Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo & Angela
POV Players: Makensy, Angela, Kimo, Cam, Chelsie and Leah
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
1:45pm – 8:38pm The live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition. MAKENSY won the Power of Veto!
Makensy won a movie screening and is taking Kimo, Rubina and Cam
They talk about how cool the set was. Cam is really annoyed that he didn’t figure it out. He said that he went back to the storage room so annoyed that he tried to take a nap. Cam – I am fine .. after a couple of hours. Chelsie – Man she busted through that! Cam – That’s crazy. Yeah she breezed through that.
Chelsie tells Cam that Makensy wasn’t isn’t going after Leah this week. Cam – That’s fine, Makensy can’t play [HOH] next week. I’ll do it [win HOH and put Leah up himself].
Cam – its fine, she [Makensy] is not playing next week. I’ll do it.
8:50pm Bathroom – Cam, Kimo and Leah.
They’re talking about the veto comp. Cam – I know they’re going to get me to explain it and I’m going to look really dumb. Chelsie – even just getting a red X, you don’t know what is wrong. Leah – Aww.. we did good guys. Chelsie – this will either be great or traumatizing for you both. I knew that Angela timed out when she walked back in and I could hear her crying a little bit.
9pm Big Brother calls all the house guests to the storage room. They open the door and fine diet coke, beer and wine..
9:30pm Storage room – Chelsie and Makensy.
Makensy – NINE Minutes! That’s why I was sitting there and going mental (because the others were taking so long). Chelsie – because Kimo and Angela went more than 45 minutes. Cam went 40 minutes. I went 35 minutes. DUDE! DUDE! Full control! Makensy – I’m not using it. Chelsie – She is going to beg and plead though. Makensy – I don’t think there’s a need to. Chelsie – there’s not. Makensy – I do want to talk to people though .. just about.. Chelsie – about next week. Dude, what do we freaking do? Makensy – I don’t know. And also the movie thing I won’t get a long time so I was like you.. Chelsie – don’t worry about me. Makensy – I was like I want somebody here ..so I was like okay I’ll pick Kimo and then… Chelsie – oh you know I am going to be all up in their cheese may..
9:55pm Backyard – Kimo and Rubina
Rubina – I was just thinking about. Who I am in this game, which is like not the fullest version of myself at all. I might be at like truly maybe 35% and I don’t know why. Kimo – what ways do you think? Rubina – in every way I think. Socially, I’m usually a butterfly. I’m like the one in my group who like does that in my friends. And here I don’t know what it is. It’s just, I can like, you know, flutter a little or whatever. But I’m like more drowning than anything else. Kimo – you are really doing a good job at making it not seem that way. Kimo – you know what I noticed, I think Cam is throwing. Rubina – NA! Kimo – MMmmHHmmm. Rubina – no way. This whole time, no way. He wants to. Kimo – that’s why he is doing it now because we’re getting down to the wire and he told me on our one on ones. He told me I don’t want on. Why wouldn’t you start to minimize yourself? To make yourself less threatening. Rubina – but he hasn’t really won much. Kimo – he’s been close. Cam is incredibly intelligent. Rubina – he is so smart. I f**king hate puzzles and I suck at them. Kimo – and I could be completely wrong and misreading things but you have to consider things right? Rubina – yeah. I mean you could be right. Kimo – This is also something to consider .. Six (Makensy comp wins). Rubina – I’m sure Chelsie is thinking the same thing. She knows she can’t go to then end with her. Kimo – no. We can’t either. Rubina – no, none of us can. If Chelsis smart she knows. Kimo – but at the same time we don’t want to get blood on our hands. I don’t think Chelsie does either. We have to get someone like Cam or Leah to take a shot. Rubina – at MJ? Kimo – yeah. Rubina – 100% And nothing personal, I love her but she is becoming the next Tucker. And she wants to. She announced it. Kimo – I know.
10:30pm Kitchen – The house guests are singing the song they’ve made about the season.
11:29pm – 11:52pm Dinner time.. They all sing happy birthday to Rubina’s papa. The house guests continue chatting about random things. Big Brother keeps blocking the feeds.
