Hisam “If we don’t get Reilly out everything falls apart. “

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Hisam
Nominees: Reilly & Cameron
POV Players: Reilly, Cameron, Hisam, America, Matt, Blue
POV Winner: Hisam
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The situation Veto isn’t being used. Reilly doesn’t have the votes as of right now. Hisam’s side is starting to get worried about his competition prowess. Lots of conversations about him being a potential Back door before Jury.

8:45 am Izzy and Cirie
Izzy brings up talking to Jag. He told her “If I vote Reilly out it’ll look bad for my game”
Izzy – I said Dude everyone is over Reilly
Izzy – Him and Blue went to Hisam to have a three. That is what he was telling me. Hisam said it was good because he could get Jag and Blue to do this.. and that ..
Izzy – Jag wants to come talk to the both of us today.
Izzy goes on about how she was telling Jag. If he trusts Cerie and Cerie trusts Izzy then Jag should be able to Trust Izzy. “I told him that is how it’s going to work”
Izzy – he (Jag) thinks if Reilly leaves it’s bad for his game. I was like .. ain’t nobody is going to play with you if you keep Reilly around.
Cerie – if he don’t find a home now.. I told him I get you want Reilly to stay but in the end.
Izzy – Hisam was crazy.. Crazy Cirie..
Cirie – I woke up like 4 time just laying there.
Cirie – you buy this thing about Bowie can’t stand Cameron
Izzy – I don’t buy that from her at all.
Izzy – If Corey wins he’s thinking Red and Bowie
Cirie – Perfect.. that’s a great idea with the possibility to backdoor Hisam.
Izzy – for us, If we lose Hisam we still gain Corey. We still gain one.
Cirie – I don’t mine losing Hisam
Izzy – me too

9:20 am Izzy and Felicia
We jumped into this conversation a bit late. Something about The girls on the old’s side taking out Hisam. People are finally getting spooked about Hisam winning all the competitions.
Izzy – he really thinks that we are not thinking about it we want to keep it that way.
Izzy – dude you miss calculated in a BIG BIG way.. (Hisam)
Izzy – Even Bowie came in and was like.. Hisam was saying.. Yes us ladies have to stick together.. I think we have Bowie she’s just a a mess of a person she’s just messy
Felicia – we have Bowie she’s just a quirky personality but I truly believe she’s all in
Izzy – I didn’t mention taking Hisam out but that was a good feeler for me if the time comes this week.. When when the time comes she can do it with us.
Izzy – I promised Corey we would alway have morning hammock time. I’m trying to keep Corey

9:30 am Bowie and MEME
Bowie is saying that Cirie told her to take her vote away therefore since they have the numbers anyways to evict Reilly this will keep the power in their group.
Bowie seems certain something with her NetherRealm will happen today.
Bowie warns about a guys alliance forming when the numbers get low. “Hisam, REd, Cameron, Corey and Jared. That’s f**ing unbeatable. How do we beat that?”
Feeds cut

9:34 am Hisam and Reilly
Reilly threw in an attempted to ask Hisam to use the veto on her.
Hisam – I really don’t know where the vote is to be honest
Hisam – you are a strong competitor and I don’t think you are out. If you do survive the eviction that clean slates us. There would be a HUGE possibility for us to work together. it has to go through the way it is
Reilly – I didn’t come up here excepting a miracle. thank you for being honest with me.
Hisam – at the veto meeting I will tell people you are my target and I need their help in evicting you.
Hisam asks her if she goes this week who should he trust.
Reilly says Matt and Jag, “I like them a lot” she adds she trusted people too early in the game.
Hisam now brings up a bunch of seasons when a player came back. Cites JUDD from season 15. Adds if Reilly gets evicted then comes back from a power he’ll consider them a clean slate. (LOL.. this guy)

9:46 am Jared and Cerie (hard to hear because of planes)
Jared says he’s in with Matt and Corey, He’s in with Cam and Red,
Cerie – when he (Cam) found out about the traitors things he had a visceral reaction he ran off and told REd

9:47 am Hisam and Cameron
Hisam says he’s telling the house he wants Reilly out. “it’s best for my game for you to stay”
Cameron goes on about wanting to work with hisam.
Cameron – I’m a team player
Hisam – you were in the military you were in a frat.. you have a sense of brotherhood and loyalty which is wone of the reason why I really like you
Cameron- my plan is to get the plan

9:50 am Reilly and Matt
Reilly is giving him a debrief of her talk with Hisam. highlights Hisam saying she’s the target and that he’s telling the house today to vote her out.
Matt recommends she start to cry if Hisam says something mean to her.
Reilly – he told me even a good player can make miscalculations
Matt has trouble hearing her so she says it in his ear.
They talk about how important Cerie’s vote is. They totally believe Jared is voting to keep her.

10:02 am

10:04 am Hisam and Bowie
Bowie asks if she gets to pick a person that can’t vote who should it be
Hisam – Make it Matt.
Bowie – Cerie is saying keep the power with us.
Hisam – We have to get Reilly out. If we don’t get Reilly out everything falls apart.
Bowie – Do we have the the numbers without Cerie? it’s risky.
Hisam – I don’t want to take any risk.. You can say to Matt I know it will be really hard for you to vote Reilly out this takes away you having to Vote her out. Use it on matt. he would understand and appreciate it. (LOL)
Bowie – I like that idea..
Bowie – and we’re not worried about the power going to them.
Hisam – at this point there’s three of four left on their side. A power being on their side isn’t going to flip the whole house.
Hisam – I just need this twist to be over I just need her walking out that door.

10:24 am
12:33 pm Feeds have been down for awhile. Likely Veto ceremony and Netherlands region

10:27 am Cerie and MEME
Meme is going on about Blue and not having her win the HOH. (Apparently some of them were talking about throwing the HOH to Blue possibly to take out Hisam)
MEME – She’s already showed loyalty to Hisam..
Cerie – and the LGBTQ thing she’s not putting him up
MEME – She’s going after everyone else on this side
Cerie – she’s not going after Izzy either. That leaves me, Felicia, Bowie, America.. well she’s supposed to claim fake fake friends with America.
MEME – Jared is laying on a showmance what whatever so she’s not going after him and she’s not going to go after MATT.
Cerie – Shit.. she can’t win it than.. Dammit this sucks because I heard Red isn’t going to try.

15 thoughts to “Hisam “If we don’t get Reilly out everything falls apart. “”

    1. Definitely a floater…hardly ever hear or see her.
      I wish that Reilly could stay; she got ripped off on the first HOH with not being able to choose her own targets. I hate that.
      The one I can’t wait to see get to steppin’ is Hisam. He’s a jerk.

      1. Reilly totally get ripped off on twists. On her HOH with the auto noms that was so bogus! Along with Cirie twist and Jared being the biggest rat snitch known to man. Its not Reilly fault hisam is from mars and drunk of the power.

  1. Leaving Cameron in this game would be a IG mistake. Even though Hisam would cause a lot of chaos for being blindsided, it’s better to take Cameron out now and deal with the repercussions later.

    It’s just like BB15 when the house took Nick out 7-4 even though Elissa was the easy choice.

    Hisam doesn’t have enough allies to have the HOH save him.

  2. Reilly is so common and ordinary, she plays BB 5 minutes at a time. Her intellect — well, sorry, there is no intellect. A thinker she is not.

  3. anyone know any aussies? wanna ask them if ‘bowie jane’ is australian vernacular for invisible or irrelevant.

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