“I basically gave her a reality check yesterday.. It’s over for you. I’m sorry”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Quinn
Nominees: Kimo, Rubina and Angela
POV Players: Quinn, Rubina, Angela, Kimo, Joe, Leah
POV Winner: Leah
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: Kimo, Makensy

9:26 am Makensy is up reading the bible. Joe is up as well off camera

9:30 am Joe and Makensy
They chit chat about surviving being a have not.
Joe – Having the backyard open is really what makes this Big Brother. Without it it’s like UGH
MJ – it sucks..

Joe – there’s not a lot to talk about this week it’s like pretty straightforward like you know. And I like to take things week by week too.
Like feel like sometimes when you talk too far ahead about the game, you got to get yourself into trouble.

MJ – 100%.
J – That was the thing with Angela. She was so worried about getting to the end game, like the final 5 or whatever, with like Tucker and stuff like that. And I was, and I was like, in my head. I was like, if you knew that me and him had a final two, you would have known that. I even told her that last night when we were on the hammock, I was like, if you would have known that, that’s not your fault that you didn’t know that. But you’re just making all these assumptions, thinking way too far ahead when you really should just take it week by week nd then reevaluate from there. You know, obviously you have to think about the future and stuff like that. But, but you can’t necessarily set plans into motion based on it, you know, so much can happen, right?

Joe says Tucker really did have Angela’s back and it was crazy what she did “now nobody can trust you”
Joe – I basically gave her a reality check yesterday. She like asked me in the backyard and was like do you think you can talk to Quinn and try to convince him to not make me the target.
J – I was just like NO .. like NO what are you talking about? I looked at her and was like ‘what do you think I could say to him?’
J – I’m still rebuilding my trust with him He didn’t know I had a final 2 with Tucker.
Joe – I can’t be like Hey don’t put me on the block and also… I don’t have Carte Blanch to do anything like that. I have to keep myself safe and I can’t clean up the mess you made. I tried to be nice about it by basically telling her you made your bed a million times..

J – without saying it I basically said It’s over for you. I’m sorry.. I’m not saying give up don’t give up keep fighting you know what I mean? Maybe you could win the AI arena. Who knows what could happen. I told her to just soak up your time here. I tried to not be condescending about it and I tried to be positive I have trouble lying to people when I know they are are screwed.

J – I don’t see how you will get the votes in Any scenario I don’t see how you expect me to change him. She was like Well I apologize for the personal attacks. I was like I don’t think Quinn cares about any of that. I think what he cares about is the stuff you attacked him about the game. Calling him a liar.. He doesn’t care you called him a narcissist or you said he’s unfunny.. I think he cares that you are trying to ruin his game reputation. That can’t be undone and there’s nothing you can say to me or him that would convince us you won’t do it again.

MJ – that’s called.. it’s not even the saying like what she said we call can get over them because we’re adults. THen we expect her to do better and they don’t. That’s where we draw the line.. like you’ve had two months to make yourself comfortable, to make yourself better, to remedy.. to grow relationship and instead you isolate or you make it all about you. Then you POP off again when it doesn’t go you way. Its like GIRL we just talked about this.

J – and like you’re the oldest one here and you’re throwing temper tantrums at the youngest people here. We’re handling it all with grace compassion and composure and you’re not.

MJ – why is the 50 year old acting like a 22 year old.

Mj says Tucker was preventing a lot of people from playing their game because everyone was scared of hi.
J – i tried to bring people together and he tried to drive them apart. for me it’s about getting as many numbers as possible. He didn’t understand that he thought the game was about creating division among people

10:21 am Rubina and Tuckers old spot.

10:30 am – 11:30 am Quinn and Leah
Q – you are glowing!
feeds cut when we’re back
Q – I’m down with anything what do you think?
L – I don’t know, I’m trying to think of stuff.. Like today I want to talk to everyone at some point here everyone out. You never gave me a definitive answer if there was someone if you had to do a renom if you had to pick.
Q – I told you I would do the Skittle thing (UGH)
L – Really?
Q – Yes
L – I love that
Q – that is what will happen
L – In the event I used it…
Leah laughs
L – just wondering..
Q – Is there someone you want me to put up that you think will go home?
L – Why are there so few people here?
L – I’m trying to think about Jury and who would benefit me the best. Unfortunately it brings me to somebody..
Q – who are you thinking?
L – you’re not going to like it
Q – who?
L – I know I know I know that like, but this is how I am viewing it. Like I know that …(Angela)… is your target. I do know that. I also know that like if in the event of a which I don’t want to manifest that but in the event either of us make it down the line with anybody like if you make it down with anybody else.. But like even if it is us.. I’m not trying to gas you up at all I’m just saying I’m just feeling like with everyone left even if all of these people went to Jury right now I don’t really feel like I have the votes if it’s me and you.
L – I’m not hurt but that like what can I d. If there is anyone on that wall for it it’s her. I also think she tried she didn’t ask me to use. I just want to look at everything and I’m not making my decision I want to talk it through you to see how you feel.

