Hannah “If I win next week I am getting rid of one of the two [Xavier & Kyland].”

HOH: Kyland
Nominations: Hannah and Tiffany
Power of Veto: Kyland
Power of Veto Ceremony: Kyland did not use the veto.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Tiffany and Hannah got their suitcases today and proceeded to campaign to everyone. From what I am seeing this afternoon the campaigning didn’t change the votes with Derek and Xavier. Tiffany will be evicted.

7:30pm Bedroom – Big D and Xavier are studying the days / events of the season.

7:35pm – 8pm HOH room. Hannah talking to the cameras.
Hannah – .. you and I have played similarly in the sense that we’ve never been selfish. When it came to getting the cookout one step further, X and I were never involved in conflict. In fact we were probably the peace keepers of the cookout which is ironic considering we’re the two youngest but that is besides the point. My pitch to Xavier was basically… you and I have always had a close personal and working relationship so lets continue that by you keeping me. I am pretty sure that is the direction that he is leaning towards but I have to check in again with him tomorrow. And I basically told him that when I evaluate what I feel the winner of this season should represent he kind of meets all of my criteria. So if it is not me that ends up winning, I would want it to be him and I am committed to helping further his game because I feel like he deserves it. That is true! But that also doesn’t mean that I am willing to cut him because one thing that I have realized is that I can’t move forward with both Kyland and Xavier. Kyland is hell bent on sitting next to X in final two because he wants the showdown of the century .. he probably feels like sitting next to me, Azah or Big D wouldn’t be a worthy or respectable win because of his ego and I think that.. anyway. Ky is motivated to bring X as far as he can. X can really bring anyone far and probably still win next to anyone just because of how well liked and respected he is and how loyal of a game that he’s played so with that being said I can’t keep Kyland and Xavier in this game together. The other thing is those two are going to be hard to beat in competitions so I would rather worry about one versus two. That would be an uphill battle for sure if I found myself in a final 4 with Kyland and Xavier. If I win next week I am getting rid of one of the two. If Xavier, Azah or Big D win next week I think they would be more likely to cut Kyland than Xavier. So I just have to push them in that direction. I think the only way I can ensure I send Ky or Xavier home is if I keep one of them off the block. I would choose Azah in the end.

8:10pm – 9:40pm Dinner time.. The house guests are eating and chatting about past seasons of big brother and other random things.

10:40pm HOH room. Xavier and Kyland.
Ky – I think I will just tell her (Tiff) that the first straight answer I got from Xavier is that you’re leaning pretty hard towards voting her out. Big D said the same thing. I don’t know about Azah yet. Xavier – you’re going to tell her that tonight? Ky – yeah. Xavier – is it possible for me to talk to her first? Ky – yeah. Also, I am definitely going to .. Big D .. the pitches have gotten .. I am going to be playing down anything he’s ever done. Just so you know and hopefully you do the same because he .. they were kind of getting in his head. I was like yo you have to remember just like with the cookout you’re talking to people that don’t know everything that was going on but regardless I am definitely pushing up his stuff and pushing down your stuff. Xavier – no I am doing the same. I’ve been reaffirming dude you have done just about everything that I’ve done. The only thing that Ky and I have over you (Big D) is that we’ve won a couple competitions. Ky – and this is one cherry that I’ve heard that the people in jury don’t care about competitions. Xavier – yeah raw facts!

11:20pm Bedroom. Tiffany talking to the cameras – I pitched a pretty good case. I pitched to Ky and told him take me off the block and save my life in this game, then you’ve got my loyalty for ever. Well forever until this game is over.. we ain’t got but more than 17 more days. I can be loyal for 17 days. Ky didn’t take my deal. Doesn’t mean the offer isn’t favourable to somebody. He might still think that I owe him something but how do I owe anybody something that doesn’t save me? How do I owe somebody that puts me on the block? How do I owe somebody that puts me on the block and I am in freaking jeopardy of going home?! I am a freaking target in here and you put me on the block!? You knew I was going to go home! Whatever! I take my deal and sweeten it.. Proposition X .. you’ve got me and Azah. Make it an even sweeter deal .. I am telling X something that I didn’t even say to Ky. I am telling X, I want to see you in the final 2 seats. I think you’re playing a phenomenal game. I would love to see you up there. I didn’t say that to Ky. X I would help you get there.. I mean what the heck if you stuck with me. I mean and I want to get there .. then we both get there. If X doesn’t keep me or doesn’t vote to keep me over Chaddha, I know 100% she has not offered me any deal like what I did. So either y’all either all go something going… a kind of an alliance that I am not in or y’all promised to keep each other safe and I was excluded from that. So you don’t know how to go back on it .. this is big brother ..deals are meant to be broken. Nobody is promising you anything X! I am actually promising you something.. a deal that I actually have to stick to because I am about to leave if I don’t make any deals and I am not loyal to it. She (Hannah) is all over the place … I love her to death but.. they are underestimating her. She is going to trick their a$$es. They are going to be out of that money that they think they would have gotten if the kick me out. First of all I am not a mental threat… all the time. I am not a physical threat .. all the time. IF she is not offering any deals when are you going to send her home?! If no one wants to send you home and you don’t even have to fight to stay .. then you are a threat.

11:30pm HOH room. Big D and Kyland are studying the days / events of the season.

11:43pm – 12:40am Bedroom. Tiffany and Xavier.
Tiff – I ain’t never vote against you. I am always going to be the target for Azah and Big D before you are. Especially Big D because he thinks he can beat you so he ain’t scared to take you. Azah trust you more so she would keep you over me. I will never vote against you. You’ve got me vote. Xavier – why do you think that I can’t work with Chaddha moving forward. Tiff – I am not going to say that you can’t work with her and I don’t think that you can’t trust her. I think that you can work with her. She doesn’t owe you anything. She doesn’t owe anybody anything. I do though! She is not even in jeopardy of going home. She doesn’t even think she is going to leave. Big D already said that he made a deal / promise with Chaddha. Xavier – truthfully everyone has a reason to come after me. Tiff – and they do.. so that is why would you need to keep someone here that would not come after you. Where would I go? I am going to go over to Ky that just put me on the block? Big D that said he is not going to vote for me? Azah? She is just a vote for me. I didn’t offer anyone anything like what I offered you. Xavier – I think I lose next to you. Tiff – you think you lose next to me? You can’t convince me of that Xavier and I am open minded. I think you just want to keep her and that is fine but it just doesn’t make sense for your game but if you’re playing with emotions .. then play with them… its playing with your money. Xavier – I am not playing with my emotions and I haven’t to this point and you know that. Tiff – I’m waiting. Xavier – I am considering what I feel is best for my game moving forward and that’s why I am leaning the way that I am leaning. Tiff – yeah. What about what America thinks? They’re not going to be happy with you kicking me out. Tiff – did you know what his noms were going to be? Xavier – no, I thought he was going to put me up or backdoor me. Truthfully I thought he was going to put up Azah. Tiff – I used to respect his game so much. I am just ready to go home at this point. It just don’t make sense to me. I don’t get this weak a$$ big brother that people are playing. Ain’t nobody playing sh*t! I guess everybody is playing me. Big Tiff. I just hope in my goodbye messages that you give me the real reasons why you are getting rid of me. So I have a whole other day to waste in this b***h.

12:42am Bathroom. Tiff talking to the cameras / production – I hope in the f**k I do not have to stay here a whole other day. At this point y’all can do a live show and send me to jury to now. They want to keep Chaddha.. that is all I’ve got to say. I don’t know what kind of Big Brother they’re playing.. I don’t know. Would I keep me?! Right now I don’t give a f**k!! After 9 – 10 weeks of being in here… you can tell the vibe.

1:12am Tiffany lays down to go to bed and tells Big Brother to turn off the lights. Ky comes through brushing his teeth and mumbling. Tiff – I can’t understand anything you’re saying. Ky leaves. Big Brother turns out the lights. Ky comes back after brushing his teeth. Ky – I said did you still want to talk? Tiff – no. Ky – okay, did you want to talk tomorrow? Tiff – about what? Ky – in general. Tiff – I don’t know. Ky – Okay .. then let me know. Good night. Ky leaves.

1:22 am Ky’s second attempt to get Tiff to come up to the HOH

1:25am All the lights are out and everyone is in bed.

5:50 am Zzzzz.. no idea what is happening today feeds might go down for eviction they might stay up for more one on ones.. Who knows !

11:00 am Feeds down until Tomorrow after the live show.

Heads up, BB fans! The live feeds are currently down and will be back up after the West Coast airing of tomorrow’s live eviction episode. And don’t forget, a brand new #BB23 is coming your way tonight at 8/7c on @CBS

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179 thoughts to “Hannah “If I win next week I am getting rid of one of the two [Xavier & Kyland].””

