“I have the most Broken thing since the coup d’etat.. They knew I was gonna be rocking guns”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots again this week

Spoilage – Sounds like Quinn is putting up Makensy, Tucker and Rubina. If Veto is played Leah is planned renom. (Sigh all my favs)

1:20 am Quinn and Angela (feeds flip through this conversation)
Quinn tells her he’ll do one on ones tomorrow with everyone. Angela asks him who are his 3 people he won’t put up. He tells her Kimo but won’t tell her anyone else. Points out to her that she hasn’t told him any of her targets.

1:30 am Quinn, Chelsie, Brooklyn, Cam, Joe
Quinn says he told Angela what his upgrade was week one because he didn’t want to go home. “She still doesn’t get it”
Quinn – She outed me to the house and she doesn’t know what it is.
Quinn – I have the most Broken thing since the coup d’etat.. ITS BIG it’s crazy

Quinn- I asked her I’m gonna be doing one on ones tomorrow for the nominees. I just wanted to gauge who you would like to see up there. I understand
Tucker took you off the block, but we’re kind of having a very public disagreement And so I kind of had to put them on there, so I don’t want to put up
two other people that you would not feel comfortable with trying to get information.

Quinn – to which she says that she’ll let me know in the morning This is before she knew that, like, I was going to meet with everyone tomorrow. She was like, oh, that’s you’re doing that. And I’m like, yes, because she doesn’t know what the power is, even though I’ve told her. And then we had a full public discussion where everyone else understands that then.

Quinn – she told me that she didn’t tell anyone. I said, well, Tucker, straight up told me that you told him she’s like, that’s not true. And then she tries to then spin it of, like, to get information from me. She says, well, who is your absolutely not. to which easy answer I said. Oh, well, I’m definitely not nominating Kimo because I told him about the power week one. It would be kind of messed up to then use that power on him.

Quinn – And then she says, okay who’s your absolutely not 2 and 3? And I looked at her and say, what are you talking girl? You haven’t even told me you’re like spicy one. Why would I tell you more? And then she’s like, oh, whatever. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. And I’m like,

Brooklyn – she thinks that she puts three people up 1st and that if you invoke your power, that it’ll change the board based off of who you
want and that you cannot Touch veto renown.

Quinn – Let this be a lesson for the viewers that you are never too old to listen. You know. (LOL)

Quinn – because that’s crazy. I’ve explained it multiple. We have whole public discussion So yeah, that means tomorrow is going to be even funnier. Going to be up bright and early wearing a nice Merin suit. Meeting with everyone to gauge their thoughts Yeah.

Brooklyn – So what is she thinking that she can just replace the three norms?
Quinn – Yeah, she thinks I’m replacing them, but I’m. making the nominations.
Brooklyn – she thinks she gets what she wants to do and then he changes it But she gets to put her 3 people up 1st.
Cam – It’s basically an invisible HOH
Quinn – It’s even crazier because I can use the deep fake whatever, and it’ll look like Angela. I’m going to say some very funny stuff.

They talk about how powerful his upgrade is.
Quinn – They knew I was gonna be rocking guns

1:50 am Quinn, Brooklyn, Chelsie
Quinn – tomorrow is going to be fun
Brooklyn says Tucker will still get to play in Veto. After this week if he’s still in the game they will have to backdoor him “It’s the only way to get that man out”
Quinn – I know they’re f**king loving him because he’s so funny and he’s winning comps. People love comp beasts
Quinn says Rubina is smart he’s hoping she wins the veto and takes herself off.
Brooklyn – OR CAM.. Cam is the better options against Tucker and Makensy in the veto.
Chelsie says Makensy said last night “we would be dumb not to get Quinn out”
Chelsie – I said Makesny this is a three month game. You trying to go hard 20 days in is going to end you up like Tucker.. Yeah I get he’s trying to start the game. People aren’t trying to cruise they’re trying to play smart. There’s a difference.. She does not understand this game.
Chelsie – why are you trying to target Quinn when you know he has the power.. why are you talking about Angela when you know she’s the HOH.
Quinn – she told me if you tell me who you are working with I’ll go after them.
Chelsie – WHAT
Brooklyn – she’s got no one she’s on a island
Chelsie – her, Tucker and Rubina
Quinn – I’ll put them up.
Chelsie – we got to get him (Tucker)
Brooklyn – We will

feeds flip to tucker explaining Quinn’s power wrong to Cam.
Tucker – “He’s lying about everything”

Feeds flip back to the unicorn room where they are talking about how clueless Makensy is in the game.

