9:03pm Kitchen Natalie and Kevin. Natalie is convinced that the competition was designed to make Jeff or Jordan win. Natalie is pissed, they both think that America loves Jeff and Jordan and Hates them (most people only hate Natalie). Kevin starts to point out that Jeff and Jordan is being portrayed as the sweet hearts and Jordan has the underdog story and the poor family story. He thinks they are being portrayed as bullies an bad guys. Natalie asks him if he’s taking her to the final 2… Kevin tells her if she is going to ask him every 5 minutes he’s going to ignore her. He tells her theres 5 more days and he doesn’t want to spend it talking about who he’s putting up. Natalie explains that she needs reassurance because she’s worried. She tells him that if Jordan goes final 2 she will win for sure because America loves her. They start talking about the houseguests, Kevin liked Casey but thought Braden was a idiot. Kevin thinks America is blind about Jeff playing Jordan to win the game, “I’m so sick of Jeff and all this we love you bullshit!” Kevin doesn’t like Russell either, “he’s slimy he’s over the top masculine ”
Kevin tells her that his strategy all along was to play a bottom player like Jeff but he was able to hid it were as Jeff couldn’t. He adds that one good think about Russell is he knew Kevin was a threat and that is why he was gunning for him, “Russell wasn’t as smart as he thought he was but he knew I was a threat”
Jordan comes back from the Diary Room and Kevin gets called in.
Jordan in a very good mood and deservingly so. She tells Natalie that she’s nervous about the final HOH, She tells Natalie that it is luck of the draw like it was today. Natalie says she hopes Jordan wins because she doesn’t think Kevin will take her anymore.
They both decide to have a spa day when they get out. Natalie lists off all the things she wants done, eyes, nails etc… They head into the red room to unpack their shit. Jordan “OH my god America must of really liked Jeff” Natalie ” i know!”
Kevin comes back into the red room and Natalie gets called into the Diary Room. He tells Jordan you still with me. Jordan says of course i’m worried about you. Kevin tells her if I get the decision i’m 1000% taking you to the final 2. Jordan tells him the only way she sees them winning is it they both got that route. Kevin warns her to watch out for Natalie she is going to try hard to convince you she’s already started on me. Jordan “I know don’t be paranoid I am committed” Kevin “I know I will get second with her with no chance for first place, if i Stick with you I have a chance at first” Jordan tells him she feels like its very even if they go final 2 they played similar levels of games Kevin is funny and she is sweet so they both have a good shot… Kevin tells her she has the whole Jeff thing going for her and that will make a difference Jordan “WOW America must of really liked Jeff” Kevin tells her that production was acting pissed at him when he was going to vote out Jeff.. .(Production gets mad at them tells them to stop talking about that).. Natalie walks in…
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I think if Natalie manages to persuade Kevin that America REALLY loves Jordan (and that won’t be too hard to do), that might make him decide to take Natalie with him to the final 2 if he wins the last competition. That way he figures he stands a better chance at getting the $500,000.
Simon, are you following what they are talking about having to stay in there same clothes, can’t talk about certain stuff (more than usual), and why all the talk of Jeff….something weird is going on????
Ya i haven’t been able to figure this out.. Some how they know everyone is crazy about Jeff.. Hmm maybe they had some questions asked from the fans or Production asked them questions from the public.. I dunno
I heard Kevin say he doesn’t want to talk about “bad” stuff cause America is listening – I guess because of the voting. But something weird is going on with them having to have on the same clothes, and they are waiting on something to happen.
i think it’s the reminiscing continuing. they were prob told to talk about the past stuff. and when talking about LML after Jordan surreptitiously got called into the DR where she was prob told that they weren’t to discuss the ronnie/nazi comment.
It definitely looks like they have been given directions. (topics to discuss, clothes to wear, locations to have discussions, timing of discussions) It looked too scripted and awkward.
i don’t care who wins as long as natalie gets nothing!!! how great if she goes out 3rd!!! her fiance will dump her stinky ass as soon as she gets evicted!!!
I would love it if natalie walked out the BIGGEST loser!!! Hahahahahah She gets what she deserves!!
I’ll drink to that!
I was waiting for tonight’s footage of the Jury House with Jesse’s
fucshia spandex exposing his Tiny Junk, and nothing. Disappointed.
Gooooo Jordon!! I love<3 J/J!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m not a huge Jordan fan but here reaction when she won was so cute. I’d be satisfied if Kevin or Jordan won it all.
I know that was such a cute reaction, I started liking Jordan and the show again 😉
I agree! Couldn’t have asked for a better night or outcome. Jordon is humble.. and she is smarter than most give her credit for. At least when she loses she congratulates the winner … and admits she screwed up, big time. Nat is still darting her eyes around and making excuses ..and can’t even do that right (or convincing). Julie Chen didn’t buy it either. Loved It!! GO JORDO!!!!!. FTW (with Kev 2nd….NAT 0) 😉
On BBAD, everything they are talking about now is a put up by production. Right?? Looks like it. Probably for Sunday’s show.
Yeah. They sound so…fake right now haha.
Yeah this stuff is definitely for Sunday’s show, they are acting so fake LOL. Why tape this during after BBAD??
Jeff proved again tonight what a douche he is. I can’t believe he actually thinks everything is about him. Jessie even tried to get through Jeff’s huge inflated ego that nobody cares about him once he’s gone, and Jeff just denied it. And for all of you who kept defending Jeff’s actions about getting Russ out, once again … Jeff was wrong, and so were all of you.
Forgotten?????…. Yourrrrr Stilllll talking about him….hmmmmmmm
I never defended Jeff’s getting Russell out. It was the wrong decision, but he didn’t arrive at that decision by himself, he was influenced greatly by others. That was his mistake. No one knows what would have happened the next week if Russell hadn’t left, you can only speculate. Jessie is a dickhead, who seriously lacks social skills, he is very threatened by men who are better looking and have always been, and men that are comfortable just chatting with anyone men or women.. Jeff does not have an inflated ego, he has a healthy ego, and I agree with him, Jordan is not forgetting him.
ITA. Jeff exposed himself as even more of an egomaniac than Jessie in that clip. Jeff thinks that the house is gonna go after Kevin because he stabbed Jeff in the back!!! Jeff (dude), if they get rid of Kevin, it’s because he’s a good player, NOT because they want to avenge what he did to you….But even from the jury house, Jeff still thinks everyone is playing the game only for Jeff.
Thank you. I rolled my eyes over that. He thinks Jordan and Michelle are going to avenge his eviction like he’s Cappy or go postal like Jesse’s widows did. So sorry, Frat Rat, they didn’t do anything. They forgot all about you and got on with the game.
Russell is the better person than Frat Rat is. He showed class when he could have made Frat Rat’s life miserable when he arrived.
If there’s an all-star BB bring Russell back and keep this douche bag out of it.
Not bashing Russel, cuz I think when he was evicted, he handled it quite well. But Jeff did the same. He wished them all luck and admitted, he lost.
I can’t believe Jordon won Part 2 of 2. Just goes to show that Natalie is terrible and doesn’t deserve to be in the final 2. Jordon . . . please believe Kevin and not Natalie! Kevin . . . please take Jordon and not Natalie as you have indicated you were planning. It could be even with both Jordon and Kevin in the final 2. With Natalie in the final 2, she may not have a chance based on the jury comments we heard on today’s show, but she will still get $50G for 2nd place.
As usual, Nasty started explaining how she coulda’ woulda’ shoulda’ won. It was so cool seeing her bested by Jordan. And by a landslide!!!!
SO proud of Jordan! She did something all on her own, and won fair and square! I hope the jury sees that she pulled out a big win when she needed to, and that they count that as something. We will see. GO JORDAN! Like I said before, hopefully she and Jeff will hook up afterwards, and he can enjoy the fruit of THEIR labor.
He has been right all along about how CBS has portrayed the players.
If Kevin and Jordan are in final two JORDAN could still win. she has Jeff, Michelle, America’s vote, and Natalie vote (thats is Kevin takes jordan). Natalie would not vote for kevin for backstabbing her (after she threw the 1st part of hoh to him) GO JORDAN!!!!!!!!! I HAVE FAITH IN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff in jury house talking about how Nat floated. Wow. Jordan floated just as much and, once again, Jeff calls someone else out for something he supported in someone else. He was getting irritated with Jordan before he left because he was tired of carrying her. Seems he should have acknowledged that both Nat and Jordan floated.
Jeff don’t know Nasty was master minding everyone,so like us,he thinks she floated.which until final 5 what did her or kevin win? not a damn thing!
jeff did say jordan was floating to the final 2 with michele. watch it again.
Once again after Natalie lost a competition she started with the excuses of “Why” she lost. How she is so smart and could tell you everything that happened in the house from day one, blah, blah, blah, etc. etc.
That is one delusional bitch. I’ve partied with hardcore druggies on Acid and Mushrooms that were less delusional than that moron…..and one of them jumped off the roof of his house into a trash can 25 feet below thinking he would land directly into it……..By the way, he failed miserably….LOL
Agreed. Her aim couldn’t have been off HALF the time. Besides, it was clear that she was having trouble figuring out which ball went where. Even afterward, when they showed her in the room, she was trying to remember the order!
I hope Jordan’s diarrhea is done before she gets into the hot tub. The last thing the Internet needs is another tubgirl video clip. Google it if you have a strong stomach.
I don’t know what that BBAD was all about but it sure was fake! If they are actors, they certainly suck at it.
at the end of every season they have the remaining guests talk about and remember parts of the game to air.
wow so if michele’s akward diary room sessions or weird pov speeches doesn’t give it away big brother is scripted then the whole “memories” scene that they just randomly did on after dark was definitly the determining factor.I’m not really sure why it shocks me that they tell them to do stuff like that..wow i feel like an idiot.They are all terrible actors…..and Michele was the dead giveaway.
Yes, everything they are doing and saying was directed by production for the “memories” portion, they had to say this and that, and wait to go to the kitchen to talk about Ronnie, etc.
I feel like I get duped every time I watch this show! Now they just had two SCRIPTED conversations about the engagement, twisty tie, the weird characters and then the LML. I guess production is wanting to tie up loose ends before the finale – But D**N – this just sux!
They had Memphis and Dan do the same thing last year when they had dinner. It’s their way of wrapping up the show I think.
I forgot to ask my original question…
Was anyone able to figure out why Jeff didn’t get goodbye messages?? I thought (or was hoping) that he would be the HG brought back, but they didn’t do that this year.
In Julie Chen’s blog she was asked that question and she said they didn’t have enough time.
Honestly speaking, production knew natalie wasn’t good at aiming games (remember the golf competition) which jordan excelled in, that’s why they had this game. Natalie blew it- it’s over dear. The only thing you came out with was a slop pass and $1.400 and an engagement your paranoid boyfriend gave you in case you made it.
Natalie also didn’t have to jump off the log, but she made that choice, like Jeff made the choice to trust them.
how bad was nat trying to show some happniess over her surpise engagement she couldnt even pull it off bet she threw a fit because it wasnt mention
The Jury is going to be surprise to see Michelle walk in from the sounds of their conversation tonight. She will be the last of the strong players. Kevin sounds like the favorite, too.
At this point, if Jordan wins HOH she would need to pick Natalie to win the $500k. If she goes with Kevin it looks like the Jury would pick him for the win.
Does anyone know what’s up with the “Ronnie” comment? What’s the story behind him and/or what is it that they can’t talk about having to do with him?
the fight that Kevin had with Ronnie was somewhat related to his previous comment. Ronnie had apparently said that he admired Hitler for his oratory skills. So Lydia and Kevin took the opportunity to go off on him for saying something so nuts as admire and Hitler in the same sentence. Kevin went off on him! Ronnie was dumb to cite a terrible person as a great orator — choose other greats who didn’t attempt to exterminate a people.
Rehashing a nazi comment was prob not what production had in mind to include in the memories portion of sunday night….
Thanks for that info. Not that I needed another reason to dislike Ronnie, but he’s an admirer of Hitler? Holy fack………and he’s stupid enough to admit that in a house full of cameras with millions of people watching him 24/7? Too bad they didn’t give “The Brains” IQ tests……
Thanks for that…. I couldn’t figure out what they were talking about. It seems like ages ago when all that happened.
Serves Natalie right for underestimating Jordan. Can’t wait to see her reaction when she doesn’t get picked for final 2. It will make everything worth it! Priceless!!!
Simon, when they break for commercial on BBAD, does it still show them on the live feed? I mean they seem to break for a commercial right at the point I want to hear what they are saying! They get me everytime when they do that!
feeds don’t have commercials. Feeds do cut out sometimes for various reasons
A lot of bad acting tonight, Kevin and Natalie’s recaping their step by step lies and games.
Very, very bad acting.
I just got here…so what’s going on? Did production tell them to talk about the evicted houseguests so production can pretend they all naturally starting reminiscing about the past three months?
Natalie is rambling on about a fight with Michelle, then Kevin said speaking of fights, remember that time I argued with Ronnie, Natalie said not now, and then he said I thought we were supposed to talk about this like naturally.
What is going on!
If anything, the game was geared toward Natalie – who is the ATHLETE! Everyone who has watched the season would be able to immediately recall the order of HOHs. That’s not hard to do. It wasn’t Natalie’s aim – she couldn’t have missed HALF the balls because of that. She honestly COULD NOT recall the order of the HOHs, which is pathetic. Jordan isn’t the brightest crayon in the box and she could quite easily list of the order; her aim was off on ONE, which is why she only got 9.
Also, I think it’s sweet that she followed Jeff’s advice to continue studying stuff every day to prepare for the mental comps. She knew the order immediately because of that.
I’m ecstatic that Natalie didn’t win. I’ve hated her since the beginning, because she was Jesse’s lapdog, and now I hate her even more because she’s awful to the other house guests, even though, strategically, it would have been better for her to butter up Michele before she went into the jury house. I’ve wanted Kevin to win since the beginning, but I’m glad that Jordan will get at least 50 grand to help better her living situation.
i find it so funny that the gnat said this was a crap shoot and she didn’t win. LMAO. i hope jordan wins now.
Gnats HOH win was a total crap shoot. This one took skill and knowledge as Gnat got her azz kicked by Jordo.
Question: does anyone know if they will all 3
be getting drilled by the jury? If so they might discover that nasty is the better final 2 pick for both…worst case scenario, don’t care b/w keV/jord
No, they won’t. Julie said that on Tuesday the 3rd place houseguest will be evicted RIGHT before the question part. So that houseguest will also be questioning JUST the remaining 2 finalists.
Kevin is absolutely screwing himself over. The whole jury house hates Nat, and he thinks they love her. If he takes Jordan im going to laugh so hard when she wins the money. He could have won probably almost unanimously. Now because he turned his back on Nat, he is going to lose. Jordan would get Michele, Jeffs and Americas vote. Then she would need just one more, probably Nat would be the vote to push it over, because she will be hating Kevin.
i honestly think that jessie, russell and lydia(if kevin dont make it to final 2 with gnat) would vote for her even though they are mad at her now because she never really screwed them(except lydia but shes crazy).
I disagree. Did you hear Russell say that he hopes Kevin wins the game? Russell and Lydia will DEFINITELY (in my opion of course) vote for Kevin to win. I think Jessie would be on the fence simply because Kevin cast the deciding vote that evicted him and he knows it. BUT, the biggest factor, should Jordan go to the final 2 with Kevin, is who will Natalie vote for?!? My gut tells me that she will completely hold a grudge against Kevin and vote for Jordan to win. In which case Jordan should have Nat, Jeff, Michelle and America and will win the game 🙂
When Jessie and Lydia left the house Nasty was in their good graces. It is after they left the house and found out about the age lie and other lies that they turned their back. However, I do not think they would vote for Jordan because they all think she floated and cannot think on her own. She did win a POV and absolutely smoked Nasty on part 2 of HOH which Nasty thought she would rule.
honestly i think jordan has a shot at winning the 500k. if shes up against gnat jeff, michele, and maybe lydia plus americas vote. if shes up against kevin jeff, michele, gnat(because she will be too pissed that kevin didnt keep his word to her), and americas vote. so jordan definately have a shot at winning. i really dont care i just dont want gnat to win shit, not even the 2nd place 50k.
Jordon will win this thing hands down!!!
The popular one has outplayed them all because it is a social game.
Jordo has a legit shot
not a big one
but a legit one
i hope she gets it, sure shes had bad moments but out of all 3 shes the least likely person I would stab in the neck
Wow, the producers must be putting out subliminal “stab people in the neck” messages. No wonder Kevin wears scarves.
I would stab her with my love stick
Natalie is such an idiot.
What 18 year old has to be at work at 5am…
doesn’t she work at blockbuster? who rents movies at 5am?
She lies. She is having an “Oh pity me moment”.
Maybe she has to get up that early so she has time to shower…oh wait…she doesnt shower.
