Cody WINS the Power of Veto Competition! “Lets go! LETS GO!”

Head of Household Winner – ENZO
Nominations – Nicole & Christmas
Power of Veto holder – Cody
Power of Veto Ceremony
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Power Of Veto Winner: CODY
This week as the Power of veto winner Cody, casts the sole vote to evict. At the same time deciding who will stay and go to the final three with him and Enzo. Will Cody choose to evict CHRISTMAS or NICOLE?

*** Cody has said that he is taking Nicole and will evict Christmas. If this happens your final three will be ENZO, CODY and NICOLE. ***

In the Bedroom. Cody – Lets go! LETS GO!

Lounge room. Nicole talking to herself.
Nicole – I am just mad because I could have won that. Why did you panic Nicole!? If you get to move further in this game .. do no panic again. Ok! Don’t panic again. You could have won that veto! You felt in your mind that you didn’t deserve it because you aren’t physical. I am battling so much in here on top of playing the competition. I need to believe in myself more. Right when I got down to me and Cody I thought there is no way I can beat him. He is faster. He is stronger. He has been studying more. In all reality I could have beat him. Its not about him.. its about me beating myself. That sucks! Yeah I am frustrated. I am really really happy for him. I now have to be brought to final three. Like that is so lame! Him and I kicked butt in that comp though. He is just really really good. He is a real good competitor but I am too. But you know what don’t beat yourself up. You do that enough.

Bedroom. Enzo talking to himself. Enzo – this sucks but that is why I wanted to win that HOH because I knew this POV was going to be tough.

3:45pm Bathroom. Nicole and Cody.
Nicole and Cody are talking about the Veto competition. Nicole talks about how she’s nervous. Cody – she (Christmas) is going to go to him (Enzo). Nicole – she already came to me and said that I would have a lot better chance on staying than she will… and I think its because she thinks I’m useless. And I said why? And she said because.. Cody – I swear if Enzo even tries to be like Nicole I am going to f**king be like YO! Nicole – he is going to. Cody – I am going to be like YO Check it quick! Nicole – yeah but its your decision not his. Cody – I am not .. I don’t give a f**K .. I am not f**king cutting you. I am not f**king doing that to you. Just so you know that. I don’t know why you would even come in here and be like.. Nicole – do you understand why that is frustrating for my game? Cody – Don’t care, not doing it. Nicole – but it is best for your game. Cody – I don’t care if its best for my game.. it is but you coming in here saying your nervous. Nicole – no that is not why.. I don’t like the thought of someone bringing me to final 3. I know you wouldn’t either. Cody – oh yeah I wouldn’t like it either. Don’t even rack your brain about it. Like its not even a thing. I would never. Nicole – he is going to try. Cody – I am not even going to entertain that conversation. He wants that he because he thinks she will bring him. I don’t even care .. was taking Derrick best for my game? No! I don’t f**k with that sh*t!

3:57pm HOH room. Enzo and Cody.
Cody – Lets go! Enzo – Lets go! They talk about what happened in the competition. Enzo – Christmas is going to bug the sh*t out of you this week. Cody – NA, she already said something to Nicole. Like you have a better chance at staying than me. Enzo – she will try though. Cody – what is she going to bug me about though .. I almost want to be like Christmas you tried to get me put on the block two weeks now.. but I can’t say that because she is going to say sh*t to you. And that dogs you. And if we’re sitting next at the end I don’t want her to be like f**k Enzo. I want us to have a fair shot. Enzo – no exactly. I am not trying to dog you. Enzo – I think you and me are just going to have fun and say our sh*t. Cody – the first HOH is going to be endurance. The second one is going to be something elaborate but simple. Enzo – I just want to get to the questions (Final 2 jury questions). I am going to try my hardest to win the endurance. Cody – we are just going to f**king go for it. Enzo – we could put on the greatest show of all time .. how you and me never went on the block. That is f**king .. no one has never done that and no one ever will. That will live on for the rest of the season. Cody – season? Enzo – the rest of Big Brother. She might leave Monday or Tuesday. We might not have to wait till Thursday. Cody – I am so glad I can come up here and just chill now.

4:03pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.

4:35pm HOH room. Enzo and Cody.
Enzo talks about how Christmas his going to hound Enzo and him when the other goes into the diary room. Enzo – lets win these next two comps and then its done YO! We’re in the final 3! It doesn’t matter. We just have to win out. Enzo jokes that he should tell Nicole he doesn’t know what he is doing with it (Veto). Christmas is easy to take .. everyone hates her. Cody calls Nicole up to the HOH room.

4:40pm HOH room. Nicole comes up to the HOH room with Cody and Enzo. Nicole – FINAL 3 BABY!

5:19pm Big Brother blocks the feeds ..
5:35pm Kitchen. Nicole, Cody and Christmas are making diner and talking about past seasons / comps.

