Here we go the Finale of Big Brother 21 It’s finally over!
After Cliff left last week we were left with the final three. Nicole, Jackson, and Holly. Jackson went on to win Part one of the Head of Household. In a shocker, Holly won part two. Part three is going to be shown tonight. Jackson and Holly have confirmed they are taking each other to the finale. Leaving us with Nicole to be the evicted and a showmance in the final two.
Check out the rankings from this year —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking GRID
Winner of Final Head of Household :
Competition name “The Jury is out”
Jackson evicts Nicole.
Winner of Big Brother 21 :
Nicole – Holly
Cliff – Jackson
Tommy – Jackson
Christie – Jackson
Jess – Holly
Nick – Jackson
Kat – Holly
Jack – Jackson
Sis – Jackson
America’s Favorite Player
All the polls I’ve seen online on the various fan sites show Nicole with a hefty lead. Cliff and Tommy seem to both be contenders and my personal favorite Kat is even showing some respectable numbers. I’m predicting feed fans to go Nicole and Causals to go Tommy/Cliff.
Winner of America’s favorite is :
Top Vote getters Cliff, Tommy, Nicole (Cliff/Tommy what the f* people)
Final Thoughts
Goes without saying this is one of the worst seasons we’ve watched. All around boring with just a SMALL handful of likable people. It was the first season I truly questioned if I was a fan of this show franchise anymore.
It was really all you folks that kept me going. The comments, the Kill Show, and seeing Dawg get 5% of the vote. Then there are the inside jokes.. ohh the inside jokes are what I live for. I seriously laughed harder and enjoyed the good times on this site more than I ever did watching the feeds and for that, I have all you to thank.
BIG Thanks to everyone for your support and spending your summer here on OBB. Do we have the strength for another KAASSSSSSSSSting and GROD season? really hoping for Allstars but if not I got one more in me 😉
Thanks Simon & Dawg for another awesome year on this blog and being able to put up with all of our reactions to these houseguests
HEHE you’re very welcome 🙂
Thanks to both of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jackson is not a nice person but anyone can see he deserved to win this season. He dominated the game in a way we had never seen before. His performance on the final HOH was amazing. To ace every question shows how his skills were both mental and physical. His answers to the questions about his comments this season seemed pretty rehearsed but to be fair to him to call him out without telling him what he said was very weak.
I was impressed how almost everyone put game over personal feeling when it came to the voting. Jackson said it was never personal but it was between him and Kat. He really treated her poorly even though she was nothing but nice to her. I am not surprised that she voted for Holly.
Jessica was only ever going to vote for a woman and she is bitter so that was not a surprise either. She was the biggest load the entire season. Nicole is an entitled millennial who thought she was going to win. No shock that she voted personal either. She studied dates all season and Holly still beat her by 4 minutes in part two of the HOH. So much for Nicole having game.
Congrats to Cliff, Tommy, Sis, Christie, Jack and Nick for voting on game play when they also could of been bitter. On a final note I was impressed by Holly’s final stand. She kicked butt in both part two and part three of the final HOH. Overall this was a fun season with drama until the end.
Thank you Simon and Dawg for all you do for all of us!
I agree with everything except your take on Nicole. The physical aspect of that competition and her confidence in her physical ability is what knocked her out. Jackson has some serious issues regarding his outside life, mama’s boy, and self perception. Thank you so much, Simon and Dawg!
I agree with you that Jackson has plenty of issues. My first sentence was “Jackson is not a nice person.” Where I disagree with you is that you say the physical aspect knocked her out. In part one Nicole was the last person to put her puzzle together. In part two Nicole was totally dusted by Holly on the comp that dealt with dates. Nicoles issues were just as much mental as physical. I know people like her but the fact is that she just was not a very strong player. Floating was her strongest asset.
More Final Thoughts
Note to anyone who ever has to apologize for anything:
1. An apology statement can never be fully embraced if you don’t acknowledge what you have said or done to offend the other party. It can never be, “I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry.”
2. An apology must never include the word, “IF,” as in, “IF” I hurt your feelings/ offended you/ IF you feel that way,” etc. then, “I’m sorry.”
3. An apology comes with a presumption that clearly someone has been injured by your words and/ or deeds. You don’t need to wonder, “IF,” or challenge the premise. Using the word, “IF” in your apology is a maneuver that removes you from responsibility for the offense and shifts blame to the injured party. It is an added offense.
In short, own what you have done/ said by stating the specifics, i.e., “I apologize/ I am sorry for…” and offer an UNQUALIFIED/ NO EXCUSES, “I’m sorry.”
How could Kemi accept Jackson’s vague, nondescript, non-committal version of an apology? She couldn’t. And it was good for her healing that she didn’t play for the cameras. In that moment, when Julie asked if Kemi accepted Jackson’s apology, Kemi maintained her dignity, took good care of her feelings, and gave a well-considered response.
For Jackson’s part, and giving him benefit of the doubt, there was a lot going on and his laser focus was on justifying all of his game moves. He was not able to shift from his defensive posture and adapt. He likely had not given much thought to any of the non-jury houseguests since the time when they were evicted. So, I would think he was stunned.
He may, or may not care, now that the game is over, but, in preparing for criticism, I doubt that he expected to be defending accusations of racism directed his way; bullying, perhaps, but he seemed ready for that part. ” I’m intense…” He knew very well why there would be salt in the air over his game moves, but he was otherwise unprepared to address other kinds of social issues.
Jackson Michie had to keep telling himself, ” I did this for my family.” I think he is happy about the win, but lost some joy in the process. When did a Big Brother winner ever have trouble smiling AFTER hearing the results of the vote?
Simon, Dawg, thank you for this web site and for your diligence in keeping us informed about what goes on both inside the Big Brother house and even beyond, season after season.
He didn’t smile once after winning! He knows what he did and was already waiting for the hammer to drop. I’m not talking social media, I’m referring to mom and dad.
Nothing against Nicole but of the final three left she was the third best player. She is a nice girl but not deserving of winning the game. The jury picked the best player.
Ya mad?
Exactly! Christie’s non-apology was just as pathetic. When it comes to Jack, I’m not sure how sincere he was. I should give him the benefit of doubt but I’m finding it really hard. Maybe he’s just better at damage control. Kudos to Kemi for handling the situation so gracefully. I really think they all the non-jury members did. Ovi said what needed to be said and Bella, OMG, she could have said so much more but clearly made her point with just a few words. I’m glad they were given the opportunity to speak. We usually don’t hear much from the jury.
I couldn’t wait for this season to end but I think I just might go back and watch finale, fast forwarding to jury questioning and aftermath. If anything, to see Jackson squirm with his jaw tightened and very very red cheeks. I think Holly made a good pitch, maybe even to Jackson’s surprise? For a minute there, I thought she might have tipped the scale, at least a little. I was a little surprised that Cliff was able to suck it up enough to vote for Jackson.
It was apparent that the confetti celebration wasn’t quite the one Jackson had pictured in his mind. At least Mama seemed happy. Maybe she was able to look past her baby’s embarrassingly bad behavior because after all is said and done, that’s a nice fat check! It could be that Mama is just one of those mothers with “golden child” syndrome and Jackson is perfect.
I STRONLY DISAGREE with Final Thoughts statement that Nicole was an “entitled millennial who thought she was going to win.” That girl was the least “entitled” on the show. I think she appreciated everyday she managed to stay in the house. She did not float by. She managed to remove that target off her back, setting aside the sh.tty way the crazy8 treated her, to move herself further into the game. Nicole’s mistake was her total trust in Cliff, going against her own instincts. She knew she would have to win more comps to make it.
Where do entitled millennials live…..with their parents. Where does Nicole live? Cliff and Jackson carried her. When she had to pull her own weight all she did was lose. Holly destroyed her in the days comp and she had spent all summer studying the days. Nicole is not a bad person but she was a bad player.
Nicole/Jessica are bitter losers.
Kat and Sis looked great tonight.
When you win a half of a million dollars you should behi excited happy and all that stuff. I dont know if CBS tried to give the HGs a chance to defend their character’s. I am a Afracian American and I don’t believe that Jackson is a racist..he did say somethings but he is not a racist. His moment of joy was stolen from him how sad. Jack remarks were out right dirty and I do question if he’s a racist. I only remember Jackson getting on kemi about putting her water bottle in the fringe the bottle she was drinking out of and that’s okay. If I forgot something jackson did or say that you felt the remark was racist please correct me.. let me know. Thanks Simon and Dawg I always enjoy your site take care
Completely agree, but I believe it was actually Jack who got wound up over the water bottle and lectured Kemi.
Thanks Swaggie’s Missing Brow for correcting me on Kemi and the water bottle issue in my previous comments. Let’s take a look at this word ‘racist’ again..we all now racism is a big issue in the world..I have been around racist people before..yes I have encountered it several times..that’s why I said what I said in my previous comments.. Jackson is not a racist and for people to use the word ‘racist’ loosely is wrong. I might not like what Jackson said or done.. but that doesn’t make him a racist…using the word ‘racist’ incorrectly in a sentence about someone ‘Jackson’ can destroy his life as well as others. Let’s us all stop and think about that word ‘racist’ before we decide to use it toward someone because that word can destroy and put someone life in danger as well as their family and friends. I love all not matter what color.. nice chatting with you Swaggie’s take care.
Agree with you Heart, but the sad thing is that the type of assertions placed on Jackson can destroy lives. He will eventually recover but being labeled a racist will always be out there.
i, too, was saddened by the fact that Jackson was so upset about the racist stuff that it took away from the pure enjoyment that he deserved to feel in the moment. Not an appropriate time for CBS to dig up $hit – it should be a happy night. Let the house guests work out their issues away from cameras and mics.
i have enjoyed reading the wide range of opinions here, and Simon and Dawg’s strong Admin, keeping it (mostly) very respectful of not only each other, but also the house guests.
See y’all next season.
I think Kemi was a bitter Betty from day one she did nothing but complain if she wanted to stay she should have worked harder to win something the 3 left cause they couldn’t win i get so frustrated with everything coming down to being racist Jackson worked his butt off to win to stay there he deserved the win
I really think, CBS is trying to get on the “woke” edge of all topics. And they used the race card to show themselves as self righteously absurd social commentators on this show. They pit these guests against each other, manipulate them for entertainment then shame them as the opportunity presents itself, “persons of color” is identity cr#p.
They took his happiness away and that was just not right he seem to have some issues but being racist was not one of them Julie Chen need to be done
Nicole a bitter loser? What show did you watch. Jessica is just bitter in general.
Her cats and knitting will make her feel better. Back to Moms house.
I heard Nicole is going to be on Cat Talk tomorrow to talk about her love of wallpaper and doorknobs.
So he wins and his legacy is as a racist and misogynist…….weird ass finale lol.
BB21 season was horrible, but WOW! this season finale with jackson’s anxiety going def-con 4 on live television was monumental.
He’s going to need some serious therapy. Not making fun of him but he just needs help.
If I were Jackson I would lawyer up. What CBS did last night was embarrassing.
What he did in the shower with Holly on the stool is more embarrassing. Money can’t buy morale.
Morale? Is that you Rockstar?
CBS? he did to himself!
Jackson embarrassed himself.
500,000 times. Scoreboard.
Obviously the extensive therapy and behavioral modification sessions that CBS was providing him all season didn’t work!
Back in the real world, I agree, he does appear to have some personal issues to work on and that finale CBS put on for their handpicked winner didn’t help.
He needed prior to coming in the BB house.
That was discussing what they did to Jackson (and others).
I agree julie chen should be looking in her own back yard with her husband
This Jury is better behaved than last season ‘s extremely bitter jury
And they made the right decision.
I was pleasantly surprised. Glad I was wrong because I thought they would be bitter.
Watching and reading Dr. Will’s comments the impression I got was he believed the jury was leaning Jackson. Although his comments were almost as noncommittal as what BB showed us, and the edited snip of the jury round table that we were allowed to see was also noncommittal, I did note that the only “game play” that Dr. Will commented on on his own twitter page was Jackson’s, and he thoroughly praised it.
