Big Brother 21 – Nomination Results! “It really just comes down to the veto!”

Head of Household Winner: JACKSON
Havenots are:
Nominations are: Tommy & Cliff
Power of Veto Players are:
Power of Veto holder:
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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5pm – 6pm Jackson sleeping on the living room couches. Meanwhile in the bathroom.. Cliff is chatting to the live feeders. Cliff – I am proud that I’ve been a shoulder for people to cry on in here and maybe the voice of reason and sanity in a crazy house. I think its just the benefit of experience in life. I’ve got a lot more years on these people to have figured out what is really important to me. And this game is fun, its a once in a life time experience. I don’t want to waste it but in the end if I go home on Thursday of if I walk out of here with a big cheque. Either way its not as important as what I’ve got back home.. and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’ve already won. I’ve already got the prize waiting for me back at home. This is just a fun little diversion.. a chance to maybe generate a little cash that will allow me to make things a little more comfortable at home.. but I’m already a winner. And I will put my prize up against anyone else and I will come out on top..

6:02pm – 6:43pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the nomination ceremony. Cliff – so this is the first time you’ve seen your face up there. Cliff – so you’ve actually been nominated two days in a row.. how does that make you feel? Tommy – yeah, I’ve been the only one that’s been nominated two days in a row. Cliff – two times in 24 hours. Congratulations. Tommy – and this week it really just comes down to the veto. Its about tomorrow. Cliff agrees.

6:45pm Storage room. Holly and Jackson. Holly – congratulations! I’m proud of you! Jackson – I can’t compete in the next HOH. Holly – I know. Oh sh*t really!? Jackson – MMMmhhhmm. Holly – I had a feeling.. no pressure, no pressure, no pressure. Jackson – yeah bring it home. Holly – please let it be physical. I flopped on this one. I just went slow because I was afraid of getting them wrong. Me wishy washy before I make the right decision .. no..

6:50pm – 8:55pm The house guests are making dinner. Jackson – Christie’s black and white picture freaks me out.. every time! Her eye’s follow you the Mona Lisa. The house guests eat dinner, play backgammon, and chat. Jackson explains to Holly what the BB comics veto is like. The house guests continue to sit around reminiscing about past events of the season.

9:45pm Jackson asks Nicole if she is sleeping upstairs. Nicole – I don’t know. I feel weird. Jackson – Nicole you won HOH ..I am only here because of you. Nicole – maybe! Really?! Really? Maybe I will. That’s so exciting. Jackson – you deserve it. Take your pictures up there. Nicole – okay! Thank you!

10:30pm Tommy alone in the havenot room. Tommy – wow! What an emotional roller coaster the last 24 hours have been! I am so glad to be here. I am. I have a lot of emotions right now. I was genuinely blindsided by Nicole putting Christie and I on the block. Congratulations Nicole for successfully landing a blindside. Am I bitter because it was against me and because I feel for it or am I upset because I just didn’t think it was a good move. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. I am here and all that matters is moving forward. Tomorrow we have a competition. And if I win that veto I can take myself off the block and I can be here another week and then I have more time. I have till 86 but I need to 93 .. that’s the next number to get to. I am going to freaking kill it! OMG I am going to be a freaking animal! There is a four person alliance left in the house and I am the fifth. I saw it for weeks and I didn’t get the shot to take them out. I still have hope ..and tonight I am going to get the best night sleep. I’ve won OTEV, I’ve won Hide And Go Veto… these iconic BB competitions.

11:15pm – 11:50pm HOH room. Jackson, Cliff, Holly and Nicole.
Jackson – I was telling Nicole .. obviously today nominations today was nothing personal. Cliff – it really doesn’t matter. What happens today doesn’t matter. Jackson – I am gunning for that veto as if I was on the block. Cliff – I appreciate it. Jackson – because I shook y’alls hands on a four and just because I am guaranteed safe I do not want either of you going anywhere. And I will be damned if I am going to sit there and sluff just because there’s a key around my neck. I want both to keep it the same and make this happen. Cliff – I appreciate it. We’ve all fought for each other. They talk how stressful the double eviciont was and how they kept it together. Cliff – we were all lying to each other and we all knew we were lying to each other. Jackson – my loyalty was to y’all. Cliff – same. And that’s why we have four against one now. Nicole – I know America could have watched that and said you idiot .. no offense… why did you not put up Michie and Holly! But I want to leave this game with no regets and I would rather die on this sword, than that sword! Jackson – same! If I am going to lose to anybody, I want it to be someone in this room. Cliff – we all made the call a while back. Jackson – we all want to win but I can lose to y’all. I am not going to be happy about it. But I am lay my head down at night and be happy at BB21 winner. Cliff – and I can be happy that I helped get one of y’all there. Jackson – my one last thing was to outlast Christie. I am no complacent but at least I can lay my head down. Nicole – everyone felt the same way. They all finish up chatting. Jackson and Holly get ready for bed and leave to let Nicole have the HOH for the night.