5:57pm – 6:48pm Dinner time.. while they eat they recount past events of the season.

7pm Living room. Cody and Nicole playing backgammon. Enzo chatting with them while laying on the couch.

8pm – 8:30pm Everyone is getting waxed..

9:13pm The final four are sitting around the living room chatting. They keep checking for booze but haven’t gotten any. They start doing improv of different scenarios. Cody – your (Christmas) boyfriend was caught kissing your best friend (Nicole).

9:43pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.

10:18pm Still blocked.

10:34pm Still nothing..
11:12pm Nothing yet..

11:40pm Still blocked.

12:10 am Feeds return chit chat in the kitchen.

12:30 am Bible time before bed.

1:15 am COdy and Nicole chit chat…
Cody talks about playing Call of Duty. Cody is worried when he comes back he’ll lose his edge and it will take time to get practices up.

Cody complains that the headphones hurt his temples and gives him headaches.

2:00 am Enzo says Christmas gave him a look when he nominated her. (See iamge)

Enzo – yo you’re not on the block by yourself.. what the f*** yo what else do you want me to do. Put Cody on the block?

Enzo looks through the photos before bed.

2:48 am Zzzzzzz

9:57 am sleeping yo

11:50 am Everyone up. Backyard open.

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WOW simply unexciting….again…..STILL

Dropping a Duece in Frisco


Nicole and Cody F2. Close the door.

Bb fan

As a former winner Nicole getting this far again is IMPRESSIVE and if Nicole gets to the Final 2 again it should be recognized as a remarkable achievement!

If Cody cuts both Christmas and Enzo that would truly bode well for Nicole game and potentially Jury votes because Cody would get all the blood on his hands.


Winning this season is like being the smartest gold fish.

Where’s Janelle

Nicole already winning Big Brother once is in a great position again to be at the end! That is quite an accomplishment that deserves credit!
– – and not something that you flush down a pooper that was more like Janelles game this season.

Miss Impression

The plan is complete.

Coin Slots

She’s going to take Enzo. She’s already hinting at it by telling Cody that it’s not best for his game to take her. She’s preparing him for the blindside. Cody needs to wake up and vote her out.

The Beef

If he’s smart he’ll do exactly that. Not because she’s a great player but because she has too many friends in the jury, and now apparently was able to “send” Memphis a $10k buy a vote “gift”, courtesy of a production generated luxury comp I’m sure we’ll see on tomorrow nights show (or maybe on Wednesday night). She’d be a fool to take Cody to final 2 knowing that he’ll still likely beat her ass, friends or no friends, so yeah, he should clip her, either this week, or next week during the final 3.


Cody, guaranteed final2….Enzo would take him over nicole, and nicole takes him over Enzo….done deal, and like him or hate him, he deserves to win out of all of them..

The Beef

Why would Nicole take Cody, when Cody will likely beat her in Final 2? Friends or no friends, $450k is still $450k and that’s a lot of money. She at least has a shot at beating Enzo. She has no real shot at beating Cody, unless the jury votes total moron.

Where’s Janelle

It’s not a total moron for Nicole to still beat them both and win it!

The Beef

Yeah, it really would be BBfan, after Cody has won 7 competitions and competed the whole season to Nicole winning 2 competitions and competing for one week. Only a complete moron would vote her the win over Cody, or someone who has an agenda other than game play. I suspect there may be some of those in the jury – Da’Vonne is one for sure. Ian may vote for Nicole because they are friends. That’s about the only two I see her getting against Cody. Possibly Kevin because he has professed to hating Cody so much. None of them vote for her because of game play though. Not. One. Vote. One for gender, one for friendship and one for bitter.

Why do you change your name and post under different aliases? It’s very clear who you are when you read the posts. You’re fooling no one. lol

Where’s Janelle

Nice try wise ass but I think your fact checking and detective skills are straight suspect much like your garbage takes on big brother because I can speak for myself. Just an FYI their are fans that like Nicole and recognize that she has done well in Big Brother and still could win BB for a 2nd Time and know it would be a milestone making history ! Wake up from under that rock you baboon Everyone knows it’s not about the amount of competitions you win that makes you deserving to get to the end aurguing why that is the deciding factor on why you should win big brother ! Dr. Will won no competitions in two seasons. The only garbage is you and Every trash line you shat out of your bile. Real talk the biggest joke of this whole season is you Crying like a sissy about Nicole the whole season about how awful she is only to see you waste endless hours of your time just to see her go to end for second time Haha
Just one last time where is Janelle ?
Oh yea that’s right she left 2 months ago… and again where is Nicole… that’s right she’s making it to the final 3 for a second time with a chance to win again. Enjoy wasting your time Prancer fooling no one but yourself Congrats SON Just like Janelle you played yourself !

Tom is a Canuck

Wow. Triggered much?

