“We can win [HOH], we put up Bowie Jane and America. If something goes awry. Jag goes up.” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

INVISIBLE Head of Household: Jag
Nominees: Blue & Felicia America and Cory
POV Players: TWO Veto Comps (All 8 play in the first, winner doesn’t play in the second veto comp.)
1st POV Winner: JAG
2nd POV Winner: BLUE
Veto Ceremony: Jag and Blue used their vetos. America and Cory put on the block.
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: Cory going to Jury. Felicia and Cirie planning out a all girls alliance.

9:42 am Felicia and Cirie
Felicia going on about Cory trying to throw her name under the bus. “Everything he said to Bowie, Matt and jag he’s saying Felicia said.. Felicia told me”
Felicia says there’s not benefit for them to keep Cory.
Cirie – if we don’t win HOH this week what happens?
Felicia – we have to trust Matt and Jag. I believe Matt isn’t putting us up. Jag I still want to believe.
Felicia is going to ask Matt and Jag “How long you do plan on keeping Bowie Jane”
Cirie – tread lightly.. tread MAD lightly cause that’s insinuating that what we have is in question
Felicia thinks Matt and Jag will Throw the HOh
Cirie – will they with America still around?
Felicia – they are probably hoping that Bowie or Blue get it.
Felicia says Bowie jane will put them both up.
Cirie – she might put up Blue and America.
Felicia – right.. Bowie Jane will put up Blue and America.
Cirie – Mmmmhmmmm
Felicia – I’ll be honest.. I want Bowie Jane gone
Cirie – I know.. if they will let us win.. We can win it we put up Bowie Jane and America. talk to America tell her it ain’t her. If something goes awry.
Felicia – Bowie Jane
Cirie – no, Jag goes up.
Felicia – absolutely
Cirie – then it’s not our fault.. they’ll be like why didn’t you put up Blue.
Felicia – after all the shit? that girl fought and she fought hard. I’m really proud of her I didn’t want to put her up.
Felicia – lets face it you’re (Jag) the biggest target. I don’t care what nobody say. Matt isn’t going to say it out loud he would be happy with Jag gone.
Cirie – Mmmmhmmmm
Felicia – he won’t say it out loud
Cirie – Mmmmhmmmm
Cirie – he’ll be scared.
Cirie – Worst case snario Bowie Jane goes home best case Jag goes home.
Felicia – there you go
Cirie – and we still haven’t aliendated Blue and America.
Felicia – there you go. there’s four of us and matt. (Sounds like BARF final 4 to me. This would be my preferred all girls final 3 with America making it a four https://twitter.com/bigbspoilers/status/1688245241009360896 )
Cirie – Matt will have to win every single thing
Felicia – matt is going to have to SUCK up
They smile.

10:14 am Feeds cut when we’re back.. Felicia is vacuuming. America/Cory/Matt sleeping. The rest are in the bathroom.

10:25 am Felicia and Cirie
Felicia – I’m wishing America’s ass would win girl.. If Blue won she might take the shot.

Feeds flip.. (WHY?) When we’re back.
Felicia still going on fantasizing about taking Bowie Jane going up and going on. “Why can’t she go home if she’s not in the alliance”

10:44 pm Cory and America last morning together. Cory wakes up with a b*ner
America laughs
America – Okay Bob the builder with a hammer. (LOL)
America giggles
Cory gets dressed..

10:50 am Cirie and Cory hug
Cirie mentions how Bowie was really upset about what Cory said yesterday.
Cory says he’s such a fan of her. They hug..

11:30 pm Cory and America getting ready.

