Cedric – “My primary goal right now is Kenny, Angela, Joe. Veto Keep noms the same” **Updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

The PLAN: Cedric is thinking of putting up Angela and Kenny. Target is Angela. The pawn is either Joe or Rubina. (MJ and Leah have also been mentioned)

1:20 am Cedric and Joe
Cedric talking about putting Leah up as a pawn
Feeds flip when we’re back.

Joe – And also too, I was thinking about this. I was like, I don’t think anyone thinks that you and me are close.
C – No, I really don’t.
J – I think people think that I’m really close with Quinn which is good because he’s obviously not my dude like you and Chelsea so but people know that you and Chelsea are close
C – which is kind of what is worrying me because that’s going to be the narrative we have to break this week like yeah so.
Joe – I’m not going to talk to you much this week. I know we’re good.
J – Like from day one, bro. I was rocking with you and Chelsea, bro. Even though, like you two were not in the best position I was like I’m going off vibes and we’ll see what happens like you know what I’m saying.
I don’t think we have much more right. I think we’re good.
C – Yeah, we’re good

J – I think that the good thing is that I think if you’re able to last two more weeks, I don’t think people are gonna care about you anymore because people are gonna want to go after Tucker because it keeps you are doing a good job of not, like, downplaying everything, bro. Just downplay everything, bro. And. Cam and Leah, if we keep them in the game together, people are gonna want to go after them. People are gonna start thinking, who
can win in the end? Like somebody like Quinn. Someone like Quinn can totally win he’s a beast.

Joe suggests Cedric not win the veto so that he doesn’t make himself out to be a HUGE target.

1:26 am Kimo and Cedric
K- I just wanted to pick your brain and see how I can fit into your picture. Because I know we’re working together already, but. I just want you to know that I will. I’m doing whatever you need me
to do.
C – I appreciate that. Yeah, we’re 100% good. Like, that’s why I was gonna tell you before you even started. Yeah. You are not going up the collective is safe. It comes down to who outside of the collective I put up.

C – I’m talking with all the collective members to figure out who everyone thinks would be a good choice because Angela’s going up Kenny’s going up. I need a 3rd 1 and it’s not even like a 3rd one to
C – It’s just a third one cause I have to put three nominations.
K – you need a pawn.
C – Yeah, essentially. So I don’t want to use someone in the collective cuz there’s no need for it even though we have the numbers it’s all risk and no reward.

K – Who’s not in the collective that you don’t feel close to? You’re kind of close with everyone.
C – Yeah, I’m kind of close with everybody. Yeah. So it’s like, that’s why winning this HOH was is hard I shouldn’t have done that but if I didn’t win I was one peoples radar.
K – Who’s radar are you on?
C – I mean, just in general, like, I think I’m like, you know, and it’s not even like that. I’m like, primary target or target number one. But just like, you know, if not me, then who else? You know, I mean, I
kind of in the similar situation that we’re in, like, if someone else was someone this week and it was like, oh, you know, go ahead, just put Cedric up. Like, I think that would be the the narrative.

Cedric asks Kimo who he would put up.
Feeds flip when we’re back.
Cedric is saying he never talked game one time with Rubina “but she seems super dope”
Cedric – I asked Tkor ‘who would you not want me to put up’ and she said Rubina.
C – So it’s like what? Whatever do we do? Right. And it’s not. I think I’m stressing more about it than I need to be because I just need a pawn. Like it’s not anything more. It’s not anything deeper than
that. I just need somebody to come up or somebody that would be like, I want to build this game relationship with you.
Kimo doesn’t want to volunteer to be a pawn.
Kimo says there’s only 2 options if he’s going to honour Tkors request.
C – if the majority of the collective says like Rubina is the better option than I have to go with the majority over the individual because it’s a group
Cedric – for sure Kenny and Angela are going up. I don’t want to ask anyone in the collective to be a pawn.
C – we have the numbers now why won’t we ride this out to Jury.
K – just so you know too if I win HOH next week or whatever it is I would never put you up just as a reminder.
C – who do you think will put me up?
K – I haven’t heard you on anyone’s radar. You’re doing a really good job.
C- what worries me is Rubina had not talked game with me at all. And it’s day 17. So, like, she’s doing something where she’s in something that I’m not in, clearly because we’re 17 days deep. There’s no way you’re not in an alliance at this point. Kenny’s not in an alliance because he’s been moppy and sad, Angela’s blew everything up and nobody wants to work with her so those two are easy.
Cedric says Kenny or Angela are going this week. “We have the numbers to make it happen”

