Nomination Results! Izzy “So are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  Izzy

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation

3:52pm – 5:03pmm The live feeds are blocked for the nomination ceremony where as Head of Household Cameron nominated Jag and Blue for eviction.

Red – I think he is going to talk to you and Felicia about those options. Cirie – what do you mean? Red – as all of us as options. Cirie – oh okay. Don’t make me poop my pants. He told me he won’t put me up so.. Red – yeah Cirie – so I know he is going to honor that. I think they said we were going to have a meeting to talk about the options. Red – yeah because he promised America .. so it will have to be Jared or somebody in ours. So those are the only options is what I am thinking. Or Cory. Cirie – I think he and Cory are pretty cool though. Red – yeah. Cirie – it is what it is till somebody wins the veto. I mean I don’t think it is smart to put our group up. Red shakes his head no. Cirie – we want to keep our numbers. Red – he (Cameron) ain’t had no sleep. Cirie – that is crazy. Red – I probably would have felt better had I not slept.

Bedroom – Blue, Jag, Jared and Izzy
Izzy – did you how I am dying inside with his non existent reason? Also what was that?! Jag – I actually still don’t know what his reason was? It was the house.. it was Red and Bowie I guess?! Izzy – savage! Blue – I was like best case scenario what do you want. He said I hope you both get off the block and we could do an alliance.. and be friends. Excuse me!? Izzy – so are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser! Blue – Long story short he was just like I had to do this because it made sense. Like the house was expecting it. Izzy – its your HOH buddy! Blue – I was like what do you mean?! But he was like now that I think about it the last few days the people that I thought I could trust .. ah people that I thought I could trust weren’t really happy for me when I won HOH. You know what I mean?! And I was like no I don’t. Izzy – but the last few days .. he only won 4 hours ago. Blue – and I was like you were safe unanimously. Two weeks so what do you mean?! So what do you mean?! And so he was like I am just saying if you or Jag get off the block then there are a lot of options. Jag – I mean he has to say that to cover his bases. He also told me if America wasn’t second.. Izzy – she would be up there. Blue – yeah, so I went and told her that. Izzy – yeah I did too. Blue – and then do you want to know what else he said to me .. he was like at least you know you’ll get a lot of screen time this week.

5:26pm Bathroom – Cameron and America.
America – Until you do.. then I’ll say names. Cam – go ahead, you start. America – No! Cam – I promise I will. America – No, you’re HOH, You go first. You’ve got more power. Cameron – who? America – a pocket of people. Cam – which pocket? America – I can’t say. Cam – see you’re going to have to pull the trigger first. America – after veto we will talk. Cam – you won’t make it that long. America – yes I will. Cam – you’re a surprise ruin’er I can see it on your face. America – we’re not there yet. I am still kind of scared. Cam – well if they think they’re going to be the replacement noms why would they think that? That is dumb. America – because they know what they’re doing. They know what they’re playing. Cam – I would think that is a compliment to me because I am not stupid. America – exactly. I was much more naive to this 3, 2 days ago. Cam – 3, 2 days ago? America – two, three days ago. It was like no one is talking to me .. I’m not being pulled into those conversations because I’m not apart of those alliances. So that sucks! I am glad you won.. because I would have been real impulsive with my decisions. Cam – would you have gone Red? America – no. That would have been the easy decision because that’s what the house wanted. Cam – from your standpoint yes.. but for the rest of the house that would not have gone well for you. America – what I was being told was either Blue and Jag or you and Red. Cam – that’s truth. You don’t think you would have been pressured to put me up? America – I wouldn’t have. Cam – you would have been pressured. America – I mean maybe. Cam – The fact that you wouldn’t have put me up.. would have gotten your hands dirty. I did a lot a thinking on that button. Sorry I was f**king with you in the middle too. Cam – you made it all the way up to Kaysar’s level.

5:40pm HOH room – Cam and Red.
Red – you should have heard the inflection in her voice when we came in and I told her you won. Cam – she cannot help her self. Something in her brain says say the dumbest thing ever. Red – you could just tell it was not sitting right with her. One of them are going to be sitting there come Thursday. Red – as for the replacement.. hell you could use me I don’t care. Cam – the two motherf**kers out there would vote with us but with you I can’t vote.. but there is going to be a tie this week. Red – you think? Cam – there are 10 votes out there. That’s all I am saying .. there are 10 votes. Red – you mean there could be a tie. Cam – that is what I am saying.. all we need is 5.. then we can do whatever we want. Red – Cirie would go along with whatever we wanted. Cam – we would have Cory, Matt, you, Bowie and America would definitely go along with that. That is 5 solid votes. Points at himself – Tie break. And that will start a world of sh*t. But at least I know she wouldn’t be coming back into this house. Red – well she is pushing everyone’s buttons. Cam – I know. She is a little to big for her britches. She (Izzy) is much more of a problem to me than the two people sitting up there. If we made that move.. I am going to keep up the appearances that they’re the enemy because they’ve talked about us.. but they would be willing to play ball if we made that move. Red – both of them (Jag & Blue) have campaigned hard against you and me. Cam – I know that and they know that I know. Red – leaving them in here when we’re trying to go to final two is just a bad move. Izzy is in the same boat. Cam – we are going to get hit either way.. everyone is saying our names… except for the 5 people. Red – if Blue wins the veto and it is him (Jag) and Izzy on the block, we have to get rid of Jag in my mind. And I know that is leaving a later shot for Izzy. But I think that is better because I know she is a big advocate of us too. Cam – I think Jag could be bought for a time. Red – I still wouldn’t trust him. Cam – he is a guy that stays above the hit list. Cam – that isn’t something we would pull the trigger on unless we both agreed on it.