11:55 am Matt praying. a couple minutes later Jag joins him.
Jag – I feel like if it’s at the end you and Bowie. I think bowie should win.
Jag – here’s why.. if one of us win there’s going to be pressure for us to put Bowie up as a pawn. Felicia and Cirie.. Felicia especially will be like why not put Bowie up as a pawn.
Matt – what I would do it tell Felicia she’s the pawn. I can’t put Bowie up because she’s going to freak out and she’s not going to handle it. I said I don’t care we have the votes right here.
Jag – True .. but if you look at we come in pieces you did way better than Bowie.
Jag says he trusts Matt to win competitions more than Bowie. “If she’s HOH and she takes a shot it’s off of us.. If She’s HOH hopefully it takes heat off of us”
Jag – She puts up two people she puts up Felicia and America. Felicia will be mad at Bowie. So the following week if Felicia wins she puts up Bowie next to Blue.. or whoever. It gives us a better shot. if it’s you that does that suddenly the noms are locked and it’s me and you.
Matt – I will just put up Blue and America.
Jag – That means Blue or whoever survives they’re putting us up.
Jag – if Bowie puts up Blue and America they will want Bowie on the block.
Jag – I’m throwing it and I think you should throw it to Bowie
matt – yeah
Jag adds clarity Ideally Bowie wins if Bowie can’t win Matt should win if Matt can’t win Jag will win.
Jag – tell Bowie if it’s between you and her you’ll throw it to her.
Matt offers up maybe he doesn’t tell Bowie.
Jag – what if she tries to throw it
matt laughs “We’re both trying to go as slow as we can ion the last round” (Nothing would capture modern BB more than the two last standing houseguests going as slow as they can to complete a competition. Almost like it turns into a endurance comp.)
Matt – I’ll slip and fall.
Feeds cut to pound

12:58 pm Feeds return.

1:17 pm

1:50 pm Chit chat
America – you look so handsome

2:15 pm America starts to pack.

4:14 pm Feeds cut to pound
Feel like leaving a TIP?
Any amount is appreciated! Thank you in advance!

41 thoughts to ““We can win [HOH], we put up Bowie Jane and America. If something goes awry. Jag goes up.” **updated**”

  1. Thought:
    BBCAN first inv. HOH and BB23 Claire power had to throw next HOH.
    BBCAN 11 and BB25, Invisible HOH can play.
    What I think is fair:
    playing next HOH should be a reward.
    if you keep it a secret, admit it to no one, then you play.
    If you tell, sorry loser.

    1. They don’t have to do that. Simply make the next competition an individual timed one. Then send the invisible HoH into the room to fake playing and assign them any time that isn’t the winning time.

        1. No. I mean only when there is an invisible HoH. Don’t allow the invisible HoH to play in the next HoH. They can protect the HoH’s identity by making it an individually timed competiton and letting the HoH pretend to play.

  2. All in all, the first thing I wanna say is that I’m still so happy that Izzy is gone. The house has a much better vibe.

    I’ve skimmed over comments and it’s sometimes hard for me to grasp if there’s ANYONE in this season that people on here actually like… is there? Every household seems to get some flak.

    I don’t watch the feeds and therefore I politely ask for a 2/3 sentence reply (coz no one should get bothered with my request) to my question above. I’d greatly appreciate some input of things that don’t come off easily on TV. (For instance is/was Cam a misogynist?)

    Gotta confess I miss the fashion criticism of Julie’s outfits from last season. LOL! As I said last year, I know very little about fashion but hearing people on here saying that CBS stylist dressed Julie like a Pocahontas (LMAO!) and as a HS teacher at one time made me laugh so hard. Since then I’ve been paying attention to her “costumes.” The other day I saw un autre nom saying that her wig was a monstrosity and that made me lose it again. I guess the season is lukewarm when you have to seek distractions like that during the live episodes.

    Also: WTF with those episodes that leave the veto meeting to conclude on the eviction episode? Doesn’t the team at BB/CBS know that there’s something called social media? What a bunch of idiots.

    Also, I confess I liked the idea of the invisible HOH. They should have a whole season like that. But the secret should be mandatory.

    As for the actual post:
    *Cory and America last morning. Cory wakes up with a b*ner*
    (the image is priceless – America’s facial expression is golden)

      1. We’d need to ask Simon and Dawg for an investigation on the matter as I don’t have access to the feeds.

        Show we bother tho?

    1. Daaaamn. 5 downvotes? I hope it’s people showing me they HATE invisible HOHs and not about anything else I said (or asked). I’ve seen some comments on here before that were very questionable getting more likes and way less downvotes than my comment. Not that I care, really.

