HOH Part 1: Jackson Vs Holly Vs Nicole
Part 1 Winner: JACKSON
HOH Part 2: Holly Vs Nicole
Part 2 Winner: HOLLY
HOH Part 3: Jackson Vs Holly
Part 3 Winner: ?
Check out the rankings from this year —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking GRID
4:10 am Hammock time with the final 3.
4:45 am Jackson turns to god
4:50 am Holly and Jackson
Jackson going on about being ready to have a conversation and find out what he’s f*ed up.
Holly trying to get him to talk about what is bothering him but he says he’ll just keep it in his head.
Holly reminds him none of them know what they are walking out to. He’s not the only one terrified.
Jackson snarks that he is worried about his outside image and there’s nothing he can do about it doesn’t matter if other people are or aren’t worried.
J – there’s a lot more to it than you don’t know and you will not know until we are out of here
H – all of that reflects onto me as well
J – YEAH I KNOW THAT! you think that is not going through my head? I don’t want to f*ing bring you down with me the same way I did in this house. Trust me I’m already thinking about it. I know what it does to you, My family, Friends Everyone.
H – I need to brace myself
J – I am not telling you these things not in this house. NO WAY
H – All I know is what is in this house. I don’t know what walking out to based on my actions and I don’t know what I’m walking out to based on what you fear. So I am tryign to brace myself for all of the above.
5:10 am Jackson and Holly (Hard to hear everything. Holly esspecially)
J – on a personal level if you get out of here and want nothing to do with me I wouldn’t blame you. Please don’t take it out on a game level.
J – I’m not perfect I’m far from it
H – I don’t care about perfection
J – Who I am and who I have been are two different things
J – I’ve done a lot of dumb sh1t. Can I take back the things I’ve done?
J – I’ve been through a lot. A lot of scary situations
J – I may be getting burned at the stake outside of here. I may have been for months. I know who I am I know who I am not. I know the mistakes I’ve made
J – There’s a lot of things I want to talk to you outside this house. What you do with it from there is up to you. I am who I am
J – there are reasons behind everything I have done. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for the people I love and care about
J – I really hope you keep that pinky promise we had
J – I don’t want to make this a thing and have someone go back. I don’t want to make this conversation a thing.. someone will go back
H – I know
Jackson says Nicole is going to try hard to get to final 2. She’ll tell Holly she can’t beat Jackson in final 2.
Jackson brings up the videos they got to see from their family “My parents did not look like they wanted to make that video. looks like they wanted nothing to do with this”
J – Didn’t look like they were excited. Looked like they were disappointed. It just replays in my head. If breaks my heart.
Jackson says Nicole’s family was proud of her.
Holly says she’s in the “the same boat just not… my doing”
J – Thanks.. you’re sleeping here tonight.
H – Don’t do it
J – F* it.
H – HUH ?
J – I shouldn’t have said anything.
Jackson leaves.
5 minutes later Jackson comes back
J – You sure know how to comfort somebody when they are freaking the f* out. Goodnight.
Holly mentions something about it’s him bringing himself down
J – thanks, You don’t need to remind me that it is me bringing myself down inside these walls and outside. I already know I f*ed things up enough
H – Jackson, we’re all in the same boat Okay
J – it’s not by your doing … get it
Jackson – I appreciate the reassurance
H – Seriously. I don’t know. I’m in the same position and I’m scared
J – Sounds good
10:20 am Fish aka wakeup
11:20 am
Of course Holly is doing this..
3:18 pm
7:00 pm Tie dye
8:33pm Bathroom. Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – in 48 hours we will know who won. Will it be me? Will it be you? Will it be Nicole? Only time will tell. Holly – what are you thinking? Jackson – how close we are. Holly – is that all? Jackson – how far we’ve come. Thinking about jury. Thinking about their questions. Thinking about which one of us is going to win this HOH. Jackson – if Christie asks if you won the double who would you put up and why? What are you saying? Holly – I don’t know. Jackson – if Cliff asks if you had won the double who would you have put up and why? What are you saying? Holly – I don’t have an answer. Jackson – if Sis asks why you picked Christie over her, what are you saying? Holly – better deal. And Sis was after you. Jackson – if Sis asks me or them .. what are you saying? And Why? Holly – you or them? Jackson – these are questions you need to have responses for. I don’t know why I am willing to help you because this is the first time we are going against each other but I care about you a lot. Holly – I really don’t know. Jackson – you need to think about anything and everything you’ve done to every individual person. What their question about it will be and what your reason for it will be and the game explanation as to why it benefited your game .. and how it got you here. Holly – I know. Jackson – you need to have every base covered. Every angle. Every spin. Everything .. and how it benefited your game and pushed you forward to the final two. Holly – I know. Jackson – and it needs to be smooth and a delivery that hits home with each individual jury member. Holly – I know. Jackson – because the way you answer Sis is not the way you answer Christie. The way you answer Christie is not going to be the way you answer Jess. The way you answer Cliff is not the way you answer Jack. You need to know what each one of them wants to hear. Holly – yeah but everyone is hearing what everyone’s answer is. Jackson – yeah but its the way you answer the question. Holly – I know. Jackson – you’re selling yourself. Be something they want to buy. Put yourself in their shoes. What do you want to hear? This is more important than the last HOH. This is what makes or breaks half a million.
9:30pm – 10:35pmNicole, Holly and Jackson lay down to sleep. Holly gets up to get something to eat.
10:40pm – 11:50pm More lazing around the house. Then cards in the bathroom again on the $ex stool.. of all places..
12:10am – 12:23am Jackson and Nicole.
Nicole – I want to know if its worth it to campaign or if I am fighting a losing battle like a fool. Jackson – I don’t think you’ll ever be a fool in this game. Cliff was up on the block against Holly and he was campaigning. I mean ultimately what did him in was the voting thing. I don’t think you should ever just throw in the towel. Nicole – I never would, I just. Jackson – if you want to talk tomorrow we can. Nicole – yeah. I think its tough because I see things from my perspective and I am obviously biased towards myself. Its hard to advocate for something when its in your favor because you’re biased. When you’re on the block against someone, I don’t want to talk about them but I’ll talk about myself. I see things from my perspective and how I think things would unfold with a jury. You know what I mean? Jackson – yeah. How do you think the jury will go? Nicole – truthfully, you against each other .. it could go either way. The jury could view it as one a unit a duo. They will either go the competition route .. you’re a duo .. Michie won this, this, this and this. Or they’re going to say they’re a duo and no offense .. Holly pissed us off less. I can’t answer that because I don’t know. Jackson – it could come down to who played harder? Who played big brother. Nicole – it could. Jackson – that’s where it comes down to how good are those two people in the chairs with their words. Nicole – yup. Jackson – look at Paul.. both years.. his actions won him the game .. and his words lost him the game. Nicole – no, its true. Its very true. Holly joins them. Nicole – I don’t know what the jury is thinking. Jackson and Holly head to the bedroom. Nicole continues to play solitaire. In the bedroom, Holly questions Jackson on what he and Nicole were talking about. Jackson – talking about jury and how it could go either way.
12:40am The final 3 are now sleeping..
10:40 am They’re up .. sorta.
I’m not really expecting much until tomorrow night.
2:30 pm update
6:15 pm Holly and Jackson plan on telling Nicole if they win they’re taking each other.
7:33 pm
8pm- 9pm Jackson cooking in the kitchen. At 8:55pm the final 3 sit down to their final dinner in the big brother house. They all say why they’re grateful.. each other, this experience .. blaa blaa, blaa…
After dinner they move into the bathroom for more $ex stool card games..
10:20pm – 11:15pm Nicole campaigns to Holly in the bedroom. Holly – this is going to be a launch pad. Nicole – I really hope so. I just really want to be someone. My whole thing about this experience is the title. I just want to win. Little old Nicole, I just am what I am. I live with my family in a house and I work at a pre-school that is five minutes away. And that’s it. This show is my life .. and I have no problem.. I am being honest .. maybe this is a self depreciating thing but I honestly think I would lose to either of you. I really do. ..But just to sit in that chair! I respect your decisions either way .. and obviously you two have been working together this whole game. You are together.. together which is not in my favor. I just hope there is a consideration. If you view me as you .. there’s Holly .. would you take a chance on 24 year old Holly? This just means so much to me. I want it so bad. And its my own fault because I didn’t win what I needed to. I honestly think if we were sitting next to each other you would win. Holly – I very much understand the value of a dollar. I’ve literally worked since I was 5. Nicole – if you were going to win who would you want to lose against. If you were going to lose who would you want to lose against. Who do you want to speak next to? You’re a smart woman and I trust you.
Jackson joins and Holly leaves. Nicole campaigns the same campaign to Jackson. I respect your game, who do you want to sit next to.. I would lose to either of you..
2am The final 3 say good night and go to sleep.
10:00 am Las shot of the feeds. That’s a wrap, folks. I’ll be back. I’ll be back with the finale episode.
No Group goodbye this year.
Top three things that would make finale night memorable :
1) Holly wins part three and takes Nicole ( not that I want this to happen, but holy $hit Michie would go ballistic)
2) Bella walks over to Nick and kicks him square in the nuts ! ( I def would LOVE this to happen !!)
3) Kat announces she’s pregnant and isn’t sure who the father is !!
Feel free to add to my list Lol !!
You nailed it!!
More Nicole tears.
sis got warts
Kemi stomps a mudhole in Jack’s chest (while Sis is basking there).
They catch Cliff and Christie hooking up in the Jury House.
Last year Sam said she wanted to stomp a mudhole on Angela’s chest and we heard…crickets. Jack says the same about Kemi and there is outrage everywhere. Kemi was a self-proclaimed mean girls. Hypocrites.
Maury povich comes on and announces that the owl is the father.
[could not resist]
Lmao !!
1) Wont ever happen, if it did it would be kind of funny. Although I think Jackson was the better
all-around player of the 3
2) would be awesome
3) would be very sad :(. Kat is a beautiful girl, and pretty funny. It’s a shame she obviously feels like she needs a man for some reason and goes about getting one ?? the wrong way
I agree with you on all three, and I love Kat, but she could do sooo much better !!!
don’t you think she’s doing the showmance because it got her some extra air time? She does know how to get noticed.