6:10pm Havenot room – Izzy, Jag and Cirie.
Jag talks about how he wants to pick Izzy if he gets house guest choice so that they’re both playing and could both potentially be safe if Izzy won and took Jag off the block. Jag – its complicated. And then there is America who is close to Cory… Izzy – and she might throw it because she knows she’s safe because she knows that Cam isn’t going to put her up as a replacement. So that puts him next to Blue. Cirie – this is messed up. Jag – it is messed up. For me .. obviously getting off the block is best case scenario but if that isn’t able to happen .. noms staying the same is probably the next best.. Just the reality of .. if I am sitting next to Jared or Izzy. ..or Matt. Cirie – I don’t think he is going to put Matt up. Izzy – but we’re just saying. Jag – I feel more confident sitting next to Blue.. than sitting next to Jared or Izzy. It just gets more complicated for everyone. Jag leaves. Cirie and Izzy talk. Cirie – so you need to know. So you need to know ..Any scenario where you are on the block next to Jag or Blue. YOU are f**king staying. I know they think Jared … because of the squishy squishy.. but Jared is never going to keep Blue.. I would NEVER allow that. Izzy – I know. I’m going to fight for this veto like I always do. It might be embarrassing but I am going to try. Cirie – what do you mean? Izzy – I hope I get picked. Cirie – I say we force them to have this meeting. Izzy – I agree. Cirie – and we force him to say it to our faces. What is the plan if one of them come down. Izzy – yeah, none of this .. this is supposed to be a squad. Cirie – I am nervous now. Izzy – especially if one of us is supposed to be gaining trust. Do you think Cam was just not wanting to say it in front of Jag? Cirie – of course. Jared’s priority is right here (Cirie and Izzy). Izzy – I believe that. Cirie – if Jared wins the veto and its f**king you and Blue .. you’re coming down. (Well that wouldn’t happen since Izzy would go up after the veto.)

6:20pm Havenot room – Izzy, Cirie and Meme.
Cirie – so we got to make sure top priority that America feels apart of this seven. So you talk to her. I will talk to her. And she will talk to her. Because if we lose this vote .. they going to have us. Izzy – because if there is a replacement.. it is me, Jared or Cirie. Meme – we need this vote. Izzy – even if we are up there.. that other motherf**ker goes home. Cirie – its either going to be Jag or Blue. Izzy – which is ultimately good for us because we need to chip away at those three. Meme – but also jag leaving makes 7 women and 5 men. Cirie – RIGHT?! And if Blue pulls herself off then its going to be Blue up there. Meme – then she got to go. Izzy – if Jag gets HG choice he is picking me to play. And if I win, I am keeping the noms the same. Meme – who is Blue going to pick to play for her? Izzy and Cirie – Jared. Izzy – but if he wins, then I am going up. Cirie – no he is going to leave it the same.

6:36pm Havenot room – Cirie and Matt
Matt – Cam made a deal with America. He wants to work with her. So what Cam wants… is Cam, Red, Bowie, America, Cory, Me. Which is good because I can bring information because I am right here with you. Cirie – I am never going to say anything. America knows that only happened because she is on the bottom. Cory knows that Red and Cam are big targets. So next week if we win, they’re gone. We can use it to our advantage. Cirie – that is perfect that they want you to be apart of their thing. BB switches the feeds.

6:50pm Comic Bedroom – Izzy and America.
America – Just didn’t want there to be a scenario where I am getting pulled in just for the numbers. Izzy – absolutely not. I am just hoping that all 7 of us can get together to talk. And like me and Cirie really want get together with you more often. And like how Felicia approached you was not.. And to only not make you feel isolated in that .. that is .. she has fully done that to everyone in the house. She is so solid and she trusts you. America – I don’t think so. Izzy – what she has said to me.. I think Felicia is overly protective of her trust and lets be real your relationship is new. That is all it is. Everything she is saying to us .. is America is great! We’re solid.