  3. Un autre nom i agree jag shouldnt be able to play in hoh only if he keep it a secert best odds to final 2 are cirie and matt , america bowie ,blue have zero chance of winning big brother worst odds to win bb 25 is america will only get cory vote had no alliance besides cory from week 4 until now bad social game plus talkes to much keeps throwing comps all season only cared about her showmance its to late for her game all the other players have deals already she is in none of those deals no one really likes america or really trusts her not really a big game player i had high hopes for her for being a superfan just because your a superfan does not mean you know how to play big brother a big disappointment in her lack of game play her only good thing was she has amazing game reads on whats going on. I gave her a grade c-

  4. Target update:
    Blue no longer after Bowie or Jag
    red flag to Cirie / Felicia.
    Fe now noms the boys. pencil not ink that.
    Cirie / America promised each other not to nom each other if they win.

  5. NO! if cirie and felicia are lucky enoght to win hoh .. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME TO TAKE THE SHOT BIG! NO BACKDOOR AT F7 !

  6. if anyone but jag/matt put america- they are a fool!
    please win hoh america! you prob figured by now throwing is a bas idea

  7. Does Matt ever have an opinion ? He tells Jag what he is thinking, and what he would do, Jag then tells Matt what his opinion should be.

    I’m so over Abbot & Costello, I think it is so stupid to be thinking of throwing an HOH this late in the game, just because Jag is too scared, too much of a coward to put Bowie up as a pawn.

    If I was going to be evicted, I would make sure that I tell Jag in front of the entire house, wait until I get to Jury. I’m going to review with everyone how you played such a cowardly game, you think we are stupid and don’t know you hide behind who has the power, and then get them to do your dirty work.

    Yea, wait until I get to the Jury house, it’s going to be Bad Mouth Jag every Damn day. If I have anything to do with changing people’s vote, I will give 100% to try and make sure you do not touch the 750k.

    So bring whoever you want to final 2, you’ll never see the 750k. Yes you will get 75k, but when they get finished with Taxes, it’s not going to be life changing money like 750K.

    I’d tell him, didn’t you catch onto who your BB Comic character was ? Dude you were Cock a Doodle Zoom “You were a Chicken “.

    Hellooooooo, BB Fans see you as playing this game as a coward, a chicken, you don’t have the guts to make a move, you are a wimp.


    1. Why is Jag treating Bowie with kid gloves? She’s a grown woman in her 40’s. If she’s going to cry for being put on the block she signed up for the wrong game. This season sucks. I don’t even care who wins.

      1. “Why is Jag treating Bowie with kid gloves? She’s a grown woman in her 40’s.”

        Because he’s looking for an excuse or an opportunity to grope her (BOWIE) just like he did with AMERIKA after she (AMERIKA) started celebrating with him (JAG) after he won the invisible HOH. The pic is there.

        At that opportune time, he (JAG) seized upon AMERIKA’S celebratory feelings by lifting her from her feet in order to give her a “bear hug” while agressively, shamelessly, and without hesitation, proceeded to support her weight by placing his probing hands on her tootsie roll.

        INTERESTING how all of those prosecutors prosecuting CAM for placing his hand on AMERIKA’S in a social gesture, with her consent, have stayed SILENT on JAG’s deplorable and transgressionable behavior.

    2. “Does Matt ever have an opinion ? He tells Jag what he is thinking, and what he would do, Jag then tells Matt what his opinion should be.”


      And now, he (MATT) has even adopted JAG’s usual lines like:. “Here’s the thing…”


  8. Even if cirie gets to final 2 andb loses was still rigged for her to get to final 2 in the first place could have had 2 blindside votes izzy vote and mecole vote but no matt had to go tell cirie and both blindsides would have gone against cirie alliance just proves she had no clue it was happening

  9. Look at jag hoh was suppose to be a secert but hell no players like will ,dan,derrik,tyler,janeille never would have said a thing crapy game play
    By every player this season even cirie all the flip floping and hisam out was a cirie mistake because was on your side

    1. survivor mistake. vote off from your own tribe the guy that tries to over-control. Hiam wanted to be asked for permission by his alliance for who they spoke with.

  10. Matt and Jag are floating from room to room, injecting themselves into other conversations and preventing others from discussing game.

    Cirie and Felisha were plotting again Matt and Jag until Jag came in with Matt following closely behind a few minutes later. Then when Jag is satisfied they aren’t plotting against them, he leaves and leaves Matt to babysit.

    The only conversations they aren’t trying to break up is Comerica’s.

    Jag is very paranoid.

    1. Matt leaves to search the house for other conversations, then returns to Jag to report all is well.

      Too bad production wouldn’t call Jag to the DR so Cirie and Felisha can finish their conversation.

