“I don’t even care about Jury votes. I don’t give a sh1t. I should give a sh1t but maybe I shouldn’t”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Bowie
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The situation Cirie and Felicia are going up as of right now. There’s replacement nomination plans being discussed for Blue or Cameron. Hard to see Bowie going after Cameron so likely Blue. We’ll see.

12:57 am Chilling

1:02 am Cory and America
Trying to figure out how they can get Cam or Blue on the block this week.
Cory – I know right now you think it should be Blue and I think it should be Cam.
America – I’m fine with Cam going up
America – how do we get Matt and jag out down the line?
Cory – at a certain point if we’re here in like 7 or 6 everyone will be gunning after them because they are too big of a threat. if we are HOH we will be gunning for them.
Cory – if one of them wins HOH we’re safe. If Felicia wins or Bowie wins we push for them to do something.
Cory says Matt and Jagg cannot trade HOH wins for the rest of the game.

1:30 am F** Bowie Jane gets her HOH room.

1:47 am Felicia and Cirie (hard to hear)
Felicia saying that Cory sit on the bed with his head against the wall so he can hear into the comic room.
Cirie – pisses me off.
Sounds like Cirie is saying Cory threw the HOH competition and it pisses Jag off. “he’s not doing his part he’s double playing”
Production – Please put on your Microphone
Felicia puts on her microphone so maybe we can hear something.
They are suspecting Cory and America went to Bowie last week asking her what she thought of MEME before going to MEME to form an alliance.
Cirie says Bowie jane probably thought it was a great idea to have a 4 person alliance with MEME and Cory/America “she claims she knows nothing that is what pisses me off about her”
Cirie – you’re in 17 alliance you don’t know about.
Felicia says looking at Bowie’s pictures there’s no way she’s 30-35
Cirie – she’s 40
Felicia – b1tch stop lying..
Cirie – she’s 43 not 34, I’m not trying to be mean I’m just saying what I’m sayin. My son is 34 Bowie is older than him.
Cirie – I cannot connect with her nothing is real
They think the targets are Cory and America.
Cirie – if they get Cameron onboard they have, Matt, Jag, Blue.
They agree Jag is More reserved and plays more Scared.
Felicia – he’s a f***ing snake can’t you see that? (Cory?)
Cirie – MEME said I’m going because he knows I know he’s a snake.

2:08 am Cameron and Bowie
Cam – are you f***ing kidding me!
Cam – I was thinking yesterday Who do I want to win HOH? I want BOWIE to win.
Bowie – that is crazy!
Cam – That was so nuts to me.
Bowie – tomorrow morning come up I want to speak with you on how I should approach this. Like what sort of information I should get from people. How am I going to handle if I put them up strategically.
Cam – this is my very first week. I’ve either been on the block or HOH (Damn)
Cam – I am so f***Ing proud of you
Bowie – America and I studied a lot for that. I still don’t think I had the knowledge for something like that. The weird thing is some of the things I had noticed did get asked. Thank god we studied as a group.

2:16 am Matt and Corey
Corey – did you see how hard he pushed for the Cirie/Felicia noms, Cam. It was weird. He wants to protect Blue and he will push for me to bae backdoored this week. It won’t happen because of Bowie.
Matt says Blue use to always talk sh1t about Bowie and now she’s best friends with Bowie.
Corey – It makes no sense for Cam not to want Blue on the block because last week we were all targeting Blue including Cam
Matt – I think we convince Blue
Corey says the only person that seems convinced is Jag.
Corey pushing for Cam and Blue getting put up.
Matt – we have to see how Bowie feels.
Corey – these meetings are going to start tomorrow we have to be on the same page. So if I don’t get a chance to talk to him you talk to him
Corey – Cam is going to freak out