ThatBBFan: Kat could just be bored and doing what makes her happy for the summer. I don’t think it’s OBVIOUS that she feels like she needs a man.
She is one of THREE players who slept with 2 other houseguests this season. The other two just happen to be males. Are you slut-shaming them too?
yes. shame on them!
Yes, I guess I am. Having casual sex with two men in a short time while on a television show is pretty desperate and raunchy. If she were my daughter I would be devastated that I clearly failed her as a mother. It is VERY OBVIOUS she’s desperate for male attention or some sort of attention.
I think it’s just about s3x, nothing more.
Why does everyone seem to go after the females and not the males? Women like sex too but they are called sluts and men are called studs. What happened to this Women’s movement? We are wanting women to be equals but what is sad is that it’s often women who are slut shaming other women.
I would be equally disappointed if one of my sons acted like that. I think it’s pretty gross for anyone to have sex back to back with different people like that. It’s a shame that sex is treated so casually, it’s really not a casual thing.
I see what you’re saying, but a lot of times, sex is just sex. I do agree that many times, it’s NOT a casual thing. It’s super connected and and can be emotional when it’s with your love. But it is also uber casual and not a big deal when it’s done without emotions involved.
I can’t imagine having sex with no emotion! I know people do it , but I don’t see how. Maybe I’m just “old fashioned” but it’s such an intimate thing really.
I love 2 & 3 particularly. Lol
Julie announces there is a communicable STD in the house and everyone has to be quarantined for 90 days. No one is allowed to leave
All are awesome….2 and 3 r the best! :p
If you want memorable, and probable, you need to include AFP.
JULIE: “ANNNNNND the $25,000 award to America’s Favorite Houseguest goes to……………..(drum roll)….CLIFF”–then as Cliff begins his T-shirt puffing & money hands–could you do us the honor of presenting this check to your favorite little buddy that you protected at all costs, above your own game please: NICOLE ANTHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then Julie commences the beat-down to his two faces with the gargantuan check.
Or… Ovi, Kemi are the runner ups and David gets AFP
Like when Cody won, Paul and the gang were shocked !! It was a direct message of how bad the season was, and how much America hated the game play that year.
I do not like “bitter” jurors but I never really considered Cody’s vote a bitter vote…and the look on Paul’s face when he realized who the final, and tie breaking, voter was. Priceless.
David was an utter failure. He blew all his chances.
Oh I agree, I’m def not saying I want David as AFP, just saying that would stir $hit up !
To tell the houseguests that this season was as bad or worse than season 19 as most of them have expressed how entertaining they were.
That could be very revealing. The true super-fans would be upset, the recruited ones would just have blanks stares…which of course would be no indicator with Sis and Jess.
“…no indicator with Sis and Jess.” BAHAHAHAHAH
You know how Jeff always buys them dollar store gifts? How great would it be if he bought Sis a toy lamp & Holly a toy stool? LMAO
Or just pass out some home pregnancy kits…
omg imagine the kat thing ooooff
Big Brother grows a pair and assesses a penalty against Michie for cheating on slop. It then becomes a tie and David gets to cast the tie breaker since he was first out and never really got a chance. Michie loses the $500k and he goes running off the stage in tears.
He goes looking for his mommy to cry on but she didn’t come because she’s too embarrassed and just finds the the oldest lady with big bazingas to cry into.
4) The vote is tied, it comes to Jessica’s key, it’s Mickie , she says “ wait like I thought we were voting to evict !!”
Nicole, Cliff and Kemi are named as top 3 AFP, Nicole is #1.
Jackson loses his cool in the house at the last minute, threatens to get violent. Producers have no choice but to expel him. Nicole and Holly battling it out for the win. Nicole takes it and AFP.
Totally think that could happen. He’s off the deep end I think.
Okay Maverick, back to the show…
4) Kaitlyn comes back to take on Nicole in a head-to-head puzzle challenge for AFP.
If you strip away the physical portion of the challenge we watched on Sunday and just left the puzzle only, the final results would have been the same; Nicole came in last…and watching the physical side of the performance, I’ve no doubt Holly would have taken the challenge she gifted Team Huff and Fluff.
is there any chance at all that Holly cuts Michie and takes Nicole??? I hope so!!!!!
if bella says she’s pregnant too
Perfect ! And then like the scene on “What happens in Vegas”, Kat punches him in the nuts , and as he lays on the ground asking why “ You know why “ !!
It appears Jackson has a lot of skeletons in that closet of his. Momma doesn’t approve. Roll tears.
What are these skeletons? He is freaking out over these things he has done? Do we know any?
I wonder if he is implicated in the knoxville u fraternity house rape or scavenger hunt crimes .i read about?
Someone is looking for a pity party! Curious to know what he is freaking out about.
“J – You sure know how to comfort somebody when they are freaking the f* out. Goodnight.”
Thatta boy Jackson…keep it up! Maybe the light will go off in Holly’s head (I doubt it) and she’ll dump him and take Nicole.
Wth is he thinking bringing all of this up right now?
The way he is acting/talking, you would think police officers are going to be waiting to cuff him the second he exits the house!
Would loooove to see the video from his parents! Sounds like “Momma” isn’t too pleased with the the many, many antics of Jackson like screwing Kat and making her cry, or screwing Holly and breaking her down, or the sex stool or when _________ (fill in the blank).
I’m sure all of you great people on here will have no problem filling in the blank with a few of your own observations!
This season sucked for sure, but the posts and comments on here from EVERYONE have truly made it great for me!
Thanks Simon and Dawg!!
I knew he was going to blow as soon as she said , not my own doing. The little devil in me wants them to fall out so Nicole can make it to finale two
Of course not her fault. When she’s not putting on makeup or sleeping or sex stooling she’s spending the rest of her 3 minutes of the day being an example for all the young women watching.
SEXSTOOLING, lol, is that a sport or skill?
Thit that too
Maybe he’ll be put in handcuffs right after the show.
When Ian won season 14, BB also gave him the hammock since he spent so much time sitting in it, calculating his game play. Since Nicole wont make it to F2, I think that, whoever wins between Mickie and Holly, CBS should award the Sex Stool a the consolation prize for second place. Otherwise, it needs to be burned!
The humane thing would be to burn it
give it to bella to remind her of Nick’s 90 seconds of stamina.
I kind of see Michie and Jackson to be two different sides sharing the same body.
Michie is the ruthless, strategic, manipulative and smart side of Jackson Michie.
Jackson is the emotional, insecure, loyal and more compassionate side of Jackson Michie.
Michie knew to get rid of Christie and made the moves to do it while Jackson decided to trust her and go after Sis.
Michie came up with the Tommy lie which saved Holly while Jackson was pissed that Cliff/Nicole betrayed him.
It seems like the Michie side only comes out in the DR or when he decided to be strategic while Jackson side is the one you see otherwise.
What do you think?
I think you watched Sybil one too many times.
These two sides have been discussed in the house: Dr. Jackyl & Michie Hyde.
I think they need to change the rules of the game. No more showmances, it makes for a boring show. They should make it more interesting its getting to be the same thing every year, you get a bunch of couples and they gang up on the rest of the house not right.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder perhaps…. How he acted towards Holly in the fight is HUGE red flag. Run Holly Run!
Yet Holly allowed it and continues to allow it, says a lot about her also
Very true WW
Holly likes led being a doormat it’s her thing.
Sorry, but I’d be a little pissed too if I was laying out my feelings and the person I was close to started blaming me for her problems too. She ‘s a grown ass woman, she has some blame
Very true Mem
That’s exactly what I was thinking. Don’t think that Holly may stay with them or not some women like that kind of treatment they get addicted to it. Time will tell. If she stays with him, she may need some help too. I sure don’t want her to be an example to any woman or young lady out there. Mickey is holding back because he’s in that house we still see what he’s really like. I am absolutely sure that he is worse outside of this house. He even said he was holding back inside the house. And it was very difficult for him to do.
Well, he is a Gemini.
Very so what go go
Just an attempt to explain his dual personality, jets. i thought it interesting that he’s a Gemini, sign of the Twins. i don’t think he’s bipolar as others have mentioned.
Really think his sign has anything to do with it. Then maybe you should go see a doctor.
Could be bi polar or untreated bi polar but not my place to diagnosis. He seems like an entitled prick
And now the walls start to close in, Jackson and Holly provide some fleeting moments of joy for some people but come Wednesday the agony will return as they walk out the first and second place winners of BB21.
I was so looking forward to seeing Tyler and KC but that segment seemed more scripted and rehearsed then normal; which of course meant they covered all bases and we learned nothing. Kind of like the jury house segment, and pretty much like the edited version of the jury round table we’ll see.
Yeah, I especially liked when they each predicted a different player to win the game.
Sounds to me as if he’s a giant jerk and trying to prepare her for the worst. He’s probably been violent. He’s hidden himself but it won’t be for long! His parents obviously think he’s been embarrassing. He knows he’s said and done things behind her back that will come out.
He just proved he’s an *ss by getting mad at Holly for not “comforting” him with the exact things he wants to hear. But, no, she can’t point out that he’s doing it to himself, so he gets mad at her again, all due to HIS attitude.
I’m not buying the self-pity party. I think he’s campaigning because he’s afraid he never locked down a final two. He also realizes that the smart move would be to dump him and take Nicole and he’s “scared” and he should be. The jury may not be kind.
Just glad I’m not judgemental and try to hear out all sides before deciding. But what do I know, I could be wrong. I will agree with you that he is a jerk. You could be right that his parents are embarrassed but I need to see and hear their expressions for myself before I decide. But thats just me.
Since HE said it, he would know better than anyone if they were acting differently. I’ll take his word 9n that one.
OR he’s lying again, and simply pulling that story from his a$$ like he did with Tommy! He’s a master manipulator.
HE’S the one that said it Sherry we’re not speculating it on nothing other than the words out of his own mouth.
jihocean- I do believe that your assessment of Jackson is right on.This is a big con job to appeal to Holly.(I want you to feel real sorry for me)I would not put it past him to infer that he has a terminal disease.Holly needs to put her big girl panties on and realize that she is being conned!
