Leah “She’s never going to put us up.” Makensy “I told her to her face that I would use her as a pawn to make a big move.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Leah
Nominees: Kimo Tkor & Rubina
POV Players: Leah, Rubina, Kimo, Angela, Chelsie, T’kor
POV Winner: Angela (Veto), Leah (Jankie Veto)
Veto Ceremony: Angela used her veto on Kimo / Leah nominated Tkor
Havenots: (they all have to sleep outside)

Angela – I want to know. I’m curious who remembers any of that bullshit from that AI Fake Deep Fake sh*t on the screen. Anybody memorize it anymore? That sh*t! Makensy starts reciting what she remembers.

7:15pm Upper Level – Tkor and Rubina are rehearsing a birthday song they’re going to sing to Kimo.

7:15pm Jankie BB – Lets a have twerk party. Lets go lower! Lets do a Congo line around the entire yard! All right, here we go! They go around the yard and they get called to do it again.

7:45pm Leah and Makensy
Makensy – Hi, how are you? Leah – I’m bored. Makensy – I just wanted to check in with everyone. Did you talk to Cam about Tkor? Leah – he wants to (she motions that Cam wants Tkor to go). Especially because she is going to be a threat to you guys.. but you guys do whatever is best for you. Makensy – no, I think Tkor is the best option. Leah – I am just saying no one else is going to put her up. Makensy – exactly if we don’t take it right now. Leah – exactly. Makensy – if it is a double next week and I win who do I put up? Kimo and Angela? Leah – Kimo and someone else. Makensy – Kimo and Rubina again? And then if one of them takes themselves off put up Angela? Leah – Don’t forget that she is a number for you and me. She is never going to put us up. Makensy – I have told her to her face that I would use her as a pawn to make a big move. Leah – there’s like other people that will continue to like .. that we also have to think about. Like she would never put us up, there are other people that would. Makensy – I know. That’s the thing, I don’t want to put them up immediately because other people would win and if we win .. then yeah we would take her down. I know that people would want Kimo out before her. Do you trust Cam more than Kimo or no? I feel like we need one of the floaters gone. If its double evict, its quick. Leah – we can beat Angela and Kimo. Makensy – I know that but one of them needs to go because they’re playing both .. everyone is keeping Kimo .. everyone is keeping Angela and everyone is keeping Tkor. If they’re still here and we’re put up against them, they’re two people and they’re going to make it further than both of us. Rubina is a vote for her too. Leah – And she doesn’t have a relationship with Angela? Makensy – no not like that. Leah – lets have someone else put her up. Cam told me today that he is starting to lose trust with Chelsie. Makensy – I’m going to talk to him (Cam) because he was talking to me a lot about, like, when she (Chelsie) like yelled at him.. and I can tell it like really bothered him. I think Cam realized that she (Chelsie) is going to be playing him. We have to make sure we win the right ones (HOHs). We can’t just win, win, win. I think we can make it. I think we can make top four. The final four is all comps. Leah – its actually good that Joseph and Quinn aren’t here because they’re too weasel-ie.

8:50pm The house guests are sitting around chatting.
9:16pm The house guests sing happy birthday day to Kimo. Makensy tried lighting a wooden skewer and got a “Stop that!”

9:50pm – 10:55pm Rubina and Tkor sing their birthday song for Kimo. Leah – that was so great! We brought Joseph a plate with M&M’s on it and that was a whole choreography. That was beautiful. The house guests sit around sharing stories about the best gifts they’ve ever been given, etc.

11:35pm The house guests continue chatting..
Angela – what time do we think it is now? Makensy – I’m 22 and I’ve probably gained 22 pounds out here and I’ve aged twenty-two years, not even kidding. Angela – I just looked in the mirror at myself again. I’m feeling ..yeah! You look great by the way, all of you ladies do. I just I can’t believe what what’s happened to me.. the lights. I don’t know what is happening here. Makensy – you look good. Angela – This is just weird? That’s awful. Makensy – stop, you’re fine. Angela – thank you guys. This dry camping sh*t that hot box.. done!! Done!! Makensy – It’s bad! Angela – done!

11:47pm Jankie Dance Party..

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26 thoughts to “Leah “She’s never going to put us up.” Makensy “I told her to her face that I would use her as a pawn to make a big move.””

    1. He and MK brought it up to Chelsie. Since then, he’s been very clear that he wants Tkor out. Chelsie seems to be rolling over and going along with it.

