“Hisam will believe that Cameron is the pawn and we’re going after Jag.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Felicia
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  America, Matt, Red

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The situation Jag and Cameron are likely being nominated. Hisam is the backdoor target.

1:53 am Izzy and Felicia
Feeds flip to this conversation already under way
Felicia – That will be the biggest power move in the game.
Izzy – Felicia that’s a game winning resume boast for you
Felicia – this is for all of us..

Felicia heads downstairs. Cerie comes up to chat with Izzy.
Izzy – She told me she wants to put up Jag and Blue
Cerie – ohh no
Izzy – I didn’t push it.. I know I know..
Cerie – she don’t want to take a shot at Hisam?
Izzy – she does.. I just didn’t say anything yet. We were casual
Cerie – I’m bringing it up
Izzy – I just didn’t want to push. Hisam didn’t say anything to her unless she’s lying..
Cerie – Bowie is talking about an all girl thing. What if they don’t win?
Izzy – I agree with you
Cerie – It’s stupid of us to get rid of girls anyway so we have a better chance. Secondly they might not win the veto Cameron would have a better chance at winning the veto.
Cerie goes on about wanting Cameron and Jag on the block so they can take out Hisam. “We level the playing field”

Felicia returns.
Cerie – it’s your HOH what I’m thinking we put up Jag cause he deserve it and we put up Cameron. Now the only reason we don’t put up Blue we don’t want to keep knocking the women out of this thing. Bowie was talking about the women numbers.
Cerie – Cameron is going to fight like hell to win the veto he’s been up this week and he was up last week.. If Cameron comes down and he got the veto. Guess who goes up?
Felicia – Hisam.
Cerie – Jag and Blue haven’t won shit.. if we want someone to play in the veto it’s got to be someone that is fighting for their life like Cameron. If Cameron wins that veto than Hisam’s ass is outta here. We might not get another shot at Hisam.
Felicia – that makes sense.. In my head we need a guy to go out.
Izzy – if Jag and Cam are on the block worst case we get Cam out.
Felicia says she likes Cameron and Jag as nominations.

Bowie joins them. “this is great yeah… ”
“The bye bye b1tches”
Bowie – Ain’t nobody up partying now
Felicia – this week is going to be crazy.

They laugh and joke.
Felicia – If we get out Hisam this week and next week one of wins again and we can get Cameron then the next week.. We’re trying to have all the females left in the house.
Felicia – they’ve never had that before
Bowie – don’t tell a soul
Izzy – It doesn’t need to be a said thing
Felicia – we’re just getting out the big competitors.
Felicia – Hisam, you seem to override your power The same way you said Reilly did hers you did with us and you’ve been kinda telling us how this professor group is going to run. We just felt like we had no voice.
Cerie tells her to wait until Hisam is in the nomination chair before saying that
Felicia – he will not know he’s going to be backdoored.
Bowie says Hisam might not try if he plays in the veto because he doesn’t want to win another competition.
Felicia – Hisam will believe that Cameron is the pawn and we’re going after Jag.
Felicia plans to call a professor meeting tomorrow and tell Hisam Jag and Cameron are going up Jag is the target if Cameron wins the veto than Blue goes up.
Felicia – If and when Cameron wins it and he takes himself down we will put Hisam up and he’ll be evicted to an 11 – 0 vote.
Bowie – that is a world champion move.
Izzy – I was just saying that is a winning move.

Felicia – when his eyes pop out when I say I’m replacing you with Hisam.
(They bring up Jag coming up with some crazy lie today not sure about details)
Cerie – we got to take this shot we can’t have Hisam win the veto.
They agree they will all try to calm Hisam down so he doesn’t suspect anything.
Cerie – I was so annoyed today when he was said we were the leftovers that he got stuck with and he wanted to be with people that could compete and he didn’t think we could win nothing..
Felicia – who f***ing won
Cerie – Im just going to let it go.
Bowie, Cerie and Izzy give Felicia a round of hugs and head downstairs. Felicia alone in the HOH.