2:15 am Bowie and Jag
Jag – I don’t know what the best move is it will be ultimately up to you but
Bowie – I think I’ll just listen to what they have to say
Jag – go into the initial conversations just listening
Jag – the only people I care about that are bood moving forward are me, You and Matt
Bowie – me too
Jag – literally the only people. I don’t care who goes home this week outside of us.
Bowie – yeah, me too
BOwie – I’m thinking that I don’t even care about Jury votes. I don’t give a shit. I should give a sh1t but maybe I shouldn’t
Jag – Jury votes are a secondary importance. Primary importance is getting there. Secondary is jury votes. The fact that you go there is testament to your game. People will be like DAMN SHE got there. Well damn she played better than us she’s there and we’re not.
Bowie – yeah
Bowie – I can make a easy move.. Cirie is really connected in the house. She doesn’t trust me for whatever god know why. It’s dangerous for me to have her in here. I don’t think she will talk about me but she’s still a power person. Everyone feeds her information right. I do it to. We all want to be in her good books.
Jag – ultimately someone like Cirie and Felicia.. remember when we were talking about what is our ideal 5 or 6 .. Me, you, Matt.. and you might have mentioned Cirie. Why Cirie?
Bowie – she was not happy when I won. What was that all about?

2:27 am Matt and Jag
Jag – low key it’s good that she left.. Her and Blue would have paired up.
Jag – Blue was going to take a shot at us. ultimately having Felicia and Cirie is way better.
Jag – Corey threw that comp
Matt – how do we play with someone that throws comps
Jag – Cirie and Felicia are up we just have to worry about Veto. If Cam wins Veto Perfect we go after Blue. If Blue wins the veto perfect she will use it we go after Cam. If Cory wins the veto Perfect. Like either way as long as the initial nominations are Cirie and Felicia we can walk out of this week still good regardless of the outcome.
Jag – if the initial noms are Blue and Cam we are f***Ed
Matt – that is so dangerous, that’s too much blood
Jag – Blue is going to be mad at us and CAM. They will know we are in Bowie’s ear.
Matt – that is why they want that. They want it to make us look bad. They are so good at this game.
Jag – They (Cory/America) are not F**ing good at this game. Everybody keeps saying that and I feed into that. They’re not f**ing good. WE see through that. The reason I used the veto on Cory last time wasn’t to help cory’s game it was to get Cam out.
Jag – Cory doesn’t have any power without us
Matt says if Cirie, Felicia or Blue win HOH they’re nominations will be Corey and America
Jag – Corey and America are good for us to keep in the game. They don’t want to work with Cam and Blue they don’t want to work with Cirie and Felicia.
Matt – they are going to work with us.
Matt – if Cirie and Felicia go up they will be really mad at us because they think we’re close to Bowie
Jag – they won’t be mad at us and if they are we will say look we tried.

2:36 am Cory and Jag (hard to hear this conversation)
cory – it’s very clear to me Blue and Cam are much closer together than we thought. Blue tells Cam everything. If Blue is on the block she might pick him (cam) for houseguest choice.
Cory – if Cirie and Felicia are on the block and Blue wins.
Cory says Cirie will pick Blue for houseguests choice.
Jag thinks it will be OTEV this week.
Cory – it will be cam this week right.
Cory wants Blue and Cam on the block goes on about how if they can get them both up their week is over.
Jag – what I think backdoor Cam
Cory – if you put Cirie and Felicia up Cam wins. He’ll keep the noms the same.
They go on about who Cirie and Felicia will pick as houseguest choice in Veto. “The options are Blue, me, Matt”

2:43 am Matt and Bowie
Matt – whatever you do I am good with.
Bowie – I want to do it with all of us
Bowie – Felicia and Cirie are definitely.. like only about four days ago when I would walk into the room no one would speak to me so why would I want people like that in?
Bowie – on the other hand they are so beatable
Matt – at the same time they are beatable you can’t think personal you have to think game. I want Felicia out she’s annoying.
Matt – they were mean to you
Bowie says she trusts Matt and Jag “All my eggs are in your basket”
Bowie – if Cam is gone everyone will be gunning for you two because you are the next strongest competitors.
Matt says people are going to pitch to her for Cam to get backdoored tomorrow. Matt says if Cam goes this week and next week it’s slip n slide him or Jag will win they can get rid of Cory, America or Blue.
Matt says if cory and america win at that point they will go after Cirie and Felicia still.
Matt – Cirie and Felicia will still go after Cory and America because they hate them right now. They are on the hate train right now with Cory and America.
Matt thinks Cirie and Felicia will work with them next week to get rid of Cory/America.
Matt brings up their 5, Cory, America, Bowie, Jag and matt. Bowie says they never finalized that but they have voted together for 5 weeks.
Matt – double eviction is coming up soon.
Matt says supposedly the reason they votes flipped to evict Meme is because MEME rejected Cory’s offer to work with him and America. “they said they would bring you in on it”
Bowie – I never heard of it
Matt says Cory and America are pitching for cam to go up “That’s the worst play in the world”
Jag joins them.

