Dani “I’m The Derrick and you’re still The Cody!”

7pm Bedroom. Dani and Cody.
Dani – I am just trying to be fair which is stupid because Big Brother is not fair. But why are you going to target your own alliance? To weaken them as a havenot when you want to win HOH? All she does is talk about her own alliance which doesn’t make sense. Cody – well that is what Day was doing in the beginning and now Bay is doing it too. As long as you’re not going to do it and Christmas isn’t going to do it.. now I know the information and now I know who I need to target. Like Bay and Day.. I don’t think would be like oh I’m going to take the shot at me. And that is good for me to know. She thinks that Bay is trying to throw your name out to Christmas. Cody – yeah, but Christmas is in our alliance and I don’t think she is going to break loyalty on that.

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“Now that the day’s gone by I’m like F**ing pissed at Nicole Anthony.. I did nothing but try to help her”

3:10 pm Janelle and Kaysar
Talking about how NicoleA destroyed their game
Janelle – now that the day’s gone by I’m like F**ing pissed at Nicole Anthony after I talk to people
kaysar – more is coming out
Janelle – everything, basically it was all me I was the one that conspired to get her on the block
Kaysar – are you serious
J – hey
Kaysar – that’s so crazy she single handly ruined our game.
Janelle – that’s why when we were sitting out on the hammock and you said it’s just not going to happen and she flipped out. That was a crucial error that is when she spun out of control.
Janelle – she went crazy on us.. absolutely nuts

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“We’re 3 for 3 so far.. we’re going to roll through this whole thing 6 is such a solid number”

10:35 am Memphis and Tyler
Tyler is pushing for Janelle to go this week says she’s the harder target.
Memphis agrees “She’s not going to lay over she’s not going to die.. she’s fighting tooth and nail. ”
Memphis – I’ll talk to the committee today how many votes do we need 5 or 6

Tyler Says they have 6 votes to evict her on lock.
Tyler counts Nicole, Cody, Sh1tmas, Memphis, Dani, and Ian.
Memphis wants to avoid having to talk to Enzo or David about the vote this week
Tyler Adds that Enzo will do what Cody wants.
Memphis will talk to Nicole to make sure Ian will vote out Janelle.

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