Every woman in the world should look at him as a warming sign.
Especially after his warning to Holly. He sounds like real trouble inhis normal life. Poor 24 year old needs an apartment and a car. Some of them needed more than that yet he thinks his is the only “noble” cause even though it’s mostly selfish.
Being serious. How many 24 year old white fraternity college kids from Tennessee can be in such dire straits for half a million dollars that if he doesn’t win his whole life, EVERYTHING he’s done in his entire 24 years will be over. Is it me or am I missing something. Sure I want to win that kind of money but his obsession is bordering on narcissism. I swear I would have to put him on a watch if he doesn’t win. What he did today with holly was nothing more than a test of her undying loyalty to her and she failed. So now he’s acting out because he doesn’t know how else to act. He’s never been taught how to act in a rational manner in an irrational situation.
Everything he’s said and done all season shows he’s a narcissist. It’s always 100% about him and he will punish anyone who acts or dares THINK about themselves first.
Sounds to me Holly did not fill his narcissistic supply expectations….. he needs to release tension so he needs an excuse and a punching bag to do it. This treatment of Holly is cringe worthy.
I agree. He’s campaigning. Trying the old guilt trip maneuver on Holly. He was trying to work an angle with Nicole yesterday, too, but she called him out on it.
Jackson wants to be comforted, but he didn’t comfort her when he bashed her for wanting to do the interviews during After Dark (and that was his doing). Jackson is a selfish prick. Holly needs to wake up and smell the crazy.
I also want to add that his refusal to be a have not resulted in it being cancelled this year. He was going to break it and take a penalty. The penalty should have been him on the block until he complied or removal. When have they EVER done this for anyone else? A week or two as I have not might have slowed him down a bit. He’s a bully and a cheater.
I was saying I didn’t care if he wins, but the way he played Tommy and his attitude of entitlement and arrogance has changed my mind. Even when Nicole tells him to leave her alone, he bullied her with “love bombing” like climbing all over her and forcing her to talk so she wouldn’t be mad at him. HIS needs always come first and Holly will meet the real Jackson in a few days. I still wonder if he’s actually into her or if he’s been using her to win and will dump her as soon as it’s over. He’s said a few sketchy things that make me believe Holly was a pastime and only a good teammate to win.
“…the way he played Tommy…”
He deserves another $10k for that.
Amen Swaggy. And Jih, you need to rewatch the angry mob footage of tommy. He was the freaking cheerleader for it for crying out loud. He got what he deserved imo.
I wonder if we’ll be treated to yet another replay of Tommy’s eviction tears on Wednesday…these last two shows it’s been played ad nauseam. They really do seem to want Tiny Dancer to get AFP which will not make the My Little Pony fans happy.
Continued production manipulation. They’ll pick whoever they want anyway.
I saw it. I also saw Jackson lie through his teeth while claiming to be a”good guy”. Anyone who has to tell people they are good so often is obviously covering something. He warned Holly about the “real” him today and it sounds like he’s been in some real trouble. He’ll probably dump her on the way out the door, no matter who wins.
So who’s worse? I didn’t want either to win but to have kept Holly was one of the biggest, dumbest mistakes in BB history along with the guy (can’t remember his name) who didn’t use the veto on himself and went home.
Omg!! yessss
BB top stupid a$@ moves of all time!
I didn’t want Tommy to win but, for a guy who “keeps his word” he broke it many times while criticizing others for behaving just like him. He claims integrity but he’s just a garden variety arrogant hypocrite.
I wonder how people who only watch BB’s edited tv version feel about Jackson. They have shown a few things but mostly it seems like he gets a pretty good edit with opportunities to calmly explain away his actions like the Tommy lie. Then crying because he feels so bad. Ugh.
You do realize that if the TV viewers got to see the unedited antics of Tommy they would probably cheer seeing him crying.
My mom only watches the TV version but I fill her in on important things like Holly was the SECOND person he hooked up with. I don’t give spoilers. She liked Nick but didn’t know about his creepy sexual behavior and didn’t want to know. It’s amazing how different the TV version is and the roles they have cast for each player.
There’s a funny but cringeworthy compilation of Nick’s highlights over on Joker’s.
I do the same for my husband and daughter. I’m surprised I haven’t worn out the pause button.
Evil dickhead is going crazy about his refusal of being a have not. Would love to hear the other side of the story. There has to be a legit reason why he was allowed to do this.
Evel Dip has been so all over the place in his posts this year, he’s been truly hilarious to follow. He’s also been the source of some of the most ludicrous rumors, such as the mother’s lawyer nonsense. He’s just throwing red meat to the hounds.
I’ve noticed that as well. groupthink maybe
Given his own sterling persona, I can’t help but believe he’s deliberating spinning the “group” up and sitting back laughing his scrawny ass off at their posts as they take the bait and run with it….run with it to extraordinary tortured lengths. I’m enjoying them.
Never been a follower, I just run into his posts on another bb site. They seem to post his stuff if it follows their agenda. I used to like him, now not so much.
The fun thing about his posts are if you follow them, he’ll make up something outrageous and post it. Pretty soon it’s being reported on one forum or another. Shortly after that someone will read it on that forum and report it on another forum, suitably embellished of course, and it will continue to grow to the most incredible heights.
I’ve never liked him myself but sometimes he pulls stunts that I find entertaining….such as his tribute to Raven’s diseases.
Evil dickhead has been doing this for a while. While waring with Paul (seasons 18/19) on Twitter Evil D told Paul that he gets paid for talking about Big Brother. It was funny how pissed off Paul got when Evil dickhead blocked him.
How do you have time for another site? I barely have time to keep up with all the posts on this site. One GREAT site is all I need to fulfill my cravings and keep me updated. I feel like I watch the show a lot of times thru this site especially since I’m on pacific time. Thanks guys for another great season on your part and also to all the posters who make it fun for me to come back and be amused in my recent retirement. I actually started coming to this site about 2 years ago but didn’t spend time reading all the comments. I’ve done the feeds for about 6 years now but now that I’ve been forced into early retirement I have really enjoyed this summer with all of you on this site. Even you Swaggie. Do you do the celebrity one too? If so “I’ll be back”(think Arnold when you read that).
Because production wanted him, Jack or Christie to win. Why would the give Christie a friend? He threatened to not do it. They should have thrown him out. For that alone, he cheated and doesn’t deserve to win.
Having said that, Holly’s a moron if she takes him to final two. I don’t want her to win except for the expression on his face if she does.
Does there?
He was a straight up jerk the first half of the season and the only reason he dialed it down was because production gave him a heads up about how he was being perceived. I don’t want him to win for the very reason that he was allowed to cheat during have nots and didn’t receive a penalty.
Exactly and he said the same to Holly without the details.
People act like Jackson is the first player ever to cheat on Have Nots. It happens every year. And production seldom calls anyone out for it.
As far as I know, he’s the only one who refused completely. They need real contestants, not models. I’m sick of all the pretty people picking on the few average ones and treating them like dirt. Many don’t even know the show, like Jack, who only watched one season but pontificates as if he’s an expert. They have looks and arrogance and are bad players.
Pretty people don’t make it a fun game and the always gang together as the chosen few. Sis was as boring and catty as you can get. Christie was cast for the drama, Tommy for the fun.
Production protects their characters just like Jackson – the douchebag.
“As far as I know…”
Yeah, sorry. I’m not on the production team, just like you.
Please show me where he “refused completely.” That’s something that was made up by feedsters to explain why have-nots ended. As far as I’m aware, it’s all uninformed speculation. Just as the production rigging comments you frequently read from those with axes to grind.
If have-nots were truly a thing over the past few seasons, they would have gone back to food comps. Alas, they didn’t. It hasn’t meant anything in years.
He can’t show you because the factual tidbit he mentioned does not exist in the public sphere.
Food comps were ditched years ago because no one cared. Slop and the have nots have been around since they ended. It was one way you could equalize some if the power because it takes a toll. It might have changed some outcomes.
Matthew in season 19. He just refused and still ate cereal. They gave him a penalty vote which meant nothing as Paul didnt want Matthew out that week.
I have agreed with a lot of the things you’ve said on here but I definitely take offense to your comments on “pretty people.” Being attractive, smart and kind hearted are not mutually exclusive traits. BB just happens to not cast people with all those traits. If they took the effort they would be able to find lots of attractive, intelligent fans of the show that treat people well. They choose not to though because they want dumbies who will just try for the showmance and create drama. It’s the fault of casting, not attractive people themselves. There have been plenty of unattractive players who act the same way as someone attractive.
I was mostly talking about this year’s cast. It was obvious why some people were on the outside — they didn’t fit Jack’s model of cool and attractive. It’s happened on a smaller scale in other seasons, but this year it was obvious.
There are plenty of wonderful, gorgeous people who aren’t all self-centered and arrogant and I wish they would cast more of them.
Production has always been ticky tacky about it. Though they rarely penalize anybody, if ever, they have hounded people in the past for eating a cheerio or a potato chip while a have-not. There have been people with medical conditions that have been exempt before , but there has never been anyone who completely cheated on have-not like Jackson did, to the point where they just cancelled have-nots altogether.
And a chip or something is hardly going to make a difference. One season they had a garden and the have nots were allowed to eats vegetables from it, so it wasn’t so bad. But, it’s also a strategy move to make people have nots.
It’s crazy…the haters are out in force today lol
I am almost positive that Jen on BB8 went out with an extra penalty vote for eating when a have not.
Audrey BB 17 got a penalty vote for being a have not and not following the rules
Matt BB19 got a penalty vote but it didnt care because he knew Paul would keep him safe.
Just curious when production decides when to follow the rules and when not to. It seems as if it’s a player production doesnt like they give them the penalty but if they favor them, no penalty is given.
When Nicole insisted she just wanted to be alone for awhile Jackson had that scowl on his face like she had just left him at the altar. Doesn’t the World know that you don’t say “no” to Jackson Michie? Hasn’t he made that abundantly clear? Especially if you are a female?