The jury questions were pretty decent, however, listening to Tommy and Cliffie asking their questions was gag worthy to me; as if either of them had room to talk…or question anyone else. I would have liked seeing some of the jury answer their own questions.
Yeah – I guess CBS couldn’t call out two of the three AFP finalists but that was BS. Dr. Will also nailed Cliff basically saying his inability to work with others (he specifically said not giving Nicole’s opinions more credence especially on the Tommy vote) showed he was only interested in his own opinion. It was about as close as Will gets to throwing shade. I posted the actual quote somewhere on here.
Will always is a straight shooter & I agreed with both his comments – Jackson deserved the win & Cliff made the dumbest move of the season (which I’ll be honest I enjoyed b/c everyone blamed Nicole but unless she got Cliff to shift nothing was gonna change).
It was not a dumb move. Tommy would have won the game easily if he stayed, probably beating Nicole 8-1 or something in the FInal 2. Cliff still was finishing 3rd or 4th.
I’m so surprised Cliff is bitter !! Not ! So salty because he screwed up his own game, not impressed with him at all .
Too bad he didn’t tell the whole story.
Well at least he didn’t vote like a bitter Betty lol
Cliff-Still an ass.
Well he voted for Michie o couldn’t have been that bitter. I’m surprised the jury wasn’t worse. T
I’m not sure Cliffie had a choice. A lot of people already saw through his folksy bull$hit act, but while he may be a complete hypocrite he isn’t completely stupid. If he had voted for Holly there is no way he could have not owned his “little bitch” image.
Survivor night!
I’m happy to say goodbye to BB and hello to Survivor!
Thanks Simon and Dawg! Quit watching a long time ago, but come here for your witty take on these numbskulls. My fear is that all future houseguests will think the best strategy for winning is to “stool and showmance” their way there. Sooooooooo boring.
It must get lonely on Cliff’s moral high ground.
Cliff’s still not getting it. Could be a sexist issue.
I just came here to just say Thank you Simon and Dawg for the amazing work you do for the BB fans and without this site the show is wack and CBS needs to give some of that money for your site. Ps ain’t no one cares about the winner tonight but congratulations $$$$!
Bern voting g Kat all week ,hope she win
It stinks all those cats won the 25G’s for AFH.
Some of the money will be spent on Bingo.
And Murder, She Wrote DVD’s.
Most of the money will be spent on a metal detector so she can look for coins on the beach.
Nicole will need one of those Golden Girls makeup kits too.
Love Sis being so salty. Complains about how lousy the final 3 played yet she was the 3rd one to be sent to the jury house. Still clueless!
Sis is the biggest disappointment of the season in my book. Huge flop!
I was frankly SHOCKED by how much jury round table air time she was given – what the heck was that about? The best part was when Kat said Holly took out big players while Jackson took out bottom feeders & then they panned to Sis & Jess (I almost wet myself I laughed so hard at Jess’ face -how dare her BFF say that) lol
I don’t think that is the first time either of them have been peed on.
Kat is fearless.
I just laugh when she talks, cannot take her serious , at all !!
Sis confuses me.
Laughing out loud..
If she was in the academic decathlon against Billy Madison, and she went second after Billy, no matter the caged, the Principal would have said “Billy, I stand corrected. This now is the most idiotic thing that I have ever heard….”
Hilarious when Sis accuses Holly of playing Sis’s game. Except HOLLY ACTUALLY WON SOME COMPETITIONS and 50k.
Holly really did represent herself well*. She kicked butt in those last two HOH comps too. I was shocked by how much she beat Nicole by.
* Not counting the stool.
Nichol isn’t pretty dumb. She didn’t win anything until it was down to a handful of people and most of her wins were handed to her. And before someone calls that “strategy”, she was crying over how she couldn’t win, she was trying.
For the first 83 days Nicole was wall paper. Only won one conp that mattered.everything else was given. Jessica what a joke. Stay irrelevant
Well Sis did look great in that green dress.
Wow, there are some jelly cat ladies here.
I bet all the cat ladies loved the tent Jessica wore on finale night. I think the designer was Coleman.
Thanks for making this season fun Simon and Dawg! Another job well done by you! Time to start building a casting shrine Simon so we at least have a prayer for a good Season 22
To be fair, Jackson ‘s goodbye message to Cliff was probably the worst one
I thought that had cost him Cliff’s vote but to Cliff’s credit he did vote for the best game play.
So a Tool, a Stool and a Preschool teacher walked into a bar…
Wish we could all meet up in that bar and raise a glass of Krakken to you guys!!! Thanks Simon and Dawg for putting in all those grueling hours away from family and friends, and slaving over keyboards to put this horrible season into words for our entertainment. Until we meet again…..CHEERS!
This is the most mature Jury Big Brother has had in years!
Haha maybe before the prejurors got to talk
Except for Jessica and Nicole.
Thank you Simon and Dawg for all of your hard work, I know it was very hard this season. Thank you to your families for letting us borrow you!!! I love you guys!
Thank you for what you do!!! Enjoy your free time!
Totally agree and Roll Tide!
Michie is answering questions wayy better, Holly isn’t making sense !
Her answers I could understand. She and I share a trait;we both love exposition so have trouble giving short answers
Not sure how rehearsed plays. We’ll see….
Michie didn’t own his derigatory pompus actions. He’s clueless.
Turns out he didn’t have to. Have to admit that I thought he would as a part of his closing statement.
We muted the TV on his and Holly’s closing. Didn’t want to make ourselves ill.
I disagree maverick. Before tonight, I didn’t think holly deserved to win, she won me over with her answers.
I actually yelled shut up at the tv she was going on so long.
This season was junk. However I have to thank Simon & Dawg for their updates. How you were able to watch a terrible season on the feeds and keep us updated says a lot about your loyalty to the game and your fans. Thank you. Here’s to a better season next year.
Yes, thanks. Hope you get some revenue from the occasional ads I clicked on.
Thanks Rosie 😉
I’m laughing how Beth’s answers are pissing off Snacks
Snacks was pissed being accused of being racist and not getting to say anything. You know no-one speaks for Snacno-ONE
Did you see his face when she said she played the game with integrity and honesty? He looked like she had run over him with a fully loaded 18 wheeler! I had visions of her picking him up by the scruff of his neck and heaving him up under the bus.
The funny part was right after she said it, she reached over and tried to hold his hand, and he wouldn’t take hers. I was LOL, and this was of course BEFORE all of the bullying and racial accusations came up.
Yes!!! She obviously caught Jackson off guard! I believe I remember him trying to coach her, telling her to be prepared for jury questions. He looked like she had pulled The rug out from underneath him.
I honestly thought Holly made a good case for herself, giving the jury members a decent excuse not to vote for Jackson. It’s easy to assume he would have gone out early on had Holly not reigned him in and coddled him on many occasions. She won when he couldn’t play and took out bigger targets. She played a better all round game. Probably just wishful thinking on my part. I just can’t stand the guy but admit that it is hard to ignore all the comp wins. I do really believe that he would have come undone without her there to hold him together.
I am exhausted from rolling my eyes every time they said they didn’t have a final 2!
Cliff/Nicole/Tommy are extra salty…. IDK, watermelon head might get boned on the win
Big Brother needs to seriously fix the voting system… America needs a voice towards who wins
it seems someone commented before watching the finale
Last year didn’t the people who went out perjury talk before the vote happened? Also dont tell me the grod didn’t let michie know about the disrespectful to women question.
I think Michie, Jack and Christie were not only warned, but were coached up on how to answer all of those accusations. Funny how they took three different attitudes in their responses. Jack owned his (pretty much). Christie was kinda meh, it’s a game people say things, but sorry if you were offended. Jack was all WHO ME? Racist? Aggressive to women? No way in Hell that happened, but sorry you’re butt-hurt.
I think this was just CBS’ way of covering their own ass because of all of the uproar on social media. If they didn’t say anything, they would look complicit, so they “threw the HG under the bus” to protect themselves, but not without providing them with professional PR help to navigate through those waters. At least that’s my opinion, especially after hearing Jack’s response. He really sounded ready for that question.
Waiting for the MONSTER to erupt!
You mean the winner.
Wow good thing for michie the vote happened before prejurors spoke
It ALWAYS does.
Bella blew her on air chance to fly the two finger salute to Nick. I’ll help her. F you buddy!
The look on Kat’s face was priceless when Nick was addressing Bella. I swear she was just saying “awkward”.
Yeah, not sure she was liking what Nick had to say to Bella. Might have been the first time to hear he told her he loved her !!
Kat’s too good for Nick. I think she just wanted a summer fling and will dump him, hopefully.
Bella looked very nice with the shorter hair. Kemi also looked very pretty. Jessica still seemed clueless.
I agree, Jessica seemed the same.
Jessica always looks like she has a turd in her mouth.
She’s got one in there length wise….
she better get checked for STDs
This finale is such a downer. This was not the right time to publicly call those out for bullying and racism. It’s supposed to be a celebration. Hands down, CBS ruined this finale. Michie had his faults but CBS truly robbed him of his joy of winning.
Really. I was hoping for more Nicole tears.
This has always been cast a social experiment being viewed 24/7 by people. It happens to have a prize for who the houseguest thought played the best game but there is the main objective of being hamsters in a cage. I find no fault with CBS casting light on the social experiment aspect.
BS it was the perfect time, I was actually pleasantly surprised and feeling as if CBS was actually acknowledging the terrible behaviors by allowing them to be discussed. 100000% loved Jackholes face after the winner announcement. I’m happy he’s getting his ego checked!
Mad respect to Kemi, David, Ovi for taking a stand , and calling out the truth! I loved loved loved each one saying in their own ways, can’t wait until they all can see their bullying, racist, degrading and more behaviors and wish the HG’s become much better people in the future!
Congratulations to Nicole for AFP!
Thank you Dawg and Simon for your dedication to all of us, keeping us in the know when it was just too hard to watch! I’m proud to be a member of this wonderful group!
Love to all!
Ovi looked like he was acting, trying to get a hero award. There is no way he was genuinely that upset over something that happened in a game setting a couple of months ago., David was the only one who seemed genuine.
At least Ovi was consistant. He sucked on the show too. I do agree with you that David did seem genuine.
David, Kemi, and Ovi were losers for multiple reasons – none of which had anything to do with their race. They, you, and CBS should quit making excuses for their gameplay, or lack thereof. They lost because they lost – not because they were cheated, persecuted, etc. Ridiculous victim mentality.
Nobody said they didn’t do well because of racism. They were called derogatory names and judged poorly based on literally nothing because of racism.
“Nobody said they didn’t do well because of racism. They were called derogatory names and judged poorly based on literally nothing because of racism.”
You just did.
There’s never a wrong time to shame people for shameful behavior. If you don’t want to be shamed, don’t do shameful things. It’s not hard. None of these people are children. They all graduated from high school. There’s no excuse.
Oh please, Nicole told him in the house that she can handle herself, she doesn’t need ovi to shame anyone on her behalf.
Nicole has the spine of cooked spaghetti.
Ovi wasn’t the only one who pointed out the houseguests’ shameful behavior, and Nicole wasn’t the only recipient of shameful behavior.
Yes CBS should be the arbiter of what is shameful behavior or not………Mr. Moonves and his wife are fine examples.
Calling out someone without telling them what they are accused of is bogus.
They’re not children. They are adults who knew cameras where on them 24/7. I imagine it’s not the first time this group has been told they were assholes. Jackson most definitely had prior warning. He spent most of the season on damage control, obsessing over his image.
Julie Chen should watch her husband before she says anything
well they have to act concern. michie is feeling a fair share of the torment he gave to others. in a week he will be back to his ole self forgetting what America thinks of him
I agree with you “ugh”, they gave way too much power to the idiots on twitter. Now They will even more-so over-protest every little thing that happens next year. I’m So tired of every little thing being blown way out of proportion just to make a story out of it, and so tired of all of the phony uproar of people being so offended on behalf of others.
Your post triggered me.
