The Situation:
- Jared and Cameron are living in the house as “Zombies”
- No HOH, No Power of Veto, No Eviction. Jared or Cameron will get a chance to reenter the game.
- Jared and Cameron compete in a week long comp to decide who gets to play in the puzzle comp to reenter the game
Lock your ranks in before midnight
9:13 am Cameron and Jag
Jag is giving strategy advice for the competition Cameron and JAred have to play.
9:30 am Cameron is showing off his Zombie costume.
9:38 am Cameron zooms into the Zombie memory walls
9:44 am Felicia and Cirie
Felicia – now all everybody is saying.. how are you feeling?
Cirie – we have to figure out this mess first
Felicia – I really hope Jared is the one that stays and not Cameron. Ohh my god
Felicia wonders who Cam will go after first
Cirie – no telling he was against us but now I don’t know. He could be on a combination. I don’t know.
They wonder if there will be another power. They seem to think there is.
Felicia says the house is trying to figure out if they’ve teams up again.
Cirie says she had a conversation with Corey and America where they agreed not to put each other up.
Jared joins them.
They start talking strategy in the competition Jared and Cameron have to play. There’s something to do with “balls”
Felicia – what’s everybody saying crazy?
JAred – the Normal, Sorry. America tried not to make it happen, Corey was hell bent on making it happen.
Felicia – trying to make what happened?
Jared – that happen. She supposedly didn’t want us to go up.
Cirie – WHo you?
Jared – Yeah.. Told Corey that for some reason umm…
Felicia – she’s lying through her teeth. Straight through her teeth.
Jared – everybody jumping ship so… yeah.. so… umm… I don’t even care no more. I got to focus on this sh1t
Felicia – who did she tell Corey to put up?
Jared – she didn’t specify.
Felicia – she certainly didn’t tell her to put up Blue
JAred – that I know for a fact.. According to him he needed to so what he had to do. That’s what makes me believe her a little bit I know she didn’t tell him to put up Blue and he still did that. that’s one thing I can believe.
Felicia says maybe corey was trying to stay true to what she said to Cirie “You don’t put me up I don’t put you up.. you know he’s smart”
Felicia – trust me those guys told me they were putting up you two he flipped from that and put up you and Blue.
JAred – yeah but she (Cirie) was going up next regardless
feeds flip to the living room.
10:02 am Awkward chit chat
Matt chills…
10:15 am Feeds cut to pound
10:50 am Feeds return…. Nothing much being said
Cirie wonders if the next competition will be this evening.
Bowie – Three (comps) within 24 hours.
10:57 am Blue and Jared
Jared says he’s adopted Cameron’s strategy in the competitions.
JAred – he’s got be beat by 4 .. I have to catch up
Jared – tonight’s the night.. Regardless.
Jared – I can’t be mad at nobody but my f***ing self.
11:02 am Blue and Cirie chat about everything that went down.
Blue – I caught wind that you and Jared were going to be the next people on the block. I knew that from Corey and America which was the obvious play. I was getting a sense of that from Jag, Matt I truly had no idea. That’s how is started. They were flirting with this Idea having you two on the block.
Blue says they came up to her and wanted to work with her. After last week’s Corey and Jared “Fiasco” she thought she was getting played.
Blue goes on about how before this “Fiasco” she was solid with “Y’all”
Blue says what she decided to do last week was in flirtate a group and try to get their trust by not telling JAred “I really couldn’t past him that he would not tell you”
Blue – It’s not even the fact that I thin Y’all will blow it up whatever whatever. I just really couldn’t risk any sort of slip up.
Cirie – only information I only got From y’all is from you. He’s never given me any information from you that could have gotten out from me.
Blue – totally.. it was Izzy that said a lot of things and Blew up my game.
Blue talks about the HOH competition “I was never going to pick you.. If I knew Corey would put me on the block I would have kept picking Corey”
Blue says that yesterday she learned from Corey that no matter what Jared was going to be evicted even if he was on the block with Cirie.
Cirie – wow.
Blue says Bowie was in on the group to take out JAred and Cirie.
Cirie about matt during the Veto “poor Matt I feel like he was under so much pressure from every angle.. not to negate anything from Matt.. he just seemed so shaken yesterday” (Poor baby bird)
Cirie says from what she’s heard the plan was Jared last week and her this week.
Blue – they did make it seem like they wanted to target the people around him which was you.