7pm Living room – Jag and Cirie
Red asks Jag if he gets to take off his costume at midnight. Jag if it happens at 12am, I might just sleep through it. I am not waking up at midnight. Cirie – what? The backyard opening? Jag – If the backyard is open .. I might walk out there but probably not. I am so tired. Izzy joins them. Jag – so Cirie and I just went over every thing and you’re first round pick. Cirie – Red is going to read your lips .. be careful. Jag – you’re my first round pick for mental. Matt is my first round pick for physical. Izzy – that’s if we know before. Cirie – and I am good with tweezers. They laugh.

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23 thoughts to “Nomination Results! Izzy “So are you planning a backdoor!?!? What a loser!””

  1. Not the route I thought would happen, but I’m not complaining. Let’s see what happens at the Veto comp tomorrow.

  2. Cameron fumbled this hoh so hard just made both sides of the house mad for no reason and solidified himself as next out. Still voting for him and red in comeback comp vote so the chaos coven can’t get what they want.

    1. Ha! I love it! I bet Jag and Blue wished they kept Hisam over Cam. lol Also, this is Blues Clue’s karma for her shady goodbye video to Hisam.

    1. yeah… after two weeks on the block, i get wanting to win hoh for safety, but i’d definitely play pretty stupid from there and get a house consensus i could use as a shield favoring the side i think is more likely to win the next week’s challenge (i.e. favoring jag if the house is split).

      1. it’s the fact that he thinks the professors formed after he left handful.
        it’s the fact that he thinks nobody made any alliance since the end of week one and thinks he’s being clever.

  3. 1)Will Cirie get blindsided by her own son? Just heard Cirie say that Jared would never vote to keep Blue but…..we know something that she doesn’t 2) If Izzy were to be voted out would Cirie’s gameplay be hurt or be improved

    1. the circumstances of how izzy is voted out matter a lot in terms of how it affects cirie. if she blames cirie she could easily blow up cirie’s game. if she doesn’t feel cirie screwed her, izzy probably continues to keep cirie and jared’s relationship secret.

  4. How much longer does Jag have to wear that chicken costume? Does anyone know what everyone got in the envelopes on the comp?

  5. If we can’t get rid of Izzy this week hopefully this happens:
    -Jared wins POV
    -His mom convinces him not to use it because they have the votes to get rid of Jag
    -after the POV meeting she rallies the troops to get rid of Blue (to keep Jag there to be at odds with Cameron & Red /also so she can have her son back & he can’t mess up their games anymore with his loose lips in his late night sessions with Blue)
    – Jared is gutted he’s been played by his “traitorous mother”
    -Blue is evicted
    -Jared wants revenge to prove he’s a man so he joins forces with Cameron & Red
    -Jared finds a pandoras box & opens it against his mother’s will & the reward from the box is Hisam is released back into the game with 2 weeks immunity.
    -Hisam can remain in the game after the immunity on one condition: MUST REMAIN BAREFOOT & IN GREY SPEEDOS AT ALL TIMES!

  6. America is about to get really popular.

    Cam/Red know she was told to stay away from them.
    They plan to pull her in….after saying she was shit for a week.

    Cirie and Izzy think she’s the key to saving them this week.
    They plan to pull her in…after saying she was shit for 3 weeks.

    She won’t be suspicious. At. All.

  7. IF Cory and America compare notes:
    7 deadly sins and Legends25 exposed as triple dipping.

    Why is Matt spilling to Cirie:
    doesn’t want Jag to go but knows he may not be able to save him.
    Promise to Reilly.
    Belief in the sins alliance.
    doesn’t like Cam.

    Why are Cam / Red’s reads so off most of the time?
    Cam’s choose your own adventure bb edition.
    he thinks he’s the sgt porkchop
    He’s petty.
    left handful 1st time he wasn’t leader.
    wants to know how Hisam led the professors instead of him.
    thinks everyone he’s picked for his new alliance sees him as glorious leader.
    Red? flattery works on this asshat.
    Red’s pulling the tell multiple stories to see who leaks chesnut. worked on Jared… which proves that only works on fifth graders. He’s now doing it with Izzy. to build trust. eyeroll.

    Izzy’s a have not.
    she’s already Izzying… it’s Friday and she’s spun. she’s not on the block. spun.
    wait until sunday…..tasmanian devil. spin spun spin again.
    she’s already leaking info… what if a nom wins veto?
    verbal diarrhea info hemorrhage.

    1. example
      Red: Izzy was worried about being renom. i think she was talking to America.
      Cam: America doesn’t know. I didn’t tell her.

  8. DAY 23
    Tie dye Sasquatch decides it’s time to be social.

    i’m sure nobody’s going to be saying dafuq is this…

  9. Well Matt disappointed me going to Cirie. I thought this could work to get one of the 3 musketeers out. But, guess not. Maybe Matt is thinking he could beat them in the end. But, it’s bad to get to the end and have to win every competition or you’re gone.

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