Leah “Being in power is not fun! This sucks.” Chelsie “And it only gets worse!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Leah
Nominees: Kimo & Rubina
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

Spoilage – Looks like Rubina and Kimo going up.

5:07pm Backyard – Makensy and Leah
Makensy – Rubina talked to me and she said that she thinks its her and him (Kimo) (being nominated. Also looking around .. Veto Comp ..there are 6 tables. Leah – and they’re all different colours. Makensy – and there are 6 smaller.. so its like .. 6 big ones and then right to the left of it a small one. I am trying to think about veto comps like which one would it be. Leah – you know which one I thought it would be like counting.. like how many ducks are in the pool.

5:35pm Leah and Chelsie
Leah – being in power is not fun! This sucks. Like literally the only good part is the safety and obviously like the family stuff. Everything else is like it sucks the whole week. But I just keep telling myself like what you said, like, if people are in my shoes, they’d have to make decisions. They’d have to make big decisions. Chelsie – and it only gets worse, harder and harder each week. Imagine having to put up 3 people? Leah – Yeah no! Did you tell people you were putting them up? Chelsie – I told Angela and Quinn. I told Quinn right before. Leah – he gave me his shirt with a heart on it to compete in. Chelsie – you should have worn it. Leah – I was like didn’t just in case it was a goo thing because I didn’t want to F it up. He told me, in case I go do your best to win. Chelsie – He’ll be back. (All Stars). Leah – 100%! Chelsie – did they tell you what time you would be doing the ceremony? Leah – no. I’m jenkin yeah, HOH or nominee ceremony at Midnight. They’re going to call dance parties all night. I’m going to sleep in between. Chelsie – I think the next eviction is going to be a double eviction. Leah – me too bro! Chelsie – I think you’re setup in the best position for next week being a double eviction.

5:50pm – 6:30pm Rubina and Tkor
Rubina and Tkor start playing the carnival games and taking a stuffed animals as prizes.

6:50pm The house guests are sitting around chatting..
Rubina comments on how this is only the first day (locked in the backyard). Makensy – How the f**k are we here? How is this our life right now? Leah – We have been chosen. Makensy – We have been chosen. We have 5 days guys. Rubina – 4 nights. Leah – is that true? Makensy – yeah, probably. I would assume that this is going to be kind of like havenots, so we’ll be done Wednesday at midnight.

7:49pm The live feeds switch to the pound cams. The nomination ceremony is likely happening now or another dance party??

8:56pm Still blocked..

9:16pm – 9:30pm The live feeds return. The house guests are all sitting / standing around chatting. They talk about the Jankie song being played and lots of lights. Sounds like they had another dance party. Leah – not only am I not in a bed I’m virtually a have not with pizza. The conversation turns to talking about past seasons of Big Brother.

10:06pm The house guests are hanging out / chatting / eating and sleeping..

11:30pm – 12am All the house guests are sleeping except for Rubina and Tkor who are chatting by the pool.
Rubina – I would not hold it against anyone for doing whatever’s best for them moving forward, you know. Tkor – it really sucks that people keep wanting to keep putting you up on the block. Rubina – but, who else? Unfortunately it makes sense. Tkor vents about how annoyed she is with Angela. Tkor – Chelsie literally talks to her like a little girl. How old are you? Some people just aren’t worth your breath. Rubina – I value my time and energy so much that I really onley want to give it to people who deserve it. Tkor – yeah I earnestly don’t really care. I’m not going to be rude, but I’m not going to glad your way. Rubina – Yeah, I mean, exactly. Tkor – We’re still going to be good people, but like, I don’t care to cuddle
you anymore. I’m not gonna laugh at your jokes if I don’t think they’re funny. I’m not gonna listen to your long stories if I think they’re boring. They’re just words. It’s just weird to see it growing as woman be so childish.

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33 thoughts to “Leah “Being in power is not fun! This sucks.” Chelsie “And it only gets worse!””

  1. best play for leah is to put up chelsie and t’kor but it puts her on an island with angela and probably guarantees one of them gets evicted the following week unless they can win comps.

    …so really hoping she puts up chelsie and t’kor.

      1. not quite. there are trios of kimo/t’kor/rubina and makensy/cam/chelsie. putting up one from each just bands those six against angela and leah. it’s possible to chose a side and hope they go after each other but admittedly driving the necessary wedge between chelsie and t’kor is very difficult.

        1. Choosing a side and hoping they go after each other requires Leah to leverage her power and negotiate something with one side or the other. Do you see her doing that d…? I don’t and I don’t think she KNOWS how to do it, OR I don’t think they respect her game enough to even listen to anything she may have to say.