  1. I have a time machine so I know for a fact that Hannah is winning DE HOH THIS THURSDAY and Xavier will in fact leave.

  2. What puzzles me is why do houseguests always feel the need to spill their guts and tell all of their strategic thoughts and plans? That gives TPTB more power to move the game in the direction that they want it to go. If I was in the house, I would clam up like Dan G. and not tell anyone anything much about my game. Remember when he refused to talk? I certainly wouldn’t be standing in front of a camera spilling my guts ever!

    I hate seeing Tiff go but…the game goes on. If Hannah or Kyland win the next HOH maybe they can get rid of X. The sooner he’s gone, the better for all left. I do think that those two could work together and get rid of Couch next, then Azah. That would put Kyland and Hannah at final 2.
    I want Hannah for the win.

    My favorite from the beginning was DX. I hate the way this whole season has been played and hope it never happens again. I think that the houseguests chosen should be a fair representation of the people in our country and, I’m sorry, but black people do not represent half of our current population. Not that I’m saying there should be more whites. That’s not it at all. What I hope is that casting in the future never again allows there to be such a majority of ANY particular race.

    All in all, this season has been total crap. With people like Couch, Azah, and …people that I take offense to, it has truly been a crude joke to all of us BB fans.

    1. Bitch there has been two to three white ppl in the game every season now you mad about black ppl your a racist your mad and bitter and your the reason this world is the way it is contradicting it’s sad very sad they been doing this for years but now ppl of coke dominate and yah have so much to say stick a fork up your behind please

    2. It has been a terrible season. Especially since it has fed into the Black Lives Matter movement. I quit watching weeks ago and only read this site to keep up.

    3. Dididonna
      Reply to Jaymie lee
      September 4, 2021 9:29 pm
      You might as well just say it…blacks perpetuate and keep racism alive in this country. Not the whites, or any other ethnic group. It’s always been that way and probably always will. They are proud of it. It’s pathetic in this day and age.

      You’re one of the most vocal racist person on this site. Besides the other few racists on here, who really cares what you think?

      1. I’m Mexican and most racism I’m heard Was Black people calling white people crackers and Black people calling me a wet back I have encountered the most racist people that are black not white not any other race Black people are the most racist people

        1. Of course you have Chelsea. You look for a problem with black people because that’s where they told you to look. Stop being a robot. Black people are what’s wrong in the world lol. You sound dumb.

      2. Yeah ok. Sure. Blacks keep racism alive. That statement alone tells one a lot about you and your lack of education. Just say you don’t like black people.

      3. Not racist. Just stating the facts. Who is always the first to cry ‘racism’? Blacks. Not other POC. Not Whites. Not American Indians…don’t like the facts, leave the country. Move to wherever your race is a majority. Maybe you’ll feel better. Otherwise, no need to resort to personal matters. Apparently a lot of people care what I think. I got 42 likes. You got 2. ‘Nuff said…

        1. I’m completely new to the site but had to comment because you are a POS excuse of human. You obviously have a major issue with black people particularly, not just minorities. You do realize that CBS has promised to make 50% of the cast as minorities right, don’t just “Blacks”? So Hispanic, Asian Americans, etc are included. And since the show has been 90%+ white so far in past seasons, why are you so butthurt like a little immature kid?

          It’s funny how you tell people to leave the country if they don’t like the “facts” (if that’s what you want to call them) but why don’t YOU leave the country if you don’t like the people here? I’m obviously assuming you are in the US, which means that unless you are 100% Native American, your ancestors moved here. So why don’t you go back to where your ancestors are from if you don’t like it here?

          Also, I’m a white female and would be the first one to call out racism when I see it. And this isn’t Facebook, some “likes” doesn’t mean shit in reality, especially since you probably did it yourself. Don’t act like everyone is as racist as you are or that it’s somehow normal.

          1. 50% POC and yet out of 16 people there was 1 Latina and 1 Asian. While there were 6 blacks. Yeah that sounds balanced. Lolll As a Mexican American I find it hilarious when white women want to act like saviors and call out other white people. When Y’all are the ones who usually cross the street when you see a POC walking your way. And i bet you never even dated a POC. Y’all be the most racist.

            1. As a Fellow Mexican American, please stop, your embarrassing our race and culture. You sound just as bad as the racist closed minded people on here and in this country.

          2. So, another SJW spouting total BS about previous seasons to prove a point. You do realize in order to cast 90%+ white that 15 of the 16 cast members would have to be white don’t you, or are you that bad at math? Please point out which season THAT happened! I’d wait, but you can’t do it since it never happened. If you have to lie to make your point, it kind of invalidates your point.

            What you should have said is they didn’t cast ENOUGH people of color, and the ones they did cast weren’t exactly the best at playing the game, but were instead more stereotypical character types, and were played up that way in the shows story line. To me, THAT’S where they have fallen short, and also in the TOTAL minority representation, not just blacks. Blacks only make up 12.5% of the total US population according the the 2020 census, which means they should make up about 2 of the 16 cast members, but there should also be 3 Hispanic or Latinos as they also make up about 18.7% of the population. Asians only make up about 5.8% of the total US population, so they would get only 1 and with 59.7% of the population being white, that means that 9 out of 16 probably should be white and leaving 1 position for the remaining 3.3% of people not represented, or for possibly another representative of one of the other races. I’ll put the link to the census information where I’m getting this information at the bottom of this post.

            Now people may not like those numbers, but those are what the numbers are. They can cast differently from those numbers, as they did this year, but they clearly did so with an agenda (to have a black winner of Big Brother) and everybody knows that. To do it consistently going forward would indicate an “affirmative action” type casting philosophy by CBS and Big Brother production, which is counter to the census numbers and actual population data of the country, and to me would also indicate they want to see more of the race against race stuff we saw this season, as that’s about the only outcome I can see coming from that. With the strategy now known however, the other side WILL fight back, and that won’t be pretty at all. In fact it will get ugly, and nobody wants that, which is why SOME people didn’t like the CO strategy this season (not because they didn’t want a black winner).

            Here’s the link to the census data. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-u-s-population-by-race/

    4. What about my people, Mexicans. We’re everywhere and no representation Wah! No Mexicans its not fair. Really, I give to shits who’s in there. I Just like good gameplay. This season was the worst and for dumb reasons too. Especially Tiff. She could’ve set herself up for a chance to win with her last HOH and let Claire take a threat out too. So dumb. $750k bye bye.

      1. I don’t recall seeing many Mexicans being brought over on slave ships to build this country. So, wait your turn. We’ve been shat upon in this country FAR longer than anyone, other than American Indians. And my half-sister grew up on an Indian Reservation, and she LAUGHED OUT LOUD at your ignorance.

        1. Wah. That’s my point you dummie. I don’t look at skin color or race. Trust me I have cousins who bitch about Mexico being stolen. I don’t dwell on it but I it sounds like you would if you were Mexican. Born and raised right by the border and I did just fine on my own. I appreciate all the opportunities this country provided. Again I give two shits whose on the show. I want good gameplay.

      2. No Native Americans either. Been here for thousands of years and yet are the very least represented. Guess people are trying to forget the tried to annihilate them and them Took their children assimilate them. Trail of tears, taking the children away and forcing them to speak English, dress as white men, and forbid them to practice their cultural customs.

        1. Omg all these people on here throwing shots at each: Whites, Blacks, Mexicans its ridiculous!!! #1: There is a terrible racial history behind the treatment of ALL races that aren’t caucasian (not bashing white folks, just stating facts) from Europeans taking over indigenous land in America to them forcing Africans out of their motherland. #2: I think at this point in the game, everyone knows how much influence CBS and Bb23 production has had over the decisions being made in the house. DF already spilled the beans that the “cookout” was going to be a thing before anyone was even casted. So if people must insist on hollering RACISM, scream it at CBS and Big Brother, not the cast members. #3: it wasn’t possible to represent every race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. They had LGBTQ members, an Asian, and POCs with and without mixed ethnicities.
          Disclaimer: I don’t think the “cookout” was necessary for a POC to make it to the end. I hated seeing DX leave so early. And it kills me to know that DF and Azah rode on the backs of this alliance for so long. But anywaaaay…Kyland or Xavier for the win!!!

    5. Question. Why is it okay for house guests to “get all the men out” or “get all the women out” how is that different from “getting all the whites out”. Come on. Such hypocrisy! How many times have past seasons targeted the “older ones” first. Get OVER IT. Also the past seasons have had HGs speak derogatory about people’s race, age and sexuality. The cookout have not been cruel about their mission, the worst they said is “white”. Wooopie!It’s a social game. It’s TV reality. What do you expect. Everyone talking crap about this season just because there is a “cookout alliance” all made of POC …. Get the Heck outta here. Change the channel and watch something better suited for you!

