Matt – “No matter what You [Bowie] are going to survive and Jag will survive even if you have to go up.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Matt
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: No more havenots

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: Matt is putting Felicia and Cirie on the block with Felicia being the target.

1:30 am Jag and Matt preparing food for Cirie and Felicia.
Felicia – mmmmhmmmmm

1:51 am Matt – who wants to see my HOH room.
Matt gets a letter from Reilly and a picture of Reilly with his mom.
Matt – that’s Reilly with my mom
Matt and Jag high five and HUG.
Matt – that’s REilly..
Matt is very happy. “ohh what that’s wild.. lets go Reilly”
Matt – that’s REilly.. I Guess I’m getting engaged.. she’s proposing to me..
Matt holds the picture.. “that means something BRO.. to go see her”
Jag – if she went out of her way to see your MOM there is definitely something.. WOW
Jag jokes if Reilly goes on her knees to propose to him on Finale he’s “Throwing up”


2:24 am Matt, Bowie and Jag
Matt is still smiling about Reilly.
Jag – two weeks left and you will see her.
Jag – this is a showmance but it really didn’t start on the show.
Jag talks about when he won the first HOH they were up in the HOH Crying for Reilly.
Matt – Crying for Reilly
Jag – now it means something
Matt – I’m not getting carried away
Matt says “They” always wanted him to play up the Reilly thing “OKay I don’t want to be creepy”
They go on about the first couple weeks in the game where Reilly got “Cooked” first then Jag but Jag came back.
Jag – Today has been THE best day of the entire season based on what has happened.
Bowie – everything went as planned.
Matt says the HOH they just played could have been America’s HOH.
Matt – we’re here for 100 days now aren’t we?

Jag gets his hands on some treats from the HOH basket.

3:00 am Bowie, Matt and Jag
They’re still going on about how perfect this night was winning all the competitions AND getting a letter/picture from Reilly. (Matt is a day away from planning the wedding)
They talk about tonight second HOH where the MOMMA were close to winning.
Jag – Momma FE was so salty.
Bowie – She was sitting on the sidelines MAD
Matt – we were saying love you MOMMA FE
Bowie – she was like NO YOU DON’T
Jag – in the kitchen she was like ‘WHY was everyone coming after me’
Matt – it was equally distributed
Jag – it was two on two
They talk about how Felicia was saying they should rotate who is the pawn because she’s sick of it.
Matt – remember when I hugged her “I love you MOMMA FE” and she said ‘That’s a FAKE A$$ hug’
Jag – whatever ..
Matt – She was like ‘that’s a fake a$$ hug..’
Matt – alright you’re getting cooked.. here’s a fake a$$ PAWN situation
Matt – we know the speeches will be Anti Jag and MAtt.
Bowie – Felicia will drag Cirie for votes.
They agree Felicia will need to votes from Jag.
Matt for the 50th time “Wow REilly sent me a letter”
Jag – Reilly sent you a letter man
Matt – she could have been in nashville doing whatever she wanted.. I’m glad I saw that.
Matt says they have 4 people against 1 in the veto, “If Cirie wins I’ll beg her not to use it” (Fat chance)
Jag and Matt bring up how they wish Bowie was in their early alliance. They explain to her that they thought she was tight with Hisam.
Matt – I’m putting them both up I’ll tell Cirie she’s the pawn and will have to trust me. Felicia is going home she can’t keep her mouth shut.
Jag mentions how Felicia told Blue she’s leaving right before the vote “that was the one rule we had. “she was like don’t be mad Jag”
Matt – she wanted you in trouble
They sh1t on Felicia a bit.

