“in my mind he’s [Cody] the best player I didn’t want to get him upset. “

Head of Household Winner – ENZO
Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony
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9:09 am

9:40 pm Christmas and Nicole
Chit chatting. Christmas brings up Season 19 says Josh never attacked anyone personally. Adds that people would attack Josh with personal stuff.

11:00 am Enzo and Christmas
Enzo – Nicole scares me more .. I’m telling you it’s crazy to say this Nicole scares me more than Cody in the final 3. I’m putting it out there. So if you win POV I win POV we got to sit down and really talk about this.
Christmas – yeah, I’m down.. either way, they’re both terrors
Enzo – they have a final 2
Christmas – the only way we can secure this or as much as secure this is you or I win that POV. We sit down. and really try and pick it away. Really pry into their game up to this point. You’ll know who they are trying to deceive and backstab or ruffle feathers.
Enzo – yeah
Christmas – you want to go to Final 3 spill the beans.
Enzo – spill the beans right..
Christmas – I think Nicole will be ok on the block. She won’t be as spooked.
Enzo says Nicole is in such a good spot.
Christmas thinks if Nicole wins the veto they have a good choice to bring them over Cody
Enzo says she’ll cut Christmas over Cody
Christmas- we can’t give her that option
Christmas – we have to shake Cody. he’s got to go on the block when he’s so confident he’s untouchable

Christmas – he doesn’t have the player he had sitting next to him last time.
Enzo – yeah for real
Christmas goes on about how Cody’s never been on the block so putting him on the block now is a no-brainer.
Enzo – you make good points I never thought of those points until you brought them up.. so I got that.

Christmas says Cody is sleeping right now.
Enzo – and he says I slept this whole season.
Christmas – I hate to say it he’s in a vulnerable place.. Game-wise.
They talk about Cody being devastated after losing the HOH>

Enzo goes on about his decision to save Nicole.
Christmas mention Cody telling her voting against Nicole “Rubbed Cody the wrong f***ing way”
Enzo – that’s a personal vote. That’s my right to vote
Christmas – so you’re telling everyone she’s your number one so it rubbed you wrong
Enzo – in my mind he’s [Cody] the best player I didn’t want to get him upset.
Enzo – was it a little be of a copout on my part? Maybe but I’m in the final 3 so it worked out for me. Am I going to get Third place again? that’s where I am right now.
Enzo – I don’t want to third f***ing place again
Christmas – I’m either going to get fourth or second
Enzo – exactly yeah..

Enzo – she now is playing better under pressure but he is starting to crack under pressure.
They go on about how “Good” Nicole is.
Enzo says on season 20- when Victor proposed to Nicole Dani was in the backyard to be part of it “they’re tight as hell”
Enzo – was Cody there in the backyard? He might have been in the backyard too.
Christmas – so here we are coming in and they have all these fricken preset alliances and we’re fighting our a$$es off just to survive
Christmas – there’s nothing you can say or do to disrupt that
Enzo – yeah
Christmas – period.

Enzo – between me and you she is dangerous in this game. I would rather go against him than her in the final 3. It’s crazy to say that..
Christmas – it’s not.. she’s done it she’s done it she’s done it.
Christmas – Paul picked Nicole because he thought he could win against her and he didn’t
Enzo – that’s what I’m trying to say
Christmas – she ruffled some feathers (in jury)
Enzo – that’s what I’m saying..
Christmas – no one will win against her
Enzo – you can beat Cody in endurance I think that.
Christmas – he’s so strong
Enzo – I’m going to fight for my life.

11:12 am Nominmations coming up..

11:35 am Feeds go to pound puppies

1:07 pm feeds down yo

1:53 pm Feeds return. They played some sort of prizes competition. No Nominations yet. (Christmas and Nicole going up)

1:57 pm Christmas crying
Christmas – I Feel like I betrayed him by not picking him.. (Memphis)
Christmas sobs about not crying for losing the 10 thousand but for betraying Memphis (Huh?) She says she’s happy Nicole won the money.
Christmas – two weeks on the block.. I feel like he’s going to be disappointed I didn’t pick him (Memphis)
Christmas – I’m just ready to hug my own son.. this place gets to you. I want to see my family. I want a real cocktail without limitations. I want to hear about all the things they’ve done.
Christmas – COdy I know has a f*ing issue with me and I don’t care I think it’s funny I think it’s even funnier I can get under his skin
Christmas continues to cry says “now he’s going to see I didn’t pick him it’ll hurt his feelings”
Christmas – I think Enzo wants to keep his relationship intact with Cody so I thin Enzo will put up me and Nicole
Christmas – I don’t want to hang out with anybody.. they have a luxury comp right before nominations. I don’t care about the 10 thousand dollars I’m here to win 500000 dollars. I just don’t want Memphis to think I didn’t believe in him
Christmas – I already got a bonus I got 5000 dollars.. This one wasn’t strategy this one was loyalty..