      Oh and a fair representation of people in our country, GooDness, seriously. WOW. What a shame

      1. All the talk about POC and who does the cookout send out early -Derek X. Seems like racism to me and before anyone gets on my case I am exactly like Chaddah. We need more POC and less black people and white people to make it a fair game.

      2. How do you define it as fair when the race that makes up 12.5% of the population of our country gets 6 representatives and the race that makes up 18.7% of the population only gets 1? As a Mexican American, I would think you would be questioning that, but I guess not.

  3. So welcome to the inside of my brain. the place is a mess. But here you go:

    The whole ‘don’t want anyone to leave on a unanimous vote because it’s disrespectful’ thing seems to be a feeling that has passed. Well, passed if you’re Ky and you are trying to flex your power… now that the veto ceremony is over. SO, flex nonexistent power when he can’t play in the HOH unless prodo is telling everyone to make nice with the douchecanoe.
    It’s completely asinine that they’ve all been putting up with his post meeting meetings about meetings followed by another meeting… and all after the veto ceremony as long as they have. Almost as asinine as his BBcomic cover. That was stoopid (not even worthy of a ‘u’). All the actual farce they could have done to him considering… and they go for a highlander rip off? yah, somebody definitely whined to production about their image.

    So Couch just learned that Ky and X have talked final 2 and are on the same page.. but haven’t made a final 2 deal. You know… like the one both have with Couch. X, in my opinion flubbed that one. After all of the doubt Hannah and Tiff have been sewing into the lining of that Couch… hearing yeahbutnobutyeah…but is not what the Couch wanted to hear. Not that he can do anything about it but whine. Aw. There’s deals that Couch isn’t in on. Whoda thunk it… must have happened while he was masterminding… or shitting the bed. whichever.

    Yeah, Ky is going to go and ‘test’ Azah’s loyalty. After he finishes cuddling with Tiff, whom he is trying to get evicted unanimously. Again… has he had some kind of break that required him to have the Have not room to himself for a week for observation, and now requires everyone to just put up with his shit? Before anyone questions why I’d think that, think back to the sleepless week of mania followed by the nice little break in the have not room. Sound familiar? It’s what they did for season 21’s asshat to keep him under psych eval for a week. That was followed by everyone being overly nice to that ignoramus for weeks as well. Including conjugal visits… like the overnight guest appearances Ky started getting… mmhmmm. smells like a pattern. Think they better up the evals in future seasons. After Sam, Jackhole and Ky, the cracks in the process are showing.

    X is pacing. In other words, they’ve given X some kind of heads up. He and Hannah sure do get a lot of heads up from production. Absurdly so.

    Hannah, if she wins HOH… her latest plan is to nom Ky and Couch and renomming X if required. For a genius that’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. That’s the quickest way to send Azah to jury I’ve ever heard. Just have X win veto and use it on one of the noms and it’s Azah up and out. Get a clue Einstein.

    Wonder what the storyline is calling for now? blink. blink.
    Well, hopefully they do go through with their long assed taunting the juror goodbye messages they are planning… to the first member of the cookout going to jury…. who will control the narrative of what the jurors KNOW about the cookout. grimace. right back to my thoughts at the beginning of the week. I’d have sent Azah. She’s not going to paint the story with a bloody brush. Tiff? GIving Tiff the opportunity to influence the jury for 2 weeks? grimace. Who cares who the second gone is… they’re giving Tiff 2 weeks with the jury as the first member of the cookout ousted. That’s going to leave a mark.

    Not that the jury questions are going to be anything but lobbed nerf balls. Can’t have the final 2 own their game to the jurors THIS season…. I think a couple of them have already gone to the gremlins in d/r to complain about that thought.

    1. Don’t understand your point about tiff in jury. The jury would have no choice than to pick one of them as a winner even if they are bitter…

      1. But which one? Who does she taint to them.
        Who does she tank to the jury? Who is she more bitter about?
        This is what I mean. Because the ones that want to be the winner have to wonder who will she be more stung by? And will it cost them the game?

      2. AND — if Tiff is feeling really pissed — about Ky exerting his control over her & also wanting to rub sh*t i her face, or if she learns about X’s CONSTANT Tiff bashing then yeah she could make things at least uncomfortable for them.

        She could prep the jury to lean in favor of Hannah & don’t laugh but even Azah for being the ONLY honest member of the CO. It’s not likely but it’s possible. I doubt Tiff would EVER do anything to help Big D b/c I imagine he won’t be able to hold back rubbing something in her face in her GBM. However, if Ky/X do the same (which they are currently discussing) they’ll pay the price on live TV on finale night when she CLOCKS them both.

        The LAST person of the 6 you would want to send to jury mad, riled, mocked, or feeling taken advantage of is Tiffany at least IMO.

    2. Huh.
      Ky pissy that Tiff declined a sleepover.
      Says he was just trying to help her to himself while pouting.
      Help her what?
      He’s pushing for a unanimous vote to evict her.
      So, help her?
      Says the game mistakes just keep on coming from Tiff.
      Because she refuses to stroke his fragile ego overnight?
      Gee, I can’t see why I e-VER noped him….
      Can’t wait to see how the Grod sanitizes him THIS time.
      Gonna need a Silkwood shower to decontaminate.

      1. He feels bad. And that’s the way he has been all season. Tiffany has been iffy as hell with Kyland, especially when SB was around. He knows how she gets when she is in her feelings. It doesn’t matter if she has to go this week. She only seems to feel better when he shows her special attention smh. Its actually kind of funny that she wasn’t the only female to act like that this season. Whitney and SB acted the same exact way until he show them some special attention. Then their whole attitude towards him would changed, at least momentarily.

        1. Or he’s acting like a walking hormone and wants to add another notch. Here’s the pattern. Knows the woman is going to be evicted (first SB then Tiff… look out Azah) then wants to get them alone in a bedroom on the night before.

          1. There is no pattern ? SB was VOLUNTARILY always under Ky for weeks and tbh Tiffany was just embarrassing, particularly with the whole ‘separate SB and Ky’ fest. And even she admitted that shit was partially personal

            1. no pattern? You’ve GOT to be joking.
              There is a definite pattern.
              The pattern is trying to get in good with the woman leaving for jury through psycho-sexual manipulation before they are evicted. As if his ‘charms’ are going to be consolation enough to make the evicted go to jury singing his praises. The actual emotions of the woman? Irrelevant. It’s all about fulfilling his narcissistic borderline needs.
              That’s what he was actually pissy about.
              He didn’t get to pull an all-night manipulation fest and then say… now go tell the jury that. JUST like he did with SB. actually, like he TRIED to do with Dx as well, minus the canoodle.
              He’s got a definite pattern of entitled behavior that denies the emotions of others, because he doesn’t actually give a shit about the emotions of others, it’s about HIS needs.
              When he was saying he was only trying to help her by going down twice to try to wake her up and get her to come to the HOH bed, he WASN”T trying to help HER. Get real.
              His reaction to her denial was the big brother equivalent to ‘put out or get out’ on a dark country road 20 miles from home.

        2. Whitney? When did Whitney ever seek ANY attention from Ky? Whitney had the hots for X, not Ky, and X was the one who ended up spending the night in the HOH room with her, the night before she was evicted.

          You seem to have your facts mixed up, which isn’t surprising when you can turn a horny misogynist wanting to have his jollies with a dead woman walking into “he feels bad” for her. If he truly felt bad for her, he’d let her take the lead on this, and if she wanted his “services”, I’m sure she’d approach him and let him know that.

          But no, Mr. “special attention” has needs, and his needs come before the emotional feelings of the woman who’s about to be evicted TODAY – on HIS HOH.

          1. Let’s not Rewrite history. Kyland has ALWAYS been a cuddler, but we’d Never seen him go Further than that. NOT EVEN with SB. He was laying there with his Arm around Tiff and it was THIS nasty 40 year old cradle-robbin Tramp who reached back & Grabbed HIS HAND & Then proceeded to “Back it Up” & “Gyrate” all over HIS mid-section.. in front of her own Thirteen year old son, AND the REST of America. Kyland didn’t move a muscle during these thirsty pathetic episodes, but learned FIRST-HAND how ghetto, classless & LOW-DOWN this woman could Actually stoop. After WEEKS of throwing him under the bus for cuddling up with Sara Beth, the First Night she outta the house, Tif invites him into the HOH Bed to Dry-hump. (…or was it wet??) .. I don’t Know. What I DO Know is TIFF was the initiator, Kyland was as STILL as a dam Statue and America discovered the REAL reason this cougar wanted to get rid of SB.
            INFACT it was probably during these sessions that Ky decided that’s enough… I’m teaming up with X.
            And the FIRST chance I get, I’m sending this selfish, manipulative SLIMEBUCKET home.

