“Getting to know you has been F**Ing awesome. You are the cutest your spirit is amazing”

Head of Household Winner – Nicole
Nominations – Christmas and Memphis
Power of Veto holder – Nicole
Power of Veto Ceremony
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10:30 am Memphis up.

10:50 am Christmas and Memphis.
Christmas – I can’t wait to get a booze sponsor when I get out of here
Memphis – I’m a walking booze sponsor.

11:40 am Everyone but Cody is up Chit chat in the kitchen.

12:32 pm Cody is now up. Nicole sleeping in HOH, Memphis walking laps upstairs and Enzo Yo YO YO
12:40 pm Enzo starts laughing ” I keep thinking of Ian.. ”
Feeds cut.

1:05 pm Christmas and Memphis
Christmas- you are going to do what we talked about
Memphis – yeah
Christmas – make a deal with her
Memphis – yup
Christmas – and stress.. she knows how stingy you are with working with people
Memphis – Stingy
Christmas – let her have the power
Memphis – I got it

Memphis leaves pinches her leg on the way out.
Christmas – Plan activated.

1:09 pm Nicole and Memphis
Nicole complaining that HOH is stressful
Memphis – I mean look. I don’t expect you to use the veto obviously you made the noms you have a plan in your head. I can’t imagine anything I will say can change that
Nicole- there’s always potential.
Nicole says if she uses the veto the person that goes up has to go home.
Memphis – if you do want to do that keep me in the loop so we can work out something there’s leverage there for you and me ..

Memphis says they can take each other to the end and they would both have a good chance to win the game.
Nicole – I get that too.. I would want to sit next to someone, in the end, I would have a shot against not someone so it’s 9 zero
Memphis says taking someone to the end that they can’t beat is dumb, “But people do it”
Nicole – cause they make that commitment too early
Memphis says he doesn’t know who her target is.
Nicole – I honestly don’t have one.

Memphis – if you keep it the same and say I’ll let the guys decide and pick. Let me know that so I can at least campaign.
Memphis says it’ll be a tough battle for him to get votes, “I know I have a shot at least to talk to them”
Nicole – ohh for sure.

Memphis – I think getting to know you has been F**Ing awesome. You are the cutest your spirit is amazing and I really hope no matter what we’ll be friends.
Memphis leaves..
Nicole – I feel like a jerk face.. he was like it was really nice getting to know you .. you’re cute and fun-spirited.. and I’ve been doggy on him this whole season. I’m an a$$hole why am I such an a$$hole. Even though I was going to be his target this week.

1:20 pm Memphis and Cody
Memphis filling Cody says he told Nicole to keep him in the loop about what is going on he doens’t expect her to use the veto.
Memphis says he told her he’s not sure how the guys will vote they might look at him like Tyler.

1:40 pm Backyard open.

Cody and Memphis are talking about setting up a weekend-long meet and greets
Memphis – you can set up 20 different comps but we compete.. get everyone involved. raise money.. you can even get the fans to try the comps. (fans?)
Cody – a certain time we do the comps then it’s meet and greets slash try the comps and like..

Memphis- the big brother games.. one week of games festivity meet and greats and parties.. that would be so sick.
Cody – Enxtednded weekend Friday to Sunday.. it starts on Friday
Memphis – I could raise sponsorship money where the grand prize is 50 grand..
Memphis says they need to get 100 big rother alums

Feeds flip to coins. When we’re back Memphis is asking Cody if Nicole is using the veto.. He really doesn’t think she will.
Cody says the only reason Nicole would use it to backdoor him. Nicole joins them and Memphis goes on about his meet and great party week idea.. (all the fans)

1:50 pm Shitmas.. (the ultimate love/hate)

2:00 pm Memphis (Dreaming about all that meet and greet money)

2:30 pm

2:40 pm

3:00 pm

happy coins

19 thoughts to ““Getting to know you has been F**Ing awesome. You are the cutest your spirit is amazing””

  1. Do people actually pay money to “meet and greet”these wanna be celebrities?Tell me it isn’t so.

  2. Big Brother is no longer about the game of Big Brother and all about getting fame whores TV time so they can social media moguls like Mango.

    1. I hate how CBS puts them on other shows like Amazing Race and The Challenge. When it happened a couple of times it was interesting (example: Hayden on Survivor) but now it is annoying, I root for them to get kicked off.

    2. Wonder how does Nicole’s fiance feels when he saw Nicole protect Cody to the end only to find she handed him $500,000.00 and the win. Less money for the wedding for Nicole and fiance. Day already said Nicole won once and she will not win again.

  3. After the halfway mark, these 7 day weeks are too long. They did shorter weeks on celebrity big brother so they know it can be done. But not dealing with professional direction takers in regular wannabe celebrity bb. I really don’t have an affinity for anyone left or most of the starting cast so these weeks are awfully tedious. Just get this season over with.

  4. So I step away for a couple days only to find out that this group of idiots were given the Comic competition for the POV! They didn’t deserve it this year

  5. Gramps bully Memphis : dude I wanna make big money doing BB meet and greets slash!!!

    Tik Tok stars laugh so hard!

  6. Christmas is not a very good person. I think she will make a lousy mother, especially because she chose a 1/20 chance to win350K (after taxes) when she has a career and a net worth of close to a million.

  7. Wonder how does Nicole’s fiance feels when he saw Nicole protect Cody to the end only to find she handed him $500,000.00 and the win. Less money for the wedding for Nicole and fiance. Day already said Nicole won once and she will not win again.

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