Felicia – Week 3 HOH.. YEAH!!! it don’t get better than that. Come on.. People don’t believe it I am going all the way to the end I’m going to be in the finale and I’m gunna win BB25 hear me when I say that I”m getting ready to walk out on that stage and meet Julie LIVE when she hand me my check.
Felicia – this is on like popcorn. I’m getting ready to make the BIGGEST move of the season. We gonna Backdoor Hisam.. Sh1t… you ain’t see nothin yet.. This year is for the women.. this is a powerful year the women are going to run this house.. starting with the senior women.

2:18 am Izzy and Cerie celebrating
Izzy – this is going to be so good
Cerie – she (Felicia) smart

They scamper into the bathroom where they celebrate some more. Cerie says Cameron came into the comic room and was looking around saying “I just wanted to say goodnight”
Izzy – Stop.. are you f**ing kidding?
Cerie – he looked to the left and looked to the right.
Izzy – I Hate him.. I hate him..
Cerie – I’m just worried about Bowie telling Red.
Izzy – I’m pissed off at Red..
Cerie asks when the last time she saw MEME. You are trying to distance yourself to get information for us.. No pick a side you can’t play both.

America joins them. They talk about Red being grumpy.
Cerie – he said he misses his family or some sh1t.. we all do
America – we all do.
Cerie – you have to get over it.. it was a chance competition.
Flips flip to Felicia in her HOH. When we’re back Cerie is talking about the movie love potion number 99.

They tell America Felicia is thinking Cameron and Jag.
Izzy – Hisam and Jag on the block come eviction night
Cerie – Cameron is going to play for his life so he’s the best person to try and win the veto.
America – From the outside it will look like Cameron is the target.
Izzy – Second best case scenario Cameron goes home.. If Hisam wins the veto.
America – I don’t think he will
Izzy – I don’t either. I am going to be best friends with him. Don’t be alarmed.
Izzy says hisam is very condescending to her.
Cerie – To you?
Izzy – I know to everyone
America thanks them for telling her the plan. Says she’s happy they started talking game with her. “Reilly had to leave in order for that to happen”
Izzy says Reilly was “Totally self absorbed” and Hisam is “Totally delusional”


Izzy wrecks the shrine Matt made for Reilly.
They all laugh..

4:11 am feeds have been showing sleeping houseguests.

8:54 am Houseguests getting up for the day.

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21 thoughts to ““Hisam will believe that Cameron is the pawn and we’re going after Jag.””

    1. Reilly wasn’t a devil. Hissy is a narcissistic misogynist nutcup with a vile agenda (who identified with Cirie’s condescending arrogance and izzy lesbian jealousy of Reilly) that had the backing mommy’s rat snitch with her minions up their ass. It wasn’t Reilly fault the disadvantages she got with her HOH limitations, Hissy god complex HOH, mommy/son typecast with others up their ass or Jarat committing an ultimate betrayal with no just cause and plays with his mommy’s puppets after Reilly protecting and wanted to work with him and his mom is an utter joke when Jarat was being thrown out by Hissy in front of professors everyone but instead everyone throws logic out the window about how Hisam- Devin-ed himself.

      1. I am glad Reilly is gone. She was so bland and boring and didn’t fight for herself. May she and her Morgan Whalen CD ride off into the sunset. Forever!! Good riddance

  1. Izodd is just not a nice human being, she is rude crude and socially disrespectful.

    I would love jag to convince granny to put her up on the block as the pawn by saying let’s stack the deck for veto just to watch her spiral out of control lol.

    But as this is the fields show and hoh by proxy that won’t happen and I predict that hashmark will be picked for veto and will hear they are wanting to back door him. So he will win and take Manson down and matt or Cory will be thrown up as the Reno’s and jag will go home.

    You heard it here first lol.

