HOH Part 2 Winner is HOLLY! “Everything happens for a reason!”

HOH Part 1: Jackson Vs Holly Vs Nicole
Part 1 Winner: JACKSON
HOH Part 2: Holly Vs Nicole
Part 2 Winner: Holly
HOH Part 3: Jackson Vs Holly
Part 3 Winner: ?


6:44pm -10:29pmBig Brother blocked the live feeds for part 2 of the 3 part HOH competition.

Holly – I thought I did it in 12 minutes. Why did they make us wait forever?! I was like is Nicole taking 40 minutes.. what the heck!? Jackson – I’m going to be sick. Holly – they made me wait for an hour after I came in. Jackson – I am literally speechless. I am without speech. Holly – that was a hard comp. Jackson – everything happens for a reason. If we saw these two on paper, I guarantee you I would have said you should have won the first one and I should win this one. And I would have bombed that! Holly – do you think?! Jackson – I never would have gotten out. I am so proud of you. I need to go talk to her because I need to cover her. They stand up. Jackson – we’re final two!!!!

Nicole in the bedroom crying. Jackson comes to give Nicole a hug. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

11:05pm The live feeds are still blocked..

11:09pm The live feeds return. Jackson – we have a 50% chance of winning half a million dollars. Holly – I know. I know. I am very aware. Jackson – you promise you’re taking me if you win? Holly – OHHHHhhhh… how the tables have turned. Jackson – no just because you said that earlier and I thought it was kind of a given and then you said that. Holly – because you guys are so close and it made me nervous. Jackson – baby! Don’t ever question that. Holly – I know. Jackson – we’re walking out Mr & Mrs Smith! We made it to final 2! Holly – has a showmance ever done that?! Jackson shakes his head no. They hug. Jackson – you had a job to do and you CRUSHED IT! Holly – that’s what I said right before I went out.

11:25pm Jackson – I am not blowing smoke, I would have lost that comp. You and I will never campaign against each other … only as the final 2 to the jury. We will never be a part of jury. Holly, you and I are both guaranteed 50 grand! 60 for me. Holly – yeah f**ker! Jackson – we are final two! ARE YOU SERIOUS! The second part was most important and you did it. The first part regardless one of us were going to win it. No offence to Nicole. Holly – the second I saw this one I was like damnit Jackson, I should have won the first one. Jackson – Holly you KILLED IT! BABY GIRL! I am so impressed! The pride I have to you is unmatched. Jackson – we never had a final two deal. Holly – I kind of don’t want to just to say we didn’t. You had a final two (Jack) and I did (Sis). You just better not win and pick her. Jackson – why are you!? This happens with my .. every single one .. they accuse me of something they are doing. Are you going to take her?! Holly – No, no, no, no, no .. and this is not a final two. They shake hands. Holly – its just scary. We are going to be standing on the scales together. Jackson – I can’t believe it. Holly – when we walk out can we walk out.. Jackson – hand in hand. Holly – regardless of which one. Jackson – yes.

11:40pm – 12am Holly – he (Cliff) said he wouldn’t. Jackson – he (Cliff) said if you’re up there he is going to vote for you because you kept your word and I stabbed him in the back. Holly – no, babe. He said he’s not going to do that. Jackson – but even then it will affect his vote. It will affect Nicole’s too. Holly – I don’t think it will. Jackson – even though we both had the intentions of doing the same thing, I was the one that did it. Holly – I really don’t think he will. Jackson – I think the last weeks will cost me half a million. Holly – I don’t think it will. You and Cliff are the same only 30 years a part. He made a point of saying he was going to vote on game. Jackson – you had a job to do and you did it! Christie is going to be like I f**king knew it! Holly – she pointed at us and said you guys are going to win. Everyone says don’t get in a showmance, it will ruin your game. Jackson – you kept me so psychologically sane. You picked me up when I couldn’t compete. You had my back. You were there for me. I don’t think I would have been able to do anything as close to win these comps if I didn’t have you by my side. And I wouldn’t have been safe the weeks that I couldn’t compete and I wouldn’t have the relationships with other people if I didn’t have you by my side. We are looking at the person that is going to win this game. Can we get a lock down?! (Oh that poor stool!) I am bursting with pride! I can’t believe I am walking out with my best friend in the house. Jackson – that’s it, its out of our hands.

1:20 am Holly and Jackson
Jackson going on about never going against Holly once, “I’m so proud of you”
They mention how Salty the jury will be “Chrisite, Tommy and Sis”
Jackson – I’m so proud of you.

Jackson going on about a showmance never making final 2 before.

2:30 am Nicole and Jakcson
Nicole says she has a nice speech perpraed if she had won it.
Jackson – I’m proud of you

3:05 am Nicole crying. Jackson goes to comfort her .
N – I’ve worked so hard. that’s what sucks. I just think of everything the whole process to get here.

4:20 am Chit chat..
N – I miss the hammock

4:30 am LIghts off.

5:30 am Zzzzzzzzzzzz

11:00am – 4:10pm ZZZzzzzzz

4:20pm – 5pm Holly makes them all breakfast for dinner. Jackson – you know what I can’t wait for .. in 4 days we can say whatever we want to each other. Holly – and everyone else has been talking and saying whatever they want for a long time. Nicole – I am not going to lie I woke up very disgusted replaying the footage from the last few and the footage of yesterday…. and I am fine again. Regardless, I know that I will be okay. Its not that my family won’t be okay.. its that my family is going to think that I am not okay… so they’re not going to be okay. Jackson – that’s how my parents are. Nicole – Especially if America is like you should have kept Tommy. You did it to yourself. I just don’t want to look stupid. Nothing against you guys.. just from a game stand point. Holly – I have that same fear people thinking that I’m an idiot for a lot of reasons. Jackson – insert me. Holly – I have fears of that same scenario with Tommy and me being the villain .. like why why f**k is she still here. Nicole – I’m worried about people being like how do you feel about losing to them two. I would be like fine, they’re good people. They head out into the backyard.

5:15pm – 6pm They talk about giving each other their phone numbers once they get out and can rip their mics off. Holly heads inside. Nicole and Jackson talk about what the final HOH questions are like regarding the jurors.

6pm Jackson tells Holly that he wants to watch the season back with her and only her. You were my person and I want to watch it back with you.