1:50 am Cedric and Leah
C – Angela’s going up. Kenny’s going up. And then I need a pawn to go up the 3rd. So I don’t know. I’m so lost, bro. I don’t know. I don’t know who I put up as a pawn because I don’t wanna unnecessarily get blood on my
hands. 100 percent. And it’s the same very much the same situation as Tucker. It’s like whoever is going up this week is to, like, build our game relationship. And like instill trust in us more.

C – whoever is going up isn’t going home. You know, Angela is the primary target if that falls through Kenny’s backup target, you know. So it’s like there’s literally no risk, I’m like, I see zero because there’s always chance. But there is almost no chance that whoever decides to be a pawn this week is going home. So it’s like I don’t want to force somebody to be up or not force, but I don’t want someone to be a pawn and then be like. I’m really, really, truly, sincerely not even worried about them going home because Angela, everybody’s tripping on Angela. Everyone wants Angela out of the game. We we all said last week if Lisa goes this week, Angela
goes next week, right? So every literally everybody in the house is on the same page.

C – And in the event that Angela somehow wins the competition, which is super unlikely because she kind of sucks at everything except rolling things across the board, Then Kenny cuz he wants to go see his kids and his family anyways. So I literally just have to put a third person up there because of Ainsley’s twist. So that’s the situation on me. I have no idea how to do. I don’t know if it’s better to, like, wait for someone to volunteer.

L – I would try to talk to the people like the people you haven’t talked to. What I’m worried about is if they call you immediately the second you wake up and you haven’t had the chance to talk to everyone like I think it
would be in your best interest and even though it’s like you’re tired but these people like they need to talk to you like.

Leah asks who he hasn’t talked to yet. Cedric says not everyone yet.
L – I’ll just package it this way. There’s someone that you haven’t talked to yet that previously agreed in front of me to being a pawn previously. So I think if you talk to everyone and kind of put it like maybe you could ask people are you willing to? I really think that there’s someone that you mentioned previously that you haven’t talked to yet that would agree and because I watched it with my own two eyes.
Leah says this is a blood free HOH.
Leah goes on if he talks to everyone someone will volunteer to be the pawn. “Don’t be too hard on yourself everyone knows you have to make a decision. This is the best HOH to get”

L – I could tell you who I want to stay like I really I love Chelsea I love Brooklyn those are two of that I wouldn’t want to see go definitely. I feel the same way about you I feel like
I mean like there was a few people that I think are skating a little because like they are good people and like this and that but like I wanna play with players that wanna play.
L – I can tell you from the bottom of my heart I am not in anything right now.