Talking about saving both their bottles of wine for Saturday. Bowie says Felicia told her she likes sweet wine and her is very dry.
They laugh about putting it into their water bottle and drinking it through the day. Bowie points out they might get wine from Big Brother to so they have 3 bottles.
Jag – I’m so happy
Matt – we can enjoy this week
Bowie – If America was here we couldn’t be hanging out.
Jag gets called into the Diary room.
Bowie complains that all season every time she tried to play pool with someone the other people in the house will start rumours that she’s in an alliance.
Bowie – Apparently it was Cameron then Red then apparently I was next because I was hanging around them playing pool… now I play as much pool as I want.
Bowie tells Matt if Cirie or Felicia had won that HOH Matt/Jag would have been on the block.
Matt – 100%
Matt – No matter what You are going to survive and Jag will survive even if you have to go up. There’s always a chance of someone winning a veto and taking themselves down.
Matt – you know Cory and America will be trash talking us
Bowie – the whole house is going to be mad at us
Matt – they are going to be bitter
Bowie – very Bitter..
Bowie says the three of them need a name, “It’s the only real thing and it doesn’t have a name”
Bowie – sinking ships
matt – that’s so bad though
Bowie – it’s kinda dumb
Matt – firing squad..
Bowie – line drawers
Matt – drawing lines (LOL give up)
Matt – the line drawers..
Bowie – yeah.. nawww, I got nothing in my head.
Matt – we are the lifting squad too
Bowie – Remember on the bikes the movement.. Jag, you and me was the movement..
Matt – I want something about us drawing lines or taking shots.
Bowie says she’s glad they started winning HOH’s because for the longest time it was only Jag.
Matt now saying that Cirie wants some wine so he’s saving some for her so she feels safe.
Bowie – Felicia will be greedy with the wine
Matt – you’ve seen them they were terrible.. her and America
Bowie – they literally shoved drinks into their pockets. They get the big glasses out..
They go on about how happy they are America is gone.
Bowie says the Jury is not pissed at Cirie/Felicia because they didn’t do anything the jury will be pissed at the three of them, “Everyone hates” because they were the ones taking the shots. (Drawing the lines.. lol)

3:52 am Matt alone in the HOH. Camera gives us close up of Matt’s HOH letter from Reilly
Matt listens to his Album mutters to himself “Lets go”

3:54 am Bowie’s HOH pictures

4:10 am Matt and Jag
Matt tells Jag about how awesome his Album is “Let’s go”
Matt – I got called into the DR..
Jag hugs him “I’m so happy for you”
Matt – you’re good.. All three of us BOOM..
Matt – I want to talk to you first in the morning I have to figure out what I am going to say to the MOMMAS. With Cirie I’ll be like you have to be a Pawn. I’m sorry. Bowie did us a favour by not putting us up.
Matt – you have to go up don’t worry you have four people playing in the veto not five.

4:23 am Felicia, Cirie, in bed. Matt still milling around.

4:29 am Jag and Bowie chatting about the final 4 HOH. They’re golden as long as Cirie doesn’t win.
Bowie points out that Felicia isn’t good at competitions under pressure whereas Cirie is good under pressure “She’s use to running around a operating room”
Jag says they’ll talk about it after they secure the veto.
They agree Cirie and Felicia are scheming
Jag – that’s why I don’t trust either of them.
They talk so much Big Brother turns on the lights. They cover their faces.
Bowie – they normally don’t do that?
Jag – Don’t Cory and America talk till 5am every day do they turn on the lights for that.
Lights turn off again.
they put their microphones on.
Jag – once we win the veto we can cook either one of them..
Lights go on again.
Bowie – Big BRother what’s the problem can’t we talk in the dark.
Jag – I’m confused people talk in the dark. WE’re going to have to wake up in 2 hours..
Bowie – this did not happen to Cory and America.. or anyone else that stayed up late.
They decide to go to bed cause it’s almost 5.
4:41 am Bowie points out to Jag that Cirie hasn’t played in any Vetos whereas Felicia has and lost them all.
7:41 am zzzzzzz

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42 thoughts to “Matt – “No matter what You [Bowie] are going to survive and Jag will survive even if you have to go up.””

  1. This is the dumbest cast EVER. Does Matt really think he’ll win against Jag??? He needs to cut him loose and now is the chance. Jag has been playing them all like a fiddle and the dumb a$$es are saying thank you. I just can’t…

    1. jag’s jury management is pretty bad. matt has a decent shot against jag. i think he has cirie no matter what. bowie and felicia may also vote for matt depending on the circumstances of their evictions. that leaves him just needing one more vote. the current jury seems like they can separate game from emotion which should give jag the edge, but there’s always the possibility of the “i don’t care i’ll vote for the person i liked better” vote. i think any of them can vote this way but america’s most likely.

      1. A big point Matt can make in a final 2 against Jag is that Jag was evicted and Matt saved him. He’s only there because of Matt.

        1. … or Jag could argue that his social connection with Matt enabled him to be saved i.e Matt would probably not have used it on anyone else so it actually is a credit to Jag that he was socially connected to Matt.