Nicole, Holly and Jackson hang out on the hammock chatting. Nicole – regardless of how this goes this week if I am the last juror I am going to walk out and Julie is going to be like how do you feel and I’m going to be like I am so mad at them. Well how do you feel? I love them. That’s what’s frustrating.. that conflicting. I f**ked something up along the way! They reminisce about past events of the season.

8:15pm Nicole and Holly play pool. Jackson tells big brother that all the lights aren’t on in the backyard. Nicole – what the hell Michie!? (They don’t want big brother to shut the backyard down to fix it.)

10pm Jackson is working out and drinking champagne.

10:35pm – 11:15pm Backyard. Jackson and Holly. Jackson – she’s already campaigned to me a couple times. Holly – oh really?! When?! Jackson – I don’t know what she said to you but she said that she will literally campaign for me to win if she is sitting next to me. Holly – what?! Jackson – which is a tough argument. Holly moves back. Jackson – I am kidding she didn’t campaign to me. Holly – stop that. You can’t do that kind of stuff now. Its not funny. Nicole joins them and they chat about past events of the season. Jackson heads inside. Holly talks to Nicole about a a friend the attempted to commit suicide.

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Susan Corbridg


Get To Steppin Nicole

Goodbye cat lady. I knew Nicole would choke.


I cannot believe this! They both so much deserve to be there.

Nicole was just there for amusement (and did a poor job at that!).

Go enjoy yourselves on that stool!

Get To Steppin Nicole

You know what would be funny is if Part three was questions about the houseguests and jackson and Holly don’t know squat.


I would have mad props for Holly if she won and didn’t take Jackson MAD. She would be like Catherine the great or Tamara of Georgia of the BB community. That would up her resume and I think Christie and many others would vote for her. That would be amazing!!!! Her speech.. I used Jacksons talents for MY game and then I took him OUT. I just dont think it will happen!!!


I love Nicole but if Holly did that it would be super hard for me not to vote for her.

Meow Mix

So is Nicole just going to stay in the house and cry until Wednesday?

Baghdad Bob

This just in…….I spoke to Houka and he has guaranteed a Nicole victory and Christie winning America’s Favorite Houseguest.

Place your bets.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Some folks are still in the grieving phase…I thought it hilarious!

Houka Inumuta

Nicole is going to win America’s favorite. It’s not too late. Michie or Holly can still take her to final 2.


I know that on at least a couple of occasions Holly has told Jackson she loves him and he didn’t acknowledge her. Unless I missed it he hasn’t ever used the L word. At least, not the way she does. Has he ever actually called her his girlfriend? I know others have. Jackson has made comments like no matter what happens she will always be in his life, tells her she is best friend. He was an ass to her and on many occasions showed his bad temperament. When she cried about it, he would change his tune. I could be wrong but given his obsession with how he was being portrayed, I thought her tears were a reality check for him and why he would suddenly become Mr. Nice Guy. It was all for the cameras to clean up his image. Abuse the girl then use the girl!

I can only imagine what it’s going to be like outside of the house. Holly thinks she’s in love with Jackson. He probably can’t wait to go celebrate with his buddies which includes an abundance of alcohol. No cameras so he’s free to be himself. Holly isn’t going to be so happy with his frat boy behavior. I always think back to earlier in the season. In a conversation with some of the guys, Jackson was telling them how he gets really “aggressive” when he goes out. He appeared to be bragging. I can’t help but think this guy is a walking glowing loud red flag! You can throw some sequence/glitter in there too.

In general, I don’t think the amount of years between them would or should be a big deal ….. if Jackson was at least in his 30’s. The science today is that an adolescent’s brain can still be in the developmental stage through early 20’s. It makes sense considering why you see so many of people in early 20’s behaving like there in high school and/or have poor decision making skills. When you look at it that way, it’s pretty gross.

I agree with jessme. The best outcome for Holly would be to take Nicole. That would be the biggest and grandest move of the season. Also the most shocking! I can’t imagine the jury not respecting that move. It would certainly improve her image. Lol!

Nicole for AFP!

Roll Tide

Part 3 is usually about the houseguests


Poor job? She made it to the final three.


She will get AFP though

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Yep, last anti-Jackson standing.

I’m happy for her that she will get that. I’m not too sure how she will look back on this experience, and most particularly after she sees how Cliff impacted her game in so many ways; particularly the treachery.

I still don’t know if the rumor that she fainted during the challenge is true or not, but it does seems like she may have done a far better job at letting Cliff’s bitterness get into her head and not Jackson’s.


I am rooting for Sam the man

House Stark


Can we send someone stat to check on Houka’s well being?

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I believe they’re hanging out with Scottie Salton; Scottie asked them to move in once he learned it was Houka who manifested his win. While Houka’s predictions are “always right”, their one constant is they always predict the geekiest player to win.

Aunt Cece

Admin please disregard the flag on this post. My barely awake fingers hit the flag purely by accident and then I tried to undo it which only made it worse. Sorry about that Swaggy, I’ll refrain from scrolling until I’ve had my coffee.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Damn, I wondered what that buzzing noise was…I thought it was a Canis lupus attack.

No problems there Aunt Cece, I know the feeling…I’m on my third cup of coffee and will be going for the 4th soon. And I’m sure it’s not the first flag admin has received on me (sorry guys).

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Look at the Aunt Cece, you earned yourself some down thumbs for being polite to me. Savor them with your next cup of coffee! I do.


No worries Aunt Cece, it requires a few flags before the alarm bells ring so you’re all good.

Houka Inumuta

Jackson is still losing. That’s for sure.

Another Houka Gem

Define sure.


I’ll be damn! YES!


Just glad because so many people wanted them to lose. In my opinion that made Jackson and Holly the underdogs,

Can’t believe I ever rooted for Cliff

In my opinion when it is 2 against 1, the 2 are clearly NOT the underdogs.


That must be why SO many showmance’s have won over the years

Let's get real

Our opinions on who we want to see win dont really affect whether or not Jackson and Holly are underdogs.

For example, pretend most people wanted to see the Dolphins beat the Patriots. The Dolphins would still be the underdogs.

I’m glad you’re happy with the result, I just think calling Jackson and Holly underdogs goes a bit too far.


I was just saying this! Everyone always says they back the underdogs. Jackson has been a target forever.

House Stark

Production if you have any shread of decency you need to hide the stool now.

