Get ready Big Brother fans! Your summer guilty pleasure is coming in just over a month with a TWO NIGHT Première starting June 24th @ 8pm on CBS. Applications and submissions for the casting process have wrapped up and the cast for this coming season is now in the hands of the casting directors. Casting director Robyn Kass, stated in a recent interview that they were looking for something “new” and “fresh” this season. (Big surprise there) What type of cast would you like to see this season?
Tag: big brother 17

Big Brother 17 Will PREMIÈRE Wednesday, June 24, at 8pm!
The first of the open casting calls for Big Brother 17 are set to start Saturday, March 7th with numerous other locations across the country being revealed over the next month. The reality hopefuls are vying for their shot at being one of the few chosen to compete for the half a million dollar grand prize. This seasons première date has just been announced and will start on Wednesday, June 24th @ 8pm on CBS.

Big Brother 17 – First OPEN CASTING Call Location Revealed!
The casting locations for Big Brother season 17 are just starting to be released so if you’re planning to show up to one of the casting calls start thinking about what would make you stand out in the crowd. Applications for the summer 2015 season of big brother are already being accepted online just in case you’re not able to make it to one of the casting locations.