The Beef

Okay BBfan. You’re entitled to your opinion, but posting them under three or four different aliases doesn’t strengthen your position at all, and only goes to show that you are exactly the kind of moron who WOULD vote for Nicole, no matter what the circumstances of the game were and are. You keep bringing up Dr. Will as if she somehow compares to him in game play just because neither one of them wins many competitions. That just goes to show how big of a fool you truly are, as Dr. Will played a genius game psychologically, telling the other players that he hated them and even ASKING them to vote him out, yet they didn’t do it. Why? Because he had them eating out of his hand and had completely mind f*cked every single one of them! Nicole has NEVER done anything like that, so trying to compare her to Dr. Will is just a stupid move on your part. PLUS, Will took great pride in NOT winning competitions, while Nicole is very clearly bothered by the fact that she CAN’T win these comps. They clearly have two completely different philosophies on how to play this game when it comes to competitions. So why don’t you quit making excuses for her poor performance when even SHE is disappointed in her OWN performance competition wise this season?

As for Janelle, if you put her and Nicole up against each other one on one in every comp they played this season, I guarandamntee you Janelle would come out on top, and you know that too! Janelle would “smoke Nicole like a cigarette” in probably 80% of the comps, and the only reason she left so soon was because of the pre-game alliance, and you know that as well.

So you go on hiding behind your “secret” aliases, just like Nicole hides behind her meat shields and pre-game alliances. You two were made for each other. Two sides of the same coin. She’s a cheater and a back-stabber, who likes to hide behind strong men, and who can only “win” if strong men drag her to the end, and then the jury votes bitter to “hand” her the win. You like to hide behind multiple aliases for who knows what reason.

Where’s Janelle

Wrong you dummy – you are just an idiot and a “Total Moron” if you believe that I have any affiliation to another profile just to pose under a different alias with the most common profile name just to talk to an imbecile such as yourself – you are a bigger Jackass than I could ever imagine !
I recognize Nicole as strong player ! Im not the only one with this take as their are countless people that come to this site that feel the same way ! I’ll put you in your place because all you do cry is like a sissy about how awful Nicole is everytime some one gives a positive response about Nicole’s game !! All you do is get into fights with people that disagree with you about Nicole because you are so blinded by how much hate youve had towards watching Nicole this season countless hours of your meaningless time just to see her advance while everyone does her dirty work while Nicole has no blood on her hands !
Where’s Janelle the profile name as in Your former name team Janelle who fell off in an abyss and played a game this season that was arguably the worst we have ever seen ! Again how long ago did Janelle leave
(14th PLACE) HAHA You are clown because you played yourself you fool- Nicole smoked Janelle like a cigarette and you know it “YOU BUM” !
This cigarette is smoked in your honor for how Nicole Franzel blazed your ass like a blow torch only to see you cry like a little sissy for 3 months All the While she continued to move on in the game succeeding getting to the end of the game for a 2nd Time !

All puff and no stuff



Enzo should have played his own game and not Cody’s. Omg production has their wish for Cody to win. Looks like Cody and Nicole will make it to the top.


Unfortunately, you are correct


production wants nicole to win. cody is just dominating.

b22 sucksss

i swear if cody takes nicole to F2, i will boycott bb. like enzo was so loyal to cody. also anyway we know cody’s won BB so theres no point in finishing the season


But Nicole is his final 2 for pre game. You can think Derrick for that.


but nicole was loyal to him too


Enzo was an idiot to protect someone he knew he couldn’t beat at the end. Not impressed.


I was sure hoping for Xmas to win. Enzo better win that final HOH and take Nicole, because if he wins and takes Cody, he loses

The Beef

And if Nicole wins and takes Cody, she loses. That means the only way for Cody to get to F2 is to win the last HOH. So what do you think is going to happen? Hahahahaha


I don’t think it’s set that Cody would take Nicole to F2. Enzo and him are Jersey boys and have a better chance at a long term friendship than Nicole and him. I think that will decide it. Plus Cody knows next to Enzo he would win jury


Cody is set no matter what…both Enzo and Nicole will take him. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cody let’s one of them win the final HOH and pick.

The Beef

Now I understand how you got your name.


and I understand how you got yours


Expect the Expected



Stupid Jurors

There have many times people could have put Cody up, that wasn’t productions fault that was the fault of the idiot contestants. They, the contestants were told that Cody and Nicole were together, THEY choose to ignore the information.

Lady E

True, although Cody & Nicole were protected by a big alliance. Still, the jury members are where they are because they left people in the game.


Does anyone else remember when Nicole obviously threw Otev? She faked falling, then instead of trying to immediately get back up, she laid down giggling (twice!) while keeping an eye on Cody hunting for the correct object. Only when he found it did she get up & try to climb rope. Most obvious “throw” in this BB season. Now she’s whining “I coulda woulda shoulda got Cody out.” Wtf, Nicole, you fruit loop dingus. She’s been in the bag since day one. What a phony.