Don’t over think it

How did the Nicole manifesting workout for you people?

Over-Thinking It

Who you calling, you people.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I believe they are referring to some of the more intense viewers who won’t have any need for hair care products for a while.


Couldn’t thumbs up cause, well, ovs, but that is a very funny line.


George Jefferson “you people are you people”


I’m guessing all those hating on Jackson & Holly because they were just so much better players in the end.

Bold and Smart

Name one vote Holly will have in the jury house taking Jackson..I could never settle for less 50k when I have a better chance for 500k taking Nicole. I don’t care what he did for me or did to me vs I came for one thinking the 500k it’s a dirty game so lets get dirty..Holly should take Nicole and hope to get enough jury votes to win the 500k..Holly taking Jackson to F2 will give her zero votes..everyone will vote for Jackson..to me the jury is not bitter some of them will give it to the best player of the game and that is Jackson..I wanted Nicole to win just because but Jackson played a better game and deserves the 500k. If Holly takes Nicole it might be spilt votes between them..Nicole might win going up against Holly or Jackson..Holly going up against Jackson she will definitely lose. I did not come for a friend, a lover, a buddy, a bestfriend or a boyfriend..I came for 500k and if Jackson can’t understand now like he did in the beginning that this is a game and a dirty one at that too bad..Holly should take her turn in game and taking Jackson out if she gets the chance..the boyfriend relationship will never last..but 500k will last for a minute..my loyalty is me and my family. That’s it that’s all.

Sleepy Joe Versus Corn Pop

I think Sis is a vote for Holly. Jess will only vote for a woman. Cliff and Nicole may vote Holly since she kept her word and they may be bitter. Either Tommy or Christie could vote Holly too. Jackson hosed Tommy and Christie is nuts. This thing is not over.


Cliff and Nicole voting for Holly shows they are hypocrites. Had Jackson not overheard the conversation with Tommy, he’d be gone.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

It’s all up to the jury. As many people have been saying for a long time, Jackson’s jury management has been horrible whereas Holly has had a strong social relationship with most of the jury.

Those are factors she can count on. And given the chance of a bitter jury, taking Nicole with her would be Cliff worthy.


Holly would lose FOR SURE against Nicole.

Sleepy Joey Versus Corn Pop

Remember weeks nine and ten when Christie was going to be voted out for sure against Sis and Nick? Nothing is for sure in Big Brother.


But you never really know how the jury will vote. Plus Cliff just kept on going on about how she’s “America’s Sweetheart”. I don’t get that at all. Sure I feel sorry for her right now being stuck in there til Thurs with a couple who are gonna take each other, but she hasn’t played much of a game really. That’s why she & Cliff were their choice to take to final four. They were easier to beat.


Well said, bravo


I hope Nicole still campaigns hard to both this week, just once I’d love to see a blindside pick at the end.


Agreed. Laying back and allowing someone to take the $500000 just because you are banging them is a waste of playing. Anyone who was a true BB fan would know to take your best option to the end to win and Jackson is not the best option for her. Leaving the house jurors already expressed how they would vote and not one of them on the way out said Holly. Christie and Jess on their way out they both said they would vote for Jackson to win. Sis even said although his game was dirty she would consider a vote for Jackson.
Jackson has all but told Holly he is going to be out there on other shows (with other chicks) and it’s been a bone of contention all season with quite a few arguments.
As much as i couldn’t stand Cliff, he went out fighting but was too little too late and should have done it in his HOH. Many of the comments I see on other sites suggest Cliff doing well on AFP polls because of his final attempt to stay “fight”, his comeback and final 4 deal. They are still talking about Cliff and he is gone so he got to them a little thinking about jury. I am not convinced he deserves AFP.
We want to see people fight for the money cause Jackson certainly is.
I’d fight my own bff, brother or whomever to win the $500000 and if they truly love me at the end of the day they will understand.

Jan Nan

You hit the nail on the head when you said , anyone who is a true Big Brother fan would know to take your best option. Holly has never watched big brother and said something about she wanted to get on Love Island ( or whatever it was called). I don’t think Jackson had seen the show either except for what they watched after being cast. Nicole is a true fan so it’s disappointing that she made a rookie mistake by keeping a showmance in the game. Cliff really screwed Nicole and every time I think of the things he said behind her back it aggravates me. If I have to choose between the stool buddies I hope Holly wins. It’s a hard pill to shallow to think of Jackson winning after all of his cheating and production help. I do think Jackson is sincere with his feelings for Nicole. It makes me like him just a little when I see him interact with her.

Fat guy in a little coat

She is still hanging on to the idea that they will be together outside of the house, but I think that ship has sailed a long time ago
She did go on the game for 500,000 but they say love is blind.

Cliff’s a wuss

If Holly did the ultimate move and knocked this season’s ultimate player out of the game, how could she not deserve to win the $500K? Plus it would be super entertaining for me to watch. I would consider that a win for BB!


Best comment on this whole page! Thankyou!

Swaggie's Missing Brow

And you may very well see it happen.

Up until My Little Pony failed to deliver in round 2, the consensus was Jackson had done a horrible job at jury management and was going to pay for it…yet suddenly, Holly’s best bet is to take Nicole.

If the jury, or sufficient jury members are bitter, Holly takes it.

J e t s jets jets jets

Kay will 100% vote for Holly. Don’t know about anyone else.

Linda's Toy

Holly needs to take Jackson, not Nicole. Nicole would win over Holly because she is well liked by a lot of jury members but there is the very strong possibility Jackson is so disliked by the jury that they would vote for Holly. Although her record is not as impressive as Jackson’s, her record is not bad.


Holly has to win part 3 first


you are mistaken. both tommy and christy will vote for holly for sure. sis as well. cliff is bitter and might do the same. last i checked Jack and Jackson are not on best terms. Nicole is bitter and will vote for holly.

Don’t over think it

Well, she got 3.

Enough Already

Worst possible outcome. I think I’m gonna barf.

Ha Ha Ha

Don’t get any on your cat.

Don’t over think it

Love it lol


I heard them say the first one wasn’t endurance like it has usually been. It sounds to me like production moving comps around to benefit Jackson & Holly.

I can’t stand it when they meddle. Christie was the #1 target on the block and, somehow, magically, the biggest drama queen in the house stayed every time. Production didn’t have time to meddled in the double, so their favorite finally went home.