2:14 am Cedric and Cam
Cedric says Angela and Kenny are going up but he’s having trouble selecting the pawn. He doesn’t want to get extra blood on his hands going into week 4.
C – That’s the biggest week to win HOH is week four. everything gets decided Lines are drawn.
Cedric says Week 5 will be double eviction and he can play again. (LOL)
Cedric goes on that there’s no chance the pawn is going home the main target is Angela, Backup target is Kenny.
Cedric says Angela is not winning the Veto not with him and Kenny playing in it.
Cam suggests Rubina as the Pawn.
Cedric says he talked to her and she told him whatever he does she’ll understand but stressed that he was never on her radar.
Cam says Rubina is in an alliance she is doing something with Tkor and Kimo “For sure”
Cedric agrees. says that Tkor doesn’t want Rubina up.
Cam – is Rubina in the collective
Cedric – no
Cam – then she’s the only one
Cam – here’s the thing if Leah gets HOH she is 100% gunning for you. She was already nervous about what you said to her last week.
Cedric – I didn’t say that…
Cam – If you put her up that’s going to put a target on you back next week. I wouldn’t put her up.
Cam says Brooklyn is in the pentagon so putting her up is out of the question.
Cam – the only person is Rubina.
They start stressing about who would be the replacement.
Cam – do you think Joe would rock?
Cedric says that they already talked and Joe said he’s going to keep his distance this week so people don’t think they are close.
Cam – that would be the perfect way to sell it to him
Cedric – Hey, I really don’t want to put somebody in the collective up, but this is the safest week to do it and it’s going to set the narrative of like you can sell it like you don’t fuck with me.
Cam – that would be smart.
Cam – it’s either Joe or Rubina

2:30 am Cedric and Quinn
They celebrate. Cedric asks him what he thinks they should do.
Quinn says Angela and Kenny the third person is going to be tough. Says it needs to be a tucker situation where someone volunteers.
Cedric says he doesn’t want to touch someone in the alliances but that only leaves, MJ (makensy), Rubina and Leah.
Cedric doesn’t want to put Rubina up “Should I ask someone in the collective to just be like crate separation between us”
C – take some heat off the collective.
Q – whos in the collective that’s not in the pentagon?
C – Joe, Tkor.
Cedric thinks about suggesting to Joe to be the pawn to create some distance between.
C – Joe can spin the narrative like F*** that dude.

2:43 am Brooklyn and Cedric
Cedric says she’s not going up.
C – Kenny thinks you are starting an all girls alliance.
B – the only girl I like is Rubina…
Cedric says he’s thinking of putting Joe up as the pawn.
Cedric – My primary goal right now is Kenny, Angela, Joe, Veto Keep noms the same. AI arena hopefully Joe win..
Feeds flip. when we’re back. they are talking about having the votes as the collective.

3:00 am Cedric and Makensy
Chit chat..

3:40 am

5:40 am Zzzzzzzzzzz

9:00 am houseguests are waking up.

9:30 am Quinn and Tkor
Tkor thinks the third nominee should be Leah of Makensy.
Quinn says Cedric is worried about Makensy’s power.
Q – The good news is, if the collective keeps winning We’re at least jury. So it’s like we have that safety net. No need to like, like, I’m telling myself, don’t get paranoid Don’t be crazy
Tkor doesn’t think Joe is a good pawn “He’s not even good at comps”
Quinn says Cedric doesn’t want Joe to win the comp and if he does he doesn’t want Joe to use it. “That’s not really how it works”
Q – He’s too scared to put up Rubina

9:35 am Cedric and Tucker
They mention how the crew is still pulling apart the HOH set in the backyard.
T – How you feeling about today? I’m feeling l. I don’t know
C – I still don’t know when we’ll put that.

C – other than those 2 (Angela/Kenny). MJ is the most logical for the week to get that shit out. But then at the same time, she’s going to be safe. And next week I can’t compete. And that’s where next week is like. Well, now you need, like, two targets on the block because the house doesn’t have two targets. So it’s like, if I throw her up, she’s going to automatically come down.
T – Yeah, I think a lot of people will be thankful that there’s been a power exposed
C – I think that’s correct. But then at the same time, I think, you know, a lot of people just say thank you for doing that. But it’s not going to affect my game.
Cedric is worried if he puts MJ up she uses her power then someone close to her goes up and is taken out MJ will be coming after him.
Tucker – F*** it Bro if she does that and it ends in your hands put me up as a pawn and I’ll bust that comp out… BRO that’s man to man I don’t give a f*** Bro I’ll beast that out.
Tucker says he’s not playing with anyone he’s just floating.