Yes she is a phony. Otev comp was ludicrous and a blatant act by Nicole. Surprised not much really said about it.

The Beef

Yeah, she threw it, but only after only good ole Cody and Enzo were still left in the comp. She couldn’t make her “meat shields” look bad by beating them, so she pretends to not be able to climb the grade, after climbing it easily three times before that. Didn’t she look cute though being dragged up the incline by Cotex and Enzo? That’s some good TV right there! lol /sarcasm


Enzo is playing for third again. Good job

Lady E

Lol or Cody might get 2nd again.


Yes so true! He just might lol


The contract must include a huge bonus if your in final 2 with cody…it just doesn’t make any sense why they would all want to drag him to the end when they know, and have stated as such, he will be tough to beat.


Is it possible that they’re both just saying they’re taking him because they know he’s the most physical and want to be assured that he would take them?


I guess they wanted the storyline of the winner never being on the block the whole season just like Derrick. They need better writers for this show.


Derrick was on the block once: Cody won the final HOH and got to choose between Derrick and Victoria. That’s “sitting on the block”. If Cody wins the final HOH, he’ll be the first HG in BB history to never sit on the block during an entire season and win.

"It's Jake...........from State Farm"

I understand that there is a new competition.The prize is a set of balls.Oh gosh,I just found out that Enzo has already won,seems he had none and really needed these.
Meanwhile,Cody is busy trying to calculate in his mind,exactly the amount that he has to pay Derrick as his agent.


Cody’s not worried about figuring it out, he knows Derrick will tell him what to do.

The Beef

This would be hilarious, if it wasn’t true!


Was the POV another timed event ?

Roisin Dubh

Well cut Cody the check now. It’s official. Memphis screwed up, he should’ve laid low for another week. That house was about to divide into two camps and stepped in too soon.


Well that stinks! This game never gets shaken up anymore, and is predictable. ANNOYING that an alliance was made prior to this season started by Nicole and Cody. That is not fair at all. They should both be disqualified. Just give Enzo the win.


If cody and nicole is the final two ..all the jurors should just vote for nicole …upset the status quo..the wall yeller already laid the ground work noone separate these two … idiotic enzo if he wins and takes cody ..this idiot never made no move to argue infront of the jury..none of these players made a independent move that was not a committe move back bone….anyone that cody takes his arguement will be ..They did what he wanted..nicole did nothing all season just nuture her friendship with cody to sit in final two ..I cannot wait to see who gets cut ..hopefully cody will take nicole

Cathy Albertorio

Why vote Nicole, the only person that should win this season is Cody, that’s it Cody!! He played the best and out played them all, If Nicole wins Its all Bullshit!!


He didn’t out play them. it’s called Pre Game!!!

The Beef

They damn sure didn’t out play him! As of today he has 7 competition wins! Enzo has 3, plus a safety suite. Nicole has only 2, so Cody has won more competitions than the two of them put together! Plus, Nicole has benefited just as much from the pre-gaming as Cody has, if not more so, and so has Enzo, although it’s unclear just how much a part of it he may or may not have been. He may not have been a “Committee” member, but he had a final 2 with both Cody and Memphis, and a final 3 with Christmas, so he too was protected by that pre-game alliance, like it or not.

All of the final 7 players were involved in pre-gaming to some extent, and it’s possible even David, who went out #8, pre-gamed with Tyler. You may have to go as deep as #9 Da’Vonne to get to someone who didn’t have a pre-game alliance, and I’m not even sure that’s true, as it’s possible she talked to Bayleigh before entering the house.


Cody played not the best game but the best pre alliance game ..people please separate the two … these people cheated to get where they are …derick cody and crew fucked up this season because they did not think they could of made it this far along without a prealliance …


I don’t know… I think Nicole could win this or Enzo… there is a lot of salt in that jury this year. The only vote we know Cody has is Dani.


Warning: Long post

Cody POV win sets stage for NiCodyZo F3:

I know the preseason commentary was NiCody F2 — BUT… I’m 99.9% certain if Cody wins the final HOH he is taking Enzo. I felt that all along, however, the proof was his goodbye messages to both Tyler & Memphis where he reveals his F2 with Enzo created on day 1. There’s no reason for him to do that unless that’s his plan. Which I guess provides the satisfaction of witnessing Nic’s face when she realizes Cody isn’t taking her.

Janelle shades Coin Slots:

Btw – Janelle & Kaysar did an Instagram Live yesterday – I missed it but there are some clips of it on Twitter and Janie was in rare form. Kaysar brought up the new age players get very offended & hold grudges & she cuts him off saying “they’re f*cking losers” (love Janie).
She also went in on coin slots wedding shading her big time. Presumably this was in response to Nic still talking about her in the DR after the BB Comics comp when she was complaining about Janelle’s “Bombshell” comic. Janie says (about Nicole) “I left the house & you want to dis-invite me to your wedding — I want to call your wedding out, it f*’ing sucks — you want me to pay $3000 for TWO NIGHTS at a hotel and pay for airfare — I think you’re a joke & you’re a scammer & you want me to provide a free wedding for you with sponsors and I think it’s gross“.