I was very satisfied that they called him out……remember Jackson spewing hate towards David for no fkg reason? He wanted to mule kick him in the teeth……told Holly that Jess needed to go back to Mexico……KARMA came for Mama’s baby tonight….but hey, at least he got his confetti
No it is the perfect time, They need to own up to their actions and they haven’t been outside of the house to do that. I just wish they would have done clips of it for them to see so they couldn’t attempt to sugar coat and talk their way out of trouble.
If Nicole returns next season it will be as a maid.
Ugh – you are completely correct. CBS and their controversy bullshit was completely ridiculous.
It was kind of funny actually….weird but funny.
Michie cannot handle criticism! Wow is he salty!!!
$500,000.00 will help with that.
I can’t wait to see what he spends it on! Based on what he said to Holly, I’m guessing it will be fines, attorney’s fees and restitution.
Maybe a solid gold two seater stool?
Yes! Thank you first to Simon and Dawg. Without you, we would have not had nearly as much fun this year!
Next, thank you to my fellow commenters! We had some fun, as usual.
Thanks Simon and Dawg , you guys were amazing as usual !!
Stayed up to watch Nicole win AFP!
Congrats Nicole. Well deserved
Glad Nicole won.
The best comment of the night was from Paul who said the episode turned into a Black Mirror episode
Michie deserves to win. And also is a complete ass.
Thank you for the site!
Kat’s Alien Bitch signing off
Thanks Nicole’s My Little Pony sister.
I wonder if the $25,000 will be enough for Nicole to move from her parents basement to the main floor?
Why are you obsessed with where other people live?
Has your Mommy made your breakfast yet?
Most normal human beings who have jobs and take care of their families are too busy with their own responsibilities to care about where a stranger from a reality television show lives or who makes breakfast for a stranger making a comment on a website. I guess you and Melted Snowflake (provided you’re even two different people) believe otherwise.
Sounds like Nicole is not the only one still living at home with their parents. Nicole lost. Deal with it. She still won 25 thousand. That is pretty good.
CBS trying to pull the racism/bully card was total bullshit. Was a total RREEEAAAACCCCHHHHHH
Yep, what else is new? We pretty much hear that every day.
Covering their butts to get blame off themselves
Total reach? So off being called “The Brown Kid”, and using disrespectful language to Kemi and David isn’t racist?
And Bullying let’s see they sat there’s and bullied Nicole, but claim to be good people, aspecially considering they actually did say the things she said they said, but didn’t want to own up to them so all of the sudden she is a bully! Also they claimed to not be bullies yet literally five minutes later they bully Nicole. What a joke these people are and so full of it, they all think they are the bees knees. I can’t wait to see what their response is to the criticism they receive in the world because when they get a chance to see what they did and said Andy still deny it then you won’t be blaming CBS.
No doubt about it, they were assholes on all fronts.
I would include most of the pre-jury in that as well.
Blame CBS and their lazy ass casting department… what world do you cast some of these creeps.
Thank you so much for every summer you do this for us! You guys are the best.
And on a closing note, just wanted to say to everyone to have a Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Chrismas, Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday, and any other big day I may have missed.
Same to you Sherry, we don’t always agree but I love hearing everyone’s different perspectives! See you next time!
Honestly Julie at the end sucked the life out of the whole 99 days. I feel like I need a shower now (no stool) no one was happy tonight and that is a shame it’s a game. I actually feel bad for those being called out. You can vote me down one last time but that was the wrong thing to do. Sorry I feel awful about what went down.
I’ve been voted down for this before. Julie sucks as host. She’s never polished her approach and she comes across as very arrogant.
One thing she is good at is sucking the life out of the game. She bullied specific people and harshed Jackson’s mellow big time. He may deserve the criticism, but there is a time and place.
Honestly, Dr Will would make a much better host.
I’ll second that. Julie is the worst.
Plus, you would think that after what Julie’s hubby was fired from CBS for, she’d have had a little more sense than to run with that pre-jury public service announcement masquerading as pre-jury “insight” into all the pre-jury members disses/slights. It was brutal & sucked the life out of an already crappy finale.
Totally agree. What a joke. Julie Chen byebye
And take Grodner with you.
It is almost like she won the job on the casting couch.
She just signed a new contract because she is so indispensable to the show lol.
Antonio Brown signed a couple of new contracts. How did those work out for him?
The best time and place would be during the screening process. But Julie has nothing to say when she continues to defend her sexual predator husband.
It’s true she’s terrible as host and yet some people defend her at every turn…….why?…. I don’t get it……
It was on point. I voted you up only to agree no-one was happy. Not the fans, not the players, not the winner.
Always sad to say goodbye until next time.
Thanks again, everyone. Enjoy the fall. If something important comes up in the BB world I’ll post it. 🙂
Thank you for another great summer!
Simon can we still buy items from Amazon and you get a part of it?
no 🙁 amazon gave us the boot.
I thought Hakuna Matata predicted Jackson would lose?
Isn’t he supposed to eat his words? Likely he’s dining on his al a cart laptop and won’t be able to respond for a bit! 😉
He will be working with Christie on manifestations over the break.
Hakuna Matata is the name of a Japanese anime character that has special powerful powers of perception…that apparently work in the comic books.
Hakuna will always predict that the geekiest player will win.
Well I didn’t know that. His predictions are so bad that they are funny.
Thanks to Simon, Dawg and Swaggie for putting not only the fun but the funny in this season. Until next year guys.
Thought that CBS didn’t need to imply Jackson was a racist. I don’t remember him ever being racist. I don’t agree how he spoke to Kat, but I don’t agree with CBS making him out to be a racist and clearly shaking him up on Finale night was not appropriate. I remember Jack being outspoken about Kemi, but he was already chastised for that when he was evicted.
He was anti-david from the get-go, check out youtube.
Being anti-David doesn’t mean he’s a racist.
I didn’t like Emmitt Smith when he played for the Cowboys. That doesn’t make me a racist, either. In fact, I respected Smith as a player. And I think we should take Jackson at his word that he took a shot at David because he saw David as someone he’d have trouble beating in the end.
It’s not his fault that David failed miserably in each comp that would have saved him.
There’s a video on Youtube Michie saying something about piss on the sink, and would leave crumbs around to drive David nuts and Jack then used the “N” word, something about not going to play with “N”. He wanted to bully David. joined in with Jack calling others maggots.
JackTool, if you think that getting David out because david is a tough competitor was racist, you are the racist.
There is a full “receipts” post Evel Dick posted on twitter with specific incidences & dates that can be pulled up on feeds (of note – it’s really long). It includes arrest notes from his college and other items like the FCC response about this being a “entertainment program” NOT a game show
I’ve seen the “receipts.” Most of them are opinion and bulls£!t. You have to “hear” the N-word on your own, because it is certainly not clear in the audio.
It says more about the mental state of the person who posted it than it does about that of Jackson.
The anonymous person, who has defamed Jackson’s charcter since the season began on Twitter, saying he has multiple mental illnesses and drug addictions and arrests, also left a breadcrumb — the FCC inquiry that the fan sent about whether BB is a game show. Because the FCC is a governmental body, its correspondence is subject to FOI laws.
If Jackson’s mother has the resources that the conspiracy nuts say she has, then that particular troll ought to be very worried about getting doxed, then sued for libel.
Yeah I’m just noting what was posted. There are also numerous video clips. In truth, I thought Jack was more egregious.
There are also a TON of film clips on Ika Wong’s twitter page b/c she asked for actual “receipts” footage b/c she is doing backyard interviews & wanted the real tea – not just someone saying “they said or did this”. The responses were wide ranging – Tommy for example is shown in the room almost inciting G8ful into a riot as he is jumping up and down and screaming about Nicole. That film clip was preceded by Sis, Holly & Christie telling Nicole how Nick/Bella were bullies but in the room they all claim innocence & blame Nicole. Then as she tries to enter the room Jackson says “not now” which wasn’t said harshly or cruelly however, that was followed by Jack basically slamming the door in her face.
Jackson also apologized to her later in the game for saying “not now” but to my knowledge Holly never owned she lied about it or was part of that whole situation.
From day one I thought Jack was the bigger douchebag of them all. Remember how he would always comment on Ovi’s eating habits. Like Sorry, bro not everyone is obsessed about calories in and calories out.
Please pass the brownies.
Evel Dick is the MSNBC of facts.
If you spend your life on BB twitter you are susceptible to pandering to a vocal subset of that community. Tie in $$ and It starts to feed itself to the point where it doesn’t make sense anymore. I’ve seen so many ugly things come out of that hashtag over the last 9 years.
It’s classic groupthink sh1t and this year I saw it with a lot of twitter heavyweights.
I’ll climb down my soapbox some seasons I have been at fault for this as well. It’s hard not to when you spend 10 hours a day with these people.
Evel Dick adds a whole new meaning to the phrase “I saw it on the internet”.
Evel played a whole lot of angry, gullible people this season…and had a good laugh at their expense.
I haven’t seen the compiled version yet that would be useful to post. I know there was more than ample material of Jackson/Jack being a douche.
There is Evel Dick’s “receipts” and as per bbericfan noted it may not be actual but they did list feeds dates/times to check — so — shrugs shoulders.
There is also a 40 minute film compilation of Kemi hate (again I presume that’s dominated by Jack as he seemed to have the biggest issues with her). Plus another segment of compiled film clips of Jackson’s comments about David (including good ole boy Cliff & him discussing pissing on the floor & blaming it on David) & still more of G8ful & S6 which highlighted what a cheerleader Tommy was (although he got NOTHING directed at him last night).
Plus as noted above there is a huge compilation of film clips on Ika Wong’s twitter of many of the hamsters (including Sis, Holly, Christie, Tommy, and Nick – not just the Jacks). In one Christie & Tommy incite a group by the hammock about Kemi & Nick says he wants to spit in her face (I totally forgot how much of a dick he was, especially early before he became a predator crawling all over everyone).
Btw: Tommy & Cliff were involved in a quite a few of those conversations & got off Scott free.
Ugh this entire season was f*ed .. I disliked Tommy/CLiff’s behaviour greatly and seeing how the community is treating them just makes me happy I can crawl back into my hole for the next 9 months.
Christie excuse was insane .. UGH ..
I want to start off by saying that I value everything you do and know that you can’t possibly post every conversation. But when I read about egregious behavior on other BB sites, I come here for more details, because this site gives the most detailed updates in an accessible format. But a lot of times I see no mention of the awful behavior in the posts, and any mention of it in the comments get down votes and claims that it never happened.
people are crying wolf so much now, it distracts from pointing out real rasicm.
Exactly Shrute.
You don’t remember it because for the early part of the game Jack, Jackhole, and Christie got flawless edits with none of their transgressions shown. Jackson used the N word in reference to David on the feeds, hat was not shown on the show, yet remember past seasons especially S15 when these were shown and a disclaimer was even added to the beginning.
Jack’s Rice Pudding comment was only brought to light after he was on the outs and not in a position to win the game, and therefore not worth protecting by CBS. He can claim the mud-hole comment was a callback to Sam from last season but that’s an excuse for his h8ful comments to Kemi.
It was necessary for CBS to do this to show that they don’t condone 5e behavior because for the early part of this game it really looked like they did.
Jackson wasn’t happy as a winner and that’s disappointing as a fan but he shouldn’t be happy knowing the things he said and did that aren’t considered gameplay that got him to the end of the game. The biggest one was making up a blatant lie about Tommy,
I get that it’s win at all cost but I can’t respect someone who blatantly and maliciously lies to end someone else’s game. Tommy should be allowed to come back and play again because that was a screw-job. He probably wouldn’t win but at least he would get a fair shot. Breaking a deal is one thing, but making shit up just to screw someone out of the game isn’t respectable gameplay and I hope Jackson is ashamed. Most disrespectful winner ever.
Maybe some good will come of this and CBS will see that their casting strategies SUCK!
Without the bullies and the racists being protected by CBS, the outcome of this game would have been totally different.
Lying is a part of this game. Crusty did it to Nick, and Jackson did it to Tommy. IMO Tommy was the most annoying houseguest this season, and it couldn’t have happend to a better houseguest this season.
