Sam “I want to blindside Christie. If I get evicted, it might cause chaos and Christie will probably cry.”

8pm Backyard. Nicole and Sam.
Sam – I’ll tell you what I might do in my eviction speech because I want to have a total surprise. I want to blindside Christie. I don’t want her going around trying to fix things. Nicole – have you spoken to Christie about her targets? Sam – Ummm… yeah, Christie wanted Michie out. That’s why it was total BS that she was looking me in the eye last night saying I never wanted Jack and Michie out. Yes you did! Swear you won’t say anything about my eviction speech? Sam gets Nicole to pinky swear. Sam – I am thinking it could help you, Nick and Cliff. I want to put a target on her because if its the truth .. I want to say .. I’ll give my little shout out thing and then I’ll say house guests lets take a walk down memory lane.

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“I’m going to blow up Christie’s game.. It’ll cause chaos behind me and help out the rest of us bottom feeders”

3:45 pm Sam and Nick
Sam – I’m going to blow up Christie’s game with my eviction speech
Give him the gist of it. Says only Cliff and Nick know because they were involved in what he will say.

Sam – Alright houseguests lets take a walk down memory lane. When Cliff won HOH he wanted to make a BIG move. He wanted the house to have his back so Cliff told me to talk to the house so I talked to Christie and Christie said she’ll do whatever Cliff wanted because she did not want to be on the block when I asked her what she will do with her power she said.
Sam – she was going to pretend that Jack and Michie were bullying her when you guys were to ask her she would shut down and not use the power
Sam – however, plans changed Michie won the veto resulting in Christie into having to have Jack’s back leaving me and Nick out to dry and looking like the bad guys

Nick – Don’t say my name

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Veto Ceremony – “I’ll just campaign and see what happens hopefully the other person unravels”

12:33 pm Sam and Holly
Holly – I’m putting up someone neutral and I know they are being sh1tty with things. It’s not personal with me DUH
Holly – I tried and I saw my game be in jeopardy over it.. it might be a mistake.
Holly – I’ll go neutral and let the house decide. I’m sorry I don’t have better news
Sam – I don’t like how I am called out for things when other people are being fake
Holly – I came here to play an honest game
Sam – you have to do what’s best for your game that’s fine I’ll just campaign and see what happens hopefully the other person unravels.
Sam – Kat going up

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