Yes, and the control freak literally wrapped himself around her to prove it. “I WILL FORCE YOU TO FORGIVE ME, so I can delude myself/America that I’m a nice guy.” This may be the awful stuff he told Holly about – his treatment of women when he’s not on camera. Plus, something was said early on about him being a maniac when drunk (not those words.) It seems like there’s a lot to find out.
So glad you’ve announced to the rabid Michie haters that you’ve changed your mind, from not caring, to taking a stand against this evil monster. Now everyone can take turns, proclaiming how nasty this dude is. I mean look at this thread today…it’s a full-on party.
The Germans call it schadenfreude.
A perfect example and so fitting. You do realize that schadenfreude means “pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune?”
I think momma had cbs legal get involved with have nots. Momma WAS there when he needed her.
I think a CBS radio station had the tragic wee for a wii contest, they don’t take chances with food and drink contests anymore. As soon as they were threatened with legal action I’m sure cbs legal claimed they had no idea the show was starving contestants and immediately made them stop.
“I think momma had cbs legal get involved with have nots.”
Seriously, stop and think about that a moment. If “momma” had the kind of money for attorneys that could even get CBS Legal’s attention, he wouldn’t be wasting time on Big Brother or talking about a piddly $500k.
It doesn’t take much to get their attention. They are very skiddish after wee for wii and Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl. They are only just now starting to relax some on that. Stop and think for a minute, In addition to momma, He probably already had an agent or someone to help. Also, this same season, They put the whole production team through special bias training because of one comment by Kemi, who wasn’t even using a lawyer.
In mommas mind, big brother was little Michies ticket to stardom, she’ll do whatever it takes to protect his image and his health.
You do realize (what am I saying, of course not) if that were even remotely true, CBS would have ceased to exist a long time ago. People with frivolous lawsuits would be lined up for blocks waiting their turn to cash in or strong arm the network.
They did it with Frankie Grande and with Raven. Both of them were unable to be have nots but they just glossed over it. They do it all the time when it’s convenient.
When production wants them to stay.
True, but what you’re forgetting is they weren’t Jackson.
look at Will he lied every time he opened his mouth still won
Yeah, and I hated Will.
Don’t they show the after party and interviews on the live feeds ? That will be the show to watch Wednesday night.
I’d love to see an after party one week later…after everyone has had a chance to see what really went on.
Poor Holly has spent all summer getting her face ready for dr,who’s going to tell her there’s no film in those cameras.
Did the production script writers give Jackson a Dawson’s Creek episode by mistake? WTF is this brooding introspection?
If not outright pathological, then he’s at least subtlety packing his Holly escape parachute right now for once he’s out of house…”it’s not you, it’s me”. LOL.
He huffs and puffs…walks away and says he’s going to sleep in the other room, yet continues to come back so he can throw more jabs at Holly with his pity party. He has no one to blame for his actions but himself, yet he’ll try to make everyone else feel bad.
Holly is a grown ass woman, why she puts up with his immature attitude and actions is beyond all of us. They truly deserve each other. Holly needs to grow a backbone and tell him “Do me a favor Michie…go f@ck yourself”!!
How many red flags does Holly need?
Jackson used the words “a lot”. So either she needs more or she’s already outta here with him. Bad things for his family. Like steal food? Kill an intruder? A whole bunch of times? I really think she has already checked out on him. But to each her own.
Hmmmmmm, Tiananmen Square Big Brother, where being evicted takes on a whole new meaning and no one ever comes back into the house.
Remember when Jack had prepared answers for Julie when she brought the receipts? He was prepped for what he would be seeing outside of the house.
It’s Jackson’s turn to get prepped. That’s what we’re seeing.
Just my opinion. Bring on the haters. But I have a soft heart for Jackson. I think inside there is a good guy trying to get out. When he is not thinking much about the game him and Holly seem like a great pair. I think he needs to find that someone to bring him down and she needs to find that someone to help her find her full potential.
After the competition the other night. He asked her were you afraid? Did you hesitate or second guess yourself ? She said no. He said look at you all things you have said bothered you about yourself and you didn’t let them bother you. I thought that was very sweet and supportive.
Why all of a sudden he is worried about the past meeting the future? Probably production thought the feeds were getting too boring and threw something out there at him to jazz it up.
I hope Holly and Jackson stick to their finale two deal.
Nicole is a floater and annoying.
But I sure will be glad when it is Thursday morning and BB is over.
Right now not so sure I will watch next year. I know I am not watching the live feeds next year. I get to wrapped up in this dumb game.
You evil nasty bugger-shit!
But beyond that, agree on the analysis. I’ll watch next year but this year the OBB posts have proven more entertaining and nastier then the house guests. Some of these people make Jack seem sweet and polite and Sis seem a rocket scientist.
I agree with you feeds addict, I think Jackson is gaslighting himself. He said and did a lot of dumb things in his life (both inside and outside of the house) and his conscious is getting to him. He has nothing to do but replay everything in his mind. He’s is trying to figure out if everyone can see in him what he feels about himself. I don’t think he likes himself and wants to come clean. For example, he told Nicole that he lied about Tommy, not only for her vote but also to relieve his conscious. He also told Holly he did some stuff. You also have to remember that he’s a young 24 and a bit insecure, as many of us were at that age. He is looking for acceptance from others because I think he is having a hard time accepting himself. He’ll eventually figure it out. Remember folks, nobody is perfect.
I just watched Jackson’s goodbye message to Cliff. He really IS a pompous ASS!!!!
Yes, which is probably why Jackson told him off….uh, hold on a minute…which pompous A$$ are you talking about?
It really wasn’t that bad, he just laid out the facts. And I’m NOT a Mitchie fan.
I think people are being to hard on Mitchie, who you barely know. You are all making assumptions that may or may not be true. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean you get to spread rumors about him. He actually seems like a decent guy who may have had some anger/emotional issues, and maybe he needs some help.
You might not realize it if you go by postings but you appear to be fairly average in your opinion. If you take a look at the daily tracking numbers, you’ll see that a great many people would agree with your assessment; they’re just not posting their opinion.
Any wonder why?
Probably because they feel like they are going to get beat up by other posters. I just say be nice. We don’t know these people personally, there’s no reason to be so hateful.
And his “minor issues” made Kat feel unsafe.
And the demonstrated your point very handsomely. Hang in there. It’s going to be an interesting finale.
So instead of seeking help he goes on Big Brother. Good plan. Nick’s a therapist, Holly got him evicted. This stuff writes itself.
Keep talking hateful to Holly, Jackson. Please. I’d love to see her win Part 3 and take Nicole to F2 just because she’s sick of listening to Jackson’s crap.
I plead guilty. I’m on twitter after my latest physio torture session. I need to ask a question about something i’m reading.
at about 1:15- 120 am bb time on sep.22 did Jackson say to Holly:
Since production guaranteed him a spot in final two he’d have been America’s Biggest Idiot not to take the deal?
Sorry to ask, but if it’s false i’d like to know. if it’s true i’d like to know. it’s fresh in my head right now, and i won’t be home for at least an hour and a half, or I’d check for myself.
Id like to know too. I also want to know what was in the letters they received from their families or the videos they got. Are there posts of those?
“….about something i’m reading.”
And what is the source of this something you’re reading?
This is going to be fun.
A twitter thread i’m not completely trusting. That’s why I’m asking the question. Because i’m not familiar with the source, and don’t know if it is trustworthy. chill the feck out.
Michie to Holly, who is carefully applying makeup at 1:18 in the morning:
“Remember how I said that i was nervous because they were technically guaranteeing me a spot in the final 2, I am like ‘Am I America’s biggest idiot?’ because , like, what if I turned it down?”
And I’m sure that is completely in context. Verbatim no less.
It’s right there on the feeds sandwiched in between fish. But don’t check it out, I’d hate to shatter your fragile Jackson worship.
Don’t worry he’ll never check it out.Ignorance is not just bliss,it also makes you right.
How’d that work out for you two?
Jackson said “they”, he never said “production”.
the clip he is speaking with Nicole about is when he was asking if production has set up post season psychological counselling for her, like they have for him, to continue the psych services he’s been having in the house since week six.
WW how would he know he’s getting ripped apart online to begin with?
Well that whole thing sure fell flat.
Who would have expected that to happen.
okay. thank you. I didn’t completely trust the tweet thread I was reading, so wanted to ask on here.
And there’s nothing wrong with asking. I don’t know why anyone would make you feel wrong for asking. You didn’t pass the info on as truth. You only ask if anyone had heard about it. Don’t let anyone buzz around and make you feel bad for asking a question.
I’m pretty sure he was talking about some potential deal with Cliff and Nicole, NOT production.
Thanks hope springs. So, as the thread continued there was an argument about him saying six weeks ago with the whole yaddayadda. Because of all the voices saying yes and no, and cus well it was twitter… I thought it’s wiser to ask than to take twitter for gospel.
you can only see he said week six, no he said six weeks ago no he said week six so much before you need to wonder wth are they talking about.
I read he was referring to Cliff and Nicole, not production.
Thank you.
Honesty – I think he meant Cliff & Nicole.
Cool. Thanks.
Holly vs Jackson juror evaluation
Jack guaranteed vote for Jackson
Kat anti-Jackson vote for Holly
Sis had a friendship and similar strategy(ride a guy to the end) votes Holly
Nick thinks himself a intelligent strategist but in reality played a very emotional game but votes Jackson
Jess still thinking she’s in an all female alliance votes Holly
Christie also an emotional player likely to be bitter but sees herself as a gamer(who doesn’t like Holly much more than Jackson)votes Jackson
Tommy votes for his friend Holly
Cliff and Nicole threatened to use their vote against Jackson if he voted Cliff out but that was just strategy and both vote Jackson the winner
I bet you are right on the money with your guesses!
I would say Jack and Sis vote for_Jackson
simply because they are a couple and Jack does the thinking for them.
Nick votes for _Jackson
because he respects his game.
Kat votes for _Holly
Jess is for _either
she is typically for females but she is wowed by Jackson’s game play because he duped her and she didn’t
see it coming, so mad respect from her.