I’m shocked they did it after coaching him on behavior modification for weeks (he’s talked about it on feeds). I’m surprised. They took such pains to cover up a lot of the early season negativity from many houseguests (including going to fish on feeds during some of the negativity leaving feeders to depend on multiple retells). Many episode only watchers are probably confused as hell. Some are probably wondering what are you talking about… where is this coming from… it’s news to us. Mostly because it was never part of the storyline. The episode edit in the early weeks was like ohhh: when did Jackson’s mom become a big brother story editor, cus that’s some only a mom could level clean up. I’m not surprised that they did it in a very cbs fashion. It could have been soooo much worse. They could have played clips.
It’s not like they could address it at his eviction was my thought (like they did with Jack).
Jackson wasn’t shocked by the allegation, he’s been prepared for it. He was shocked that he had to face the questions before press gaggle. He was surprised and low key angered that the show was going to put it out there, and not the press. This was just after he was upset that Holly had referred to him as a tool in her game in her questions (on the way to commercial before the pre juror segment).
We have to remember: The house guests were informed during a feed break meeting and on feeds had mutiple discussions about production telling them about racist allegations in the press and public eye. So he shouldn’t have been shocked, he was informed it was an issue. 11 or 12 weeks ago.
In regards to Kemi’s comments: “Jack, Jackson, Christie and Nick, I’m not exactly sure what your obsession was with me. A lot of the things that were said about me and some of the others were completely inexcusable and unforgivable”. Where is the lie? They said some despicable things about Kemi and. or some of the others. The surprises? Jack… JACK had the best apology. Well maybe not that surprising: he’s had weeks to come up with it, and has seen the receipts. Christie and blaming heat of the moment and hormones? Nope. magicuniversalbladderinfection isn’t saving her this time from this manifestation. Why bother getting Nick’s apology. He’s nodding along like a dimwit until his own name was called. And then there’s Jackson.
Realistically, there is the option of spinning the entire thing in perspective: They gave Jackson the opportunity in front of a large viewer audience, to respond to questions that were already going to be asked. The fact that he’s rattled by it, or some think it was in poor taste? Imagine just how many of the trolls will be partially sated by the fact that it’s been called out on finale, instead of being calling it out themselves in the much less controlled environment of social media. They’ve mitigated some of the backlash he will face BY bringing it up at the finale. They’ve helped him get ahead of the story, and they’ve helped him craft the narrative. Just think of the number of people saying oh no, they ruined his moment. That is a narrative spin right there.
I don’t know if you saw my post above “another name”, and you’ve gone into a lot more detail than I did, but with primarily the same conclusions regarding Kemi’s comments and responses, but I was just wondering if you agree with me that CBS not only gave Jack, Christie, Nick and Jackson a “heads up” as to what was coming, but also most likely provided them with PR related help and guidance in preparing to answer the “allegations/comments” she made against them?
It goes without saying what they did and said was wrong, but last night just felt like (to ME) more of a CYA thing by CBS to ensure they don’t appear to be complicit in that mess, BUT Jack’s seemingly very prepared answer (read – not at ALL surprised) just makes me think J, C, N and J knew it was coming, and that they had help in preparing for it. Just curious what you think (or others too for that matter).
Given the criticism CBS was facing in the midst of their own image makeover? They had faced a lot of criticism about their own bias in programming, so a racial bias issue on one of their programs would be viewed by executives as a negative to go along with the positive they’ve been attempting with their own image and programming choices in their fall lineup. I think they were given a heads up that some prejury cast members might have something to say. I think Jack was prepped weeks ago before his eviction, and he’s had weeks with production to hone the answers for when the press asks real world. I still think he gave the best answer, but his tone was the tone he would use in the house when he was inauthentically gaming them. I don’t think they knew that specific people would be callled out not just by Julie mentioning what some viewers thought about camp counsellor and camp comeblack motivations, but also by Kemi. As I had mentioned when Jackson would come out of d/r looking upset and putting his hat over his eyes a couple times this week: I thought d/r was preparing him for what he would face.
The funny part of Holly calling him a “tool” was I think she meant it as he was a “resource” but it came out sounding like the derogatory term like “you’re a tool”.
I think even though he told Holly – you need to be prepared to answer any and all questions from jury which was pretty stand up of him even he didn’t expect her to go there or offer up a valid reason to vote for her instead.
Btw — did you also have the impression she would cut Jackson & take Nicole? (I really think she was going to although she’ll never admit it now).
That is a great question and I think Holly would of cut Jackson. I still think she would of lost but it would of been awesome television.
Do I think she would cut Jackson and take Nicole? no. Her entire i tried to play the game with loyalty and integrity spiel would be defeated. Her entire game shifted as of week three (her conversation with Kat in the boat room admonishing Kat for her feelings regarding Jackson being disrespectful to her and women in general). Her game became he’s my man. Given her personality as expressed on feeds, she would not have evicted Jackson. It doesn’t fit.
I agree with you on this. BTW, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts this season. Regardless if I agree or not I agree with your take on the situation, I’m always interested in your thoughts.
Thanks. I’m thinking upon introspection my writing style on here (the voice I project) needs work. Today, If I remove myself and look at what I’m writing I think what an arrogant ass try to be a knowitall jerk, when a lot of it is bravado. That’s something I think I should work on. It’s supposed to be fun, and i’m on a soapbox. Something I think I should own, and modify and change. That and I need to edit. big. hope to read more of your thoughts and perceptions in the future. cheers.
And that’s a wrap! He may not have been the most likable person but he definitely played the best game! Congratulations Jackson Michie!
Michie’s behavior was super sketch. Not like a man who just won a half mil. He is really that concerned with how he was portrayed.
I think the video of his parents gave him the impression they were disappointed in him, and it really bothered him.
Did they air their messages from home? I never saw them! Or the luxury comp.
They never aired the family messages – I think that’s a first (and also usually done much earlier in the season). And to my knowledge no Jeff in the backyard. Instead they were handed cards with questions to answer and posted them afterwards (not live). Can’t ever recall that happening. Fortunately, today there will be backyard interviews from Rob Has a Podcast with Taran & Rob as well as Ika from BBCan. Those will more likely be unfiltered so there’s the potential to get a less watered down answer.
Wasn’t this the first year that we didn’t get to see the family videos? I watched the feeds and show and sure didn’t miss them
He never would have been concern if it hadn’t been brought to his attention.
Simon and Dawg,
Thanks for the work you do. Thanks for sticking with it and covering the finale (i’m still on my way home, so to me it’s spoilers even if i already thought the season spoiled) lol.
You’re both great and appreciated.
If they did another all star season it should only be of America’s favorite winners.
That’s a great idea! It could also be a rude awakening for those that voted for them. Lol! Fun to see who AFP would be!
The most cringeworthy awkward finale in Big Brother history. Holly & Michie’s answers and speeches were like thrown competitions, they purposely just didn’t try? And I suspected CBS would possibly have the pre-jurors say something about the behaviors in the house, but man, this was pretty bad. Michie didn’t get to enjoy his win lol, he looked shell-shocked. Glad Nicole got AFP. Definitely a memorable season for the wrong reasons. Hopefully it won’t scare off future contestants and make them act really cautiously to the point that they barely chat all season lol.
michie’s responses were pretty good except the respecting women one. holly just rambled and then made a super arrogant y’all underestimated me pitch that was just insulting to the jury.
Get ready for a more sanitized version next season if it could get more sanitized.
the evicted houseguests all together was super entertaining. props to ovi, kemi, nicole, david and bella for calling the rest out for their shit. if only they did it sooner. but michie was the clear winner between him and holly
Agree with you saying glad they weighed in. I would vote Holly tho for putting up with that dbag.
Such a disappointing season!!! On another note Thanks Simon & Dawg look forward to your spoilers every season you guys are the best!!!!!!
FUN FACT: Jackson Michie is the first winner in Big Brother history to request an immediate return into the house after finale night….For his own safety.
Thanks so much Simon and Dawg, it was the worst season ever but you guys were awesome! I stopped watching, just couldn’t watch asshat win but I’m very glad to hear Nicole won AFP! I’ll check out next season but if it’s bad again I think I’m done, fingers crossed!
Simon, Dawg, as always, job well done and thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys rule.
Never seen a winner as subdued as Jackson. No smiling or laughing. Kemi and David got to him. I believe he truly didn’t know what they were talking about.
No, he did know what they were talking about, but playing dumb shut it down faster.
Production must be horribly incompetent. First they pick Jackson as their winner and rig everything for him, then they decide to put on that spectacle with the pre-jury evictees, and finally they fail to prepare their handpicked winner for the accusations.
Damn, I sure hope production gets their act together next year.
Of course he had no idea what they were talking about.
Yeah, that was a blindside for sure. If they were going to go there than at least show some film clips b/c the hamsters & non-feed watchers had zero clues what they were talking about. You can’t spend all season presenting an edited version with none of those things shown and then shift your narrative last minute. It felt very much like CBS was only trying to cover their own ass.
At least by the time Jackson did his backyard (ridiculous answer the questions off this card) interview he was smiling and said it was finally sinking in that he won.
I do have to say I literally spewed coffee laughing at Christie citing hormones as her reason for possibly saying something inappropriate. Gotta love her for sticking to her true self right to the bitter end.
You are so right, the nonfeed watchers in my family were completely taken off guard by the finale, there was no context, so the narrative shift made no sense and completely turned them off to the show.
Swaggie don’t hold your breath for Production getting a clue.
I believe he was being sarcastic about the conspiracy theorists.
I do believe that if the evicted house guests had been interviewed before the jury votes were cast,the outcome would have been different.Sure,it influences the vote, but that is no different the the final two making their own case.BTW,if the stool had a vote,I do believe the vote would not have gone to either J or H.(After all,the poor stool received a lot of abuse.) Thanks Dawg and Simon for a great season,you are now free to have a Kraken attack!
They are sequestered for a reason. No outside influence from Facebook, Twitter, the news, family, friends and the show in its entirety.
Simon and Dawg once again thank you guys for keeping me informed your hard work and let’s face it this year it was soooooo hard to watch this cast is greatly appreciated hope to see you still here next summer. BB would not be the same without you. Enjoy your time off!!!
This first part of this message is for Another Name (who often noted production interference this season & this may help clarify moving into future seasons). It’s a response from the FCC regarding some fans who got up in arms this season over what they felt was interference (I think it started during Jackson’s have not week when people were complaining). The FCC says “BB does NOT appear to meet the definition of a game show. Rather it is a for entertainment only program, somewhat similar to professional wrestling in that it is a pseudo contest IN WHICH THE OUTCOME IS FULLY OR IN SOME MEASURE PREDETERMINED.”
So, let us never question this fact again. They filed it that way which gives them the right to produce it that way (even to our chagrin).
As for me – let me say thanks to Simon & Dawg especially, and all the posters who interacted. We may not always agree but it sure is fun to come here and interact. Congratulations to Jackson and Holly fans for the win/2nd & Nicole for her AFP.
See you all next season. Until then if you follow the NBA catch me on Raptors Republic and Thunderous Intentions. Ciao for now.
Thanks for pointing out the FCC response. I had heard about it. I thought it started when he won his first veto… but that’s the same week as his have not week. is my face red. not as red as the watermelon rouge in the last five minutes of the show.
just finished watching the episode now.
I have some questions about odd d/r comments compared to feed things said between part 2 of hoh and tonight, but i’m just going to chalk it up to more of the stuff that won’t matter to me in about an hour. HAHA. Oh. Confetti.
yeah, for legal purposes bb is and always has been not defined as a game show.
Well that’s disappointing, but not surprising. This just solidified everything we’v known all along. Nice knowing you, Big Brother!
Does anyone know from the live feeds what statements or events that drove Nicole’s decision to vote for Holly? I felt her statement had some directness to it.
I think the combination of Holly telling Nicole how she (Nicole) reminded her of how she was at 24 helped. Also Holly outlined her game moves. Jackson’s confession about lying about Tommy was something she suspected & prob hurt him. Nicole’s big thing this season was Jackson wouldn’t just own “this is what I had to do to get here & denial of things he did”.
