“I have to stop underestimating our allies who went out first, second and third.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  Izzy, Corey & Bowie

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Sounds like the plan is the same. Jag the target if veto gets played options on the table potential Izzy.

1:00 am Corey and America
They settle into the hammock
America – I was just being mean with my Cam thoughts. He’s not that bad. He’s not the worst person.
Right after she lays down on the hammock America called into the Diary room.
COrey starts talking to the camera “the more I think about it this Cam winning HOH things is incredible assuming I’m not the replacement nominee. That seems unlikely”
Corey – America made a deal to protect me what a team player and more importantly than that Cam likes me. I have invested time into came while other people didn’t
COrey – In terms of targeting Jag and Blue. I want Jag to win. But Jared up I am fine with that. It’s Jared and Blue we vote out Blue F*** I can live in that world. Keeping Jag in the unreliables. Jag’s not.. I can’t tell if Jag’s not a good player or if he’s in a bad situation and the games hard. I’m in a good situation and I feel like it’s not that hard. Here is what I do know about my position I’m really banking on certain people not talking and comparing notes. I try to cover my a$$ I tell Cameron that Izzy was behind the effort to flip soe votes against him then I tell Izzy that Cameron is suspicious that she’s flipping votes against him.
Corey – if they were to compare notes I have some plausible deniability
Corey – I am wondering of the me and America thing is becoming a problem with the rest of the alliance. The thing about America is she’s helpful beyond just an ally to me. This whole Cameron thing it’s not a real thing it might be but it’s only made stronger with her in it.
Corey – If Jag Sticks around America is hugely important for that.
Corey Stresses that his relationship with America is “really important”
Corey – I’m really glad I told her about Zack being on survivor.. She reciprocated she told me a secret she went to Brown.. Very cool. Love Brown.
Corey – Jared is kinda a d1ck. I like Jared we get along really well but you know he’s a bit of a d1ck. The Fauxmance is a funny alliance name.
Corey – Cirie, I’m getting a new understanding of her as a player. Man she really has a bad read on things. Like do we remember two days ago when she said there’s an alliance brewing between blue, Jag, Matt, Red, Bowie and Cam? nad America too..
Corey – in 5 seconds you can list 100 reason why it’s the stupidest thing you ever heard. that is interesting to play this game with Cirie after placing her on a pedestal for so long and now kidna like… awwwwwww… Nothing can take away from what she’s done. She’s legend nothing will take away what she’s done on Survivor.
Corey – You get to see these people up close and strategize with them. There’s several conversations where I talk to them and am like DUDE CHILL OUT what are we talking about here that makes no sense.
Corey – when it comes to Hisam I believed it was in the best interest of Izzy, Felicia and Cirie to keep him. I never understood why they were targeting him in the first place. It felt like a impulsive reaction to him being a d1ck during his HOH.
Corey – I get why they wanted to keep but once you backdoor him it’s kinda hard.
Corey – for me it wa incredibly important to get Hisam out of there. Look what happened Cam wins HOH and I’m chilling.
Corey likes the idea of Red, Bowie and Cam being in the house “they are a HUGE target and sooner or later they’ll be a target”
Corey – the nice thing is if jared wins HOH and puts them up that doesn’t even blow up my spot. So it’s fine.
Corey – this cast is drama adverse.. Izzy will give it to people some times. I think eventually when I nominate her it will be a BIG blow up and if I turn on Jared it will be big problem. We’re not at the point of the season where people are making bit backstabbing moves. Instead of the HISAM thing which was dramatic it didn’t result in a blow up.
Corey – Here’s the thing about Cam. He’s got a lot of quarks that annoy people and I get that. The way he describes certain people I am not a fan of. On a level that is no deeper than surface level chemistry I like the guy. We chat we laugh we get along. The way he talks to women is interesting especially the way he flirts with them.
Corey – Red kinda weirds me out but he’s a nice guy too. I love Bowie.
Corey says he gets along great with Bowie and Reilly he thinks Bowie is the one person that he’ll get along best with outside the house.