Christie votes for _Holly
because…animosity and she doesn’t like the way Jackson talk to females
Tommy votes for _Jackson
because he respects the game and doesn’t hate the gamer
Cliff votes for _Holly
bitter juror & Gentleman’s agreement
Nicole votes for _Holly
bitter juror #2
to summarize:
Holly has: Christie, Kat, Cliff, and Nicole
Jackson has: Jack, Sis, Nick, Tommy
and the swing vote is……Jess :-/
The only other scenario I can think of is:
Christie and Tommy vote together for Jackson along with Jack, Sis, and Nick
Holly gets Cliff, Nicole, Kat, and Jess
Holly vs. Jackson:
Jess: Holly (no way votes for Michie)
Kat: Holly
Sis: Holly
Tommy: Holly
Nick: Michie
Holly leading 4-1 on the locks. Only needs 1 swing vote to win.
Swing votes:
Cliff/Nicole/Christie: Depends on how bitter they are. I think they all respected the game play of Michie over Holly and want to vote for him to win. But I could see any one of them going the other way based on how he went about it, which would result in a Holly victory.
Jack: I really don’t think he cares who wins between Michie and Holly — simply because it’s not him. He seems like he could play alpha male one last time and stick it to Michie by voting for Holly.
So I think, while Michie can win, Holly has better odds to win in this scenario.
BTW, Jackson loses by a landslide if he over thinks it and takes Nicole. Holly vs. Nicole could be closer (Jess, Kat and Cliff would be a locks for Nicole, Nick flips to Nicole) as Nicole would have a better shot at Christie’s vote.
Great breakdown! thanks for adding this I’m agreeing to most of it. The two things I would disagree with.
Jess could very well pull a topaz
Tommy’s vote is hard for me to gauge.
I’ve a strong feeling that Tommy will vote however Crusty and Jack do (unless those two split). He’s probably spending most of his time with those two (and avoiding Nick so as to not incur the wrath of Crusty) and will follow their lead. Independent thought isn’t Tommy’s strong suit…as everyone saw.
Jess does provide an interesting exit interview here
For me…I see Sis, Nicole, Christie, Tommy, Cliff and Jess as swing votes.
On one hand, I think Jess wants to only vote for a female…but on the other hand, I think she likes Michie and that could cloud her female-only vision. She leans Holly.
I def think Christie and Tommy are gamers and the question is, will they be able to suppress their bitterness? They both lean Michie.
I say Nicole is a swing vote just because. All the things she listed to him of why he would win are true and she feels that way. She has a nice relationship with both…but I think she leans Michie.
Cliff is upset but I think he leans Michie.
I think Sis is very hurt and I’m afraid she can’t get over that. Not to mention, she had a good friendship with Holly. I believe that even though she may respect Michie’s game play, her hurt feelings and friendship with Holly will override any analytical thoughts she may have, so she leans Holly.
We’ll see.
Kat for Holly
Jack and Nick for Michie
I believe if it’s Michie v. Holly…he wins 6-3.
It’s possible that Jessica Graf is hosting the roundtable, She has been a critic of Michie, at least in the early stages….but she seems to think he has played exceptionally well. She sent a tweet asking people what questions they wanted asked at the jury roundtable. Some believe that means she’s hosting it. But it could also mean she was just simply asking what questions people wanted answered.
I really do not care that Holly and Jackson hooked up. What bothers me about Holly is the whining and constant make up. I first thought it was because i thought she wants to look younger than she is? Maybe so, and i quess that is ok.
I suppose she is insecure and this helps her feel better about herself. Anyway she has grown on me over the last little while, and Nicole has done the opposite….but the stress in there must be becoming even more intense. Jackson’s insecurities are showing too, he certainly is high maintenance. I wonder if he thinks he could beat Nickole and wants to start friction so if he wins part three he will feel justified in
not taking Holly?
Just rambling here,…thanks Simon and Dawg and everyone for their input.
Peace out.
I’m less critical of her make-up obsession since she shared on the show that terrible accident where she had head trauma. She has a scar – I think at scalp line that she is sensitive about.
Of coarse Holly thinks the bad publicity shes getting has nothing to do with her. Its someone elses fault that her image is tarnished. These 2 deserve each other. They are both seriously morally and ethically bankrupt and incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions and the after affects. Holly will blame Jackson and Jackson will blame everyone else and they will go on behaving the same way because they will learn nothing from this experience. Very disappointed that they will receive so much money for being such crappy human beings.
So judgmental you are. Which is very easy to do anonymously over the internet. I’m sure you’re the perfect specimen of a human being. A shining example of virtue and goodness. Get the fuck outta here lmao
pot meet kettle. the way you talk to me anonymously over the internet… you get outta here.
I mean if they didn’t want to be judged and what not they shouldn’t go on a tv show where they are literally filmed 24/7. Unless you are a damn good actor your true self is gonna come out. They have to be aware that people actually watch them on feeds and see things not shown on the show. Anyhow if I want to hate strangers and judge their crappy behavior it’s my god given right lol.
Your not wrong Butters Mom. They ARE morally and ethically bankrupt. There have been some “dirty” players in there, but when even those said players are commenting how bad it is like with Jackson not getting penalties during have nots and for some things he has been called to DR for saying about others, and they think it a “lower then low” game…you have to know we aren’t wrong in that opinion. I want to barf when Jackson kneels to pray, if he wants Gods opinion I think he’s getting it in “how the outside percieves him”, and he and Holly will learn all that when they get out. They DO deserve each other. 2 broken minds met in the BB house.
Que the pitchfork and torches: burn the witches while you’re at it. Lighten up lady, it’s only a game. Most of the people in the house showed moral and ethic issues in one form or another. That’s Big Brother.
This is the Salem edition.
You’d swear that Jackson was able to sneak out of the house, visited a few homes and personally pi$$ in some folk’s Bitter-Bran cereal this morning…and we know production would have covered it up with careful video editing of the live feeds….all while Tommy has morphed into an innocent victim (sniff, sniff) and Cliff an man of honor (or honour for our Canadian hosts).
Swaggie, I think you’re having too much fun. Guess its easy when these folks just walk into it.
Anyone hear about Nicole’s C02 induced blackout in comp 2 and what they are going to do?
Wait what?!
I saw a clip where Nicole said yep COS induced blacklist and they are reviewing the video. Then BB said she wasn’t allowed to talk and she profusely apologized. I’d like to know what’s up?
Look at the feeds 4:18pm Sunday
Funny way of saying she fainted.
She was darted by production. She was getting to far ahead in the challenge so the production lead had her tranq’ed.
Since Jackson appears to be a great proponent of spreading his seed,perhaps there exists a damsel that is a victim of his previous escapades. His family knows and is probably chiding him because of a prior commitment to the aforementioned woman. Could be a very interesting reveal.
Has Nicole asked Holly why Jackson was so insistent that she throw the HOH, especially since he said the deals were null & void the minute they considered taking Tommy? Why did he want Holly to fall off before Nicole. Gee Holly, do you think he wanted to be sure you were still an option to go on the block in case he didn’t win Veto? (Holly will never think about this on her own)
That may be true, but I also believe that Jackson wanted Cliff and Nicole to feel so comfortable that they didn’t gun as hard for the veto. They felt they could trust Jackson, even after he won the veto, so it was part mental. Had they known for sure before the veto that he wasn’t going to align with them, perhaps they would have had more fuel to the fire. Food for thought.
I’m reminded of an incident that occurred to Sir Winston Churchill.
One evening at dinner, he was accused by a female guest of being “disgustingly drunk”. Without batting an eye, he replied, “My dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.”
Good night folks, and remember, tomorrow Jackson and Holly will be winners.
[Churchill quotation expert Richard Langworth claims that one of the Prime Minister’s bodyguards confirmed the exchange had taken place with Bessie Braddock after the MP had said: “Winston, you are drunk, and what’s more you are disgustingly drunk.”]
She can’t help it if she’s ugly, but he can choose not to be an ugly drunk.
“….he can choose not to be an ugly drunk.”
As can those who are disgustedly ugly in nature and spirit.
Where is a mirror when you need one? Hypocrisy runs deep in this one.
Why am I reminded of a very old commercial, “Where’s the beef?”
Would you like an explanation?
I wish BB would do a proper reunion. I know some people have mentioned these players going back to oblivion but I think it would be cool to see where everybody’s head was at after viewing the season.
I said the same. It would be fun to watch a short reunion show just to see what their thoughts are after the game.
OMG…..It just seems to me whenever Jackson and Holly have the argument about their images outside the house, Holly can’t take ANY responsibility for her actions, that she really thinks everything is Jackson’s fault. The reason I dislike Holly has NOTHING to do with Jackson but with the way she acts and treats others, and that includes Jackson. Yes, I know, Jackson is a JERK and he has his own issues but those issues have nothing to do with Holly’s issues.
Maybe they will get into a fight and Holly will take Nicole? Not i fear
Maybe Holly and Jackson together have more issues than a popular magazine…
What has Jackson done outside the house? Big Brother are you sleeping on the job again did you forget to do a background check on him?
It does make you curious. For Jackson to read disappointment in his mom’s eyes and demeanor from the home video’s. It must be something pretty big…Only part of Jackson we’ve been able to see is someone; very conflicted, hot head, a bully, at times very charming, good manners, has a hissy fit if doesn’t get his way…Ah – what Zingbot said!
My take on Jolly:
Jackson: I’m just not that into you
Holly: it’s ok, let’s go to the stool
Jackson: it’s my image I worry about
Holly: I dont care that you are a jerk
Jackson: I’m just not that into you and my family doesn’t approve but let’s go to the stool still
Holly: ok let’s go to the stool after I have calmed you down and I’m giving you $500,000 ok?
Jackson: ok thanks! When you give me the money know that I’m not that into you after this ok?
Holly: that’s fine $50,000 is good enough since we have a “relationship”
I have seen Jackson attempt to back out of this showmance with Holly so many times. It’s clear he wants the final 2 deal but not the “relationship” deal. (Especially now family is unhappy). Holly clearly at least twice said her n Jackson had a relationship. Now is the end of the game and whether I like Holly or not, she has been a ride or die for this guy, helping him keep it all together. Maybe shes just as tired and stressed as Jackson. (Plus playing a man baby is not attractive)
It’s too late to worry about image with $500,000 on the line now. When June won BB, the jurors didn’t even clap or congratulate her. She had to be ok with the cash n suck it up.