Cirie – me and you?
Blue- yeah.. at that point they were trying to work with me so that would have been you.
Cirie – I’m the scariest person here so that would be great.. Great strategy. A lot of Smart people that’s a great strategy
Blue – they are saying the only person we need to watch out for is Cirie.. cirie … cirie … cirie… because I know Cirie is going to target us.
Cirie -cirie that hasn’t won.. hasn’t even played a veto and I’m the scary monster (you do have production)
Blue about JAred – I believe he will stay in this game if the script is scripting the way it’s been scripting the entire season he’s going to stay. Cameron is in a position where he has his back against the wall time and time again he’s a good competitor but this isn’t simply about the competition it’s also about luck. We’ve been saying this time and time again and his luck is running out (LOL)
Blue- for Jared this is the first time TRULY his back is against the wall when he performs he’s performs t. Sure BB odd Couple was a default but literally he is a competitor I see it in him…
11:38 am Felicia and America
Felicia – what is people’s perception of Cirie in the house? Do people trust her?
America – not anymore, not after that Thursday.. Everything Blew up and all she’s been saying is it wasn’t me.
Felicia – MMmmhmmmm
America – I feel like everyone can see through that
Felicia – what is everyone’s perception of me?
America – Right now everyone can see that you were betrayed by them. That’s the extent.
America – Cameron is on his own. No ones telling him anything for Jared it’s a little more tricky.. CIrie never wronged him.. and Blue is.. Blue’s blue.
America – there’s apparently a final three that they have.
Felicia – Cirie, JAred and Blue
America – mmmmhmmm
Felicia – I heard about that
America – there was a final 4 they had with Matt. it was all down this week.
Felicia – Cirie, jared, Matt and Blue
America – yeah and a seperate one without MAtt.
Felicia – these guys just axed my a$$ a long time ago.
America – they’ve been doing their own thing creating groups and pockets .. you don’t go around making final 2 ,3,4’s with everybody people talk.
Felicia – who do you trust most in this house.
America – It really is just Corey and I feel lucky I have at least one person.. you can’t tell anybody anything
Felicia agrees. “Just like Cirie telling me about the three then going to tell Blue that I said it. The bad part is Blue believes it”
America – I don’t have a final 3 with anybody.. No final 4 none of that.
Felicia – you trust MEME
America – I’ve never worked with her in a group. we never met discussed anything I do want to and I have been talking to her. I don’t know where she stands with everything.
America – her picking Corey in the HOH instead of Blue was sort of.. you know what I mean? Why would she prefer Blue to stay instead of Corey?
Felicia – Blue picked me.
America – Corey picked Cirie, Jag and Matt picked Cirie
America – out of MEME and Blue I trust MEME more.
Felicia – I’m going to talk to MEME because me and MEME are pretty tight I’m going to see if MEME, you, me and COrey can do a final 4. NObody can know about this final 4
America – I’ve been trying to find people that I can really trust. I know Corey really trusts MEME
Felicia – I’m going to talk to MEME today. DOn’t say anything to her before I talk to her.
12:11 pm Matt and Cirie
Matt explains why he didn’t use it. If he used it he would have had 5 people pissed at him. “I’m a competitor I’m not going to throw that shit”
Cirie – I don’t want you to feel bad.
Matt – if I win HOH next week you are not my target you are not going up
Cirie – Yeah yeah .. I know that
Cirie says the decision to go after her and Jared was not started by MAtt so she’s not going to hold him not winning the Veto against him
Matt says he was “Pulled in”
Matt – I wasn’t the mastermind I don’t think like that.. I will have a talk with Jared. I know he’s pissed
Cirie – he trusted you
Matt – I trusted him too
Cirie – he trust you and Blue more than anybody including me
Matt – he should be pissed at Blue too she knew.. she was trying to defend him for sure. she wanted to protect him this week.
Cirie – she told me. I get it.
Cirie – I still love you
Matt – I love you to I feel really bad. This was not easy this was very hard.
12:26 pm Bowie, America and Corey
America – Don’t let them intimidate you
Bowie – I’m not gunna
America – Jared went up to Bowie this morning and was like
Bowie – what’s you position in the game.
America – like where do you stand in the game
Bowie – I was like I don’t know on my own.
Corey – you’re like I don’t talked to evicted Houseguests.