Gnat and Kevin need to stop complaining about America liking Jeff and Jordan and stop a minute to think WHY America likes Jeff and Jordan so much. Compared to Kevin and Gnat, Jeff and Jordan were and are so much more decent in their dealing with others and how they played the game. I was so turned off by both Gnat and Kevin when I heard them being so spiteful and mean about the others and watched how they put everyone down, lying and calling names, taking real pleasure in the downfall of others. The reason I think America likes Jeff and Jordan so well is because of how they acted. Maybe Kevin and Gnat should have been more decent and then they would have been liked as well.
Gnat was hideous. No excuse for her. Kevin was definately snide (humorous and enjoyable) and sneaky and untrustworthy at times. No worse than anyone else including Jeff and Jordan. Did you miss a few episodes? J/J were mean spirited once they had power. Anyway, I think Kevin and Gnat are not necessarily complaining that America likes J/J but that they think J/J were edited by BB to be the likable good guys.
Anonymous, I agree with you. They were complaining about how the show on CBS had been edited to show J/J as the good guys. They may have a point. Unless you have BBAD or the Live Feed you don’t get the right outlook on these guys.
I think they edited the show to make a lot of people look better, or at least the editing that they did made a lot of people look better. I’m not convinced that they intentionally set out to present clear heroes and villains. Chima wasn’t made to look as bad as she was. From what I remember, they cut a lot of her more vicious comments out, as well as the glass of water assault on Russell and a few things prior her dismissal. Jessie got a clean edit, too. I imagine the CBS show viewers thought Lydia really was crazy when she claimed he was abuse toward her, as they didn’t really see any of the action, just the complaints. I think they dodged Lydia’s Lewinsky moment entirely. Ronnie got a few beneficial cuts, too. I think they all probably did. Jeff and Jordan, together, were a cute couple. People like cute. People like couples. I don’t think they needed any help from an editor to make them popular.
I totally agree with Anon. From what was stated he didn’t miss any episodes and most likely watched live feeds. J/J were nowhere NEAR as vicious and malicious as Natalie. Kevin was always with Natalie and never tried to talk her out of doing the horrible things she did. Both Kevin and Nasty happily talked about how they could mentally break Michelle. J/J didn’t come close to playing as dirty as K/N did. I am SO happy Jordan did so well today. Karma is a Bit** and Nasty is going to get hers. Kev and Jor F2!! I HOPE Jordan wins but as long as Nat doesn’t get shit all is good.
before natalie i loved kevin. remember when he went off on ronnie? that was great. we only started not liking him since hes been aligned with natalie.
plus, the reason i dont like natalie is not at all because of jesse. it is completely natalie. everything about her makes me and millions of americans sick.
what episodes were you watching?! Jeff and jordan got edited as nice because they were nice. Kevin acted just as bad as nat he just had some funny moments and she just had discusting moments.
But Jeff and Jordan did not steal other peoples stuff. They did not hide things, rig things to spray people, they didn’t lie about being 18 (which Nat had to lie about all kinds of stuff to keep from getting caught). When Jeff put Russell up, he went out side and said “do you want to talk about this”. Did you see Kevin doing that to Jeff….. NO! Jeff might have gotten overly wordy during that week that he reigned, but he never got in anyones face and called them names like Russell and Natalie did. An example was when the 1st HOH was being played out Natalie was harrassing Jordan, Jordan just shrugged it off, instead of attacking her back.
And the only time Jordan got in anyone’s face was with Russell after he attacked her.
She attacked him (physically). He just referred to her as fat.
Anon, you’re stupid and blind if you can’t see that the show was edited in Jeff/Jordan’s favor. Are you really that bull-headed that you can’t acknowledge plain facts? They made a point of stating several times that Kevin broke his promise to Jeff, but they didn’t show the vow that Jeff demanded everyone make, nor did they draw attention to Jeff’s breaking that vow the very next day. So, who looks like a good guy? Jeff, even though the way he handled it was worse than Kevin (Jeff backstabbed his own alliance, Kevin backstabbed someone dumb enough to buy into the enemy’s trickery). That is just ONE example. People that have the feeds are just a small portion of the total number of viewers that only watch CBS. So, people like Jeff/Jordan because of the edited version CBS feeds them. If viewers saw the J/J power trip, cruelty they displayed toward other houseguests, and how they belittled and demeaned people for no reason, there would be a lot less people who blindly like J/J. Kevin is right, but you just won’t face facts.
Ok what…..seriously..what show were YOU watching? If you watched the live feeds and the BBAD you definitely saw every angle of everyone. J/J did not belittle, demean or display cruelty to the other houseguests. The only ones that really seemed to do that were Russell, Chima and Natalie. Kevin jumped in there toward the end when all his “peeps” were gone but he was pretty decent up until then. Their claim was that it was strategic to do this. Jeff may have gottne in a few of their faces but only when provoked. Jordan did none of that. she was nice to every last one of them even when they were making fun of her or downright being mean.
You are so wrong. J/J did in fact do all those things. They talked about EVERYONE non stop behind their backs. Their worst treatment was of Michele, who they made fun for various reasons, the worst was because of her night terrors – something she couldn’t possibly control. You obviously are looking through rose tinted glasses if you somehow didn’t see all the mean and cruel things J/J did and said. Come on, I was a fan of theirs until they got into power and showed their true colors. There is no denying what they did.
Thank you, “What?”.
Well said!
I was saying well said to Anon.
Go Jordon
Well, Jeff and Jordan were kind of jerks when they were HOH. More acceptable jerks, maybe. The kind of jerks that talk shit about you all day behind your back but shake your hand and smile when you’re around. Not as obvious as the “I’m going to take a dump in that piece of crap’s pillowcase.” or the “I’m going to stab you in the neck!” kind of jerks. Oh, wait… I think Jeff is that latter kind. But Jordan just wished she had a gun and wanted people to call Russell “faggot” behind Russell’s back, not to his face. A “nice jerk,” if you will.
kevin says jeff played jordan. he didnt . he truly liked her, she is the one not sure about him. then kevin says hewas campainging to throw jordan out and for him stay. jordan wanted him to do that and they both know jeff is a better player. plus, it is a game.
its like in kevins eyes jeff is damed if he does and damed if he doesnt.
Character matters … Kevin has gotten a great edit on the tv show he has nothing to complain about but he will … they can’t blame themselves so they’ll blame America and Michele … they SUCK.
I’m OK with Kevin and Jordan in Final 2. As long as Gnat doesn’t get sh*t, I’m totally OK with either person winning. Glad to see Jordan pull out a victory tonight – and glad that it was a skill-type game. I feel good for her! But its too bad that we have to listen to Gnat for 5 more days! We all know she isn’t going to shut up the entire time. Soooo tired of Gnat. Boy, is she going to be surprised to find out that not only does America pretty much hate her, but so do the jury house members! Go Kev & Jordo!
I hope the jury house does not give away that they don’t like Nat when the jury house ask the final 3 question about there game play. Because then Kevin will not take Jordan. Go Jordan.
Jury questioning will take place once the final two have been selected.
Retraction: apparently I’m wrong, seems they’re going off format this year.
I don’t think the jury will be asking any questions until after the final member of the jury is decided. Or am I mistaken?
Nope, you are right!
the jury house ONLY asks the final 2 houseguests questions. THE ODD MAN OUT IS JUST OUT OF THE GAME AT THAT POINT……….but it looks like nat will have to stay in the house until it is time to vote……..am i right or does someone else have a different thought? i hope they dont allow nat to sit with the jurors and ask questions cuz she will screw kevin…oh well, i want jordan to win anyway.
According to what Julie Chen said, the jury will ask their questions after the final HOH competition and after the last person has been eliminated.
I thought that the HOH winner on tuesday will pick who is staying and then the evicted player will move to the jury; then all six jury members will ask the final two questions.
Go Jordo!!! You are hot!!!
Jordan has played the smartest game.
When Jeff was HOH, she is what persuaded him into getting Russell out. As a result of getting Jeff to act upon her “gut feeling” against Russel, she ultimately manipulated the other house guests to successfully evict both Jeff and Michelle. If she didn’t use Kev/Nat’s lie to push Jeff into soiling his own hands by backdooring Russell, than she would not have made it near the final two. And if she did make it this far with one of them still in the game, she would not have been able to beat Russ, Jeff, or maybe even Michelle here so close to the end. This was the only way for her to make it this far and I am so proud of her!
Phenomenal job, Jord-o, you mastermind, you.
And Jordan has been doing it from week-1. She schemed well the first week, pulling strings and getting many people to vote in favor or keeping Braden. If it weren’t for his dumb ass racist comments and whatnot, Jordan would have successfully saved his ass.
She then played the dummy card (whether it was genuine or not) after Ronnie became head of household, then screwing himself over, showing clearly that scheming only puts the target on yourself.
I believe everything she did was done to advance herself in the game. The only time she lost sight of the end was when she saw Jeff hurting before he knew it was the end of his game. Her friendship with Jeff skewed her a little bit, but over all, Jordan has always had her eyes on the prize and her head in the game.
She doesn’t cease to impress me with how well she has played everybody.
hey I love jordan to death and have been cheering for her all along but I think she got where she is on pure luck.
one thing that is FOR SURE about jordan is that she kinda fell into the final 3. you have to admit that she really did not scheme so much..all she did was get lucky…throughout the game there was always bigger targets and thats how you ant to play( no targets on your back). i dont think she had a clue on how to play and she sure didnt have a game plan but i do love her and hope she wins but people have to stop posting that jordan was somehow a genius gamer. she pulled out a win when she needed it the most and we’re all proud of her..i know i was……..but genius? no..sweet? yes!!!! winner? let’s hope.
Wouldn’t it be completely awesome if when she address the jury she has no southern accent and just made it up to make people think she was stupid. Unfortunately, her diary room sessions would argue against this, but it would still be awesome!
WTF???? Have any of you visited the CBS website to “cast a vote”? Is BB going to use it for or against us? I won’t bother to vote true if they decide to keep Nasty Tampon just for ratings.
Natalie’s just a voting option because she’s not completely out of it. There is a scenario (two, actually) where she could be in the Final Two. I’m assuming that’s why she’s up there, rather than any sort of sign or symbolism she’s a CBS stooge.
I don’t trust CBS… the only reason they listened to us this season about Chia pet was strictly for liability and post production law suits. Otherwise – won’t they pick the worst player for ratings?
From the sounds of the conversations tonight on BBAD, Production was pushing to keep Jeff and Jordon.
Again, I don’t think CBS is arranging for Natalie to win for ratings, if that’s what you are impying. She’ll be there to the end week anyhow, who cares if she actually wins? Secondly, the show’s already been greenlit for another season, so the producers probably feel safe without having to resort to end of the season stunts. Even in the case of the producers trying to influence Jeff and others to keep Russell, potentially for the drama he brings with him, they didn’t interfere to stop it from happening. I’d think if they were truly worried about ratings, they would have used a twist to prevent his eviction. Finally, they got rid of Jeff, Big Brother America’s sweetheart. Did you read all of the “I’m never watching this show again now that Jeff’s gone!” comments on the blog? Surely they would have stopped that from happening, as well.
glad to see you liked that pic of ronnie.
it was awesome thanks!
yo this is some funny stuff haha!!! the best case scenario for america is if natalie never reaches the final 2 and jordan wins the 500k. it’s so ironic that kevin and jordan want to get natalie out of the house yet it would be the best for them if she keep her because the whole jury seems to not like her at all haha. damn i didnt think this would happen but hey how would the houseguests know the jury wud turn against nat.
I hope Jordan wins final comp and takes Kevin; although Kevin may win the 500. I don’t want Natalie to win anything. If she takes Natalie, I know Jordan will win, but Nat gets 50 grand. How sad that would be. If Kevin wins final comp and takes Jordan, that would piss Nat off and Jordan will win it. If Kevin wins, I really don’t believe he will take Jordan with him, especially after he finds out they jury house hates Nat. They better play it like she will win the prize and Hopefully Kevin will take Jordan.. I want Jordan to win. Michelle for the 25….
I would love for the F2 to be Kev/Jor…………….but Kev is a sneaky little thing……….I’m not convinced he will take Jor…………….but PLEASE don’t let Nasty win ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where can one find out the ratings for BB from each show?
http://tvbythenumbers.com is a good place to find ratings. I usually just google “Big Brother 11 ratings”, though. (simon, feel free to delete the link if it isn’t cool)
Here’s the thing.. If Jordan is in the final 2 she can very likely win the game.. Jeff, Michele, and America are 3 votes she had there.. If she’s against Natalie, Russell and Lydia would probably vote for her.. However the problem is if she’s against Kevin.. If she wins part 3 and takes out Natalie then my guess is she won’t get that 4th vote.. However if Kevin wins part 3 and takes out Natalie then of course Jordan gets the 4th vote in Natalie.. I really hope either Kevin wins and takes out Natalie, or Jordan wins and takes out Kevin.. I hope during the next 5 days Kevin doesn’t realize he would make a mistake in taking Jordan.. I think if he sits down and thinks about it won’t be hard to come to that conclusion, which sucks.. Jordan has 3 votes for her no matter what, in 2 scenarios she gets that 4th vote, in 1 she might not.. If it’s up to her let’s hope Jordo comes through..
That’s how I see it too. Jord/Nat is a (virtually) easy win for Jordo. Kev/Jord could be a toss up. Jeff and Michelle vote for Jord, as does America. Lydia will vote for Kev (most likely), and even though Kev voted to get rid of Russel, I think Jesse and Russel will vote for Kev as they will feel he’s played the better game (again, a toss up on who has between Kev/Jord depending on your argument of “better”)
Kev/Jord I *think* would be most people’s pick for final 2 as then Gnat gets *nothing* (as it should be), however, like ED said, you gotta keep your eyes on the $500k, and I think Jordo’s best shot is against Gnat, even though that gives Gnat a chance to squeak by somehow. Fantasy ending? What would be huge for CBS I think, would be Jord/Kev and Jord winning 4/3.
I think you’re right on. Either Kevin has to take out Natalie or Jordan has to keep Natalie. That’s Jordan’s best chance.
I think Jordan will win also. In my opinion, the reason why Jeff and Jordan are soo loved by America is because they protray the ideal Americans. Good-looking WHITE people. Thats all there is to it. I know it sounds ignorant but hear me out. If they were a black, asian, latino couple who played the game exactly the same way Jeff and Jordan played it, they wouldnt get the same reaction. The majority of the people wouldnt even care about them. You know they edited the shit out of BIG BROTHER to make some people look better then they are and some people worse. Its all for ratings. I mean, they try and make Jordan look so innocent and honest. Remember when she flashed cameras? Talked shit about other houseguests behind there backs? Jeff does the same shit. There just like everyone else. Im not hating, its just reality. Ill be happy if Jordan wins. This is America!
Not everything is about race! If Jordan and Jeff were of a different race but acted the same way (or were edited the same way) as we’ve seen them all season, I’d still like them and I think others would too. It’s about what kind of people they’ve been (or have been edited to be) on the show. That’s it.
I think had Russell and Jordan hooked up they would be seen as an American Couple. We would of rooted for them too. If Russell acted towards Jordan the way Jeff did. It’s no longer about race or gender. It’s about can you identify with the way these people are acting. Plus, our economy has seen such liars and ponzi schemes that it’s affected everyone. Why would America hand over 500 k to a lying, scheming, gloating young woman…who takes satisfaction in hurting others? Kevin, I can see where he was lead astray by Natalie on the other hand I remember how he didn’t use the veto on lydia….There is not too much of redeeming qualities in those two. And at the last minute they are trying to trick America into voting for them. GO JORDAN!
I think Truth speaks the truth and Anon you should take your head out of your a**!!!
Hey Anon, when I am done posting this message I am going to come and kill your family and then slit your throat.
HAHA it’s all a funny joke! Get it?
Wow Jeff is a nice guy.
I agree. Are Big Brother viewers racist? It seems to come up again and again that they are. I personally don’t know, but if this blog is any indication, I would bet against it. And if only white racists are watching the show, why don’t non-racist whites and other races watch the show? It’s a broad mix of cultures. Logic says that it should attract an equally broad audience.
I totally agree. It was their actions – not their race. They were just cute to watch how they interacted with each other. Any “color” couple would have been just as cute.
I agree. Let’s not make this about race. Only a racist would do that.
If anyone is playing the race card, it is Kevin. He doesn’t say a word about race when he is on top of things, but let him or Nasty lose a comp, and it’s all because BB is gearing it toward the white, straight couple.
You are right. So much evidence of that is right here on this board. People are calling out the people of color on every single thing they do. Yet, when the white couple exhibits the same behavior, people on this board defend it or deny it. It has happened week after week.
I will admit that there is always bias. People tend to identify with people that reflect themselves. African Americans might be more willing to cheer on someone that has their skin color, the same way that a Christian might be more willing to root for another Christian, women for other women, Republicans for Republicans, the working class for the working class, or neighbors for fellow neighbors. However, those tend to be temporary attractors. People also judge people on their actions, their behavior and their opinions (and, in this case, gameplay). These tend to be what results in the lasting impression of people, the “content of their character.” At least, I had always thought so. I think we’ve all known these people long enough to judge them, not on their cultural niche, but as people. Case in point: Ronnie, a white-skinned, intelligent, video-game-playing, super Big Brother fan. Bias would say that most people with those like attributes should have loved Ronnie, but none of us did for very long, if at all. He’s known as creepy Ronnie the Rat, liar and Nazi sympathizer –not based on race, but his actions. How many real friends did he have in the House? How many of them were white? What do you think his odds are of winning the $25,000?