Jan Nan

if Holly can win the next one the smart move would be to take Nicole to F2 , but I doubt she will.

Can’t believe I ever rooted for Cliff

It would be her best chance of taking 1st

Dream On

Grasping at straws.

America’s Favorite

She should have dumped Jackson a long time ago. He’s a piece of $h!t who doesn’t care about her feelings and makes her feel bad for no reason. She’ll take Jackson because he’s already broken her spirit. She pretends to want to empower girls. The only message she’s sending to little girls out there is that a man can degrade you constantly, but you know he really cares if he values what’s between your legs.

Sleepy Joe Versus Corn Pop

Jan do you think Holly would win if she took Nicole to the finale? I don’t think she will take Nicole but I bet the audience would go crazy and it would be amazing TV which Grodner would love.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I think it would have been ratings gold if Nicole had taken out Jackson in the finale challenge and picked Holly to go F2.

That would have made it a battle between the tiny girl who took down the ogre and the ogre’s mistress.


She’s not good enough to beat either of them. I hate when people say they would vote for someone just because they don’t like their opponent. Jackson has killed it. He deserves to win!

Swaggie's Missing Brow

While Holly’s contribution to his wins were not so overt, she did a remarkable job at calming him down when he would start getting very emotional and tense. That was good team management on her part that will probably get little credit.

Jan Nan

Sleepy , I think she has a better chance of winning taking Nicole. Taking Jackson out would be reason enough for the jury to vote for her. Plus it would be a great ending to an otherwise crappy season.

Voice of Reason

Holly would be in jury if not for Jackson. If she takes Nicole she looses. However, a bitter jury might take her over Jackson.


Right, but it would be a shitty thing to do and she’s not gonna do that.


Agreed holly has a much better chance of jury being bitter and beating michie than beating nicole


I think it would give her more of a fighting chance to take the 500k.

Neither her nor Jackson, imo, had much of a social game. So it would seem to be purely comps and game moves. Holly could go comp to comp, but really what game moves?


I guess the beat thing we can hope for at this point is a not bitter jury, and Nicole for AFP!!

Holly has no right winning this game


I’d rather Holly win than Jackson just to crush his ego.

Get To Steppin Nicole

Being a Razorhog you should know something about crushed dreams.

Miss Conception

If Jackson wins,” I have 500k”! If Holly wins,Jackson will say”WE have 500k”! If Holly does take Jackson to final 2,it may very well be a 450k mistake!

The core

Holly will win she has Jess Kat Nicole cliff Tommy Christin and sis ..bet on that

Don’t over think it

Did Houka change their screen name?

Sleepy Joe Versus Corn Pop

He changed it to The Night King Will Win The Game of Thrones.

House Stark

I know he has been busy with his new business venture……selling Antonio Brown jerseys.

Don’t over think it

As a Steeler fan, that’s funny.

Can’t believe I ever rooted for Cliff

So you think Holly has no right to win but the guy who CHEATED by eating in the shower while on slop does have the right to win?

Voice of Reason

Tommy would be there instead of Holly if not for Jackson. However, I think the bitter jury would give it to Holly over Jackson anyways.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

And people are just assuming that at soon as Holly walked out the door Tommy wouldn’t have immediately made an F2 with the strongest player and took his chances with a jury that he loves and respects.


And Nicole never had a chance because she’s just not that good. Honestly, the only reason she’ll get AFP is out of pity. Kat or Tommy were WAY more entertaining.


i totally agree. we didnt even know Nicoles name until day 80. she was like wall paper. i cant reward someone who goes to BB and does nothing and hopes people take them to the end. typical BB and survivor game play. take out the best players …


Season over…… Not even watching the rest of the shows. See you next year, let’s hope for a better cast, and show not rigged by production.

Les Chenves

It was a good cast. Production needs to find a way to prevent the cool kids each season from forming big cliques the first week.


They need a cast of all hard asses then let the game begin.

Hardass and Mccormick

What current or former people would you say qualify as hard asses?


Cops, military and other first responders.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I like it but for the most part they’d have to be ex’s. Active military folks wouldn’t be given the time off, and I’m not too sure many cops or first responders would either. I don’t know how Derrick was able to (anyone know?).

Do you remember David Lane (BB4)? One of my favorites, ex-Army Ranger, lovable goofball (who knew how to kill you in many different ways). Unfortunately he didn’t last too long.

I can only imagine a household of people like him and Cody. I would love it.

America’s Favorite

So you want a bunch of Cody Nicksons brooding and grunting all season?


The only reason they didn’t like Cody is he went for a big player on his first HOH without consulting anyone. Jessica stood by him although she didn’t always agree.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Two more people that the usual suspects insisted would never stay together. Granted, they’re total opposites but it’s working for them. I know Jessica did seem to be hesitant for a while but once she took the plunge…sploosh!


Yep, that’s exactly what I want. Love him or hate the guys a badass. Look what he did in Amazing Race. And he seemed to be a good guy too. OK, go ahead and blow-up if you feel the need.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I loved how those two interacted; she gave as good as she got. Have you seen photos of Maverick Nickson?

Ovi's tongue

That would suck, big time. Authority cases trained to kill. Good plan.

Conspiring Bitches

So, a REAL summer of Steve then?

Sleepy Joey Versus Corn Pop

Frankie Grandie, Tommy, Lawon, Rockstar, Kaitlyn, Raven, Chima, and Marcellas.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

And JC…who will be on tonight’s show.

House Stark


Do you think they will make JC sit on the stool?

Swaggie's Missing Brow

They might let him use Tommy’s booster seat.

Jan Nan

The dang stool needs some kind of consultation prize or just take it outside and burn it to put it out of its misery.

Sally B

I’m assuming this would be worst-case scenario casting??

Swaggie's Missing Brow

How about a season where no contestant is over 5′. Imagine, a whole house full of JC’s and Tommys.

jackson hater

you have a problem with gay men, you should see someone about that!!!


Says someone with hater in their screen name.

Don’t over think it


Swaggie's Missing Brow

LOL! Now you folks are really reaching.

No, I have no problem whatsoever with gay men and if you noticed, I didn’t mention all the other gay players. I was simply referring to two short, hyper-active, obnoxious little $hits.

And before you try claiming I have a problem with “little people”, I did not use the terms midgets or dwarf. Just short $hits.