9:26 am lights on

10:25 pm chit chat studying the memory board

11:24 am

12:32 am Nicole and Cliff
C – If I don’t win today I’m going to make sure I leave everything I got out there it’s all I can do
C – I’m not keeping anything in the tank
C – this is a big one
N – extremely. You’re on the block I don’t want ou there I’m going to win this thing
C – if he wins we’re both on the block
N – i know

C – I want to beat Tommy. I want to win the whole thing

They talk about Strategy they will take for BB comics.

1:11 pm Tommy, Holly and Jackson
They’re talking about Christie “she was all over the place”
Tommy – I want to tell you guys something. I knew Christie before coming into this house
J – really?
T – please keep this between us
H – oh I’m so sorry I’ve been such a … I’m sorry.. UGH.. I’m sorry
T – No no
J – You’re good
T – her ex-girlfriend is my aunt
Feeds cut
When we’re back.
T – I had to go with it because of who she was..
H – I’m so sorry Tomm y
J – Are you ok
T – Yeah ..
They hug

Feeds cut..

1:45 pm Waiting for BB Comics to happen

2:08pm Kitchen. Nicole and Tommy.
Tommy – I am just ready to go. Nicole – Ugh, I’m just ready. Its scary, three of us are playing for our lives. Tommy – Yup! No matter what happens 5th place is pretty great to me. Nicole – this is true.

2:13pm Big Brother calls Jackson to the diary room. Big Brother blocks the feeds. The veto competition has started…

4:28pm The feeds are still blocked.

6:44pm Still nothing..

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160 thoughts to “Big Brother 21 – Nomination Results! “It really just comes down to the veto!””

    1. Just a thought. When there are 3 Nicole wins the endurance comp then then the final true or false comp. She takes Holly instead of Jackson and wins BB

  1. This is what I want…for Nicole to win the veto and pull cliff down. The problem with that is that will leave either Tommy who has a real good chance at winning the next HoH or veto or the Jackson and Holly duo. Taking Holly out would mean Cliff and Nicole would be competing for HoH against Tommy. HoH next week only means safety as the nominees are pointless. The power lies in the veto as they will decide who goes. I’m rooting for Nicole…but she’d have to win either both vetoes or next weeks HoH to have a chance.

    1. unfortunately, even if she uses it, she and cliff still have to take out tommy. they have a much better chance of beating coattail riding holly in the finale than tommy the rat.

      but yeah, cliff or nicole have to win next week’s veto to send home jackson. hoh doesn’t matter. big whoop holly wins hoh. she’s not the target.

      1. They are in a pickle…the only reason I don’t want Cliff to win is because of how he wasted his HoH. He could have taken that shot at Christie then…it would have changed the game. I’m not sure how it would have played out…

        1. For me Jackson and Cliff are the only two deserving of winning the game so far. The house was a lot more fun when Kat was still there.

            1. Tommy is so fake. We love our BBQ in Texas and Tommy is about as genuine as the McDonalds McRib. They both are like McBologna.

              I’m sure Tommy will have a chance to win BBcomics but I expect him to choke under the pressure and be the one evicted this week.

        2. How many times do I have to say it! He didn’t use it because he didn’t have any support. Kat and Jess at the time were against him. The 6 were still together and the only way out was to make his safety deal that saved his game. We didn’t like it but he sure did.

          1. I didn’t care for his gameplay when he was with the mean kids. He didn’t do anything to calm the situation down when they were dogging Nicole out the week Bella went off on her. I remember him clapping his hands at the height of that craziness in the hoh. That’s why I don’t want him to win. He is a follower not a leaded, a mean follower at that.

            1. He also told people Nicole was the one to name the Fellowship of the Zing alliance, a bold face lie and completely ignored her that week. He was very willing to stab Nicole in the back on her way out of the house…that is until she ended up staying and has pretended like he’s her savior ever since – his condescension annoys me. I don’t dislike Cliff for the bad decisions while HOH. Ultimately, it did save his game but he did not have to do what he did to Nicole in order to save his game.

              1. Cliff does what he has to do without exposing himself like a good player would do. All season he urges peeps to do what is best for ‘their’ game, but will give them suggestions. He is playing a brilliant game getting himself out of situations. HIS game comes first & that is how it should be.

        3. I don’t exactly agree with that regarding Cliff. With Christie’s power, I think Cliff saved his long game.

      2. Though next week’s veto winner chooses who gets evicted, winning HOH certainly does matter in that they can’t go on the block and are guaranteed safety. So I disagree with all those who say “HOH doesn’t matter.”

