Big Brother 11 – Jesse Does a Pose down Casey asks: “Do You Work It Up To Half Mast?”

Big Brother 11 Spoilers


8:45pm Backyard Crew. Talking about how Ronnie should join the popular?s cause there?s only going to be 1 left. They are thinking about going up to HOH and talking to Ronnie.

Chima and Lydia are disagreeing with them saying that tempers are too hot right now they should wait. Lydia doens’t want to talk to him, she just wants to make sure he has food. Casey says he would come down anyway and give it right back to Russell. Lydia suggests they bring him up a bag of food but then says he deservesw what he’s getting because he put himself where he is. They comment on him thinking he was such a mastermind but didn’t he know that everyone talks and sooner or later the lies would come out. Chima says that Ronnie is a BASTARD and he was planting shit in every single person mind in this house. Natlie brings up that he might be a plant for Big Brother and the producers are feeding him information. Natalie is shocked that everyone got played. Casey says he knew he was going to put Ronnie up, no matter what he told Ronnie.The girls are coming up with designer nicknames; Jordan’s “Gucci”, Chima is “Cavalla”, Natalie is “Coach” and Lydia is “Dior”

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

Lydia desperately wants to make out with someone. She wonders why Big Brother didn’t put a hot Lesbian in the house for her. They mention how strange the house is now that Ronnie is exposed. They start talking about possible pawns for when they evict ronnie and noone wants to do it. They ask Russell is he would nominate Ronnie or backdoor him Russell answers i’ll backdoor him. Russell says that there is a 15% chance of him not going home if he plays for POV. Russell asks why would they give him a chance. Russell goes on to explain that ROnnie only has a 1/10 chance of playing the POV if he isn’t nominated.


9:30pm Talk about Ronnie and how shady he is. They think Ronnie is going to honestly try to get himself out of this mess and they laugh. Chima and Lydia point out how strange Dan was towards Ronnie when he was hosting the POV. Lydia says i knew somehitng was up when I saw Dan give Ronnie a High 5. They ask Jesse what he wears when he posses. HE says posing trunks. Casey says “Speedos”, JEsse “ya kinda”, Chima asks do you put a sock in it? Casey do you work it up to half mast? Kevin asks 1/4 Gubby? JEsse says no none of that.
9:50pm everyone goes inside to watch JEsse Pose except for Jeff and Casey. Casey tells him to take the day off today and tomorrow they will go full boar. Jeff asks who he’s voting for and he says Jordan but keep that to yourself. They thank each other and they got each others back. Jordan and Russell join them and the talk changes to how “fucken good turkey bacon is”

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

9:53pm Jesse posing down for Kevin, Micehlle, Lydia and Chima while Natalie showers. They enjoy the show when Jesse turns around kevin says he wishes he was JEsse microphone (cause it in jesse’s underwear)
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