2:59 am Jag, Bowie and Matt
Bowie – I’m throwing all my eggs in this basket.
Jag – Cory and America are saying Blue/Cam
Matt – that is bad for her game and bad for our game
Bowie – I’m not doing that.
Matt – Cory and America want to do that so everyone gets pissed at us
Jag – everyone talks about how they are good smart game players. They are f***Ing idiots.
Jag says the scenario that is better is for Cirie and Felicia to go up no matter who wins Veto it will be used to backdoor cory/cam
Jag about cory – he said he’s tired of this game where we throw each other under the bus ..
Jag – I said look I’m tired of this too I’m sure everyone is but this is the game we signed up for I’m not going to go with the worst option because we’re tired.
Jag – Cory’s little minion america walks in who didn’t think about this at all at what I said.
Jag says America wants Blue and Cam nominated.
Matt – they want it to be cameron and Blue and they want us to tell you that to.
Jag says he agrees with Bowie’s nominations of Cirie and Felicia.
Jag – who do we want to send home out of everyone in the house?
Bowie – I want the people on the other side need to go away. Don’t you think? but they are not strong competitors.. Dammit.
Jag – there’s people that are annoying but whatever. who should leave for our game who would be the best to leave?
Matt – I said this is your HOH my opinion, Felicia is annoying but she’s not a threat. Felicia wants Cam, Cory and America out
Jag – Cirie also wants Cory and Cam out
Bowie – Cirie doesn’t talk game to me AT ALL
Matt – she doesn’t talk game every since that double eviction with Jared she’s been really quiet.
Matt – I know Cirie wants Cam and Cory/America
Jag – they are not as strong having them both in the game for us three is better. the whole house is very anti Cory because the whole house is anti Cory its better to keep cory this week. Next week no matter who wins they will say get that mother f**er outta here.
Jag – who does that leave now? Blue, Cam, America.
Jag says Cory and America leaving this week is not the best for their game. “they’re trying to pull all these strings. they have no strings on us.
Jag – everyone else is mad at them. Now it’s Felicia, Cirie, Blue and Cam going after Cory and America.
Jag – what we need to do is not get rid of Cory once cory is gone it’s just America and Us. We keep them. Felicia and Cirie there’s no reason to get rid of them they’re not good at comsp (Felicia almost won last night wtf)
Jag – it’s Cam and Blue really that we should talk about. they can win comps. Cam is a lot better at comps. Cam is driving wedges.
Matt – he’s driving wedges even between me and him (Jag)
Jag says Cam betrayed them all week one when there was no point to.
Bowie – why did he?
Jag – no one has gotten a straight answer yet. there was no reason we were going to have his back until the day we f***ing die that was it. There was one person that decided to spill the beans. It was week one no one had done him wrong. Not one thing had been said about him not one game move. He chose to do that.
Bowie – he’s not very easy to work with as we discussed.
America joins them.

3:15 am America, Matt, Bowie and Jag
Bowie says she DJs’ house music every week “Different places every time”
Bowie says she started 10 years ago. Originally as a singer. “I released pop songs.. now I just dj”
Matt says if he wins HOH he’s going to request Bowie Jane’s Album
Bowie – it will be a waste of an album

3:25 am America, Jag and Matt
Talking about nominations. Cirie and Felicia going up and saying the plan is they will backdoor cory.
Matt – so they use the veto?
America – yeah
Matt – gotcha
America – my thought process is, Cam has been really paranoid. He asked me today about Cory.
America – Cam will not use the veto he’s paranoid that Blue someone in front of him will go home. She’s sorta a shield for him. Cam will leave the noms the same he won’t fall for the whole Cory is a backdoor.
Jag thinks Blue will use the veto
America – Blue won’t use it.
Matt – she will use it to save Cirie.
Jag – she wants to backdoor Cory why not?
America – she wants to keep Cam. she doesn’t want to risk cam going up. She’s not stupid either.
Jag – either way I want to think about it I’m tired.