Okay are taking some non sense. You had a black woman with a bad weave all-up-on this show and she showed her ass! Don’t give me this race BS
So Chima, how is life outside of the house?
I think people liked them because there was a certain innocence and sweetness between them. I don’t think it has anything to do with race.
Truth you need to take your head out your ass……………….
“You know they edited the shit out of BIG BROTHER to make some people look better then they are and some people worse.”
I hate it when people on these sites say this. If you are here you follow this much more closely then just what big brother “edits” and know that most of the people in the house are exactly as protrayed in these “edits.” They make take extreme moments to get the point across in the 3 hours a week the rest of America see’s, but the “edits” are showing the dynamic in the house in a factual way.
i totally agree!!! i think they edit in a medium type way. they didnt show alot of the cruel things with nat and kev but they did show enough to make their point. the same with jeff and jordan. they did show times where they werent so nice and kind….they have 100’s of hours of video that they have to condense down to less than an hour so they cant show everything. i think if they did show the 24/7 live feed then people would hate nat and kevin(especially nat) a heck of alot more than we already do. on tv she comes off as a bitch but not an evil disgusting nasty bitch. cbs watchers have no idea about nat’s gross habits……….i think they were kind to edit her the way they did…and kevin is edited in a way that makes him sound like he is so funny, he cracks me up all the time, jeff and jordan have bad moments but are basically nice……………..
I agree Anon. Nothing to do with race. So closed minded to think that way. If Jeff was for example (a Mario Lopez looking guy or a Taye Diggs looking guy) he would have done just as good. He’s good looking and Jordan is cute. Simple as that. Nothing complicated.
Truth said it!
Just stuff me….America….just stuff me….vote for Jordan! Are there any other options? No! If Kevin wins 3rd HOH and takes Snatchalie, well, all I can say is Jordan will get the fanfare and big bucks outside of big brother house. If Kevin wins 3rd HOH and takes Jordan, Jordo wins 500K, and Kevin wins 50K and big bucks outside of big brother house for dumping Pig Pen. If Jordan wins HOH and takes Snatchalie, Jordan wins 500K, but gets less moolah outside for partnering with Snatchalie. If Jordan wins 3rd HOH and takes Kevin, Jordan wins 500K, Kevin wins 50k, Snatchalie wins nothing, as she should, and both Jordo and Kev have big time moolah waiting for them in entertainmentville. Jordan will have enough to buy her own ticket to Hawaii with Jeff and not have to have sex with him to pay for it. Also, Jordan will be able to afford schooling and get her boobs reduced, and have enough left over to make sure her and Jeff can get hitched someday and not worry about living in Jeff’s mom and dad’s basement. The only logical vote is for Jordo, the only person in the game who did not let the big pressure of big brother change her personality, she is still the same person now as she was before she came into the house. You can’t say that about any of the other players. Vote Jordan for Queen of Big Brother 11!
Its good to see someone finally acknowledge the fact that Jordan’s personality is the same as when she came in the house. I said that all along. All those hours of her and Jeff sitting around trashing every other person in the house and saying the most vicious, vile things about them for no reason. She’s so fake, promoting herself as a “nice person” .. ha. She’s only nice when it suits her to be nice. Everyone was making excuses for her saying well if you were in that house 24/7 you’d do things against your character too. Nope. During those 2-3 weeks when they had the power, it was evident exactly who she is. She’s an uncouth, trampy, user who backbites everyone. Nothing but white trash.
You guys are mad at big brother for not treating this show as a game yet you want someone who has hardly won but 1 competition herself a winner? I am sorry but kevin deserves the 500,000 even past winners and others have said it Danielle, DICK, JANELLE, and even WILL. so I am sorry but I hope it doesn’t even come to americas vote as you guys will make it fixed.
CORRECTION, Jordan won 2 competitions an Jeff gave her one. Life lesson: Nice people win when it counts and NASTY is just nasty!
go jordo go i really dont care who iwns the next head of house hold as long as PigPen doesnt get picked …. I wanna see the look come across her face when she realizes she got screwed over just like she has screwed the rest of the house guests
Kevin understood that America is the 7th vote. So he is trying hard to be nice, even nice to Michelle. I think Kevin is the smartest player but showed his bulliest side with Natalie and now he is realized that it may have cost him the game…..
I am glad that Jordon won the second comp. I hope her and Kevin goes to the final two.
I voted for Kevin in two of the scenarios and Jordan in one. I hope they do take each other. The jury may begin to favor Nat again after they realize she did win a head of household. I think most of the jurors will vote for game play except for Jeff. He at one time was my favorite player but his treatment of Michelle at various times (badly) changed that to a great degree. I hope he won’t be spiteful in his vote if it is between Nat and Kevin. Go Kevin and if not Kevin , Jordan.
This is so funny Simon…76 responses and not one negitive thing written about Jordan,wheres all Nasty’s fans at..off crying?
What a bunch of crybabies and idiots. Interesting how all the prior contestants can acknowledge that Nat played the best game (every one of them said so), but most of you are so blinded by your emotions that you can’t process the fact that she DID play a good game. I don’t like her and didn’t want her to win, but at least I’m aware that 2 + 2 = 4. J/J had the game 4 vs 3. They voted out the weakest player, becomes 4 vs 2. Even against those great odds, they screwed that up and caused the good players to be sent packing. Now, its N/K who are still there even though the odds were against them (2 vs 4). And all of you are still humping Jordan’s leg. She doesn’t deserve to win because she’s the biggest reason N/K are in the house. Not only that, she never once made a strategic move, which this game is about. Unfortunately, she will win at least the $50k. But, hopefully, the people in the jury house who actually PLAYED the game will not vote for her because she didn’t do jack.
they NEVER said she played the best game. they said it was one of the best moves.
this shows that she is not a good player (sucks at comps) but a good liar.
Kevin should win the game hands down. He did all the dirty work got Jeff to believe the most stupidest lie I’d ever heard. (I don’t care what Jeff says his biggest mistake was putting up Russel) Then evicted Jeff. Let?s not forget Jeff and Jordough where pretty nasty to Michele and Russel (who were in their own alliance). Kevin never made anyone cry that was really disgusting and made me and many others turn on J & J. Kevin was the only one that called out Natalie on her lie B**ch you lying. And at least Kevin was funny and entertaining. I don’t care what anyone says Kevin deserves to win no matter who he is up against. I’m ashamed to say it but I agree with what Evil Dick said on tonight show.
Go Kevin
Jordan sucks and is worthless. She has done nothing all game but ride of Jeffe coatails
I am still amazed that Natalie tapped out of Pt 1? 500k on the line and your trying to get a deal where your the one giving up? Why? She was overplaying, instead of grabbing the money with her own abilities she was trying to negoiate her way into F2. She just knew she wouldn’t lose to Jordan. LOL.
Darn! that conversation got good until Natalie walked in. Got doo? I’m starting to sound like Jeff: got got lol wow you could tell how stressed out he was when he left and now in the jury house. You know you want to knw what’ sgoin oninthat jury house right now. 24/7 feed on jury house next season CBS! and on Showtime 2. Michelle should have been in 3rd, not Natty hair Natalie. Her whining to Julie Chen was so patheitc like soar loser you won just congrad Jordan say a competitive one liner and that’s it. the show would have been more of a “must see” if it was Jordon, Kevin and Michelle left. and Jordon picking which side to go on. And I wonder if Kevin is going to be called out on finale for not keeping his word byt hte jury house. Not like it matters but you just know Natalie is going to go ape-s**t and convince jury to go against Kevin. Finale is going to be great.
Ya here are the scenario’s I’ve processed so far as I see it….
Jordo & Kevin (if Jordo chooses Kevin): KEVIN WINS !! Kevin gets (Lydia,Jessie,Russell,Brat)
Kevin & Jordo (if Kevin chooses Jordo): JORDON WINS !! Jordo gets (Jeff,Michelle,America,Brat)
Jordo & Brat (if Jordo takes Brat): JORDON WINS !! Jordo gets(Jeff,Michelle,America,Lydia,Russ ?)
Kevin & Brat (if Kev chooses Brat): KEVIN WINS !! Kev gets (Lydia,Russell,Michelle,America, more ?)
I honestly will FREAK OUT if Brat wins ANYTHING !! That chick is so hideous !! She is so much dumber than she thinks she is, she is a complete bullshitting loser that actually thinks she’s smart. She’s gross, has no manners, no style, pretty much I dislike everything about here !! She’s pretty much everything I dislike in a person….YUK
I’d like to Jordo get it, even though she’s dumber than a post and really rode coattails all the way, but she seems to need it the most, nut if Kev wins and Jordo comes second, I wouldn’t be too upset either…Kev played a good game all summer.
I hope Jordan wins the 500k, and then she gives half of the money to Jeff. It will be a perfect drama. Maybe production can afford making that film, haha. (dealing with her money problems.)
Final votes I predict and you predict too replying to my message lol
Lydia – Kevin
Jeff- Jordon
Jessie – Kevin ( Natalie if she stays lol)
Russell – Kevin
Michelle – Jordon
America – Jordon (It’s up to us! we’re the tie breaker! that’s why CBS is letting us vote too because they knwo it would tie up like this
This is season is full of tying! and I’m not talking about Lydia & Jessie’s hookups!
I just want to see Pig Pen’s reaction when she finds out America’s been calling her “Pig Pen”!! Let’s not forget the unfortunate toilet incident that will forever be burned into my head!
Put a picture of a (weightligting) dumbbell over Russelle’s face – for obvious reason and change Kevin’s to Peppermint Patty from the Peanut’s comic strip.
Michelle (who I liked) should have a picture of Sybil (as played by Sally Fields), Chima = a picture of the character “Amber” from the orignal Hairspray movie from 1988, and finally Lydia = a picture of the character “Alex” from Fatal Attraction as played by Glenn Close.
I forgot – Braden should be changed to Spiccoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High,
Natalie to a picture of Dick Cheney
Jeff = John Travolta as Danny Zucco from the movie Grease, and
Jordan = Olivia Newton John’s Sandy from the movie Grease
Yes, this is only my second season of watching BB, and NOT in order! I watched the very first season, and then for reasons beyond my control, have not seen it since. Only an illness got me watching again this time around. For what it’s worth, I’d like to put in my two cents on the offhand chance that someday the principles involved might actually read this. Since the very first episode, there’s been something about Natalie. Can’t quite put my finger on it exactly, but she gave me the dry heaves then, and has gone downhill rapidly ever since. She’s just one of those people I could not possibly ever like, and the show editor seems to be trying to show her as thinking that SHE is so very likeable, in HER opinion. And here’s a tidbit just for her: Honey, you’re not nearly as good looking or as smart as you think you are! And if your so-called fiance actually marries your ass, I hope you know how lucky you are that SOMEBODY will actually have you! Personally, I wouldn’t claim you. You turn my stomach!! AND your game play is anything but fair and honest! I would give Chima the money (gag) before I’d give it to Natalie!
Then there’s Kevin. Although I have nothing against his sexuality, I could never find myself able to like him or to trust him! (Let me clarify that by saying that IF Jeff were a gay man, I would NOT feel the same about him as I do about Kevin.) I had a lot of trouble actually considering him part of the game……he was more like BB house furniture! What a boring little man!! As for things he’s done or said, and I’m not talking about big things or even strategy for the game, if this guy told me the sky was blue outside, I’d have to go out and check for myself. It’s sort of like he just reeks of dishonesty. From the very beginning, he has seemed almost more dishonest than Ronnie. At least Ronnie was honest about his dishonesty! Maybe it’s his DR conversations, or the looks he gives the cameras when he thinks nobody is looking, but I cannot make myself like or trust this guy. THEN the two of them together jumping up and down and patting each other on the back for their great planning, scheming and lying, Good God, give me a break! Shame THEY couldn’t marry. They would be perfect for each other!
And then Jordan. Way back even before she told Jeff she didnt understand quarters of an hour (DUH!), I thought she was playing the “stupid hillbilly blond”. I don’t think she’s nearly as dumb as BB portrays her to be. While I don’t think she’s the brightest crayon in the box, I think this is part of her strategy. And if I’m right, it’s worked! There have been several times where she has come across (if you were watching carefully) as having some ability to think this thing through. Granted, the recent HOH Round One was NOT one of those times. Although I’m sure it was upsetting to her when Jeff left, she sure has bounced back nicely, dontchathink? But even if I’m wrong about Jordan, I cannot possibly grasp the idea of either Kevin or Natalie winning this thing. To me there is just something really, really wrong with that. Yes, I understand the game, the rules, and what you are expected to possibly do in order to win it. But Kevin and Natalie are just so incredibly unlikeable in general, I wouldn’t give either of them the time of day, much less a half a million.
TO THE PERSON ABOVE NAMED “TRUTH”: In my opinion you are way off base. If Jeff played the game as he did but was a black, asian mix with a hair lip, I’d still like him. And if Jordan played the same but was a lesbian albino, she’d still get my vote. It’s not a racial thing, nor does it have to do with ethnic background, sexual preference, or even disabilities (like Natalie’s inability to think among her other inabilities!). It’s about decent people trying to play a fair (or reasonably fair) game in a very dishonest house. PERIOD.
Finally, I do understand that I don’t have to like the person who wins this game. But if I’m in the jury house knowing what they know, and watching whatever (edited or unedited) video that comes my way each week, I cannot see any of those people voting for either Natalie or Kevin, although I’m sure some are stupid enough to do so. I also agree with the people who say that Jordan hasn’t won a lot of the competitions, although I disagree that she has skirted by on the backs of others, namely Jeff. Jeff was only able to carry her so far. She carried herself quite a ways. By my count she was was either nominated for elimination or the replacement nominee after veto FOUR times. Yet she’s still in there.
Bottom line: If the “yuk” factor counts for anything, Jordan wins this one by a landslide.
Thanks for reading!
Go. Jordan! Jordan pulled one out when it was necessary. I disagree with some of the postings here. Just because they all might hate her for various reasons does not mean that
she will not get votes for the type of gameplay she did. On that note, however, I do hope that it is Kevin and Jordan in the final two.
Poor Evil Dick looked like hell….He didn’t spend that cash on his teeth!!!
Too bad it wasn’t a Tae Kwon Do competition…….it would’ve been fun seeing Jordough kick Gnat’s ass and then afterwards watching Gnat’s head explode while trying to think of an excuse for why she lost……….
I was hoping to hear something about his daughter Danielle. Wonder is they have been able to build a new relationship??
Does anyone wonder if Kevin saying he is taking Jordan to the final two is a way to trick Americas voters into voting for him instead of Natalie?
Kevin vs. Natalie
*Natalies votes:
*Kevin’s votes:
Kevin vs. Jordan
*Jordan’s votes:
*Kevin’s votes:
He probalby knows he can’t win against either. (but we know he will win against Natalie).
Can’t wait to see what happens!
That makes no sense. The way your scenario runs down you have Kevin losing either way.
I believe the poster has the votes set up according to Kevin’s thoughts…not reality.
I loved that Jordan won last night and all that NataLIE did was make excuses of her performance. What an idiot. I really hope if Kevin wins he does take Jordan to the final 2, or if Jordan wins HOH she isn’t convinced to take Natalie. They have no idea what the jury house thinks of Natalie, and even though they say they are angry with her, that may change come voting time. Right now though, Jordan and Kevin believe Nat is the favourite with the jury and rightfully so. Kevin and Nat should stick with eachother. I would rather see Jordan win, but I don’t mind Kevin, so if he won, I’m ok with it. I would like Jordan to win though. The girl really does have issues at home and the money would help out her family – get her her own room in a house and take some burden off off her mom. It sounds like they’ve had a rough few years.
It bothers me that they were given enough info during the celebratory dinner for Kevin to start figuring out that Jordan was loved by America. Before the dinner he said that Nasty would get America’s vote because they would want her to have the money for her wedding and school, totally clueless that she’s hated, hence a reason not to take Nasty to final 2. Knowing Jordan is a favorite could change that.
Hey does anyone thing that Gnat threw that comp. too, because she is SO sure that Jordon and Kev are gonna take her to the finals and she will once again have no blood on her hands, earning her, who ever is voted out, their vote? Can’t wait to see her face when she’s sent packing.
The JH seem to be against Nastylie but we cant forget that all that must of been edited also. So far Kevin is playing both sides as well as Nastylie, hope she dont get nothing she dont deserve it!
i thought she strutted off the game field thinking she had done a damn fine job compared to what she expected Jordan would do. Looks good on you sweet cheeks!