        1. jackson can’t compete in next hoh ergo doesn’t matter as he can’t win safety in that comp.

          cliff and nicole can kinda screw the other one over by winning, but the stakes don’t change that significantly for them. they need to win pov. doesn’t matter at all for holly. under no circumstances should she be voted out.

      1. If they are final 2 it’s worth it, especially if they are there together. As for now they will have a tough competition against holly and Jackson.

      2. You don’t leave your F2 on the block if you can save them with Veto. Jackson would take Holly down in the same situation.

    1. Thanks for all you do Simon and Dawg! Left a small donation. I don’t see how Nicole and Cliff can leave Tommy in the game. At this stage, I think he is a better player than Holly. I think Holly has lost her competitiveness and is not the threat that Tommy would be in the late stages of the game.

      1. Thank you! We appreciate it! 🙂
        And yeah, unless Tommy wins the veto his game is done. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jackson wins the veto tomorrow too..

          1. lol it could be .. we will find out soon enough..

            If its the BB comics veto tomorrow .. it will be a good thing that Jess isn’t in the house still because as Jackson said she will kill that comp being a model and photographer. lol

    2. But that will leave both Jackson and Tommy competing in the veto next week. There’s a very real possibility that either Nicole or Cliff goes at that point if Tommy won HoH and Jackson wins the veto. As the veto holder is the only voter next week unless it’s the HoH in which case the HoH selects the voter. Nicole or Cliff will have a tough time winning out in any case.

      1. You describe one scenario for them to get out,
        But with holly and Jackson in the game, its 50% they are going home.

  2. They haven’t shown any jury house footage, right? Or did I miss it? That’s my fave when they see the new jurors coming in and start piecing things together.

      1. Shoot – we didn’t have CBS for a while b/c of corporate disputes, and I was trying to keep up on the app. Do you know which episode it was so I can go try to find it? Thanks so much y’all!

    1. On YouTube they each have a video where they answer questions about the jury house. Just a few basic questions but still interesting. They usually go up a few days after they have entered the jury house. Apparently they are in one of the best/nicest houses they’ve ever used for jury. Go figure lol

  3. Due to Nicole (for some reason) not putting 1995 on the block and his recent HOH win Michie’s eviction has got postponed until September 18.

    He is leaving 4th place.

    I can’t wait until Nicole wins the game and everyone will stop doubting my visions.

    When Jackson leaves on September 18 I can’t wait to tell everybody I told you so.

    Nicole FTW

    1. Ok, Christie 😉 But Jackson the jerk will likely win. Nicole should have gotten rid of him in the double eviction because no one in that house will win against him on finale night. It might have upset Holly and Cliff on a personal level, but on a game level, it would have given the remaining houseguests an equal chance of winning. It would have been a move to further everyone’s game, including her own. And if Nicole were to be in the final 2, she would say that she won when it mattered. She got rid of one of the best competition beasts ever on this show and capitalized on a rare moment of failure on Jackson’s part. Jackson and Holly got rid of players who couldn’t win anything to save themselves over personal reasons.

    2. Houka I must say just like last year you stick to you guns. Tyler left when???? Oh that’s right he was in the final. I won’t put a down vote for you because I too want Nicole to win it all. Stick to your visions though they may come true someday.

  4. Cliff is very good at memory comps and being an engineer,he is familiar with putting unequal parts and equal parts together to form a whole; abstract thinking.Since comics is the comp,I believe he will have an excellent chance. With his neck on the line,I do not believe that he will blow it.

    1. Depends on how the setup is. If it’s like the older version and they have to swing by the comics each time the start to match then Cliff may have a problem. Tommy, Nicole and Holly are much lighter and may have an easier time with multiple crossings. If it’s the newer version Cliff may not have to run around nearly as much and his memory may give him the edge.

    2. He has to do it with his nuts harnessed in a sling is the problem… the brain is working great.. the old body suspended in air has to deal with gravity. 😉 I hope he wins.. dont get me wrong. the visual of him doing so is going to be funny.

    3. I doubt he would use it. If he did Nichole would go up. He trusts that Nichole & Holly will send Tommy our the door Thurs.

      1. I think he’d use it to save himself and trust he and Holly would keep Nicole safe. Staying on the block when you have the veto is not smart. Marcellus might like some company.

      2. Cliff has a decent chance to win just the swinging part I’m worried about this comp was made for strong tiny bodies like Nicole and Tommy, but T is faster than N. I’d definitely put up Nic because whomever she sits beside is guaranteed to go home. Michie is not voting out Nic. Neith is Cliff.