3:33 am Jag and Matt
Jag – Bowie knows it will be Blue or Cam
Matt – Bowie was like I don’t want to put Cam up. She likes Cam. I said Cam is coming for us.
Matt – she feels bad. I said if Cam goes you don’t have to worry we got you.
Jag – we’ll talk to her tomorrow.
Jag – either way she will put up Felicia and Cirie
Matt thinks Cam should go over Blue.
Jag – yes yes I think so
Matt says if Cam goes, Cory, America and Blue still go after each other.
Matt – Lets hope that blue wins (HOH) and takes out of them (Cory/America)
Jag says right now they are helping Cory and America “you know how easy it would be to throw them under the bus?”
Jag – last week Cory’s a$$ would have been out the door. This week you know how easy it would be to get rid of Cory? Cam is down, Blue is down.
Jag – We know it’s better for Cory adn America to stay in this game. We’re trying to make sure that and they keep running around.
Matt – as long as Cory and America are in this house they are the bigger targets.

4:00 am Zzzzz

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51 thoughts to ““I don’t even care about Jury votes. I don’t give a sh1t. I should give a sh1t but maybe I shouldn’t””

    1. I don’t see how going after big targets that are already targeting each other helps bowie’s game at all. Best for her to get rid of useless floaters like cirie and Felicia so Bowie can be the only floater left. Honestly I’m surprised Bowie won this but meme calling her out probably scared her some

    2. The best thing for bowie’s game is to keep cam, Cory, America, Matt, and jag in the house and continuing to take shots at each other. That leaves her with only cirie, Felicia, and blue as options for noms. Now since blue knows about cirie’s relationship to Jared and they might use the veto on each other, Bowie’s best option for initial noms is blue and cirie but since Bowie doesn’t know that (nor does the house) and Felicia is probably the target anyway, putting Felicia up and hoping blue doesn’t win veto so blue can be the renom probably makes the most sense for bowie’s game with the knowledge bowie has

      1. she can also try and get to the end with felicia tho cause i dont know if she can beat anyone else. targeting fe and cirie is good for her to get to end. but to win?
        she cant win against any of the guys.

  1. I don’t get the Cory hate. Everything jag and Matt say about Cory applies to them too. I didn’t think anyone could be as vile as felecia and cerie but jag is coming close. I would rather see 1 of the (b)witches go. Such hypocrites. Bible thump then spew hatred. I’m ok with them going back to back.

    1. It could be that they see he is playing like Dan. One of Dan’s trademarks was throwing competitions to downplay how good a competitor he was and then strategically manipulate conversations in order to get who he wanted on the block and then evicted. It’s hard to tell if Cory is throwing comps, Dan was a little more obvious about it and he spoke about it in his DR’s. If Cory is, he is being more subtle about it and in the DR’s aired he has not said anything about it. As for the other, remember Cory is a champion persuasive speaker and he is putting that skill to work in the game. Dan was bold and obvious about his gameplay, which made him a love to hate player, but Cory (if this is what he is doing) is being more sneaky about it which for some reason is seen as underhanded which ends up rubbing people the wrong way. It’s one of those conundrums that makes sense, but also does not.

    2. I think people don’t understand his personality.

      He’s a high strung college kid who has managed his social milieus in life by using snarky dry guy humor that is common in those peer groups.

      BB has always been about scapegoats that HGs can latch onto so as to keep the target off of themselves. Cory fit the bill at some point after the house shifted, as he’s awkward and doesn’t realize that his regular mode of socializing can come off as arrogant in mixed social spheres.

      As well, he’s cultivated a manner of speaking from Speech and Debate, which is not suitable for common social situations.

      I have a niece who is a college debate coach and rhetoric professor, she’s been fully in the debate circuit since her high school years. She has said at times that debate has ruined her for regular conversations. Although she’s naturally comfortable around people, so that helps her to be mindful and adjust her manner and approach.

      Cory is too awkward to pivot from his comfort zone.