2:30 am Kimo and Tkor
Talking about how Quinn will take the shot at Tucker if Tucker survives he’ll go after Quinn.
Kimo thinks Tucker is going to win veto again, ‘We’ll have to backdoor him when it gets to regular not AI Arena”
Joe joins them.
Kimo wants to call a meeting with Quinn to get a sense at what he might do.
Tkor says Rubina is not coming after any of them so she should be kept safe.
Tkor – Leah is coming for people in the collective.
Joe says Quinn really likes Leah.
Joe says they were talking earlier and the idea came out about putting Cam or Cedric up to make it look less suspicious. Joe doesn’t think it’s a terrible idea.
Joe – that way they can possibly beat Tucker in the Veto or beat him in the AI Arena.
Kimo – that’s risky

3:00 am Zzzzzz

7:30 am zzzzzz

9:30 am Houseguests waking up.

Help keep the madness going! All these updates wouldn’t be possible without your support. Thank you in advance!



16 thoughts to ““I have the most Broken thing since the coup d’etat.. They knew I was gonna be rocking guns””

    1. makensy’s power i absolutely tell people. it’s power is mostly leverage to get people to work with you. quinn’s power i definitely tell no one, makes you a huge backdoor target.

  1. I’m wondering if they will begin to think of Angela as a threat since she had won 2 HOH’s and try to get rid of her PreJury

  2. Does anyone living in Canada have a problem streaming the feeds? I have tried every browser I have…many different locations on the VPN, restarting my router, been in touch with the VPN provider and they could not help me! I’ve also tried private browsing as well! They said the error code I am encountering is because paramount plus cannot connect with the server! Was not having problems at the beginning of the season but now I cannot connect at all! Need help!!

  3. Explain The BBHOUSE26 DeepFake HOH power to me. Because TrAngelaump is being arranged/manipulated to win. Promoting bullying is wrong.

  4. Yep use it now Quinn because you will soon have no power and will be heading out the door before Angela I bet. The guy can’t win any comps.

  5. Angela and Tucker.
    As single players they both walk around with their heads up their ass spouting off delusions as facts.
    As a duo… they stick their heads up each others asses and look like some monster from Greek Mythology.
    Angela’s prime target, as we learned at the end of week one in paranoia talk number 22,547 Is Brooklin… because she’s Angela’s direct competition for the mom role.
    Tucker thinks Rubina is a stealth spy flirting with him to get intel for the women’s alliance.

    looks from side to side. clicks tongue, rolls eyes.

  6. So there is some Tucker Quinn controversy.
    Tucker and Angela discussed what Quinn’s power could do. They’ve both elaborated and delusioned what they believe the power does… so that’s what it does. They are wrong.
    Tucker has called out that Quinn is lying about what his power does.
    Quinn says lying about his power would be using production as a strategy, he wouldn’t do that, and Tucker saying he would is using production as a strategy. Not sure the last part is valid but that’s where they are.
    What’s prodo gonna do about it? Nothing because did you see how they handled Mak explaining her power like she didn’t know what it did? Nothing because… if Quinn has a power HE can’t lie about it, everyone else can say whatever the hell they want.

  7. Anyone else noticing that houseguests are starting to openly comment on Tucker’s special treatment by production?
    First time was the whole earplugs, boxing stuff comments mid week 3.
    It’s continued when discussing have nots before they were cancelled this week.
    When other houseguests discuss a certain houseguest getting special treatment…
    99 of a 100 times it’s valid and worth noting.

    1. Newest Tucker is a pet complaint is that he got an air purifier for his room.
      Now, before anyone says the nerve….
      look at the ceiling next time they show it. It’s disgusting.
      So, while Tucker is squeaky wheeling and an obvious grodboy…
      I can see why someone would complain about the mold.
      The fact that it’s the most entitled houseguest since Jackhole in 21?
      mmhmmm. wait until he’s eating a hoagie in the shower stall, or complains about his time in a comp until they change the times to make him the winner (Kat on feeds in 21 says she got the best time in the veto but he gets the win and it was bullshit, let alone the final 4 veto where he complained and argued for longer than the individual time comp took to run until they gave him the final 4 veto win).

  8. So Cam pouring Ranch Dressing in the whole milk with Tucker cheering him on and Cam threatening to do stuff to the food/snacks in the BBHOUSE26 is targeted game play? That is horrible poor sportsmanship. Petty. Messy. Juvenile. Tucker Angela Cam gotta go! But why does production want them to win!? Somebody dust their knees too much dik suking!!!

  9. They kicked out Lisa because she was supposedly a good competitor. Meanwhile, Angela is the HOH for the 2nd time. The gameplay of people this season is absolutely atrocious. I don’t get why they didn’t kick out Quinn when they know he has special powers and has the best social game.

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