Bowie – I said what about you.
Bowie does a impersonating of Jag. They all laugh.
Bowie brings up a conversation she had with Cirie where she’s trying to call her out on one statement she made about putting her up.
America – They all were wanting to put us up …
Bowie – I know
Corey – I asked her who she would nominate she said ‘The middle people the floaters.. that’s you;
Bowie – yeah
Corey – she was probably was lying she would have put up us two but that is her saying. She’s going to say I didn’t mean you.. Who did she mean? Felicia and MEMEM.. C’mon.
Bowie – this group is more fun. that other group is miserable.
Bowie – I’ve decided unless I can have a few drinks I don’t want any drinks.. what’s the point
America – exactly
Bowie – does nothing..
Feeds flip a bunch of times.
America – Blue and JAred. .if he’s here..
Bowie – Yeah ..
America – if not Blue and Cirie
Corey says if Cam comes back he would do CAm and Cirie. “He’s not gunning for us but The reality is he has way too good of a chance to win HOH than us I know we can beat Cirie”
Corey – I’m scared that Cam will get much further in this game. He’s going to win HOH’s and Vetos
Corey warns them about Blue she might put two of them up and she has a good chance to win “She’s a competitor”
1:00 pm Jag, Blue and Matt
They are trying to figure out where Cam will go if he comes back in. They all seem that Cam will join the three of them over Ciri and Corey/America.
1:10 pm Corey’s HOH basket from last night.
1:48 pm Feeds showing pound.
2:30 pm Feeds return. Jared crying. Jared lost the third part of the Zombie competition. Cameron will get the choice to play in the puzzle competition or not.
3:47 pm Cameron and Matt
Cameron is wanting to take out Corey.
Cameron – America by herself… not a problem .
Cameron does not want Felicia in the Jury house says she’s too persuasive “that doesn’t work for you and Jag either”
4:09 pm Jared, Felicia and Cirie
Jared says cameron did the nominations the way he did to get rid of Izzy. Anyone else with the exception of Matt would have gone home up beside Izzy.
Script leak from next thursdays episode…
“Jarrod, in order to stay in game, you’ll need to disassemble this 3D puzzle of yourself, move all 3 pieces to the 2nd platform directly next to it and then reassemble it before the next episode. And your time starts now. Will Jarrod assemble the puzzle and get back into game, tune in on Sunday at our new time 10EST airing after Yellowstone.”
I can already see the rage on his face trying to fit his a** where his mouth should be. lol
So what does this tell us? For one, it tells us there are TWO puzzles – one of Jared and one of Cam, so there’s room for some production shenanigans in how tough one puzzle is versus the other.
We’ll of course never know because we’ll only see ONE of them.
TTOTambz referenced Kaitlyn’s puzzle from BB20 and how easy it was in a post above, and she ain’t wrong, but Kaitlyn still managed to screw it up (it had I think 8 pieces in total) with 2.5 minutes to disassemble, stuff it through the hole and reassemble it on the other side, by trying to do it puzzle standing, and had some of the pieces backwards, in which case they aren’t ever going to fit right. She should have (IMHO) reassembled the entire thing while it was lying on the floor, then stood it up fully assembled or just picked it up piece by piece to reassemble it from the fully reassembled floor puzzle, but she clearly didn’t have a plan going into the comp.
Knowing Cam, I’m betting he decides to keep his fate in his own hands and do the puzzle himself. That’s what I would do even knowing that Jared has struggled with puzzles in a prior competition. They are unaware of how bad he struggled with the word “golden” in that veto unscramble word comp, unless he told them, which I doubt his ego would allow him to do, so I think there’s about an 80% chance Cam does the comp himself.
Ohhh, I hope not! Can’t stand his whiny a$$ and his entitled attitude! Don’t like to be mean, but I felt satisfaction at his pity party of one.
If Cameron wins and opts to do the puzzle just watch it be a rubiks cube.
Right! I’m sure it will be something ridiculously hard if Cameron wins and chooses to do the puzzle, or something super easy if Jared ends up doing the puzzle.
I agree. I dont understand how Jared is still in the game after his remarks. I really feel Jared can do and say anything and never get kick out. Lost all respect for big brother.
And if Jared wins, it’ll be a children’s puzzle
He can’t solve a children’s puzzle. He could not immediately figure out the 3 simple weapons on the veto comp. Out of 3, that’s 3, possible matches, it was not obvious or even secondary to him.
