“If I put him on the block he’ll know he’s going home… It’s going to sting for him seriously”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Felicia
Nominees: Cameron and Jag
POV Players: Cameron, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Red, Corey – Host is Bowie
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  America, Matt, Red

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation – Hisam backdoor is back on as planned.

8:50 am Just Matt and Felicia up.

8:56 am Felicia and Matt
Matt – they told me, You, Me, Izzy, Jared, Jag and Blue that’s 7.
Felicia – I tried to talk to Jag and Blue twice yesterday and they never came upstairs they don’t want to talk anymore. Now that Jag is taken off the block they are trying to shift into something different. (I thought the original plan was for the two sides to keep up the ruse they are not working together so that Hisam didn’t suspect anything)
Matt – I really don’t see it.
Felicia – Can I trust you to come to me if there’s something going on?
Matt says yes gives her a hug “I owe you”

Felicia – stay with us I will make sure you don’t end up on that block.. Stay with us. I don’t know what they are doing. I’m hearing things. I know there something going on. I asked Jag twice to come up.
Felicia – I heard they are trying to create another alliance. They are trying to get 6 or 7 people. They are worried about me Cirie and Izzy. They are worried about us so they are trying to grab three other people.
Matt says they are more worried about Cameron and Red. “they said they’re next targets will be Bowie, Red, Cameron”
Felicia – talk to them today and say hey we need to meet with those guys.. She what they tell you
Felicia – stay with us
Matt – I will I promise.. I’ll talk to them today.

9:30 am House is up getting ready for the day. Backyard is closed.
Hisam gets up says he’s going back to bed. In the comic room Izzy and Cirie are wondering why the backyard is closed. Izzy says production told her it’s because the washing machine was acting weird.. Feeds flip

9:33 am Blue and Jag
Blue – the entire 7 should talk today..
Jag – Yeah.. I’m going to talk to Felicia today.. One on one
Blue – Might be smart for us to hang into the game room once those two go upstairs we start funneling in. We don’t have to be super secretive about it..
Jag – it will just be a group of people.
Blue stresses how Hisam was with them yesterday in their ear. “If he’s talking about all this stuff about putting Matt up putting me up next week I don’t want anything to happen”
Jag – they’ll start thinking wait that might be smart

9:42 am Cirie and Hasim
Briefly talking about the backyard being closed because the washing machine is broken.

9:46 am Izzy and Jag
Izzy – when you wanted to save Reilly we made time no matter what so if you are serious.. I don’t want to be suss with you
Jag – ohh was that a concern?
Izzy – I felt like we didn’t even small talk banter..
Jag – I thought it was operate as normal..
Izzy – yeah it felt like avoiding..

9:54 am Jag and Felicia
Jag – Izzy approached me to make sure I’m still good.. yeah I’m still good lets talk and stuff. She wanted to check in on that because she was like we didn’t get to talk yesterday.
Felicia – A little bit of paranoia set in (ya think?)
Felicia – they started thinking now that he’s coming off the block they are going to do something different.
Jag – what am I going to do that is different I will be off the block it’s not like I have a power to choose who goes on or now I have the power of 10 votes. Sh1t I’m just one person.
Felicia says the only name Hisam is giving out is MATT MATT MATT
Jag – how do you feel about putting Hisam up? I know Hisam will know that once he’s on the block he’ll spiral
Felicia – if I put him on the block he’ll know he’s going home
Jag – had it been me it would be different but how do you feel like the one doing it.
Felicia – It’s going to sting for him seriously. I heard yesterday him saying why put up a pawn when you can put up a king that will be my statement when I put him on the block.
Felicia – Hisam why put up a pawn when I can put up a King and you are a king..
Jag – before you say his name.
Felicia – I will make the statement.