I think they Kevin and Pigpen were playing up how wonderful they were because they knew America was still voting for the 7th vote. Pigpen knows she is real trouble = when she is worried she talks a mile a minute and she did not shut up last night . i could only bear 45 minutes before the sound of the that voice got to be too much and I had to turn it off. But kevin is looking at her like she is some kind of insect and I am positive he and jordan have a final two deal – they both mistakenly think the jury house is geared towards Pigpen. Pigpen is up Kevins ass big time – I feel for him – that filthy bitch is going to be working him for the next four days which will only make him angrier – can’t wait to see her evicted on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone on this site audition for the 12th season. You know you want to? What would you do if you were in the Big Brither house?
Natalie is going to go on a “I hate Kevin” rampage and try to convince the jury to vote against him for “not keeping his word” Who on Big Brother history for a fac has kept their word? plus would have loved if producers fixed it for Michelle to be in the final 3, not Natty Lee. Would would Jordon have chosen Michelle or Kevin, or Kevin and Michelle fights, far better than Natalie’s banter. She’s lucky she got this far, Julie Chen cut her off on last ngiths episode at teh end loves it lol
Sad to see this season go but it will forever bring “technotronic” memories to me. Make babues Jeff and Jordon lol
Ok we as Big Brother fans have to not only audition for next season lol but vote at cbs.com for our America’s vote. We MIGHT JUST have the tie breaker vote
Lydia – Kevin
Russell – Kevin
Jeff – Kevin
Jeff – Jordon
Michelle – Jordon
America – ???????
We hold the power now vote.
kevin has this game in the bag it doesn’t matter who he takes he will win
read in someones post that they hoped kevin wouldn’t pick up on how the jury house feels about natalie when they question them because then he would take her to final two…so will they do that live on Sunday…or live on Tuesday? I didn’t know Sunday was going to be a real show…only recaps and unseen footage. I don’t get how he could be tipped off on the jurys feelings before he decided who to take with him…if the decision is his.
they only question the final 2.
Did I miss something? How did they find out that Jeff & Jordan are so well liked? They should not know this, it can change the game…
Way too often the people in the jury house become whisy washy, and pigpen might actually end up getting more votes than you think. So I’m hoping neither Jordon or Kevin end up taking her to the final two. She’s just a nasty person and I don’t want to see her win a dime!
The ultimate game move will be if the JH can “get” Kevin by making him think they like Nasty so he will choose Jordan, and then vote for Jordan to win – they will have the last laugh! (and Nasty will still be left with 0.00). I really do hope Kevin wins final HOH and chooses Jordan so Nasty knows Kevin got her royally – if Jordo wins and chooses Kevin, Nasty may not realize Kevin’s plan and still vote for him for the win. I guess if Jordo wins HOH, maybe that will make the JH think maybe she really does deserve to win the 500K.
Hey Rose~ how does Jordo’s victory taste 2 U? hahah!
no one is even considering that Jordan MAY win stage 3…hey it could happen…if it isnt endurance it could def happen! I would be ok with her or Kevin winning…I love an underdog…but either way as long as nataLIE doesnt go final 2 it will be a good day…I dont trust Kevin to take Jordan tho…and I honestly think she would take nataLIE…Jordan is snowed by her….gullable… cant wait to see…
My reply is to truth says….you see with that attitude is what brings up racism in the world…no one said anything of the sort. I personally like J&J because of the people that they are, whether they are white or together as a couple or not. I would have felt the same way no matter what race they were if they acted as they did on the show…stop the racism comments it only makes America a bad place, when we have so many good people, we should all embrace each other and make it a better place,,and yes I am white with a all white family, but it dosen’t change my feellings…
It is really hard to judge how the jury would vote at this point, we are only seeing 5 min. of responses, and not getting the total picture of what they really think about the 3 left. I still think it’s anyone’s game right now, who knows if kevin will actually grow the balls to boot gnat. Jordon’s chances of winning the final HOH over Kevin are very low…but hey, anything can happen, right?
Correct – CBS can edit these clips and massage the impression that America gets as a result. I think they have been very positive for Jordan as a person, somewhat positive for Kevin as a player and just let Natalie be Natalie. Vote wisely America!
If nat goes to the final 2 she has pretty much chances of winning, coz though jury house talks of her lie, she would still be taken a hero for not winning anything but mking for the final two, all her negative things woulde be taken as positive, like the jury house always does !so better she is not in final two, i don’t want her to win even 50k, just want her to be in jury housr and see her reaction, she would Shout and shout, she can’t be decent to behave well on this, !i wish i wish she is shown the door next tuesday ,this would be the only good thing of this season for me !! never mind if kev or jordon win 500k !
wouldn’t it be nice for once to see Jordan america’s favorite win?
do you think when nat walks out of the bb house that the audience is going to BOO her? i hope so……………and even though no one in the jury house likes nat right now, it doesnt mean that after she is asks questions from them that she will not convince people to like her again…….so there is now way that nat should be in the final 2 cuz she is persuasive and will be able to get the votes from people that we think dont like her..ie; jesse,russ,jeff even lydia..best idea is kevin and jordan.
Why do the HG’s keep mentioning how much America loves Jeff? How do they know?
What was the Ronnie?nazi comment. I missed that.
Poor little Natalie! 24 years old, pretending to be 18, acting like 12, going home with nothing!
I love it!
There’s some here that think the jury will ask questions of all 3- that’s wrong. On Tues the Round 3 of the Final HOH will be held. The HOH winner will then evict live the 6th jury member. That 6th jury member will join the jury and julie in the studio for the questioning of the F2. And vote for the winner. Julie said as much last night.
HELL YES everything is about race, its soo sad really. u tryna tell me if jeff n jordan weren’t white, America would react the same way?wat about last years ollie n april? why didnt u guys loveeeeeeeee dem offf?
racist idiots!
April was a snooty bitch….thats why!
America loved OLLIE, WE ALL disliked APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMERICA loves JEFF “AND” JORDYN!!
Did you see the way Ollie acted at the end . He was needed. April was motherly, just wanted to take take of someone ,plus she was a b tch. I loved Ollie at first .April not so much
And Ollie was a uncle tom. You call Libra a scalywag yet shack up with that chick? April was TRASH, inside and out. She looked like she lived a long life…..and by long life, I mean she looked like she did alot of Meth.
and Ollie count play game for crap
Dan wipped is butt
Soooooooooooo true!!!!
Ollie and April were simply unlikable. Ollie was a little pompous and went back on his word immediately, and April was a horrible, ego-riddled woman who kept assuming America loved her. We didn’t. Ollie on his own wouldn’t have been as bad, but April was just foul. I think it’s ridiculous to assume most or all people didn’t like them because one of them happened to be black.
go Jordon i hope you win the money your the awesome one in the house go Jordon
I think one of the former house guest they had on the show Thursday night made a great point when he said that being secluded and Big Brother in general, makes you do things you would not normally do.
I think Jordan really just floated in the beginning, but won comps when it counted. Funny how Jeff made some bad decisions at the end. I also think Jordon did not give up her character in the game. She may have been attracted to Jeff, maybe fell in love with him, but she never used him with sex or crazy promises. She is really a small town girl it seems, maybe even innocent.
It would be difficult to see her not win or not collect, at the very least, 50k. Especially when you look at Natalie, who should be traumatized by how she was viewed by america, outside the BB house.
I feel Nasty is full of hot air . She knows she is a week playier and can’t win jack.That is why she through the comps… and then JORDAN won the who is who in HOH ????? what the hell. There is no way Nasty was going to last long on the log. That is why she started her bull she . Weak ass little girl. Go back to Taco Bell little dog!!
Has anyone else noticed that Jordan doesn’t sound quite as “dumb” as before? She still has a southern drawl, but not like before and she seems to be dropping the “dumb” act. This girl is smarter than most people thinks. She has played us all. I love it. Go Jordan!
I really don’t think Jordan played us . I think that when Jeff was around . she let Jeff think for her .
I know this is a blog and that grammar and spelling aren’t as important as other times. I’m not going to correct spelling although I wish the occasional punctuation might appear. But PLEASE stop writing “must of”. That phrase makes no sense! “Must’ve” is an abbreviation of the words “must have.” Sorry to be anal retentive; this is just a pet peeve of mine.Thanks for the blogs!
Thank you. I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s kind of like “for all intensive purposes”
Thank you! I’m glad somebody finally pointed that out! Some people need to get Hooked on Phonics.
Nat is a twat-zilla!
That is so nasty to say .
Go Jordon, my Cookie-dough Warrior!!!
there was a time i did not like jordan(when her and jeff talked about other people behind their backs, it was so mean)…but she was never mean to someones face(except ruu when he called her fat..all woman can relate)..but when it’s all said and done,,i like jordan…..you can see she does have a very kind heart..she may not have been blessed with brains but she was blessed with a very good heart..and that comes across on the 24/7 feeds.
Go Kevin, my fudge-packing champion!!!
Aaahhh,, that made me laugh!
I agree this isn’t the first time i have heard Production was talking . they did this to Kavin when he was going to boot Jeff and then again with Michelle.
No matter who i want to win . It’s a game and i would like to think they r letting things ride as a game would be played. Go Jordan lol
You sound a little like Chris Crocker right now….with your plea of LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE (oops, meant Kevin)…you should make a you tube video and maybe your plea will be heard.
i think it is sooooooooooo funny that natalie JUMPED off the log and gave kevin the spot in the first hoh round…that was the biggest mistake she made in the game..she should of stayed on that log until her hands bled. i am so happy she jumped and gave it to kevin. she will have to live with mistake for the rest of her life.. she has been so mean in the house…was’nt chima who said’ karma is a bitch’? i cant remember if it was her or not…………………..i’m sure nat is banging her ehad over and over saying’ why did i jump, why did i jump……?????????? why couldnt i beat jordan with the 2nd hoh comp??????????/ boo hoo…i’m also happy that she cant tell kevin anymore that if he stabs her in the back that she is going to tell ALL HER FRIENDS in the jury house not to vote for him.lol lol lol lol lol
Natalie couldn’t have last that much longer on the log.
Oh no . that is why she started all that crap on the log .
Pigpen’s voice drives me crazy!!! I can’t imagine having living with her and listening to it all the time.
I know…she almost screams in her DR sessions…I have to turn the volume down! Her poor dad, he’s so soft spoken and he has to listen to THAT.
Don’t you just love the way she tilts her head back slightly so we let that lovely view of her flaring nostrils while she spouts her pseudo-intellectual “I am so great” crap?
What? Gnat is 24 and she still lives at home????
OMG..I know I so fast forward after dark when she is talking it’s the most annoying thing ever to listen to her..drives me absolutely nuts!! Can’t stand her!
I dont think Jordon is smart to scheme and I think she was lucky. But lucky or not she is a much nicer and better person then kev and nat. kev and nat cheated. lied, and stole peoples stuff. That isnt fair and not entertaining. They should of been kicked out of the BB house and I guess BB needed to keep playing the game.
I hope Jordon wins because she deserves it because didnt steal or cheat in the games. So by default she should win. Was she the best player…NO. I think Jeff or Michele were the best players. I think if Jordon can win the HOH she will win the 500,000.
I figure production has a contengency plan in the event of losing one player during the season but not for losing more. So as bad as they act they can not afford to boot both of them out after losing Chima. I figure both Kev and Skank realized this and have continued pushing the boundaries and will continue to.
you need to go an listen to jordans talk with Kevin last night
She is soooooo smart
and she got far in the game without nastiness
you can see Her mother taught her to respect others
Jordan is a sweet girl
loves her family
has a great relationship with her mom
I would be PROUD to have Jordan as a daughter
as opposed to being the parent of Nasty……………..
both Jordan and Nasty come from a single parent home
WHAT a difference in the outcome
I like how Nat and Kev try to rationalize why America would like Jordan, saying it?s only because she?s a small down girl raised by her mom, maybe, but it?s probably more due to her actually being a good person something they?re not. Crazy how oblivious they are to how disgusting their personalities are.
Can someone tell me why Kevin thinks Jeff used Jordan? I can’t understand why he would say that and maybe he hates Jeff because of it.
I believe he said that for 2 reasons. I) because they feel America likes Jeff the best. and 2) Using someone is what they would do so everyone must do it right?
Great Point!!!!
I honestly couldn’t tell ya. He did not use her, he helped her…it’s very obvious that he genuinely cares for her.
jeff ‘used ‘ jordan to help him keep his sanity in the house…he truly trusted her and vice versa…and in return jeff took her as far as he could in the game….i loved the new name for jordan…….cookie-dough warrior, just love it.
i think nat realizes that she ..’just got got’ by kevin…i’m sure she is mad at herself for constantly telling kevin about all her friends in the jury house…..she has been telling him that for the last couple weeks. she’s such a dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the first time in weeks I feel hopeful about BB. I’ve been a J/J fan from the beginning and am so glad Jordan redeemed herself last night. GO JORDAN!!
as soon as nat walks out of the house on finale night and everyone boo’s at her she will know that most people dont like her..even then i’m sure she wont understand why.
Here’s what i worry about… If all 3 are questioned by the jury BEFORE the one of the 3 is evicted, is it possible Kevin could tell in the questioning that many no longer like Gnat and decide to keep her? Will the questioning be AFTER her makes a decision if he is HOH?
CBS won’t allow that… they don’t want Natalie in there either… so, I think they will only have the Jury questions when there’s 2 left!
I think it will be after they play the final HOH comp and they determine who are the final two. Makes no sense to quiz all three.
Pretty sure the questioning will be after HOH is won and the final jury memeber is evicted.
The ONLY question the final two. Julie even said that last night. She said the final HG is evicted and immediately joins jury for the questioning of the final 2.
YES she did
The best part is, if Jordan gets america’s vote and wins the $500K, both Kevin and Gnat can thank Chima for making that possible.
I dodn’t think if you r in the top two u would be in Americans vote . It would just go to the next person who is not in the final two . like it could go to Jeff lolol
Pigpen and her “boyfriend” should be on Bridezilla.
Bridezilla, would be perfect! Since, the show is more like Jerry Springer now….Lol!!
It feels good not voting for Natalie
I think I speak for most people watching the GAME when I say Kevin is the only house guest deserving to win this. All you delusional Jordan fans think she will automatically get Americas vote against Kevin. Not how I voted and I?m sure it?s not how most of America is voting. I was a Jeff fan in the beginning, not a Jeff/Jordan fan. I saw what he was doing. He was trying to take a week player to the end. Once he was out I was hoping Michelle could pull it off, but that wasn?t to be. Now the only respectable PLAYER in the game is Kevin. The jury sees it (except Jeff), the 4 power players with Julie see it and I?m sure the rest of America (besides some delusional fans on this website) see it. My hope is Kevin takes Jordan and vise versa because I don?t want Natalie to win anything.
My final two voting on CBS.com went:
Jordan and Kevin make it to the final two, who do you want to win? KEVIN
If Kevin and Natalie make it to the final two, who do you want to win? KEVIN
If Jordan and Natalie make it to the final two, who do you want to win? JORDAN
Jordan should only get America?s vote against Natalie. Period.
That?s the way I see it.
Im not overly a big fan of any of the 3 left… but to say that they aren’t deserving is silly. Up until 2 weeks ago all 3 of them were carried by someone else…
You got to face the music and realize that Jordan as weak as she was in the game she is final 3… not Michelle, Jeff, Jessie, Russell … but Jordan. I believe she had a hand in 2 of the 3 people in Jury house prior to Jeff…..She was on the block three or four times and never went home… maybe because she was weaker but at the end of the day she is 1 of the 2 competing in HOH – round 3.
Natalie (NOT a fan) however, she managed to come up the biggest scam in the whole game… and pull it off…. (getting Jeff to put Russell up).
and Kevin… well lets face it, he came in second in ALOT of challenges, and then he started winning them… he may not have aligned himself with the right people… but like I said about Jordan… he is sitting in final 3.
So to say that only kevin deserves it is ridiculous. They didn’t make it where they are for NO reason.
Kevin may not be the only HG that deserves to win but I believe he deserves it the MOST!!!
He has certainly played a stronger game than Jordough and I think thats the way the jury will see it too.
Well said
The ?deserving? parts are just my opinions, and we all know opinions are like?
I still think all the Jordan fans out there who think she automatically gets America?s vote are delusional.
You speak for yourself guy,what an insult…..’I speak for most of us’ Kevin is a pig as much as Nasty is,he instigated alot of mean,cruel things also,he is no better than Nasty…Go Jordan 100%
I 100% agree and that’s how I voted!!
you said
I think I speak for most people watching the GAME when I say Kevin is the only house guest deserving to win
YOU DONT speak for most of the people
Jordan won as many comps as Keven
and did it without backstabbing
What was that with the HORRIBLE acting last night. That was painful to watch. I have an idea for the next season. I think the HOH should get a bluetooth earpiece that they can wear the whole day. It can have 4 chanels on it just like on the live feeds. They then could listen in to any and all conversations that are going on in the house at any given time. That would be so cool. The houseguests could then either shut up and not tell all of the lies…..or they could even make up worse lies to really throw the HOH off. That would bring a whole different strategy into a game that is getting too damn predictable.
BB so told them to walk about the house remembering get house guest .lolol
It was sad . I turned it off .