  2. I would nominate America and Cory if it was me. Bowie can still pretend to be good with Cirie and Felicia from their BS alliance they used to have. My goal would be to make Cory and America go against Cameron, Jag and Matt eventually.

  3. After these discussions, it wouldn’t surprise me if Bowie tells Cam about her Matt/Jag convos and then they put the Minutemen OTB.

    But for now, Cirie and Felicia looks like the noms this week. Not sure who gets excited between these two.

    1. I would love to see that happen (J&M OTB).
      Whoever came up with hamsters to describe the house guests really hit the nail on the head. Jag & Matt are like a couple of hamsters running around wherever they can hear something & then zipping to another person to relay what they heard. I think Matt even looks like a hamster.

    2. they would keep cirie cause felicia almost won hoh this week.
      anyway i think everyone would want to use the veto .

  4. I actually really dislike Jag and Matt. Absolutely no mention of their Fugitives alliance after spending their entire week in Cam’s HOH room…like, what? I just hope Cam sees through that too. I wanted Cory gone but I’m starting to think Jag really needs to go. Throwing Cam under the bus for something he did week one…which I don’t even remember being an issue. Jag is the ultimate snake I’m done with him. Really hoping Bowie can’t be manipulated to back door Cam….or that he wins the veto, which there’s about a 75% chance he does as long as he gets to play. Stupid stupid snakes.

    1. I am really looking forward to when Matt has to scramble. I legitimatelly think that Matt believes he has this game in the bag. I hope that Matt and Jag get found out that they are in fact the ones with their hands in every pot with Cameron, Blue, Cirie and America and Cory. I know Bowie-Jane won’t put them up but I wish she would.

      1. Sometimes I feel bad/really can’t tell if Matt misunderstands things or goes along with things because he can’t hear everything and just wants to nod his head to pretend he does…or if he’s just really not very smart. Either way it’s irritating and I am very curious to see how he’ll function if Jag goes before him.

      2. I wanted Matt or Jag to win HOH soooo bad, because then they’d have to show their hand and they wouldn’t be able to play the middle anymore. I can’t stand those two!

    2. I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who feels this way (along with the others who responded to your post). I’m sick of Jag and Matt’s spineless game play, and I’m more than ready for one of them to feel the heat of the block and hit the road for the jury house.

      I hope they both go there before Cam does.

    3. I agree 1000%. Jag is a snake. I am routing for Cam to take it all. No one else deserves it in my eyes. He is only guilty for actually playing and winning. He is surrounded by idiots.

  5. I’m sorry but it is real slimmy and dumb if Matt and Jag to tell Bowie to go after Cam. It shows they are clueless. How does going after Cam help Bowie. He ain’t going after her. And quite frankly he ain’t going after them either. And now they risk Bowie telling Cam. Bowie is friends with Cam. She is friends with Matt/Jag. She is friends with Corey/America. The only three that make sense are the Mean Girls (Felicia/Cirie) and Blue.

    1. “I’m sorry but it is real slimmy and dumb if Matt and Jag to tell Bowie to go after Cam.”


      “How does going after Cam help Bowie. He ain’t going after her.”


    2. Is Cam & Blue really close? I didn’t get the impression Cam trusted her & she just hates everyone who get sin her way & I thought, trashed Cam all the time. Are J&M that clueless?

      1. Yeah, that’s my read too. The only people in the house that like blue are jag and Matt. Cirie might also protect blue because of Jared, but cirie hasn’t exactly hid the fact that she doesn’t like blue all that much herself

      2. Yes. They are completely clueless. Neither one of them deserves to win this game, that’s for sure!

      3. No C & B are not that close. They kind of want each around only as a way to take out Cory. They both wanted Cory out last week but had to back down.

        J & M DO know that is the case. They are just doing more bull shoveling. They want Bowie to drop Cam so he isn’t there to influence her and they can try to manipulate her further and get rid of a comp threat (preferably Cam but may settle for Cory). Also, they may want to make sure that if Cory does go that America will cling to them instead of Blue or Cam. So their actual targets (for now) are Cam, Cory and Blue.

        They are trying to pull a Jared telling Red the Big Lie (that worked) by telling Bowie a new Big Lie hoping it will work.