The fact it’s a puzzle is strong evidence that production is not interfering here to give Jared the comp win.
He’s so bad at puzzles, if that was production’s attempt to help him then they all need some help with critical thinking themselves.
Jared has zero visual spatial abilities. Maybe 10th percentile Stanford Binet.
Jared and puzzles don’t go together because Jared is puzzled by puzzles.
(I gotta admit this is one of my best comments…lol)
Aim higher…..haha…..
I noticed it took Jared a few tries to get the piece in the zombie or whatever. They were SHAPES! You know, like that baby toy that you put the shape in the correct hole!
He barely put together TWO pieces on the premier show.
Remember Jared with the puzzle night one?
If he has to do it, he’d have a hard time with 2 equal size rectangles that have to form a square.
Anyone else getting kookoo kaitlyn bb20 puzzle flashbacks?
In solving puzzles one needs a brain. Enough said.
The downvote thinks otherwise ?
Will Cameron be able to know what the puzzle is before he makes his decision?
As I was saying, I don’t understand CBS obsession with the Fields family…They certainly aren’t all that and a bag of chips. Jared is a classless punk and Cerie is a lazy lying floater. They must be related to a Big Brother producer to get all this special treatment. Jared is evicted to the BB fans delight and you bring him back to stay. What a SH…Y move. Cameron has no chance against Jared because Cirie and her clan have totally ruined Cameron’s character in the BB house.This show is so blatantly rigged that it is awful…..CBS, we are not fools. It just keeps getting worse and cringe worthy to watch. I don’t like any of these people and I definitely don’t like CBS’s version of Big Brother.
I had never watched Survivor, so I decided to watch the seasons Cirie was on it in order to gain perspective. I started with season 12. Episode 1 Cirie states she is afraid of leaves. I’ve already seen enough of her and that statement truly “leaves” me unimpressed…
I’ve watched all seasons of Survivor. I have never liked Cirie and have never understood why she’s so popular. She was on it 3 different times and lost each time, so how does that make her a great player!
She told the house she played 4 times! She told them to go watch and put some respect on her name, some bs like that. She also told Matt when they were alone not to watch the hero’s vs villains season cause it was trash and not worth his time.
I’ve watched every season of Survivor. Apprently Cirie was on several times. I don’t remember her at all. I don’t think her being on Survivor makes her a better House guest on Big Brother. Plus, if she was all that great of a player why does she need backup in the form of her son?
I honestly didn’t remember her and I’ve seen all the seasons.
SHE is the back up
Cirie is very adept at bringing people in to her bussom, for lack of a better word, if that’s even a word.
I LOVED Cirie on Survivor, all 4 times. One of my fave players. Her son, however, has turned into one of my intensley disliked players. He is an a$$hole. His behavior does not reflect well on her.
Nic — damn, you are SO right on !!!
Perfectly said.
Cirie never wins anything. She won once on Survivor and cried for an hour. It was like she just won the Super.Bowl or an Oscar. She is also someone you can not trust in the game. She will stab you in the back with a big smile on her face. What she did to Eric on Survivor was an all time low. Google it if you do not know. Basically Eric was the Matt of Survivor. Look what she did to that poor kid. She has no guilt.
That and what she did to Arie on “The Traitor”. That was a d- move!
To Arie and the other two remaining players.
That actually broke my heart, it’s why I don’t like her. I know it’s a game but they way she did them at the end was too much to watch. Someone said she won 1 season of survivor but I thought she said she hadn’t won any, she came close. I don’t know.,
I wonder if before the show to get Cirie on the show, they signed some sort of contract that forced production to help them out and that now production is way less enamored of Cirie & her devil spawn. That contract probably couldn’t go as far as to orchestrate their win. Now, that the viewers are not so excited about the way they have been acting, and complaints by viewers, they are letting them flounder
Some have commented that BB will give a sign on bonus which means they are invested in getting their money’s worth. They may be kicking themselves now though.
With the amount of money generated by the show, sign-on bonus is a mere pittance.
Agree!!! I cannot stand either of them!!! Love Matt!!!
I wonder what is going on with BB days and show times. Sunday the old Yellowstone series (???) is now on for two hours after 60 Minutes and only after foorball even when it runs into overtime. Wednesday now will be Survivor followed by The Amazing Race, each running for 90 minutes. BB still has Thursday for now lol.
