Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Casey Decides to Flip the Vote “can’t do Shit to us now we have the Votes”


9:30pm Braden and Jordan. Jordan says she’s been trying to get Braden the votes all evening. SHe gives him some advice, “don’t come on too strong for them”. She mentions that they are trying to get Casey to flip the vote.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
9:40pm Kitchen Russel, Chima, Natalie, Laura, and Casey. They are all eating pineapple. Russell brings up that he doesn’t want to go back and watch the show. chima says she is totally going to watch the show to see what people thought of her. Russell scoff and says fuck that “I don’t give a fuck what people say about him if they can’t say it to his face”


9:55pm Bathroom Chima and Jesse. Chima is applying lotion to Jessie’s back esse’s back. Laura watches as she puts on makeup. Chima tells him that she really enjoys rubbing muscle. She tells Jesse when whe is done she’s going to shower up in the HOH bathroom. Laura and Chima leave and Lydia enters, Jesse tells Lydia to stick to the plan and not do anything stupid.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
9:40pm Backyard Jeff, Jordan and Ronnie. They are talking about how to convince Casey to vote to save Braden. Jordan seems confident that she can flip Casey’s alliance. She says she has learned some things in this house. Ronnie ask what. Jordan says that Russell wants Casey out. Ronnie says he knew that to and he heard that Casey was picked to be a replacement nomination. Ronnie leaves and Michelle joins them she says that she thinks Chima knows something is up. Michele tells them that Natalie and Chima sat beside her and said something about it being cold near Michelle, “i was like FUCK OFF”. Jeff says it doesn’t matter what they know. Jeff says he can’t believe they are so close to saving Braden, “I thought he was a goner”. Michele tells them that Chima told her that if she was HOH that she would want Casey on the block. Jeff says he’s going to go say that to Casey. Michelle disagrees and says it should be her. Braden joins them. They are talking about how awesome it’ll be when they pulls this off. Braden says He
says if they pull it off he will shotgun a beer. Braden tells them he has
already prepared his speech. Braden says ” if you vote for me to stay I will go after whoever you want me to in this game. I will give you my word I will be there for you”. Jordan tells Michele she never thought she could get her on their side. She said after the blowup last night with Michele and Nat and Chima that she thought they may have a chance. They all agree that they need to get Casey otherwise its five to five. Jeff says if they pull it off they all have to stick together til the end.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
10:00pm Casey Joins “What’s poppin? talk to me”. Michele tells Casey she doesn’t want to take Casey out but if Chima stay she is gunning for you. Jordan tells Casey that the other side is talking about putting you up or he would be the replacement nominee next week.
Casey nodes but says his major concern is his teammates will be upset with him. He says he is getting sick of Russell walking around giving him the cold shoulder for no reason. Jeff says that?s Russell?s true colours.
Casey tells them that he would have no problem sending Chima home over
Braden, “I WOULD LOVE IT”. However Casey feels obligated to do what Jesse wants because he feels like he owes Jessie something for not putting him on the block this week. They remind him that he is the swing vote and its all up to him. Casey says he likes Jeff and Jessie but has no problem sending Russell home. Casey adds that he doesn?t want Jesse put up they all agree “we wouldn’t put Jesse up” Casey tells them that his “clique” won’t be happy if he flips, but he thinks he can explain it. He makes it perfectly clear that he does not want Jesse voted out. He asks if Ronnie is 100% in on this plan, they all say yes of course. Casey tells Braden that he really likes him more than Russell and wants Braden to stay. Casey adds that he doesn’t care for Lydia or Kevin and wouldn?t mind seeing both of them gone as well. Jordan say after they announce the votes don’t anybody say anything when they ask who they voted
for. Jordan warns them to watch out because Nataie is lurking around. Casey says so what they can’t do shit to us now we have the votes.


10:15pm Jordan, Laura and Ronnie share news that Casey is in. Ronnie is very happy, Laura is worried that Casey is going to change his mind. Jordan doesn’t think he will. Jordan mentions that JEsse is outside trying to kiss everyone?s ass. Laura “Jesse can kiss my ass”


Big Brother 11 Spoilers

10:30pm Pool table Casey, Braden, Jeff and Laura
Laura tells them she was watching Natalie and Jesse Scheme and its put her on edge. Casey leaves. She teass Jeff and Braden that they are the highlighted group right now. There is a full camera shot on their little pool game. Laura leaves. Braden may have wins the game.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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