Admittedly I’m biased b/c I am a Janelle fan and NOT a Nic fan and believe she (Nic) opened the door on this subject by dis-inviting Janelle in her GBM on national TV so from my perspective Janie has every right to respond. In a different tweet someone said Janelle is going to call out Nic on finale night for her always being shielded by men, lying to allies & consistently backstabbing women. Apparently Bayleigh is egging her on to do it.

Janelle isn’t wrong – Nic has never played this game without a male shield, has burnt every female she was aligned with (including Dani her friend from outside the house). Nor is she alone in former BB female players who have no respect for her game. Danielle Reyes (who arguably is the best overall female BB player ever & only got screwed b/c back then jurors saw the DRs) is not impressed by coin slots either. In her podcast with her partner from BB3 (Jason) whenever Nic’s name is mentioned Danielle rolls her eyes or talks about her whining, doing nothing or getting pulled to the end.

Moving forward to F3:

Anyway, it’s not surprising Nic was working Cody within minutes of the POV finishing after spending some time by herself lamenting losing b/c she lost her composure. To that end, it is interesting Cody is intent on bringing her to F3 given Nic beat Cody in BB Comics & based on feeds came close to beating him today. Combine that with Cody stating she would cut him at F2 it’s odd he is definitely bringing her to F3. Perhaps he feels Xmas would have a better shot at winning the endurance comp which presumably he’ll want Enzo to win if possible since he’ll smoke Nic in the second part (TPTB will make sure). Regardless, the final chapter of this SCRIPTED SHOW seems to be gearing up for an Enzo part 1 win, Cody part 2 win & Cody part 3 win.

Another reason I’m leaning to Cody taking Enzo to F2 was he said again he threw this HOH to Enzo which would imply he needed him safe & perhaps does believe Zo would take him if he won — playing Cody’s role from BB16. Also – factor in Nic won the $10k in the luxury comp so it’s not like she’ll leave with nothing if she’s cut at F3. And, Cody has upped his Enzo trash talk in these past few weeks planting seeds for people to take to jury – like saying all he (Enzo) did was sleep in this game.

Meow Meow underrated?

Scripted or not the best games were played by Cody/Enzo so I guess they would be the fitting F2. I’ll still hope for the shocking Enzo Part 3 win & Cody eviction. I don’t want Nic to benefit with a F2 chair BUT if the Meow Meow took the chosen one out I’d get over her taking second just to see Cody lose it on national TV.

I’m likely among the few who credit Enzo’s game play. As much as I was pissed he didn’t vote out Nic instead of David I did understand why since it set up Ty to be evicted the following week.

Of the F4 Enzo is the only one who wasn’t part of the Committee & the winning aspects of his game is virtually every hamster believed they had Enzo’s ear & loyalty. Christmas was saved by being part of the large alliance & winning comps given to her, Nic only started to play the game at F5 & Cody combined winning comps with multiple alliances. Much like Derrick won b/c Cody had everyone’s ear in BB16 – it was Enzo who filled that role for him this season but the difference was Zo’s intel led to people he wanted targeted for eviction being the next oust. Admittedly, he was never able to put that target on Nic (we’ll see if he can shift that situation this week — unlikely but we’ll see).

Early in the game evicted hamsters were the most shocked by Memphis’ position in the game but since jury it is Enzo the evictees are being surprised by (especially Ty/Memphis). Recalling Memphis GBM’s in particular, he laughed & put his head down when he heard about “the Root” b/c he knew in that moment making the two WG alliances with Enzo was his undoing.

As fans we wanted Enzo to make more aggressive moves but it’s hard to question his choices especially since it should guarantee him $50k and if we’re lucky he’ll win two of the three parts of the final HOH and make the one and only surprising move of this season…

Then again, nothing could happen & we’ll just keep watching this crappy season with nothing exciting to cheer for — well, that’s not entirely true b/c the season is almost over which at this point the end can’t come fast enough for any of our liking.


I never really cared for Janelle but think even less of her now. She comes across as jealous and petty with her continued insults towards someone who doesn’t know. She needs to grow up and get over herself.


Really? Nicole can’t stop talking about Janelle. Nicole needs to get over herself!!!


I am voting for Janelle to win America’s Favorite and hope to see Nicole’s head explode when the Bombshell wins.


Exactly. It’s not just Janelle who she has issues with which has been confirmed by many of the BB Fraternity & we have the NUMEROUS live feed & DR sessions from this season to refer to.