    1. She lost a lot of weight in the house. When they showed her in the video during the Veto you could clearly see a difference, so I don’t think that photo was edited. IMO

    2. She did say she actually lost weight in the house, but that picture does look doctored. She was definitely bigger than that picture on her eviction.

    3. I never noticed Jess gaining a lot of weight on the feeds but to be honest she totally could have and I would have missed it.
      I really noticed Jackson/Christie gaining and Holly losing weight. I have no idea how people can keep their weight down locked in the house I know I would blow up not because of the excess food more the lack of activity. I think Jackson’s method of filling up on watermelon instead of cookies might be a way forward. With that said looking at JACkson’s before and after makes you wonder.

  5. Here’s hoping Tommy somehow and some way wins the veto. If not Michie has a really good chance of winning the game. Ughhh!
    Would like to see Nicole Cliff Tommy final three.

  6. I hope tommy wins veto and they boot cliff the rat to jury! Tommy or Nicole win Hoh and tommy & nicole wotk together and take out jax n then holly n tommy/nicole f2 with nicole the winner!

    One can dream but they are the only two I can stand at this point! I don’t know abt all of you but i’m tired of the jax show and I want to see some action and a blindside getting Mr. Watermelon head out as his ego deflates on his way to jury…. That wld make this season not suck so bad…

    1. I am also rooting for Tommy to win the VETO. His best chance is to somehow team up with Nicole. That’s assuming Cliff would be evicted next. Tommy has a good relationship with Holly so if he can get Jackson out next that would set the stage for final 3 – Tommy, Nicole and Holly. Otherwise, this will be a slow walk to a Jackson victory.

    2. Let me start with I’m only a fan of Nicole’s so go ahead start your down votes.

      I’m really confused why anyone wouldn’t want Tommy to win veto. He’s the highest chance of getting Jackson out. F3 ideal would be Nicole Holly and Cliff. But Cliff should go so Tommy can get douche out. The game is not comp wins only and it’s not just social. So what, Jackson has won a lot of comps. He’ll have to explain some things to jury and if he’s sitting next to Cliff or Holly he can explain some away but still even 2nd place for the second worst person in this house? You guys are really rooting for a racist, misogynist a$$hole? If Tommy is gone and he is on the block again vetos matter so if Cliff or Nicole nom him (knowing it’s not personal but who’s left) he’ll win the veto and you know he’ll keep Holly. Please just help me understand why anyone wants him to win?

      1. Speaking only for myself, I don’t want Jackson to win, however, I’d rather he “win” than having production “give” it to someone with a jury advantage that none of the rest of the house guests have.

        You know, if production didn’t consider it an advantage, they wouldn’t continue to do everything possible to keep it a secret.

        1. I’m with you but get Cliff out, then Jackson then Tommy. Holly and Nicole. Holly didn’t do a lot but enough for 2nd, then if a few more wins Nicole can’t lose. I don’t want Tommy to win but I got a lot of down votes for my last post and I see down votes for Tommy winning veto and up votes for Jackson like he’s done some 180. He’s said SEVERAL times DR told him his image sucks and a lot of people at least in Twitter world think the DR told him Nicole is LOVED so that’s why she’s now his sister. And they talked yesterday about Bayleigh and what’s his face telling them pretty much they aren’t portrayed in a good light. For her, do I want everyone in the house to see her the way we do and really love her, YES. Do I believe Jackson really loves her now…. NO, he keeps talking about a job to get to the end, the way he sprinkles his talk I don’t think he cares about her the way I want him to be a caring human. I can’t look past he’s short comings from the start.

          1. I don’t believe there are that many people who actually like Jackson all that much or are rooting for him so much as rooting against the one person remaining with an unfair advantage and would automatically win any of the remaining house guests.

            It’s like calling Jackson “the worst person in this house”, that’s purely a subjective determination…this house had plenty of horrid people. Some I’d rate worse than Jackson, some not as bad as Jackson. Fine, so a terrible person might “win” rather than a not quite as terrible person having it given to him by production.

            A good example of what I’m talking about is America’s Field Trip. We voted on who we wanted to see get put on the block. Jackson, Sis and Crusty won. In theory, they all three had the same chance to save themselves or be put on the block. Crusty lost…the viewing public manifested it so. But along comes Tommy and overturns the results.

            Yes, either Jackson or Sis could also have been pulled off if any ally of theirs won veto, but the difference, and it’s a huge difference, is that any alliance they had had to be created and nurtured in the house…they didn’t walk through the front door with a guarantee. And they won’t be going to jury with a guarantee or advocate either.

            Myself, I already detest how much influence production has over the so-called games. Now people are fine with them going so far as to stack the jury in advance as well?

            So back to the beginning, I don’t think it’s people cheering for Jackson as much as it’s people wanting to get rid of the rest of the Grod’s scheming.