          There’s also the possibility that both sides are so comfortable with their situations they aren’t interested in changing them, or that their OWN strategic abilities are so lacking (remember, we’ve not really seen a good strategic move all season – both Cedric and Tucker volunteered to go OTB when they were evicted), it’s like see, hear and speak no evil to me. I’m not interested.

          Whatever the reason is, it’s pretty clear to me Leah and Angela are clearly on the bottom in the house, PERIOD. That’s why I say she has nothing to lose no matter what she does. She’s gonna be bottom next week whether it’s Rubina vs. Kimo or Chelsie vs. T’Kor, so why not take the big shot, and at least you can say I went out with guns a blazin’? She may take out a big player and change the entire dynamic inside the house! “Like”, what happens if she takes out Chelsie? Does Cam and Makensy all of a sudden “need” her to take on T’Kor, Kimo and Rubina?

          If T’Kor leaves, Rubina and Kimo may be initially hurt and angry, but the same can be said for them. All of a sudden they need help to take on the other three!

          I know this isn’t going to happen, but for her game, at this late point, putting up the weaklings, IMHO, is NOT the best thing for her to do. You’ve got to step up to the plate and swing for the fences sometimes, and I firmly believe this is one of those times.

    1. I think it would be best for Leah to have Chelsie and Rubina up there on eviction day as it would force T’kor to show her cards.

    2. If she puts up Chelsea and TKor one stays,but she’s made enemies on both sides of the house. She can’t play next week leaving only Angela to protect her. The only way for her to make it thru next was to pick side. Which cuts the trio to a duo

      1. The idea that somehow not making a certain move will keep her safe is pointless at this stage in the game. There are so few people to choose from and if T’kor, Rubina, Kimo, or Chelsea get HOH, they won’t hesitate to put her up, even if they say she’s a pawn. Thjere’s no benefit for Leah to try to curry favor with anyone. Chelsea was considering putting Leah up on her last HOH. I don’t think it would throw Cam or MJ off, if she put Chelsea up, as she could always claim that Chelsea is just a pawn. Regardless, no one is “safe” at this point, and she’s not gaining a week in the house or any allies by keeping Chelsea off. She’s only ensuring the block of three stays. That’s the only downfall. Strategically, many have tried to buy weeks by appeasing others, when HOH. Just look at Quinn, he thought he’d be in everyone’s good graces by putting Joseph up. Yet, it didn’t change how anyone felt about Quinn.

  2. Finally someone having the balls to go after the voting block of 3. I’d much have preferred t’kor going here but id assume these morons haven’t fully discovered shes the biggest snake in the house yet

  3. Since Chelsie and Tkor seem untouchable until final 4, the question is who is competing for those other 2 spots and does it matter? If not saved by the veto Kimo should be evicted this week which improves Rubina’s chances of making it to that 4 spot. Leah is a goner and Mak also would have to win her way to the final 4 spot. Angela is a throwaway unless Chelsie (and Grod) want the layup. The biggest question is will Chelsie want Cam in the final 4 or take him out? I think it comes down to who Tkor and Chelsie can trust/control at final 4 when one or both will be vulnerable if they don’t win that HOH and veto. In that scenario Tkor has set herself up with Kimo/Rubina better than Chelsie with Cam/Mak.

    1. cam’s more or less assured a spot, the other spot will be based off who’s lucky enough at comps so i guess that favors makensy.

  4. They missed their chance. There is ALWAYS the possibility of the trio surviving this week. Say she puts up Rubina/Kimo which is the plan. T’Kor wins the veto and takes down Kimo. Now you have Rubina up there with WHO? She won’t put up Angela. Maybe she puts up Cam/Makensy or Chelsie. No matter what they are two votes down, all they need is one vote to evict any of them.

    1. Put Chelsie up as re nomination. No one would vote her out and Kimo/Rubina go home. If they decide to flip and take out Chelsie, oh well Leah walks away from HOH with both sides taking shots at each other and Leah sits in the middle and watches.

  5. Leah is a dead woman walking, she has no path forward. Does she understand that? Unlikely. The only way this game changes is if Chelsie and Tkor are on the block together and one is evicted. Who would make a big move like that? Our resident Nope Angela?

  6. So…
    it appears Kimo didn’t bother to put up a fight or even to really fight for a one on one to stay off the block.
    What is the point? No really.
    He’s added NOTHING to the progression of the season since week 4.
    His response to nomination is full blanket mode.

    And HE gets a JURY vote.
    I can’t.

  7. These noms are lame going after Kimo at all is not a good choice even Angela would be better. They should be going after Tcor and Chelsie. Chelsie in my view is the biggest social threat she literally had a hand in on at least 3 evictions. I say one more week and Chelsie maybe in the double is turning on Malemsky and Cam as those two are the biggest physical threats now. Also earth to Leah the only person that really wanted you out last week was Chelsie. Zzzzzz wake me up when Thursday is over.