Nicole also had no clue Holly was as smart (mental comps) as she was so that probably weighed on her decision. She respected Holly for laying low, having allies, being honest (or at least she believes Holly was honest all the way through), took out bigger targets and played a game similar to what Nicole tried to play.
Also I just rewatched Ika Wong’s pre game interview with Nicole & she said “I’d rather lose & be respected than make it to the end & no one liked me b/c everyone thought I was mean.” So, I think how Holly treated people overall compared to Jackson (even though they got along) may have factored in.
I’ll always wonder if Holly would’ve pulled the switcheroo & taken Nicole – she’ll never admit to it now, but I kind of think based on Holly’s speech she may have.
I think Nicole seeing through Michies attempts at getting Nicole to take him if she won influenced her too. She saw right through his, “everyone hates me” strategy.
Nicole tried the same gambit on Jackson and Holly.
I seem to remember her saying to Jackson that taking ownership of his game would make or break her vote.
I thought she was just bitter but who knows really.
Oh – and the other thing was she didn’t like how Jackson kept referring to anyone getting in the way of his title/winning. Holly & Nicole discussed this and neither seemed happy he felt the money was owed to him b/c that inferred neither of them deserved to be heard. While he DID play the best overall game the arrogance of stating it prior to “a jury of his peers” voting on what they felt was the best game bothered her.
She did also say in backyard Jackson played the best game so maybe she knew Holly wouldn’t win and wanted to give her a sympathy vote which would be in keeping with Nicole’s empathy for the underdog.
No statements or events just bitterness.
Also notable: Dr Will re: the WORST game move of the season.
” Cliff should have absolutely listened to Nicole. (inference is voting out Holly). I think he’d be a lot better off right now and I think he’d be in a completely different position if he had given her opinions a little bit more weight. I think one of the bad game moves was that Cliff sorta wanted to be his own person and not really be open minded to other ideas.”
Preach Dr. Will PREACH!
Yes, Dr. Will’s comments were so spot on, and I loved how he summed up Jackson’s game play. I look forward to his insights again next season…and can’t wait to see how Evel Dick plays people again.
Another little tidbit — Holly saying she had never rock climbed in a sound bite tonight but apparently her Instagram is pictures of her rock climbing LMAO
Brent of RHAP said her main picture was of her climbing a rock wall & her hobbies are spontaneously climbing things (too funny). The main picture has since been changed but here is the one of her rock climbing with the comment: misshollyallen
My apartment has a rotating rock climbing wall! This was my first time trying out the resistance… so no judging.
THAT was one of the questions I had about d/r vs her been waiting for a climbing comp all season comment on feeds. that was so left field. lol.
That’s not rock climbing. That’s modeling. Most rock climbers don’t put 10lbs of makeup on and someone to take pictures. You’re really reaching here but haters gonna hate.
I’m not hating just sharing lol (I personally don’t mind Holly – she grew on me especially later in the game).
i feel so bad for michie. he didn’t even look happy. wasn’t much a fan of him but dont think he is racist,
Considering what Julie and her husband “went through,” I am really surprised how much she went on the attack last night. Michie has issues, but damn. Also, EVERYONE, including Julie Chen-Munvess (whatever), knew how ultimately concerned with how he was being perceived outside of the house. She blasted him on live TV without warning. As Chuck would say on Last Man Standing, “Not cool.”
Great point!
The SJW Julie Chen-Mooonvessss is truly a bully. Projection is not a flattering trait and the SJW’s do it all day, everyday.
Awesome Jackson deserved to win. He played an amazing game and was definitely not racist. People need to realize it’s a game and he was getting rid of strong personalities.
I’m not sure I understand. He took out Jessica and Sis. Those are not considered strong personalities. With Camp Counsellor, the other votes went to Jessica (4 votes), Nick (1 vote) and Jack (1 vote). So Jessica makes sense for banishment. It was night one, so Gr8ful wasn’t formed yet. Why wasn’t Nick a consideration for banishment considering he got a vote? That always puzzled me. If his purpose was to go after strong personalities that posed a threat, I’d assume the other two people (2 because he was already allied with Jack) that got votes would be obvious nominees. I’m not calling overt racism. implicit bias maybe, the ones that stand out in the crowd are the ones that are different and therefore more noticed. But I definitely remember thinking wait, why is Nick safe? His hat was in the ring for the role, and he got a vote.
“Implicit”. GTFO with your rubbish. How many times in the past have we witnessed “African” Americans band together in the house, well because they are “African” American and they openly did so in front of the cameras. This is acceptable for minorities to do. Hypocrisy much? Same goes for all the spat of recent all black TV shows that are tersely named as a slight against Whitey. Imagine for a moment if there were the same shows but with all evil Whities. Yes, it would be WWIII in the SJW world…. So, I guess since black people are not allowed to be put up for nomination unless its done so by another black, otherwise its racism; may I suggest CBS just do an all “minority” BB and see how that goes for ya. Minorities in general are the biggest racists and anyone intellectually honest knows this but oh gawd, can’t speak the truth without being labelled, well, a racist. #liberalogic
He played a good game. He obliterated Tommy…who did vote for him.
Thanks guys for another great Summer. This site..not the show!!
Just made a PayPal donation to say thanks for your efforts.
Are you guys still doing the Amazon thing? I couldn’t find anything on the site.
P.S That was a brutal finale. Michie deserved the win and he absolutely deserves to be held accountable for the things he said, but boy was that awkward.
And Cliff is a phony.
Holly seemed like she isn’t all that interested either, now she can admit what an a@@ he is
If she wanted some retribution she could have been brave and taken Nicole.
Fun to float through here this summer without commenting, however want to say Thank You for the excellent site again this year. Big Brother needs to get more ethnic people,and less middle America,if they want to keep an audience interested. I loved the first group who left and missed Jury, but not sure how to get the houseguests to look beyond their ethnic biases. Thanks again Simon and Dawg! Enjoy the time off! ~Buddhistgirl
They should cast a non verbal, paraplegic , “ethnic” (whatever you think that means), trans, gay person and hand them the $500,000 on the first day. Then Vote no one out because a larger group voting out a smaller group is bullying.
Middle America… lol just say what you mean, white people lmao (which is biased too btw 😉
You just made my point. Minorities (and white liberals) are clearly the biggest racists out there. What you just said is extremely racist. I know this is a stretch, but go look up the term racist and read it 10x (as the first 9x will probably not register with you). Dolt…..
Thank you so so much Simon & Dawg!!!! It was a tough season to watch but you both helped keep it funny….And a big thank you to my fellow commentors, you guys are a blast!!!! I disagreed with a lot,loved a lot, but it is fun to read all the comments! You all rock!!!!! Thanks again Simon & Dawg!!!!!See you all next season???LOL Much love,Mary
I really did not like David and kemi hijacking the victim hood to make it about race. Gr8teful were bullies to everyone regardless of race. Nicole got it the worst, followed by Bella (who also gave it).
I had previously said that I wish I had time to get to know David more as a person and a player; I also wondered if he had left before we had the chance to discover he was well cast with this dysfunctional group. He revealed that last night for me.
Being shut out of the HOH room while the “alliance” was having a private convo inside (which Nicole was not a part of) IS NOT BULLYING. Damn you liberals keep trying to amend what terms mean, thus doing so, they lose their actual meaning. Just like the term racism means nothing anymore, because I’m automatically racist as I’m a white male non radical leftist.
Ask Cody what bullying actually means. Season 19 was the epitome of bullying from a pack of rabid liberal coddled millennials against a white male veteran. Karma came to the rescue with AF and also he and Jessica winning The Amazing Race, which must have burnt the liberals just like Trump winning 2016. You never recover…lol
I like how Cliff & Nicole make such a big deal about Holly sticking to her deal and throwing the hoh. She wasn’t going to throw it at all until Michie kept pressuring her to drop before Nicole fell off.
So happy Michie did not get Pauled by a bitter jury.
Thanks Simon & Dawg for another fun summer
The bad thing about Paul season was that it let Josh win who was just as big of a dick as Paul.
Glad jury was not bitter as Jackson did play a hell of a game.
Its unfortunate he didnt even look happy, possibly because of the questioning.
Almost as bad as when Jun won with her head down. As I said previous, I hope he can enjoy the win and not be seemingly tortured as he looked all red faced with confetti on his shoulder! He wasn’t even happy and thanking people to include Holly. He got what he wanted, the confetti and still looked pist!
Holly was a huge let down in her ramblings during questioning and obviously knew she was handing the money to her “boyfriend”
Good job Nicole for AFP!
Correct as many of you predicted here a Jolly final 2
As a watcher of BB since the beginning, I see the game has evolved in many ways and it was a pleasure reading everyone’s comments whether I agreed or not. Was nice to be a first time commenter here this year as every one of you got me through this season.
Thanks Simon and Dawg for the hard work put in so fans like myself can vent, agree and be thoroughly entertained.
Till BBCan…..
Big brother is impossible without this site!
I feel the same way 1hundoP. If it wasn’t for OBB I wouldn’t watch BB.
He won the half mill. He’s gone. Did you see the look on his face when Holly said, “…and seven years older.”??? I think the age thing bothered him more than he let on. He was super pleased to be “stoolin” her all summer long.
Thanks Simon and Dawg! If you ever give up on this show, so will I. Because you two and the other commenters on this site make it tolerable. Enjoy the fall!
Thank you, that’s very nice of you to say.
Thanks Trixey! enjoy the off season 🙂
For the most part guys, you two saved this season for a lot of folks. The show provided a few moments of entertainment (not necessarily in a good way usually) but OBB never failed to entertain.
In the interviews, Kat talked about how awful it was to be outside of the alliances, and how arrogantly the 8 and the 6 acted.
It was one of the reasons this season was hard to watch: the members of the alliances just acted like stuck-up jerks. In truth most of them it turns out were jerks.
Nicole’s shock that people like her was fun though. NicoleAppreciationParty actually trended on twitter. I don’t think she was as entertaining as Kat: but she was really to like and in retrospect the contrast between her and the alliances made her look all the better.
What a blunder not taking Tommy though.
This is the beginning of the end for Big Brother. CBS playing gotcha! with the players was absolutely disgusting. These people go on the show and make the company millions of dollars and they go out of their way to surprise their players by labeling them as racists and bullies. They have to take that home with them and have virtue signaling morons like some in this thread try and ruin their lives. CBS intentionally blind sided the cast with these accusations gave them no time to prepare and demanded, as one of the jury members said, that they apologize for something they said months ago that they aren’t even sure they said or did. Who wants to go on a show where if you put visible minorities on the block or punishment you are automatically a racist or if you want to have a conversation as an alliance without the other side of the house in the room you are a bully. If singling a person out is going to be considered bullying then shut the game down because that is THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME! You single out one person in the house and vote them out of the game. You would have to be absolutely stupid to play Big Brother at this point with the PC police just waiting to ruin your life over anything they perceive as not PC regardless of a person’s intent.
I agree, I try to put myself in there and I make a lot of quick jokes that I don’t think all the way through but I could see myself making a joke about noodles and then being accused of being racist. It is very hard to not say something someone else interprets wrong. It is very scary your every word is scrutinized. Who they hell thinks about every word coming out of their mouth to self correct and run it through a filter before saying it.
With that said there are racists out there just it would be a shame someone is labeled by mistakenly uttering a sentence they didn’t think through.
The bottom line is, if someone wants to take offense at you, whatever their true motivation, they will find and create an outrage from something you said. And no matter how frivolous, they will have people who will instantly back them up…for their own true motivations.
I have a very irreverent sense of humor. I’ve found staring reality in the eye and laughing at it a great tonic…and if anyone is offended, that’s their problem, much to my amusement.
Yes, there are racists out there of every colour and creed. Racism is not saved solely for the whites to be punished or labelled as such. There were racists in the house and they were voted out really early….Cant say their names because then I would be labelled racist.
This post should be pinned at the very top of the comments. Very, very well said from an intellectually honest person. I think most feel this way but the vocal few make it seem like its how most of America feels. Like we are seeing in the fake social media space, its a few trying to look much larger. Like the Wizz behind the curtain.
Simon and Dawg, you are both incredible. I think you should both get on the show as house guests, but we’ll suffer without your excellent summaries and material on this site. Thank you for a great season.