12:15 pm Cedric and Makensy
Makensy explains her power. “If you put me up you don’t get to choose who goes up”
C – is it like a wheel
M – It’s by a vote..
Makensy admits that it’s America that votes. Stresses it could be anyone.

Cedric says this week is hard because there’s two clear targets.
Makensy – Did Tucker actually say he wants to go back up or is he just saying that he understands
C – He was telling me he not necessarily wants to go back up, but he understands that, like, if I don’t have another option, he would be down to go up, because then it doesn’t put like, you know what I mean, doesn’t put unnecessary blood on my hands. And that’s the thing that I’m trying to, like, figure out and trying to stress, is that whoever I put up isn’t the target
Feeds flip When we’re back. They are talking about the Guys and Girls are not forming alliances like some people think.

1:07 pm Tucker, Kenny and Cedric form a new alliance called Shake it u.
Tucker – the three shakers… Shake it up…
Sounds like Cedric is putting up Angela, Tucker and Angela.


1:16 pm Cedric and Cam
Cedric tells him his nominsations are Angela, Tucker and Kenny. “If I have to put up a renom it is what it is”

3:23 pm Feeds down for nominations

4:02 pm Feeds return Cedric nominated Kenny, Angela and Tucker.

5pm Kitchen – Leah is making dinner for everyone. Brooklyn helped. Most of the others are sitting around out in the backyard.

39 thoughts to “Cedric – “My primary goal right now is Kenny, Angela, Joe. Veto Keep noms the same” **Updated**”

  1. BB trying to mist viewers into thinking that the men this year are anywhere near beauty level of Italian Olympian Ceccone. And some feeders and HGs starved enough to fall for it.

    Matt is Ceccone after multiple reparative surgeries post-vehicle accident.

  2. Things of note:
    Collective is back i guess, but still has never met as an alliance.
    Kimo told Tucker about Quinn’s power, Tucker told Joseph. Told you AS SOON AS that HOH was over Tucker was spilling his guts.
    MJ has lied or omitted about what her power does. That’ll be a talking to from production if they follow season 19 rules. Bad. She has leveraged her power better than a lot of houseguests would have… but does she even know what her power does? Seriously, being first one on one and swinging back for a second one on one two weeks running. That’s actually more hustle than MOST of the house has.
    I get the feeling that Angela and Kenney are going to be kept as permapawn and a repeat of the Lisa situation will keep happening. The EDIT and house mentality point to that.
    Joseph does not pawn. Something EVERYONE should be saying.
    The CORE is STILL so overallianced or over-extending. They don’t want to nominate ANY non-members of ANY of their alliances, and fear nominating the only two they WANT to nominate 2 weeks running. Tucker and Rubina aren’t in ANY of the Core alliances but are not a consideration to at least one Core member. Want to win or want to clique?
    Brooklyn knows that Kenney is calling her the women alliance ring leader. Doesn’t know Tucker is ALSO pushing the idea.
    T’kor STILL hasn’t been told about Quinn’s power.
    Kimo doesn’t want to be a pawn but kinda sorta said “If I have to it’s okay’ during his disaster one on one.
    Rubina and Kimo SUCKED HUGE in their one on ones. Leah was trying really hard with a push in the last 50 m to get that bronze.
    Joseph one on one….. yeah. Don’t be a Joseph ally in the houe…. he named every ally as a target to Cedric…. including OTHER Collective members.
    T’kor was back to wanting Tucker out pre-jury and told Kimo….. who had that not my pookie look on his face.

  3. Lots of “just flush her power” chatter.
    Let’s consider.
    IF ANGELA is on the block already… and enough still say Angela should leave
    They don’t watch feeds but they vote and outnumber feeders.
    OPTION ONE: pawn.
    who has the least inclusion in episode and d/r:
    Rubina, Cam, Joseph, are bottom three for inclusion.
    OPTION TWO: guarantee.
    who has the guarantee of casuals to win AI to get rid of THEIR target?
    Comp winners. Tucker, Chelsie.
    OPTION THREE: curveball.
    The edit makes it seem Quinn was responsible for Angela’s 2,500th freakout.
    will enough still hold it against him, and fall for the Karening? Creates a hostile situation, then cries victim. Classic Karen.