By the way, how tall are you?

Jackson is the G.O.A.T.

Very strong SMB


Season of minorities, couldn’t hurt.

Fat guy in a little coat

Recruit from the prisons


I think we need LESS production interference!


Unfortunately production will always interfere. At the end of the day it’s a tv show.

House Stark

Death, taxes and Grodner.

Sleepy Joey Versus Corn Pop

Maybe Christe will lend Nicole her tear jar.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Better be ready to pass that thing around. When they announce the top three AFP choices Tommy and the Hustler are both going to think they’re getting it. Tommy will be thinking, “They love me, they really love me.” Cliff will be getting ready to do his snappy thingy and thinking, “The goobers bought that folksy shit.”

Nicole will get a little revenge on the rotund one.

Arya Stark Badass

Post of the day Swaggie.

Fraggle Rock bottom

Well you have Celebrity Big Brother coming up which is loaded with mostly has been uber liberal hack actors and entertainment “celebrities”, which sounds like more your speed.

BB Watcher

nOOOOOO!!! NICOLE NOOOO you were my last hope. everytime i root for someone they lose or get evicted. ugh michie will win bb, but better him than holly.

Fraggle Rock bottom

Nicole is just another coddled millennial that seemingly cannot acknowledge her own hypocrisy. Yeah, Nicole you are such a victim….


Sounds like Jackson. Still being coddled bc his mommy will sue CBS if her son is portrayed truthfully…. waaahhhh

Swaggie's Missing Brow

So why would he even want to compete for money if his family is wealthy enough to afford attorneys that can intimidate CBS legal? $500k would be chump change.

Come on people, I know you need to manifest some excuse to assuage your frustration but this one is just so bizarre.


SEE ABOVE. No one from his “camp” (including his mom) has threatened to sue anyone.


That was NOT a real thing. Do some fact checking. Is he an immature baby at times? Absolutely. But he has NO CRIMINAL RECORD & NO ONE FROM HIS FAMILY HAS THREATENED TO SUE BB OR CBS. Hate him if you must but at least have the facts right.


His “mom suing cbs” is such a stupid rumor. How can anyone actually believe that? It’s laughable. These people sign their rights away to go on this show. CBS would laugh in his mom’s face or anyone else on the show that threatened a lawsuit. Give me a break.


I don’t care to fact check. Seeing with my own 2 eyes him crying for his momma is proof enough that he’s a coddled millennial. Does that make you feel better. Is that a fact?


No, that would technically still be an opinion.

BB Watcher

quick question…can the BB winner also win AFP?


They can but Jackson and Holly have no chance of winning AFP!


Nicole will win 25.000


I think Nicole, Tommy and Cliff will be the top three even though they would be with Christie in my bottom four.

Voice of Reason

I would have said Kat until she started hooking up with Nick in jury, Ewww

Deep Thoughts

I’m still voting Kat for AFP. I know it is a lost cause but she was my favorite this season.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Want to pour salt in the wound? IF she would win AFP, she might end up spending some of it on Nick…and if I caused Simon to gag a little, sorry.

[I voted for her at CBS but only because “Production” wasn’t one of the choices.]

Swaggie's Missing Brow

And since there can only be one AFP, it doesn’t really look like Tommy or Cliffie can either. More tears from Tommy at the finale?


Yes I believe Dereick was part of team America he won AFP and the $500,000


Donny got AFP not Derrick.


My bad.
As part of team America (not AFP) Derrick won $70,000 followed by the $500,000.

Ovi's tongue

Only if Holly takes Nicole.

Latonya Fletcher



Season is over! I actually stopped watching last week, but following on Twitter. Worst season ever! Nicole and Cliff were so stupid to not get rid of him in the dbl.

Fraggle Rock bottom

Hmmm, I’m sure Holly and Jackson were thinking the same thing when loyal Nicole and Cliff were going to backstab them on the way to their final 4 until Jackson intervened brilliantly (because it worked) despite Nicole trying to reneg. Nicole is hardly the charming little flower she tried to show the public before losing her shiite….

America’s Favorite

You’re mad at Nicole for playing the game. She also didn’t keep Tommy. She did honor her deal. She backstabbed no one, and it had nothing to do with Jackson and everything to do with Cliff (seriously what show are you watching???). Remember when Nicole was almost evicted early this season? According to your brand of logic, she should have worked against the people who orchestrated the plan to make her stay. You want to have it all ways.


You think Nicole and Cliff honored their deal? The deal was about honoring the commitment Zander trusting they had your back…. clearly, they didn’t and clearly it was because Jackson took the gloves off to create doubt. Otherwise, Holly was going out the door. Cliff and Nicole were not strong enough to win the game. It does have something to do with winning comps….. ask Jessica. She went power hungry and tried big moves…. Nicole won a veto and Cliff and Holly gave her an HOH. Cliff’s throwing the comp at dale eviction was funny. He had one piece left for like 3 minutes and kept carrying around…. placing it upside down when it could only fit one way… he kept looking at Nicole and Tommy to decide if he needed to win it over Tommy…. hilarious:)
Bottom line, Jackson and Holly outplayed everyone. Jackson had a target on his back the whole game…. even by Cliff and Nicole. He got himself to finals by winning as needed. Nicole and Cliff could have split the vote and made Jackson decide…. that would have been a better move. Honor the deal the did not… they had already showed their true colors and you cannot put that back in the box.

America's Favorite

You can’t say that Cliff and Nicole didn’t honor their final 4 deal when the final consists of everyone in the deal.

No one is my favorite

If they honoured the deal they wouldn’t have asked Holly to make another deal by agreeing to throw the HOH and POV competitions.

Don’t over think it

Hmmmm, right before eviction ceremony cliff and Nicole walk up to holly and cliff states plain as day, “you have to throw the hoh and the veto” ok buddy…


Could not have said it better Curt.


I don’t think she is evil, but she’s no “America’s sweetheart” like some seem to think. She’s got a mouth on her & she absolutely WOULD HAVE gone back on her word in a heartbeat to stab them in the back. Cliff is the Only reason she kept Holly.


Really?? She was doing what was best for HER game! Y’all can’t have it both ways! Y’all mentioned how many times showmances made it to final 2 so are you saying all the other times no one went back on any deals?


Yep. I really liked her until she started showing the real her.

