Holly “A relationship with Nick is like an abusive relationship. He breaks your trust, he lies, he manipulates!”

8:35pm HOH room. Jack, Holly, Sis, Christie and Jackson. Christie – everything happens for a reason. Maybe this was supposed to happen so that this is Nick chance to redeem himself. I still don’t trust him at all. He’s a crazy liar. But my be Sam is the bigger threat. Christie – I just convinced kat that she will stay over Sam. She is gungho to go up. Jackson – she is going to spiral. Holly – we do have to decide how we are going to manage Nick and everyone’s relationship with him. This is going to be an extreme analogy ..A relationship with Nick is like an abusive relationship. He breaks your trust, he lies, he manipulates but then he is so lovey dovey and pulls at your heartstrings.

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Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I told you bro I was going to win. I’m back!”

The live feeds return to the house guests all in the kitchen. Jack is in a dress. Nick has the veto around his neck. Nick – If I had gone against Holly in the first round I probably would have lost. Nick – when I had 12 I was tired. Tommy – you did great! Cliff – you figured it out! Is this your first veto win? Nick – yes. Cliff – When you needed it. It kept you in the house. All the house guests comment on how hard the competition was. Nick – I asked for an athletic on and they gave it to me. I told you bro I was going to win. Nick tells Tommy – I am going to win HOH next week. I’m back!

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“Can someone riddle me off why the f* me and him are scary now” .. “They like to find Public Enemy”

10:04 am Nicole had a rough first night as a have not. Sounds like she was very enthusiastic about it yesterday not so much now
They talk about the double standards in the house. How the 6 can do anything they want but the rest of them get shit for everything.
Sam is thinking about picking Cliff if he gets houseguests choice. (power and fury)
Nick says he will “because you took him off the first week”
Nicole says she’s being bombarded by the other side “People are like, why would you do that. none of use will use it, why would we use it.. Nobody would use it. blah blah blah ” (She’s impersonating them in an annoying voice)
Nick says he’ll pick Nicole
Nicole warns him she won’t do well
Nick – I was thinking her or Jess but Jess might try to win it (DO NOT involve Jess)

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