        1. If you really are a friend of his…thanks for speaking up. I’ve tried my best to defend him specifically against this charge of racism, on here AND on twitter. If you are friends with him…let him know there are people out there who know what it’s like to have to defend yourself against a nasty lie and have tried hard to counter it, whenever we could! Racism is ugly…as it should be…but the worst is being called it, when you’re not. Well…let me clarify…it’s worse to be the subject of racism. But being called racist, when you’re not….is up there.

      2. Some of us want him to win because he’s an incredible competitor and a mistaken lie has allowed Michie to be labelled a racist. He is not. You need to stop spreading this lie, even though it may not be your fault. If you listen to the audio, with headphones…you will hear that he never said that word. Newsweek and CBS conducted an investigation and found he never used that word. But because someone heard that word…the lie was started. It may have been an innocent lie…but it was still a lie. I’m not faulting you for believing it…and you are more than entitled to have your opinions of him, or of anyone, for that matter. I am only trying to defend him from being falsely labelled a racist. Having said all this, obviously I don’t know his heart. He could be racist. I am simply saying that the evidence being used to justify him a racist is not true.

  7. Ever seen ghost busters 2 ? You know the creepy evil ghost medevil guy? That reminds me of Crusty in black and white….

  8. I’m beginning to believe that Cliff did hear what was blasted over the wall about Tommy and Crusty; it would explain a lot of his “game play” these last couple of weeks. I just wonder whether he’s been able to share that information with Nicole since it was obvious that production was doing everything possible to prevent the rest of the house learning that secret.

    Folks, unless Tommy wins POV, I don’t see anyone else using the veto. Good, get rid of Tommy and let everyone else face the jury on an even playing field.

    1. Seems like Nicole & her family ‘need’ this money. I don’t doubt her entire family would benefit in some way with her winnings. Coming from a family of educators myself, they are for the most part underpaid & never being compensated for the hours of work they bring home preparing for the next days lessons ( & preparations are no longer allowed during work hours). Cliff I wouldn’t mind him winning 2nd, however, he isn’t hurting by no means. Mickie, Tommy & Holly, I could care less what order they leave in as long as it isn’t final 2. Mickie & Holly are so sure of themselves. If Mickie blindsides her and takes Nicole I would be lol, plus its an easy out for Mickie to go separate ways from Holly after the show, cuz I give it 3 hours after the show & they will split up. Just sayin!

  9. This is not big brotherc this season by any means, so most ppl want to see jackson win, REALLY??? This is the most predictable, pathetic, boring @ss season ever!!! Shake it up, get jackson out next not play candy land and nothing exciting ever happens this season its never been this bad…. Big Brother motto “EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED” NOT EXPECT THE EXPECTED EVERY FRICKIN WEEK! LAME….

    It’s 4 on 1 I mean come on im rooting for the underdog tommy to win veto just to shake this game up and not have another predictable boring @ss week…. Im dumb founded by why so many want this to be boring and predictable with jackson winning… ur kidding right! That’s not big brother at all…

    1. That actually “might” be the best possible thing that could happen for Nicole. It seems everywhere that her, Cliff and Sam are the favorites for AFP. Getting out at this point would “probably” earn her a sympathy AFP.

    2. And that sucks. They really need to get Beth out, but since she’s with Jackson that won’t happen. UNLESS watermelonhead decides he has a better chance against Cliff and Nichole

        1. LoL… They cld just have a watermelon celebration in his honor for gettimg him out since they all seem to like watermelon now….

    3. If Tommy wins veto it means Tommy & Holly are voting so why wouldn’t they vote Cliff out? Jackson doesn’t want to break a tie so I think he would push for consensus. Tommy has wanted Cliff out for awhile so it would be up to Holly and I can see her also voting out Cliff in order not have Jackson be the deciding vote..

      1. Jackson and Holly would have to make a decision about voting out Cliff vs Nicole. It seems Jackson has been close with Cliff for awhile, and Cliff really earned his trust by volunteering to be a pawn. Although Jackson might be partial to Nicole right now b/c she’s the one that finally got Christie out. If they consider who is easier to beat in future comps, it’s a tough call b/c although Cliff has won more comps than Nicole,the final comps tend to have a physical component. Eh, idk if it makes a difference, honestly. This game is Jackson’s to lose right now. Unless Tommy wins Veto and HOH (and Jackson and Holly don’t win next weeks’ veto), it’s going to be nearly impossible to get out Jackson at this point. I suppose Nicole could pull off a final HOH win and take Holly with her instead of Jackson. But she’s not likely to win against either of them. Yawn.