America’s Favorite

Production would have never let Nicole get rid of Jackson. This is definitely the last season I’m watching. They let Tyler win an HoH he should have lost last year; they helped Jackson win the last veto of this season. It’s more rigged every year, and I’m done with it. And that goes without saying all of the truly terrible people, from racists to gropers, they allow on this show. Even if Nicole somehow wins this thing, I’m tired of investing so much time in a “reality” show that promotes terrible people and cheating.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Damn, it’s too late for me to change my AFP votes to “Production”.

America's Favorite

I mean, Jackson himself said that he got help on the veto competition. You don’t have to believe me, but at least believe your boy.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

“You don’t have to believe me…”

Whew…that’s a relief.


I’ve been thinking about this today. Yes they want ratings, BUT, this guy is just so unlikeable. In our current environment what is the reason to “promote” this angry young man-child. It doesn’t make sense. He’s just an awful model. He’s the kind of person you avoid in the real world. I don’t get why they would help him. They could’ve flipped the script early on but didn’t. Why? Maybe there is something they know about their audience that we don’t? What the heck is it?
I don’t get his “pro young girls” paramour script either but don’t want to disparage her. He does that enough.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Ratings can be generated by many things. Given the quality of the cast this year, there was an overabundance of non-role model material, plenty of chances for dysfunctional personalities to clash and vie for power. Even the non-pretty people were fairly unconventional except for the truck driver and maybe that black guy whatshisname (David)?

I’m glad to see you took the high road regarding the “pro young girl” person; yes, that was strange but I’m hoping that tortured last chance speech was due to the tense situation. Now that the pressure is off, I do hope she takes the opportunity to prepare a more thoughtful closing speech to the jury.


The best thing we can do is boycott watching the finale since it’s all about ratings to CBS. Who really cares which one wins anyway? Production clearly had a pet from the beginning and allowed him to cheat with food and stopped the have-nots for him. In addition the help in competitions. The entire season was rigged.


Funny, because HE & HOLLY Are the only reason they got to final four.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO……..Nicole,what happened??? You were my only chance at a fantastic finale night….Not looking forward to seeing Lurch & Morticia winning it all……..:(

Cream Rises to the Top

Nicole just didn’t have the skills to win. She is a nice girl but not a very strong player.


I hate the years when a poor or mediocre player wins (almost always due to a bitter Jury) I want the players who have killed it to win. Jackson & Holly worked very well as a team. They both deserve to be there & Jackson should win


Cue the, “I’m done,” “I’m canceling my feeds,” and “It was rigged” posts.

I don’t care who wins this season — I never had a favorite.

But Jackson played the best game.


Actually, it sounds like it was. Holly just said..” I’ve been asking all season for a wall climbing comp, and I finally got one” “ I can’t believe I got up that wall so fast” So ya, I am done, I never had feeds, and It was rigged….


It wasn’t rigged. You are all sore losers


Don’t they plan these competitions months in advancer?

Fraggle Rock bottom

Another that doesn’t get the outcome they desire so they head into the delusion zone aka, “safespace” equipped with a bunny and a soft blankie for you to curl up in. You want a soother as well?

Melted Snowflake

At least they can cuddle with Pajama Boy.


Wth was with ALL the physical comps?? I was sooo hoping. It was going to be something mental involving days or faces because Nicole was so prepared!
Plus, she had a hurt knee from the last comp

My final wish is for Nicole to win AFP and then my final dream would be to see Holly totally kick Jackson to the curb and take Nicole (like he is going to do to her once the show is over).

However, that will never happen and as much as I don’t like Holly, I would love nothing more than to see Jackson have to walk out behind her.

My gosh…Nicole must be crushed.


Awww…. Nicole is fine. You are crushed, her fans are crushed but she is fine. She kept saying she did not have a chance and she didn’t. You all were delusional. Her and Cliff were not the ones putting people on the block. If they were betting on Jessica or Kat helping them make it until the end, that was just stupid. Cliff at least got them in with Jackson and Holly…. his best game move. It wasn’t Nicole….

Two Paul's and Tyler Should've Won

And Cliff’s worst game move was believing that Michie is an honorable man of his word.

So yeah congrats Michie!

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Uh…do you mean the Cliff who had an F2 with both Nicole and Jackson and fully intended to keep his “word” with both of them?

I was trying to think of a good jury roundtable drinking game. I came up with the idea of everyone taking a drink every time Cliffie used the words “integrity, honor, word, trust, fait or gentleman”. On reflection, I realized most people would be blind drunk if he talked more than two minutes.


Part 2 is always a mental + physical comp. Don’t be that way just because the precious little flower who spent the whole game in her yellow bed in the RV wilted.


Oh come on. Everyone that watches BB knows about the wall comp. and yes, holly and Jackson both have watched enough bb to know. Just because she said she’s been asking for it doesn’t make it rigged. That comp was happening whether she asked or not.


Well, this what happens when you make a fatal mistake of keeping a Power Couple/Duo together. Holly Jackson final 2 or will one make a big move & take Nicole? On the real, while I didn’t like how he talked down to all the females, Jackson earned this win.


So let me guess…something physical and not mental?


It was both

Ovi's tongue

Mostly physical.

another name

No. climbing a wall mixed with days answers.
Nicole choked. Holly didn’t.


Not sure I’d say Nicole chocked – Holly is an experienced rock climber & she just happened to get lucky the last event involved rock climbing. Who knows how much Nicole’s injured knee affected her performance. But – bottom line Holly won easily so kudos to her.


It was a rock climbing dates event (of note Holly just told Jackson she has been waiting ALL SEASON for a rock climbing competition) lol. I’m not spouting conspiracies – they plan all the comps in advance so good for Holly & unlucky for Nicole that happens to be something Holly excels at. She won fair & square so kudos to Holly.

Can’t believe I ever rooted for Cliff

TTOT: How do you know the comps are set in stone in advance? That they don’t have a few events to choose from? I am not saying that I know (unlike you). I am just saying it is something we’ve heard about for years.


That’s fair — I’m basing it on what got said one season afterward. Also in Canada the guy who designs the challenges was on Entertainment Tonight Canada & was showing them how they develop the comps, schedule them etc.