L – She can have her mind moved she’s a independent agent. I don’t believe she will make is much further I just want her to get on the Jury that is all I want. She’s a number for me and I don’t have many numbers.
Q – that is fair I just think the fall out of you going against the house cause everyone is already imagining what the house will be like with her not here. While she is a independent agent that means she doesn’t have any numbers to protect you next week. I won’t be able to win the HOH.
Q – I am worried you will be put on the block with her. In the bigger picture of the game having that one Jury vote makes sense but by you making that move it makes it harder for you to get to the end. People will be like what the heck..
Q – People like consistency with Power that is why Tucker was such a red flag

Quinn says if someone from the 5 that flipped on Tucker win she is not going up.
Quinn – In the double I see Joe getting snipped which isn’t good for us.
L – how is Kimo laying low
Quinn – Kimo would be the third I forgot he was in the house. I didn’t mean that in a mean way.
Q – if one of the not five win I don’t think Rubina would put you up
Leah – I don’t think so either
Q – she might put me up. I keep getting told she still wants to work with me which doesn’t make sense.

Leah says if T’kor win HOH she won’t put up Rubina, Kimo, Chelsie, Makensy, Angela. “Does she have anything with JOe”
Q – Joe has something with everybody that is why he moved into the rock room
Leah says Tkor and Rubina slept in the flower room last night “They’re coming to find me now that I have my special medallion”

Quinn – You’re so cool are you wearing it right now?
Leah – yeah
Q – can I see it.. keep that thing on.
L – I’m absorbing its energy

They chit chat a bit talking about Cam and Chelsie possible showmance.
Quinn about Tucker – Everytime he would do some crazy sh1t he would then walk up and go ‘Hey no one will suspect we’re working together we can can RUN this game’
Q – he was saying the same shit to CAm and he was telling us to throw him the wall comp and he’s telling Makensy to throw the AI arena. I’m like I’m sorry I thought you were the AI beast that likes puzzles.
L – I said Ohh you like Puzzles? I love them.

17 thoughts to ““I basically gave her a reality check yesterday.. It’s over for you. I’m sorry””

  1. Leah won one Comp and it’s gone to her head. Everybody don’t need to talk to her, just the people on the block. Quinn with the stupid skittles idea. If Leah use that Veto, her and Quinn will find themselves on the block next week. And Quinn call himself a “Super Fan”?? Put Joe up for the renom. Joe will stab Quinn in the back the first chance he gets. Quinn already said Leah would turn on him and stab him in the back, the first chance she gets, so just take away a number for her to do that. But, the girl who eats her boogers (Leah) got him misted.

  2. Quinn is a love sick idiot…..I can’t stand listening to her talk although she easy to transcribe for because every other word is (LIKE)…LIKE,LIKE,LIKE,LIKE,LIKE,LIKE…UGHHHHHHHHH. Big brother you suck….bring Tucker back already

  3. Sorry if this has been stated before, as I can’t be the only one thinking this, but I hope Angela survives this week, but is voted out next week and sent to Jury. Spending the remainder of the game with her in the jury house is what they all deserve for keeping this lazy, bullying, psychotic creature in the game week after week.

    1. Part of me thinks you’re right. I think they’re purposely letting Angela stay around until jury and will dedicate a jury house segment every week to her and her crazy shit. She doesn’t deserve jury. Acting or not, CBS plant or not. She’s not a good person and is just embarrassing herself and her family. Gross.

  4. If Leah uses this Veto on Angela, she will become a target by association. I think if noms stay the same, Kimo will be the house target. And I would bet Rubina wins the next A.I. Comp.

    Chelsie, Cam, Makensy, and Leah would have the power to evict anyone.

    If Quinn actually uses Skittles to pick a renom, he will become a quick target too. He’s better off either putting T’kor OTB or threatening Leah’s game by telling her if she uses Veto, he’ll put up Makensy again.

    1. Quinn has just built a workable relationship with MJ. Leah would run and tell her. That’s an awful hit to his game.

  5. you dont tell someone , you KNOW he is gonna beat you ?! leah?!!
    and while trying to convince him its ok to use the veto on his target?
    no way would he trust you with all of that

  6. What do we KNOW about Cam?
    Played football.
    has dogs in the crib.
    Allergies: nuts, high fructose corn syrup, raw egg.

    and i think that’s it.

  7. What do we think about Quinn’s BBCAN 10 renom plan?
    He doesn’t HAVE an alliance yet.
    He plans on grabbing his potential allies and saying pick a candy to be safe.
    Is this real?
    Any potential ally is saying Quinn’s going home next.

    Expected response:
    Chelsie: why not Joseph he wasn’t part of our group for the vote.
    Cam: not doing that. Send Joseph.
    Mak: you swore no nom no renom. Joseph is mean.

    Reminder: At least Marty had a final five alliance when he got them to choose. He didn’t trust 2 of them…. but he had a final 5 alliance.
    Quinn has…. nothing, and is going to show everyone how little he values them.

  8. We need to target Chelsie soon. If we leave her in the game like this, it will become boring as she will clearly win.

  9. I can’t with some of these jacka$$ comments you know who you are…. I CAN’T! my head hurts and you made me scream in blinding light reading such stupidity. Wake up! Gross. Nauseous. Nose picking comments. Pathetic. Delusional. Sad. Whinny.
    I need to hydrate after such a Melbac night.
    This BBHOUSE26……..production interferes….. scripted no scripted non reality show.

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