      2. That’s true, I think holly wants cliff out too, only problem with that is she will listen to jughead n he wants cliff to stay but he’s stupid cuz cliff is a vote for him in the end so its better to get cliff out. Cliff even told jax he has played the best game n won’t be salty in jury. I wld love to see the hall monitor that is cliff go this week..

  10. Nichole needs to win POV. Then she takes Cliff down and Jacko has to put Holly up. And since Jacko is so big on “game play” he can’t fault them if they vote Holly out.

  11. Why is Tommy the rat? Cliff & Nicole & Holly are the ones sharing information with their own twist! I’ve had trouble watching certain people even talk & Holly is one that makes me gag. She talks about others hypocrisy but she is the queen of hypocrisy!

    1. Tommy isn’t the rat cliff is!!!

      Ur right and holly makes me want to throw up with all her me me oh poor me and talks crap abt everyone.

      Jackson is only liked cuz production made him change 19x himself n gets great edits but u can tell he is still a dick and always will be…. yes he’s won a bunch of comps that most of them were thrown becuz no one wanted to take shots at ppl.

      Jackson and holly spend more time worried abt how they are preceived by viewers cuz they think they are stars and there def not… They both make me want to barf constently with their ego trips and sense of entitlement in the house…

  12. So my observation is…unless you stay on board with the selected few that people are for OR you bash the ones that are being bashed on this site…your comments are selected to post! Kind of skews the consensus.

    1. How on earth can that be YOUR observation?? Your comments keep getting posted. As they should, it’s free speech. However, as operators of a site…they do reserve the right to not post some for certain reasons, if I’m not mistaken.

  13. W O W…Tommy just told Jackson & Holly he knows Christie because his aunt is her ex!!! WHY on earth would he do this NOW–BEFORE the veto comp?

    1. Didn’t hear that but, if he did say that, it would be the same reason he explained to Jackson about the flipping of the vote and how Christie acted with Tommy & Jack about it; to clear the air

      1. And because the jury members will not get to know that valuable piece of info…he MUST be sent to jury this week.

      1. Holly kept apologizing….probably because she now realizes all of the things she said about Christie and knows it will get back to her. They cut the feeds as soon as he mentioned his aunt so we didn’t see their full reaction.

        1. ” They cut the feeds as soon as he mentioned his aunt so we didn’t see their full reaction.”

          Or get to hear any of the juicy details.

          At one point, Tommy is quoted as saying he hoped his family understood why he had to play the game with her. I can’t help but wonder if the Grod/Production didn’t hope putting these two together would cause a volatile reaction and create some usable drama for them?

        2. Holly was being her usual mean self…you know putting people down behind their backs…to Tommy. Jackson came in the room and Tommy said he had to tell them something and told them. THEN Holly was all “apologetic”….uh yeah sure

          1. Because no one else in the house ever talks about anyone else?

            You do realize when Holly said how sorry she was, she might have been expressing sympathy for what his aunt endured.

  14. So I guess they are doing BB Comics now. At least it seems that Tommy & Jackson cleared the air. I am rooting for Tommy because it does seem he is playing to win unlike Cliff & Nicole

    1. I’m sure production told tommy to tell them he knows christie. Why who knows but oh well it’s the cherry on top of this stupid @ss season…

      1. Production probably wanted to do a segment on the “revelation” now that the only folks left either heard it or have some idea what was said.

      2. they probably told tommy to tell them, cuz if mickie found out after the game and he lost, production is scared of his wrath.

  15. I am assuming each houseguest is in a different room right now. Weird that all the cameras are on Nicole right now

      1. Just a thought. Nicole wins veto. Jackson gives his blessing to use it on Cliff and vote out Holly? Thoughts?

    1. I haven’t liked Jackson from Day 2. Another reason why I would like it if Tommy wins. Remember , what he does requires a lot of memorization

  16. Why did Tommy tell Jackson and Holly???? Seems like such a dumb move – other than explaining himself as to why he teamed up with her. How can that help him? I don’t get it.

    1. My reaction as well. It’s never a good idea to volunteer such volatile information to other HS. Especially this close to the end when everyone is looking for any information that can be used against you. Tommy is a smart guy so something must have triggered this move. Since he didn’t have a house meeting, I assume he feels this juicy info will only help his standing with J&H.

      1. It’s all predicated on his belief he will be in the end…and he wants Michie and Holly to understand so they will vote for him over Cliff/Nicole.

    2. Perhaps he’s hoping that Jackson and Holly will show the same level of strategic brilliance that they have so often before. Who wouldn’t want to keep someone in the game who has a manipulative liar in the jury house building votes for them?

      Reminds me of Ovi; “Hey guys, I’ve got this really great game changing power…”

    3. I hope Jackson and Holly, armed with the bombshell info, realize that with Christie’s power of influence in jury that Tommy has to be evicted.