      Chelsie has no social capital remaining right now to turn this around. It seems she’s going to rationalize that she wanted Tkor out anyway and got Leah to do her dirty work. I don’t think she realizes just how much the house has shifted and undermined her power going forward.

      It looks like a Tkor eviction is happening tomorrow.

  1. The way I see it…
    well.. i would prefer T’kor go but I expect Rubina to go.
    The swing is Cam.
    Currently Chelsie has named all of the qualities that make T’kor a threat, but then said too bad Rubina gotta go. Everyone has caught on that it’s because T’kor is Chelsie’s access to the middle seat.
    Kimo doesn’t vote out T’kor.
    Angela currently wants T’kor out but will she fumble because Kimo wants T’kor to stay?
    Makensy wants T’kor out because… nom’d her once already and because Mak is trying to limit Chelsie’s options back to Mak and Cam final 3 thinking Mak and Chelsie final 2 like they discussed for 2 weeks without naming anything.
    Cam knows T’kor tried to do him dirty, and tried to do Kimo dirty. Chances are Cam wants to keep Kimo around now as the only other guy. Chances are Chelsie will pull his chain to get him to comply or force him to sleep on the couch again… HOWEVER, it was Cam that refused to even hear about keeping Quinn last week once he’d made up his mind.
    This is why Cam is currently swing.
    He’s said T’kor gotta go to Leah and I believe to Mak (don’t quote me on that Mak part).
    HOWEVER…. Chelsie pouts and whines at Cam to get her way.

    When one considers Chelsie’s argument to Cam about why she was mad: that it puts a bigger target on Cam. Who are we kidding. Chelsie is the one that has gone around the house for weeks making this relationship a marriage and herself the hard done by wife of a Philanderer. She resents that Cam is playing up the girls attention for safety with the girls. In other words, she resents Cam gaming for himself in a way that doesn’t put Chelsie first.
    The odd thing is, the more Cam is flirting with other women, the less likely many houseguests are to nominate them together. Cam is actually doing smart social game… it just annoys Chelsie because he’s supposed to be HER lapdog, not his own dog in the crib.
    Tell me: If Chelsie weren’t hissy fitting like a fool drawing attention to Cam… would anyone be saying his name? No. So as much as she says she is trying to keep him from getting a bigger target…. She’s the one with the glow in the dark spray paint tagging the target on his back.
    If it’s intentional… good for her as far as manipulation game. If it’s just fukakta weirdo that wants a guy she’s never been on a date with to declare undying love and devotion…. RUN CAM RUN.

    1. yeah, getting rid of t’kor is better for everyone’s game except chelsie and kimo, so i hope cam, makensy, and angela figure that out and vote out t’kor. right now it feels like only leah realizes this and she doesn’t have a vote.

    2. Cam’s invisibility strategy would be working better without her jealousy spotlight. If he votes out Tkor he’ll be putting a spotlight on himself as well as going against Chelsie. I’m assuming Chelsie doesn’t want Tkor evicted this week but will have no problem with someone else evicting her. Not sure who she actually wants as her final 2 or 3. I guess we’ll see by Thursday if she gives him permission or not.

      1. Voting for: I’m pretty sure telling Rubina sorry you’re leaving is an indication.
        It’s who he is targeting if he were HOH that is the big confusion to me.

    3. I’m just amazed at the inability of these players to recognize what is best for their own games, and vote accordingly. I can’t believe that both Mak and Cam don’t know that T’Kor and Chelsie are not only “looking out for each other”, but are also actively working together in a final 2.

      Why the heck would they NOT vote her out now when they have the chance? Not doing so defies all BB game play logic – busting up a 3 person bloc and taking out the leader of that bloc, taking out the final 2 of a person you’re actively working with, taking out someone who very well could WIN the game!

      The only drawback is pissing Chelsie off, and she’ll get over it quickly, or she’s the next person to go. That’s the way the game works.

      1. Don’t piss Queen Chelsie off off or she will pull out that bible (cough cough) and quote scripture. Can’t stand a selfish delusional bible thumper. Don’t stand outside in a storm.

  2. Late night talk.
    Original Godot Duo.
    T’kor is worried that Cam was talking to Leah and Makensy at one point today.
    She wonders if Leah made deals to keep Cam Chelsie and Makensy off the block.
    Kimo counsels T’kor to approach Angela with deals in mind because Angela likes deals.
    T’kor doesn’t really want to talk to Angela, she doesn’t like her.
    T’kor relates that Chelsie already promised her and Cam’s votes, but she will check in with Cam and tell him about her Crochet business to bond. She doesn’t understand why Cam would talk to different people today (he was finding out that T’kor tired to get him blindside renommed… not a good beginning to a campaign).
    Her campaign is basically shaping up to be I’m not a threat, I’m a good person, I haven’t had enough tiime to come out of my shell, keep me until BB comics.
    BBcomics is usually top 6. First veto eveyone plays.