  2. Someone needs to shake up the house…. This is getting boring, everyone voting the same, the same conversations over and over.

    The most excitement is seeing what they make to eat in the kitchen, even then it’s hard to see.
    By far my fave was Matts PB, roast beef and cheese sandwich! Gross!

  3. “Izzy wrecks the shrine Matt made for Reilly.”
    “Izzy – I Hate him.. I hate him..” (CAM)
    “Izzy – I’m pissed off at Red..”

  4. Izzy:
    Ugly old man glasses
    Hairy arm pits
    Muscle t shirts very unflattering
    Crazy bug eyes
    Eats with her mouth open
    Ugly yellow crocs/slides
    Interrupting everyone when speaking
    Doesn’t let anyone get one word in in convos
    Thinks she’s funny
    Touches people when speaking to them
    Has weird eye movements when spazzing out
    Fake laugh
    Attention seeking
    Close talker
    Gets in everyone’s business
    Inserts herself into every situation
    Only thinks of herself
    Hogs the bacon and wings
    Head rolls around when spazzing out
    Drama queen
    Over animated
    Looks like a cartoon with her beanie on
    Looks stupid with a bandana on her forehead
    I hate how she says Jared’s name
    Is so far up Ciries a** I can smell her from here
    Has no respect for others
    This is no longer a game and is now personal
    To her
    She can say whatever the crap she wants to about anyone, but no one can say anything about her.
    She’s immature
    She’s selfish, pathetic, whiny, sneaky, disgusting, nasty, toxic, broken. Empty, questionable, ruthless. Two faced, ill-motivated, calculated, a clown and delusional.
    She follows Cirie like a lost puppy
    Needs constant reassurance
    Talks entirely too much

    I know there’s more…. I just CANNOT stand her!!!

  5. Izzy is a loser zero chance at winning big brother just follows cirie around like a lost puppy and felicia is not really a big move because reilly would have done the same thing backdoor hisam infact who ever won hoh this week would have done it thats a fact and its cirie hoh for real

  6. I would not tell Meme, Red or Bowie about backdooring Hisam. One of them might tell him or he is going to find out by Izzy running around with her big mouth. If Hisam gets picked for the veto I think he will try to win he can’t stand anyone doing anything better than him. He will say he did it for Felicia so the noms could stay the same. At some point I would like to see someone put up Cirie and Jared against each other and see how that plays out.

  7. What is the key to a successful backdoor plot?
    Keeping it need to know until after veto.
    Felicia, Izzy and Cirie might as well put the notification on the nominations today screen.
    EV-VERY-one is being told.
    Did they learn nothing from hatching a flip, then flopping?

    If I have this straight:
    Felicia is mad at Jag because F/ I / C were lying and saying they’d save Reilly so that the vote would have Hisam pissed at Jag / Blue / Matt when they didn’t vote with the house…
    and Jag cancelled the resistence vote? And Izzy told him to drop the plan?
    THAT’S WHY? It’s a case of we were tricking him, and he didn’t fall for it. so HE’S a liar?
    If it’s something else… somebody tell me, please.

    Remember when I shared that Jag and Blue determined Jared to be a turncoat, and I gave it 24 hours before they “forgot”? Last night Jag went to Jared saying we have to shore up our alliance. blinkblink. Is the d/r koolaid purple flavor, Jag?

  8. Current read:
    Jared wants Matt as a bro.
    Cirie and Felicia want Matt to replace Hisam as their bigstrongman.
    Cirie buys that Red, Cam and Hisam will align to steamroll.

    Felicia has a weird fear of Hisam…she’s mightymouse behind his back but…

    Izzy told Meme the plan. 12 hours later.

  9. I’ve finally started to line up who I like and who I don’t. Not going to lie, most house are getting a 3 or lower from me so far, only two or three have got a 4. No 5’s.

    Right now…I’m fully Team America. She might be my first 5, we’ll see. But I’m making it known, I’m Team America: World Police.

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