Big Brother 26 “THIS SUMMER, THESE WALLS WILL TALK!” Promo Video

Well big brother fans, we’ve got less than a month till the two-night premiere of season 26! Hopefully soon we will get our first look at the all new cast of house guests and get to tour the newly redesigned house.
Julie Chen “Expect the Unexpected!”
During the promo video, clips from Big Brother alumni can be heard playing clips from iconic moments of Big Brother history while the text on the screen states “THIS SUMMER, THESE WALLS WILL TALK”. Will all stars be involved in the season or influence the game? What crazy twists will the new house guest be in store for this season?

Dan Gheesling “Welcome guys all to my Big Brother funeral.
Julie Chen “One of your housemates has been playing this game with an identical twin.”
Zach Rance “Well you Froot Loop Dingus, I bet you didn’t see this coming!”
“Brothers and Sisters, welcome to the cookout!”
Rachel Reilly “Floaters, you better grab a life vest!”
Taylor Hale “You would almost think this is scripted but its not, its just that good!”
Big Brother is back on July 17 on CBS and streaming on Paramount+

While we wait for the new season to start, take advantage of the Paramount free trial and start watching past seasons of Big Brother: FREE Trial

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