  8. Yes, called it again. Leah nominated Rubina and Kimo as expected ( they did too!) Really Rubina is such a disappointment, knows the game but is afraid to play it. She really thinks she gets brownie points for not throwing anyone under the bus.. come in, watch Chelsey play. Chelsey talks to Leah. Yes Chelsey lies through her teeth while talking to Leah, but she ( C) is saying to win not like Rubina who complains that she is nice, throws no one under the bus then wonders why she gets nowhere.Ugg. This game is too easy with this crew. T,’kor complains about Angela but does nothing about it. She(T’kor) was smart to sink her game into Rubina and Kimo that’s two votes for her, plus Quinn and Leah love her too! More interesting now( you are right as well on this Gan) is who will be in the other two spots: MJ, likely. because Chelsey has MJ thinking they have a real final two Cam or Angela. Next, when it’s a double, they send booger eating Leah to jury. Leah played it safe, Rubina plays it kind, Kimo doesn’t care anymore and is over it( did you hear T’kor and Rubina tell him ” maybe this is your time to go” Ki.o is okay with that. Rubina gets one .ore week so she can be part of history and then she goes too. In a way, the way they have played, Chelsey deserves the win , they have practically given it to her/ T’kor.

    1. T’kor tells an agreeing Rubina how much she dislikes Angela and why. She goes on about how many times Kimo and Rubina have been otb. She mentions times Chelsey ,MJ have been otb or on slop etc.. you know the “whole 9 yards”. How she respects them all etc except Angela and while she wouldn’t be rude to Angela, she resents and disrespects Angela’s behavior. Really T’kor? Who in this cast will have the courage to say , yeah T’kor that also includes you! Who will have the courage to evict Angela? The longer it goes on the harder it will become to evict because they need Angela as a vote. Leah just blew it, as expected, because all Leah needs is to be the center of attention, someone to listen to her stories, and she’s good. We can’t believe Rubina listened so passively to T’kor without holding a mirror up to T’Kor.

  9. T’kor T’koring again….
    she is annoyed that HOH’s keep putting Rubina and Kimo on the block together because they are putting T’kor on the bottom by not taking her feelings into account. It’s unfair that people aren’t willing to all target each other and leave the Godot trio in the game because they have a shot at winning. Why isn’t Angela on the block?

    Mind you, T’kor did NOTHING to keep Rubina off the block and has gone so far as say Kimo can leave and be our jury advocate…. but at the same time she’s morally offended.
    T’kor isn’t on the block. Eyeroll.

    Dear Jankie,
    please make this wench suffer. I just…. i… shakes head… Honestly.

  10. I hope Chelsea wins next week and sends Leah home. so brainless and as I said 2 days ago when Leah won so predictable.

  11. I would give anything to listen to Izzy right now… if it meant never having to hear T’Kor’s accent that is nails on chalk board.
    I can’t keep up with her ever changing sounds.

  12. Here’s the thing about Chelsie and Tkor as noms.

    If either of them comes down, the remaining player has a very good chance of staying.

    It really depends on who wins veto, and if the social dynamic shifts.

    This HOH is super tricky bc Leah controls no votes except for Angela’s, and on top of that, this season the alliances are so fluid with crossover and the HGs are so quick to change the paradigm.

    Putting up Chelsie and Tkor could very likely still end in a Rubina or KImo eviction, if veto is used. There are many ways that a veto player would be motivated to use it, or simply Chelsie or Tkor winning it.

    Her best shot is to try integrating socially to lower her threat level, and more so, her pariah status from last week. Chelsie might feel safe enough with her after this week to not have her as primary target. Even Tkor might be okay with these noms as she’s been preparing for Kimo to possibly go now for weeks, and she’s the type that mellows if she’s been kept off the block. It’s always personal to her, and Kimo really doesn’t strike that nerve in her anymore. Looks like she’s already scapegoating Angela based on self-righteous criteria.

    After veto is played, the possible scenarios are more clear and potentially controllable.

    I think she is aware of this and not just blindly falling for Cam’s suggestions, say.

    I also can’t blame her for feeling that the trio is offering her nothing. KImo and Rubina have always wanted her otb, anyway.

    After veto if she does try to backdoor Tkor or Chelsie, she’d have to feel out the votes and if anyone is ready to betray Tkor or Chelsie. This also depends on who is considering using the veto, which will trigger more suspicions and potential shifts that she can use to advantage.

    If she can pull this off this week it will be a masterful play. I am not giving up on her yet, we’ll have to see what her DRs say.

  13. T’kor says, “Some people just aren’t worth your breath.” Put this girl out now. Unfortunately, that won’t happen until the final 2, when she’s sitting up there with Chelsie. Chelsie will win, and T’Kor can go breathe with the common people.

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