Writer’s strike.
That is very far from a Zombie costume. Maybe that could have been a costume of a group of people from the series The 100 instead
I didn’t even realize Jared was in costume.
Jared isn’t in zombie costume either
Not a fan of the Zombie thing with Cameron and Jared for a whole week with nothing else going on. Geez! Another week of Jared or maybe more. Is production trying to get BB cancelled ?? Would have been more interesting to let the guys go and move on with the game.
What’s The bs About if Jared comes back in? Everyone getting there pants in a twist over this. It’s A Damn game and we don’t know the ppl..we just see them in the game. Why do we always down side people.
Exactly! I don’t see any special treatment that they have been receiving but this group of people are hell bent on making personal attacks against them even though Cory shows a lot less class than them all.
Cerie was put in the house with Survivor super fans and her son. She did receive special treatment. They have also had edits that didnt match the feeds. This happens on BB but it doesnt mean people have to like it. People might be overly suspicious about production but they have every right to want Jared gone. Anyone that has experienced or witnessed domestic violence can clearly see the tactics he is using. It not an attack to point this out. It also only benefits him to minimize and normalize what he is doing.
If anyone relates to Blue’s experience please get help. You dont deserve abuse.
A shout of joy at Jared’s eviction turned into a groan of dismay at the despicable twist. Grodzilla has the all the subtlety of a hammer to the head. When the feeds are down, instead of goldfish, they should just have a hand giving the middle finger. Production seems to have contempt for the BB viewer. Expect the expected…CBS will choose the winner. SUCKS bandanas…
Tell it like it is Guapo…..tell it with COJONES …!!
I really despise Cory and America more that Jared. Honestly. Cameron may get my vote for America’s favorite.
Why do you despise them?
I can understand you despising Cory as he is a weasel. America is the one that actually sees what’s going on. Unfortunately, she hasn’t communicated it straight up to anyone. It’s all bits and pieces. As for Cameron, I actually agree with you. If he leaves or doesn’t win this game I’ll probably vote him or America for AF.
Question- Blue saying that Jared will stay if the script is scripting the way it’s been scripting the entire season- is she basically admitting that it’s rigged for him to win?
I saw/heard that too. I didn’t even question it, I took it to mean exactly what she said. Scripted. Rigged. And what’s more, I wasn’t surprised. I was like, Yep there it is.
That’s what it sounded like to me, too
I picked up on that also, it is very obvious Production wants Jared & Cirie to go far.
I wish the others would ease up on Cameron, I’d rather have Cam in the house over Jared.
Jared lies, get’s caught in a lie, gets very loud with you, will try and talk over you, as far as I’m concerned, Production is doing everything possible to help Jared, it’s very obvious.
Really Sad, they are really messing up BB, too many dumb twists, too much Production interference, I just to not understand the love for Cirie & Jared ??
I was wondering about that, too! “If the script keeps scripting the way it’s been scripting”. The hell?????
Geez. She is just being cynical. It’s not evidence that this is actually happening. Just an in-house conspiracy theorist.
Jared will lose and then the tin foilers will act like this conversation never happened.
Blue did talk in code to Jag and Matt that she was asked by production what it would take to evict Izzy. She said that’s when she knew Izzy had to go! ?????
Saw that too….WHOOMP (there it is) !!!
So Fe is seemingly going back to Cirie. Meme? ditto.
Meme’s implication last night that the bsb, an alliance, would be targeted because of race, not because they’re an alliance… still has my head working through the logistics of her implied argument. it seems to me that it’s an attempt to have cake and eat it too while dog whistling to the public that it’s racism when they explicitly chose to form and name their alliance based on being black. This isn’t camp comeback of 21 where 4 individuals not aligned were targeted one after the next because their skin color made them stand out in the crowd of white. This is four people in an alliance implying their alliance being targeted would be prejudice in action. I still can’t answer because this issue is going to take a while to process for me. I don’t fear being cancelled for coming to a conclusion, I just want to come to a conclusion only after fully considering the argument from perspective of the game. Is she saying let’s form a black alliance, if we’re targeted we yell racism to the cams so that they are too afraid of public reaction to target us? That’s where I’m leaning at the moment. shit, better get my wheelbarrow to heft away the downvotes. I understand real world bias and microagression and unconscious bias. I think, in this instance, Meme is wrong because the youngers actually wanted her. Three of them came to her week one and two to work together as duos.