Thanks Alberta!
I will say 100% I would never go on BB. there’s no place for someone like me on a show like that.. I don’t want ‘fans’ calling my work getting me fired cause I made a joke they didn’t like.
For me the most amusing part of that whole pre-jury spectacle was while a few people were being accused of being bullies, Tommy who wasn’t accused, sat their shaking his little cheerleader head up and down.
That whole spectacle was unnecessary and cheap.
“unnecessary and cheap” isn’t that Tommy’s middle name?
LOL! And throw in “integrity” and you’ve got Cliffie.
Never watching this show again.
Never watching this show again. Such phony’s and they let a jerk win. Dumb people
Ok Corky, you have CBB coming up with all those faux SJW’s. The eventual winner will have to make you happy.
Production and Casting are the real racist jerks. How come Julie can attack the cast, but not question production and casting white washing the cast every single season. Pot calling the kettle black. White people aren’t even the majority in America anymore. Get with the times CBS. This show is racist in every way.
First, for the record, I am a 40 something white male in middle America.
That having been said, though I may not go so far as to call production racist, I totally agree with the premise of your comment. I watch this show every season wanting to see good game play and home the people in the house develop together. Sadly what we see in nearly every season is either the black man (yes I said one) or the old man (again one) get voted out first thing. The next to go is one of the maybe two black women, as she is labeled publicly as “the biggest threat” while privately, she is gone because she is not white. The next few to go are typically various people from the NOT majority in the house. That majority tends to be the pretty, thin, six-pack, mid-twenty to early thirty somethings, that are typically NOT of an ethnic background.
For Jess, Nicole, and Cliff to make it as far as they did was a true act of production to try to stem the tide this year. I believe they follow, probably OBB in particular, these spoiler feeds to gauge the thrust behind their ratings. If they aren’t, someone isn’t doing their job. As we complained more and more about these guests, production steps in. Take Tommy for example. Cliff and Nicole were ready to vote Holly out to eliminate the power couple. I guarantee that production got very heavily into Cliff’s ear that Michie’s lie was true. Most likely because the spoiler feed followers hated Tommy.
The show has an inherent problem in how houseguests are voted out, whether it is the plan or not.
You and I are going to get plenty of THUMBS DOWNS from these comments. Be prepared.
Totally agree with everything u said. This show needs to change!
The game has morphed into over produced BB. In the early seasons people like Monica (black) and Chicken George (old) made it pretty far. I also found it peculiar that the DR sessions from Danielle’s season were used against her and she lost to bitter jury with the help of production.
I like to see people that I can identify with, sadly there’s just a bunch of clique wanna be TV stars looking for their shot to be a star vs winning the money.
Let me introduce the world to Frankie Grande. The much less talented brother of a star.
I bet you got 10 downvotes just because of your first sentence. Those 10 downvoters are most likely racist against whites.
Thanks guys, another great year – love the site and will see ya next year!
wow, holly, one of the worst finale performances ever. rambling and arrogant.
BIG thank you to Dawg and Simon for making this season fun. See you next year!!
Thanks for giving us a forum where we scream out loud what we would otherwise be left to only to do at the flat screen hanging on the wall. Sincerely appreciate all the rest here who take time to participate, even those who I completely disagree with, but that is what makes BB what it is for so many of us. Agree that this season was a disappointment in comparison to others and I am sure that CBS knows that too.
Will be interesting to see if we see the network many some changes to casting and format to help change that for BB22.
See you all next summer. Until then, I’m going fishing…
So nobody is going to talk about Nick getting ROASTED live with his situation?
ok then
This is an example of the vile crap that comes from Evel’s Twitter page…and this is identified as a “few actual quotes”. It’s content is actually worse then “Jackson Michie The Receipts” but in spirit it is no different whatsoever.
When the season started, I looked at the cast and said to myself: hmm, 50 percent of the cast doesn’t check the straight white under 35 box. I thought that it might be progress in their casting choices. Compared to most seasons this was a big shift in casting.
When the first episode aired I grimaced and said to myself oh the press and a biiiig portion of social media are going to have a field day. NO matter what the intent it LOOKED bad and optics make up a big chunk of perception especially when feeds aren’t on to give any perspective.
When feeds came on the combination of the Jackals made the optics perception seem viable because of their behavior for the first week. They way they would act and things they would say put viewers already on heightened watch for any such comments to confirm their suspicion into a perceptual mind set. When feeds came on viewers were trying to answer the question was it game or was it racial bias? Some of the things they would say (not just the Jacks but most if not all of the predominantly white gr8ful usually with one or both of the Jacks present) heightened negative perception.
By the time camp comeback came to an end and the first three evictees were sitting next to Julie: the image was set. Whether intent or circumstance it LOOKED bad. The picture of three non white house guests in uniforms sitting next to Julie. Optics nightmare. Appearances, sadly, do shape perception. It doesn’t mean appearance is reality, it means when it looks bad it’s going to cast doubt. I honestly don’t think anyone on the cast was intentionally being overtly racist in most cases, but there were many examples of implicit cultural bias. Too many not to make those already doubtful feel justified in their doubt.
By the end of the season, after a golden edit for some, a more realistic edit for others, and accusations that d/r was intentionally trying to get people to act according to stereotype roles: I’m surprised in some ways, but not surprised at all in others that the finale went the way that it did.
CBS under public scrutiny took the opportunity to air the negative perception from late June. The assets in the house had already been informed it was an issue, in late June / early July. Bringing the question out into the open at finale after working so hard in the edit room and d/r all season: that was production trying to get ahead of it. They attempted to mitigate their own complicity by standing up on finale night instead of standing up during the season (Jack was prepped for the Julie questions at his eviction, that’s not quite standing up).
The comments and statements of the prejury were of the same ilk. Like it or hate it, yes, a pall was cast over the winner’s win. Perhaps his victory was bittered. Were the prejurors justified in making their statements? Their image from being on the show has been affected by negative experience and negative comments mostly said behind their backs. They have a right as well. Their right to say some things that were said or done were horrible and affected me. Should they have just sat there smiling like goofs and nodding along saying nothing, or should they have had the right to make an impact statement before the juries verdict was read? Jackson coming out and saying ‘I’m not racist’ to his parents in the final moment of the finale had a double edge effect only because my brain said: But, did he say things that had a negative effect on others that were in the house? His apology to Kemi was a semantic apology, many of us have used semantic apology: instead of saying i’m sorry for anything I said that has hurt you (takes ownership of causing offense) the apology was more of i’m sorry if you were offended by something that was said (denial of ownership, casts the onus on the offended for being offended). It’s like post season interviews where Jackson says he didn’t cheat as a have not. play the clip. and play the clip of the other house guests talking about him eating as a have not. It’s like Holly in episode saying she’s never climbed and on feeds saying she’s been asking for a climbing comp all season, because that’s HER comp. It’s like Nick talking about missing Bella on feeds for sympathy and viewer support, flirting with Sis and grossmancing with Kat in jury. It’s odd duplicity.
This will NOT go down as a favorite season in my book. It’s somewhere in between 19 and bbcan6 and 18 in my eyes (not sure of the exact order there yet, I’m still digesting it). I had hopes it would be better.
Great Comment Another Name! Eveyrone needs to read this.
I agree to a point…
The complaints by the pre-jury and the optics of minority targeting should have been addressed, but addressed in a full, complete and proper manner; not shoehorned into the finale where it becomes nothing but more grist for the rumor and innuendo mills.
For instance, the opinion that Jackson’s apology to Kemi was a semantic apology. He had just completed a months long game living in a fish bowl. He had spent the last few days anticipating questions by the jury, crafting and practices responses to them and his final statement. And suddenly, completely out of left field, he is hit with an accusation of racism as a whole and racism specifically directed at Kemi…from the first weeks of a very long competition that he is expected to instantly remember, own and apologize for, and that’s assuming he actually said anything that deserves apology.
Seriously, production have been favoring him with the golden edits and season long behavioral counseling we’ve been led to believe, why would they suddenly allow him to be blindsided by such an accusation and leave him shocked and flounder to respond?
Nonsense. If there was a failure to take ownership it was on the part of the network. By airing this CBS did not demonstrate any commitment or desire to actually address the issue, they simply paid lip service to three accusers who left the game early for whatever reason.
These kinds of accusations should never have been introduced into the finale, and should have only been addressed in a format where all three participating elements; the accusers, the accused and the network laid out the accusations, addressed real evidence (from their audio/visual files and direct inquiries) and the accused allowed to properly and fully defend themselves.
What the network did by airing this was no better then all the outright lies, innuendo and speculations that the internet has hosted and promoted since day one of this season.
The onus was on the network, they took the cheap way out and laid the humiliation on those accused.
Thank you for expressing your point of view, I enjoyed reading it. As per usual we see things from a similar but oddly disparate point of view. cheers.
You’re welcome. I do strive to keep as much innuendo out of serious topics as possible. The amount of misinformation, disinformation, speculation and outright lies, being passed off as true, proven or a matter of record has been incredible this season and has done nothing to foster true understanding.
We see this nonsense from the MSM on a daily basis. No surprise it seeps into BB culture…
You do realize Fraggle Rock had an element of socio-political and cultural satire, right? It was a comedic analysis of four symbiotic groups (fraggles, dozers, gorgs and silly creatures) that fail to properly communicate because of cultural differences.
Jeezuz, you really are determined to try and educate people about how very little you know. Do you realize how the name came about and why I have used it since the libtard “Rockstar’s” season? Carry on, you must be on post 106 now just on this thread.
Thank you Simon & Dawg for making this season bearable and a big thank you to all the commenters who’s words have encouraged me to stay involved. I appreciate every damn one of those thumbs down! XOXO
I left something in the tip jar and encourage others to do the same. Until next season, Peace out!
BIG THANKS for all you folks that donated. You kept this site running Thanks!!!!!!
Your Welcome, you guys are worth every penny!! Gonna miss you, see you next summer
Nicole and Johnny Bananas voted off in the same evening…….priceless!
Does anyone have some post sites to go to to see houseguests reactions?
Have Jackson and Holly broken up yet?
Lol probably .. the stool days are over..
Bananas and Laurel in back to back weeks getting eliminated after they threw a challenge is total karma. The Challenge is total drama this year and something to fill the time while I miss Big Brother.
Did anyone else notice that when Jackson came out the first person to hug him was Nicole and she was holding on to him like Holly did all season? I don’t think he even said anything to her.
The other thing I noticed was that Jessica didn’t hug him at all.
Nicole was a terrible player. The only reason people like her is because they are comparing her to Jackson who really was a jackhole.
Lets be honest. Nicole had little to no game and was boring all season long. I would rather watch them “discover” another piece of wood on Curse of Oak Island than ever have to watch Nicole again.
Big Brother if you bring anyone back from this season please bring back Kat. She is awesome!
Seriously Jackson is just a racist but doesn’t realize it. Ya color didn’t play a roll. The final 8 were all white people and the first evicted were 2 blacks an Asian a fat chick a spic and a Hindu and the only reason the first8 has 2 white peoples was bc there was 10whites in the house . God and ya they hated kemi bc kemi is racist too. She’s such a cunt all the time gettin on everyone’s bad side bc everyone of the white guys are uncomfortable around a ignorant aggressive self entitled black woman. She’s a total bitch strait up and she thinks the world is out to get her cause she’s black. Bitch we not living in 1865. It’s 2019. U don’t know what real racism is. U gotta get over it and act less like an annoying lazy gangster bitch from crenshaw. U made them hate u . They would of just been polite to u but still not like u bc of ur attitude bc ur acting like the stereotype black persons. Always saying it’s bc ur black when something doesn’t go ur way but the truth is ur won’t work for it. It’s why I didn’t watch past week 1. There’s Jackson being a typical white guy from the army that’s think they superior. Like how American white guys go to Mexico and treat the spics like uneducated slaves and will hit on any Asian girl and talk shit about anyone of color. Goofs. They just need a beating. 9am-5pm gangsters. Ignorant racist prejudice white ppl. And nick and that Asian chick. She’s so butt ugly.but he lucked out and hit that big titty blonde bimbo after. Lols. That Asian chicks a moron thinking he’s gonna wait for her when he’s got a grade A bimbo to bang in the jury house.
