Cam “Personally now I have no trust in Leah I’m not going to ever talk to Leah again.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week

4:30pm HOH room – Makensy and Cedric
Makensy – what are you thinking? Cedric – I’m weighing options right now. Makensy – What’s being pushed? Cedric – Im gonna just tell you because I still trust you. What’s being pushed right now is like the house saying, like, look she has the power, lets put her up and see if she uses it and how she and how you navigate that situation. So that’s the narrative that’s being pushed. There’s still other options being weighed because, like you said, I don’t really want to put you in that position. And if I did put you in that position, it would be a conversation that we had prior. Makensy – the only people I have told about the power are you and Tucker but I think the General House consensus people think that I have it because they thought it was Angela or I and I’m aware of that. The thing is if I get put up there’s no way I’m not using it because I mean people think that like I’m a competitor and I don’t know where people lie. The thing is I have no one to back me truly like Im not in anything I don’t know anything and if it was me and Angela against the block on the block cool I think Id be fine but if it was me and Kenny I don’t know and so I just can’t do that to myself on the rare chance cuz even though it’s a small percentage chance that Angela won’t win there’s still like it could be something so minuscule that gets her in it. I get what you’re saying and I understand that me being on the block and using the power is something that everybody wants because like I don’t have a power anymore but even with that being said like it’s hard to like I mean if you want me to use it then yeah put me up. if you wanna go on but it is difficult because it’s like I don’t want to use it on myself and I don’t want to use it on anybody like I don’t wanna put somebody else up there because of me. I wanna use it to help people I don’t want to use it to help me you know what I’m saying?

I will use it because I like, I mean, 100 percent. It would be. It would be dumb not to just cuz there’s no like there’s no need to risk it. Just because I don’t know where I stand with anybody with any of the guys with any of the girls honestly. I see the other thing I see Tucker wanting it gone I know Tucker wants my power gone I get that even though I told him about it because I want him to know that like Im not going against him but I see that side. I see a one hundred percent I’m not an idiot Im not dumb I understand telling people put me in this position and that’s a thing too like I told you from beginning if me having a power is the reason that I get sent home without the power but I don’t know it’s all just it’s all just weird and I yeah go ahead obviously. I don’t want to be on the block I understand that my name’s probably come up. I know Kenny and everybody thinks they weren’t an all-girl alliance don’t know why. Don’t do something like don’t follow what somebody else has sets because then that’s gonna get you enemies too. I’m not saying not saying that Im gonna like come for you or some shit like I don’t want to do that like I understand yes like I said the power whatever. So Tucker’s not for me and so I start thinking certain ways and I have got to like that.
Cedric – navigate that and play your game. Yeah one hundred percent.
Makensy – That’s one side 2 the other side is like okay. Don’t make her get rid of the power I can help because I if I still have my power next week Im not winning HOH which I want somebody else to win HOH that way I can use it like on somebody else cuz I want somebody else that way we can see where people are lying and then I can help do you get what Im saying because if I win then there’s like theres no point because you just put up whatever.
Cedric – I see what you’re saying you’re not going up any like even if you go up you’re not really going up you’re just burning a power that could be used to help me exactly.
Makensy – I cannot be upset because this is your HOH. You won it fair and square, and I want you to do what you need to do. However, I just want you to look at all options.

HOH room – Cam and Cedric
Cam tells Cedric that he doesn’t trust Leah at all anymore and probably won’t talk to her ever again because Leah went and told Makensy about what Cam said to her about not having to worry about going on the block. Cam “Personally now I have no trust in Leah I’m not going to ever talk to Leah again.”

5:50pm Unicorn Room – Makensy, Tkor, Leah and Rubina are studying the days / events of the season. Rubina its too early for that (day/events comp) but its good to review.

Unicorn Bedroom – Tkor, Makensy and Rubina.

Rubina – I think the girls do low key have the girls backs. I just don’t want you to think like if anything is going around. Makensy – It just scares me, if I go up I’m a f**king competitor and I’m going to take my a$$ off! But if people vote me out, then so be it. I just hope we realize like next week it shows me as a target. A clear target, you know what I’m saying. Because I’ve heard it. I’ve already heard it from Cedric. Like he admitted that. Kenny and Tucker think this and that .. and this is happening. Rubina – well the boys are .. only some boys though. Are you close with Cam? Makensy – no, not really. He doesn’t really talk game. Rubina – he doesn’t really. Makensy – at least he admitted to Leah what Cedric said earlier. Rubina – yeah I know. And he has her back. I will tell you if that does happen I am 99.99% sure whoever you do.. if you don’t end up taking yourself down which I do actually see you could I am 99% positive its Kenny and if he comes down its Angela. Tkor – I am 100% positive. Makensy – if I am hearing that Kenny and Tucker are against me and Kenny pulls himself down.. that’s Kenny and Tucker against me. I don’t need them being like Oh like get her out, get her out she’s a threat. Because its that thing, whos more of a threat Angela or me? Rubina – that’s a fair thing for you to say that’s a very fair thing for you to say but there’s also people are considering for longer term game.. who they’re more able to live with.