Just own that you did what u had to Jackson. Your image is already sh@t! Now go get that money n stop whining!!!
When Jun won, I had never and have never seen any cast of HGs so in a hurry to be done with the finally. It was painful to watch. It was the definition of choosing the lesser of two evils.
You are spot on, in my book. Jackson has been actively, not even quietly, trying to distance himself from her post-BB. You can see how desperate she is by how much crap she takes.
I’ve said it before. Jackson will be with her if she loses OR he will cut her loose if he wins.
Sadly, she either doesn’t see it or refuses to accept it.
Agreed! Jun had her HEAD DOWN after she won the $500,000 . I think your assessment of the relationship path of Jackson n Holly is 100% correct. For Holly’s sake she needs to win the money to keep him.
If he wants his image saved, he should try and stick by Holly no matter what and at least give her a shot to date him outside the house but he’s ending it before it begins. She has stuck by him so it stinks that he is bailing
Sadly, I think Holly has boxed herself into a corner. I think she sees all kinds of red flags with Jackson that signal she needs to run. not walk, away from this relationship. But she is in a 24/7 game and needs him to help further herself. IMHO, Holly is just trying to not push his buttons too much and hold her nose to the end.
I don’t know about die, but Holly is definitely his ride.
HA! :p
As I’m reading the p/r company statement telling twitter and fans to be kind to Jackson because he obviously has deep routed (sic they meant rooted) psychological issues. Perhaps true, so you know what, I’m not aiming my vitriol at Jackson. He can get the help he needs or not. That’s up to him. I dislike him, but I hope he gets the help he needs.
I’m aiming my vitriol where it belongs: cbs, grodner, kassting. How dare they put someone with deep seated psychological issues into a pressure cooker environment, and then try to hide their error by creating a tipped playing field for everyone around him. The moment he confessed that he had been recently suicidal, the moment he confessed to hiding the medical records that would disqualify him, the moment that (as tommy said to christie) he had a breakdown, they dropped the ball. They didnt just drop it, they broke it, glued it back together with missing pieces, painted it up like a faberge egg, and told everyone it was real. They did the bare minimum in terms of commitment to care for one of their assets. The production, their fricken preconceived story arc and the profits were more important.
I Don’t say this because he’s a finalist. To one degree or another I’ve been kvetching about this image fix and beyond odd preferential treatment for well into two months now, while predicting he would be in the finals despite my dislike and likely with the aid of production fixing his image since day 8, and on here since week… 4 i think. I say this because a p/r company that has worked with the show and house guests in the past isn’t putting the blame squarely where it belongs: on the network, on the producers, and on the casting company. They don’t bear responsibility? Really? We’re going to go with making their blindness to bad acts the fault of others? Gee. Sounds just like the season.
They are complicit in every insult, every hashtag and every drag Jackson will receive because they looked the other way and tried to do a my fair lady instead of doing what would have been responsible and removing him for his own sake. It was noticeable what was happening with his physical state and emotional behavior in week one and two. He spoke of going cold turkey. He spoke of his adderall, xanax and trenbolone use. On live feeds. He spoke of hiding medical information. It’s pretty simple to see what was going on, and what they allowed to continue.
Maybe social media should have compassion for him and instead of insults state objection rationally. Maybe social media will develop a soul over night??? I’d give them mine, but who are we trying to kid, they’re building me a throne in hell.
How dare they create a situation that will put a person with deep seated issues into a hot seat, and then a p/r company tries to shift the blame off of the creators of the issue for creating the situation and on to the consumers that saw it. This shifting of responsibility stuff sucks. Yup, everyone is responsible for what they say. Everyone is responsible for what they do (my Jackson argument for WEEKS), the same can be said of the social media hate machine, and the same can be said of the network, producers, and casting company that have profited over allowing the comments and behavior to stand unpunished, further creating a p.r image fix instead of removal, and then blaming the people that saw it and have objection for what will 99% happen after the season ends.
My suggestion: put your complaints where they belong and always belonged first and foremost. Aim them at the network. Aim them at the advertisers. Aim them at the production company. Aim them at the casting company. Send that p/r company a note to say call out the powers that be first, just as pubicly, and then we’ll talk. That’s where they should have been aimed from the beginning while we watched on feeds as he went through cold turkey withdrawal (come on, the symptoms of stim withdrawal were a frickin checklist from the night sweat insomnia vomiting bowel issues to the almost intoxicated seeming comments, to the anger, moodswings on a dime, to the cravings for more stimulants…. four pots of coffee later). Yes, I wrote my thoughts on the subject to the network and production company, some time in week two. No response.
They kept him there. They endangered him. They endangered the others on the show. They are complicit. If you want to make your hate known to Jackson do what you have to do I guess, but think for a second about the people that raked in the money knowing what was happening, and rewarded him. Those are the sick fecks. Jackson has to own what he said, and what he did and I guess others will point that out. a lot. The powers that be need to own what they allowed, what they covered up, and what they p.r’d. My opinion.
It’s like when they put Russell Hantz’s brother in the house. They knew coming in that he was unstable in that type of environment. Bad almost happened because they facilitated it. One of these days a season will end abruptly, and with it, the show, because someone that is “Great for ratings” did something unspeakable. Jury is still out on Sam from last year and her ability to control her desire to “Curb Stomp” someone. (Although, JC saying, “That was terrifying.” was priceless.) We are still unsure if it was an act or if she was truly violent, yes?? Casting and production will, to borrow a phrase, Manifest their own destiny. It’s coming. I’m shocked it hasn’t already.
I never thought Sam was going to curb stomp anyone. I thought the environment did have a deleterious effect on her behavior. She seemed to become more and more delusional as the season progressed. While I didn’t have concern for the safety of others, I certainly thought keeping Sam on the show made the entire crew look like they were trying to profit off of one of their assets sinking further from her reality and further toward a borderline pd downswing.
Sounds like you’re over doing it a little there. Seriously, what did the guy do that was so dangerous towards people? Did he vote out someone you like? People take this game way too seriously.
It’s not what he did that was dangerous to others, it’s whether or not there was a potential given what was going on. Did production take the appropriate precaution, or did they endanger both Jackson and others when they saw his behavior, heard him talk about cold turkey and the different drugs that he had been taking. The risks of psychotic episode or behavior as effect of improper cessation of taking some drugs is not exactly low. An amphetamine, a benzo and a steroid? hmmm. Yeah, chance of psychological issue from cold turkey on any of those.
As far as ‘game’, I acknowledge that its a reality program in the form of a game show, not an actual game show. I hate it when i can see the way things are maneuvered. I don’t want to see the strings. For me this was a season without someone I wanted to win. I tried to like some, but the people i liked i thought were average at best.
Have to stop assuming. It’s just a damn game on TV. Nothing happened, move along.
Isn’t he poised to make some money? He can probably develop a thick enough skin to weather the online comments.
What did I miss? What statement did they make and where? Also did Jackson state on live feeds that he was recently suicidal? And last, what did he say and do in the beginning that caused the hate on him?
I honestly must have missed something because all this is news to me.
Whether it’s true or not, now that you’ve mentioned it in a thread chock full of innuendo and speculation, it will quickly become true…and quoted on other forums, eventually making its way back here in an embellished state.
Well said. CBS is complicit.
AA would you mind posting the link please? Thank you!
It does appear the harpies may have exhausted themselves…for now. They’ve still got a few hours till two people who have absolutely no clue that they exist, and probably never will, will win a game show, collect some cash and move on with their lives however they see fit.
Mellon head is trying to get what Hole is going to respond to questions so he can come up with counters. At least she did not answer all of them. Maybe she is smarter than I give her credit for………Naw
I think she may be smarter, in this. She has had DRs in the past where she expresses her own revelations. I think we may she a DR from her on Wednesday that she tells us how, “Ya right, Jackson! I know why you want to know my answers.” Don’t think she isn’t, even remotely, thinking about kicking him to the curb. Yet, on second reflection, this cougar is so desperate to keep her young stud, she would gladly give him a $500,000…and a stool-job.
Holly acts so immature at times it makes it hard to believe she is 31. I think she tries so hard to hold on to someone that she will dumb herself down for them. If her past relationship with Luke Pell, the egotist from Bachelorette-land, is any indication of her choice in men, I’m sure she’ll take Jackhole and not care if he wins the money.
Hollywood mask says holly is 33
And that baby talk, OMG ! She should be embarrassed with herself, I hope her family sets her a$$ straight on being a stool fool and complete dipstick!
Holly is trying to keep Jackson calm because she is afraid he will take Nicole. She is so over him and completely turned off, and very afraid.
yeah both Jackson & holly I believe are doubting each other lol
I agree Jackson is trying to see what answers Holly will give so he can one up her. He will
take Nicole the floater. Holly has no choice but to stick it out to the end with Jackson but if she’s the one who gets the chance to choose she’ll pick Nicole, unless she believes the jury will be bitter against Jackson. Holly and Jackson has obviously played better than Nicole. Nicole doesn’t deserve to win. She’s been carried this entire game. She’s lazy, (mom even does her laundry), doesn’t cook, and seldom does a dish. She behaves like she’s 14 instead of an adult, and is working hard to get the $25.000, although she believes she should win because of her social game.
who ever takes out Jackson will win if u ask me
I would have to agree with that one.
I 100% agree with not to bright
If you wanna show them how bad of a season it was, or how bad big brother is becoming in general. Just start voting America’s favourite as the first player evicted. I honestly think if David lasted and didn’t get cast aside because of the cool crowd, he would have been America’s favourite because he wouldn’t have been afraid of taking shots. And he wasn’t a big douche
He was just incompetent. He should have squashed the other 3 and choked both times.
Just like Ovi?
I hated that David never got a chance to play. Not a real chance anyway. I agree. I hope he gets AFP.
