she doesn’t know how the veto works exactly. She’s going to confirm tomorrow then have one on ones.

2:30 am Leah and Rubina go to bed

3:00 am Tkor is still up wandering around for a bit before also going to bed.

5:20 am houseguests sleeping

8:22 am zzzzz

9:20 am Tkor and Kimo (whispering + planes flying overhead)
Kimo – I could be a number.. I don’t know how much to say to protect the three of us. I want to protect the three of us as much
T’kor says when she talked to Leah she was told Leah put Kimo up Grudgingly, “Her options are limited”
Kimo – I know she’s been trying to vote me out. I try to think positively like it was only because I was on the block against Joe.
T – biggest thing is to tell them you are not a threat and empower Leah to make a move that will actually set her up in the game next week especially since she can not play in the HOH.
T – if you have something to say you got to say it. Worst case scenario it’s you and Rubina on the block.
K – I know
T – Makesny and Chelsie might vote for Rubina to stay, Leah can’t vote. I don’t know what the freak Cam might do. I don’t know what the freak Angela will do. That’s everyone you know what I mean?
T – next week all three of us could compete.
T – At this point you have nothing to lose you might as well pledge loyalty to Angela. What else do you have and if you win HOH next week you can BURN IT


11:05 am Pizza after the dance party

Noon Chit chat

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68 thoughts to ““My biggest dream has always been about changing the world.. I love this season being about women”””

  1. Simon and Dawg,
    I hope your livers are alright.. can’t imagine having to listen to all that nonsense.
    You guys are truly appreciated!

      1. First – I donated to your cause. I love this site. How do you all make it through some of these conversations? I bet you can run it through an AI app to provide a transcript. Appreciate the pictures.

        Second – TKor’s “accent” actually sounds like a speech impediment. I cannot place her “accent” and I work with people worldwide.

        Thanks to all of you who suffer through the likes and crazy convos to provide us entertainment!

    1. It really ruins the game when you don’t have a house full of people desperate to win the money. It makes me miss Andy, lol.

      1. taylor’s sanctimonious yet successful “i deserve to win” finale speech despite playing a terrible game and literally sleeping with a contestant just to guilt him into taking her to final two was pretty much the worst thing to happen to this show.

    2. Agree. This is a GAME. It is not deep. It is a shallow, silly, used-to-be-fun, show. Play the damn game. Ugh, these conversations are beyond annoying! T’kor is the worst.

          1. There is some weird push currently where they are trying to get signatures to get it out of hiatus.
            Considering just how obviously prodomanipulated it was and the loss of feeds…. I couldn’t be bothered to see it return.

    3. Dude. I agree 100% Big Brother is supposed to be about deception, backstabbing, and greed, not representation. Why can’t it just be about winning the 750K? Since when did all these asshats decided that it has to be about “representing” some perceived community of a set of specific “marginalized” people and that if somehow a certain person wins it will set the world on fire and solve all the issues of said group. I mean for the love of God, last year Matt went on and on about representing the deaf community. Get over yourselves. Honestly.

    1. But… but…butt: they are black women! Therefore they should automatically win the show and be elected President without a single vote cast for them or a single accomplishment behind their name!

        1. There is no way in Hell she should have won either. Monte outplayed her in comps, strategically AND socially. He even won the critical final HOH, but all those idiot jury members considered was the fact a Black female had never won before, and she begged them for their votes based on that fact (“If not now, when?”). She basically guilted them into voting for her, and they all fell for it, except for Turner, and even HE said he would have voted for her, had he known the others were going to.

          At this point, why even play the competitions if they don’t mean anything? People are actively avoiding winning HOH simply because they don’t want others mad at them to ruin their “social games” (BTW, having to nominate people is part of the game, and doing so to get the threats out and also your competition, is part of the strategic part of the game, which these nimrods all seem to fail to grasp). Frankly I was STUNNED to see last nights HOH comp last almost 10 hours, and I suspect it did only because both Leah and Angela knew they were both destined to be the nominees if either of them dropped out. Good for them (and Cam too) for hanging in there and actually COMPETING for that win, right up until they made the deal (and after that long, I have no problem with the deal either).

          This is also why forming alliances and having numbers behind you is an important part of the social game – protection. Not just so people “like” you, and will band with you to punish somebody who is actually trying to play the damn game, like Rubina and T’Kor seem to think their alliance is for. Gamer’s should recognize game and acknowledge it, but not this crew. This bunch thinks they’re in a sorority or something, and if you put up one of my sistahs, you are putting me up, or something to that effect.