    T’kor worries that if there are deals in place then she and Kimo have to win HOH.
    Kimo says he could not nominate Angela so he’d need a pawn. T’kor offers to be his pawn, and Kimo says he couldn’t do that.

    She’ll campaign tomorrow she says.
    T’kor now wants to target Leah over Angela.
    They are talking next week. And the following weeks once they make it through the double.
    Rubina who? Considering Rubina is already campaigning why she’s better to keep than T’kor (that Kimo comment of too bad you’re leaving really got her fire going).

    ME: why do I get the feeling she is only going to talk to Cam and not give him any incentive as far as why she is good for his game when she campaigns. Everything she plans to talk about is her personal story, and doesn’t discuss her game story.
    Would that approach work with you? I’d be thinking hope they have yarn in jury cus you ain’t offering anything to my game. Her convo with Angela if it happens? I don’t expect much considering Angela still resents T’kor for putting her on the block week 6.

    They begin to discuss Chelsie moving her bed and how Kimo doesn’t understand who she is with. T’kor, who has always thought she is Chelsie’s number one, is saying that’s the point (inferring so the others don’t know she’s with me). Let’s remember, Chelsie drove that bus at 50 mph over T’kor to Leah to make T’kor the renom. Regarding Cam and Chelsie they have of course taken the Chelsie side. How dare not a showmance cuddle with women… that’s a legally binding not a showmance. The dis-damn-respect.

    The irony I’m considering: IF T’kor leaves in 8th place, then lying to Cedric, Brooklin, Cam, Quinn and Chelsie in order to save Rubina… flipping on that 8 person alliance so she wouldn’t go out in 8th place….. Is that being bitchslapped by the immutability of Karma?

    I still QUESTION how Chelsie explains to Cam that of course they keep T’kor when Cam knows that T’kor tried to get him on the block this week and therefore IS looking to evict him and IS NOT going to be a number for him. Rubina was smart enough to let T’kor climb that hill alone. Chelsie already knows that T’kor tried to shank Cam. So does it not come across as it’s better for ME and MY GAME when she tries to tell Cam how he will vote this week? That final three Chelsie convinced Cam would be best for them with T’kor last week… not looking too hot to him right now. Does Cam try to substitute Kimo into that spot or Rubina? Or does he go back to Mak thinking both women take him to final 2?

    TO be fair… when the house wasn’t sharing information, Everything that T’kor did to damage herself would be negligible. The problem is with people jockeying for position, everyone is more than happy to share information right now. The only people that seem to lack cognizance of this factor are T’kor and Chelsie. Chelsie still thinks all the information is coming to her alone, and she can edit that information to others. T’kor…. at least she was worried. Kimo talked her out of it… Kimo was wrong to do that. T’kor put both feet in her mouth and swallowed to the knees when she talked to Leah… who was ALREADY looking for justification.
    I’m remembering the 40 odd second silence when Leah asked T’kor a question that was game related… and I think of how her keep me because I’m a social media crochet mogul spiel is going to fly.

    As i mentioned before: T’kor and Kimo busted an 8 alliance because they were 7/8 in their minds. they kept the flip from their alliance evicting a member. Then T’kor is in an alliance as of week 5 again, and becomes HOH, nominating 2 members of her alliance because she didn’t want to work with one of them anymore. HOW many of those people are STILL in the house? 2 people she shanked with the flip, 2 of her nominees from her HOH. While one of them is willing to overlook the obvious lying / betrayal part of T’kor’s game play because she’s a sheild that simps over her (Chelsie). do the other 3 have ANY reason to trust T’kor? yeesh. She better come up with a DAMN good campaign Crochet isn’t gonna cut it.

    QUESTION: IF Kimo were HOH… and he won’t nom Angela, WHO IS HE TARGETING?
    I don’t know the answer to this… someone do me a solid and tell me if you know.

    1. To un autre nom~~I absolutely realize it’s none of my business but I’m merely simply curious. You must spend countless hours writing detailed BB comments, which I believe we all enjoy. Are you a retired person that affords you a tremendous amount of time to write long & involved comments on a daily basis…(thankfully I learn quite a bit from you). Like I said it’s none of my business I’m just curious nothing more.