One thing I would like to see is another jury house segment after the Will discussion where they debate who the winner should be.
Btirtney Haynes and Tyler are my all time favorite BB players.
Nick has probably already moved on to Holly. Maybe Michie and Tommy will hookup.
Man watching these backyard interviews is nauseating. There are MANY in the house who were just as involved in inappropriate statements/actions and two of those people fell into the AFP category which makes me wonder if that was why they weren’t specifically cited in the group outed last night. It’s one thing to not say anything b/c you’re afraid it will affect your game by raising your target it’s another thing to not only be complicit but INVOLVED and then feign naivety.
Both Cliff & Tommy are claiming to have been uncomfortable about what went down. Cliff claimed ignorance which is precisely what he was b/c it wasn’t just Jackson but also CLIFF who discussed peeing on the floor & then saying it was David who did it (in fact, if memory serves me right Cliff was the one who suggested it) & he also said some not so nice things about Kemi so this moral high ground bs is precisely that BULLSHIT. Also, fwiw he has now shifted his stance on why he didn’t keep Tommy stating he wasn’t sure how close he was with Jackson — previously as we know he was being honest saying he worried about Tommy picking Nicole over him. In all the interviews & DR sessions I’ve seen THIS one by far was his most fake (and it’s not even close).
Typically the jurors are handed those F2 questions by production, but Tommy took credit for his question, hey maybe I’m wrong & they actually let them write their own questions this season (shrugs shoulders). If you recall his Q was the one posed to Jackson about his treatment of women. He said while it was happening “one part of me wanted to stand up for them and the other part of me had to say this is a game, I can’t stand up for the person I want to stand up for.” (the irony being he couldn’t remember specifics only that Christie & Kat had been targets which sounds like someone filled him in on the incidents. B/c how do you claim to be horrified by the incident & then not recall it? Tommy then told Ika “but I think that asking the question —- bringing awareness to it WAS MY WAY OF GIVING BACK, that was the most I could do.” (I can’t — I just can’t)
AND get this Tommy also said how uncomfortable he was being in the room when they were ganging up Nicole. “I remember being in that room when we shut Nicole out and didn’t let her in & I remember not wanting to be at the front of that incident. But I did go along with it & I take responsibility for that I do.” The implication is he was trying to fade into the background & not say anything UMMM buddy you are on film inciting the riot & jumping up & down.
I swear for some smart guys these hamsters sure are dumb b/c the evidence is on film. Anyway, if anyone is interested these were from Ika Wong’s BB Canada interviews & they are up on YouTube now.
My one take away from the entire bullying/not bullying incident in the hoh room: when they were lathered up to their most mobbish, there was a moment where they were going to go down en masse to “run her”. Tommy pointed out they shouldn’t do that, they should do it in smaller groups not as a mob so that it wouldn’t be seen as bullying. It was recognized that what they were doing was forming a mob and foaming at the mouth. It was recognized that they should go after her, but go after her tactically for the sake of deniability. The optics were noticed. They weren’t saying we shouldn’t bully, they were saying it shouldn’t LOOK like we’re bullying.
That whole mob thing was truly a disgusting display of human behavior. It would have been bad to go against anyone in that form but to against Nicole, of all people, was absolutely pathetic. She clearly was not a threat to anyone. I also hated how they called Kemi a “cancer that needed to be cut out”. That was just gross. Worse cast ever IMO.
Now there is some irony. As I recall, this all stemmed from Nicole warning Nick that he and Bella were being called bullies. And what happened when they confronted those who had actually said that? They lied their asses off and blamed Nicole.
If my memory is correct, she actually went to them and said that the other couples (from comments made to her by three different members) were targeting Nick and Bella, that they’d be on the block if Nick hadn’t won, and someone was passing the rogue vote off on her, and then the bullying comment. Nick and Bella chose to believe the others over Nicole (I see it as a testament to the class structure of the beginning of the season, of course they’d believe the 6 or 7 cool kids all agreeing with each other like they don’t have vested interest in agreeing with each other, over the 1 bottom feeder that couldn’t be corroborated and wasn’t allowed to argue their side).
Tommy’s ‘i tried to stay out of it’ line to me is invalidated because he was pushing for the confrontations and oppressive behavior to happen, but didn’t want it to look bad on him. That was my take away from his don’t make it look like bullying statement.
That’s right Swaggy, I forgot. Well, you know what they say, “no good deed goes unpunished”.
Rob is terrible at these interviews.
Cliff strikes again —– on RHAP interview with Tommy he revealed he asked Cliff at jury RT if he & Nicole believed Jackson’s lie (the reality is Cliff did — or said he did, but Nicole never did). BUT Cliff lied & told him YES. This was probably b/c Cliff didn’t want to admit to Tommy he knew that he would take Nicole over him to F2.
What transpired from that Cliff lie was Tommy cited it as THE MAIN REASON his vote was CEMENTED for Jackson instead of Holly (& probably also why Christie voted that way).
Holy cow, just think of how many people’s games Cliff single handedly imploded either by throwing them UTB, refusing to work with his allies & give them a potential advantage even if it was just an inch over him in the game (except Jackson b/c he was afraid of him) or b/c he refused to be honest & own his game or actions.
And another little tidbit — Kat’s RHAP interview revealed something we knew (Jess thought Nicole was sneaky/shady/savage) but CLIFF was the one who perpetuated that thought process with both Kat & Jess. So he wasn’t just throwing Nicole UTB to Jackson/Holly but also within Cliff’s angels. I wasn’t even aware of that – was anyone else?
Talk about true conspiring bitches — that should’ve been Cliff’s BB nickname. 😉
He was painting Nicole as untrustworthy with Ovi when they were the whatever zing. That was known. He said things about Nicole to Kat, but wasn’t aware he was saying them to Jessica during Cliff’s Angels, but before Jessica’s HOH. He did say things about Nicole to the other women after the prospect of Nick being put on the block came up.
He was her buffoon albatross all season, preaching his loyalty to her face, tanking her at every opportunity as the better drag along to the end option. Cliff was the season bottom feeder and a clown. Not sorry.
First you have great comments. Second I always felt Cliff was behind the demise of the Angels. He new the girls were close and he wanted Nicole all to himself. Cliff also perpetuated the girls alliance talk, much more than Jess. Cliff often brought this up to Nick, Jackson, even Tommy. Cliff to me played F2 strategy before he made sure he could get there. If the CA alliance had held we would have had IMO what BB needs which is more than 1 large alliance, not just the G8 and bunch of F2 groups.
Well, although I’m already saying RIP BB US 21, I also want to say a few things:
CBS needs to get a grip and understand that even though they have reshaped their version of BB into more of a game meets politics reality show – which I love because it’s so unique compared to the other versions around the world – they cannot let go of what makes Big Brother “Big Brother:” we need to be able to watch what goes on in the house ON TV and get a sense of their day to day lives inside that house. For years I’ve been saying over and over that a 3 day-a-week schedule is not enough and that not everyone has time (and money) for live feeds. This season was so bonkers because most – if not all – of us didn’t even get to watch the goodbye messages. They need to make up their minds if they are making BB for CBS All Access or for broadcasting. So last night when Michie’s harsh goodbye messages were brought up, I was like: ???
Big Brother is also about routine, conviviality, people coexisting in the same environment. It’s good if proper editing gives us an idea of what are the funny moments, the strong bonds, the vibe among houseguests, and the points of contention and conflict among them. An extra day a week would do wonders for this show. BB cannot be about game only and/or game talk. Otherwise most of us watching it at home assume that nothing else important, or in need of having some light shed on, is going on in the house.
All things considered, I must say that I enjoyed the fact they just didn’t swept everything under the rug and pushed another sanitized version of the show as they usually do… EVEN if most of the problematic stuff was just brought up in the last minutes of finale night. It actually made it a bit relevant and also trashy (I love some guilty pleasures). Many feel that CBS stole Michie’s thunder by having this “dirty laundry airing” on season finale, but I feel that that is also ‘Big Brother:’ nothing should go unobserved or be downplayed. People are electing the best player? Great… but why does the best player now also needs to get a “crown” for “best person?” BB winner is the best player and not a hero. It’s great if someone can pull off being both but… well, it’s not usually the case.
Julie Chen should be a bit ashamed of her role in BB because the main purpose of a journalist in charge of hosting BB is to present the truth… something she rarely does. In BB’s inception Endemol established that journalists should be hosts because they’d be the ones ensuring viewers that everything that is going on in the BB house is true. Julie just does half assed interviews, hardly ever brings up clips showing sensitive subjects, and never talks about other stuff that’s going on inside the house besides the expected game backstabbing. She should rethink her role. But again: I think she’s more concerned with her paychecks.
I love the Nicole got AFP; I’m at peace with the fact that Michie won not without having his face sorta dragged on the floor first, and that a few of the jury members also got their share. The cherry on the top was Bella – one of the most obnoxious contestants I have ever seen in that house – having to watch from home and witness Nick’s behavior. Nick is an idiot and proves that like attracts like. I’m sorry for people that needs to rely on him professionally. If he conducts his life like that, I don’t wanna think about how he counsels his patients. I know that Bella also got her fair share of backlash on social media, but I won’t wish bullying on a bully because that would make me just like her.
And as I said at the beginning of the season: BB is also a display window. Those people should know better that you’re showcasing yourself to the planet once you set one foot in that house. I don’t feel sorry for any of them because they are adults. Get a grip and grow up.
Anyway… I’m off the soapbox now. Thank you Simon & Dawg for the terrific job with this website. I must say though that this was not the worst season I have ever watched… which is no way a compliment as well.
New kernal —- Jack on RHAP ends his interview with “shout out to Amazing Race, Tommy & I would like to get our passports going”
Simon & Dawg – too bad the season’s over as I’d love to see a poll on who has the best shot (IF anyone) from this cast to do TAR. I’m thinking Tommy could have a shot WITH NICOLE but not with Jack.
OBB posters —- your thoughts?
Thoughts on Jack being on the amazing race? Is there such a thing as a speed bump… or can he lose his passport and get left behind? Tommy on amazing race. jeeezu…. why not pair him with rachel reilly and make the nightmare complete.
Question for you about something that has been bothering me. On feeds between veto on day 9 and the second hoh on day 14/15 there was a longer than usual feed outage. When cams returned there were mutliple discussions about racism all over the house and being careful with what is said, and overall worries about what the public is perceiving because they’ve already got bad press. This, to me, means they were made aware of the camp counsellor controversy and feeds comments. So my question: If they were already made aware of the public perception (Jack and Jackson in particular were called in to d/r regarding things they had said), how was Jackson’s reaction to Julie’s question so shocked? It’s been bothering me. Watching feeds, we were aware that production spoke to them about what was going on in media (around the time the first articles came out). So… was the shocked face in regard to the question Julie asked a little bit contrived or do you think it was authentic? I’m struggling with this to be honest. Is there a chance he was embarrassed he had to take the questions because of personal social impact, but he was well aware the question was going to be raised?
I think he was aware of the perception b/c of DR sessions but I don’t think he expected to be called out for it at the finale which is where his shock came from (or anger). As for his denials and reactions I also think it’s a matter of perception – he believes his own narrative so some of his comments were him spinning what he believes. In the case of the misogamy and have nots situations there is proof on the feeds but he either never saw his comments as misogynistic or he doesn’t realize there is proof (same with the have not situation).
I’m at the point where I feel the cast aren’t players but b-level actors b/c they all “pretend” and sell production’s narrative. Even Jackson keeping Christie never felt like something he wanted – rather it was driven by TPTB. Last year even with the heavy hand by production we got an enjoyable version this year we saw the other end of the spectrum.
Sadly, the version of the BB show I fell in love with doesn’t exist anymore. Even a player who comes in knowing they aren’t part of the “big picture” probably only can get to the end if they win constantly or if the outside popularity shifts the narrative. And maybe that’s how things will be from now on given the increased physical comps and removal of date related comps especially at the end.
