Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Primping and Pumping

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

5:45pm Bathroom Jordan, Laura, Jesse and Lydia. The girls are geting ready for dinner and talking about make-up. Cam switches to the bathroom, everyone sitting around in towels. Jordan and Jesse on the lounge, Lydia sitting there flirting with him acting like she is going to bite him.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers

Jesse get up and one of the girls bring up the marks on his back from lying on the lounge. Natalie enters to ask Lydia something and Jesse leaves.. Natalie leaves after she gets her answer from Lydia. Both Jordon and Laura are powdering themselves. Lydia is giving her tips on how to do her eye make up, to make it smoky with some sparkly brown. They ask Lydia some make up questions Laura says she’s only asking Lydia because she a make up artist. Conversation moves to Music Lydia’s favorite is My Chemical Romance and Mars Volta. Jordan like everything. Lydia says she went to a Lit concert and the drummer threw his drumstick into the audience and it hit me in the head and busted my melon open.


Lydia starts asking questions about Jordan’s dad and where he lives. Jordan says that after her parents divorced there were things that he did that she didn’t approve of and they weren’t close She goes on to say that her dad and her are getting closer and she’s the only person in the family that does.


6:20pm Braden packing his shit and moving it to the storage room. Braden grabs his pink tights and goes outside to talk with Jesse.
Backyard Jesse and Braden

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
Braden tells Jessie he can sell his pink tights from the compeition Jesse doesn’t look too excited. Braden says that he, Jeff, Jesse, and Russell will be sent out the door one by one and people will say that it is the worst defeat in Big Brother history. Braden thinks they should take out the weak first and than pick off the strong. He things it’ll be better for the aueidence if they have good players playing. Braden asks Jesse to talk to Russell. Braden says it will take more than 2 people to get through the game. You need four. Braden says a secret alliance between the four will help them go to the end. Braden remind Jesse that the things said about him weren’t true. Braden says he has a brilliant plan. and its never happened in the big brother house. Have a secret alliance with 2 on each side to take out the middle. Jessie asks which 4 guys Braden wants to do this with. Braden says could be anyone. Honestly though is should be the 4 strongest competitors and talkers. The way that Jeff went about it and spoke to the whole group that night I had a lot of respect for him and his demeanor. Braden goes on to suggest Russell. Braden reiterates that they need 4 guys to do this, “it’s very very feasible to go to the end”. Ronnie walks in and they start talking about travelling…..
Big Brother 11 Spoilers

6:30pm Backyard Work out With Jesse the body, Kevin, Michelle and Ronnie are being shown some moves from Jesse.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
6:35PM backyard couch. Natalie, Casey and Braden talking abou tnot knowing that the big brother house was in a studio. Natalie tells Casey that she thinks that Ronnie will win the HOH she hopes that HOH isn’t another physical because because of her shoulder. Casey sayis that she’s playing up the pain. Natalie says no way it was an 8 out of 10 of pain.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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