            1. I wasn’t speaking about their escapades when she was HOH at all. Only about Tuesday night, after he had nominated her, won the Veto and didn’t use it, ensuring she is going to jury. I’m not defending her behavior before then nor condemning his – I’m only saying what he tried to do Tuesday night was NOT out of kindness, nor was it out of any kind of “feeling bad” for her. What he tried to do Tuesday night was Ky trying to take care of his own selfish needs. Frankly, I’m shocked that he thinks she would just climb into the sack with him after what he just did to her in the game, but I guess his ego has no bounds!

              1. True. I DO agree with you on That.
                Ky had a LOT of nerve inviting her upstairs claiming he wanted to “HELP” her when All power to do so had Ended when he closed that box at the end of the Veto ceremony. The power Now Lies in X, Azah & Big D’s hands; .. and Ky knows good & Well that at least TWO of Those votes (enough to Evict), are Already LOCKED IN, and He helped LOCK them in. And if he even TRIED to Flip the vote Now he would Lose X, Big D AND Chaddha. So his offer to “HELP” Tiff was disingenuous at best… Evil, perverted, Even CREEPY at Worst. Although I must admit I Am extremely CURIOUS , ***
                as to what he Actually had in store
                for Mama Tiffany in that HoH Room.

          2. Bet. Is that why there is a WHOLE video Tiff “pleasuring herself” while in the bed with him. I’m sorry, I suppose that was his ego again. Ky’s game has been trashed for weeks and he already knows that he is not going to win, regardless of who he is sitting next to, except maybe DF…and no my facts are pretty straight.

            1. So where’s the video of Ky and Whitney if your facts are so straight? And you know damn well I wasn’t talking about anything but Tuesday night, when he had put her OTB and then refused to use the Veto on her, basically ensuring she was going to jury, yet he still expected her to come to his bed and pleasure him? And to you, that’s him “feeling bad” for her, and not just wanting a little sumpin’ sumpin’ for himself?

              Yeah, I think your facts are still a little skewed, at least with the latest incident, and I know they are with the Whitney statement.

      2. I’m pretty sure it’s not his ‘fragile ego’ he’s looking to get stroked. Otherwise, I totally agree. Both Ky and Couch should want Tiff there as long as possible and most certainly should NOT want her in the jury house this early. She can’t stand the way either of them have ‘played’ and the way they’ve treated people. Like her or not, Tiff is one of the few this season that’s really tried to play old school Big Brother.

        1. That’s true. She played a great old school game. But you just said it, she didn’t like how they played. Doesn’t matter how soon she gets to jury. Everyone knows DF doesn’t deserve to win. But Ky lost her vote minute he didn’t take that deal. For them, Ky thinks he can’t trust Tiffany cause she is glued to Hannah. DF just wants the money and the longer she stays, the harder it’ll be to get her out. I think its smart to get rid of Tiff now. It’s just unfortunate that she is leaving before DF or Azah.

  4. Was a total different game withy the cookout forming , at least from the time we reached jury, so you can never know if X would of gone or not . He had realionships outside the alliance and could of won comps he threw . Azah and big D are more loyal to x than ky . People outside the cookout also found X as the better player and were rubbed the wrong way from ky .. so ky isn’t better. Maybe in comps he is better.

    1. Hahaha oh how the tables have turned eh Tiff? All of the sudden this whole game is stupid and no one is playing right lmao…..

  5. Are you serious lol! Every season is racist when they evict every POC or wait only have ONE token POC ? go play in traffic if u really feel that way. I’ve stopped watching shows due to the blatant racism so feel free to do the same! Live it and u will know it’s not about YOU boo it’s about the CULTURE ?

  6. I’m having a hard time understanding why people are CONSTANTLY hating on Kyland. His game has been just as formidable, if not better than Tiffany and Xavier’s. They say his ego is inflated, but he is just confident in himself. He is very sweet and just a nice personal in general, so when he tells people no or makes the hard decisions or tells someone about themselves, then he’s got a “big ego”. But if someone else does it, they’re playing a good game or they are just a very assertive person. This guy has literally been a target since week 1. Azah is mad cause he didn’t “throw” her an HOH. Then turns around and says God (production) told her she needs to win for herself?. This guy has 3 HOH’s under his belt and EVERY single week, his name has been in someone’s mouth as a potential target. Truth be told, people didn’t start mentioning Tiffany until relatively late in the game, when most of the non-cookout members were just about gone. And while ALL the cookout members, including Xavier, have throw out Ky’s name on multiple occasions, Ky was only suspicious of them when they gave him reason to be, much like this week with Tiffany. His trust for his team was undeserving because it was not properly reciprocated, as Tiffany admitted as she was fighting for her BB life.

    1. I’m not a fan of Ky on a personal level, but I fully agree with you that he has played one of the strongest games (if not THE strongest game) of the current HGs. Unlike X, who was protected by the Kings and whose pawn was last to leave, Ky has had to make moves to further his own game. Ky engineered DX’s cut on SB’s HOH while securing DX’s vote for him in F2 at the same time. I think that Ky’s biggest mistake was not taking out X at F6, but if X actually keeps his word and doesn’t take-out Ky, then Ky might have a shot in the F2 against X.

      1. while securing DX’s vote for him in F2

        How do you know that ?
        Just because he didn’t *vote* against him?
        They are gonna know in jury all the cookout worked together and they just got pitty votes .

        1. I’m surprised that none of the cookout seem to realize yet that they don’t get to decide the winner. They put 5 non CO members in jury. If X or Ky plan on taking DF to final 2, I would think that this non CO jury is going to give the win to DF just to piss off the rest of the CO.

        2. It was the intention. They’ll know the votes were for pitty and then they can decide based on game moves. However, Ky and DX have been tight since day 1 so that might actually mean something to DX.

    2. I think those of us who like Kyland, just can’t get past his weird thing with SB. He knew it was ruffling Tiff’s feathers. She was his supposed ride or die but he spent every moment with SB. So IMHO, he tainted their relationship first and gave her reason for pause. Ok, do your thing with SB but also placate Tiffany. He kept her in a riled state. Tyler was a master at juggling his “final twos” (which you either respect as good gameplay, or hate for being disloyal), but it got him to final two (yes, he lost due to bitter jury, but he stayed loyal to his real final two person). Also it is obvious that Kyland can barely tolerate people at times and he does acts superior. All in all however, I think he played a good game. Ideally, I’d like to see him, Tiffany and Hannah final three but he chose another route. Congratulations X. Enjoy the moola. Now if someone could reveal X is a lawyer before tomorrow… Hmmmm….where are the wall yellers when we need them?

    3. I’m not hating on Kyland. In fact I hope to see him in comic con one day.

      In my perfect world he would be winning the whole show.

    4. Even though I think that Ky is a pompous dick, I think he has played well & would rather he win than the bigger pompous dick, X

  7. I’m glad someone is finally saying it. His game is literally no were near as good as Kyland. By Brent’s definition, Xavier didn’t necessarily float, but he definitely “coasted by”. He won when absolutely necessary but that’s it. His game was from behind the scenes for the most part and let people like Kyland take the heat. This is exactly how Derrick and Cody played.

    1. What do brent from all people know about the game ?!
      His game was behind the scenes. True. You are saying it as like it’s a bad thing. You are also saying he is playing like Derick. Again. A good thing.

      1. Not saying his game is bad but people are saying his game was better than Kyland’s and it isn’t. Different, yes, but certainly not better. Xavier agreed with people when he knew he didn’t actually agree. He went along with stuff that wasn’t actually his opinion on things. Kyland “rubbed people the wrong way” because he didn’t play like Xavier and make people comfortable. Again, Xavier’s game is in no way, shape or form bad but neither is Ky’s. Never said coasting was a bad thing. And I would have liked to see Brent make it a little further in the game…he just needed to reign in the cockiness and creep factor by a lot lol.

    1. Yes. CBS Announced it on Twitter that the feeds will be off today until tomorrow. Copy and Pasted from CBS Big Brother Twitter:
      Heads up, BB fans! The live feeds are currently down and will be back up after the West Coast airing of tomorrow’s live eviction episode. And don’t forget, a brand new #BB23 is coming your way tonight at 8/7c on @CBS. ?

  8. There’s been a lot of talk about Hannah needing to win HOH in this Thursday’s DE. I would suggest that it’s better for Hannah to NOT win HOH, but win veto. Obviously, she can’t guarantee that she wins veto, so she’ll want to win HOH to guarantee her safety. I don’t blame her for that! The problem with her as HOH is that she’ll put-up Ky and X with Couch and Azah as the two votes. Couch and Azah will vote to evict Ky, so X is still in the game and he holds the puppet strings for both DF and Azah. Hannah would have to run the table to get to the end and she can’t play in F4 HOH.