6:25pm Bathroom – Chelsie, Tkor and Chelsie
They all agree that they want to see Kenny go home this week. Tkor – I haven’t even bothered talking to him because what’s the point. I feel more comfortable with Angela in the house. Chelsie – I agree 100%. Tkor – I don’t trust him. Chelsie – he walks around with a fake smile. Tkor – If Makensy does get put up, I hope that she can win the AI. Chelsie – I am ready for that to be over… for sure in two weeks max. Like at this point, you’re (Kenny) painting targets on multiple… all the women. It’s not like he’s been in room talking to people, gathering information. He’s sat in one room all week. He doesn’t even know what’s going on here bro! Tkor and Rubina leave.

Chelsie to Brooklyn – Makensy is going back and forth. Brooklyn – should she use the power or not. Brooklyn – Yeah, she’s furious at Cedric’s speech being like, I know you have the power. And then. at that point, she’d be dumb to not use it. Brooklyn – I mean True. It looks I’m so so safe which she is but everyone that thought they were safe they went home. So I understand the paranoia.

6:50pm – 7:04pm Bathroom – Angela, Brooklyn and Chelsie
Angela – Help whoever like brings me in like I would want to help that person if somebody is kind to me and wants to kind of put me in a loop, something weird is going on in this house today. People are whispering. I’m just not involved. So it just makes me paranoid that hey, she’s not going to pull it out so she’s easy to go home. Kenny’s already changed his mind. He’d like to stay and so. I’ve been working really hard to try and mend fences and build relationships and and get to truly genuinely get to know everybody as much as I can. I haven’t hit every person because I just don’t want to go about it weird. I want to be organic about it. which is what I would set out to do when I came here anyway. Brooklyn – Yeah.
Angela – Why do I stand a chance against anybody in this house of
winning that AL competition? Hell no, I don’t. Brooklyn – Why would you think that not knowing what kind of it would have to be luck for me guys? Brooklyn – but that’s the thing they are mixing luck finesse mental physical. That’s why there’s such an eclectic group this year. Angela – because I’m saying that like even the easy stuff. I’m not pulling it out I’m really trying both or has a bit easy, so yeah, every time I walk into that room cuz that’s what you guys ask me I’m shaking my hands are shaking like this. I was trying to put you’ll see on T. V. I was trying to put together that stupid thing that Kenny won happy for him generally. I am happy for him.
Angela – I don’t know whatever Cedric does I’m sure nobody will be happy about it. I don’t I would guess no one would volunteer it is.
scary to do it. Brooklyn – only Tucker volunteers for things and he’s already volunteered twice. Angela – I don’t know I’m sure that we don’t know either he’ll have somebody advise him or talk to him and say that they’ll do it or I don’t know my only focus right now is just win stay calm and win and if I stay for another week then everyone has seen me for two weeks be completely rational been myself while I haven’t been as happy but I’m doing the best that I can with what’s happened that’s all I can do.

7:27pm Backyard Hammock – Angela and Kenny
Angela – I warned him. I still want him to play his veto for himself. Bring somebody in because he’s shaking up the house already and I fucking love it. So awesome. I’m so happy right now. Kenny – See what happens. Angela – Yeah, I know.

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8 thoughts to “Cam “Personally now I have no trust in Leah I’m not going to ever talk to Leah again.””