I just wish production would stop sending people home the first night without the contestants really getting a fair shot …its annoying and for the most part its usually an underdog
If we’re annoyed (and I am), just imagine the poor person who left. I imagine most have quit their jobs and made other arrangements for an extended absence, only to return almost immediately and hardly any show compensation. A double hit on their finances and morale.
I’d really like to know if David has been watching, what he thinks of the season and if he’s glad he left so early.
I thought it was cruel making the evicted stay in the house while not being allowed to play. David was the only one that remotely had an idea what was going on. Too bad he didn’t win his way back in, it could have been a better season. I hated this whole Camp Comeback bullshit.
And to crown the whole Camp Comeback fiasco…look what came back.
I didn’t like it either. I really liked David and was pulling for him to come back in the game. I don’t remember which one but Jack or Jackson had told everyone not to talk game to them. I felt so bad for David and Ovi , but David was my pick.
David knew what was going on in the house because Kat fed him the information.
He would have won had Nicole went to Camp Comeback instead of Cliff. I agree that he nailed what was going on sooner than anyone… him teamed with Ovi and Kat would have been a very good game
The thing I love the most about Nicole is that she calls Jackson out on all of his sh!t! Holly probably secretly cheers for her because she’s too afraid to say it for herself. And Jackson…he doesn’t know what to do with it. The a$$hole in him probably wants to lash out but then he has to check himself to save his image.
…and Holly wants to come away from this with a boyfriend, why else would she take him smh
Thankfully we get an hour and a half of survivor tonight before the nonsense of a finale after it b
You are On Point my friend.
We’re sorry to announce that The Hounds of Hell will not be unleashed tonight due to a scheduling conflict and general lack of interest. Instead we are pleased to inform you that we have been able to book The Chihuahuas of Heck, and will be letting them off their leashes shortly…as soon as they get done $hitty and pi$$ing all over the studio.
This mighty pack makes up in yipping what they lack in bite. So sit back, enjoy your misery, bray along with your favorite ankle biter and…LET LOOSE THE CHIHUAHUAS OF HECK!
Novaleen, a unique blend of Vaseline and Novacane. For those times you just need to stool yourself without the usual butt hurt.
(This product is endorsed by Anti-Jackson enthusiasts everywhere, and now, also with quick acting Anti-Holly pain relief in a pleasant scent. For a fresh smelling irritated a$$.)
So this is the vile concoction we all saw Jackson liberally applying to his nether regions on the feeds that inspired a popular GIF. Thanks for the heads up, Swaggie’s Missing Brain.
You really could try to be at least a little bit original. For instance…
Ovi, are you alright?
It’s nothing.
But you keep squirming and fanning your ass….on my new couch.
It’s just that I hate that evil bastard so much and that slut he’s with, they make my blood boil and…this is so embarrassing…my ass is on fire.
Oh Ovi, you no longer have to suffer the pain of anguish and misery. Here, use my Novaleen. It’s a unique blend of Vaseline and Novacane. You can stool yourself silly without the inconvenience of a flaming ass.
Gee Wolfie, thank you for sharing….but I never thought you had red ass. Does it work?
I used to use it twelve times a day, but since that scrawny geek blew our last chance at getting those two hideous creatures out, I’m up to twenty. With Novaleen, people will never know you’re a flaming asshole.
Now, would you like some cheese with our whine?
See, original AND promotes responsible pharmaceutical use.
No reaction must mean they are still at recess SWB. You really should at least hand them a towel if you are going to foul them like that Swaggie.
It could be they’re all making a run to their local drugstore…but, I see what you mean. Manifesting some Handy Wipes right now.
Folks, if your Handy Wipes didn’t manifest in front of you, it just means that Crusty manifested them to herself. Talk to her about it.
Swagger, you are a riot… very entertaining… peeps, lighten up and do not get so butt hurt ( okay, I admit it… that was low hanging fruit)
Exceedingly low hanging fruit…and glad you enjoyed it. I certainly have.
I would certainly expect you to have proprietary knowledge of your favorite product, and especially it’s magic powers to ease your inflamed piles. Jackson probably could have used some of your lube earlier in the season for his bleeding rectum during his roid withdrawal, but I’m sure you two will be able to hook up once he’s out of the house and you can give him a personal, private demonstration with your unique hands on approach. At least that seems to be what your thousands of fanboy posts have been pointing to.
There you go again. No originality whatsoever…just the usual Jackson rants and random scatological references. Was there a complete disconnect between the brain and the tongue?
By the way, did you get your Handy Wipes?
And for you chronic sufferers…try our new Novaleen-Pro. An industrial sized tube of Novaleen with a high-pressure injection system. Relief is just a whoosh away.
[Warning: overuse of this product can cause Philomela. People using Noveleen should consult their physician if burning persists or furniture spontaneously catches fire.]
How much does Swaggie owe you for all the space he owns in your head? You may not like Jackson but you know he has played the best game this year. That still doesn’t mean he will have the votes to win the game though.
He may not have all the votes to win?
Who the f@#k has been keeping that bit of information secret?
Come on…fessy up!
That’s pretty good, LOL
Through a collaboratively effort of all of the people that contribute on this blog,a new word has been added to the English lexicon.Although somewhat obscure, “stool -job”,will forever be in the minds of all of those that view “Big Brother”in the future. So,look for it and remember,all of you were the pioneers of its discovery! May the “stool”live on,ad infinitum.
Any clue when the Stool-Riders HOH comp will happen?
Been happening all season long!
Stool-Riders in the sky… yippee yi yay, yippee yi ho… Stool-Riders in the sky… lol
I’m betting Frankie Laine never did that version!
last minute jury buy back would be nice right about now and evict Holly AND Jackson .
The winning lottery numbers would be even better.
Yeah! I’m still clapping for a Tinkerbell intervention! Even though I heard that Tinkerbell did the walk of shame holding the stool…I will continue to clap for a miracle to get Nicole in F2 chair!!!
The Hawg’s are in LA and looking for somewhere to go in to watch the finale (fishing for invites). They can’t get into the show.
Fishing for invites?? From whom? The family just wants to be in the audience, I would have never thought they would be turned away!
Shocked, not shocked. CBS is throwing all kinds of shade lately! If any current houseguests family travel to The finale there should be a NO ISSUE with them being in the audience- end of story! In fact, production should be reaching out first to ask if ________ family is planning on attending! Put a limit on # of tickets based on immediate family only, but what a load of crap this season is turning out to be.
Fishing for invites to watch the finale somewhere else because they aren’t getting into the show…just like the families of everyone else who also don’t have tickets.
Did you actually click on the link? You should write articles for Yahoo.
They don’t bother with trifles like that.
I’m am not a fan of Cliff but why in the world would they NOT let Cliff’s family go to the finale? So dumb………
Tickets to the finale are given to fans on a waiting list on a first-come-first-serve basis; they literally wait years. Anyone can sign up for that waiting list. Big Brother made the conscious decision to limit tickets to family members to the top three finalists only; this ensures that the family of the first-place winner is there.
The Hoggs have not been singled out; none of the other players families have been provided tickets and they knew this beforehand. That’s why they asking for information on somewhere else to go in LA to watch it.
If they started reserving seats for the families of every player it would be at the expense of the fans who bothered to register and who have waited years.
Interesting video with Dr. Will in response to the question who had the best game play this year…
Imagine that lol
And his comments about Jackson’s social game…but what would he know, he obviously doesn’t have the advantage of the wealth of disinformation available on the internet.
And here is a complete interview with Dr. Will. Note, the date of this interview…because the photo they use is misleading. Or hopeful for some.
Didn’t see a video (I really suck at Twitter) but I did read an interesting interview he gave to US magazine. In true dr. Will fashion it was very pro Dr Will but interesting nonetheless.
It wasn’t you sucking at twitter….though you may…j/p. I didn’t see the vid either but the article was insightful and as you described it.
JR there are two links. The link in the first goes to Dr. Wills Twitter page and that video is just a little ways down. The second link goes to the article.
Thank ya Sir!
Thanks for sharing!
Found the video
Here you go folks, try this link. It goes to a Dr. Will Twitter thread with four videos…
– How Jackson played
– Worst move of the season (no surprise there)
– Who should win
– Who he would have teamed up with (and I could see that)
“He has done very well in the social department whether people want to admit it or not.”
This may be a long shot but there is a way Nicole can get to F2.
She can point out to Jackson that he will not win $500k with Holly because of the bitter jury. Nicole makes a deal if he takes her to F2, she will straight up concede and ask the Jury to vote him the winner. With Holly it is 50-50, but with Nicole it is a sure bet. Maybe Jackson will buy it.
nah, her better play is appeal to holly that she will lose to jackson then use that to drive a wedge between them so they both hate each other enough that they take nicole, but i just don’t see nicole being strong enough to pull that off.
What was stool stuff about with Holly and Jackson? I do not get live feeds but everyone seems to know and talk about it. Anybody wanna give me the Cliff Note version, no pun intended
Holly and Jackson bring the stool into the HOH shower when the have sex. It’s their sex stool.
Thanks Dawg for the insight…. I can see that happening once but that is just plain lazy… lol
Yep, but don’t forget Jack and Sis started that stool thing. Poor stool, to be used and abused only to be thrown out.
I can only imagine what all these houseguests families have had to endure with friends, family & community smh shameful
No offense Curt but WHERE have you been all season? The sex stool has been there from the beginning! Jack & Sis, Nick &Bella, Jackson & Kat, Jackson &Holly – I think that was everyone.
I said weeks ago that there was no way way Curt was watching the show. His comments were completely ignorant of what was actually happening.
I hope Nick and Kat found a new stool in the Jury house lol. Tonight’s BB cast reunion will be awkward, definitely good TV lol
They discovered stools, chandeliers, couches, chairs, tables, stairs, tubs, kitchen sinks, pools, bushes, grass…
holly would be sooooo dumb for not taking nicole if she wins
I don’t know about that…..I think that Holly’s best chance to win is to take Jackson. At this point I think that Holly would have a hard time winning against either of them BUT she would have a better chance against Jackson especially if it’s a bitter jury…….If it’s Nicole and Holly and the jury is bitter, I see them picking Nicole over Holly just because Holly is attached to Jackson but if she is sitting next to Jackson the bitter jury may swing her way.