  17. I told ya all…but no I got down votes for saying Holly would lay in bed with Jackwad and whisper sweet idiocy in his ear.
    Jackson, last night: “Tomorrow’s a big veto. The biggest one thus far.”
    Holly: “Even if Tommy wins tomorrow and takes himself off, then Cliff goes home.” (jackwad not looking happy with her talking)
    Now I wonder when Jackwad will tell Holly he’s taking Nickole to final 2?

  18. I just can’t figure out why Tommy felt the need to tell Jackson and Holly about knowing Christie before coming into the house? I’ll admit I’m pretty dense regarding BigBro strategy but it seems like this would raise huge red flags about going to the end with him or even keeping him in any scenario. Maybe, he just had an attack of conscience and knew that eventually this info was going to come out and wanted to get ahead of it somehow. I would welcome anyone to give me their thoughts regarding this situation.

    1. To be frank about it, Tommy never impressed me as being much of an independent strategic thinker. He always needed someone or a pack to give him guidance. Now that he’s suddenly on his own (and lamenting about it while conveniently forgetting how he was always within an alliance that did the same thing to Nicole and others) perhaps this was the only thing he could think of to try and buy himself some goodwill.

    2. It is clear Christie and Tommy were working together and he probably has her jury vote. So maybe he has nothing to lose by telling the story, and hopes to gain a connection that will save him by being honest?

  19. Interesting game play & choices being made atm as each of the hamsters shores up their 1B & 1C positions in the house.

    Cliff: Has done this the entirety of the game – but is amping up his efforts right now in fear Tommy will win POV & he’ll be seated beside Nicole so he’s trying to take credit for Nicole’s nominations to Jackson, how HE enforced the F4 with her to J/H & play it down to Tommy as if he wouldn’t have made the same choices (in DE). Hey, Cliff is one of the best at garnering trust & making people believe what he tells them so kudos to him – but it feels a bit early for him to be under cutting Nicole’s legs! Although Cliff has overachieved in many comps this season I’m not sure this one is meant for him to win given his size. His memory skills are good though. The other thing was the tactic he discussed with Nicole to set up the billboard in your first pass & then in your second pass note the differences. I seem to recall one situation where taking two passes as the comics would guarantee you lost (as they were set up with the players needing to knock down the wrong version). We’ll see how it plays out.

    Tommy: In an UNPRECEDENTED move Tommy elects to tell Jackson/Holly about Christie dating his aunt as he looks for sympathy. The crazy part of this equation is how the hell isn’t Holly freaking the F out b/c Tommy was the one PUSHING for the Kat vote flip & it was HIS HOH she was evicted on. If Holly just let’s this sit as if it was nothing it makes zero sense (total Production incentivized tweaking). Tommy has the best combined physical/mental ability to win BB Comp and his preference would be to take out Cliff if he does then find a way to take Holly/Nicole to F3 with him. Again, I’m not sure his production inspired decision to tell about Christie — does he think he can play it like having to navigate how diametrically different she played was a hindrance? Would the jury not be looking to point out he was the one screaming we need to break up the “possible trio”. For Nick especially if Tommy tries to spin it like he had no choice & it was a deterrent will be bad b/c he could’ve thrown OTEV & been rid of her but had his strong trio of Sis/Nick .

    Jackson: is physically ept for this comp but how is his memory recall? If he wins noms stay the same & Tommy goes. He’s playing into Cliff’s semantics right now, but he & Nicole have formed a budding sisterly/brotherly type relationship where I’m pretty confident if J/H sat at the end Nicole would unquestionably pick him over Holly. Jackson’s preference will be Holly as his F2 & should she get the surprise oust I wouldn’t be surprised if he took Nicole as her replacement.

    Holly: She still worries far too much about perception and also still shows glimpses of mean girl moments. She’s in a bit of a precarious situation b/c for her to win the game her best bet is not to sit by Jackson in F2. Although, she can point to being the one of the couple who saw through Christie & took out bigger targets (Sam/Nick) his sheer comp wins & perception he kept her safe are working against her. Although she SHOULD want a F3 of Nicole & Tommy or even Nicole & Cliff but I’m not sure she recognizes that. She tends to get flustered in Q&A or memory challenges & since she won’t feel like she’s the target in any scenario I’d be surprised if she gunned for the POV.