2:34 pm Nicole and Christmas
Talking about the 10grand prize being a total fluke.
Christmas goes on about betraying Memphis.
Christmas – it’s so silly I just met him..
Nicole – I know you miss him
Christmas – just reminding me he’s not here.
Christmas – I feel so stupid right now..
Nicole – I’m sure he misses you a lot to

2:35 pm Nicole slithers to the kitchen telling the guys “She’s crying”

2:38 pm Christmas continues to cry

3:09 pm Cody and Nicole making food. Nicole complains that the broccoli is rotten. They start talking about going on trips. Cody says he’s into “getting a trip”. Nicole says her and Victor got a trip to Barbados before they “relevant”
Nico e- yeah we got a full stay at sandals at Barbados.

Feeds cut

5:05 pm Feeds are back.

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33 thoughts to ““in my mind he’s [Cody] the best player I didn’t want to get him upset. “”

  1. Enzo’s nose should be growing. He is feeding Christmas lie after life after lie. He will never cross arrogant, full of himself Cody or whiney, cry a river Nicole. Christmas is so gullible believing Mr YoYo Meow ugh!

        1. christmas has never made one big move(or any move) in 2 seasons she is been on.
          she only follow dudes around a house and her game is to do what she is told by same dudes

  2. If Enzo doesn’t put Cody up on the block to be the last unominated player he’s the biggest p*$$y in bb history

    1. What benefit would it be for him to put him up now?? If he wins the veto, then I agree with you, but it makes no sense for him to nominate him right away.

    1. Who he puts up doesn’t matter. What matters is who wins POV. If he wins he needs to use it. Why piss him off until he knows it’s to get him out? Cody might still take him to F2 if Nicole goes to F2 she might get the votes and Cody knows it.

    2. You are right Mr YO YO will NOT do squat. He’s all talk no action. If he had put Cody and Nicole up that would have been epic but we have to settle for no guts no move.

  3. Bye Guys!!!!!!!!!

    That’s it I made all the predictions. I was right on every one.

    See you guys next season.

  4. Enzo gunning for 3rd place again, I see? Should’ve voted Nicole out, it was literally the perfect move & would’ve been considered the very first big move if the season. But we’re heading to the BB All-Stars with zero big moves. I don’t wanna see an All-Stars 3. Y’all suck..

  5. The pre-game alliance is going to convince the jurors to vote for Cody or Nicole (if one of them are in F2). Enzo would have to evict Cody if he wants to win, but I gotta say, they’re both loyal people (to each other & their previous F2 picks). We know what happened with Derrick & Cody @ the end, but I kinda feel bad that Enzo took 3rd place lol. He was willing to take Hayden to F2, yet was evicted by him. I think Enzo would still be okay with 2nd place.

      1. It must be one of snacole’s family members. hehehe.
        “Slithers to the kitchen.” Best line all season!
        I almost spit my food out! LOL

  6. All right, Mr Big Talk Meow-Meow. You always run your fat trap about having balls and making moves…you KNOW you can’t beat Cody with the jury. Make a move or shut it up for good, YO!!!!!!!

  7. Another well deserved tip sent!
    Thanks for everything this season!
    The only place to go to hear some thoughts and reality in the world of set ups and hook ups!

  8. That $10K “competition” was ridiculous. There was no comp. It was 1/2 hour watching a video game that was controlled by production to give it to Nicole. Their favoritism is gross considering she won before.

    They want her to be the first 2 time winner. I can’t stand her whiney fakeness, acting for the cameras, pathetic/giggly damsel in distress act and the fact that she’s done absolutely nothing except last week. She’s a baby who thinks everyone should think she’s so (fake) cute that she deserves the money for making a mockery of strong, female competitors.

    And now, production is purposely giving her money to show how much they love her.

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