Makensy – “Like I’ve been waiting to get touched”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney, Matt
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: Lisa used the veto on herself
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo

DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie

11:37 am Feeds start strong


11:41 am

12:18 pm Leah massages Makensy
Makensy – You feel that Shin Bo? My shin bone is so pointy. my guy. Do you get massages often?

Leah – This is like how I stayed with my ex for five years and got everything paid for these f**king thumbs are like little diggers. Keep on digging.
Makensy – It’s pretty nice. The foot like it felt. It’s like a good pain. You know where it’s like ouch, but I enjoy it
Leah – If I have like a little lotion, I can go hard with the pain.
Makensy – I need to learn how to do that
Leah – I’m not a good toe cracker.
Makensy – All you need to do is pull mine.
Makensy – my gosh.
Leah – Oh my God. I’m going hard right now.
Makensy – Yeah.
Leah – My God.
Makensy – like I’ve been waiting to get touched
Leah – crap. I’m I’ve been waiting to go in on some feet.
Leah – I didn’t even call you pretty. I’m like, those are some nice. Like such cute feet.
Makensy – I’m like, I have never been told that in my entire life.
Leah – I’m a feet judge for sure
She starts talking about a tiktok that went viral and feeds flip.

12:47 pm Angela and Chelsie
Angela – I screwed up and I don’t know how to fix it other than saying sorry because I’m genuine that way but I like I just want to call everything out right now and I just I can’t because it’s a game but it’s just like it just. the naiveness.
Angela – the naiveness of it. But I mean right now she’s on air because she has that she didn’t tell me she had it. I just figured it out early I figured it out Natasha and l.
like an umbrella like languages. Yeah, pardon me profusely.

Angela – and she just thinks I mean, I know she’s probably not sure that she figures she had to expose it so she could stay she had to expose it so she got people to work with because she was just like running around the house trying to please everybody playing stupid ass games and feeding everybody overkill in my opinion but I get it that was her game when she came in and then she figured out real fast when I put her up look that was nothing personal and everybody that I put up it wasn’t I just wanted to gauge the house to see like I can see who’s meshing. with whom it would have been easy or me to say T-Kor but I’m not going to do that to her. I was in a room with her. I was in a competition with her.

Angela – It’s because of her that I was there. Yeah, Kenny too. He claims that he, he pushed for me to to stay in that competition. So he’s taking a little responsibility for me having HOH right now. And he’s pissed because and rightfully so, we’re in the same age bracket. Like, why wouldn’t we stay strong together? He has a point but l, I also have a point too. It was either going to be him or me later, because he wasn’t making connections with anybody in the house.

Angela – It’s hard for me, Chelsea, because I’m not normally a person that. I like everybody, and l, and usually I don’t really have anybody that doesn’t like me, because am I ever D life? I am a very genuine person. And I always think of others and all that, but I don’t want to feed you anything, because I don’t want you to think I’m like just giving
you crap. But I’m just, it’s frustrating to me.

Angela – It’s a Game I get it, but it’s just like She knows she knows what
she’s doing and she knows that night in that circle time watching her lay her head on a MJs lap. I almost wanted to vomit.
Yeah, I think almost one to freaking vomit,

Chelsea – I think.Yeah, I think how you’re feeling multiple people on the house are feeling that way. So you’re not alone in that. There’s
the majority feels that way. I think the majority is just being smart and not showing that because they know, I think we all feel like she
has the power.
Angela – I know.
Chelsea – Will the power be enough to say, Matt,
Angela – I don’t know. We’ll see.
Angela – if he doesn’t win. If he doesn’t win, 100% I want him to go home.
Chelsa – If he doesn’t win, then I think there’s a really high chance that he could be regardless of her power.

Chelsea – you can tell she’s got her finger, you know, then wrapped around her finger and then Kenny like is in a season where
he’s also team Matt kind of percent on the block with him. So yeah,
Angela – he told me straight up in the kitchen. He was emotional. Started his birthday. He’s missing his family and he was feeling defeated like myself.
He was telling me that he didn’t want to fight up against Matt. But that’s his boy when he doesn’t realize is his boy an hour before. Yeah, like a few minutes before talent show. I had
a conversation with Matt and because he had told me he would use if he plays a game, he would. Use his power the way I wanted. thought that I would want. I was like, you can’t. Don’t do that. I don’t want you to promise. I don’t want anyone to make me promises in this game, to be honest, at least not this early. I would love it, but I’m not going to, like, try and persuade people to do that.

Angela – But he’s like, yeah, you know, I really want Kenny to be here. Dot, dot, dot, dot. I’m watching Lisa pace, and like, she’s waiting, like she’s worked a whole house, but now she wants to. get a read on that, and then she wants to tell him what she’s got. I just knew it. I just knew I had a feeling she might have had it. I really, really do.
Chelsea – We all did.
Angela – And, I mean, she’s quick. And so I leave Matt. She runs from the kitchen into the gym, and she’s in there with him. They’re the only two missing for the better part of that
beginning of our talent show. She’s in there. and she is just like professing. probably what she’s got comes up to my room after talent show. And he says he just starts talking about his character again. Makes me apologize yet again for what I have done with his character and putting that target on him about the show Matt’s thing. Like to, like,do that. And then he brings up his mom again. He brings up his lifestyle and all this stuff, like, and other little things to, like, make me feel bad for him. And then he says, you know, I really think we
should, you know, I don’t know. He says, Kenny’s like, acting some sort of way with me right now. I feel like he’s angry with me and he’s making a weird reasons
that make no freaking sense. I’m just like, oh, 0K, O. K. Cuz I just want to hear what he has to say. He’s like, you know, I think maybe we should keep Lisa. Oh my God. Really. You think you’re going to turn on him like that on a dime.
Chelsea says 90% of the house will do what is best for their game.
Chelsea – People are being calculated on the timing in which they reveal who their real target is. Lee is not going to say that. And two
people solidify is going home. People are afraid of him, period.
Chelsea – I think the votes will be surprising. I think it will be shocked. I don’t think he’s got the numbers I can be completely wrong, because you’re the 3rd person that said that Matt has numbers. And I’m like, am I messing with him?
Angela – I keep running it through my I can’t even vote. So it’s like it would be this. the smartest choice for everybody too. And I’m not just saying that
for my….
Feeds cut.