    In an alternate scenario, anyone other than Hannah wins HOH, she is put on the block, and she wins veto to get herself off the block. She now has a vote. It forces the other voting HG and the HOH to show their cards. Most likely, the three guys will then evict Azah. So, Azah is out of the game. Hannah still has to run the table to make it to the end, but at least she can compete in the F4 HOH. And Azah is just dead weight, so at least Hannah doesn’t have that albatross around her neck as she battles the three CO men.

    Lastly, if there is a battle back for the F6 and F5 evictees, then it would be better for Hannah if Azah is the F5 evictee because Tiff could beat Azah and be back in the game. Hannah and Tiff would have a chance together to move forward against the three CO men, especially if both of them have a chance to play in the new F5 HOH. Of course, we know that production picked X weeks ago to win the season, so this is all an exercise in futility, but it would make for more interesting viewing than Couch laying on the HOH bed for the next 18 days whining about “the girls.”

    P.S. – Notice how we haven’t had slip-n-slide or hide-and-go-veto comps this season? And Couch says accommodations weren’t made in the comps for him. I call B.S.

    1. I believe if Chaddha doesn’t win the F5 HOH, her azz is going to jury, right behind Tiff. That’s the reason I think she needs to gun for the win in the F5 HOH. Also, while HOH is always important, it’s probably least important at F4, as the Veto winner holds ALL of the power in the game that week – they determine the 2 players on the block (other than the HOH obviously), and they get to pick who goes to F3 with them, so Veto may be even MORE important than HOH next week.

      You can’t discount that the F4 HOH is locked into the F3, but the fact that the Veto winner (if one of the other 3 players) not only is also locked into F3, but also gets to choose the other F3 player, just makes it more important IMHO that week.

      Of course the HOH could win Veto, and award that “pick” to which ever player he/she chooses, but with these guys and none of them actually being totally loyal to each other, that Veto usage could be very interesting.

      1. All good points. The biggest problem for Hannah winning HOH at F5 is that the only two people voting are the biggest idiots to ever play the game (Couch & Azah). But I agree… she has to go full-force for the HOH because she can’t guarantee that she’ll win veto and be safe.

    2. “Notice how we haven’t had slip-n-slide or hide-and-go-veto comps this season? And Couch says accommodations weren’t made in the comps for him. I call B.S.”

      OMGosh, SO TRUE! I was wondering where those comps were!

  9. I think it’s very interesting that no one is talking about the cringeworthy dinner conversation they were having. How aggravated was Kyland when Azah said BigD said to her that Kyland is only half black. Or them asking Hannah if she was even black at all, she was very uncomfortable. BigD using the N word. Kyland and Hannah looked light a deer caught in the headlights. X telling Tiff that Alyssa offered to help him with his frustration. That guy is disgusting. I can’t wait to hear what the evicted house guest think of this group and how they feel about them.

    1. Wait — X told Tiff than Alyssa offered to “relieve” him? I need receipts this occurred (not that I’m doubting he said it — I’m doubting Ally said it to X).

        1. Yeah I was asking Nana when X said this to Tiff — first it’s terrible jury management if he said it (she could take that with her & ask Ally) & more importantly it’s REALLY LOW BROW if he shared that with Tiff.

          As much as X has been a dick, misogynist and chauvinist I’m even having a hard time believing he would imply that. Chris would be waiting to knock him out as soon as he exited the house if he said that on feeds.

          I need more details please. Nana if you see this can you offer more details on when X told this to Tiff (is there a way this got misconstrued?).

          1. I do not believe it was misconstrued, and I thought I can’t believe he even implied that. He didn’t finish the convo because they were told dinner was ready. Tiff said oh I’m gonna need you to tell me about it.

      1. They were sitting on the couch right before dinner, he told Tiff how sexually frustrated he was and he told stiff that Ally offered to help him. Tiff asked if she offered to have sex with him and he said no but she offered to help relive me. Tiff was jestering what he was talking about and he said I’ll tell you later- cause they were calling them over for dinner.

    2. I can’t believe that Alyssa would help “ relieve” X…..this guy’s ego is ridiculous; prolly thinks he’s hot sh1t and women should feel privileged to be in his presence….. … poor Azah & her unrequited love….. x’cuse me while I puke

      1. I was totally disgusted and in shock that he would say that on the feeds about her. Her family may have been watching. He did not finish saying how she offered to help him, he told Tiff he would tell her later.

  10. Ok, I need a reminder. Given that this season is almost over, when to they officially stop the live feeds. I know it is usually before Finale day

  11. Everyone was OK with the alliances every season. When there was alliances with POC they were called fake. Every year there is either one, two, or three people of color. This year there were actually 7 people of color (Allisa) is a person of color. It was inevitable that there would be a secret alliance of the same race as its been every season. What makes it the best is they had a plan and stuck to it even if they didn’t always get along. With that being said…. Hannah will win because she’s playing a Casey game. X and KY aren’t playing Derek and Cody game because they really don’t trust each other. Ky is a trip. He put Tiff on the block and now wants to sleep with her? Oh and by the way the jury knows about the cookout. Derek X and Brittni figured it out and has told the jurors. They shouldn’t have put Tiff on the block because she knows where the bodies are hidden she can mess up Ky and X’s game. Stop calling Derek F couch. He’s tried but isn’t good at comps. He would have won the egg one if he had taken his time and Ky didn’t rush to get the HOH. He said in the beginning he didn’t want it and wanted Big D to have it so why is he HOH. I want anyone to win but him. HANNAH IS GOING TO WIN BIG BROTHER

    1. It would be impressive, but her path is near impossible. Ky and X want BigD and Azah for final four so that they can shield each other to get there and then take each other out going to final 3. If Ky or X get final 3 with the two jokers, Strong chance they also win final HOH and choose the lamer of the two jokers to sit beside in final.
      Hannah has to win every veto if she doesn’t get any HOHs. No HOH or Veto from hear on out means Chaddah goes home.

    2. Sadly you are right Hannah will win.

      I said this in the past 6 mouths. Kyland is playing the best game in the house. He got Tiffany out and together with Sarah Beth got Derek X out. He got Frenchie out and backdoored Brittni. He was in not one but two final 3 with Xavier/Derek F and Hannah/Tiffany. It’s not his fault that Tiffany didn’t drop for him causing him to know Tiffany is not loyal to him or trusts him.

      Game Aside: He likes comics and movies and even some cartoons and his closest ally cosplays and watches anime. If these stuff doesn’t make him awesome nothing will.

    3. Ky already knows he won’t win with anyone except maybe DF. And if him and X make it to final 2 and X loses, he already said he was okay with second place smh.

    4. How the Hell is Hannah playing a Kaycee game? Hannah has won ONE Veto and ONE HOH, and been fairly strategic in the game. Kaycee won TWO HOH’s, FIVE Veto’s, and ONE special Technology comp, and basically went along with whatever strategy Tyler, Angela, JC and Brett came up with. Hannah has ratted out every ally she has worked with to other members of the Cookout, while Kaycee never spilled any beans to anybody. There games are not similar at all!

      If Hannah wins it will be because Ky and X go after each other and Ky wins and decides to take her to Final 2. She will have to depend on a bitter jury to win at that point, which is kind of how Kaycee won (bitter Sam voted along with most of FOUTTE for her – she won by one vote over Tyler).

  12. I an not a POC and I think previous seasons were racist. I don’t think this season is racist at all, they’re just trying to achieve a goal that has never happened before & I applaud them.

  13. Dawg, Simon From CBS Big Brother Twitter
    Heads up, BB fans! The live feeds are currently down and will be back up after the West Coast airing of tomorrow’s live eviction episode. And don’t forget, a brand new #BB23 is coming your way tonight at 8/7c on @CBS. ?

  14. So now Tiffany says “deals were made to be broken” she should have thought of that two weeks ago. Checkmate. Won’t be sorry to see her go but not really liking any of the 5 left for the win either.

  15. I was so sick and tired of Kyland talking to the Live Feeds and addressing Tiffany’s Son Christian, calling her liars, etc that I made a formal complaint to CBS about it. Christian is a minor and therefore in my opinion, he is off limits. Just wait until the Season is over with and Tiff finds out that Kyland has been addressing her son on the Live Feeds. I can see Tiff right now leaving Detroit , flying to California to kick Kyland’s behind for talking to her son about her!!

    1. Yeah, that’s way out of line. Also, she’s sound asleep & he’s trying to wake her up to go upstairs for ‘friend time’ & she’s not wanting to get up. He comes back a SECOND TIME to try to rouse her.

      Then walking up the stairs is bashing her saying “tsk, tsk Tiffany, I’m just trying to help you, this is all your fault.” . BULLSHIT – if anything he’s trying to take advantage of her – using the final days of his HOH to garner control over her & to get in some private time with her. Quite frankly it comes across like he’s saying if you come up & service me maybe I’ll be able to help you out.