I guess TPTB could be messing with us but I took them at face value. Hey, no one wanted to see Nicole in one of those F2 chairs more than me. BUT… I try to be a gracious loser so as much as it hurts that this last comp was tailor made for Holly I’m giving her all the credit for the win.

another name

It is true that they schedule comps far in advance in most cases and most seasons. The comp producer that has worked for both Canada and US in the past did show the process and schedule created in advance of the season in an interview a year and a half to two years ago.
However, there has been exception to the schedule, and alteration made in the past. Season 20 had such a case where the schedule had to be altered (TPTB expected Krazykaitlyn to complete her puzzle), which pushed the double out of whack.
While this season, I have seen many, many things that are odd from a programming point of view (i think the physical comp percentage is close to 60% while in most seasons it’s around 35-40%, alteration to timing of double in the programming scheme similar to last season, from week 6 and 7 that were common until season 19, switched to week 10 and 11 for the past two). The timing of the double was altered for 20 due to the puzzle fail. this season has no such excuse or reason, It’s just later, and has fewer voters because it’s later. Fewer voters has an affect. Fewer participants in a double hoh has an effect. It just does. It’s easier to predict and maintain control during a week in a day situation from a production point of view.
My choke response is me attempting to give the winner their due, and showing my dissatisfaction for the loser in her failure. Sure I eyerolled about the waiting for a climbing comp and the still complained about the questions comments and sure, when she said ‘i can’t believe i got up that wall so fast’ i blurted out ‘yeah, almost like someone was pulling on that rope, eh?’ but that was me being sour grapes. She won. That’s that.
I’ve been wanting to be wrong about my week one and two prediction, because I admit it, I dislike Jackson. NO Secret there. When I saw the leak of what the hoh comp looked like, my initial thought was well how are they going to get a Holly win out of that, can the climbing make THAT much of a difference? About one minute and 40 seconds difference (Holly says she thought she got 12 minutes, but was 10 minutes and some seconds, implying that Nicole got 12 minutes I hope, and not Holly saw her time at 12 and she was still competing because I don’t want to go down the obvious road and seem even pettier than I am).
Congratulations to Holly, for winning part two, and for overcoming the part of my season prediction that saw her leaving in the double in order to create a Jackson righteous fury vengeance response that would take him to the final two, where she would vote for him automatically.

Don’t over think it

How was it tailor made? You guys kept saying that Nicole knows her days and holly doesn’t have a clue. Holly could crawl over that set like a monkey all day long but if she doesn’t know the days it doesn’t matter. Well she beat Nicole anyway. I respect your opinion but Nicole choked is mine.


Someone posted that Holly said she also had help from production because it wasn’t fair that they asked a question about the clowns. She said that was more catered towards Nicole.

Someone also said that Jackson misread the veto comp questions and they helped him with that. They made Nicole drink water too.

Who knows what it true. I can go back and watch the feeds for those days but it is not going to change anything.


They always gear everything towards these gross bullies, helping them cheat, breaking the rules. It’s ridiculous.


But why? Why? Tis a dark glass.

Don’t over think it

Nana, hush, you forgot your teeth in the bathroom again.


A questions for all you super fans…..I’ve only been watching for the past 6 seasons. What, if any, other showmances have made it to F2?


None. Mike Boogie and Erika made it to F2 in All-Stars.

Just a game

Well Mike and Erica is a fake showmance , and it wasn’t that known in the house. Will was his true showmance.


Didn’t Jeff & Jordan make the F2?


Jordan yes, Jeff no.


They are the first


If Holly is smart and I say IF, she takes Nicole, she has no chance against Jackson.


I don’t think she would have better with Nicole. Nicole also has friends in jury that aren’t mad at her.

Can’t believe I ever rooted for Cliff

But sending Jackson out to vote with the jury on finale night should garner some votes… plus it would be excellent TV for those of us at home.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Yes. Given how Nicole’s mentor said he was going to poison the jury (which I don’t give him all that much credit to be able to do, but who knows, maybe there are other people stupid enough to take his “word”), it wouldn’t be all that smart to take Nicole.

Plus it gives Holly two more talking points for her resume; she won a crucial challenge AND always remained loyal to her partner and her alliance (throwing a comp).

If the jury is bitter, Holly wins. If the jury somehow puts aside their bitterness (or as many will say, production puts guns to their heads), Jackson wins.

I’m just waiting to see the look of Poppa Hawg’s face when Smurfette joins the jury…and how he votes.

Ovi's tongue

She would gain huge credibility by cutting Jackson loose. Otherwise she;s just playing for second place.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Whatever happened to the lousy jury management by Jackson mantra? Now suddenly he has a lock on the jury vote? LOL!

I seriously doubt Holly will pull a Cliff; that’s playing for third place.

And let’s be honest here tongue, we both know that Holly would never gain any credibility from you folks.

Can’t believe I ever rooted for Cliff

Swaggie: Playing for third place? That makes no sense. If Holly cuts Jackson (which is what we are discussing), that means she made the choice who to bring with her to F2.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Sorry, I was referring to Ovi’s reference to her playing for second place, whereas doing something incredibly stupid (aka Cliff’s game plan) was playing for third place. Holly isn’t going to do that, now is she going to just “lay there and take second” as some are manifesting.

Summer Gowen

She told him game wise, better to take Nicole for her game but will take him. Also I have reme that reality shows are taped, edited and no where near reality as claimed. My daughter works for a media company that tapes and edits reality shows… Nothing real about them.


I’m not sure that Cliff was really going to sway the jury but after Jackson’s goodbye message to him, he may do it now.

It is kind of Cliff’s fault though that he and Nicole are not in the house. He thought that Holly and Jackson would keep him over Nicole so he talked Nicole out of voting out Holly.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I’m sure he may do it, I’m not too sure how much actual influence he would have on the jury however. At the same time he could have ended up unintentionally poisoning the well for Nicole.

It’s going to be interesting to see what he has to say in the jury round table; he knows it’s his last chance to play for AFP.

B $

I totally agree! I see all these people saying she should take Nichole…I think Nichole has the most jury votes for sure.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I’m not so certain of that. Holly had a very strong social connection with most of the jury, whereas Nicole had a far more weaker connection.

Nicole did have a strong connection with Nick but Nick was saying all the things that suggested he would vote best player. If Tommy had gone out last I could see him voting Nicole, but now that he’s in the jury house with his best bud Aquaman, I’m fairly certain they’re talking and what are the chances of Aquaman voting for one of the “bottom dwellers”.