I look at every season as 16 (17) humans playing big brother. Trying to work out these real world issues as game is above my pay grade.
Your final paragraph states essentially that you’re color blind. That’s an old concept that is not helpful. I won’t explain it. You can research it yourself.
They formed an alliance to celebrate and empower them as Black people, being the social milieu is always against them in games as it is in society.
Meme believes that implicit bias has ramped up at this point in the game to take out the Black players, as BSB has not been overtly exposed to be seen as the biggest threat right now, and besides, a lot more alliances have been outed but not specifically picked off yet in that manner (I don’t feel like analyzing exactly what interfered with the latter not occurring, but could certainly be the flip flopping and eating of offspring in this game, rather than race).
But certainly, with Fel, Cerie and Meme being non-competitors (Meme certainly has potential, but nothing to immediately fear), it isn’t a far jump for Meme to conclude that the fact of their race is what ties them together now in the minds of the other HGs in terms of THOSE OTHERS WHO ARE THREATS.
I don’t believe Meme is correct in her assessment, but it is understandable given how often that sort of thing occurs in life.
i’m not color blind, as far as i am consciously aware. In my real world I don’t base my judgement of people as individuals on their ethnicity to determine value and worth as an individual. when asked about race, my answer is human. Is that color blind or is that seeing everyone as an equal person? hmmm, I’ll have to think about that.
Experientially I’ll never know the experience of being black. I can empathize, and wish things weren’t as they are and work for change to make all human lives equal, but I won’t experience that systemic treatment first hand. This is another part of why I’m openly questioning, and not jumping to a conclusion. I want input to help me.
Despite good intentions, well, you know.
What Does Color Racial Colorblindness Look Like?
16 humans playing BB. That’s implying that everyone is on equal playing fields. Whereas, their race, ethnicity and gender most certainly affect their game position and progress.
No matter how subtle, there is an inherent whitewashing here of the power imbalances.
You’re obviously a very intelligent person. If you’ve done the research, it’s very clear that proposals of ‘seeing everyone as equal’, are colorblind and harmful.
I’ve gathered a nice bucketload of thumbs down on my OP, which is great bc it means people are reading and feeling dissonance.
Shake it up!
i don’t understand why you are getting downvotes. We’re discussing a topic that is relevant within the game concerning the motivations of a houseguest.
My basic issue in regards to the idea that color blindness is harmful as relationship to viewing all people as deserving equal human rights? It’s essentially placing trauma over healing. It’s saying allies can’t have an opinion; at least an opinion that counts. That to me is too xeno.
I’d rather love all people and celebrate differences as something that strengthens all of us as a whole.
During opening night, there were 4 groups.
Two of the four groups had one Black player each. Each of those Black players lost their comp.
The third group had two Black players, and one of them lost the comp.
The 4th group had only White players.
At the conclusion of all four comps, there were 3 Blacks and 1 White who could be potentially be kicked out.
In MEME’s world, and in the world of the members of the alliance for “Cause”, it’s likely that the results unequivocally represented “bias” and “racism”.
We would NEVER KNOW, had each of the four groups had at least one Black, the results of those comps, BUT WE CAN GUESS.
For background that is probably irrelevant. I grew up in a small Canadian town that’s 98% white and hyper-coservative on almost every subject. However, my 20 house cul de sac was incredibly multi-cultural. My neighbors and in most cases life long friends were Egyptian, Jamaican, Pakistani Sikh, Israeli, Finnish, and Tibetan. These are my friends, and that’s where my view that we share being human beings comes from.
I’m aware of the treatment that was hoisted on them as ‘different’, but i didn’t experience it first hand. To me, my friends were my friends. I hope this doesn’t read as ‘i can’t be racist, i work with a black person.’ I just think everyone has value.
Touché, un autre nom, touché. Your words in this post were heartfelt and insightful. I applaud you.
“Meme believes that implicit bias has ramped up at this point in the game to take out the Black players”
Nobody is “bias free”. If you know of someone, please let us know.