      1. I don’t talk about myself really, but I’m not retired. I’m work from home for the last few years after an injury that has had a long rehab time. Currently feeds are background noise while I’m working on a commissioned portrait.

    Chelsie Mak and Cam.
    Chelsie says they can go hefty tomorrow, but what is the lean? Chelsie says she thinks Angela wants Rubina out.
    Cam joins and says Leah wants T’kor out and Leah is trying to show her trust and build her relationship with Chelsie.
    Chelsie asks who is the bigger threat? Both say T”kor.
    Chelsie is saying she’ll go with the house (this i gotta see).
    Tomorrow IF Chelsie really wants to keep T’kor, expect the debate.
    Chelsie has not talked alone to Cam yet.
    Both Mak and Cam want T’kor out, Angela wants T’kor out. Where did Chelsie get the idea that Angela wants Rubina out? She did before she pushed for Leah to renom her. Is Chelsie acting on 2 day old intel or is she trying to play everyone is keeping T’kor so you should get onside tactic? It’s one she’s used before in previous debates.
    Chelsie is now trying to play up that not a final 2 with Mak.
    Chelsie has already asked when are they cutting Angela loose? Mak says she’s fine if Angela goes next.
    Gonna be real right now, for the last couple of days, Chelsie has been letting her social control slide. She’s dropped the social ball before and been able to pick it back up later…. but the numbers are dwindling and she needs to maintain those relationships rather than spending 2 days being bitchy.
    Mak is saying her next priority targets are Kimo and Angela.

    THERE IS a small possibility that Chelsie is mining for information to bury Mak with Angela and Kimo in order to get the vote to flip. IF SHE WANTS TO TIE HERSELF TO THEM AND TOSS AWAY MAK AND CAM ALL FOR THE SAKE OF T’KOR…. WHO IS A GUARANTEED CHELSIE VOTE IN JURY. CHANCES: 15%.

    To Chelsie and Mak, Kimo and Angela make good targets moving forward. Kimo first maybe to keep Angela tied to them and Leah over Cam and Rubina. So a modified girl alliance? Not sure I buy this. Keeping Leah and Rubna around seems to be what Chelsie is pushing…. I don’t know how much I’m buying this.
    DOES CHELSIE FLIP ON BOTH CAM AND MAK? Hmmmm. maybe not. still a little sus.
    Chelsie tells Mak she was mad because Cam is mad that Chelsie doesn’t drape all over him and give him all her time and energy. (Leah and Cam already clocked it as bizarre jealousy…. Mak i thought realized it too). Chelsie says all the other girls (not Chelsie) are bothered by Mak’s closeness to Cam. Yeah. not like Chelsie hasn’t drawn attention to with EVERY one of them. mkay. (this is to cover up that Chelsie told Leah that Cam would choose Mak over her, remember, she was trying to come across as lone wolf to Leah and second choice to the couple she paints Cam and Mak to be). Mak still thinks she relates to Cam like a brother. whogonnatellher? Chelsie says she has no claim on Cam and it’s cool with her if they do what they do… but the optics to the rest of the house. Ohdisheresomebullshit. (keep in mind, Leah and Mak have been talking about this Cam and Chelsie stuff, so when Chelsie is saying the problem is all Leah… does Mak believe her?). This is all about what I said week 2. Chelsie wants everyone to prioritize her and maintain distant from each other. That’s part of her game. Has she been in her feelings for 2 days and has she dropped that ball? That IS the question. She just said it, the Mak Cam dynamic is bad for the three of them. No, it’s bad for Chelsie more because 2 of her final 2 deals that don’t officially exist could end up cutting out the middle man.

    T’kor and Rubina talk about how they both deserve to be there. yeah, Kimo told Rubina it sucks you have to go this way. T’kor laments the environment change post Tucker departure because they were in power and control of the game and had no fear of being nominated. the new energy since has been negative to T’kor (because they are out of power and control and have been nominated).
    SOMEHOW THIS IS QUINN’S FAULT? Take it up with T’kor. She said it. She also put Tucker and Angela on the block, giving away number advantage. Just saying. Is it Quinn’s fault because he put Rubina and Kimo on the block with Angela instead of… who? I honestly don’t remember WHO T’kor thought should be nominated with Angela week 7.

    Tired. Sleep.