          I’m ready to see things shaken up! Use those two veto’s girls and put up the two who are actively protecting each other in both trios! Let the loud mouth old lady decide which of the two deserves to spend some time with good old Quinn in the jury house first, and then let’s see how things change in the house!

  2. Tkor needs to go she is talking about her story which is her laying around doing nothing. Time for Leah and Angela to add going to jury house to her story.

    1. THIS is what I don’t understand about the whole mess. T’Kor has done absolutely NOTHING to deserve to win the game, other than blow up her own alliances, and huddle in the corners with Kimo and Rubina and talk about doing stuff that never gets done. They talked about making strategic alliances, but none of them ever got made, and none of the people she ever pushed for to go OTB, EVER went up!

      The only real move they ever made was flipping on Cedric, but at the time Rubina’s game was all Tucker, all the time, and there’s no way they could have foreseen him getting voted out just two weeks later.

      Everybody talks about her social game and how everybody likes her. Well that’s all well and good, but what about her competition game and her strategic game? Don’t those things matter at all? She may get an “A” for social, but she surely gets an “F” for the other two, and they should count at least as much when weighing who to vote for as social game does.

      But these players don’t seem to give a damn about any of those things. The game itself just doesn’t matter to them and they have absolutely said as much. If you don’t believe me, go back and re-read what they said in the above update and the previous one. Comp wins don’t matter. Big moves don’t matter – in fact if you make one, they damn sure will withhold their vote from you. I do not like players who threaten to withhold their jury votes simply because an HOH has to nominate two players to go OTB – especially when it starts getting late in the game. That’s just a chickenshit move. Why am I not surprised that those two trotted it out?

      So I don’t understand why people seem to think T’Kor has played this great game. All she’s done is keep her head down and do nothing. Chelsie has done a lot more, as has Makensy and now even Leah (I about choked when I wrote that). I wrote a week or two ago that I was waiting on Cam to get off his ass, turn it on and do something. Yeah, I’m still waiting. NONE of them has played a great game, but Chelsie has done more than the others IMHO. Makensy is next, followed by Leah, and it really pains me to say that. T’Kor has done nothing to deserve to win, and I really really hope she doesn’t.

  3. R – I would love it truthfully if you won the whole thing and I got America’s Favorite I would be happy with that….NOT GOING TO HAPPEN Rubina…lmao

      1. I believe that too. He was the only one with ballz to actually PLAY the game as it once was. He brought the expect the unexpected to the game. He was a comp beast. I’m sick of these political or poc narratives. We’ve had several poc winners. We’ve had women winners. We’ve had men winners. It’s tired. Only thing left is an older person winner. Angela has skated by week after week; she’s set up nicely to win it all. Tucker for AFP.

        1. I thought Tucker played like a dope, but he was at least fun to watch.

          I disagree he was a comp beast though. I think he benefited from the fact they’ve watered down their recruitment efforts on athletic type men, so since he seems to be the only one of his type in the house, he won a lot.

          Matt could have provided him with some competition but, BOOM, out in the first week.

          Cam with his college football background you would think would be a great competitor, but, fiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzz, nothing.

          Makensy I had hopes for at 6′ 2″ and claiming to be a college volleyball player, and she’s at least won a few comps, but most of them have been AI comps against fewer and weaker opponents (exception – the one in which she beat Tucker, but he either threw that one or was instructed to lose it).

          So it’s hard to assign anyone the ol’ comp beast award for this season, a season when OTEV ended after ONE question due to player ignorance. The shortest wall comp in the history of Big Brother by………..a LOT. There’s no Kaycee’s, Tyler’s, or Cody’s (season 19) in there, who win when they need to win, or go home (maybe Mak did that, but again against 2 competitors only, and 2 weak ones at that). I just don’t see it.

    1. OMG, I laughed so hard when Rubina said she would be happy with America’s favorite! While none of them are very likable, she is bottom-of-the-barrell wallpaper. She’s as bad as Kimo and Cam. And, btw, Rubina, 35 isn’t old, lol. She’s just an annoying delusional nutcase. I can’t imagine what Tucker sees in her!

  4. …If this season is about more than a few deluded women sitting around and doing virtually NOTHING, as if they’re unaware they’re in a game situation, then yeah, bravo for BB26 where we have all fallen down the rabbit hole.