But there are individuals in this world who perceive that EVERYTHING IN LIFE is “race driven”, and “MEME” comes across as a person who subscribed to that notion. To her, life (and history) is an endless tug between the races, and being on BB is NO DIFFERENT. She probably has little to no social intercourse with individuals outside her circle (of “friends?”) which only feeds the displaced perception. The same can be said about “Whites” and Asians. Adding “Ethnicity” into the equation only complicates the analysis (of biases) in that it then becomes further fragmented with different interactions involving more subgroups.
I agree with you, no down vote from me. I think Matt, Jag, America and Corey want to work with Meme. I don’t think they want to target Jared and Cirie because of the color of their skin at All but because of all their lies and pitting people against each other. Meme and Felicia are seen as working with Cirie, so if targeted it is because they are a number for Cirie/Jared.
EVEVRYONE has lied, so let’s try again. They are only using that as the reason because there is nothing else
Well said, ClubBigBrother. Direct and to the point.
MUMMA N SON, FELICIA, AND MEME formed their alliance for the “Cause” (as another poster put it).
IT’S A BLATANT FACT supported by their own statements when they are alone talking about the other half of the house.
So with you on this one. Very hard to understand this one. So very unfair from a human perspective, from a game perspective.
Does anyone think/believe that Felicia will actually talk to Meme about joining with Corey and America for a final 4?
She’ll discuss the convos she had overall, and how things can play out for Fel Meme.
But Felicia already threw America UTB, saying America lied through her teeth when she said she didn’t support a Jared nom.
So whatever they form is not going to be a real F4. Anyway, Meme is now very suss to the non-Cerie side, given her HOH comp knockout picks.
Felicia may still have some capital left with Americory bc they know how bitter she was about the Cerie Jared betrayal. Hopefully they keep her at arm’s length and don’t actually trust her ever.
Matt has really kept his sneakers super white. Every time there’s a shot of him, I always notice.
So can we talk about Julie’s hair? At first I thought it was a nice change of pace, but then on closer shot with the bangs in her eyes……..
Maybe her bangs covering her eyes isn’t such a bad idea so she doesn’t have to see what a lousy season its been.
Still call it: Cory will win this game and America, as long she stays in bed with Cory will come in #2. Cory thinks things through first. feels second. He may not win many physical comps but the mental ones, he will be hard to beat, America not so much with either types of comps. It stands to reason America may win one out of the remaining days. She is charming, yes, a super fan who knows/loves the game, yes but her impulsivity often gets her the better of her. But, if she holds on to Cory and she will get the Taylor Hale “fame” she seeks after the game ends. Now another two weeks of this..ugg .Taryn Armstrong said it best: next Thursday is day 58 and the last person evicted was on day 23. I agree this was the double eviction that was not. If you do the math, 9/28 either Cory or Jared reenter the game ( wait they are already there?)10 people left. 10/5 eviction= 9 people left and jury can start. With one per week after that gets you to the start of Nov. when the game ends. This is just CBS stretching out the season folks. By keeping Jared and Cameron the drama continues albeit via a really poor execution of this double eviction that was not one. What so zombie. like about Jared and Cameron( in costumes and or actions ?? I can’t take two weeks of the endless loops etc. and IMO without Cam or Jared these remaining folks are not entertaining or much fun to watch. CBS knows this so why not keep the two most polarizing players in the game to stretch out the season and decrease boredom. Cameron has proven he can’t be trusted( he knows they all know that) and he crossed a line when he called Matt dumb if he didn’t vote Izzy out. Jared has crossed many more lines especially when he used Matt’s disability to cover up his lie ( Matt did NOT “misunderstand” Jared.) Blue was visible shaken on Thursday after being nominated but it was more about her gettin an eye-opener that she is not as slick as she thinks. BTW, Corey would never allow Jared to talk to him the way Jared does to Blue. I wish Cory a happy birthday and Peaceful Yom Kippur, Bowie a happy birthday as well. My girl Meme , hope she can find an anchor, but it may be too late ..too bad cause she is smart enough to have placed herself in a better position. Felicia may be MeMe’s trusted friend but she, like the others, are just collateral damage for Cory. PS if it’s a puzzle that will decide who remains on Thursday, Jared is toast. Whew finally someone goes home.. I would be thrilled if it were Jared( he still keeps underestimating Cory..hahahaha!) and, like him or not, Cory is smartly playing this game and don’t we all secretly suspect he will win? Somewhere Cody and Derrick are smiling.
Dum Dums. They are worried about Cam if he wins all the comps? First off both Jared and Cam win all the comps, but how about this? Align with Cam and use his Comp winning to your advantage. Cam does not want to be alone in the game. Be his allie.