  4. Chelsie has begun the keep T’kor debate with Cam.
    Told you she wasn’t going to just say okay I’ll vote with you.
    Cam has told Kimo he’s leaning toward keeping Rubina.
    Chelsie is trying to get her allies back after clocking out to be bitchy for 2 days. She’s of course painting Leah to be everything that…. Chelsie is in the game.
    T’kor lied to Cam saying she didn’t say his name (she did). Says she meant Leah should put up Mak. Cam cannot be that dumb…. but Cam has a soft spot thinking people don’t lie to him.
    Cam seems to be buying T’kor’s lie. That combined with Chelsie pushing the debate…
    Cam might be swing again.
    Remember: Chelsie is the one T’kor said she’d lie and break the deal with Leah had it been her in the comp. Chelsie told the duo. Cam seems to think it was Leah possibly.
    T’kor says she has never thrown anyone under the bus or lied.

    So, does Cam believe T’kor? If so, what does Cam switching up on Mak do? Does Rubina go to Cam for campaign talk?

    1. You are so right: “Cam doesn’t think people lie to him” but, I might add :Cam doesn’t think Chelsie would lie to him. He does indeed have “a soft spot” for Chelsie. Moments before Cam’s convo with Chelsie ,she and T’kor were laughing and saying Cam can’t win comps. As of this writing, unless Chelsie gets someone else to vote T’kor out( which Chelsie really wants) and it doesn’t look like she
      ( C) expedited it then T’kor stays.
      Chelsie needs T’kor vote in jury if she goes and Chelsie is a savvy enough player to know now may not be the time. Chelsie continuing to plant seeds that Leah is the culprit sets up Leah exit sooner rather than later. To bad Rubina waited to late to start playing she might sway Cam. It’s almost like Rubina loves BB, wanted to be on it, but just didn’t want to play it. Cam , well when Chelsie decides to divorce him, he is toast and only then might be finally wake up. I am convinced this relationship Chelsie has with Cam is more serious in her mind than his but as long as he does what she says or expects he stays in the game. Right now that’s good enough for Cam. The shock: Chelsie may come in second place behind T’kor. If T’kor stays, and it looks like Cam will be the swing vote to keep her, then T’kor has secured the win over Chelsie. I am so over T’kor’s holier-than- thou attitude but it appears to be working with this cast anyway. After all she told Cam she wanted to be there so she could play in BB comics and she as she told others today, ” has a story.” Who wants to disappointment T’kor.

      1. I’m not so cut and dried on what Cam does with his vote. He seems to be down with Chelsie when he talks to Chelsie, but then he seems to be down with Mak when he talks to Mak. Yes, he mentions the positives to keep T’kor but he also recognizes the negatives.
        SO RIGHT NOW, I’m not sure if the Jospeh vote flip is still on Cam’s mind: the from now on I am doing what is best for me mindset.
        Nor do I know WHAT the best for Cam is.
        Whatever it is, Chelsie will announce it to the house like an admonishment from a hen pecking wife in front of all of his co-workers.

        1. LOL!! Yeah she would announce it,( haha).I look forward to your recap / observations of Thursday’s eviction episode. Yes, while Chelsie, imo, is playing the best long term game, and is poised to win she admits she is a petty person. Her recent name calling comment as well as saying if Angela/ Leah are final 2 she would tell “Auntie Julie” she’s
          not voting.. ughh. Sorry/ sad to say this but I will: Your posts continue to be greatly and funny! However,of late, in our household we detect that even you have grown weary of this cast( from your posts) it’s understandable.We have to mute when Leah goes on and on, Kimo eats or Chelsie does her cam/ amen talks. If you got us through Blue and Jared and Cam.. you can do this, someone has to see how this BB season 26 story ends. You are appreciated more than you may ever know!

  5. I am so done with lying TKor. Looks like the bag lady. She has bugs in her hair or scabies. Last nite and today she has thrown Cam and Rubina under the bus and can’t stop smearing Leah, Mac and Angela. Her POC agenda and mean girl behavior (to the confines of only POC) and then professing that playing a clean honest game by only good people can be done. She considers herself better than most in the house and won’t talk to them, just mmmmmmmm. Personally I hope white girls or I should say N-POC better step it up and see what is happening. All the N-POC are leaving one by one.

    1. Kelly are you ok? What’s up with the personal attacks. How does she have a POC agenda? Is that point of contact. Because blacks are blacks; that’s it. Blacks don’t consider themselves under one umbrella of POC; that’s ignorant.
      Tkor could not have a black agenda because she didn’t hesitate to go against Cedric and Brooklyn..The only black person she somewhat liked was Chelsea..she threw Cam under the bus time and time again..
      Nothing you said made any sense.
      I don’t think it’s likely, but ask in so called so called person of color, and they’ll let you know they don’t want to be boxed in with all other “POC”..

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