        1. Update…
          Well it seems to have @@@@ing worked!
          If Cam would be ousted by any other person being HoH, I would finish out the season and wait for the next.
          But it looks like he is going to go on Bowie’s HoH. I had a nagging felling Thurs. night that her getting HoH was too good to be true then the veto draw happened and I knew it was a bad sign.
          If the current house thinking holds and Cam goes b/c of the Germs and Bowie then I’m out of ‘here’ for good.
          I hated the last 2 seasons and so this would be strike 3.

          If I were Cam, in the jury house I would either not talk to a single 1 of the others coming in OR I’d let them have it every chance I got…Bowie especially. Or if Bowie comes in, I would talk to everyone EXCEPT HER. If 1 of the others manages to drag her to the final 2 then I would vote for that person or REFUSE to vote for anybody. Keep my stipend. I’d see them in court.

          He had 3 chances to put Bowie up as a pawn when he was asked to and every time he flat out refused, now that’s loyalty. “They” turned Red against him and now Bowie Blockheads (Red + Bowie).

          **Don’t forget, that this was all made possible b/c BB and that stupid power that Germ-M used to save Germ-J. If not for that power, Germ-J wouldn’t have been there. I was on the edge to abandon BB when that happened…but stayed in…Cam going b/c of the Germs and Bowie will push me over the edge.

    3. Let’s say Fe leaves this week.

      Cam wins next week, takes out Cory. Following week, Jatt are open house targets. Cam is as well, but all he needs is a veto here and HOH there to stay afloat until one of Jatt are gone.

      Cam goes this week. Entire house next week is targeting Cory. Cory’s not great at comps, so chances of his HOH or veto win are not high.

      Jatt would be sitting so pretty in 2 weeks if both Cam and Cory are gone. Double beasting, at least one of them is bound to make it to F2.

    4. I hope she does tell Cam about Jag/Matt… he will convince her to just put them OTB and let them fight it out.

    1. Please do NOT insult any cats by putting them in the same sentence as those 2.
      I don’t even really like to call them snakes as that is an insult to snakes.
      I’m not able to think of any critter visible to the naked eye for comparison.
      I think from now on I will refer to them as….germs!

  6. If Bowie really does not care about jury votes, and if she puts Miss Fi on the block I would LOVE to see her say right before she turns Fi’s key she says…
    “This 1st person I’m putting on the block had better hope they have their ‘big girl panties on’!”
    I highly doubt she would do it but I can still dream…if she would do that…then the folks over in the next town from me clear up in Canada would hear me yell, YES! And then, I would proceed with huge bouts of laughter.

  7. Bowie should play with Cameron and put up Jag and Matt then if one wins veto put up Cory. Cameron will protect Bowie. They could do some damage.

    1. I do like that scenario, but I don’t think Cory is the best renom. Need to put up Fe to ensure one of the snakes is gone.

  8. We have Cory and America, Matt and Jag, Felicia and Cirie. Then we have Cam, Bowie, Blue…it makes sense for Bowie to put up Felicia and Cirie with Blue as a possible replacement nom. It doesn’t make sense for her to put Cam OTB or as a replacement nom. My preference would be that Cam stays safe this week, so he can win HOH next week to put up Cory and America with anyone besides Bowie and Matt as a replacement nom. At this point in the game I am rooting for Cameron, Bowie, and Matt to make final 3…

    1. MATT???????? He doesn’t deserve it! The only three that deserve to make it to final three are Cory, Cam and America. The rest have done nothing!

      1. I hear you but we will have to agree to disagree. I like Matt, he has a good heart and I believe he has been playing the game. Bowie has been playing the slow and steady wins the race game. I don’t personally care for Cory and America’s game play. I have liked America from the beginning but I don’t care for the way Cory is playing BB and his moves are rubbing off on America now. She was playing a good game there for a minute then she got waylaid with her showmance.

        1. Both Matt and Jag are germs. They attach themselves to people and as the people move along they connect to other people and infect them.