Feeds cut to pound puppies

10:50 am feeds still on pound.
11:55 am Feeds still down.. May be caused by the tropical storm warning.
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16 thoughts to ““If I put him on the block he’ll know he’s going home… It’s going to sting for him seriously””

  1. Cirie changes her d*mn mind more than Blue changes her hair style! Probably just BS for the camera.

  2. I am assuming that that the feeds are showing the animals because Production is in Storm Preparedness mode? I doubt they would do POV ceremony this early

  3. Note to Hisam:
    1) Never ever feel comfortable in BB.
    2) You think if it’s not your idea it’s a bad idea.
    3) You were given two ears and one mouth for a reason.
    You’ll be reading this entry soon because of 1, 2 & 3. Apparently you’ve never watched BB, or so it seems.

    1. There’s never been a more classic example of “What goes around comes around” for Hisam.

      Last week he made a big deal about how she split the house, took away everyone’s “opportunity” to work with who they wanted to work with, and had the audacity to say his name. All the while he was dictating to the entire house, spewing biased vitriol against other house guests, denigrating the people he was aligned with and literally turned his own alliance against himself.

      Now he’s going to know her feeling of hopelessness in wanting to stay, but realizing you don’t have the votes to do it, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

      That is of course assuming there isn’t another production driven paranoia flip between now and Monday’s veto meeting, which is always a possibility with this crowd.

        1. If they want Hisam to stay, they need to be talking to Cirie, not Izzy. She’s the one who’s making the decisions for the Geriatrics.

          As for Izzy’s d/r sessions, I have no clue, unless they’re trying to talk her down from another meltdown based on the fact she may have to vote out a fellow LGBTQ member. It seems half the people (maybe more) have an agenda for being in there, or so they say, and nobody wants to step on anybodies toes while playing the game, especially if they’re a member of the same group.

          I get it, but when somebody targets you first, like what happened last season with Taylor, it seems to me that all bets should be off at that point.

      1. I can’t wait to watch Hisam talk his way out of not going home — popcorn time !! (not even making jury will offend him)

      2. A true narcissist at hand! Only HIS ideas are the right ones, basically trying to bully everyone into HIS plan. Hisam, dude you need help! But as I know, a true narcissist doesn’t think the problem is them! IT’s everyone else

  4. Okay.
    Just gonna throw this in as a reminder.
    While every houseguest was given season 23 as their must watch guidebook for bb prep by production, they obviously didn’t see the feeds. they don’t know the real cookout.

    1. for 4 weeks Hannah and Kylund weren’t considered full members because they weren’t fully black.
    2. the members of the cookout plotted to backstab each other constantly. Tiffany almost flipped a vote to break the alliance. A 3 hour d/r call is the only thing that changed her mind (Jeckyl/Hyde level plan flip).
    3. every one of them wanted their plus one to be the last plus one standing so that they could pre-emptive strike.

    This is what the guidebook season edit didn’t show them. The unbreakable unified alliance stayed together for a cause, not because they liked each other or even wanted to work together. That’s what the houseguests saying be like cookout keep missing.

    Izzy… all up in her feelings and insecurities added to Cirie and her everyone must be gaming 24/7 paranoia is pretty toxic as a combo. Yeah fun feeds if chaos is equal to fun.
    I don’t have a problem with fun or chaos. I have a problem with stupid and illogical.
    They woke up yesterday in an alliance with EVERYONE.
    Why the chaos?

  5. Is Izzy even playing? Outing Ciri and Jared should have been day 1. Up together, and out the door. She is star struck and it will be amusing when Ciri and Jared get her out first.

  6. It’s not paranoia today that Red is tailing Cirie. After Cam’s cult whispering last night, he’s investigating.
    Meme was in a no-win with Cirie and Izzy the moment she didn’t jump into the last paranoia tornado abandoning all logic. She didn’t ‘yes your majesty’ to Cirie.

  7. i wonder if Izzy goes on the block next to Ciri or Jared, if she would turn on them. Oh I hope so. I wouldn’t mind seeing the looks on everyone’s face when the realize they’re all idiots.

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