Is there a solution to change this situation and more importantly will the overall disdain of the public over this season force production to make a change? Not likely. The only thing I think that might work is if the house was split into two teams at to start the season – (like Survivor) so the HOH comps occur simultaneously with live results that can’t be interfered with.
problem in my head with teams: it will drive the physical not mental shift in comps we’ve been seeing (from at most 26% of comps in the past to 60% of comps this season adding to the jury perception comp wins matter most, leaving me saying so why jury at all).
They tried the teams in 2 seasons. It mostly was a vehicle to provide return players with a separate contract to be kept longer. Separate contract support: look at BBCan 5. Tim from BBAU and Nikki from BBUK discuss on feeds how the prize money from bbcan is less than their contract fee.
I think there is a way to alter the trajectory we are seeing, tear down and rebuild from the ground up, but in doing so they would make it more like the mtv challenge, which seems to be their goal.
I don’t see any of them being asked to do it. I wouldn’t be excited to see any of them.
Maybe Obi and Nicole would be picked as an underdog team, or Christie and tommy as villains and/or drama queens, and the showmance Jackson holly, might be considered, I don’t think I’d watch a season with any of those pairs though.
Nicole and Kat could be an interesting pair for Amazing Race. I’d definitely watch.
I’d watch if Michie and Nicole did it. Maybe lol
Id rather see Nicole & Jackson in amazing race together or even Holly & Nicole and they would win so that Holly would realize maybe she hangs around the wrong sort of people ( cuz she said early on she doesn’t hang with the likes of peeps like Nicole )
OMG — I just died laughing watching Sam’s RHAP interview — I forgot how funny he was and how much energy he added. So sad, he left the show as early as he did.
For a good laugh, watch some of Ika’s quick interviews posted as a thread. She can’t hide her thoughts about some of them, you can see it in her eyes and her posture. Biggest takeaway: production informed Nick and Kat of the twitter breakup message from Bella in jury house seems to be what Kat was saying.
I should clarify: she alludes that they knew. He has stated he had no idea.
Great job as always guys. As for the finale, didn’t watch it i quit watching a long time ago. This season was a joke, i knew Jackson would win although i don’t know how people who he stabbed in the back could still vote for him to win. Game or not if somebody stabbed me in the back and straight up lied to my face after they told me to trust them and have faith in them, sorry there’s no way i’m voting to help them win half a million dollars. Not happening no chance in h***. I would definitely be a bitter jury member and i have no problem admitting that either.
Post Season Thoughts While Reading and Watching Interviews
Congratulations to the winner.
I’d rather if he was owning the have not mess that was seen on feeds, and discussed by other house guests the next week while doing post season interviews. In both rhap and ew interviews he has denied it.
His answer including ‘I really wasn’t. I wasn’t. I have too much respect for the game’ bothers me for one reason and one reason only: why believe any of his other answers to what he says he did and did not do when the have not thing was seen on feeds in the shower (the hot one, not the cold one that have nots are supposed to use) and there was discussion by house guests including Kat, Christie and Cliff about it on feeds. How would they know it was a thing to discuss it if it was not a thing? How would they know there was eating in the shower as a have not, and say the ingenuity impressed them if there was no eating in the shower? That makes NO sense.
How do we trust his word about anything else if he answers the slop question with the same tone of veracity that ends up sounding like temerity when we watch the clip from feeds and listen to the other houseguests miraculously discuss it on feeds. That’s problematic.
Half the jury interviews, to me, sound like those fools believed Nick’s story about being liked by America as reason he got the hijack power. They’re being so nice about him until they realize the interviewers are looking at them like they are drooling idiots. It makes me laugh. Almost as much as Nick apparently already deleting his show twitter (?). Guess he believed the story too. snicker. problematic. At least it appeared he tried to at least partially own…. or maybe sublet his behavior in interviews.
Nick. problematic poster child creepy Nick. In his interview with Ika says he was given advanced warning that Bella was going to have something to say to him during the finale. Okay. That throws so may big questions out there. If they warned Nick what was going to happen, are we reasonable in inferring that other people were given advanced warning? Why the shocked faces if warnings were supplied? That’s side eye problematic in terms of the finale as a whole. Calls a lot of facial expressions of shock and dismay into question. hmmm. That little slip is reallllly problematic for me.
Tommy trying to revise history is problematic. Call me when he actually sticks to one story. next. stop pandering. I said next. Go be so obsessed with someone else, I said next.
Houseguests STILL not knowing (or at least not talking) about the Holly / Kat relationship? problematic.
Kat saying production informed Nick of the Bella twitter breakup? problematic. Whether true or false: probelmatic. With Kat I constantly get the feeling she’s trying to do her own pr, but nobody has sent her the notes about what she’s selling. Her stories change from what we saw on feeds at the drop of a hat. or a bowl. I find it difficult to believe her interviews, simply because I see her opportunism staring into the camera no matter what the question she is asked. Her interviews, to me, are like (dramatization) ‘oh… so Nick wasn’t liked by America either? So which of the boys did America like? OH.. I LOVE him.’ problem-at-ic.
Sis saying she showered every day. Guuuuurl. side eye verging on STINK eye. problematic. Dear education system: was she left behind, or is she a warning poster child for why educating children is important? She’ll make some guy very happy as a 3rd trophy wife some day. Wants to be a social media influencer? Here’s her first project: Put down your phone kids and stay in school to learn nouns, verbs and what are they? Adjectives? Good thing nobody brought up adverbs, she’d think they were verbs only used in commercials. yup. problematic.
Every interview with Christie or with Jessica? Problematic for very different reasons. Jessica: she tries. She would be great fun to watch an episode of another season with. As a participant, or as someone being interviewed about the season she was just on? head rolling and whistling into the air, then shaking my head no. Christie? when I think of how much I wanted to try to like her week one, until almost the end of week two, only to come to the realization that it was going to get worse not better? Her interviews are worse than that realization. I almost made it through three interviews. well… i almost made it through two without muting and forwarding to the next interview… and saw the third and decided I love myself too much to self harm by listening to her more. So much problematic with an added side of ick. Soooooo much. wwwwW-ow.
Holly. Holly knows she’s Beth. Ika told her off camera. Embrace knowing most of the really mean stuff on social media was about Beth, cus honey you getting off easy , you can say I don’t know her. Between the love everyone (but was a catty Be-yotch with a couple extra yotches thrown in as echo when their backs were turned), and the Jackson has always been a perfect model of support and understanding (even the Stepford wives and the handmaids are saying oh girl… you ain’t right Ofjackson… you ain’t right) Okay i mean yeah she was passive aggressive in their arguments but he was condescending and degrading on more than one occasion so… did Beth and Holly have different relationships with Jackson? Did he get his threesome without even knowing about it? I have to add because it’s still not sitting well with me: the episode lie about never climbing before vs. the feed comment of climbing is MY comp, I’ve been asking for a climbing comp all season, to the instagram pictures of her climbing everything this side of a stool…. problematic. After seeing the episode and part two times i’m confused now about what she kept talking about with the 12 minutes. who had 12 minutes as a time? Did Holly and Beth do separate runs? would be problematic… if they were interviewing Beth instead of this Holly chick. Who is she?
I can’t watch a Cliff interview. Sorry. I tried with Christie, learned my lesson, not even attempting the Buffoon chronicles. nope. That good ol boy it’s 2019 and I would never say or do anything clean game crap I’m guessing he’s spouting? Not one bit interested.
It took me until just now as I see a Sam interview cuing up… bwahahah, wait, he wasn’t even in the finale episode as more than a seatwarmer. little grimace… oh. count your blessings? sorry about your luck? Both? unproblematic because if a tree falls…
Did Krazykait just walk into a rhap interview… or am I getting a hit flashback from last year? keep walking kookooforcocoapuffs.
Post season interviews: Problematic.
Sorry, I feel asleep after page one.
oh. grow an attention span.
No offence, but how many x have you posted within this thread?
Meh, I have no shame left to be used as a silencer, I’m not intimidated by up or down votes, and I’ll say what I want when I want, so why would I take offense? It’s not like I’m taking your radishes, so go ahead, eat the architecture, it was meant to be enjoyed.
I bet your cats just love your wit. Not trying to silence anyone, its actually the other way around. But projection is best left for well, the left.
Is it being against being able to see production’s hands moving the shells, or being against racial slurs and sexism that would mark me as left? I mean… really? No cats by the way. see you next season.
I just want to say thank you for logging the feeds with pics and twitter links to boot. I love this show and have watched every season except 3, 6 (yeah I know, they are both good seasons) and BBOTT. I became an all in fan watching or reading the feeds online and joining the twitter conversations during season 16 and I haven’t looked back until this season. This season the racism, getting rid of all the PoC 1st, the mob mentality, the sexism, misogyny and bro-talk was too much for me. I only watched the season premier epis, started watching the feeds and then I gave up. I stopped watching the show and the feeds mostly because of how Kemi, Ovi and Nicole were treated. But as a BB fan to my core it was hard to give up on this show 100% so I kept up with what was going on each week by coming here and reading your posts. Even though this was the worst season of BB (imo) I’m still in the know and can discuss it and compare players, strategies, and seasons. Hopefully next season will be better, with a better, more diverse and likable cast. Best believe this site is bookmarked and I will be back. Thanks again.
One thing I have never understood. Why do they do the finale on BB the way they do? The show ALREADY is too short because of the obscene amount of commercials. Why can’t they run it similar to Survivor. Honestly, would any of us who watch Survivor and BB really mind seeing the Survivor premiere one week later? Or, better yet after this seasons debacle, see the BB season last 92 days?
I want more from the Pre-jury. By more, I mean unscripted from Julie. Do one hour with HH #3, jury questions, vote, and then end it with winner. Then, lets bring out the final two. Hour two is pre-jury, jury, and final two.
Are they afraid production interference will get outed? Are they afraid to show Julie’s inability to handle a coherent interview session with more than one guest and less than two interviewers??
Finale night on BB sucks so bad because it feels, and IS so rushed.
Just me????
seasons used to be 70-80 days, didn’t they? that would make things a whole lot more digestible.
Since CBS is Mooonvesss-less at the top, they need to jettison the insufferable and biased Julie “Chen-Mooonvesss” and bring in someone a little more personable and center of the road…
(tvguide backyard)
(e!news finale assessment)
(et canada backyard interviews with bbcan2 and 5 ika wong one picked there’s one for each hg)
rhap backyard finale interviews over 2 hours as a block
(afterbuzz backyard interviews with bb20 rachel one picked there’s one for each hg)
Personally, staying away from the hometown news articles about each house guest and the season, just my preference.
There’s also short interviews with bb 20 jc. I’m sorry, I know they exist. I haven’t found one to give a link when I went back to look.)
David’s instagram has 15 seconds of bella vs. kemi post season argument / hash out in a hotel room. According to Bella they are friends again.
Kat has gone from ‘mance’ with Nick to ‘we’ll see’ with Nick to ‘friends’ with Nick to ‘nomance’ with Nick to ‘we never slept together’ in record time. Interviews mixed with twitter, mixed with reports from dm with Evel Dick. (singsong voice: somebody found out he wasn’t liked by America afterall). Nick spent time with Sam and Bella the day after finale.
Nick lasted for about an hour on twitter. Personally, I hope his responses reportedly posted were fake or photoshop. I want to believe nobody is that foolish given interview question/answers that happened hours earlier. Total grain of salt, I am not in any way saying they are fact. I am saying there is a perception floating on twitter (maybe shaker of salt it).
Jessica has returned to social media.
Cliff has returned to social media.
Tommy has returned to social media.
Christie has posted photos to instagram.
Many of them are sticking more closely to instagram.
The pr company handling a few of them (also handled bb19 paul, also handled bb20 tyler, amongst others) is working on season and post season spin and polish.
Most of the people saying they were aware of and shocked or disheartened or disgusted by comments being made at the beginning of the season shared vehicles with the people they say shocked them to the Vegas trip. Again, not a judgement. Just another weird optic moment.
So what has been going on since everyone left the house? I saw a couple pictures with the couples are still together.