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YES!!!! Makensy won Veto!!
Bye Bye Angela!!
And now Leah won’t win this season! Just get her out on Double Eviction night.
She might very well win the veto in the double.
Just puting this out there:
Chelsie will be feeling some kind of way for not being picked for the movie.
Chelsie will feel some kind of way that Cam WAS picked for the movie.
Shallow and petty with a tremendous sense of entitlement THY name is CHELSIE.
Makensy is now almost 100% guaranteed to be juror number 4. She just won 2 comps she didn’t need to win back to back. Sounds like in both cases by a lot.
Just saying.
Anyone that wins Double HOH ‘aiming’ for Leah won’t be too hurt if they accidentally take out Makensy.
I put her at juror # 5, she’s only in danger if Kimo or Rubina win the HOH in the double and she has a good shot at winning that veto.
actually, if Cam or Chelsie wins and puts up Leah and Mak… who are the voters.
The duo controls the vote.
Keeping the trio together, and then stopping at taking one is a strategic error.
And you KNOW i don’t like Angela.
That’s why she should be targeting Kimo and Rubina. But I’m unclear on if or when Chelsie turns on Mak or if she thinks both her and Cam would take her to final 2. Anyway I figured Chelsie would want Leah out first.
The only comp rubina ever won was against joe and kimo, who only won against kenny and matt week 1 .
I dont think they were even second or third in comps.
They also did nothing in the game to win from any other aspect.
Rubina did well in the week 4 AI comp against Makensy and Cedric, only losing to Mak by less than one second, and even that is debatable based on the fact the edit was so poor production didn’t show them both finishing.
I’m not saying Rubina is great at comps – just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if she pulled out a win in the double. Stranger things have happened (was it Jeff who threw his clown shoe out of the box of balls and lost because he couldn’t find it?).
Makensy needs to backdoor Chelsea
i actually think backdooring cam is the better play. makensy can probably take chelsie in just about any comp, cam on the other hand is a more formidable physical threat.
Is he? Has he been throwing?
it’s hard to say, but it’s mostly about how they match up. i think a big thing to consider is who’s the biggest threat in the ballpit comp as that’s frequently the double eviction veto comp which is looming, and that edge almost definitely goes to cam.
She may need to but I doubt it’ll happen.
I believe Angela is up shit creek without a paddle.
Kimo time out 45 minutes
Angela time out 45 minutes
Cam 40 minutes
Chelsie 30-35 minutes
Leah 20-25 minutes.
Makensy 9 minutes.
Well thats actually a great time to get out leah , the others is nothing for her.
So, Makensy has all the power this week, and what does she want to do with it? Evict Angela? How is that a good move for her? I don’t know what she thinks her end game is but how does this help her get there? It seems right now she is taking the easy path of staying with Chelsie/Cam to final 3. However, her targets should be Kimo/Rubina since she could position herself between working with 2 pairs Chelsie/Cam and Leah/Angela. A backdoor of Chelsie would be a big move but she is making herself the biggest target in the house with her comp wins (who will want to compete against her in final 3). In a fantasy season where she did backdoor Chelsie, she could try to form a final 4 with Cam/Leah/Angela. As things stand, if Angela goes and then Leah goes in the double, she loses 2 people she can work with and will be left with no options but Chelsie and Cam.
ultimately makensy needs to get rid of comp threats, and frankly angela’s way better at comps than kimo or rubina. but to this end i think chelsie and cam are better options as i don’t see angela ever turning on makensy or leah whereascam and chelsie are just about ready to drop makensy. i imagine makensy’s plan is to go to the end with cam/chelsie which is a mistake. but if she can get to the end with leah or kimo she probably wins, so that path’s still open.
She can work with kimo/rubina instead leah/angela . BUT she didnt seem to still cut any special deal with them and the fact that she created an even bigger target on herself with that veto win, doesent help.
Someone please tell Kimo that zingbots slam about putting people to sleep didnt indicate he needs to perform as a singer to entertain everyone!