1:11 pm Lisa and Leah (Leah starts this conversation saying how mad she gets when she can’t find her stuff)
Lisa – you have a friend and you can trust me and then there’s and you have like different friends in the house
Leah – like you help me like organize my thoughts
Lisa – professionally I get you personally like so like if you need a person to be that for you I’m here
Leah – you definitely help me like organize my thoughts for sure because you’re so concise.
Lisa – just like how you think is…
Leah – unfolding unfolded unfold Yeah I’m very like like I’m just like a little tired and also I do get made when I can’t find things.
Lean – I can’t look at Joseph’s. I was like I was you can’t joke about this all this I’m like kind of joking I’m not shomancing but I was like my first freaking one on 1 with Tucker I haven’t talked to him this whole time like I would be able to talk to him him
whole time and then like Joseph walks win you know like… and then like like you know please put on
Production – please put on your microphone.
Leah goes on about how she never has gotten a chance to talk to Tucker yet.
Leah – I want to have a one on one
Lisa – you’re a allowed to talk to people that’s crazy.
Lisa goes on about how he’s MIRRORING “It’s kinda scary”
Leah – it’s scary
lisa – he just floats… he’s never there then he’s there. He didn’t go to college. They never talked to me UNTIL UNTIL I got power then it changed.
Feeds flip

1:40 pm Leah works on Quinn’s hair
Quinn – wow you’re so soft and gentle.

2:10 pm Kimo and Rubina
Kimo – I feel like the easiest way to get rid of both of them.
Rubino – You know who I’m talking about? We’re talking about the same?
Rubina – I don’t say names. Is it a man and a girl?
Kimo – mmmmhmmm
Rubina – Yeah, I think they’re kind of toxic. They keep saying we don’t want a showmance.
Kimo -That’s also illogical to like people are saying that LIsa she felt like threatened by them if she didn’t vote their way But I think she’s also working with them.
Rubina – she felt threatened?
They talk about how much they trust T-kor
Kimo – she’s got good intuition
Rubina – I feel like we have the numbers on the like weird side of the house versus like, not weird, but like.
Kimo – I think so
Rubina – Feels like popular kids and
Kimo – outsiders… I don’t like it. I was never inside I was always outside
Rubina – it feels that way. I was able to, like, infiltrate, but I deep down and underdog. Weird girl. So I it’s. the their sides of me that feel like. like I really to like Quinn and Joseph, T-knorr. You.
Kimo – 100%, I don’t trust People. Everyone is telling me different things.
Rubina asks about Quinn and Kimo says he’s good with him.
Kimo says Tucker is “So sure we have the numbers” (To get out Matt)
Rubina – good cause he wants him out.
Kimo – Cam too
Rubina says Cam doesn’t talk game with her but he told her he wants Kimo to win HOH.
They agree for Cam it’s smart to take out Matt.
Rubina – if the first two out were them I think it would help everyone’s game it is the most obvious choice not even cause the showmance I swear not even cause of showmance.
Kimo – they are a physical and also mental threat.
Kimo – it’s got to be 7 votes.
Rubina – No 5 that’s easier

2:30 pm liking These Feeds

2:40 pm Brooklyn (Thought she was going to say something but she didn’t

7 thoughts to “Makensy – “Like I’ve been waiting to get touched””

  1. Angela expressed her displeasure with Lisa about Lisa being too tied to Matt and wrapped around his finger, meaning she could not be Angela’s person anymore. Lisa told Angela she is not working with anyone. Angela repeated the wrapped around Matt’s finger allegations.
    Lisa took the opportunity to break up with Angela in a “it’s not me, it’s you” fashion. She said she couldn’t be associated with that (meaning Angela) either in the game, or personally, or outside of the house.

    Feeds cut off with a quickness out of fear of escalation.

  2. Been an hour and feeds still down to protect the whackjob from looking like a whackjob to the feed viewers?
    I mean, feeds went out on her apology to Kenney for about 5 minutes when it looked like things might go south.
    Then she pokes Lisa, who always converses like she’s a Human Resources Job Performance Evaluation Officer. What could go wrong? We’ll see when feeds come back.

      1. Feeds back. Angela seething and staring at the spyscreen and saying High and Mighty Lisa never makes mistakes…. and gone.
        Feeds back again. T’kor and Brooklin talking about not wanting someone to leave with regrets. Lisa is in the bathroom stall crying and trying to calm down.

  3. Do players have to stay when they are being abused and there is a crazy lady in the house. Are they under contract? What if she gets up in the middle of the night and kills somebody because bb didn’t vett her and they let her on the show. They should have had a talk with her already but I think we have to watch something go wrong first

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