    2. and how bowie! thinks she can win against them.
      i cant wait for bowie to hear that there was indeed a matt&jag f4 with the mams

    3. Whether Matt thinks he can win against Jag or not is probably not what he is really concerned about. They made a final two deal a few weeks back and despite everything else happening they have stuck to that. I think he knows that Jag has the better chance of winning, but he is sticking with his guy with the premise that he made a choice which has benefitted his game and that he does not want to feel guilty later for taking an easy path to victory. They are each other’s ride or die just like Dan & Memphis, Derrick & Cody and a few others. At this point winning is still in his mind, but it is more about loyalty.

      1. One of the dumbest moves in Big Brother history was Cody winning the final HOH in BB16 and taking Derrick to F2 over Victoria. It cost him half a million dollars, and I guarantee you if he had it to do over again, he’d make a different choice.

      1. Especially since he won back-to-back HoH’s. I think Blue & America will be salty and not vote for Jag. After last night, Matt’s chances of winning went up exponentially. The only way he won’t be in f2 is if Jag takes him out. Bowie deserves nothing. She allowed others to dictate every move for her. If by some miracle Felicia is in f2 she won’t get any votes. She was too annoying & mouthy. If Cerie makes it to f2 I can’t see her winning on social game alone. She’s got zero comp wins and that will keep her from winning. However the season ends I hope production will make some changes. First, pick better HG’s. This group(except for Cam)were puppets. Second, don’t allow a duo to come in already aligned with someone. It’s an unfair advantage. Third, anyone who wins the power of invisibility can’t play in the next HoH if they don’t stay invisible.

        1. Have you forgotten last season already? Taylor made a great speech, but there’s no way in Hell she deserved to win the game over Monte – not based on game play – but look what happened.

          I believe Cirie will be able to make a case, and the first thing she’ll say is that Matt ASKED her if he should save Jag with the special power, and she “gave him permission” to do so. It will start with that and go from there, IMHO. I’m not saying she would beat Matt or Jag (you know, the guy who backstabbed every single person in the jury), but a person like her who knows how these games work and who is GREAT at talking, has at least a punchers chance.

    4. Matt has a strong argument for a win over Jag. Matt has never been nominated over 90 days as he just got a final 5 HOH win. Matt threw the hoh to Bowie last night. Matt has won the two double eviction vetoes which is solid! Most importantly the only reason jag stayed week 4 is from the invincibility power that Matt won. Matt has used one life And jag has needed two that is Massive! Jag got his hands dirty to do things that befitted Matt’s game just as much. Jag has been vulnerable to leave at few different points. Jags hands are dirty due to bad jury management. Matt has never been anyone’s primary target and has had better positioning with never being in danger. While his hands were clean. Even against Jag, Matt’s winning game is real!

    5. I think getting Jag out is his best move, but I think he has a solid case. To start with, he reminds everyone that Jag was voted out.

      1. There was speculation that her letter is from Week 3. I think many are questioning why Production would give him a letter from Reilly and not from an actual family member

        1. yeah, my understanding was that after someone (i think evel dick?) was getting coded messages in their letters, all letters from home are written preseason which means a letter from reilly would have been written like hours after her eviction.

        2. He made the comment that “THEY” wanted him to play up their relationship – I think production was definitely the push for the letter, too.

    1. Leave the girl alone. It’s not her fault hisam was a whack job. Along with Cameron betraying family style the 1st week by exposing it to hisam and red-in the have not room. If Matt and Jag both make final 2 that is Reilly’s karma for the garbage they had to go through early. Those two had her back it’s not a surprise she cares.

  2. Here’s how I see the Final Five’s chances of winning:

    Bowie Jane – ZERO!! She’s aware of this and doesn’t mind evicting Felicia beforehand, even though that would be her only chance of winning.

    Felicia – as small as a mustard seed. Two things she has going for her is she was the HOH who got Hiram out early, and she has played the “pawn” strategy very well (6 times on the block, soon to be 7). She may feel grumpy about it, but it’s something she could use in making her case to win.

    Matt – he’s clutched Veto wins on both Double Eviction nights, dealing Jared and America’s fate in the game. He saved Jag with the Power of Invincibility. And he’s a well-liked guy by everyone. The only way he can win is if he gets Jag evicted before Final 2.

    Jag – he’s won Veto 5 times, won back-to-back HOHs, and has connected well with many people. He’s the guy to beat period.

    Cirie – true to her past, she yet to win a single individual comp on a CBS reality TV show. But it’s her social game that’s her biggest asset.
    She started off in the center of many influential alliances and was never without information. And then Cameron won his 2nd HOH and that was the beginning of Cirie falling at the bottom of the pack. However, she has maintained good relationships with most people in the house, survived eviction against Cameron, and will no doubt plant seeds in Matt’s head to take the shot at Jag now.
    Her path to victory will require her to do the impossible: win competitions. Starting with the next Veto comp. Otherwise, she’s likely the next one evicted.

