Be the First to Meet the Big Brother 18 House Guests on June 13th with Jeff Schroeder!

big brother 18 meet the house guests 3

Get ready for Big Brother Season 18! The premiere is just under two weeks away so now is the perfect time to subscribe to the live feeds. By signing up today you’ll be able to watch the cast reveal on Monday, June 13th plus you’ll have access to all the other exclusive content. Be the first to meet the new House Guests, with your host Jeff Schroeder. On Monday, we’ll officially know whether the rumors circulating around were true or false. This will set the record straight as to whether we’ll have a full house of newbies or if this season will be the second all stars. It could even be a mix of big brother alumni and new house guests. Either way we’ll know for sure who’s moving into the newly redesigned house.

Stream the reveal live on Monday June 13 at 8am PT/ 11am ET only on CBS All Access.

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21 thoughts to “Be the First to Meet the Big Brother 18 House Guests on June 13th with Jeff Schroeder!”

  1. Well this is my first season watching the live feeds since this is my first year subscribed to CBS All Access so i will be able to watch the cast interviews on Monday, unless i’m working because i just got a new job, but i’ll wait and see what happens because getting paid always comes first!

  2. 4 days till we know who is in the house
    13 days till BB 18 starts
    I hope the latest rumors are false . We don’t need another coaches season!
    Especially the coaches they choose Vanessa bb17, Amanda bb15,and
    Ugh Frankie bb15…, Don’t the producers read any of the websites
    Dawg don’t they know fans don’t want to see that asshole Frankie Grande
    again . Let him go carry his sisters luggage.

    1. NOOOOO!!! I hadn’t heard that rumor at all… I heard the coaches were going to be Ian, Vanessa, Derrick and Audrey which is bad enough. I’m NOT watching another summer of Frankie grande period. Guess I will hold off on getting live feeds

      1. I seriously think this will be the first BB in years that I sit out if the rumour of Frankie returning is confirmed.

  3. Anyone else want to see Rupert from “Survivor” compete in the house? He’d be more entertaining than a lot of those self centered bores that we had to watch before.

  4. Hearing the coaches are Ian(14), Derrick(16), Audrey(17), and Vanessa(17) two of which will have relatives in the house (apparently Audrey and Vanessa do)

  5. Scratch that…sorry. Newest rumors isn’t ANY of them! Oh these rumors are driving me crazy. Newest update: Frank (14), James (17), Da’Vonne (17), Nicole (16). Relatives are Cody(16)’s brother and Vanessa(17)’s sister.

    This list is MUCH BETTER than any I have seen. To be honest love seeing Mama Day on that list and it’ll be interesting to see how Frank does without Boogie at his side. If this is the list, I will be incredibly happy compared to the first posted villains list or the Ian/Derrick/Nessa/Audrey list.

  6. I am sick and tired of reading about these rumors !!!!!
    Monday can’t come soon enough for me.
    Enough of battle of the block ,don’t want to here the four
    coaches been there done that . Dawg & Simon can’t you
    make Monday come faster?

  7. I really wish every new season would start with new players. No returning players,no coaches. A clean slate. Each season needs to be unique. If they want to bring back former HGs, let them hosts some of the games/comps or provide commentary for the show,otherwise I don’t want to see them.

    1. But at the same time the past 3 seasons had all new players and those seasons weren’t that great, sure maybe BB17 was entertaining sometimes, but 15 & 16 were complete crap.

  8. Remember the good old days? You know; when nobody, including the viewers, had any prior knowledge of the houseguests? And we all got to figure it out for ourselves? That was back when the house was still a one-story structure and there was no assumption that the HOH room was open to anyone who wanted to use the private bathroom or sleep in the big bed. The HOH could say, “no,” and it was understood to be part of the game. ((Just ask Dr. Will ; – ) )
    The letters from home were a later construct in the evolution of Big Brother. Somehow it went from being a private moment to read, reflect, and regroup, to being an open house event. It is one thing to share your HOH snacks, etc., but reading your letter aloud ought still to be a choice. But, hey, whatever “the house wants” is all that matters.
    The guests really had to play hard and be more self-reliant in the early versions of the show. BB has gradually become an exercise in which alliances and “what the house wants” has replaced free thinking and individuality. Thus, the term, “floater” has become a huge part of fan vocabulary. Of course, you need allies in the game, but too many houseguests play “scared.”. It is not possible to get to the end without getting people to believe your lies. They won’t all love you for it. But, if you manage to make it there, they might just reward your game-play.

    And, finally, please, please, no more sob stories about why one player needs the money more or is somehow more worthy of being in the house, or is a better person. Further, it is foolish, reckless, irresponsible, and self-serving to use a game show as an excuse to get away from your troubles when you have people on the outside counting on you for their well-being. It’s like expecting you’ll win the lottery before the electricity gets cut off. The odds are against you. Don’t let some random TV game show be your last and best hope for survival. Ridiculous…I have watched every season, so clearly I am a fan. I have enjoyed some of the cosmetic changes to the look of the show, but not so much many of the philosophical changes that have degraded the way the game is played. There may be some merit in a back-to-basics approach.

  9. Dawg/Simon…. what’s up, ready for another season. Is there going to be any early bird special pricing this time?

      1. Yes, I’m just curious if I should wait for something or buy now, so I didn’t feel stupid later. 😉

  10. The amount of tumors and false info put out regardless this season has been ridiculous. I quit trying to decipher it. Usually I have a decent idea of what may be happening but now but this is legit insanity. This wait is KILLING ME….longest weekend ever -____-

  11. Coaches as a concept was terrible. Has everyone forgot how Dan played with the HG’s like he was playing with a mouse. Janelle, Brit, Boggie and Dan. That’s a pretty strong group and Dan owned these 3 as well. Coaches actually gave weeks of safety to the returning HG’s to build relationships free from the risk of eviction. It was a terribly flawed season.
    Have the rumored 8 returnees if you want but not coaches. That rumour I actually like some. Frank seemed obvious under that scenario along with the hope of another season of Brit. Yeh I know 3 times but Brit was comic gold during coaches. Only Chilltown was better in the DR.. Above one person suggested Audrey I couldn’t stop laughing. Completely unstable would be a terrible coach. The other truely obvious bad choice is Frankie. His sister is passé and he never was….LOL.
    So Monday the loyal followers of BB USA will have to start holding their collective notices as the returnees are announced and hope the season is better than the promise. Just another season of BB. I’d be happy with only a few things not happening this season……
    No Frankie
    No coaches(returning HG’s ok for me)
    No dueling HOH’s
    No winners from a previous season

  12. Well, looks like I get to kick off my summer with BB18 and unemployment. I’d say “there goes my social life” but that would imply I have one. Woo!
    Any rumors about how much Adderall we’ll see this season yet?

  13. Tomorrow , tomorrow it’s only a day away
    No more rumors we will finally know.
    Let’s hope for all new players.

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