(get ) opps ———-> each house guest
You have to remember… Kevin is the mastermind behind getting JEFF out… and Russell, Lydia, and Jesse will be reminded that… for Kevin to WIN, he has to give it to Jordan so, she is the one that votes Natalie out… otherwise Jordan will win with Nat, Jeff, Michelle and America…
But don’t you think that whomever boots Natalie at this point actually scores points with the jury??
@me I totally agree with your logic.
I can’t wait until Nasty gets the boot and finishes 3rd. No money for you bitch. She made the worst decision in BB since Marcelas when she chose to drop off the log. What a lazy idiot. That was just nothing short of stupid.
In the event that Ichele is gone 🙁 and we are left with these three I voted several times similar to Thomas. Although out of the three players I like Jordon as a person, the best. I think that Kevin stuck his neck out several times and is still in the game. Nata-lie is one of the worst people I have ever seen on any show on television and her self rightousness makes me want to puke! When she told MIchele, on her good bye message that she should be ashamed of how she played the game I almost choked…How dare she judge anyone!! Look in the mirror you dirty little &%$@*! I am highly anticipating Kevin screwing Nata-lie over…I hope everyone boos her when she walks in the studio to vote.
P.S. Her boyfriend is a dorkopotomus!
“I hope everyone boos her when she walks in the studio to vote.”
IF everyone in the FAN audience at home and around America
ALL of us here and on the other BB pages that have been posting
BOO’ssssssssssssss NASTY when they kick her out
it will be the SOUND HEARD all over America
Jordon, Kevin and Nat. Still the three biggest losers in final three ever! None of them would have a chance against any real players. I quess floating to the end is the best course of action judging by this season’s performance. They all suck ass…
Jordan is going to win it all
jeff did all the work for nothing
if jordan wins that means jeff wins too
Jordan all the way. She should win just for having to stay in that house alone with those two bickering school children.
I think the jury will be shocked to see Michele walk through the door!! Most of them had her picked for final two when they were talking about it last night. I love the jury hour reactions!
Sorry, I mean jury *house* reactions.
I’m havin a tough time spelling this morning lol.
Does anyone know if the L.M.L was revealed to the jury house in the tapes. I hate Natalie sooo much but that lie was a big game changer. It was a strategy that weakened and finally broke the F4 to further them along the game.
Hmmm, good question. I don’t think that it was revealed to them. I think they only thing they get to see in jury house is the competitions (HOH & veto), the veto ceremony and the eviction. I don’t think that they get to see any of the scheming. But you’re right, it completely changed the game, if they hadn’t have come up with that lie, Jeff wouldn’t have gotten rid of Russell….at least I don’t think so.
America is proud of Jordan! Go Jordan take home the $500K and don’t forget Jeff’s Bears Season tickets!
KEVIN for the win!!!!!!!! Go Kevin!
what was with Kevin and Knat the rat speaking spanish? Is that allowed?
NO BB called them out on that shit breore !!! I guess BB will be asking .Do you speak anything other then Eniglish ? If so ——-> NEXT))lol
No, it’s not, and they have already been pulled into DR with final warnings….so this is a good question.
in season 3 (i think) danielle and another house guest were using American sign language to keep things from Roddy and the other houseguests
It’s not allowed, they have already gotten in trouble for speaking in spanish a few weeks ago.
They did it recently, albeit briefly, as well. After Jordan had fallen off the log in the competition, Kevin asked Natalie how much longer she would stay on in Spanish. I think he told her another five minutes. He then repeated it in English.
C’mon guys! “cinco minutos”,( five minutes)! that’s the only conversation they had in Spanish, not a big deal!
Nope, but breaking the rules and getting away with it comes as naturally to them as breathing… or lying.
Oh please he said a couple words, no big deal. You really must hate them to be noticeing sh*t like that.
Exactly! ON BBAD Big Brother is always warning them (dozen of times) to stop talking about production and the diary room interviews, they all still do it…
No one is going to BOO Nasty Nat when she leaves….THEY WILL REJOICE!!!!!! SHE IS SOOOO out of there!!!!
I don’t think when she walks out the door ( if ) they will boo her.
but I do fell she will have a big slap in the face when she see’s how bad folks have talked about her. She’ll be crying . If i were her i would start looking for another job .lol
Haha, that’s true. But with her ego, she will think they are cheering because she is so great.
From your lips to GOD’s ears. GNATALIE GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
What suks its that the only way for Jordon to win is if she takes Nat to final two, but she doesnt know that everyone in the jury house hates Nat, so she is prolly gonna take Kevin to final two and loose.
Jordan will take Nasty to final 2,remember people,Gollum got Jeff out,noway Jordough takes his prissy ass!
pig pen said it’s the jordan show for sure and that the comp was rigged for jordan to win. WHAT?!?! how in the HELL was that comp rigged for jordan? that was a normal comp that has been like a lot of comps thoughout the year on that show…jordan didn’t have any advantage to win that. nat is just plain humilated and emarrassed on national television that jordan completely SMOKED her in a mental AND physical comp. jordan DOUBLED nat’s performance and then did it 30 seconds faster. nat is stupid and uncoordinated. and she CHOKES!!! haha. she only won 1 out of how many total comps this season? worst % ever in bb history. and the 1 she won was total luck and barely scraped it out. nat is completely worthless as a human being.
They will flip,when they see Jordan in final 2,and finally realize,she played them all,as being the dumb blonde hick…then give her the respect she deserves,the girl is not dumb people,she out played Nasty at her strongest game!
Gnaty has NO idea how the jury house feels about her…just wait!
is amused that most of the people who have posted said only a few days ago they were never watching BB again. haha Yet, they are still here rejoicing that Jordon won. I guess so am I because if Jordon wins she will bring Natalie along. It’s going to be the funniest thing ever.
Damn Rockstar,again I agree with ya,this is getting scary..lol.no way Jordan takes Kevin,he got Jeff out.I pray she takes Nasty to final 2,nothing better than Jordan whopping her ass again for the big money!
It’s never going to happen tater. Jessie is broken hearted thinking Natalie hates him. Wait until he gets to see her. I think he is going to have a change of heart. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think so. If she makes it to final 2, it’s all over for Kevin or Jordon.
i get that you all hate nat, but if jordan is to win, and say she picks kevin…she loses, if she takes nat, she wins…
they hg’s think nat will get votes, gosh I hope jordo doesnt make that mistake….
YEAH to Jordan. I found it interesting that you could hear the audience appluading her when they realized that she was ahead of Natalie. Goes to show you how many people are against Natalie. I hope Jordan wins the $500k. I think her best bet might be to take Natalie to the end being that the house has flipped on Natalie.
Kel and Jor have no idea how JH feels. They think she has a lot of friends there (which is what we all thought also till they showed them talking). How unfair that her BF told her “there’s a lot of hate out there”, so she knows she won’t get America’s vote. Funny how she atributes it to her assc with Jesse. Notice it never her fault.
At this point in the game (with nothing going on), I wish we could see more of the Jury House. That’s probably better viewing. I don’t think I can stand much more of the “We have a deal. Right?” that’s going on in the BB house now.
Don’t you just love how last night on the live show, you could hear how happy the crowd was when Jordan won!! That was awsome. They all wanted to cheer, but Julie was talking. Really quite funny that no one cares for Nat!! LOL
~Go Jordy Go~
I love Kevin- so funny! I love Jordan too- so sweet. She comes across less intelligent, but she did something right because she is in final 3. I am happy with either of those 2 winning. Just don’t want Gnat to win a thing!
The smartest move Kevin can make right now to ensure he wins the 500,000 dollars is to throw part 3 of the hoh comp to Jordan, this will be risky but it may payoff, that way Natalie will be evicted by Jordan, that way he would have ….Nat, Jessie,Lydia Russell ‘s votes and America wouldn’t need to be involved , out of the three Kevin played the best social and strategic game, he managed to avoid being nominated for maybe 7 weeks? he made no enemies until the Jeff eviction. I’m riding with Kevin on this one for the WIN!….
i like jordon but i think kevin has played a better game and he should win the money. my votes for kevin
I agree, I don’t like Kevin and I was HAPPY that Jordan defeated Natalie, but Kevin played a better game, I hate his lie against Russell but against my personal desires I’m thinking on voting for Kevin, if Jordan gets 50K will be a good reward for helping us get rid of Natalie, she doesn’t deserve a penny.
Gnasty got too confident and ugly in the game and honestly thought she was ruling the game. But the queen was blindsided by Jordo and won the game. I was not going to watch last night as I was totally bored but am so glad I did….now the game is exciting as I just want to see that gloomy face of Gnasty. She can explain how she could have won until the cow jumps over the moon…she was useless as she could not even remember who won the HOH in sequence. Hey Gnasty you sucked and you lost, quess what this is for Michele and Jeff… toot toot yahoooooooooo hahahahahahahahahha you lost boo hoo
If I were at the house with Natalie I will probably ask BB to please dope me, taser me or something, that girl is ANNOYING! A control freak, I hope Kevin stick to his decision to take Jordan, will be a hero, if he does.
You know…I think if Kevin takes out Nat she’ll still vote for him to win. Why??? So she can spend the next 40 years of her life ranting to press about how she shoulda been the winner of Big Brother 11 because she was the only person who “stayed true to her word” and that “Kevin shouldn’t have won because he swore to me he’d take me to the final 2”. Natalie is big about moaning and whining and sighing about all the injustices others have taken out on her (while all forgetting about her own) and proclaiming how trustworthy and truthful she is.
Also…those who want Jeff and Jordan to hook up at the end. C’mon…he just wanted a piece and she was the biggest challenge. He’ll go home and have an even bigger pick of the ladies and she’ll rarely cross his mind.
That’s possible but she could also go out like Chima, fuming and fussing and mad at the whole world. Kevin not taking her at the last minute would be the ultimate betrayal in her mind. Somehow I don’t see her viewing that move as “good gameplay”.
OMG you are SO right about that!
Why is it that when she loses a competition it’s because of rigging/cheating/production bias but when she wins it’s because she’s just simply the most talented/honorable/smartest person on the face of the planet?
How can a person’s grasp of reality be so warped? I can’t WAIT for the montage of her “claims” juxtaposed against “reality” that will inevitably be shown at the reunion show.
Someone needs to take her ego down a few notches.
Jordan v. Kevin –>KEVIN
Kevin v. Natalie —> Kevin
Jordan v. Natalie —> Jordan
I like Jordan a whole lot but I think I prefer Kevin winning for a few reasons.
1. He sees through Natalie and has most of the game. (prob as a result of being friends with Lydia0
2. he is hilarious
3. He did the mental warfare against Nat but his was strategic, Natalie is a sadist. He liked Mich personally but knew he needed to get her out in order to keep Nat on his side plus she was a wild card.
4. he hated Jessie! I have to love him for that alone!
5. I would rather Jordan get 50K instead of $500K if it means that Nat gets screwed and gets NOTHING.
I liked Kevin alot before he hooked up with Nat (bec of necessity). I think we started not to like him bec of association. It is the Jeff show (I’m a huge Jeff fan) but let’s be honest, while Jeff is smarter than a few others in the game, he really didn’t know the game too well.
Also, I hope kevin’s realization that it was the jeff show doesn’t make him rethink taking Jordan….which is why I’m voting for him against jordan….
No it should be:
1. Jordan
2. Kevin
3. Jordan
Final Answer !!!!!
To all the Jordan fans out there who think she automatically gets America?s vote. You are delusional.
Jordan v. Kevin ?>KEVIN
Kevin v. Natalie ?> Kevin
Jordan v. Natalie ?> Jordan
you are high,jordan easily wins americas vote!
I agree!!! Go Kevin!!!!!
I will go: Kevin/Jordan-KEVIN, Kevin/Natalie-KEVIN, Jordan/Natalie-Jordan
Kevin played a better game and I’m willing to forgive the Russell lie, Jordan if she gets to the final two should be rewarded for taking Natalie off
I tend to think America’s voting audience will vote for Kevin because of his gameplaying. Yes, he affixed himself to the most intolerable person in the house and that was how he managed to get as far as he did; but remember that Dr. Will and Mike Boogie were buddies as well, both carrying each other far in the game. In my opinion, the more loathesome of the two (and I don’t care if he brought Julie a baby present–that was strictly for show) was Mike Boogie. And Mike Boogie won that season. I’m beginning to agree that if Jordon is lucky enough to win the final competition against Kevin, she does need to bring Natalie to the final 2 in order for her to get the big money prize. Believe me, it pains me to think that Natalie would even get $50,000.
I don’t think so because he was really hateful right along with The Gnat. He’s trying to change his image now and it’s too little too late.
If Jordan was smart she would take nasty … the she would win for sure
I think she will, but don’t know if that is going to work for her, probably she will get enough jury votes, I skeptic though…
Well, we know the ‘if’ in your statement is a given, so she will take Kevin. But in her defense, they all think everyone loves Nasty, so they won’t take her. Jordan doesn’t know aobut the jury hating Natalie, or she would choose her.
I think Kevin and Jordan may rethink their final two when the jury house get to ask them questions…they will nail Natalie for lying about her age and show their dislike for her….mark my word Kevin for sure will rethink his choice. Go Jordan!
The JH won’t question all 3. The person not picked will immediately join Jury to ask questions (which I think sucks because that someone has not had time to deflate like the others and just loss at least 50,000)
hey simon/dawg……….you should also have a ‘mock’ winner on your site, for the person who came up with the best comment/oneliner/statement/..that pretty much sums up the whole season of Big Brother 11……..what do you think of that? sounds sorta fun,huh?
Even if Natalie ends up in the final two, which I doubt. She will be lucking to even get one vote. If she only knew how much the jury house hates her for lieing about her age. OMG I can’t wait to see her face when she loses! what a dumb nasty bitch! She deserves to go home with nothing!
Well Jeff didn’t seem to care and I think Michele won’t care either. I think they’ll vote for her if she up against Kevin.
Jeff and Michele probably would choose Natalie over Kevin because they’re still thinking that it was Kevin who masterminded their evictions. In their minds: Bloody hands = Kevin. I really wish they would be able to grasp the whole picture before the finale and realize that Natalie was behind everything.
I assume Nat will go out 3rd. Then I hope after the winner is declared, Julie asks the jury “If it was between Kevin and Natalie, who would have voted for Kevin to win” and see all 6 hands go up. 🙂 Sweet Justice (or should I say ‘vengeance’?)
I’m just wondering if K actually wins Part 3, will be get the balls to actually evict Nat? Jordan, I’m so up in the air with what she’ll do, cause she swears she’ll stick w/the girls cause Jeff told her to do so. And Jeff being so full of himself, he actually thinks at this point (him being evicted) that the ones still in the house are playing to avenge his exit. Get over yourself Jeff.
i totally agree, i was like get over it Jeff! As someone in the Jury House said, no one cares when you’re gone. He has yet to realize that. Isn’t Jeff the one who told Russ it was just a game and get over it and move on? lol
Jeff is an idiot — BUT THAT’S OK — because he’s attractive *sarcasm*
As much as I hate for Nat to get even one cent, JOrdan has a much better shot at 500K if she takes Nat – somehow I bet Kevin wins the final HOH – but if he throws it to Jordan trusting her, and Jordan chose Nat – Kevin would be “GOT” big time!
Actually, if Kevin was to throw the final competition to Jordan on a promise that she take him to the final 2, I would say that was his first good piece of gameplaying on his own. He would be assured of Natalie’s vote and, most probably, many other members of the jury.
It might have all ready been said, but did you guys notice that everytime Jordan got one correct – the people in the audience clapped for her and no one clapped for Nat. Once I saw the game I knew Jordan would do good and figured Nat would flake on it and come up with some excuse (again). I was also amazed at how everyone in the jury house said they would not vote for Gnat – I am REALLY proud of Jordan – she CAN do this you guys.
I certainly hope that Jordan will make “I’m going back to school with the money” part of her speech. I truly do not think she is stupid, just ignorant – maybe with some schooling and exposure to life other than hickville, she may surprise everyone.
considering at 24 yrs old, she doesn’t know how many quarters are in an hour, I’m inclined to say she needs to go back the 2nd grade. She needs basic education before she can even think of going to a real college. She perhaps could start in remedial courses at a community college in the beginning.
It shouldn’t be ok to be dumb just because you’re pretty. I think she’s gotten this far in life because of her looks, but that can’t last forever. She needs a brain.
What concerns me is if Jordan does win the $500,000, she is rather gullible and naive. I’m sure there will be many sharks out there looking to offer her “advice” on what to do with her winnings. I really hope she has some knowledgable person she trusts (apart from her mother) who can help her along so she doesn’t lose all that money.
