Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Laura is still talking about her boobs and The Cookie Incident Explained

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
Big Brother 11 Spoilers
12:00am Russell and Jordan Living Room with Casey on the couch beside them.

They are talking about Jordon and Lydia and the little fued they have going on. Jordon is claiming that she’s trying to talk to Lydia. Jordon wonders why she’s so upset with her to begin with. Russell says Lydia thinks everyone is mad at her, “People are strange they do strange things”.

Russell asks her if she’s still mad at him? Jordan says she was never made at him. They move to talking about the fights today. Russells says he never thought he was shocked to see that side of Jordan when she was screaming at Lydia.

Jordan tells him Jeff isn’t her boyfriend. she only likes Jeff as a friend that she’s told him that even after the show there won’t be any thing she just wants to have fun, “i’m a flirt but a nice flirt”. Russell tells her he doesn’t snore when he cuddles with someone. Jordon ask why. Russell says its the way he’s laying. He says he didn’t snore when he slept with his ex- girlfriend. She start to inquire about the ex… “was it sad when you broke up” Russel says no “I sent her a text telling her to let him know when he could get all his sweat shirts back, Short and quick” Jordan freaks out saying that was so mean…..

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

12:10am Green Room Lydia, Laura and Jessie. They are teaching Jesse all about their boobs. Laura says shes a small DD, they use to be bigger but were lopsided. Laura says shen she was getting ready to come into the house the producers told her not to walk around in PJ’s and wear no makeup. She brings up people people taking pictures of her boobs again and calls them “BUBBIES”.
Jessie tells her that he likes girls with jet black hair thats really shiny. He talks about his EX who had really black hair. Braden walks in and tells them that Russell just ate a pound of ground beef. he than leaves… Jessie says that Braden is a cool dude… Jesse leaves and they start talking about Lydia’s tattoos

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
12:40 Storage Room Casey and Jesse. There having a Strategy talk. They mention that Ronnie is really deperate and playing the game hard. They both agree that getting Ronnie out of the game soon is a good idea.

The Cookie incident explained Jess told some players that Casey showed his butt over a cookie. This was so people wouldn’t get suspicious of their alliance. They confirm that they are still in an alliance, they have a final threee with Russell. Jess telld him the reason that he put Braden up. Braden won over Jessie in 2 sentences at the beginning of the game. If Braden can do that with 2 sentences to him can you imagine what Braden could do with the sheep in the house.
Casey says alot of week minded people in the house like Lydia and Kevin, Jessie agrees. Casey adds taht Jordon is weak minded, Jesse adds Jeff. Casey doesn’t think so “He’s smarter than you think”asey and Jessie hug it out and say they got each others back

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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