Corey mentions he threw the HOH because he had no options for people to put up. Everyone would want him to put up Red and Cam but Red.Cam want to work with him. He could put up Jag and Blue but he’s got the unreliables alliance with Jag. He’s not putting anyone up in “For real for real”
Corey – I think I’m doing well my biggest concern is I am saying a lot of contradictory things to people. To cam I’m targeting Jag, To Jag I’m targeting Cam, To Cam I’m worried about Izzy to Izzy I’m worried about Cam. To Cirie and Izzy, America is my henchmen. To America she’s my Final 2.
Corey – Cirie and Izzy can’t betray me right now I just know way too much about all their sh1t. Same with Jared.
Corey thinks America is going to have issues with jury votes. He thinks people look at her like Holly from BB21.
Corey adds out of all the people he talks to in the house he thinks America has the best strategic head on her shoulders.
Corey – I don’t mean to put down America she’s pretty good.
Corey – I’m playing a really good game but I’m also being a little too cute. It could come back to bit me. I am anticipating it will and i’ll have to figure it out.
Corey – who is going to be the replacement nominee? probably Jared right. I might talk to Jared and see if he would be alright with me pushing Izzy.
Feeds flip.. when we’re back.
Corey says it’s really hard for him to figure out how to keep Jag if the nominees stay Jag and Blue “I would rather Jag be here, Blue does nothing for me in this game and I work with Jag well. The Jared part makes it really tough, Izzy is also team get rid of Jag and Cirie is too.. F****”
Corey says he has to be careful how much he’s seen talking to Jag. He doesn’t think he’ll be a replacement nom but he still has to be careful “there’s no reason to tempt him”
Corey says he feels good about Matt but so does everyone else in the house “He’s just a good dude”
Corey mentions that he offered his jacket to everyone before the pressure cooker and MEMEM took it. He hopes this doesn’t be a thing later one, notes that Blue is already making comments about it.
Corey – what the f** is wrong with my alliance. Jared, Mister eye of the tiger athlete I am a WINNER goes out in 15 minutes. He was in the pressure 15 minutes longer than my mom was (LOL)
Corey – You guys were basically as much in the competition as Jared was.
Feeds flip When we’re back.
Corey – then Cirie falls.. then Izzy.. First three out that wasn’t a omen. My three main alliance are out first, second and third and I take a look around and I like all the outcomes.
Clarifies he didn’t want Bowie to win because that could have led to America going up.
Corey says he’s throwing all the comps so far.
Corey – Felicia is a problem, I need to get rid of Felicia she’s going to be remarkably challenging to get out of the show. Like why would you get rid of Felicia it doesn’t make any sense. I will need to find a spot maybe get lucky in a double eviction.
Corey likes his prospects in the competitions against Felicia, Izzy and Cirie. “they are not spectacular competitors when it comes to what these final comps are a lot of memory, logic and Studying and a lot of athleticism”
Corey needs to maintain the spot he’s in but has to throw every competition he can’t win HOH right now.
Corey – Hisam was casting Gold what a gem actual insanity. Every none game conversation I had with him I really enjoyed it.
Corey – we’re getting a lot of these physical people that’s good for me. especially agility based stuff.

1:35 am America out of the Diary room
They talk about how told the Pressure cooker was. Corey points out there was a AC vent right behind Cameron.
They talk about Blue being content creator “a performer”.
Cory – here’s the thing Cam is annoying as hell it’s him Izzy is the same way.
Corey – the thing that pisses me off with Izzy and I’ve complained about this before.
America – She’s kinda mean
Corey – She is just so MEAN
America – She complains a lot she’s whinny about a lot of sh1t
Corey – I also don’t think she’s that good of a player
America – I don’t think so either she’s cutting deals with everybody trying to insert herself in every group it will backfire. I don’t think she’s a good competitor competition wise
Corey – Jared came to me today and was like you got to be careful what you say you don’t want to underestimate people it might annoy them. So apparently I said MEME might not do super great in the challenge.
Corey says he had this stupid argument with Jared where he asked Jared if he would be good on Jeopardy.
Corey – Jared said I think I would win I asked why you are good with trivia he said no i’m a good competitor.. What the f***
Corey – I have to stop underestimating our allies who went out first, second and third.
They talk about who the fans are this season. Izzy isn’t as big of a fan she make herself sound like. Cam is a big fan. They are both major fans.
Corey asks who she thinks are the best players in the game. Points out she’s the one person that he talks to that makes sense in the way they thinking.
Corey – like.. Cirie and Izzy are trying to explain why they should keep Hisam after they backdoor him
America – it’s so stupid
Corey – the thing that pissed me off the most and I already told you this. This fictional alliance they were dreaming about with Cam, Red, Bowie, Matt, Jag, Blue and you. Remember when we made this alliance that 7 person then immediately after they were like wait what if every other person in the house was in an alliance against us and started freaking out.
America – why would they think that do they not see other people don’t talk?
Cory – here’s what they said. You know how Red and Jag have been publically targeting each other? that is part of the plan they want to target each other to throw us all off the sent..
Corey says he had to shut that sh1t down.
Corey – jared isn’t good strategically but he’s REALLY good socially.
America – yes
Corey – Cam is really smart socially he’s a disaster
Corey brings up how day one when they were on the stage he wanted to team up with Jag. “he looked fun cool and smart and he would be a fan of the show”
America – I Really hope he wins Tomorrow.
America – I went up to him in the bathroom he talked about a conversation with Izzy ‘yeah it went really good’ I was like we never worked with Izzy before. I would be cautious in trusting her.
Cory – they haven’t learnt anything from the Reilly situation
America – yeah.. Izzy does this thing when she’s nervous you can tell she’s nervous.
America – he was like NO she’s so good she was looking at my eyes
Corey – lying like that isn’t that hard..
America – he is so trusting

