“Saying in a very condescending way.. That I am this little following sheep that BAA BAA BAA around” **Updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Felicia
Nominees: Cameron and Jag
POV Players: Cameron, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Red, Corey – Host is Bowie
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  America, Matt, Red

Lock your ranks in before midnight

Spoilage – Everyone but Hisam knows the backdoor plan this week. Some interesting things happening in terms of house dynamics.

8:28 am Blue and Felicia
Blue is going over a conversation she had with Felicia. “he comes to me was like ‘can I give you some honest advice you have to recognize that you’ve been too associated with your friends and you’ve become Reilly’s minions.. Second part he said because we’re friends and I’m playing a honest true game you need to start playing the game for yourself I am saying this in a loving way,… you need to start playing the game your way’ he’s basically saying in a very condescending way that I don’t know how to play that I am this little following sheep that BAA BAA BAA around friends and I don’t have a mind of my own and three come to me.. I hope we can work together blah blah blah… ”
Feeds cut. when we’re back.
Felicia – he’s very dramatic. Hisam has made his mistake where he talks to each person and he does so individually so then it’s his word against yours.. I don’t know why he’s stupid enough to believe we aren’t talking to each other. You still have 14 damn weeks.
Felicia says they have to keep an eye on Hisam and Cameron ‘Right now I am using Cameron to get where I want to go”
They start to talk about their new 7 person alliance that is forming, “Me, you, Matt, Jag, Cerie, Izzy and Jared”
Blue says the other sides of the house never will know
Felicia – until we’re the final 7.
Felicia said that Red know Hisam is the backdoor plan but she never told him. She thinks it was either Bowie or Cameron.
Blue thnks it was Bowtie says Bowie has loose lips.
Feeds cut… when we’re back they’ve moved camera to the kitchen where MEME is telling Matt that Red is the best person to be on slop with because he knows how to cook interesting slop meals.

9:22 amCerie and Izzy Feeds return
Cerie – I told you he wasn’t getting picked
Izzy – LETS GO
Cerie – You get to play
Izzy – I’m excited

9:29 am Izzy and Bowie with Red in the shower.
Izzy and Bowie celebrate
Izzy – All three of us are in it. You host..
Izzy – there’s double positive opportunities here
Bowie – Much better than last week
Bowie – you need to win


9:38 am Felicia and RED
Felicia – Hisam just said man this is perfect now we don’t have to worry about anyone taking anybody off the block. WE’re going to catch him completely off guard

9:47 am Corey and Izzy
Corey says she must have worked some magic on Cam he was saying he would pick Izzy for veto.
Izzy complains about Cerie being rude to Cameron so now she has to work double duty.
Corey – It surprised me because it looked like y’all don’t get along.
Corey says America has been lying to Jag over and over.
Corey adds that America is smart and will make “Normal ass decisions” He points out that America told him she would keep Jag over Cameron.
Izzy would do the same.
Corey says he could go either way Cameron or Jag.
Corey says if America wins HOH he feels he would have a good chance to push her towards nominating Felicia and MeME. If it’s someone like Jag or Cameron they will go Cerie/Izzy or Corey/Jared.
Izzy – I don’t trust Bowie she’s been leaking sh1t
Corey – I don’t trust Bowie. She’s a lot less competent of a player [Compared to America]
Izzy – MEME is playing the middle
Corey – Felicia isn’t a fan of MEME
Izzy – I know

9:40 am Felicia and Cerie
Felicia is complaining that they have 6 bags of gluten free bread and nobody is eating it “Half the bread doesn’t seem fresh”
Felicia – this is going to be amazing

Cerie – whenever whoever saying I am going to use the power of veto.
Felicia – his heart is going to drop
Cerie – he did it to himself

They talk about next week’s nominations being Cameron and Red.
Felicia – put one of them up backdoor the other one.. It might be interesting to see them campaign against each other.
Cerie – Jag is the new Cameron. Jag goes up as the pawn everytime
They laugh
Felicia – Put Jag up against Cameron then ones comes down put red up.
Cerie – I almost want to take Jag out before Cameron
Felicia agrees. Says that Red and Bowie are “Low Key snakes just for the fact that they let you know they want to be in the middle”
Felicia – I have never seen in the history of the show a middle person making it to the end.
Felicia called to the Diary room.

Jared joins Cerie
Cerie – don’t talk about the end, Izzy is weird and emotional
Jared – it might be easier to get her out
Cerie says if Izzy outed them now the house would look at her funny and say she can’t be trusted she knew all this time. Cerie believes it’s in Izzy’s best interest to ride it out.
Cerie – I know she’s emotional
Jared – I hate playing with that especially if I get the opportunity to get her out Easy.. I am tired of worrying about her feelings.. She has a tendency in making you worry about her feelings but she doesn’t care about the other people’s feelings. If I get the power to get you out then you’re gone and I don’t have to worry about you telling..
Cerie – the flip side is she’s working hard to get us to the end
Jared – I don’t know.. get her out I don’t have to worry about offending you.. At this point It’s not that I need her to keep the secret I need her not to tell.
jared – I would never campaign against her but I’m thinking if I can get her out it’s better earlier than later that way feelings aren’t hurt
Cerie – think about that first I get where you are coming from.
Jared – what do we need her for? Either than not tell
Cerie – dealing with her emotional side is hard but that comes with the secret.
Jared – I can’t deal with it any more
Cerie – It’s only been two weeks
Jared – It’s going to mess my game up if I have to keep attending to her.

