“I’ve been thinking about using the veto on Amanda.. Don’t f*** yourself in the a$$ MCrae” -GM

3:30pm HOH GM and MC

GM says she’s going to have a decision about who she will put up tonight.
GM- I’m not talking to anybody because they will tell me what they want and what’s not best for my game
GM says she’s making this decision 100% on her own.
MC – “ya yup ya’
GM – ‘I don’t want Amanda out.. But if I had to pick for a tie breaker I would pick you.. you are kinda like me you are a free person and you are happy.. and I know you are such a big fan of the show’

GM says if JUDD goes up and it’s a tie breaker she’ll vote out JUDD.
MC – ‘I’ve been thinking about using the veto on Amanda.. what do you think about that’
GM – ‘you do what’s best for you but in past Big Brother that was one of the biggest mistakes in Big Brother history.. you do what you want to do.. it you think she can continue farther.’
GM – ‘if you use it for her and you went home would you be pissed off’
MC says he would be but he would never use it on her if he wasn’t sure he had the votes.
MC – ‘It’s risky for me but I think I have the votes’

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Judd says I’m impressed with Gina. I’m jealous she put up Amanda & McCrae, I wish I would have done it.

11am Judd joins Elissa out in the backyard. Elissa tells him that she was just thinking about the possibility of a question competition. She tells Judd would be at a disadvantage because he missed stuff while he was in jury. She says she guesses they could do a before and after competition though. Judd and Elissa start going over past events. They think they will be asked a questions about when they got the big brother cups and bowls. Elissa says one of us has to win HOH this week. Either me, you, Ginamarie or Spencer need to win it. Elissa asks Judd who he would put up if he won. Judd says Amanda for sure and a pawn. Elissa asks would you put me up? Judd says I don’t know I would want someone to volunteer to go up. Elissa says well I definitely don’t want to go up. Judd asks if Ginamarie will put him up tomorrow. Elissa says no. Judd says he is impressed with Ginamarie so far.

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Ginamarie says I don’t think anyone will remember Helen because all Chinese people look-a-like.

12:40am – 12:50am Big Brother opens up the backyard and house guests finish their blackjack game. Amanda sits on the HOH stairs and asks Ginamarie when can we have your room again. Gina says maybe the last night. Amanda says but I want to get him drunk. Gina says but the thing is, I don’t want to have to wash the sheets again. Amanda says yeah that makes sense. Gina says no not like you’re going to get them all.. Amanda says no we will! Amanda questions who’s sheets did we get really dirty that one time? McCrae says no ones! Gina says well you got tanning on my bed. McCrae says no ones Amanda! Judd asks did ya’ll have sex in my bed. Amanda says yeah we did. McCrae says no we didn’t! Judd says gross. McCrae says it did not happen Judd. Judd asks whenever I was HOH did ya’ll have $ex in my bed? McCrae says no. Judd says gross I’m going to get ring worm and all the new deseases. Amanda says you’re going to get pregnant with McCrababies babies!

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