      But — Tiff isn’t interested b/c this guy just proved how much of a entitled, control freak he is when he put her on the block, pretended he could save her (he NEVER could’ve once she was up) & made her grovel to him on bended knee for all her transgressions in the game.

      While hypocrisy is a given every season -this is borderline stalker behavior (there is definitely something off). The whole stop mid sentence and smile (when there is nothing to smile about), quick temper snap over minor things, need to revel in others pain/anguish, need to control everyone’s games & hold the most information but not share it.

      No juror has left without a sympathy vote but Kyland not only wants to do that he also wants to rub salt into the would of Tiff by being an ass in her GBM & tag team her with X in their messages. SERIOUSLY —there is something wrong with him – he’s enjoying being cruel to Tiff. It seems both X/Ky are enjoying this far too much which tells me they do know deep down she was the better player.

      Look Ky played the best comp game so far. He manipulated SB and was able to get out of some tight spots. BUT — I can’t get past these psychological issues and honestly feel he went too far this week with Tiff.

      1. Ky is on the Spectrum.
        Maybe educate yourself to how some who are on the Spectrum interact or dont interact with others in social & controled settings. If this is the way his nurodiverse brain functions, then you are condeming him for actions he has no control over. Those comments from you are narrow minded and bullying.
        Please everyone educate yourselves on Autism. & And cut Ky some slack on his soical

        1. Being on the spectrum does not mean that Ky gets a pass for:

          *Directly naming and talking to Tiffany’s minor child on the feeds, in which he bad-mouths the child’s mother.
          *Plotting a hurtful goodbye message to Tiffany, so that she feels even lower after being evicted.
          *Laughing with the other guys about mean goodbye messages and how much they will sting.
          *Losing his temper and snapping at others.
          *Making sexist comments about women.

          Fair point that we can all be more gracious regarding communication skills for anyone on the spectrum. With that said, being on the spectrum is not an excuse for bad behavior. And it’s not an excuse to bully others or intentionally take actions that are intended to hurt others emotionally.

        2. Do you personally know Ky? Are you his doctor? You’re taking comments about him so personal which is odd. I don’t know what autism has to do with anything he just said? So his so called autism is to blame for him inappropriately talking to Tiffany’s son on the Live Feeds? Is it autism behind him trying to make out with Tiff after having played her with the nom & talking about her behind her back? Unless you’re Ky’s doctor, which I doubt, I’m going to pass on your tv diagnosis. Even if he is on the spectrum, his behavior is appalling and we get to call him out of on it.

        3. no.
          Being on the spectrum is not a blanket excuse for being a complete dick.
          That’s so insulting to people on the spectrum… to say that allowances have to be made.
          BTW, Ky said he was ADHD. He did not say he was on the spectrum that I am aware, though I have no doubt he is on the spectrum given his inability to understand the emotional expression of others.
          So what.
          I’m of the opinion that you treat everyone equally regardless of whether or not they are on the spectrum. That means everyone is equally responsible for their own behavior. Setting up a tiered or classed system is something that shouldn’t be promoted.
          Ky is responsible for Ky, NOT Ky has to be cut slack and given latitude.

        4. Wait, when did Ky say he was on the spectrum?

          Oh and just because you’re autistic doesn’t mean you can be sexually manipulative. That’s just wrong.

          “Tsk, tsk Tiffany, I’m just trying to help you, this is all your fault.” – – and trying to wake up Tiff twice in one night to join him in the HOH? ICKY and a little scary!

        5. No. I’m not cutting Ky or production any slack. They need to tell him ‘NO means NO’ and to back the FU#k off talking to Tiffs son on the live feeds! He is out of line and production could step in here.

        6. My son is on the spectrum and can’t stand Kyland. Ky has to have control and he is blaming Tiffanie for something he has already done twice (saying he wanted someone else to win and then going ahead and winning it himself) He would have done it a third time if Tiffanie hadn’t won. Don’t use the spectrum as an excuse. My son would never act so slimy.

      2. Ky is definitely an egomaniac, and his attempt to use Tiffany the night before she is evicted is reprehensible, self serving and totally disgusting. It had nothing to do with him “trying to help her” and everything to do with him getting her to “help him” relieve himself.

        Having said that, I think you’re giving Tiffany too much of a pass for decisions she herself made and actions she chose to take in the game. One of those actions was the groveling and begging she did to both Ky and X to try and stay in the game, when she basically promised to “throw away” any premise of any future personal game, and to only work and VOTE as they wanted her to do. They didn’t make her do that. She CHOSE to do that in an attempt to stay in the game. Why does it make Ky or X look bad because Tiffany chose to get down on her knees and beg them to stay, promising basically to kiss their asses for the rest of the game? Did she have another choice? YES, she could have convinced Azah and Big D to vote out Hannah! Was that likely? NO, but that was one of her other choices. She made one of her speeches about how an animal up against the wall will fight – but she is too small and old to fight – so she has to use her words and strategy. Instead she ended up using strategy that sounded like desperation and yes, like begging, to stay in the game. I get it – nobody wants to get voted out, but this was building for the past 3+ weeks, and it was highly unlikely anything she said was going to be heard or accepted by either one of those two knuckleheads.

        Which means her final choice was to hold her head up, accept the fact she was being voted out and go out with some dignity, without groveling and without the bedroom theatrics with Ky (which I’m not convinced aren’t game related on her part anyway, which if they are, it’s almost as bad as Ky using her only for his self gratification). Tiffany could have done things differently, and just because she didn’t doesn’t necessarily mean what SHE did do is all somebody else’s fault. Her leaving leaves a bad taste in so many of our mouths, because we don’t think she deserves the treatment she’s getting. But I don’t think you can blame Ky for the fact Tiff decided to go full “Oh whoa is me” on him. She did that herself – she’s not the first, and she won’t be the last – but she did it, not him.

        1. Very well said. Tiff chose to throw away her dignity and grovel to a level that she will regret, even more after she leaves. She CHOSE to grovel, no one made her. It’s on her. That being said, Ky and X do not need to rub it in, in their GBM, they need to keep it classy as possible; why poke a bear that’s about to go the jury?

          1. Totally agree! Unnecessary to poke the bear and a classless act to denigrate someone who worked so hard beside you to help accomplish the goal everybody seemed to want so desperately to accomplish. In some ways these guys seem so intelligent and so ready to be good representatives of the cause they fought so hard to achieve, but then, five minutes later, they’re like college frat boys, and seem so immature. I’m not sure if it’s not just part of the pressure, anxiety and paranoia of playing the game and being in that house for so long (and doing nothing else BUT that) that makes them think doing something like that is a good idea? Either way, I hope they decide not to do it, but if they do, they may regret it. lol

  16. Note:
    weeks 2-8, there’s numerous cries of gotta get rid of the women. Like, numerous. And everybody is expected to comply.
    week 10 they are down to 3 and 3 with 2 women on the block. Would the whine: gotta send a man home next be met well?
    Of course not. Because it was never a thing that SHOULD have been placated.
    Since most of the diaperbaby bellyaching was coming from the Couch, the overwhelming answer should have been: well win HOH and nominate who you want, until then shut up.
    But nooooo. Just one more thing about this season’s diluvian onslaught of double standard.

    1. Just thinking about it. Look at the female winners of Big Brother. Remove the ones that played as part of a showmance. Remove the ones that played to avenge the demise of their male counterpart.
      Not many women left. Now remove the ones that won due to a bitter jury.
      Not many left at all. The women that win the game by playing an agressive and actively strategic manipulation game without being deferential to a man… There’s maybe one or two. And they were called bitches by the viewers for most if not all their respective season.
      This is one of those double standards. When the woman plays the game on the same terms and in the same fashion as the men that are called greats, they aren’t treated like greats while they are playing.
      It’s almost like a woman playing the game on egalitarian principle is not viewed on an egalitarian basis by the viewers.
      That’s on us.

  17. I really hope that in future seasons they stop with this trend of gaslighting the nominees. Be respectful and tell them that they’re leaving to their face. If you’re so afraid of conflict that you would rather bullshit them all week, then why even play the game?

  18. So Simon are they planning to do this entire DE pre taped?

    I’m confused b/c the DR told Hannah the evictions do NOT occur until Thursday. But then how are they going to handle the production of this? Will they do eviction this morning, then what? Tiff just sits around in the house all while they play F5 HOH/POV? or they lock her in some room in the house?

    Or will she have to exit the house (not having finished packing yet) so the first exit is on tape? Also, I don’t know how they are selling this as a DE if everything will have occured prior to the actual DE day. Especially if these comps are more physical instead of a typical DE where everyone has a chance — this feels more PRODUCED to ensure they get Grod’s alphas to the end.