10:22 am Blue and America
They talk about Bowie telling Red the backdoor plan.
Blue – If MEME is HOH she would put me up
America doesn’t think so.
Blue says MEME is a middle player. America says MEME was grouped with that side early on before she had a chance to talk to them.
America – I get along with her, She’s getting along with Jag and Corey now.
America says MEME isn’t tight with the comic room crew.
Blue – I thought they were closer to MEME but I guess they’re not.
Blue – could be a good number for us tio pull her in
America – that is what I am thinking
Blue about Hisam – I can’t wait for him to leave… He’s so obnoxious
America – So obnoxious..
Blue – sure act like a MEGA MIND but why do you have to take it that far? JAred and I found out that he’s trying to target us. (he’s making a big deal about their showmance)
America – he says you are so cute.. so cute.. He is so fake
Blue – why take it that far you don’t have to say anything
feeds flip

10:46 am Hisam and matt
Matt says he just came out of the cold shower.
Hisam – how was it.. how are you doing? how’s the food
Matt – Red doing a pretty good job yesterday wasn’t too bad.
They agree the hardest part is the food.
Hisam – you think slower
Hisam – one day done.. that all you can do
Matt – whats that?
Hisam – that’s all you can do

10:53 am Cerie and Izzy
Izzy – Jag seems nervous..
Cerie – I don’t know why.
Cerie – I don’t trust America.. talking about us next.
Izzy – Corey said she’s truly still playing both..
Cerie – Red said he told Cameron to pick you (For veto)
Izzy – in some ways I think the good cop bad cop is good for us
Cerie – B1tch I’m the bad comp?
Izzy – Yes are you kidding me.

11:24 am Nothing going on as we all wait for the veto competition. (Wild that the backyard is open. There is a Hurricane Hillary CLinton hitting LA tomorrow the first in 10 years. It’s supposed to bring flooding and power outage. The Big Brother house is right beside one of LA’s concrete rivers so maybe it will affect the feeds)

11:40 am Feeds cut to pound puppies.. Veto time.

1:32pm Still blocked..

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14 thoughts to ““Saying in a very condescending way.. That I am this little following sheep that BAA BAA BAA around” **Updated**”

  1. Slowly starting to like this season. Sucks we lost two hotties by week two but we still have a few ladies and there’s always Matt. Production will likely get the outcome they want but there might be an upset. Monday is going to be fun.

    Negative side of casting
    The personalities seems to be more bland. Anyone that steps out of bounds or is different than the majority gets destroyed. There is little spice shown on the feeds.

    Positive side of Casting
    Houseguest quality is on the rise I mean their strategy and knowledge of the base elements of the game. The nepotism in casting is gone. I remember past seasons and hearing the people talk about casting and it seemed like it was one giant club of losers.

    1. I had high hopes for this season based on the initial cast information. I feel the twist of 4 noms and all hoh gets to do is take two down and Renom if veto was a screw over.

      if in house I think I would have thrown it vs being put in that position.

      as to the players I am rooting for Matt and America as I think the others have shown very little to like, Matt has shown least to not like, and America just something about her I like.

      Simon I agree this batch seems to be much better than the entire group of influencers they have had in the past.

      rooting for the hashmark back door to work but still have my doubts it will be pulled of successfully.

      1. Hell, now that the picks are in, all they have to do is implement the plan! If they can keep Hisam from intimidating Felicia, it’s totally done, and all they have to do then is count the votes. Unless they’re all a bunch of idiots, Hisam will be gone by Thursday night.

        Frankly, the only way he can convince her to not nominate him is to bully her, and I don’t think production is going to allow that to happen.

    2. ‘Lost two hotties?” Let’s always remember that BB houseguests are not equal, game players who have strategies we can appreciate- they exist mainly to be judged for their degree of hotness. That’s what truly sucks.

    3. Simon, love your recaps! Gotta say tho that I miss the color coding on the ranking grid. Unlike some people I don’t always remember who was HOH and Veto holder several months in and it helps me remember who was what by the end of the season. Please bring it back.

  2. Jared’s new Izzy angst is not due to her emotions (but should be).
    Izzy challenged Jared’s views on women and relationships, so she doesn’t know her place.
    It’s the morning after she publicly called him out.

    a guy whose entire existence on the show is due to his mama being there doesn’t like women with opinions that challenge his own, or women in leadership roles.

  3. dear Felicia,
    Jun, Allison were middle people that made finals. Rat Andy was a middle person that won.
    You and Cirie are currently trying to have alliances with the entire house.

    Cirie saying she hopes it’s the hold a button comp for HOH (that hasn’t appeared in 18 years) lets us know that she received a list of this years comps before arrival.

    Still half expecting a flipflop on the plan. Then another that keeps Manson.

    1. After Blue’s rolling her eyes to the camera repeatedly with Jared giving his opinions on relationships last night I said dr gonna have to mindwipe.
      She’s saying she really likes Jared.
      purple flavor koolaid.

    2. Given everything he said during the last week and the house guests reactions to those comments, if they flip it to keep Hisam, when the entire house is in favor of evicting his ass now, you absolutely know the flip was orchestrated by production. Doesn’t matter how that flip occurs – HOH decides to put up another person as nominee or the vote changes – either way, it was a production mastered flip, IF it occurs. They’re all way too solid in their convictions to remove Hisam from the game to just flip on their own at this point.

  4. Hmm feeds still blocked wonder if there trying to figure a way to get hashmark to be able to compete and take himself to the nethers

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