She also doesn’t like Tyler which was rooted in his/Angela’s popularity. Ty is the one player everyone called the nicest guy who was able to separate game from personal. Nic was mad that other BB players would like Angela’s instagram & would reach out to other BB players to complain about her & Tyler’s popularity not understanding why her/Vic weren’t getting likes from the same people or why they weren’t more popular than TAngela.

She also burnt Andy which he spoke about as well as several of the players who were on TAR who all think she played the backstab game there too (and was the ONLY BB player to burn her own group — as all the BB players agreed to not go after each other but Nic did & it was after she was warned by THAT SAME GROUP that her & Vic might be the target).

As Danielle Reyes pointed out – she had FOUR YEARS to thank Da’Vonne for her vote in BB18 that was the reason Nic won $500k instead of $50. But — she when did she thank her??? The first week in BB22 – promising to NEVER burn her or go against her (and we all saw how that worked out for Day).

On the feeds last night we got another example where Nic blamed Dani for her GBM to Janie dis-inviting her to the wedding saying it was Dani’s idea – it WAS NOT— Nic went to Dani & said “I want to dis-invite her to my wedding in my GBM” & Dani simply said then do it. In fact, Nic kept bringing it up over & over & even suggested going back to rerecord it after she did it b/c of how “the public” would perceive it.

Another example? — Nic/Vic have a podcast (the one where she portrays herself as the girl next door & was where she had accumulated all those sponsors). But instead of being supportive of the other Nicole (A) who also does a podcast she laughed about ignoring Nic A’s calls to appear on her show & made fun of her. THIS is who Nic fundamentally is as a person. It’s fine to play the way she is but she doesn’t OWN it and these types of actions/comments sure seem to punctuate that is who she is in the real world too.

And truthfully that fact affects my overall impression of Nic and likely is tied to my disdain for her. A mean girl who laughs at Ian’s autism, Nic A’s podcast, Ty/Angela popularity, Janelle’s fan base etc, etc.

I work with large teams of writers & help mentor them — when one of them succeeds (gets attention for a wonderful article, lands a great writing/podcast gig) I’m thrilled for them. I’ve also worked with people who are like Nic –individuals who’ll step on anyone to get ahead, never do anything to promote/help others UNLESS it directly benefits themselves & is jealous/angered by others success. That’s a fundamental character trait – and at least for me that’s not someone I can respect.

I Bite

I understand your points about Nicole F. She is problematic.

However. That doesn’t excuse Janelle’s behavior. She came into the house with a chip on her shoulder towards Nicole. It ultimately hurt her game. It’s also petty and revealing of some dysfunction in relationships. She’s 40 with kids. Time to get past that stuff and focus on what really matters. If you have an issue with someone, communicate. Don’t play gossip games.

I like Janelle. But she ain’t no Kaysar. Kaysar is kind and measured. A special soul.

Janelle is used to getting all the attention, getting what she wants.

I hear she’s still blaming Nic A. Whereas Kaysar and Nic A did a sweet podcast together.

I’d further add that Nicole F seems to be doing what many of these BB guests do in recent years. Find a way to monopolize on the fame. Idk if I can blame her for that. So what if she wants a paid for destination wedding. I’d have to compare what others have done. ,Cheap wedding’ lobs from Janelle, are such a childish game of put the other one down based on superficial stuff that apparently means way too much to Janelle, as well.

I see a lot of vulnerability in Nicole F that makes me not mind her so much. I think she sincerely felt badly about lying to Davonne and not voting for Ian. I would not call her a mean girl. You have to have power to fit that label. She’s someone who yearns to be the one who is admired. She has a very distorted way of trying to get that.


She didnt care when they were making fun of Ian, her BFF in the house.

I Bite

I know. She buys into the group mentality. Not excusing her for that. But honestly doubt that most people here are willing to stand up under social pressure.


Perfect Ending
Nicole … ends up with nickel and dimed Wedding because Janelle wins America’s Favorite House Guest
They don’t call her coin slots for nothing.

The Beef

Wow! So you believe in turn the other cheek and get hit with the other fist.

With regards to those two, the only person who entered that house with a chip on their shoulder was clearly Nicole. She started out talking about Janelle and never stopped talking about her, even after she was evicted. If you can’t see dis-inviting someone to your wedding on national TV as an extreme personal attack, then you must be emotionally dead inside, or you are just a huge Nicole fan who won’t see anything that she does as being wrong and will just make excuses for her bad behavior.

She’s not a mean girl? After un-inviting someone to her wedding on TV? After lying to Day’s face about the Ian vote, when Day TOLD her I need to know for personal reasons so I don’t look bad going after David on national TV? Oh, and she turned on not one, but TWO of her final 2’s (Ian and Dani) just to make it more comfortable for her and her “meat shields” in the game! She’s not vulnerable at all, and I don’t get where you see that. She’s vicious and vindictive, which is why she gets so angry when someone else dares to even try and play the game against her. We’ve seen it several times since the triple, and she doesn’t even try to hide it in her DR’s or when talking to Cody. She’s nowhere close to being the “girl next door”. More like the nightmare next door. I pity Victor, because he’s the one that’s going to have to live with that for however long their marriage lasts, which I doubt will be too long.