    Plus it’s not a true DE unless the two players leave on same day I mean I guess they can lock Tiff in some room – but would you want to be TPTB having to reign her in with Julie after that? LOL

    1. Based on the fact that it is 2 hours tomorrow, they will probably do a jury segment followed by the taped double evictions. The competition that follows the Double Evictions may be live. By the time it airs tomorrow, Tiff will be in the Jury House

    2. Personally, I think they’re doing it this way so The Grod insures that Tiffany has the second evictee as an escort coming to jury. Thus insuring she has a lower impact on tainting the jury about the CO alliance.

      1. What? If they wanted that, they would just do a normal double! That way the second person leaves 30 minutes after the first person (probably in the same damn limo, going to the same hotel for the night, and to the jury house the next evening following media interviews). I think it has more to do with the fact they had more time to fill, so they maybe did longer comps than usual for doubles, requiring editing/filming to get the desired results. Plus, it doesn’t matter when she gets there, if she wants to fill them in, she’s got almost two weeks to do it, and she will.

        But what’s she going to tell them that they don’t already know? Alyssa is still voting for X no matter what. SB is still voting for Ky no matter what. Britini is still voting for either Azah or Big D, until they reach jury, and then she’s voting for whoever they tell her to vote for (most likely X). DX is voting for Hannah until she gets there and then he’s going to get his mind changed by both Tiffany and Hannah into voting for X.

        X vs. Ky? X wins X vs. Big D? X wins X vs. Azah? X wins X vs. Hannah? X wins

        If by some miracle they get X out then it might get interesting. Ky vs. Hannah might be close. Hell, even Ky vs. Azah might be close, given how some people in the jury feel about Ky.

        I just can’t imagine any other scenarios. Big D vs. Azah? Hahahahahahahahaha

  19. If it was Derrick L’s choice, he would have brought Victoria to F2. But Cody won final HOH and foolishly decided to bring Derrick to F2. That was a $450,000 mistake. I would not give up that kind of money for someone I had only known a couple of months.

  20. I love the Cook Out. I say good for them for banning together and sticking to it. I’m happy to see the first black player win and it’s a shame it’s taken this long. The Cook Out says, you’re not invited to the cookout lol.

  21. There was a brief audio leak in the feeds today. Production was setting up and testing the F5 veto comp. The veto comp at F5 will be a true/false “What the Bleep.” Production did not set a station in the F5 veto for Tiffany. This means that Tiff has been evicted at F6 (what we expected).

    Tomorrow night’s DE is a two-hour episode. The first part of the episode will be the F6 eviction vote and Tiff’s brief exit interview. There will also be a jury segment. Then, there is the new HOH, the nominations, and the veto, all of which is being pre-taped. Since “What the Bleep” is a short comp, there would have to be A LOT of filler to complete the two hours. Therefore, I think it’s possible there will be a battle back with the F6 and F5 evictees.

    If there is a F6 and F5 evictee battle back, I just hope it’s not Tiffany/Hannah battling each other for one to return because that person will be sent right back out and we still have the same F4 consisting of X, Ky, and the two free-riders. It would be much more interesting to see both Tiff and Hannah battling it out with X and Ky. I won’t get my hopes up, but it would add some excitement back into the season.

    1. I’ve seen this f6 f5 evictees battle back thing a couple times. Why would they only let two people battle back? If they do that it’s going to look even more staged that only members of the cookout have a 2nd chance.

    2. Do they do a practice run? I heard the leak as well and heard them congratulate Kyland as the winner of “What the Bleep”.

      1. It was confirmed by Big Brother Daily Twitter that production was doing a rehearsal and the staffer in Ky’s booth won the veto rehearsal.

    3. I hope you’re right SD Gal about the battle back, but depending on the comp, what chance will Tiffany have against anybody she may likely be up against? If it’s a Hannah HOH, the likelihood of her putting up Ky and X is strong, but that’s before the Veto of course, and anybody else is likely to put up Hannah and a pawn, and send Chaddha packing.

      If that happens (as much as I loved her in the beginning of this game), I hope the holy terror Tiffany whips that youngsters backstabbing arse, and gets back into the game! At least she’ll have a punchers chance at winning HOH or Veto at the re-played F5 comps, and a chance to stay alive. Who knows? We may yet get some action in this game!

  22. Tonight’s episode is probably my last for this season. I’ll hit the tip jar and keep checking in here so that I know when to vote for America’s Favorite, but I can’t stomach another hour where over half of it is trying to make Derek F seem likable. He has NO redeeming qualities at all, and even their masterful editing couldn’t make him less despicable.

    It is pathetic that someone like him has made it this far based on his skin color. I am happy that there will be a POC winning this season. The thing is that the way CBS is rigging it is condescending and disrespectful to POC. For CBS to think that a POC cannot win without their “fixing” it is disgusting.

    CBS started this season on the right track. They had more POC in the house, and more importantly, they had competitive POC in the house. In the time I have been watching, POC went out quickly — usually not because of their skin color, but because they really didn’t know how to play Big Brother. Swaggy C and Bailey played better than most, but they underestimated too many others. Da ‘Vonne never figured out that you have to play to win — you are not entitled to win. This cast had competitors from the beginning. I believe that Tiffany, X, Hannah, and Ky would have all been in contention for the win — without the Cookout.

    1. Azah and Couch needed the Cookout. The Cookout didn’t need them.

      The Cookout needed Tiffany, X, Ky, and Hannah. They didn’t need the Cookout.

      1. I think Ky needed the cookout,he could have been gone pre jury.X would have still done well protected by the Kings.Tiff could have done a lot of damage using Frenchie as a chaos puppet.Hannah would have played a similar game without the cookout,snake and hide.

  23. HAHAHAHAHA… BIG D: ” I am so proud of myself for coming 2nd twice…I don’t want people to see me as a comps beast ” LOLLL…

    1. There is no scenario in which Couch came in second on BB Comics. None. Production gave him the purported 2nd place time in that comp just like production gave him food in DR when he was a have-not, production gave him the $100 two weeks in a row (claiming it was a fan vote), production gave him allowances to sleep during the day, and production gave him favorable edits all season long. Couch has said on the feeds that he knows someone in production, but the way that he’s being coddled this season, I’d say it’s more like he has incriminating pictures of someone in production.

      1. Ya I am not a conspiracy theorist but I have to agree there…how did he beat Hannah when she got it on her first try while he struggled after landing to get off the pads and had to try couple times ? Tiff 40 minutes?…and X may have thrown it, he’s kinda sneaky like that. At first I said BIG D wasn’t dilusional that he was just arrogant but after he said” he didn’t want to become a comps beast “, I have to reconsider, HE’S DEFINITELY DILUSIONAL!

      2. That BB Comics POV was so blatantly tweaked by editors and the times were BOGUS. Hannah even said – I got it the first time – she took 3 passes to set up the pic order & then hit the buzzer on her way back to check & was right! But Big D who labored to get back & forth & was shown going back 3 times (that they showed) to check differences beat her? (side eye).

        The other tell on the episode is look at the hamsters faces when Ky reads the times. Tiff & Azah already look annoyed as soon as Big D’s time is posted (read: they waited inside for the hour it took him to complete).

        On the feeds Azah said she thought she was no longer than 7 minutes & Ky said he thought he was at least 15 mins.

        Based on what we saw on the episode it looked like Hannah was first, Azah second, Ky third and I’m just going to throw it out there — Tiff said “I couldn’t find the error on ONE COMIC” but knew I had the rest all correct… ummmmmmmmm so how does Ky have 3 wrong & miraculously know to switch them all to get it correct but it took Tiff 33 minutes to flip over one comic? MAJOR SIDE EYE!!!

        As for the next comp – “What the bleep” it favors Hannah b/c she’ll know to have listened intently to speeches. That said, based on the hi jinx above my money is on Big D having been given all the answers (or X) to ensure their victory. I hope I’m wrong but the show feels so produced at this point I’m not confident anyone has a shot to the F2 except the men.

        We’ll see

        1. I hope your wrong but I’m not holding my breathe. It’s hard to watch this season knowing how much production has done. Couch was pissing me off. I’m glad my mom isn’t seeing what’s happen to one of her favorite shows(survivor & amazing race)

        2. so what you’re saying is I should be incredibly happy I didn’t watch that veto, because i already get stabby with run of the mill individual timed vetoes.
          This veto was neck deep in prodogremlin poop the moment they said zipline and Couch came second. Get real. The only time Couch and seconds apply is the buttet line.
          (i’m reminded of the season 18 veto comp with the earbud cpntroversy. The maze one where the season dullard won and I kept saying gee, the moron won, doesn’t have a hearing impairment… but has an earworm… for why? I’m sure he received NO direction at all. Also reminds me of the season 21 veto comp. the one near the end of the season where the jackass said he was arguing with production because they were making him actually knock down the right answers, and the 20 minutes of arguing and tantrum throwing was subtracted from his time to win the veto. When the houseguest says they argued for over 20 minutes, and their final time is less than 20 minutes… sus).
          Considering the the cookout men made their final 3 officially somewhere between july 20 and 24th… so between end of week three beginning week 4… are we surprised? Sure, they talked about it after the first butcher’s meeting, but it wasn’t a solid until a couple weeks later.
          I doubt they covered that in episodes, because it might have seemed a little anti mission at the time, but that’s when it happened. Right around the time they were getting concerned about three men leaving, no women gone, and Couch was in his first uproars about bitches. Ky was already going to the d/r to complain about things, and a week later was joined by X going to complain (all noted on feeds).
          When a houseguest complains to production without production being petty, you know there’s something up.