I respectfully disagree. If either of them takes Nicole, she wins. This could be a VERY bitter jury and what better way to extract revenge? Jackson, Cliff and Nicole have been my favorites since day one. I am not sorry they have ‘played’ Big Brother and gotten a little slimy. Isn’t this why we all watch, afterall? To borrow from another favorite show – Outwit, Outlast and Outplay. There is only one person who, IMHO, has done that – Jackson. I am a west coaster and I can’t wait – I will read the spoilers!!
What do they mean if they win. They’ve already won lol so I’m guessing Nicole already knows.
I want to know why Jackson is telling Holly that she may not like him after the game? And that she is going to hear things about him and his life outside the BB House? What bad things is he referring too? We already know he is selfish, manipulative, and a snake. And what kind of parents does he have, that would show disappointment in him. (Even if your kids disappoint you, you do not let it show publically)? WHY DOES HE ALWAYS WANT HIS MAMA? who is the real Jackson? What is he hiding? IF i were Holly I would run…I guess if I have no choice, I am rooting for Holly to take the $500,000 win. If that happens Jackson will definately break up with her (Just my opinion).
OMG Did anyone see the feeds around 4:30 a.m. Eastern time of Jackson doing a little hand massage below the sheets on Holly? Jackson licked his fingers and went underneath the covers and you could clearly see the covers moving down there and BB switched the feeds. They have no shame, the lights were still on. When feeds returned 10 minutes later he told Holly he got her tanning lotion on his hands and she said you should’ve washed your hands, ugh..then Jackson said I see you again in 30 minutes, they both laughed while remaining in bed. BB turned off the lights then. Now wander Jackson’s patents are embarassed and Holly thinks they do not like her.
Aaaargghhh..My eyes can’t unread what I just read!
Think about me, I cannot unsee it, I felt gross retelling it on here!!
I am really disappointed Nicole didn’t come up with a more convincing campaign. I know it was a long shot, but I hoped for a little more oomph.
I’ve lost all respect for the Sex Stool! To allow itself to be used as a Card Table of all things. Disgraceful!!!
I agree. Jackson is disgusting. What else can you say about an adult male who sh#ts in the shower and purposely
pees himself during a competition. Disgusting in all the ways pointed on these postings. YUCK!!!
The shit in the shower thing is news to me but the peeing while doing an endurance comp has been done by many many players over the years and yes even women.
“The shit in the shower thing is news to me…”
You are obviously too young know of or fortunate to have avoided the draft when it was active. Those fortunate enough to have received an invitation quickly became familiar with the genteel morning greeting of, “You’ve got five minutes to shit, shower and shave.” A feat that required multitasking at it’s finest.
I know that Jackson is far too young to have experienced the draft but perhaps he was in ROTC in college. Went to a military style boot camp for juvenile delinquents in between his many felonious activities?
The only question I have is whether he was able to work a shave in there?
Oh come onnnn…I am not a Whacko Jacko fan by any means but did he really sh*t in the shower? Any confirmation?
Lol that’s what I’m sayin
Nope…never happened. At least not as far as the feeds are concerned.
Usually these things are self-confirming.
Most of the litany of “The Sins of Jackson” have started with nonsensical tweets, would quickly be picked up upon by the desperate, repeated with some embellishment, picked up and posted yet again on another forum with additional embellishment until soon enough it’s echoing around the bittersphere growing louder and louder with every retelling.
It’s ridiculous
It is finale night. Pretty clear Nicole is going to be third, but likely AFP.
I’m predicting Holly to beat Michie (though I felt Michie outplayed everyone).
Upvote if Holly wins, downvote if Jackson wins you conspiring bitches.
I’m leaning the other direction, Jackson winning over Holly but I’m fine either way.
As for AFP, for me that’s become iffy.
Nicole was riding high in ratings, once she became the last anti-Jackson house guest left, but that support has softened since it became apparent she was in way over her head.
During the same time period the network has been pushing the weeping Tommy video ad nauseam, while many of the social media outlets have been beating Cliffie’s drum overtime as the lovable folksy gentleman who was betrayed by Jackson; both of which are utter bull$hit but it plays well to casual viewers.
AFP could end being the only big unexpected upset of the evening.
Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight,
Wish I may, wish I might,
Aw $hit!………it’s a satellite.
All hope is lost, only eight more hours until Armageddon.
Ode to Jackson’s Brutality
Little bird with yellow bill,
Landed upon my window sill,
Lured it down with a piece of bread,
Then bashed in it’s widdle head!
This sucks. You can’t even wish for a bitter jury because than Holly would win. The jury should at least get Jackson to admit that all of the self rightous holier than thou lectures he gave were total bullshit.
Check out the “also playeds” featured at the Reality All Star Reunion.
The best night of the season has come and I am ready to get this over with! After tonight, we can all go on with our lives and find new people in the reality world to bash. I do have to say, this was the worst cast I have ever seen. Several people made it unbearable to watch first and foremost Crusty, Tommy, Jessica, Jack & Sis. Good Riddance Season 21! Thank you again to Simon and Dawg for giving us a platform where we can come and vent & of course the torture you went through bringing us the spoilers!
the best night meaning this torture is over, however, we can more than likely expect nothing exciting, becuz this entire season has been transparent from the beginning and no joy whatsoever. ” Money earned hastily is easily lost “
Well said! Where’s Cotton Weary btw?
Who is cotton weary?
One of the greatest non-major characters in a horror movie line, Scream. But more importantly, an insightful poster on here and a pretty cool dude,
Ditto everything.
Simon, Dawg, thanks for another season of merriment and fun; you’ve made the otherwise lackadaisical enjoyable.
And condolences to all the spouses, siblings, parents, friends and unindicted co-conspirators out there who will have to clean up the mess following tonight’s volcanic finale.
Thanks Swags 🙂
Remember the raging righteous (?!) indignation Jackson slung at Cliff when Cliff dared mention withholding a vote if evicted?? WELLLLLL, Jackson’s showmance showed herself a bit–with the declaration that IF Jackson takes Nicole to F2 that not only would she make sure he did NOT get “his” half mil, but ALSO that their “relationship” would be over. Jackson didn’t respond AT ALL…of course, the final HOH has yet to be played. He didn’t blast Cliff either until AFTER the veto win (as Cliff pointed out to Jackson). The question is: IF JACKSON WERE TO WIN, WILL HOLLY BE KICKED TO THE CURB AS WELL FOR THE UNFORGIVEABLE SIN OF MAKING IT PERSONAL AND HOLDING “JACKSON’S” MONEY HOSTAGE???
Lmao. She only stated the obvious. I’m sure he already knew that. But nice CAPS. You’re gonna hurt yourself.
I found this site bc it was the only one my work didn’t block so I wasn’t sure what was going on at first but as the year went on I feel in love with this site. Thanks to Simon and Dawg for facilitating the site. For the most part people were respectable with their posts which made things fun and not cringe worthy. Great job guys.
I really don’t care who wins, things were lost for me a long time ago with the cast so I followed but didn’t have much skin in the game as a favorite I was in love with. I did enjoy the quips about the sex stool and all the other nonsense that went on.
Finally, all these BB players have to go out in the real world after tonight, I wish them all the best.
thanks Mike! glad we weren’t blocked 🙂 hopefully it stays that way.
That boy needs some serious help. I don’t know what all he has done or “thinks” he has done outside of this house but holy crap!! He’s a walking time bomb. Just reading that narrative sends up so many red flags. I hope Holly has picked up on this and is just pacifying him for now until they are out of the house. Sadly though I doubt it.
Guys what would happen if Nicole wins the last hoh so its a 1-1-1 tie?
Nicole doesn’t compete for the third part.
Just made a donation to thank you for the entertainment this summer since I sure didn’t get it by watching the show.
Thanks Melsays! very nice of you to support us it’s much appreciated.
few more hours and we will all be set free…US not them!
HAHA I know eh!
I wish they would hold a 30 minute special before next year’s new season starts and the house guests fill us in where they are at now and how they feel they were betrayed on TV.
Do you mean “portrayed”? Otherwise it might be another thirty minute monologue by Cliffie while Nicole is looking darts at him.
Dawg do you have a link where people can discuss Survivor? I know it would not be as big as this site because we would not have live feeds, but your site here is really great. I look forward to reading it every year. Thank you for all your hard work.
boston rob is my all time favorite
I’ve got to go with the pirate, who made an unfortunate choice of elephants on The Amazing Race.
Where is that person that predicted Nichole to win? (Forgot their name), but they also predicted Jackson would be evicted…
Houka Inumata?
They are tied up at the Eight Ball repair shop…
The best to hope for now
Nicole wins AFP (Kat wasn’t on long enough)
Holly wins, and as she leans in to Miche she whispers into his ear “I faked everyone”.
[Close your eyes Simon]
And he whispers back, “I know, but Kat didn’t.”
Holly hasnt spoken or made any arguments for her game this entire season so I don’t expect much of an argument or answers to jury tonight to be anything compelling. Pretty much makes herself look weak unfortunately and the jury will give that to Jackson.
Who would she speak about her arguments with, Jackson?
I’ll call it it Michie, 5-3.
Congratulations Jackson and Holly!
The comp between Holly and Nicole blew me away. Nicole prided herself on her memory game and had studied heavily. Holly hardly studied and beat Nicole by four minutes! Also blown away by the final comp; had Holly properly understood the question it would have had to go to a tie breaker.
I have to say, Holly’s answers were a lot better then I expect albeit too long. I like how she picked up on the jury questions to Jackson about his social game and she quickly incorporated them into her answers, stressing how she played more honest. Had there been any lingering bitterness in any of the voters she would have picked them off. Great game!
Jackson’s responses were excellent. He made the right arguments at the right time; at that point they only way he could have been beat would have been from sour grapes. Enjoy it guy, you earned it.
Congratulations to Nicole; enjoy it. Thrilled that despite the best efforts, Cliffie and Tommy did not get AFP.
Thanks again Simon and Dawg!