      I know in the back of their minds, the mamas are screaming, “Get out!”

    1. Jag informed Matt, they are not to win the HOH, they want to throw it to Bowie.

      1. Bowie does not want to be HOH.
      2. Bowie does not want to be used as a Pawn.
      3. Bowie does not want Cory to Campaign or mention her name.
      4. Bowie wants to be in an alliance, but she does not want to win anything, she does not want any blood on her hands as they say?

      Jag & Matt are idiots, both of them are cowards, they talk crap behind people’s back, then whoever Jag puts up on the block, Jag and Matt do their best to characterize the nominee’s as bad people who cannot be trusted, they go around to the other people in the house, and talk shit about the people on the block.

      Matt is just as vile and nasty as Jag, Jag is carrying Matt, Matt has not won anything since he won the Veto and did not use it to save Jared. Jag controls Matt like a trained puppet.

      Yet Matt had the nerve to tell Cirie a while back, he hopes people don’t think he and Jag are playing the same game, Matt said that he is playing his own game “YEA RIGHT”. Matt is being told by Jag what moves he can make, and cannot make.

      Matt said he was going to give 100% in the next HOH, Jag has not informed Matt that he must not win the HOH, throw it to Bowie. This way, Jag will control her HOH just like he did that last time, he will have Bowie do his dirty work, put up America & Blue.

      Jag will push to evict Blue, Blue’s dumb ass thinks she is working with Jag & Matt. Blue has shown that she puts her trust and faith into the wrong people, even though Cam told her, Jag & Matt were coming after her, she did not believe Cam.

      Jag was invisible HOH, he put Blue & Felicia on the block. Blue, stayed true to being dumb, asked Matt if they are going to evict her, she told Matt Cam said they would come after her this week.

      Matt plays dumb. Blue wins Veto, takes herself off the block, Jag confesses that she was the target, Big Bad Cory & America, made Jag turn against Blue, but all of a sudden now he see’s that Cory & America were using him. Blue is so stupid, she tells Jag she forgives him, she knows Cory & America are bad people. She’s so happy her and Jag are ok now.

      How can Blue be such a fool ? Cam told her she was the target this week, Jag confessed she was the Target, only reason Jag is saying she’s not the target anymore is because she won Veto.

      Blue is going to be the Target for next week, Blue is so dumb, watch her think if Bowie is the HOH, Bowie did this, Jag has nothing to do with Blue being nominated again next week.

      Please let America, Cirie or Felicia win HOH, they are the only one’s who will nominate Jag and Matt, Bowie & Blue are so damn dumb, they can’t see what’s happening.

      1. “Bowie does not want to be HOH.. not want to be used as a Pawn…not want Cory to Campaign or mention her name…wants to be in an alliance…not want to win anything…not want any blood on her hands…”

        CONSEQUENTLY, BOWIE, that self-described “nonbinary” IT, with a mouth full of teeth that were transplanted on her from a dead horse or donkey, NEEDS TO GO NOW!!!

  11. I just can’t stand who is left in that house. I’m now rooting for America! Bowie is just so weak and so clueless I’m embarrassed for her. Blu thinks she is gods gift and she thinks she is playing a great game! LOL! Jag is dragging Matt around like his little puppy dog! The 2 elderly woman Felicia and Cirie Beyond obnoxious! The way Felicia talks poorly about everyone is so gross same with Jag, Bowie and Blu! I was rooting for Cam and now that he is gone I hope America wins and turns the house upside down. Worst season worst cast!

  12. Reminder that Big Brother airs a little late at 9:20 tonight due to Biden’s speech at 8. As far as Jag goes, don’t be surprised if Production forcibly told him behind the scenes that he had to throw the HoH comp

  13. I have been loving the movie-poster-looking images of America & Cory with different taglines on social media these past few days!!!

  14. For the last few seasons I’ve only watched the live eviction episode and just keep up with live updates the rest of the week because I’m usually very disappointed with the show edit. This week curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see what the 2 veto competitions were so I watched the episode. I regret it! The edit is a complete work of fiction trying make Jag look like he was strategic mastermind. I hate hate HATE the edit. Jag told 3/4 of the house he was the invisible HoH within 24 hours yet the edit made it look like he told most of them after the veto comps. Gonna stick to the live evictions cuz the CBS edit is trash.

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