America grabs her laundry
Cory brings up the alliance that Jared told him about. Izzy, Cirie, Fleica, Jared, Matt, Jag, Blue.
America – so they do have a thing
Cory – they have a thing but it’s a bullshit thing look who was on the block last week.
America – okay never mind f*** jag and blue
Cory – he didn’t tell us about them but he didn’t tell them about us either

2:00 am Back on the hammock
Cory – I think he (Jag) knows the Cirie and izzy thing is just bullshit
America – I don’t think he knows
Cory – they would have put up Cam and Red so it was real to an extent anyways. That is why I am okay with one of them going we need them to have less options.
America – for more groups? all they f**ing have is groups. Izzy told me three different groups today.. ohh but their all BS.
America – I’m like what the f*** are you doing? It’s the same four people
Cory – SOmetimes it’s jared, sometime Felicia, Sometimes meme
America – it’s like the same four
Cory – I know. why are they telling us about them>
America – they think we can win comps
Corey brings up an argument he had with Jared “you can’t have alliances with everyone in the house because what happens when you win competitions?”
America – they don’t win competitions they’re running sh1t.. this is why I should have won the pressure cooker and put up Izzy and Cirie
Cory – who is running shit?
America – it is Cirie, Izzy and Felicia. They are the house when people say the house wants this.
America brings up the conversation she had with Cam where he talked about “Pockets of people” but cam wouldn’t tell her the names.
They both want Bowie out. Cory thinks she would put him up.
America goes on about wanting Jag to win veto tomorrow.
Cory says if Jag gets evicted they have to go hard with Cameron. America agrees says he’s going to start hanging out more with him this week says she has a wine date with him planned.
Cory – izzy says he’s a cult leader I don’t think he’s a cult leader
America – he’s just playing the game a little
Cory – he thinks he’s so smooth and he’s kinda smooth but he’s not very self aware
cory says Cameron is a “Sneaky good looking guy”

2:30 am Bowie joins them. They talk about the phrases people always say
Cory – here’s the thing, listen, the thing is.
Bowie – Right right right right . That was Hisam’s
Cory says Hisam would say something very fast then say it again slow.. “Ididn’tbetrayyou.. I….. didn’t……. betray…… you”
Bowie – you’re like yeah okay I got it..
They go on chit chatting around 3:20 am they head inside.

5:00 am zzzzzzz

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11 thoughts to ““I have to stop underestimating our allies who went out first, second and third.””

  1. If only America outlasted Cameron. She could have got out Izzy for sure.

    But still as it is I hope Jag wins Veto or Cameron wins to save Jag so Izzy can be backdoored.

  2. Well if America would put up izzy or cerie then she is my pick for next week’s hoh!!!! Somebody is finally seeing the 3 people running the house!! Please just stick to your words and put any combo of the 3 up!!! I’m begging you lol.

    1. The same reason they had The Twin Seasons 5 and Season 17. The twins on those season switched in and out of the house and no-one expected anything for a few weeks. That would be considered an unfair advantage. This season, there are at least two people that know about Cirie and Jared, but have chosen to keep their mouths shut.

  3. interesting to play this game with Cirie after placing her on a pedestal for so long and now kidna like… awwwwwww… Nothing can take away from what she’s done. She’s legend nothing will take away what she’s done on Survivor.
    THIS is exactly why I don’t like having Cirie on the show. They were all starry-eyed when they saw her. They wanted to get to know her, to be with her. Cirie just had to sit back & they came to kiss her feet. She has them, most of them, under her spell. She sure didn’t need to win the pressure cooker, & JRod either because of her, so they fall out in 1.5 hours & spent the night watching from inside the house, chowing down with Felecia.

  4. I don’t understand any of this nonsense! Who is Zach from Survivor? Why is Cirie a queen in their eyes? Will Blu ever get that dang curler out of her hair or is it permanently affixed? Will someone steal Jared’s bandana?…….So many questions!

  5. America talks too much. That’s going to get her in trouble. She’ll be on the block in 2 weeks. She has a big mouth and Cory’s take on himself is just as blown up as Izzy.

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