    1. For whatever it’s worth I am honestly hoping for a Matt/Jag/Cirie final 3. I want Felicia and Bowie in jury. I am voting Cam for AFP…

    2. yup, fairly decent assessment. bowie’s only path to winning is sitting next to felicia yet she seems determined not to make that happen. felicia has an argument she can make to jury but it doesn’t seem like one the jury goes for. matt and cirie have good relationships with most of the jury but this jury seems likely to vote based on resumes and jag has the best resume with little chance of his resume not further improving to secure himself a place in the final. everyone except bowie does have some semblance of a shot, but i like jag’s chances the best.

      1. Like the strategical geniuses she’s playing with, Bowie wouldn’t know good strategy if it came up and bit her in the butt. I agree her only chance to win is against Felicia, so why would she want to vote her out? One too many boomerangs to the head.

        I’m not so sure about your assessment of the jury. I think it depends on who’s sitting in the final 2 chairs. If it’s Jag and Matt, then yeah, they may go by resume. Otherwise, bitterness may creep in for some of them (Blue, Felicia, and America I think), and tossing 3 votes when you only need 4 to win is a LOT to overcome.

        Still some game yet to be played. We’ll see how things progress.

  3. “Matt gets a letter from Reilly and a picture of Reilly with his mom.”
    ONLY BECAUSE REILLY is now smelling the strong possibility of $$$$$$$ in MATT’S pocket…….a 750k stash….and no-sack MATT will be willing to spend it all on her to show “love”….


  4. Hi everyone…
    Did anyone else notice how heavily Matt was breathing after the double-eviction Veto win?
    I know it’s been almost 3 months in the house, but do you know if there’s fitness equipment available for them?
    I felt bad because he was breathing heavy at the veto ceremony too!

    Team Jag!

  5. Hopefully Cirie won’t win because that’ll be a win for Jared & he’ll get to partake in the prize money.
    Hopefully Matt won’t win because Reilly will be all up in his face till she drains his pockets.
    Hopefully Felicia won’t win because she’s a fraud and a devil.
    Hopefully JaneBowie will come in second place .
    Hopefully Jag will win.
    Hopefully AFP will be a 3-way tie so that they’ll have to split the money and won’t get as much.
    America, Hisam,Mecole

    1. none of those 3 will be top 3 for afp. it’s pretty much a two way race between cirie and cameron with cory a distant 3rd.

    2. I was with you until AFP … Mecole? Huh? Hisam? Uhh? Maybe America, but more likely Cam as he’s kind of a classic player and was an underdog.

  6. Fallacy:
    the jury will be mad at us because we took the shots.
    the jury won’t respect that you made final 4,3,2 alliances with them, then took the shot.

    The season of onion alliances.
    There’s always going to be a level of disrespect from ‘friendly fire’ evictions.
    The fact is, Cory and America know they got ‘got’ first. They said as much in house.
    What I truly think will piss jurors off? Personal attack note comparison.
    Matt and Jag said way too much shit about each current juror that was personal, not game.
    Matt… far too much. THAT is where I feel sentiment shifts happen, especially post season.

    The level of shit had Matt a hairs breadth away from Nope. More than once. It was overboard. Maybe I should have noped him weeeeks ago when i noticed he was THAT douche… but I think I, like the houseguests, gave him extra lattitude because… yup, because ‘how can you nope a deaf person, you monster.’ I know better from experiences with members of the deaf community, and yet here I am. Note for future reference, when a houseguest says, “everyone thinks I’m a douche, but I’m a nice guy”: something only a douche says. No, really.

    1. To me Jag = Tyler 2.0. The same reason Matt didn’t get noped, may be the same reason he gets some slack from the jury and doesn’t get the “credit” for the “alliance backstabbing” he did right along side Jag to all those jury members. Do I know this for a fact? I do not, but I’m just speculating based on how we’ve seen him get the “poor baby bird” treatment all season long from the entire house, so it’s not so far fetched to expect that to extend into the jury house.

      1. Jag and Matt both are somewhere between Tyler and Paul, imo.
        Of course the jury will give Matt lattitude because of the social infantilization associated with disability. I’m surprised I was doing so because I am aware that it happens. lol.

  7. Best line in a long time this season is “Matt – alright you’re getting cooked.. here’s a fake a$$ PAWN situation”

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