Not that is matters but Jor is 22 and The Gnat is 24. Also, I have met several people who didn’t know what time it was when I stated a quarter till (it’s the digital age) It’s now really a matter of being stupid as being exposed to certain things. Jordon has great people skills (chest bump aside) and has won comp, so I see no reason why she shouldn’t win
Do they know the date? I wonder if they will realize today is 9/11…
I’ve only watched 1.5 seasons of this and I’m through with it. I didn’t know production was that involved in trying to sway the houseguests.
everyone is talking about last night when the 3 went around the house bringing up memories.but if you watch ‘survivor’ the final 3 do that every single season. they carry torches and walk by some symbolic statue or something from all the voted out teammates and say something about that person….although when they talk about the people voted off the island they actually sound sincere…..if you mean something when you say it, it doesnt sound fake or ‘set up’…so it must mean that everything that the final 3 on bb are saying is fake..if they try to compliment someone, its fake.
How does the question part work again, I forget. Is it, they each get ONE question, period? Or do they get to ask EACH houseguest one question??
I can’t really remember, but I know I’ve always loved the question part of the finale!
I believe each evicted houseguest ask each F2 a question.
Thanks 🙂
Go Jordan………….go girl………..you gettum’ !
If not…….go Kev…….go girl………you gettum’ !
Somebody get a fly swatter and swat Gnat……!
i think jordan will win either way, if she takes kevin she will get votes from Jeff/Michelle/America/Nat (if kevin back stabs her) .. and Jessie doesn’t like kevin either
Although I agree with your thought that Jeff, Michelle, and Nat would vote for Jordan to win, I’m not in agreement that the others would vote for someone based on ‘like.’ If they had no relationship in the house, ‘like’ may not enter into it as much as ‘respect.’ Both Jessie and Kevin said they would vote for Jeff to win if he made F2, and Jeff ousted them. They respected his game play.
if you think that jeff, mich, and nat would vote for jordan…then she wins the half mil. jordan would definitely get america’s vote and that will be the 4 total she needs to win.
i think you’re right. the more i think about it…if jordan goes to final 2…she wins no mater who it’s against. but who is more inclined to take nat w/ them? i want the person who won’t take nat to last 2, to win the last hoh. i don’t want nat to even win 50k. she deserves absolutely NOTHING.
Jesse: Natalie
Lydia: Natalie
Russell: Natalie
Jeff: Jordan
Michelle: Jordan
Kevin: Natalie
America: Jordan
Natalie beats Jordan: 4-3
You obviously didn’t watch the show last night… Lydia and Jessie both said they are pissed at Nastalie… Jordan wins if it’s Jordan and Nastie in the F2.
Lydia will nor vote for PigPen
Lydia will not vote for PigPen
Jessie might vote for PP in that scenario. I don’t see Lydia voting for PP in any scenario!
Honestly, at this point, I will damned near orgasm if Natalie doesn’t make the final two. That’s all I ask for at this point. If she wins, she wins, and I’ll have to give her kudos, but I can still dream, can’t I? An early Christmas present for me would be Kevin winning the third phase, then picking Jordan, Natalie freaking out, etc. Nothing that good ever happens to me;)
Do you need help with that orgasm? I voluteer.
Jesse: Natalie
Lydia: Kevin
Russell: Natalie
Jeff: Natalie
Michelle: Kevin
Jordan: Natalie
America: Kevin
Natalie beats Kevin: 4-3
I think Russell and Jeff will vote Kevin not Natalie. If its Natalie and Jordon, then Natalie should win because she at least played the game and Jordon didn’t play the game that is “BB” to deserve the win. I personally don’t want to see Natalie win anything but the win should always be about game play and not who likes who!
Natalie did not play the game any better than Jordon. Natalie won ONE competition and that was a tie breaker. Natalie glided by by Jessie and the Athletes coat tails. After that, she cheated and bullied to keep herself in the game. The only reason Nat (and Jordon) are still in the house are because of other players. I still want Jordon to win, mind you. Just saying Nat is not a better player than Jordon, just louder, ruder, greedier, meaner, nastier.
I agree with you. Natalie and Jordan had similar game strategies. They both aligned themselves with strong guys and didn’t win anything til the end. Natalie’s side of the house/alliance ruled the the first half of the game. They had HOH for the first like 4 or 5 weeks which caused her to get very arrogant and cocky. For all the shit Natalie talks, she didn’t win a single HOH or POV until just recently but it wasn’t a physical competition, which she is supposed to be the master of.
Nasty did NOT play a better game than Jordan, Jordan got handed HOH once, won the POV once and won last nights comp. Nat tied for the first HOH (she did not win it) and won a random HOH that was based on neither skill nor brains. Competition wise, Jordan played a better game. Jordan flew under the radar, and made it this far without being nasty, and no one hates her. Nasty made it this far by using people and being evil.
Jesse: Jordan
Lydia: Kevin
Russell: Jordan
Jeff: Jordan
Michelle: Jordan
*Natalie: depending on who votes her out
America: Jordan
Jordan beats Kevin: 5-2 or 6-1
Remember the Jury house has turned on 18 year old Nasty (24)
It’s not going to hold. They will give her the votes because she was their allie
And I’m sure she’ll quote Dr. Will and Mike Boogie as her inspiration for playing the deceitful game she played.
Jessie and Russell will not vote for Jordon, they will vote for Kevin. They have both already stated they will vote for whoever played the better game. Between Kev and Jor, Kev ( ughh) played the better game, won more competitions. I think Jessie and Russell will think Jor glided by b/c of Jeff.
Natalie has 67% chance of winning this, Jordan only 33%. No way Kevin wins.
Are you insane??????? Have you been watching the show? No way in hell can Natalie win now. She doesn’t have the votes!
Did you mean Jordan 93% and Nasty 7%,that seems more like reality and not fantasy!!!
Rockstar is that you??? Your the only one that would come up with something like this. Man I hope you don’t have a twin out there!!! Oh wait is Natalie your twin??? I feel sorry for you 🙁
Nope not me but I would like to give that person a cookie. haha
I really think Kev should put Gnat on the spot and ask her in front of Jordan who she would take to the final two….
Then do the opposite of what she says – she’s f@ed.
I was wondering if anyone who was at the taping can tell us old fans anymore things that Janelle, Evil Dick and the others did, I give Kudos to CBS for having them explain game stategy. and I ‘diss’ CBS for a lot of stupid moves they pulled. But now in the final days. the fact that they went off the standard BB protocol so many times makes it easier to have them keep everybody there until Tues.
So thanks BB too little………….. but I bet next year way fewer people sign up for 24 hour feeds. Unless you love fish, It’s not worth it.
Last nights victory for Jordan completely wiped that gnasty smirk off of Nat’s face. I hate it when she smirks.
I agree 100%, everytime she gave that stupid smirk, I just wanted to slap the shit out of her!
How do you know when Pigpen’s lying? When she’s smiling…it’s been a dead givaway. So much for her poker face. She also does it when she’s nervous or caught in a lie and trying to scramble out of it
So who do people really think should win? personally I want Jordan to win really much and to those who say she hasnt done anything, you people are DELUDED.. its so sheep behavior, think for yourself man and not just asume things! whatever Jordan would do some people would still say “she is blond/stupid etc.. when in reallity she went against the house on Jeff, she started the whole “save braden” thing (which she got almost no blame for) she made herlsef a tiny target and was friendly. (great strategy for winning) she “won” 1hoh and now 1veto (where she beat Michelle in a quis)..And dont forget this, she has played her part briliantly, bb is a game of adaption and people need to find their place and coast through, jordan has done that perfectly, maybe better than any HM in bb history
so if kev picks jor, he says he’s going to talk about the pandora’s box stuff as one reason. I’ll be laughing my ass off when he uses her ‘engagment’ as a reason for not picking her. Why would that douche bag boyfriend of hers come there anyway with two weeks left to participate. If he thought about it for a second it could only assist in screwing up her game…nothing good could have come from him participating in a pandora’s box thing–can’t wait two weeks? Why would he choose to let her risk 500k to propose. What a dumbass.
Dumb like a fox. He is (or at least was) of the opinion that Natalie will win the money. If not the $500,000 then at least the $50,000. He figures if he marries her, he comes into that money UNLESS she gets a pre-nuptial agreement.
Well, love that Jordo won part 2. Gave her some confidence. However, Kevin is still playing her. No way he is taking her to final 2 if he wins part 3. Kevin has figured out that he has a 50/50 chance of winning the big money with Nat because they are both equally dirty and strategic. With Jordan, he thinks and is probably right, he has less than a 50/50 chance …thinking America’s vote will go to Jordan. Kevin has been campaigning in the DR for America’s vote by trying to distance himself from Nat…by telling America that he is getting rid of her. But, he actually seems very committed to Nat when off by themselves. Best hope for Jordo to be in the money is if she wins part 3.
I laughed my ass off when Nat tried making excuses for getting her butt kicked in the competition by Jordan! She is supposed to be so smart and athletic and she got beat fair and square by Jordan! I was so proud of Jordan! People aren’t giving her enough credit in this game! I think she may surprise us all! 🙂 GO JORDO! Nat can’t even lose graciously. She is an immature brat! The way she struts around the house thinking has the world by the balls!
Go Natalie!!! Do not give up. Kick, scream, bite, do whatever the hell you have to do to get to final 2. Listen to me, I’m wise like an owl.. hoot.. haha
Jason will you still marry her if she doesn’t bring home the money?????
Your silly like a goose Rockstar,but I like ya,you make me laugh…Are you getting that Jordan rules speech ready for me yet..lol
I don’t think Kevin or Jordan know if they take Nat to final Two they win for sure, I think there will be 0 votes for Nat.
i completely agree w/ you. nat has zero chance of winning half a mil…but i don’t even want that waste of space in the final 2 to get the 50k. that’s why i think kev must win b/c i think there’s more of a chance of jordan taking nat to the end, than kev taking nat to the end.
Totally agree… as much as I HATE NastaLIE, Jordan’s best move is to take her to F2. I just pray Jordan wins round 3!
I agree Eric that Kevin or Jordan should take Nasty to the final 2…the jury made it clear that they are not supporting her. Unfortunately that means she gets 50K which sucks.
Jesse will not vote for Kevin. If you remember, when Jessie was evicted, as he was heading out to leave, he pushed Kevin away from him as Kevin was about to as goodbye or hug him. Jessie knew that Kevin backstabbed him. Also, Russell daid to Jeff that he was voting for Jessie, yet kept his word to Jessie and voted for natalie – which jeff later found out and fueled the fire between Jeff and Russell. So, Iguess what I am saying is that Kevin’s only votes will come from Lydia, Russell and maybe Raggamuffin. Kevin “may/will” lose because he is “Guilty” by association with that C**T.
well, maybe your right – but 1) jessie will not vote for anyone prettier than him, or 2) reminds him of the fact that he is in the closet, and 3) jessie will vote for jessie!!!!
When it comes down to giving someone $500,000, they will vote for the best player. Russell will NOT vote for Jordon and neither will Jessie. He may have been mad at Kevin when he got evicted, but come on…that was how long ago. I would think he is over it by now and will vote for the best player…has anyone watched the previous seasons. The jury votes for the BEST PLAYER. ….remember Dan, Evel Dick…hello!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but I still can’t see how anyone could refer to Kevin as the better player. He was Natalie’s loyal little lap dog and before that he was Lydia’s pal. He did everything she told him to do. Does it make him a good player because he followed her directions? Yeah, he b**ched and moaned in the Diary Room about how much he didn’t trust Natalie, etc., but that’s all it was. He never did anything about it. He had opportunities to get rid of Natalie but didn’t take them. If he wins the third part of the competition and chooses Jordon over Natalie, that will be the first strategic move he has made completely on his own during the game.
maybe Jordan has everyone fooled, she’s just playing nieve, then boom goes the dynamite!!
Nat was so stupid in the HOH round two game that she didn’t even roll her OWN ball at hole 10!!!
You noticeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. A smart move for both Nath and Jordan would have been to begin with # 10 (very fresh)
I know how much everyone dislikes Natalie, trust me, so do I. But, I’m sure we have all watched Big Brother for years, and we all know that the one we think will not win, ends up winning. I like Kevin and now even Jordan, hope one of them wins. I would really like to see Kevin win the final HOH, and then evict Natalie. That would be so funny, the look on her face would be priceless. Can only hope.
That would be priceless! I honestly, secure Jordan’s win because NastaLIE told him that if he evicts her that he will loose her vote. GO JORDAN!!!!
Peggy, I think everyone is hoping for that “feel good moment” in Big Brother.
The jury questions will make Kevin and Joprdan rethin who to take to final two…guarenteeed.
I think so too. Nat will play her “Oh pity me” card and make Kev and Jordan look bad.
She is a instigator. (Don’t think it is spelled right)
aren’t the jury questions asked after the final 2 is determined?
YES! the jury questions come AFTER the final two are chosen. Not really sure why there is confusion on this but any other way would make no sense. the fact that they compete the final portion of the HOH on finale night this year changes only one thing from years past — the final evictee has no time to sway the jury or campaign against the ppl remaining in the finals. so, nat’s argument that if someone screws her over she will get the house against them holds no water anymore. that should push kevin to take jordan. BUT the fact that the memory walk was geared towards jeff tells kevin that america loves jeff and jordan by extension so he will think he has no shot at america’s vote and therefore should stick with natalie. it can go both ways.
i hope he wins, takes jordan, and wins $500K!
The jury questions will make Kevin and Jordan rethink who to take to final two…guarenteeed.
Final two will be determined BEFORE jury questions Tuesday night, so re-thinking will be pointless at that time.
Seriously…how can anyone other than Nat’s family hope she wins? She is an arrogant, sore losing brat!
Totally agreed!!!
Dont forget RUDE
Kev and Gnat talking last night about being nice so they get Americas vote ,do they not realize we have whatched how mean they have been for weeks now, too little to late….
it cracked me up on bbad when nat said we should get a maid for making the final three! she’s had a maid for the last two months!!!!!
Is jeff coming back? awwww…boo. wishful thinkin.Go Kevin! Go Jordan! Go HOME Natalie! Secretly I hope natalie does go to final two and gets no votes. not even from jessie. she still goes home with 50k but she does kinda deserve it since she duped all of them.
Last nights episode sounded like the Jury house was starting to turn on “NatLie”. They are finally starting to realize that she is all talk. I can’t wait for Michelle to get in there and fill them in, especially that lame a@@ wedding purposal and how she controls Jessie’s vote. I can’t stop rewinding the clip of NatLie being told that she only got 5 right and Jordan got 9. LOL!!!!! Just dumb, how do you not remember that you won the last HOH. Did you forget that you had a ball with your name on it. Toooo funny, she trotted around stuttering about how she was going to beat Jordan. Go Kevin/Jordan for final two!
All I want to see now is Kevin winning HOH and dumping Natalie. I want Jordan to win HOH (and the $500K), but it won’t be as satisfying to see Jordan kick the lying slob out – it has to be Kevin. I can’t wait and I hope I’m not disappointed.
Go Jordan! :]
I personally thought this was a decent season. A lot of action in the beginning. I hope Jordan wins. I would like to see a female win and Natalie doesn’t deserve it. Jordan would put the money to good use as Kevin and Natalie would waste it on themselves. GO JORDAN! It’s funny because in the beginning of the season i didn’t want Jordan to win, but now I do. I hope she wins.
When it comes down to it, all the anger and hatred subside and the Jury House usually votes the player that played the best even if they evicted them personally.
Remember las year, Jerry swore up an down he would never vote for Dan, he called him Judas almost the whole season, Michelle was backdoored with the Nomination Roulette, and it was brilliant.
She was pissed, Ollie was pissed because he broke his deal with him and where Ollie votes April votes.
Yet Dan got ALL the Jury Votes.
This year I see it like this, Kevin against Jordan, Kevin wins, unless he is the one to not take Natalie, she will have no time to relfect as the voting will take place immediately Tuesday.
If Kevin Goes Against Natalie, Kevin will win
If Jordan takes Natalie, Jordan will win.
Kevins best chance for winning is if Jordan wins last HOH and takes him, Natalie will vote for Kevin.
Jordans best chance to win is against Natalie.
Natalies best chance to win is against herself, lol
But the difference is DAN played a good game
Keven and Jordan are equal in game play
winning HOH, POV
so what you are saying is the same as everyone else
NAT does not win either way
Don’t forget that Michele will probably spill the beans to the JH about Gnat’s “proposal.” Wonder how that will affect anyone’s vote.
Michelle might not be allowed to tell the Jury House about the proposal and other stull. I am sure they are told what they can and can’t talk about
I don’t know about anybody else but I have watched last nights BB epsoide 5 times I love the look on Nat and Kevins face when Julie says Jordan won. still LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Jordan
I think Kevin was faking being shocked, I believe he was happy inside.
I agree kevin was excited!
I agree…it almost looked like he was trying not to smile for Natalie’s sake haha
I truely think he was shocked either in the fact that Jordan actually won something or how badly Jordan kicked Natilies butt. After the shock went away he was probably all giddy inside because now he doesn’t have to worry about Natalie screwing him and now he only has to face Jordan.
I sure hope that America?s Vote comes into play because I have been voting all morning and last night too! I would hate to find out that it was all for naught?
I can’t WAIT to see the dirty looks on Natalie’s face when Kevin stabs her in the back…or if she gets the boot from Jordan, someone she has belittled the entire show as being “too dumb to win”…”I’m smarter than her”…or “she’s only one half”.