I Bite

Oh my. What a response. Personally attacking me.

Nicole is not so powerful as you give her credit for.

Nicole has as much right as any other player to lie to a HG’s face. People seem to attack the females more so for that sort of tactic. In the house, it is all game.

Day was very confused about her pregame decision to not target POC in the house. She was already having a hard time sticking to that in prior weeks. She didn’t have to go full tilt at David regarding his vote. She had seriously considered voting against him, as well. She was frustrated bc she couldn’t figure out how to balance the game vs her values while dealing with her emotions. So she projected that onto David for presumably not abiding by whatever it is she thought she had sacrificed her game on.

Compare that to Tyler, who took David’s vote and grievances against him in good grace. Certainly as a white male he’s in a better position to do so. Doesn’t change the fact that there is a better way to respond to a vote against you.

Dani messed up Nicole’s game. Nicole understandably felt resentful at having to sacrifice Ian.

Perspective in life is helpful, rather than labeling people in absolute terms.

The Beef

I am sorry that you took what I said as a personal attack. It wasn’t meant as such, but frankly I still don’t get how you think what I said to you was a “personal attack” and what Nicole did to Janelle on national TV somehow wasn’t. If you don’t want someone to come to your wedding after you invited them, you handle it privately. The BEST thing she could have done was to keep her mouth shut and just hope that she didn’t attend (which is what is most likely what would have happened anyway), but if she really didn’t want her there, she could have contacted her privately after the show and let her know that. What Nicole did was make an ass out of herself on national TV, and she seemed to enjoy doing it, which speaks a lot to her maturity level.

The whole lying to Da’Vonne thing is a very sticky wicket, and we all know why given the whole “Uncle Tom” crap that unfortunately was said in that house. I agree that Day brought a lot of that on herself, but at that point Day was leaving and everybody knew it, Nic had swore not to backstab her again, yet here once again she had done it. I get that it’s game play, but the play was over at that point, at least it was in Da’Vonne’s eyes, so again, it’s a tough situation which I think Nicole could have handled better. Instead of doing the “right” thing, she took the easier route for her, which was to continue to lie.

As for Dani “messing up” Nicole’s game – Nicole chose to vote out Ian. She didn’t have to do that. She could have said this is your mess and I’m not voting him out just to clean up your mess. You are going to have to do that, and made Dani break the tie. Then she wouldn’t have had the whole Day lie thing to deal with either now would she? Plus she wouldn’t have voted out Ian either! So these are decisions Nicole made for herself. She loves to blame them on others, and it sounds like maybe you do too, but in the end she made them. She decided to go along with the alliance and vote Ian out. SHE cast that vote.


So do you like NicoleF Queen of Insults, as her many DR’s show.

Kats Alien Bitch

I really don’t get the Janelle worship.Who gives a damn what she has to say – she was one of the first out of the door.


Janelle has every right to say what she did about the wedding. Nicole isn’t famous and to have a wedding in Turks, invite people who have followers over your friends is petty. You don’t have a big destination wedding unless you plan on paying for it. Nicole has a rude awakening when she gets out and her job of social influencer goes down the drain. I hate it for Ian when he finds out about his friend Nicole and how she laughed at his Autism. Nicole is going to wish she didn’t come back on BB if she doesn’t win because here image is shot!!!


I agree fully that Cody is taking Enzo. I also think him and Nic BOTH had to take each other to F3 to save face. Cody will make sure Enzo wins the Final 3 hoh, I think…because he is 1 hundo P convinced Enzo will take him AND so he doesn’t have to clip Nic.

The Beef

Another great post! The only thing I don’t get is you seem to think Nicole has absolutely no shot to win against Enzo, and while I hope Enzo whoops her ass, I truly believe it will be close if those two end up going against each other. Unfortunately, depending on how Cody goes out, I think he votes for the other person out of spite, because he thinks he deserves to win, so whoever cuts him loses his vote.

So if Enzo wins and cuts Cody, I think she will have Cody, Dani (friend vote), Ian (friend), and quite possibly Da’Vonne (gender vote) before the voting even gets started really. I get it that you think Day is going the other way because of the lie, and I could be wrong about that, but I just think she will stand on her principles, hold her nose and vote for Nicole over a white man. Just my opinion.

I think for sure Tyler, Christmas and Memphis will vote for Enzo. That leaves only Kevin and David to decide who wins, and who do you think can influence their votes the most? Both were probably closer to Enzo than Nicole, but then Enzo could have certainly saved David over Nicole and didn’t, so there’s that. They would BOTH have to vote for Enzo in order for him to win, in this scenario, but that’s only if Enzo cuts Cody. If Nicole cuts him, then I think Enzo gets Cody’s vote, and he then needs only one of their votes, but it’s still tight.