    Is it still worth it to flush this power? Or just take her out week 5.

    The only houseguests that still have d/r inclusion in EVERY episode are Angela and Quinn.

    1. I said in another post that it’s not a very smart move to nominate Makensy just to flush the power, when you don’t know who America may nominate to replace her. In Tucker’s case it could be HIM, or it could be one of Cedrick or Tucker’s allies.

      It’s just not a smart move, which is why I’m not surprised Tucker is pushing for it.

  4. I would put up MJ or Leah. They have no people to come after anyone next week.Also you get rid of one power.

  5. Tucker volunteers again. Wants to have the most veto wins title.
    Not sure if Brook heard, but Tucker said he’d nominate her if he was HOH right as she entered.
    Kenney said if he won veto he wouldn’t use it. mmhmmm. suuuuuure.

  6. Sick of Kenny and his, I want to go, attitude. He is soooo boring. And just like a “Karen”, Ken thinks he is special and holy in his perfect world. Walk out the door Sir. Save the game for those that “want” to be there. What a waste of space. Buh Bye!

    1. Same. I was a fan of him at first til he started constantly whining about wanting to leave. Then freakin go, the door isn’t locked lol

    2. This happens more often…..we get someone who acts like they didn’t know how long they would have to be away from their family…..just taking the spot of someone else who deserves to be there.

    3. Kelly, your post about Kenny is certainly your right to express; however, your third sentence, “And just like a ‘Karen’, Ken thinks he is special and holy in his perfect world” is unbelievably derogatory about a man who is only playing the game and one we have only seen for a few weeks. I have seen nothing to support that he thinks he is special and holy. Also, am I correct that calling a (white?) woman a “Karen” is an insult to her? So saying Kenny is just like a “Karen” would be an insult to him.

  7. Cedric! Seriously?! You are from Idaho (so am I), 1/4th black, yet you keep talking like you were raised in the hood. Idaho doesn’t have hoods lol

    1. I’m glad somebody else said it. He’s trying so hard to be black, and pretending he’s not white. It’s morally wrong to denounce 3/4 of your ancestors!

      1. No, it’s not. That’s absurd.

        It’s funny how White people get so offended to have their whiteness rejected, that they actually see it as some sort of moral obligation.

        I say this as a Caucasian who doesn’t need her whiteness acknowledged, lol. I get plenty of that from society granting my default privilege.

      2. To denounce 3/4 of your ancestors? Act black? So how do Cam act? Clearly Cam is a black American that, speaks nor act like Cedric. How about Tucker? Clearly your ignorance can’t seem to hide itself. Learn the difference between a “yo boy” and “acting black .” When did he pretend he wasn’t part white? What is acting white? Quinn “beat boxing” and “rapping” or Tucker ànd MacKenzie, with their ebonically induced way of speaking, at times? So, part black people are white now if their mothers are white? Interesting….

      3. To each his own. We don’t know what got him here. Maybe he’s trying to overcompensate, who knows? IMO, judge not til you’ve walked in his shoes.

    2. And you know his life, his upbringing, his dna (1/4) black? Now tell us about Tucker and how he should act.

  8. There’s no reason to make Joesph the 3rd nominee. If you won’t nominate Makensy or Leah, just put Rubina up. Damn what T’kor thinks about her.

  9. https://screenrant.com/big-brother-26-angela-murray-being-possible-producer-plant-proves-show-only-wants-drama/

    The most obvious piece of evidence that Angela might be a Big Brother 26 producer plant is the fact that she’s appeared on several other CBS TV shows. This is very suspicious. Angela was a contestant on Let’s Make a Deal several years ago and won $20,000 on the game show. In addition, in 2019, she was a contestant on The Price Is Right, which Big Brother revealed on its Instagram page.