    Is it going to be another red card?
    Chelsie was targeting Lisa from the jump. The Edit is Tucker masterminded.
    Chelsie takes credit in d/r,
    Quinn says the house wants Lisa to go. Truth if you look at one on ones…. more people said Angela, but Chelsie debated everyone pushing for Lisa to go.
    ANOTHER Angela gets a speech. Doesn’t land.
    Tucker gets the voice of the house d/r. Hi Paul. We’re not new… that’s what they are doing. He’s the chosen grodboy right now. Doesn’t mean winner, means they are going to mastermind edit him.
    Nobody has alliance to Kenney? He… had one with Mak and Leah and with Brooklyn and with Lisa… but they don’t have penises. cough cough…. last season’s Red reason for not wanting to talk to younger women…. yeah… that?
    are they going to show Kimo outs the power or will it be Tucker has deductive reasoning skills like the Mak reveal? Cedirc is edited as HOH before they play HOH. twice in the gotchas before the HOH comp section even starts.
    45 seconds to traverse beams and hit buttons for scores. reset to 0 if you fall off balance beam.
    Kenney: outcast…. that’s because you said evict me for 2 weeks doofus. THEY BETTER REVEAL IT WEEK THREE… NOW THAT HE DOESN’T WANT TO QUIT ANYMORE. blink blink. mmhmm.
    T’kor strolling: 9. Quinn: 18. Kimo: 13. Cam:0 Brooklin: drunk sailor. Rubina… 1.
    Joseph: 12. Angela: 9 Mak: 21 reset to 0. Cedric: 27. Kenney:
    I don’t like Cedric’s d/r voice. It’s Jasmining on my mind. Back to Kenney: 21.
    Tucker: Like he’d target Angela. He would not at all. bullshit. 21 to 1 after reset.
    Leah: 1. what was Leah’s prance there???? that’s not how you balance.
    Oh this d/r voice….. he’s putting on a voice just like Jasmine did and it’s ticking me off. I REALLY HATE FAKE ASS D/R VOICES. Shaddup.
    Kenney likes Cedric. Double career reveals. Kenney talks about wanting to quit FINALLY.
    But it may very well strategic. He has no game because his first idea was Brodown… and until he gets his circlejerk brolliance… he doesn’t want to play. AT LEAST THEY REVEALED IT…. NOW… 2 weeks later… which tells me it was strategy more than real… like Grod said play dead i need my cop story and Steve didn’t work.
    Mak one on one. WAS NOT THE TARGET Block removal explanation but not the renom situation which I’d LEAD with. Cedric d/r… Cedric is a follower, so let’s see.
    Cedric knew from Chelsie… but he’s mysteriously had amnesia.
    Chelsie one on one. Pushes Leah. FALSE EXPLANATION: Chelsie crushed on Cam and can’t stand LEAH becaus Cam liked Leah. There. WE SAID IT.
    Leah. Not keen on pawning. Rubina: Not pawn material.
    JOSEPH AND CEDRIC: Joseph does not pawn. He’s the leader of the Collective … how could you jeopardize the leader of a group that’s never met….. at that point. Sideye.
    Chelsie crushed on Cam. Cam crushed on Leah. But that isn’t why Chelsie takes so many opportunities to slag on Leah. Suuuure. Quinn crushes on Leah. Leah crushing on Tucker. I think it’s game and Grod ordered but that’s just me. Chelsie also crushed on Tucker according to T’kor.
    They cut out Rubina and Kimo crushing on Tucker, or Tucker playing the same game flirting with all the women that Leah is slutshamed about. Typical.
    Tucker volunteers to pawn…. on a week where a power could be used. mmhmm. that’s right Grod, do everything you have to in order to keep your grodboy safe.
    Cedric Tucker Kenney aligning without actual alliance naming included because Cedric is supposed to be the loyal guy…. and 2 of them volunteer for the block. sideye.
    Kenney stuck on girlliance. oh his sexist ass. Tucker always believed it, cus Tucker wanted to brolliance week one. Target of Mak comes up. Tucker volunteers repeatedly while trying to not volunteer after he volunteers. it’s tiresome.
    Tucker is very pro everyone ELSE dirty handing. Cedric the follower… what WILL he do?
    Don’t worry. D/R will tell him. Three volunteers vs. blood. What would YOU do? Anyone stupid enough to volunteer deserves to be evicted.
    Cedric nominates in his normal voice not his d/r voice. thanks Jasmine.
    3 volunteers and he still finds a way to complain. Tucker told not the target. Gee. That would make me vote him out. But Grod would expel me.
    Tucker wants EVERYONE else to play dirty while he bitches. Typical Grodboy in the d/r. eyeroll. Please shut up.
    They are running SO hard to Clean up their edit omissions…. that all time is out of synch.
    Not a red card, but a SOLID yellow card.

  2. Okay – I’m genuinely confused.

    Last night, the renom was set for Makensy. Then there was talk about Tucker saving Angela and then blindsiding Quinn as the renom. Now Cam is frustrated with Leah, which may mean she could be the renom.

    Anyone know what direction this is going?

    1. Cedric doesn’t KNOW because he’s trying to please the boys and the core at the same time without Chelsie cluing that Cedric’s HOH has been hijacked by bros. She already knows.
      He’s tryng to find a way to get Chelsie to agree to Quinn. They are supposed to talk later tonight.
      If that goes south, he has the options of Leah or Mak…. and Brooklyn already thinks it is Mak, so she’s trying to reassure her that all the women want Kenney out.

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