Who do Cirie and Jared think they are questioning people about how they are playing. They don’t have to answer to them. I can’t believe Blue and Matt crawling back to be with them. I wouldn’t tell Matt or Blue anything about what the rest are planning. Hope Cameron comes back but have a feeling it’s rigged for Jared to come back.
Felicia is having some crazy theories about what they could have the Houseguests do
Sounds like Jared didn’t win the most recent part of the reanimation comp?
If the tears are any indication.
The no game week. Why would prodo do a no game week at the midpoint of the season?
It’s been on the books since preseason, so why?
A full week of course correction or power consolodation (whatever the case may be) for a social game stuntcast you say? Gold star.
Why are the zombies free range instead of confined to a secret suite a la bbcan4?
same reason as above. In case a social game stuntcast or adjaecent was in trouble.
Can’t even call this tinfoil because every twist has been set since pre-production to occur at regular intervals in case the season plot stuntcast is endangered.
Perhaps this was added or modified as a result of Luke leaving the game.
i think there were meant to be three zombies.
Also, free range is to hopefully create some havoc as HGs scramble to realign and explain their DE actions. It provides potential for target shifts next week, rather than throw the evictee back into the house without having any time to rebuild or sort out relationships.
Although with Jared and Cam, obviously there’s not much hope for either of them to change their house standings if they come back.
schedule for the season, including no wed. episode on survivor premiere night has been available since week one. So it’s doubtful there was a change.
Cameron beat Jared in the zombie comp so he gets to decide to do the puzzle or not
So if Cam decides not to do it, that means Jared has to and Cam hopes he doesn’t succeed??
If the puzzle involves LOGIC or GRAMMAR, then CAM should give the rope to JARED and let play it. lol
That’s what I was thinking lol. Anything harder than spelling Bro, he is done! 😀
Win the puzzle and stay – lose and go. Cam just decides who plays it him or Jared.
Both guys were saying they’d probably play bc they expect an easy puzzle like the one Kaitlyn played in BB20 (really easy but she managed to lose anyway).
I don’t care what anyone says, Jared has really left his mark on the house.
maybe not mark. hmmm.
stain on the house? welll…
I don’t care what anyone says, Jared has really left his stain on that couch.
That he tried to clean with a wetwipe.
I can’t get a good read on Cam’s angle. He told Cirie he wants to buddy up with Matt, Jag, et al and pretend to be working with them but will turn on them and take them out for Cirie. When he talked to Matt, he did not mention saying that to Cirie so I fear he is going to help Cirie if he stays. Boo. Hope I am wrong. Matt is all excited to work with Cam. Well again it’s Jared who was EVICTED btw, and had all night to rat everyone out. He ratted Matt out about his power and that was on Cam’s HOH. So, he is probably pretty pissed at Matt. Please tell me he is not going to help Cirie if he stays…
Exactly why this twist is garbage. It is only benefiting cirie game. Cam will go to Cirie. Both Cam and Jared need to go away.
I think he now see cirie on an island as him + the one’s who had the control on the votes to save him was them (jag could of also kept the noms..) + he can beat cirie in comps.
It make sence he would go after jag/matt or Cory.
Cameron has won the right to decide who has to complete the puzzle.
Either Cam competes, if does it he stays.
Jared competes, if he fails he goes.
Do you honestly think they’re looking to do what’s fair here?
No. They’re looking to save their stuntcast here. Based on what I’ve read so far on this site, only one person is doing a puzzle – not two. I could see one of them being a 12 piece and one being a 24 piece, but it’s CAM’S that will be 24, not Jared’s and Jared’s will be 12 pieces and easier to complete, not Cam’s, and they may even give him more time to complete it if they aren’t required to disclose the time allotment before hand.
What you’re proposing is a fair handicap for Cam winning part one of the comp, which he should have as BB provides in MOST comps like this (winner of F3 comp 1 sits out part 2 with a by to part 3, Winner of part 3 gets to pick who sits next to him/her in F2), but again, they’re not looking for fairness here. Only to protect the stuntcast.
God Jared! I don’t think it takes your mama to look like a fool. You’ve done that all on your own. Cannot take this kid (sorry not a man) anymore!
Yep, just some punk ‘kid’ hanging out in a man’s world on BB.