Two things I noticed while watching the feeds tonight:
Angela actually put a new bag in the trash can. Of course someone else took it out and everyone around her was still cooking and prepping while she just sits. Her poor family must eat out all the time if she hasn’t shown one instance of helping in that kitchen.
I thought there was a no singing rule and I’m seeing a full song being sung all together for a good five min. Is this cast truly THAT boring that they’re allowing these things now? Ugh, I’ll say it again.. very disappointing season for me this year.
Really miss the “please stop singing” from prodo!
The houseguests wrote that song together. It’s an original so they can sing it.
the no singing rule applies to copywritten music so if they wanna sing original songs, or something public domain, they can go ahead.
I think if Chelsea wins HOH on the double she would put up Leah and Makensy
tough to say. she’s been trying to avoid showing her hand. i think she throws so it’s moot.
Nah, leah and – Kimo . The new angela on the block.
I think Makensy should use the veto to save Angela and put Rubina on the block.
Has Angela ever cooked a meal?
She made tacos the other night but that was the first I can remember … 60+ days into the season.
I think she made a breakfast for the house somewhere around week 2… but 2 other people helped.
I’m not positive but she made something wrappish or burrito like for houseguests SOMEwhere around week 8.
So week 2 and week 8 she made a meal i think.
Hahaha how funny Rubina and Kimo echoing/ commenting their convos with Chelsie that MJ had to go because she’s ( MJ) is winning to many comps. K says he shouldn’t do it so he doesn’t get blood on his hands. Hey, K why not win something first? Better yet summon the courage to say no I won’t be a pawn( since you will be until the trio no longer needs you.. you to, R) Cam throwing comps, I don’t think so any longer. Chelsie doing her Chelsie thing: encouraging all the others to get rid of MJ and telling MJ to get rid of Leah while Cam boldly telling ” wifey”( thanks for that term, in autre nom) he will do it! This is just too funny! Either way, MJ has entered mean girl world fully where Chelsie already lives. Angela is really gone this time. Not one of them has turned to say to Chelsie, how about we get you out!? MJ is and has been determined to get Angela out and as she said, ” no one will change her mind. Chelsie is setting herself up so she survives the double and if she does, then there really is no lingering maybe, about it, Chelsie wins the game – thanks R and K for helping not to fight against me and doing what T’kor told you to: stick with Chelsie. Is there such as thing as a sad comedy because this season after Tucker is it.
Kimo, Rubino and Cam all playing for second place. They are the ones that need to get rid of Chelsea but Cam won,t ever after she blindsided him on Joseph vote. T’kor told her minions if she couldn’t win the Chelsea should and they do as the they are told.
So KImo and Rubina think Mak’s comp wins make her a threat, but thus far they are saying Cam has to win and take the shot because they can’t for jury management.
They both think Chelsie must want Mak out now too because she’s her biggest threat.
Part of me thinks Chelsie wants to use Mak as HER comp beast that gets her to final 3.
Cam ain’t doing his assigned job.
Comps this season:
Kimo: one arena win.
Rubina: one arena win.
Cam: one veto win.
Chelsie: one arena win. 2 HOH wins.
Angela: 2 HOH wins. one Veto win.
Leah: one Veto. one HOH. one Jankie veto.
Makensy: I AInsley reward comp win. 2 arena wins. 2 Veto wins. One HOH.
DOES THIS JURY VALUE COMP WINS? Quinn? more no than yes. T’kor? no.
Late night.
Rubina and Kimo discuss options.
At one point their final three is Cam.
Then they shift back to final 4 with Chelsie and Mak.
Then they wonder how thinks would have been with Leah… but that ship feels like it has sailed.
Cam is discussing getting Mak out. Not sure if he is saying OVER Leah, or as Secondary target if Leah wins veto. As much as he’s saying Chelsie is his one and only, he is certainly pushing for Kimo to be included as the only other man. I’m not quite sure what Cam is doing…. because Cam and Chelsie have been having their usual argument again.
They wish there was a way to make Mak go after Leah this week.
As I said, Mak didn’t need THIS HOH, or THIS veto. Bad moves.
Tired. Sleep.