  5. As someone who does not believe in reverse racism, I am getting tired of Tkor’s commitment to cause. From what she’s saying about realizing that politics isn’t the way to impact change, she’s decided that a niche game show is going to make a difference.

    I can understand with the Cookout that some power and agency needed to be enacted in opposition of all the racism of the show both by production and HGs over the seasons. But at this point, we’ve had some really powerful wins by POC, including a female. And the show is being cast with much more diversity.

    So here’s my thing.

    I am starting to resent people like Tkor irl. For instance, recently my mom was set up with home health aides. One was a POC who waltzed in with such a superior attitude that we ended up clashing and she walked out, then seemed to imply it was racism based. Meanwhile, another aide is POC and I’ve been happy with her since the start.

    I’ve encountered people like Tkor who come off with a genteel demeanor that can seem gracious on the surface, but they are actually very judgemental and superior and have certain default attitudes about white people.

    That’s not racism, though, but it is discrimination.

    It’s especially problematic when they are in health care, such as aides and nurses.

    I’m tired of it. They are pushing away allies. Don’t automatically assume that bc I don’t like you, it’s bc I’m racist. I can be really tough on anyone for being an AH, lol, and taking no prisoners.

    1. Reverse racism doesn’t exist because it’s just racism. And any non-black supporting the cookout just needs to pay reparation to their local blacks & stop the virtue signaling.

      1. reverse racism doesn’t exist cuz it’s a semantics thing. racism specifically refers to a systemically oppressed group being prejudiced against and can perhaps more accurately be termed “racial prejudice.” reverse racism perhaps can also be called “racial prejudice” but in the way a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square, it can’t really be called racism. just a linguistic distinction that’s kinda important cuz the history the term racism carries with it is also important.

        this all said… t’kor still sucks.

      1. it’s just “prejudice against ____.” that’s how you phrase it. terms like racism and discrimination have associate histories surrounding them that are difficult to apply towards groups that have historically been in power.

    2. The only racism I’ve seen for the last decade or two is against white people. POCs are now privileged and have a major leg up.

  6. I live my life, now I fit into the mold
    Break the rules, your predictable mindset
    I live my life, this is just the beginning
    The main character of the life I’ve chosen is me.

  7. After reading the above, I hating Big Brother. I watched since BB season 1.
    Thank you for the updates, I could not listen to this all day and night. Brutal!

  8. If TKor, Leah and Rubina want to share their story, go on YouTube like the rest of the story sharers. This is a freaking GAME SHOW that people used to enjoy to watch until it turned into a dating show and now a PBS docuseries. Unfortunately, a very good show has gone down the toilet. And on top of it all, CBS wants the viewers they have left to believe their ratings are still high. Nope, don’t believe it at all.

  9. Rubina sounds like a cult member. T’Kor is like the Jim Jones of Big Brother. She’s got most of them drinking the koolaid. The best way to represent is to play the game and win the $750,000.

  10. This season has turned into being now about politics and women and poc… imagine that! like we dont get enough of that on the news… thanks big brother for scripted wanna be’s pushing “the narative”. tkor and rubina have their heads shoved really far up their own (…) to think of themselves in such an important position with their “message” im bored of them both… they should be counting ducks and blue squares and bears instead of sitting around whispering about nonsense. play the game!

      1. This could go down as the most boring season ever except for Tucker. I’m routing for Cam, but if he makes it to the end, the women won’t vote for him because he’s a male. Leah is probably the most boring BB contestant ever.

    1. Watching the edited version instead of the live broadcast feels like a game show. The live show typically has a lot of casual conversation.

  11. Kimo has been given permission to speak to Leah by T’kor. Oh good. He’s been asked why he didn’t bother with a one on one before noms (and T’kor has determined that not doing a one on one means Leah had a plan in advance… I dunno if I’m HOH and someone doesn’t bother having a one on one, i figure there’s a nom chair filled because they didn’t even try).
    So she’s pushing Kimo to push for a Cam renom, and going so far as to lie to Leah and say he’ll pawn T’kor if he wins HOH to show loyalty to Leah and Angela.
    KImo immediately says he could never pawn T’kor.
    T’kor is still upset with Angela for any number or reasons. This time because T’kor told Angela they have to take Kimo as far as possible…. and Angela voted against Kimo 2 weeks in a row.
    Kimo doesn’t want to throw anyone under the bus.

    Why this feels manufactured? T’kor was bitchy sadsacking last night and had already declared Kimo dead. Kimo tried to talk to Leah last night and T’kor stood up and stared down Kimo from talking with Leah then…. she didn’t want a veto use to possibly endanger her…. so why now?