    Angela also appeared in the first episode of House Calls with Dr. Phil in 2021. The episode aired on August 18, 2021, and was titled “Traumatized and Dramatized.” Dr. Phil visited Angela’s family in Utah because her teenage daughter hadn’t spoken to her father and sister in three years, despite living in the same house. Angela reached out to Dr. Phil for help. These previous CBS appearances prove that the network knew of Angela long before her Big Brother 26 debut, and might’ve sought her out to be a cast member. As a Big Brother superfan, Angela would’ve jumped at the chance to be a houseguest on the show.

    1. Or she could’ve applied to BB during the same time as those other shows and kept reapplying til it took. She’s been a fan for long, so it also makes sense. Maybe we’ll find out definitively when she gets out.

  10. Y’know haw i said last week that both Tucker and Kenney entered the house wanting to brolliance?
    The SHAKERS:
    Kenney, Tucker, Cedric have formed planning to bring in Cam. Maybe Joseph.
    Joseph has already talked about it to Chelsie. Cedric didn’t say a word to her.

    There’s an awful lot of spit and bile being wasted by Cedric and Chelsie re: Leah if they don’t plan to do anything about it. Just saying.
    The reason for the Leah stuff from Chelsie might be twofold. She said on feeds she was attracted to Cam but not anymore because of Leah. The other reason: Brooklin was named as ringleader for girlliance (she was night one, wasn’t she?… Chelsie was there) and Chelsie is deflecting to Leah.
    Rubina and Brooklin are concerned about the manlliance Brooklin is sniffing.
    Quinn wants Angela out….. not knowing Kimo has outed his power to Tucker who outed his power to Joseph who MIGHT have outed it further. Not sure.
    The house miiiiight be starting to believe that T’kor has the second power because…. Quinn would have told his allies. Quinn is aligned with almost the whole house…..
    but so is most of the house.

    So Kenney wants to play now, but only wants to play with bros. sideye.

    1. Hopefully the girls will get sussed out enough about the bros to vote out Tucker when he’s up as pawn. It would be a golden move.

    2. As for Kenny, the only reason he’s been sulking for 2 weeks is that he lost his Matt bromance. It’s the only way he planned to plan the game when he signed on.

  11. Double Standard.
    House slutshames Leah…. for doing what Tucker did. It was cute when Tucker was pulling the flirt on EVERY WOMAN for days. Sideye. Leah? Dirty game.
    Yeah…. some bias is showing there.
    Rubina and Tucker. Um…. she’s his albatross you take to final 2 for the easy win. That’s the Real extent. Sorry. It. Is. Otherwise…. he wouldn’t be pushing his SECOND all male alliance.

  12. The way that Cedric is speaking and acting like he is “urban” and “from the hood” when he is from one of the most Mormon and Caucasian states in the country (Idaho) is very awkward…

    1. That’s part of the problem for him. It’s a very conservative red state with a low percent population of POC. He would have faced quite a lot of racism. Could be that the hatred he faced from White people, led him to bond more strongly with his Black heritage.

      No one gets to decide that for him from the outside. He can ‘act’ however he feels from the inside.

      Some White people just have to find something to be offended about when they observe POC.

      1. Just because there is a small “POC” population, doesn’t mean there is high racism. You’ll find the opposite in fact. People in Idaho are some of the nicest and most decent people in the US. You’ll find more racism in areas with higher black populations.

    2. This morning he said his mother had him when she was16. So he might not have grown up in the type of environment that you think would shape his”urban” and “from the hood ” demeanor.

  13. Truly, I’m not attempting a dog whistle, or to provoke anyone.
    A lot of these houseguests across the board seem to think code words are deniability.
    Everyone knows what the code words mean.
    Sideye. I get why speaking in deniable terms is happening, however, I’m annoyed by it.
    I am not pointing out any singular houseguest or any demographic (as I said across the board), because it feels like it is instructed by production more than anything else.
    I think that’s why I’m annoyed.

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