    Nicole: So here’s where I throw out the baby with the bath water & state my absolute bias (just being real. lol). Nicole has played “verbally” the cleanest game in the house (despite what loopy Jess believes). She’s had a F2 with Cliff since Day 2 & stayed true to it & would’ve picked him over Nick every single time although her preference was a F4 which included Cliff, Jess & Nick (only b/c she was their top choice in each scenario). Instead she navigated the ever changing waters of the house where HOH’s dictated what happened and maneuvered for safety with Nick/Tommy/Sis (on the bottom of their 4) and a true hand shake F4 with H/J/C. She also maintained a solid relationship with Tommy. In terms of comp wins she has just one to her name BUT she played in only one out of the first 9 POVs. She won the MOST IMPORTANT HOH (I don’t buy Cliff threw it b/c one of his pieces was upside down – not that they’d of disqualified him) and SHE put up Tommy/Christie taking out the later on her 5th consecutive time OTB & putting the former (Tommy) OTB for the FIRST TIME THIS SEASON!

    So here me out —- I do think Nicole has a shot at winning BB Comics b/c of her under rated athletic ability & superior memory. The question is – will (and should she) remove Cliff if she wins? if she does Holly goes on the block & Cliff/Nicole could elect to take her out & enter next week with Tommy vying to win HOH (Jackson can’t play) & then if Cliff/Nicole can win the vital F4 POV (dates/puzzles – hello Cliff/Nicole benefit) & decide who they go to F3 with. More likely they would still vote out Tommy as he’ll be better at the F4 comps than either J/H given the date aspects of them.

    If you look back about middle game I thought Nicole was actually playing the best (if she could accumulate a few comp wins) given her social & strategic ability. Unlike Cliff she never tried to bury him to make her position more palatable – she just was her quirky self & kept game talk to a minimum which often was her downfall (but in truth her real saving grace if she gets to F2). She was the ONLY one for the LONGEST time who saw right through Christie & also saw how Tommy had to be cut. She never desired going F4 with a power duo but once decided she invested fully and loyally. I still think this is Nicole’s game to win depending on how she does in the comps in F4 HOH/POV & the 3 part finale.

    Now see the caveats below

    Few Side Notes:
    First and foremost – I don’t think this week is going to count! Let me repeat that – I think this week is a none week. Consider the timing for the season which always finds the F4 player leaving early — a few days after the F5 eviction & then the F3 wage war as they prep for finale night on a Wednesday September 25th. At the current pace the F5 evictee would leave Sept 12th still leaving 13 days until the final and in a scenario we’ve NEVER witnessed a fully played out F4 and F3 week. So if this week is deemed a ‘do-over’ week (much like the week they got out Frankie Grande in Derrick’s season), then the option for someone else winning HOH could happen & we could see Jackson/Holly split in the do-over with one leaving Sept 19th. Then F4 HOH would occur that night, noms & F4 POV Friday & early F4 exit (on Sat 21, Sun 22 or Mon 23). The only issue with a do-over with exact competitions (like they did in Derrick’s season) is it would be so easy for everyone to fly through the BB Comics course & it would come down to strength having the advantage (unless they changed the differences).

    The hamsters must really think we’re idiots too b/c of a recent conversation between Jackson/Holly sometimes including Cliff (& maybe even Tommy). The premise is Nick & Nicole knew each other outside the house. Um IDIOTS – don’t you remember you BLINDSIDED NICK/BELLA by keeping Nicole who HE was backdooring on HIS HOH & why the F would he then not believe her over Christie, Holly, Tommy & Sis who all called them bullies & then lied about it & blamed it on Nicole. And WHY was she never included in any of his early big alliances? Come on people use your knowledge & obvious equations before spouting ridiculously statements like that.

    Anyway – b/c I think this week won’t count & it’s a “timed” event we’ll see Michie or Tommy winning if the former noms stay the same, if the latter Nicole goes up & she gets to see rat Cliff in motion. Then on Thursday the announcement is made it’s a do-over. Again, I’m still not convinced Jackson or Holly can win the F4 POV so depending on who wins POV this week & whether Cliff does damage to his/Nicole’s relationship could be very telling on what happens in a re-do week.

    1. Okay so looks like I was on the money about Nicole being capable of winning this POV (and she did it FOUR MINUTES faster than anyone!) BUT — I still think this week won’t count — kind of hoping I’m wrong now!

    2. NIcole was a goat who was never winning the game even if she made FInal 2. THe only person she could have beaten is maybe Holly. Most overrated player ever.

  20. If the feeds are still down when I wake up tomorrow, I’ll know something went wrong with the competition. What is the longest time that the BB Comics comp has taken to complete

    1. I think usually 5 – 6 hours.. its a long one as all six people have to go individually. On top of having to re-set it up each time / do the time reveal at the end.

      1. I can’t remember the time limit but I think it was 30 minutes each and as you said the reset. The reset time depends on which version of comics they are using as some are much simpler to clean up. The one from 16 was just putting the comics back in the holders where another one was the cutouts getting knocked down, punched, and dragged.

  21. I thought that Bayleigh and Swaggy were hosting this veto. Maybe they are getting married,hence,the delay.

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