          Germ-M is a multiple clinger. He clung to Reilley. He clung to Miss Ci by being her spy. And then he moved on to clinging with Gem-J and still sort of being a spy but now for Germ-J with his talks to Cam etc. He didn’t need to cling like others in the house had to but he did it anyway. Germ-J kind of had to for a while but that time is long gone. He had a solid thing with Germ-M, Bowie AND Cam as a F4 but he is throwing it away.

          I do dislike Germ-J more than Germ-M but I ultimately can’t stand either one any more.

          And Cory isn’t much better either. He told America that in the HoH comp he won that the last answer he accidently hit the wrong button. He meant to hit a different one and throw it at the end but lucked out. At least Bowie has tried to win before (for instance, reference Pressure Cooker).but not Cory (he got out of that comp on purpose).

          Since unfortunately I’m sure Bowie will not use either of the germs as a replacement nom, I hope she does with Cory and he GOES!

    2. Yeah, Bowie has to play her game. Anyone suggesting Matt/jag as noms wants her playing cam’s game. Bowie just needs to stay off the radar and continue encouraging cam, coremerica, and jatt to take shots at each other. If those groups take themselves out Bowie could potentially find herself in a final 2 with America which considering how the entire house only gives Cory credit for any of America’s moves is a very winnable final for Bowie

      1. Anyone suggesting Matt/jag as noms wants her playing cam’s game.”

        No, b/c Germ-M & Germ-J want Bowie to play THEIR GAME. There is no way I can see that either 1 of them will ever chose her over the other germ as where Cam will chose (already has) her over them.

  9. Cory is a threat sure but Jag and Matt are huge threats too and together are a much more powerful duo than Cory/America.

    I’m surprised that Bowie is perfectly happy to get third place because she will if she ‘puts all her eggs in the basket’ of Jag/Matt/her for a final 3. Well maybe one of them will realize she is an easy win so he cuts their partner’s throats at the end but it is still risky.

    She could easily get 2nd place with Cameron who she historically has been aligned with. I don’t know when she flipped from having him as her F2 to going to a F3 with Matt/Jag.

    I don’t know why she would be happy with 3rd or 2nd though so at this point in time the only person she may be able to beat in a Final 2 is Felicia, Blue, and maybe Cirie and America.

    So if she was smart she would push for an all girls alliance. In fact I don’t know why more of the girls don’t see that as a viable path to the end/win considering the four dudes left all would beat any of the girls head to head.

    She could put Matt/Jag on the block and if Veto is used then put up Cameron/Cory (Cameron the real backdoor target if he doesn’t win the Veto while off the block).

    That would get all the girls one step further to a win. 3 guys vs 4 girls next HOH.

    That isn’t the best of odds in their favor so maybe the girls should wait to really align when a dude leaves this week (Cameron for instance) and another leaves next week (say Cory because of Blue).

    That would make it 4 girls vs 2 men in that next HOH. If Jag/Matt don’t win HOH then one of them is gone for sure and the final 6 will be 5 girls and 1 dude. That last remaining man would have to win an HOH/Veto each week to get to the finals. It would be pretty crazy if he managed that feat but I would expect a Final 2 of America and Blue.

    1. Yeah, realistically the guys are all bigger threats to win than the girls BUT all the remaining women HATE each other or at minimum don’t trust each other so there’s no way they could come together to form an alliance

    2. THIS! the downlikes are prob because the chances for that are slim to not excicting BUT
      it would def be the right thing for all of the womens and this is probably the last week to do anything. she should at least get cory out . this way she can still have jag matt and cam with her AND the girls.

  10. Even though I hardly ever comment, I truly enjoy reading all of your insights. Just taking a moment to appeal to everyone to remember to make donations to Simon and Dawg. They do a fantastic job of covering all that is going on in the BB house, and I really appreciate their efforts.

  11. These people are tough to listen to strategize. They confuse themselves as they talk. One moment, no, the next moment, yes! I would give everyone about 3 minutes to talk per conversation before I walk away. I do not like talking in circles!
    This has to be aggravating to others.

    I would love to see Corey and America on the block. Jag and Matt are dumb if they think they are not the targets after Cam’s gone. NEVER feel safe in the BB house.

  12. these people are so stupid. tyhey dont know how to poay and Jag keeps making matt change is mind and get Cam out, when last week Cam did what Jag wanted and not backdoor Cory

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