          1. Also on feeds – X argued with production during the comp he said for over eight mins. (no idea why — maybe b/c they decided to “let” Ky win & Big D come second & he prob wanted to be gifted the best time)

        3. This is the part I don’t get about comps like this. Do they tell them how many they have wrong and if so which ones? Because if they do, it’s a simple matter of just switching them out isn’t it? I mean it’s a 50/50 proposition, or at least it looks like it to me. If they don’t tell them which ones are wrong, or how many they have wrong, they could be there all day trying to figure it out, unless they really pay attention to details and KNOW exactly which detail is different on each comic.

          Hell, if Tiffany knew she only had one comic wrong, did she not know which one it was? If she didn’t, she may as well have had all 16 wrong! Again – attention to detail! Know what the comp is! I think that’s why Hannah got it right so quickly – she identified the differences between the two comics and focused on that for each of the 16.

          Big D’s time was ridiculous after having watched him ride that line a time or two, and knowing he has absolutely NO attention to detail whatsoever. That sumbitch couldn’t get 11 minutes if they spotted him 12 comics in the right places!

  24. Question. Why is it okay for house guests to target and “get all the men out” or “get all the women out” how is that different from “getting all the whites out”. Come on. Such hypocrisy! How many times have past seasons targeted the “older ones” first. Get OVER IT. Also the past seasons have had HGs speak derogatory about people’s race, age and sexuality. The cookout have not been cruel about their mission, the worst they said is “white”. Wooopie!It’s a social game. It’s TV reality. What do you expect. Everyone talking crap about this season just because there is a “cookout alliance” all made of POC …. Get the Heck outta here. Change the channel and watch something better suited for you! I do not see color, reading these comments complaining about color, y’all making me see red!

  25. X winning is a win for bullies. He tried to intimidate Derek X into a deal post competition. If he wins, he can convince himself that he played an honest and loyal game to his fellow African American houseguests and that it was nothing personal against the white contestants but that move highlighted his true character, arrogant and entitled.

  26. No bullcrap. Honest talk.
    I don’t like X or Ky as people, I have zero respect for them. I’ve never been fond of Couch. Azah is a humongous disappointment and a waste of a spot in the house. Hannah isn’t playing near as much as she thinks she is. Tiff overplayed, underplayed, conned and got bamboozled ALL at the same time… repeatedly.
    So. On a game strategy and jury vote viabiity level only? X is the clear winner. Why? Everyone in the house put their personal game on hold in order to defer to him. He had absolute control…. even while in strategy sequester. What he said is what they did for the majority of the game.
    His hands are relatively clean compared to Tiff or Ky. He won an HOH and 2 veto, and got a veto used on him even though he was in absolutely no danger, just because he didn’t want to be on the block. Clearly the alpha leader of the house… and nobody would vote him out even when he was on the block vs. a layup. Sorry Claire fans. Nice girl. Total layup. So. Clearly the strategic winner. Just as intended. HIs big problem? Same as the whole damn cookout. The entire don’t own your game thing. Good thing he doesn’t even have to own his game, because they all bowed to him week one and never stopped bowing.
    Why not Ky? Sloppiness. Micromanaging and meeting after meeting and hours of spin control without actually controlling any spin except with SB… and he’s still not the alpha in the house. Everyone looks to Xavier to set the tone and receive marching orders. Won comps. Won comps he was supposed to throw (that will come back to bite him with Azah in jury). Played a slimy and illogical game by comparison to X. A slimy sloppy illogical game that the jury might reward if he were more likeable, and could give a one minute jury speech and directly asnwer jury questions. What are the chances of that? Right. He’s got the flashier moves, but suffers the same lack of ownership the entire cookout has… so how does he own his game to claim the flashy moves? Without pissing off his votes on jury. Name a time he was 100% truthful in the game? Even in gbm’s he beat around the bush and never directly said anything. That’s why. He can’t own anything. At all. The jury doesn’t spend 8 hours locked in a room with him to be stockholmed. He’s got minutes to deliver a cogent argument.
    Couch? How frickin bitter would you have to be to vote Couch? Not like they have a failed wannabe tyrant bitter against the new tyrant that overthrew him (Cody / Paul) or a bitter personal vendetta (Bayleigh / Tyler) to fall back on to ensure a Couch win. Will try to own everything he had nothing to do with and look like a horse’s ass doing it. expect laughter.
    Azah? The most ‘honest’ of the no ownership alliance. Gee. and all she had to do was arrive, sit in a bed and not actually play big brother. Name a move. And I don’t mean setting fire to the stove. A game move. No, a real one. slim pickins.
    Hannah? I don’t see most of the jury respecting her game. Sorry. So afraid of owning her game that she tried to promote not even mentioning the cookout in jury speeches so they wouldn’t have to own their game (as if the can’t be asked about it if they don’t mention it?)

    1. I agree that I do not see any scenario in which the jury is so bitter that they will vote for Couch to win the game. The jury already knows about the Cookout alliance (most of them knew about it before leaving the BB House, although they acted ignorant). None of them are going to deny a vote to a more deserving member of the CO alliance and grant it to a less deserving member of the CO alliance.

      There is really only one possibility that might entice me to watch the feeds and/or episodes for the remainder of the season: Hannah wins F5 veto so Azah is evicted at F5, there is a battle back between F5 & F6, which Tiff wins as the F6 evictee, Couch is evicted in the new F5, thus we get Hannah/Tiff versus X/Ky as the F4. Regardless of their likability, at least F4 would be four people who are playing the game. But if the two pieces of furniture remain in the game after tonight, I have no interest in watching. I don’t give screen time to lamps, bedposts, curtains, chairs, or shower curtains, and that rule equally applies to Couch and Azah.

    1. I’ve gotten used to it, but don’t really buy it. If that makes sense.
      So many players on BBCan camtalk because it’s a given that the d/r is hyperproduced bullcrap. Problem: when they camtalk they’re all trying to spin for likes on twitter.
      The idea of playing the game for social media hype. ugh.

    Without the tinfoil.
    So… uh…
    A lot less talk about that audio leak rehearsal than I’d expect.
    the rehearsal pretty much shared that Tiff is gone (not a part of the veto they were rehearsing).
    Announced Ky as the veto winner too.

    If that’s what happens….
    Are we okay with this?
    Are we okay with the rehearsals knowing who will win veto in advance?

    If that’s what happens.

    1. LO AND BEHOLD! Look who won the VETO! On a tie-breaker no less!

      As if it made any difference, since he used it on the guy he was in the tie with. OH, except it kept Azah from being able to put Ky OTB – but she wouldn’t have done that anyway, right? You know because she PROMISED him she wouldn’t, and she’s so honest.

      Now all of a sudden people will say Azah is a legit player because she won a crap shoot comp with only 4 players in it at the very end of the game. *hurl* Great nominations girl. You just assured yourself of a 4th place finish, unless you somehow stumble and bumble your way to the Veto win (fat chance) in the F4.

  28. It’s 826 pm Eastern standard time. Episode should be well underway.
    So. If i know this season…
    I’m guessing instead of a huge gas up double eviction 2 hour of non stop excitement…
    viewers are probably seeing their third filler batch.
    Now, I’m guessing the season has had a lot of Women as non playable characters edits, so they’re likely focusing on the men. Backstories and character quirks?
    Additionally, I’m betting the vote looks like there’s actual up in the air debate?
    on a regular episode the vote would be happening in about 4 minutes. split with third commercial break.
    Instead… I’m betting lots of jury house. LOTS.

  29. When they talk about being the first African American or first female African American winner of Big Brother…doesn’t Tamar Braxton’s win count?! And Ricky Williams in second place…again, doesn’t count? I get it, Celebrity BB had mainly celebrities, and a slightly accelerated schedule, but it still required strategizing and social and physical game play to get to the finale.

        1. Of course. But if Josh self identifies as being black and latino from cuba, why wasn’t that every taken into account? I actually didn’t know it until today.

  30. If this was a bunch of white people talking openly about getting rid of African Americans this would be the most racist show on TV.

    1. These comps have been strangely ‘easy’ this season as well, I don’t know if that has anything to do with assisting the cookout to move forward.

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