Either way, I think she has at least a shot at winning against him and since I respect your opinion was wondering what your thoughts are on it? It’s okay if you think I’m full of it and just dead wrong, as I could be (it wouldn’t be the first time!). Just interested in your take on this.

Guy From Canada

By Cody not cutting the bigger threat is he really playing big brother or is he just winning competitions against hamsters? I’d love to see Cody in the challenge and see he ass handed to him like Paulie.

Coin Slots

I don’t think Nicole is taking Cody to final two. That’s why she keeps telling him that it isn’t best for his game to take her to final three. She is already kinda hinting that she will do what’s best for her game.


huge veto win. he needed it. its just too bad that cody will keep nicole in game over christmas. hes an idiot if he does just sayin.


I thought David was going to win sitting next to Day. Roffl


Well, just write Porky Pig’s pool boy a $500,000 check and be done with it. No need to even watch anymore.

The Foosa

Wah, wah, haters gonna hate yo! Your envy is shining through….


ha ha funny if D is porky Nicole is Olive Oyl

Game fan

There is, and always be , the legend Danielle ryes with jason who never got nominated until f3. They are still to this day the best alliance ever !

The Foosa

Nonetheless, Enzo does have a point….

Game fan

Yeah it’s a big accomplish but they’re not the only one’s as he said .


If Enzo or Nicole want to win this game they better cut Cody in final 3. But I don’t expect much from them since they haven’t done anything up till this point. Also I find it highly unlikely either can beat Cody at much. In my opinion out of the 3 I want Cody to win anyway at least he wins comps and has a decent social game. All Nicole does is complain, cry and let people carry her to the end. And while I can admit Enzo has a good social game he hardly ever wins either. Also while Cody might have had pre game alliances he still wouldn’t have been able to get to the end without all his HOH wins. I do hope he takes Enzo though as he has a better chance of beating him. Nicole might get the votes simply because she’s a winner who made it to the end again, the jury has already said they would be impressed if she got there again.

Game fan

if cody use his veto on nicole – christmas is automaticly evictedwe need to wait for thursday?

The Beef

That’s not how it works. If Cody uses the veto on Nicole, then Cody’s ass goes up on the block to replace her. You see there has to be TWO people on the block, and in using it on Nicole, Cody would be giving up his immunity as well, and NICOLE would be the one deciding who goes to jury this week between Cody and Christmas. Now do you really think Cody is going to do that? No, of course he’s not. He’ll just leave the nominations the same and then vote Christmas OUT.


Note: The movie on CBS tonight is 100% better than this season of Big Brother: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Try to watch as a distraction from everything


Is it too late to hope Christmas loses her shit and beats Cody up? I think she could do it


Insert picture of Cody with dead cartoon eyes(x’s) and his tongue hanging out. Cmon Simon, I know you want to. ?


Now Christmas gets to go to the jury house and see Memphis and all the people she screwed over for Nicole… and try to figure out what she did wrong. Bless her heart… she was a fool that made terrible moves.,,, and completely wasted the one HoH she won.

Game fan

what? she didnt screw memphis and tyler… and david actually…
ian and kevin .. didnt owe them nothing..
and over nicole? she kept nicole only against danni.


Okay so Cody’s loyalty took Derrick to the end even though he knew it was bad for his game- so he will prob do the same with Enzo.
And I think Enzo wins in that scenario.
BUT if he does the smart thing and clips Enzo at the end then Enzo goes out third again.
My heart can’t handle either of those scenarios. ? jeeeebus.
Final twist… everyone loses! Pls cbs?

Game fan

enzo is not winning….


like Josh wasn’t winning in 19…

Big Dog Dangle

This show has been “what the house wants” for about 8 years now so why change now. No one ever wants to take a shot and get dirty but that’s easy for me to say sitting at home with zero chance of winning. I would like to think someone on a season coming up will go after people that win stuff and not people who don’t.


I agree what next season needs is 2 alliances that both win comps and take each other out. The big one this year won everything and it got boring.


Refresh my old memory. Enzy is HOA. Cod is VETO holder, Christmas and Nic are on the block. What happens if Cod uses his veto and saves the girl with the sore wrist? There’s no replacement.. If he doesn’t use the veto, does he vote out the wrist girl?

I think no matter what, it’s a moot point, the two Jersey Shore Italians are going to take each other to F2. What a waste of air time this season has been.


It is official… Cody is shady and evil….

Cody – your (Christmas) boyfriend was caught kissing your best friend (Nicole)”

Did he not know about the drama that had Christmas put in jail when her baby Daddy cheated on her… Christmas should have said… “Oh wow…. I’m in the final 3 because I just killed Nicole for kissing my man….. I’m so excited.”