I’m thinking that both Kevin & Jordan don’t want to win the next comp becasue Natalie will vote against the person who evicts her. Kevin would rather have Jordan evict Natalie so he might take a dive and lose on purpose.
Kevin is thinking: “Oh, my God. This is scary”
I don’t think so. I believe it’s going to be a bloody battle for HOH because they don’t trust each other. Kevin may think Jordan will boot him because of Jeff. And Jordan would think Kevin and Nathalie have a deal and they are playing her. So it’s going to be who wants it most…..being so close of the money and giving up….nor Kevin nor Jordan would do so…
I even don’t think Kevin will take Jordon if he wins. But I do believe Jordan would pick him
I think Kevin is fooling everyone. He will take Natalie and Jordan will too. I hope not, becz I can’t stand that ugly person. My gut is telling me that is what they are going to do. Kevin is such a dumb ass. And Jordan is so gulable. I hope I am wrong…
i really don’t think it’s a good idea for either one of them to take a dive in this last comp., way to risky that the other just might brain fart and take Nat. instead. It is going to be priceless if either one live up to what they are telling each other about booting Nat. It will be worth all the frustration of watching and enduring some of the most idiotic moves, comments, and actions that have been going on since day 1. I’m not a big fan of Kevin over Jeff, but i do give him credit for putting himself in his current position. So, in summary, as long as Natalie walks out the door in third place the ending is a happy one.
I with you, the look on Natalie face when they said that Jordan won was priceless. Natalie is the devil not Michelle. I would like to see Jordan win if not Kevin. I hope Natalie joins the Jury.
right on. Please be in 3rd place PP. Kevin and Jordan, do not believe that evil girl.
Why does Jordan and Kevin keep saying “America must really like Jeff!”? Is it just the coup d’ etat thing still or did I miss something?
yes, i’m wondering the same thing – what happened to make jordan keep saying america loves jeff?
I hate Nat more than I like Jordan or Kevin. I sure hope Jordan / Kevin go to final 2 and Nat makes it THIS FAR and win NOTHING! I would love to see a Jordan win, but her best chance is against Natalie.
Jordan vs. Nat: Jeff, Michele, Lydia, America (Kevin and Russell wild cards) vote for Jordan = Jordan wins at least 4-3
Jordan vs. Kevin: Jessie, Russell, Lydia vote Kevin… Jeff, Michele, America vote Jordan. Nat is wild card (could pissed at Kevin if Kevin takes Jordan to final 2 and screws him) = ???? wins
Kevin vs. Nat: Michele, Russell, Lydia, Jeff, Jordan, America (Jessie is a wild card) vote for Kevin = Kevin wins 6-1 or 7-0
What do you think?
I think that makes a lot of snese!! I honestly think it will be a toss up if Kevin and Jordan go together…..that’s the scenario I want to see. I don’t want Natalie in the final two at all, she shouldn’t get ANY money.
i agree i dont want her in final 2 she may not win with votes but shell still get 2nd place
You forgot Jessie!
You are right about Nat and Jordan, but if it is K/J I believe russell will vote for Jordan. He has mentioned that he doesn’t like Kevin.
It happened right after she came out of the DR….so maybe they told her something about him in there…not too sure. OR maybe they were told to talk about him lots for the purpose of the “never before seen footage” or something along those lines. Just a guess because they started saying that right after the DR session
On last night’s BBAD, they sounded like Production put it out about Jeff’s popularity.
I am so torn…I love Jordan and I like Kevin…Just wish he didn’t have to align himself with the true devil in the house (Natalie) to get as far in the game as he did! She was just plain cruel to Michelle. She reminds of that bully on the play ground picking on the awkward brainy kid with glasses. I hope she watches herself and apologizes to Michelle!
You have to remember that they think The Gnat has a lot of friend in JH. Until we heard the JH voice some opinions, we thought the same thing.
I think the people in the jury are still playing the game. They are trying to fool america. They all know that America gets to vote. I really think Jessie will try to convince evreyone to vote for Natalie. It is just a front. That is if she is in the final three.
only guaranteed vote in the jury for natalie is jessie’s and thats a big DOUBT after what he said on thursday bout him knowin that natalie would’ve never gotten through if she wasn’t ridding coattails, thats mot then enough reason to assume she don’t have any votes in the house because GUESS WHAT”? everybody in the house 100% agreed with him….. no matter if natalie goes with jordan or kevin sorry “natalie fans” she DON’T have enough votes to win,especially after they all compare notes to what natalie did in the house, what she said about jessie,lydia,russel, ect that 3 votes she won’t be getting… KARMA is a beautiful thing…. her fans will keep makin up bullshit because they can’t face the fact that even though natalie is a GREAT MASTERMIND figuring out loopholes in the rules so she and kevin could “cheat” (ultimately making BB12 have a all “new” rule book with no loopholes LOL), but her bullshit caught up with her and her entire “alliance” knows about it…., another funny thing they made up about her her being stinky and nasty is all part of her GAME, you must be out your mind if you think that, no typical 18 year old female does the disgusting shit that she has done, the ONLY thing that was part her game is the “lies and manipulation” everything else was her “male personality”…. she held her POKER FACE when it was necessary, i liked that about her…………… stick a fork in her she DONE
Didn’t anybody in the house pick up on the fact that Nat kept bragging she played in the WSOP in Vegas and was such a great poker player. You have to be 21 to play poker in Vegas!!! She exposed her lie, they should have grilled her on it.
I think the fact that they DONT grill her over these mis steps is because they know she is a liar and dont believe her when she brags about stuff like that.
Ditto that – I said the same thing… gotta be 21 to play in Vegas! duh. lol
I think Jessie’s vote is in question after Michele tells the jury about the proposal.
Oooooooh YA!!!! I completely forgot about that LOL, thanks for pointing that out. She will be more hated for sure.
Remember on BBAD last night Nat was telling the others about the Russ house meeting regarding Mich and she said it was her doing as a result of Mich’s lies and how Chima believed Mich that she had to lie bec she was scared of Russ and his intimidation tactics. Which i guess is how she says that mich was the reason Chima lost it and therefore is the devil etc….??
Well the others discussed it and Kevin finally said that they both had lied but Russ’ downfall was his paranoia and Nat agreed.
BUT does anyone remember a little lie that Nat started about Mich called the Green Room Lie????? That is what caused Russ’ paranoia!!!!! i hope Kev connects the dots soon and realize Nat was the instigator for everything in the house since the beginning. I think he might deduce it….
I loved it when Jordan called her an instigator during the HOH log competition!
Why is Jordan even talking to natalie at this point. If I was kevin and jordan, I wouldn’t even associate with her at this point… I will vote for jordan for america’s vote and michelle for 25k.
I’m glad russell and the rest of crew didn’t hold any grudges against jeff and hope that jeff pushes to vote for jordan if she can meander into final 2.
HEaring that most of them will vote for kevin, would make me want her to bring natalie in, but man that is one tough decision!!!!
kevin is soooo stupid if he takes jordan to final he is not going to win big brother now if he takes natalie he is going to win. one , lydia hates natalie, jessie is not voting for natalie, jeff is not voting for natalie, michelle is not voting for natalie she hates natalie, russell said he is voting for kevin. America hate natalie. Now if he takes jordan America loves jordan, jeff vote for jordan, michelle vote for jordan, russell would vote for jordan, natalie would vote for jordan. he is going to loose the money. I am going to laugh when he takes jordan and loose the money.
Kevin doesn’t know that. He thinks most people like Natalie. I’m sure he’s thinking Nat has Jessie, Jeff, Michele, maybe even Russ and for sure Jordan if he evicts her. He has a very difficult decision.
He totally has a tough decision. If I were him I would take Jordan too…for the simple fact that he has NO clue what the jurors are thinking of Natalie now. Jordan and Kevin both think she’s still really well liked so it’s tough.
On a side note…I LOVE how three people tried to shut Natalie up last night.
When Natalie was talking about Michele saying “the devil is gone…evil has left” and Kevin responding “Stop it!!!”
When Natalie was trying to get under Jordans skin (on the log) saying “Michele was so jealous of you, she must be happy to be alone with Jeff in the jury house” and Jordan responding “you’re a little instigator” (the look Natalie gave her was funny)
And then JULIE saying “it was mental AND physical actually”
LOL, I just love watching her get shut down!
One thing to remember is that the jury still gets to question and confront Kevin, Gnat & Jordan. If the jury starts attacking Gnat, in front of Kevin & Jordan, it’s going to be painfully obvious that the jury house doesn’t like Gnat and whoever wins the HOH should want to keep Gnat, who would get no votes, and thereby guaranteeing himself (or herself) the win.
Anon Julie said it very clearly that the questioning would happen after the HOH competion so the winner picks the other person for final two and the one left (hopefully Nasty) goes to the jury to ask questions. Therefore neither Kevin or Jordan have the opportunity to discover how unpopular Nasty has become in the jury house.
There is still the possibility that Jordon could win the part 3 competition and HOH. Then Jordan will be the one who picks the one for final two. Every one keeps on commenting that Kevin should pick, etc and you don’t know who will win the final competition.
Agreed, look how awesome she did last night, and I don’t think many people expected her to do THAT well. I, for one, was surprised…but pleasantly surprised!! I was really happy for her because I knew she’d be so proud of herself. She’s too cute.
Thank you I was thinking the same thing….people assume that Kevin is going to win the final HOH. Don’t count Jordan out yet, she smoked Gnatalie on the last comp.
No he’s not Kev TOOK OUT JEFF, meaning Russ and Jesse will vote for Kev and Lydia will vote for Kev so that’s 3 so far I think it’s a MISTAKE for Anyone to Take Nat she has votes!
I don’t know why everyone hates Nat. Have you never watched the show before. That’s kinda what it’s all about. Trying to trick everyone in the house. She’s just been able to do it by being really annoying. I don’t think she can win unless the jury votes for her game play. She was mean and lied but still got away with it. That’s kinda the point. Kevin has done well, and I think Jordan has just been lucky at the right times and tried to keep clear of any contrversy(except Russel). Don’t care who wins just hope the final show is DRAMA and everyone shows who they really are for a few minutes after the winner is announced.
I don’t dislike Natalie for her lies and game play, I dislike her because all season she picked her nose while eating candy, shoveled food in her mouth while talking, rarely took a shower, cheated at playing pool and chess and considered bringing up Michele’s brother who passed away this march to “mess with her head” She made the live feeds and bbad difficult and not any fun to watch. Other houseguests can be gross at times but she was gross all the time
I couldn’t agree with you more.
I did’nt know about her brother. How sad. Michelle is a very strong person to have so much sadness in her life. Kids picking on her, PP picking on her, her brothers death, having to deal with PP devil. She is the evil one. go michelle we love you. I hope you get the 25K…
Nat is just a mean, rude and crude person which is wrong. That is why I can’t stand her.
Yes, you may be right, but this little bitch has NO redeeming characteristics. What makes a good villian is that people love to hate them and they(the villians) know it. This bitch is an empty ASU sweatshirt. She has no heart, no soul not even compassion. (Please, that Jessie shit was just that Jessie shit – “Oh, you know he prayed every night for all the HGs!!!!!!”). Also, past HGs with bad reps admitted that they knew they were hated – not this C**T – she is just a po innocent victim just trying to win a game”. YOUR DONE – Next!!!!!!
It’s “Clockwork Orange”
Soooooo Sorrrrry Kris with a “K” !!!!!! When I was typing I had a brain fart!!!!!! Unlike you who has just farts for brains!!!!! Now get off my back MOFO, cuz I just got off yours!!!!!! Anal retentive shithead!!!!!!!
Jordan should only win if she goes against Natalie. Kevin should be the winner no matter who he’s up against. VOTE KEVIN!!!!
I think we can all agree that America will be voting for Jordan. If we want to be honest, she’s getting this vote against the Gnat and Kev. Kev will definitely come in 2nd though.
I only voted for jordan if she was up against natalie. other than that I voted for kevin. While he was mean at times, he played the game much better than jordan did…in my opinion
Did anyone read natalie’s blog where she said Jordan wasn’t a good competitor and isn’t the smartest person in the house? LOL And then Jordan beats her!! That is hilarious!!
I read the blog, the grammar and spelling were awful for someone who claims to have a BA. In one instance she used “weather” instead of “whether”. Too funny. She really isn’t bright enough to be calling someone else dumb.
Congratulations to Kev & Jordon… Natalie choked, she screwed herself, she should’ve stayed on the log. Now her only hope is to offer her services as the definite 2nd place, making the vote easy for the jury to vote for either Jordon or Kevin for the 500k. Jordon chances to win are just as good as Kevins. Nat…has to realize that the jury house knows her game play was just riding others wins. Good luck to her anyway.
Hope Michelle wins the 25k… miss seeing her in a bikini.
I don’t have cable so I just watched last nights episode online. Again I am struck by Jeff’s complete lack of insight and judgement. He couldn’t make any accurate calls in the house and he continues to spout out unlikely senarios in the jury house. He’s predicting Kevin out next followed by Natalie with Jordan and Michele in the final 2. As per usual he couldn’t be more wrong. It’s this lack of insight and misjudgement that lost him and his alliance the game. He said he has never watched BB before and boy you sure can tell.
he can’t predict the future!
he can give his opinons. everyone has different opinions. your gripe is not about jeff ‘not knowing’ its about jealously!
Why would anyone be jealous of such a dumbass? He might be nice to look at but he doesnt have a clue!!!! You can’t win this game on looks though and thats why he’s in the jury not in the final 3!!!
if he didnt have a clue why instead of aligning only with the athletes did he make sure to be frends with the rest of the house? that was very smart of him.
he played a great game and his only mistake was believing the LML and getting rid of russ.
he may have lost this game but he won in real life. viewers are demanding more jeff on tv!
Can someone tell me what it was Production didn’t want them to talk about the fight between Kel and Ronnie? Jordon said something about Hitler and Kel and Nat said no that wasn’t it and didn’t elaborate. Then a Jor is called to a short visit to DR. They tell her what fight was about and The Gnat comments “did they tell you what it was about, they don’t want us to talk about it”
What the F did you just say???
Do you think you could have asked with more civility.
Sorry to others if I wasn’t clear.It was on BBAD last nite when they were told to talk about past occurances in the house.
This season’s Best Line Spoken by a Houseguest has to go to Kevin. I will never forget him saying, “Give me that scarf, Bitch!” as he try to get the scarf of the mannequin in the clothes luxry contest.
Second best: When Kevin called Skank a “Wench” during the part 1 of the final HOH competition.
Jamieboy, I agree, those were the best lines. My husband and I especially liked the “Scarf” line. We couldn’t stop laughing!!!
I hope they put together a montage of all of his sayings! I bet he has the production crew rolling on the floor laughing during his DR sessions! I hope this doesn’t sound politically incorrect, because it is not intended to be, but he is a very good gay role model! I think sometimes gays can be poorly portrayed on reality TV! IMO!
You obviously do not watch live feeds or haven’t read his HoH blog. The constant filth and sexual inuendos coming out of his mouth has not been that of a role model for any part of society. I have gay family/friends and none of them present themselves with such over exagerated flaunting behavior or hatred toward women (calling them bizsnatches-short for bitch-snatches)and straight men. While he may win money he may lose his “man” or actually what looks like a little boy because he outed him on national tv when bf’s family didn’t know he is gay. That’s a harsh outing for someone in the closet.
God gave you nothing!!!!!!!!!
Spoken like a true Mormon and moron!!!!!!
I’m not a mormon asshole!
I think by far Kevin has been the most entertaining of all the houseguests. He has made me laugh many times and all the best lines this season are his. Just another reason to go and vote for him some more!!!!!
I agree, he’s made me laugh out loud at the TV numerous times!! But I have to agree about the scarf line, that was too much. And just the way he ripped that manequin apart……my goodness!!! LOL he definitely does have the best lines, I am glad someone pointed that out! I hope on Sunday, when they do the “best of/never before seen” show, they do a whole segment on lines from Kevin.
SEANINCANADA,i agree, w/ you 100%.
he was great at hosting the fashion show.
JAMIEBOY, that’s sooooooooooooooo funny.
I agree and I like his facial expressions. When the girls were crying over Jessie being evicted, his expressions were hilarious. I have to say that Jeff had some good ones too earlier in the game. Telling Ronnie if he really wanted to go he would open a window and he could jump out.
My original choice to win the game was kevin.
If it comes down to America’s Choice, Jordan will win only because of her popularity, not because of her game play.
Kevin deserves to win and I hope it’s unanimous from the Jury, although we all know who Jeff will vote for.
I agree with you that Jordans popularity will get her lots of votes, however, judging by the comments on this message board, it may be a pretty tight race between Kevin and Jordan for America’s vote! I’m hoping that when they reveal it (if it’s Jordan and Kevin in the finals), they will say how many votes each got, because I think it might be close.