    What is Kimo’s PROBLEM? He says he doesn’t want to lie or throw anyone under the bus.
    He threw Quinn under the bus 20 million times in order to try to win Tucker’s affections. He lied to Quinn for weeks. So… why is he morally conflicted now?
    T’kor tells him to do what it takes to stay…Remember, once she gleaned SHE wasn’t a nom she did NOTHING to push her agenda with Leah, and did nothing to keep her people off the block. She even led herself to believe Chelsie would be mad at Leah for nomming Rubina and Kimo over Cam and Mak. Chelsie pushed for these noms.

    This cast talks as iff 2 women have never made finals, and they ALMOST sound as if a woman has never won.

    1. They keep talking about making history. What history? There’s already been 2 Black winners and a Black female winner. Kaycee was of Pacific Island heritage wasn’t she? At least two of the previous winners are openly gay, so no history to be made there. I just don’t get why they keep talking about making history, unless they themselves are ignorant of Big Brother US’ history.

      In the 25 previous seasons of US Big Brother 8 of the winners were female – 17 were male. If you count Celebrity Big Brother and Reindeer Games the number jumps to 13 female winners out of 30 seasons. Whereas there have clearly been more male winners than female, the female winners pool is not nearly as small as these people seem to think it is.

      1. These people don’t know there have been 2 women in finals. Ever.
        That’s how bad the history is with this season. They don’t realize the only way a woman won until 18 is against another woman. Otherwise the man was considered a player in finals and the woman either a coattail rider or a bitch that didn’t deserve to win.
        The current bbhouse has a bunch of people that either were recruited, applied for survivor and got swiped by casting… or houseguests the only started watching in the past 3 years…. and Angela.

        1. BB1 had 1 woman in the final 4 but she didn’t make final 2.
          BB2 had 1 woman in the final 2 and 2 women in the final 3 (Dr. Will won).
          BB3 had 2 women in the final 2 and 3 women in the final 4 (Lisa Donahue won).
          BB4 had 2 women in the final 2 and 3 women in the final 4 (Jun Song won).
          BB 5 had 3 women in the final 5. None made it to the final 2.
          BB 6 had 4 women in the final 4! (Maggie Ausburn won).
          BB7 All-Stars had 1 woman in the final 2 and 2 women in the final 3. (Mike Boogie won).
          BB8 had 1 woman in the final 2 and 2 women in the final 4. (Evel Dick won).
          BB9 had 3 women in the final 5, but once again none made it to final 2.
          BB10 had 2 women in the final 5, but neither of them made it to final 3.
          BB11 had 1 woman in the final 2 and 2 women in the final 4. (Jordan Lloyd won)
          BB12 had 1 woman in the final 4. None made it to final 2.
          BB13 had 2 women in the final 2 and 5 women in the final 6! (Rachel Reilly won)
          BB14 had 2 women in the final 5. None made it to final 2.
          BB15 had 1 woman in the final 2. 2 more finished 6 and 7, but only 1 top 5.
          BB16 had 3 women top 7, but they finished 3, 6, and 7.
          BB17 had 1 woman in the final 2 and 2 women in the final 3.
          BB18 had 1 woman in the final 2 and 2 women in the final 6. (Nicole Franzel won)
          BB19 had 3 women in the final 6. None made it to final 2. (Paul and Josh)
          BB20 had 1 woman in the final 2 and 3 in the final 5. (Kaycee Clark won)
          BB21 had 1 woman in the final 2 and 2 in the final 3.
          BB22 All-Stars had 2 women in the final 4. None made it to final 2.
          BB23 had 3 women in final 6. None made it to final 2.
          BB24 had 1 woman in final 2 and 3 women in final 5. (Taylor Hale won)
          BB25 had 5 women in final 7 but none of them made final 2!

          So if there were ever seasons celebrating women, I’d look at seasons 3, 4, 6, and 13 first before I ever started talking about making history because of what I might be doing in season 26.

      2. They’re talking about all women at the end. No men left in the house. Even though it would be a first time, who really cares.

        1. Depending on when the last man is evicted, it could or might not be the first time. Check season 6 for example, which finished up with 4 women in the house. BB13 had 5 women and 1 man at or near the end.

          The bottom line is, it’s been done before. They just don’t know it because they’re all recruits and have never watched the show.