Kevin doesnt deserve to win
Keven and Jordan
won the same amount of competitions
they both played under the craziness
they both had one or two blow ups with other guests
and Jordan did it without being vicious or lieing
if the way jordan talked about michele was not mean, I don’t know what is. She was down right rude to both michele and russell, and russell did not start it with her, if you watch bbad and the feeds you will see that jordan clearly started all the fights with russell, they just edited them to make it seem like she was the sweet little victum. Jordan has only won 1 hoh (given to her by jeff), 1 pov and 1/3 pov. kevin has won 1 hoh, 2 povs and 1/3 hoh. so technically he is ahead and was not handed them by his buddy.
typing too fast, victim for jordan and won 1/3 hoh.
Not according to his buddy nat-she claims she gave them all to him.
Great choice of pictures – I like Ronnie’s for sure!!!
Ideas for Russell: the Terminator (1/2 machine face), love muscle, glaring eyes that try to zap you, pillsbury dough boy….
Thanks again for this site and all that you do for us!
correction: Michilan Man for Pillsbury Dough Boy
Can someone decode all the pictures for us? Some are obvious, some not so obvious.
wizard = Jeff
pig pen = PP
horse teeth = Laura
Zoolander = Braden
Russell = Russell (still need a good face for him)
Cookie dough = Jordan
Straight Jacket = Lydia
Jim Carey = Ronnie
Erlenmeyer flask = Michele
Banana = Casey
rainbow flag = Kevin
Is this too mean? A piece of cauliflower for Russell? I’ve known quite a few wrestlers and most of them the have the ears just like Russell’s…and they joke about them.
And, I like the rat picture better for Ronnie, it was more fitting…that’s insulting to Jim Carey!
How about Vin Diesel for Russel? Though not as amusing as other suggestions, he sort of looks like him.
I say a timebomb for Russ!
Are these comments getting repetitive to anyone else? Or is it just me?
Anyway. I know people have asked this question a few times so I’m going to be a hypocrite and repeat it because it hasn’t been answered yet. I don’t even think any of you read anyone else’s comments anymore anyway. We all just want to say our predictions, which realistically, no one cares about.
So my question is how do they all know that America loves Jeff and Jordan? People keep talking about them all saying stuff like that at dinner last night. Did I miss something?
no one really knows what happened. it looks like production told them to do a “memorial” thing and talk about the ex-hg’s. They started talking about each guest, but it was really fake and kind of scripted. Maybe production prompted the “america loves jeff” thing. I know prod. wouldn’t let them talk about several things, like Kevin’s fight with Ronnie where he called him a nazi.
I answered someones question earlier, however, it’s more of a guess than an answer LOL. I am thinking that production must’ve said somethign in the DR because it was shortly after they came out of the DR that they started talking about it. I think they coach them on what to talk about for the “never before seen” show so maybe they told them to talk a lot about Jeff so they could do a few segments on him for Americas sake. I really have no idea and I could be waaaaay wrong, but it just makes sense considering they started talking about it AFTER they were in the DR.
ok courtney, i am with you..everybody giving their ideas about if this one takes that one but if he should win then he needs to but then if the jury house knew about….its like shut the f#$@ up already. i do skip right over everyone of those posts. it’s boring and hard to follow and really i dont care about kev vs nat and jor vs kev,blah blah blah…anyway, back on track…. i have been thinking the same damn thing all morning reading the posts,that you have been wondering……people keep referring to america loving jeff but WTF? how can anybody with the live feed not understand why that statement was made.it always sound like people watching it 24/7 dont have a clue to what going on. so please someone out there ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION THAT ME AND COURTNEY HAVE ASKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree etata. They are going to set up all the “flash backs” the way they think America wants to see them, so they had to have coached them on what to talk about…
People with live feeds don’t SEE the DR…..
america does love jeff bb knows it so they told them to talk about him to give america what they want.he got a standing o when he left the house and got more air time than others at jurry house.so sun i guess bb will give america a look back at jeff in the house lol
Easy Lisa – no need to get pushy!
If you bother to read the posts you will find that nobody knows exactly WHY Nat and Kev were talking about the popularity of Jeff/Jordon.
I agree with most speculation and that is production planted the seed when they asked HG to do a memory segment. BB probably said something like: talk about how Ronnie was always playing game and how popular Jeff was because he won CDT…etc.
Another clue would be that when Jordon was doing her P2 HOH you could hear the live audience clapping and cheering her on – but when Natalie did her turn I didn’t hear anything.
Kev and especially Nat are probably reviewing all the things they have said about Jeff/Jordon during this season and getting paranoid about their popularity especially since America has one vote with the jury this year.
I hate Nat more than I like Jordan or Kevin. I sure hope Jordan / Kevin go to final 2 and Nat makes it THIS FAR and win NOTHING! I would love to see a Jordan win, but her best chance is against Natalie.
Jordan vs. Nat: Jeff, Michele, Lydia, America (Kevin and Russell wild cards) vote for Jordan = Jordan wins at least 4-3
Jordan vs. Kevin: Jessie, Russell, Lydia vote Kevin? Jeff, Michele, America vote Jordan. Nat is wild card (could pissed at Kevin if Kevin takes Jordan to final 2 and screws him) = ???? wins
Kevin vs. Nat: Michele, Russell, Lydia, Jeff, Jordan, America (Jessie is a wild card) vote for Kevin = Kevin wins 6-1 or 7-0
Michell will vote for JORDAN
Not if her choices are Kevin and Natalie…hello!
how would that be punishment
Nasty actually likes herself
I was told many years agoby a doctor that the jails are full of “builles” !!Being that this behavior borderlineson genious!! And when bullying is seen in an adolesant child or young adult ,and it is not redirected to the positive, when they become adults they usually end up behind bars!!!! Everytime I observe Natalie’s behavior ahd body language, Iam reminded of this doctor and what she had to say!!!!! Natalie is a piece of work!!!!!
If Kevin does take Jordan, or vice versa (which I hopes happens either way) everyone is forgetting the part about the jury being able to question each finalist. Kevin will be more articulate and convincing on his part. Jordan will stumble through the questions and be shown as someone who has floated the entire game and not made ANY game moves. The Q & A will seal the deal for a Kevin win!!
I disagree with you about the questions and answers part. Kevin’s self righteous and demeaning attitude will do him in if he is in the final 2. I am hoping Jordan gets HOH and makes the pick for final 2. Nat needs to be out of the house now, she is so annoying with her constant talking, her disgusting eat habits and trying to be in control which she cannot do.
I Agree that Kevin will do a better job at making a case for himself than Jordan would. But I don’t think Jeff would vote against Jordan and Michele has said that she wants one of the three of them (J/J/M) to win, and also said she will not vote for Kevin if he sent her home. If Jordan gets America’s vote and if Kevin “backstabs” Natalie to take Jordan to final 2, Nat could very likely vote against Kevin out of emotion (she won’t have any “cool-off” time after getting evicted). If it comes to Kevin and Jordan, It could really go either way (though I give the edge to Kevin)
Say it with me, people. CBS’s theme for this season is: “It Pays to Lie”. First, we had to tolerate nasty Natalie on Big Brother and now it appears there is a liar on “Survivor”. I saw coming attractions of one of the men spinning a story about how he was in New Orleans during the hurricane flooding and what he went through in the aftermath. He later comments that it was a lie and that he’s never lived in New Orleans but he’ll tell anybody anything if it makes him more sympathetic.
IF Natalie wins, I’ll be disgusted and very disappointed, not only because she is so undeserving but because of the methods she used to win. Her method of winning would send a message to the young people watching that show. Apparently, that same message is going to be carried through now onto “Survivor”.
hey…have you ever heard of someone on one of these game shows that is so mean and conniving but people still love them and root for them to win. the trick is too be mean and game play but at the same time be real at moments and funny, make people laugh. .and by all means..DONT WALK AROUND LIKE YOUR SHIT DONT STINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will be your downfall everytime!!!
I completely 100% agree with you lisa!!! Case in point: Evil Dick. Was mean as hell, but he had funny moments, and he was so real when it came to his feelings for his daughter, and look what it got him…… A seat in the finale, and ultimately, the $500,000 grand prize.
Especially when you don’t bathe, or wash your hands after using the toliet, and picking your nose, surprised she didn’t eat it.
Dr. Will did the same thing in BB2, he lied about having cancer. It’s been a part of the came since the beginning, it just depends on whether the person who lies is likable or not. Natalie’s personality and attitude is the antithesis of a likable personality.
Yea but Dr. Will told everyone from the get go that he was going to lie. He kept telling people he would say anything, and they kept him in the game anyways. It was one of the funniest seasons.
It was the best season…along with Allstars and BB8. They were the only seasons that were entertaining until the very end. And you’re right about Will. He also challenged the HG’s to vote him out week 1 and they didn’t. Everyone has their strategies, some work, some don’t.
To Disillusioned:
You should not be watching shows like Survivor or Big Brother. You should probably spend all your time in a church.
hehehe, cuz there are no liars there! oh my bad.
Why does Gnat keep saying the game last night was set up for Jordan to win ? As i recall she practiced the same as Jordan ,made a calender for dates , and yet she is still bitching ,she is such a sore loser . I can’t wait to hear what Kev has to say about this in his DR ….
there is always a balance……….think about for a second. if nat wasnt so mean then jordan would not of lasted as long and if jordan wasnt so nice then natalie wouldnt lasted as long as she did and if kevin wasnt as…………………………………i’m not sure where i’m going with this, but it did start off making sense…..lol…someone please finish it for me…i know there is some balance in the house, it’s the only way to explain why nat,kev,and jor are the last remaining houseguests.
Idon’t care as long as it’s Jordan and Kevin @ the end one will get 500/ and the other one 50 so it’s game time!!! go Jordan
Next year BB let america vote each week who goes home, only safety net is HOH and POV everyone else is on the block. Then the lies and backstabbing will be a thing of the past and the competitions would be GREAT no drifters and nobody riding on anyones coat tails. We would see a much different game.
They did that season 1, didn’t work out so well. America loves the “nice” players, so half way thru the game it get’s boring because america got rid of all the liars and backstabbers. Maybe they could still do the HOH and veto, and let america vote between the two people on the block.
season 1 sort of did that. the house guests voted on 2 players to evict and then america made the final decision between the 2. hoh didn’t start till season 2.
didn’t they do that in season 1. I think they stopped because of robo-votes, etc.
Could production have told the house guests that Jeff is way ahead in the America’s choice voting.
Ok everyone, I agree with the kevin and jordan lovers in here. PP definately doesnt deserve to be this far she has ridden everyones coat tails yet she calls jordan dumb and a floater she has been the biggest hypocrit in all of the bb seasons i have watched. does anyone know if there is going to be a BB 12? I sure hope so, i would love to see a big brother – most memorable showmances season. Everyone loves the showmances and it would be interesting to see where those houseguests would end up in that season, who pairs up with who and how there game play would be different.
I think most people who have been watching this show closely have moved on to other things. This is the worst group of players in the finals ever for BB and will be forgotten soon enough. NONE of these “girls” would last a week in the house if there were some decent players. Just give someone the money and lets move on and only remember this crew as a trivia question down the road. They are all an embarrasment to the game in my opinion and the true definition of floaters.
I read this website daily. I really dont care if you like my comment or not. Natalie has done nothing to be hated so much by America. Its a game…you do what you have to do. I personally think that most of you are racist and try to pretend you are not. You love Jeff, Jordan. Why? Because they are America’s sweethearts and they are not black! Every year yall hate on the black people on big brother and yes I am making it about race because some of yall sound so ignorant and there is no other reason. Some of you all are saying she treated Michelle badly…what makes you different when you are on the message boards tallking so nasty about Natalie. Further more…BB cheats for Jeff and Jordan. This season mirrored bb8 except for this competition becasue they wanted Jordan to win. I really dont care what you assh#$%^ think but I am speaking my mind!
You may be right that everyone hates Natalie but its not for no reason, sje portrays herself to be bestter than everyone and sorry but people don’t like know it alls or been there done that people and thats who Natalie appears to be. On the other habd if BB production is in fact rigging the game, I think, good for them. $500,000 is a lot of money to hand over to people that don’t deserve it. On the other hand, I don’t like the self portrait that Natalie has painted, nor do I like the self portrait that Chima painted for herself. That doesn’t make me racist…In fact I’m far from it. I have two beautiful, inteligant bi-racial daughters and they would not carry themselves as woman the way those two woman carried themselves. Now aside from race…..I dont like the self portrait of Lydia either, she portrays herself as a fast in the @ss need a man to complete me type chic….So whats the excuse on that? Not race.
Natalie has played the game better than anyone since Jessie left. She was probably using Jessie too.
She is a great player.
Even the past BB winners said her LML was a classic and fantastic strategy that changed the game drastically.
the only thing natalie played with is her mouth.
she sucks at comps.
she made up lies because of that fact. if she were as good as she claims she would be winning her way to the end instead of making up stuff, causing problems based on her lies, and riding the coattails of others.
she is not the best player-merely the best liar.
they DID NOT say she was a good player, only that the lie was a good move.
she sucked in the comps and she claimed in the end when she needs to win she will. well the comp she claimed was hers to win but failed at miserably proved she was all talk. she not only lost but she lost to the one person she was sure was the weakest and that she would beat.
That was Kevin’s idea, and guess who told the lie…Kevin. Kevin is clearly the better player than annoying Natalie. I would never hit a woman, but I would make an exception for her stupid ass.
Good call Ciss. Why is that they would pull the race card? People liked Jess because he was HOT and other than a little bit of a temper, he has been fantastic in this game. Jordan is just a lovable girl that anyone would like unless your trying to pull the race card!
Natalie is a big show off that backstabbed constantly while the whole time, she is saying she is loyal! Sorry, but that is not my idea of loyal. Granted it is a game and there is tons of betraying and backstabbing, but if you don’t like a person, it isn’t a race issue. It is a I DON’T LIKE THE PLAYER issue!
I happen to like Kevin but hate he has been sucked in by Natalie and hope he truly has opened his eyes!
Slip of the fingers! Meant Jeff not Jess! Definitely not JESSIE!
Jesse is a steriod king. Little nads and little brain.
I think your nutz. I’m a black female, that love bb. I’ve watched this game every season, even the 1st when they had the former black panther. I’ve seen some raciest things on this site, but fools will be fools. In the case of Natalie, she is just a bitch. I don’t like the girl. I really think she is like that in real life. I life most people hate floater, liers, cheaters, and people that think their right all the time. The girl don’t like to do anything for herself. She don’t even like to wash her own ass, or comd her own hair. It seem the olny thing she can do is lie and cheat. She don’t want to compete, she don’t want to get blood on her hands, she don’t want to clean, she don’t want to do shit. I think even you will hate people like that. I don’t think it has nothing to do with race. She is a Nasty, Stanken you know what.
I so agree with you…it is not a race thing ….it is all in how you hold yourself. You wanna act like natalie then you will not be liked. Jorden yes has slid through the game.. but she I can respect her as a person
I hate Natalie because she says she hate Michele so much and says things like Michele is a liar and backstabber etc when she is the biggest liar backstabber of them all. She really believes Michele is somehow worse than her somehow and that really annoys me about her. She is a huge hypocrite. I hate hypocrites!!! It has nothing to do with her race.
Production also “cheated” with helping Natalie develop the big LML that allowed her to still be in the game. So it cuts both ways.
no – you are ignorant – it is not disputable to use the race card
Thank you
OMG….are you serious right now? Why is it that when anything indifferent to ones feelings, they have to bring up the race card? Has anyone here on these boards ever said that Nat was black/white/hispanic??? NEVER ONCE. If you read these comments, most people do not like Nat for numerous reasons…..NONE HAVE TO DO WITH RACE. My reason for not liking her to win is I believe she is a hypocrite (which is a proven fact from this season). She talks loyalty, honesty, integrity, ect. But she has lied, schemed, cheated and so on. I would like her more if she never made the statements about loyalty, honesty, ect….we should all expect these people to lie, cheat, scheme….THAT IS WHAT BB IS ALL ABOUT. No one has ever won this game being 100% honest…never. As far as this race…..you basically make yourself sound like an idiot. People that use this usually have no sense of honor or just plain being proud. You most likely have put a mark on those of us who are proud to be who and what we are by using that term. Please go back to school, get a degree and make something out of your life instead of using race as an excuse.
I totally agree with you! It would be completely different if she went into her DR sessions and admitted to her dishonesty as part of the game, however she puts on a front that she’s a saint. We all know what BB is about..If I were a houseguest I’d do and say what I needed to, to win. BUT!!! I’d let it be known it’s strictly game, nothing personal and not my overall character. I’m a black woman and would love to see another minority for once win, but not at the expense of others. Michelle played the game the same way I would have played it and she didn’t deserve the harassment Natatlie gave her. For the record, I’ll never understand why people love Evil Dick, he’s the worst!
You must be white…you assume I am black so it is go back to school and get a degree! White people never think they are racist and get easily offended
I guess your own word is coming back to you…”assume” I am white. As a matter of fact, I am not. That right there just proves my point about your comments. You should try and be an open minded person who doesn’t need to fall back on the race card. I believe everyone is equal in this world and should be treated the same…no matter what skin color they may be born with.