  12. Ummm let’s see: T’kor says she is an inside girl, what has she done inside the house? Nothing but make sure she has and keeps Kimo and Rubina on lock as any 22 year old would do to 30 plus year olds, MJ- complain about why she’s seen as a comp beasts while declaring she’s a comp beast. Angela- the less said about this toxic person the better. I truly believe she thinks her tv career is set after this, after all who isn’t touched by her fake crying, comp ability, and lying. Many casuals don’t know only feedster know what she really is: a true representative of American women of all races and walks of life. Leah- yes, a 25 year old( 20 something) that eats her own boogers on national TV and who has shown she is a savvy business woman of deep wisdom and intelligence or has she? Chelsey – she is the only one who appears to be playing the game with her eyes on the prize, which is why they all are supposed to be there. Yeah Chelsey is mean spirited and can do it all while ending with an ” amen” but her social game has been good. I dunno but these two girls thinking the whole lot of them are reps of cause at the end.? They all need to get a copy of books on the lives of say RBJ or Ruby B, or Eleanor, Helen K or countless others known and lesser known women who have compelling stories Who’ve lived that have improved the lives and understanding of women everywhere. Ladies you both/ all need more depth and less Entertainment Tonight then this type talk. It’s a TV show, no more than that. Who would let it cloud their thinking or stop them from doing their own research about culture and politics? This used to be a fun place to hear about people’,s fav or least HG for humor, insight. Yes , BB has had a lot work to do in terms of diversity ( no one wants a repeat of the Aaryn season. ) But a women’s movement with this crew? Janelle where are you? Rubina no amount of friendship bracelets would make you AFP do you hear yourself? T’kor giving up community work plus work in politics to make a difference .. nope coming on a TV show should do it! It all makes me sad…

    1. T-Kor and Rubina just reach the level of Angela by calling her a big fat cry baby. Tucker if you are smart keep away from Rubina. T-Kor you have meanest inside you disguise as kindness.

    2. I’ll believe they are playing for a “cause”, just as soon as the cause winner donates every dime of that $750,000 to a worthy charity of said cause, and walks away with nothing but the title and their stipend. When THAT happens, then you know they are truly playing for their cause.

    1. That’s not what you learned about women, it’s what you learned about black men. They have such deep-rooted self-hatred, they want to breed out the black. Some black women do it too, such as Diana Ross. She only married white men, and so did most of her children. She only has ONE black grandchild, the rest of them are all white.

    2. That maybe true in some cases. But so not true with this cast. Leah and especially MJ stalk Chelsea and Cam everywhere they go. The only place they cannot squeeze directly next to them is when they’re on their cots. Just now Chelsea and Cam were upstairs it went to fishes now everyone is upstairs.

  13. Shenanigan alert:
    so nobody is going to talk about how Kimo was in d/r… and immediately had to do his one on one with Leah as soon as he got out? oh.
    He’s giving her the soundbytes that sound like campaigning.
    It’s the timing of it.
    I smell something.
    I mean… we’ve all pretty much determined that Kimo and Rubina are not the targets of a Leah HOH after last week’s talking points she made.
    HOW-ever…. the timing of T’kor talking to Kimo in 180 to what she’s been saying for days
    and then Kimo needing his one on one immediately after a d/r…
    that is sus.

    Leah tells Kimo she didn’t want to start World War III with her initial noms, and she may be looking to shake things up with her renom situation. She’s not locked in on anything.

    Leah and Angela have not had one strategy or game related talk in 3 days. So whatever the plan is… it’s not being done well because left hand and right hand both have phantom limb syndrome.

    Kimo makes a false promise of going to the end with Leah…. unbidden. He says he isn’t a threat and doesn’t win things but one breath later says he will protect Leah. Sounds like Joseph…. i won’t win anything but you need me. He reiterates the notion multiple times that the 2 of them in final 2 would be iconic.

    Leah mentions both T’kor and Chelsie didn’t put her on the block but both T’kor and Chelsie named her as a possible option for renom. She says moving forward they’ve already got that opinion so would now likely nominate her as the numbers dwindle.
    Leah says she didn’t want to initial nom T’kor with Rub or Kim in case noms stayed the same and it screwed Rub or Kim… and pissed T’kor off because her no nom streak was ended. She says she has to talk to Angela about vibe…. because Leah knows she was screwed this week if she didn’t win HOH.

    It’s honestly looking like Leah is going to oops Makensy’s eviction if she keeps going the way she is talking…. unless she actually does go with Chelsie and T’kor. hmmmm.
    It’s possible.

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