I seriously believe Holly would have a better shot against Nicole, but that’s not going to happen. It will all come down to whether the jury is bitter or not.


On the bright side…can’t wait to see Cliff’s face when (hopefully) Nicole wins AFP and he realizes all of his boring, creepy ,non-stop pandering to the cameras was for naught.
To be the ulitmate “superfan” that Boss Hog claimed to be, he will probably have to file for SSI disability for mental anguish & impairment after he not only watches his last week of pathetic deals (that he made every 5 minutes) but also comes to the realization that Nicole will see just how quickly he would have sold her out in a heartbeat to go to final 3 once she watches the show afterwards.

I’m sure Cliff’s (adult) children are mortified and his “before the wife” comments (ewww) aren’t sitting too well with Sharon 143. 😉

BB live feeds addict

I don’t know about that. There may be some in that jury house that would vote for Holly just to piss Jackson off.


Not gonna happen (at least at this point) as she just told Jackson even though she could beat Nicole she’s 100 percent taking Jackson and wants to walk out with him hand in hand on Finale night. And he guaranteed he’s taking her.

Unless DR/TPTB start getting in their heads I’d say it’s a wrap.


They hate Jackson because he wins ..which is stupid for the Jury. Holly will win.

another name

They respect that he wins comps in jury. They dislike that (in a couple juror’s words) he played a dirty game. I think they’d like him to own the dirty part of his game. I don’t think they’ll like it if he passes the buck on them, and plays the dirty part isn’t his fault answers like in his speeches (plural) in the final four eviction.


All this holly should take nicole. Not gonna happen because jackson will noway lose that final comp to holly. So much hate on jackson because he actually played the game. Not too many people have won big brother by playing the game right. I can think of 3 people who lied backstabbed and had to do whatever it took to win. Dan will dick(but he needed america to win) and soon to be jackson. Those are your 4 best ever. I dont get why people want players like jordan to win every year. I wanna see people earn that 500k and not just float to the end and hope for a bitter jury. Players like jackson is what makes me watch big brother.


Is it a given that Holly will win part 3?

Swaggie's Missing Brow

No but I believe it’s pretty much a given that whichever of them wins will take the other.


I think Holly has a better change of beating Jackson than Nicole. I think it would be a mistake if she takes Nicole. Same with Jackson – if he takes Nicole.


either way no one should take nicole as they would both loose. think about it. Tommy and Christie 100 percent would vote together and pick nicole, Cliff would pick nicole for sure, sis would pick nicole as well as Jessica. its over…..

Christie's crusty nose-ring

The cat ladies are going to be full on mourning now


Congrats to Jackson and his girl for their happy ending of BB21. The whole season can be summarized easily as below:

Jackson: Hello?
BB: BB Express. How can I help you?
Jackson: I need a daily supply of watermelon.
BB: Sure. Anything else?
Jackson: Yeah I need a girlfriend.
BB: Sure. What type?
Jackson: You got any old buzzards?
BB: Got it. Anything else?
Jackson: Yeah I need $500k
BB: Sure, your order for $500k is coming right up. Anything else?
Jackson: Yeah can I have some steak and fries to go with that too? Oh, give me another 10k on top of that.

Whatever Jackson wants, he gets. Life is good.
Big Brother. Where douchebag dreams come true.

King Silva

DEAD at “You got any old buzzards?”

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Excellent, love it!

Jackson is a p.o.s.

Yeah he is a piece of trash. And aLying hypocrite. Yes he won comps but didnt play by the same rules he preached.

Fraggle Rock bottom

Just because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted then its all just rigged to that extent. You think production likes Jackson or Holly? Are you nuts? The leftwing network giving a pass to what appears to be at least one undeniably NOT a democrat loonie…. Suspension of disbelief is what you are trying to serve.

America’s Favorite

Lay off the sauce.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

Where douchebag dreams come true…and harpie nightmares begin.


Woah, you’re so mad it’s funny lol. Kind of scary, but funny.

Crusty's Tear Jar Is Finally Full


Nicole For AFP!! I hope she returns in the future and redeems herself.


Nicole has zero game and Cliff kept Jackson on purpose because he knew Tommy was Pro Nicole and Jackson was pro Cliff.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I’m thinking Cliffie is kicking himself in the double-wide backside for not taking the gift HoH himself. If you recall, he folded on that comp conveniently quickly…before Holly could drop and Nicole gift it to him so he could get a letter from his greatest treasure.

He wanted Nicole to get the blood on her hands so he could keep his F2 alive with both her and Jackson; if the blood was on his hands Jackson would take Nicole.

That bit him in his “gentleman” ass.


It is Cliff’s fault Nicole made it as far as she did. Cliff made Jackson and Holly agree to take her with him. They wanted Tommy. Nicole would have been out before Crustie if not for Cliff getting them in alliance with the F2

Two Paul's and Tyler Should've Won

So you are saying Cliff not only helped Nicole but also helped Michie and Holly? Because if they promised a final 4 with Tommy then I’m pretty sure Michie and Holly would have been split at the double. And Tommy wasn’t going to be loyal to the other one. So yeah mastermind Cliff deserves all the credit.


The real point is neither Cliff or Nicole would have made it to final four or three without Jackson & Holly.


You know some haters are just gonna hate…. regardless of logic. They were rooting for the wrong pony and they are worse losers than Cliff. You are spot on with your comments Michelle. Very wise you are:)


Man i hope we never see nicole ever again but we will see other players play the same game as nicole and thats float your way through. Maybe they should have a show called allstar floaters for all you people who love the boring players. But im sure a season like that would be shut down after a month with no ratings.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

I like it…the very first HoH challenge starts and they all immediately fall down.

Sally B

AND, they split the money equally between the entire cast of players. Lol.


And all promise to never hurt each others feelings.

Ovi's tongue

Sure, blame Cliff. Don’t blame the guy who was the shitshow.

Ovi's Forked Tongue

Do you means Jackson’s 500K show?

Ovi's tongue

Yes, Swaggie, the show named after the shitshow.

Swaggie's Missing Brow

The shitshow? Did you soil yourself again?

King Silva

Nicole and Cliff got what they deserved!

Unlike QUEEN Paras neither could win the comps at the end to break up the showmance who CLEARLY would take each other to final 2 so why the f*ck were they NOT broken up when they had the chance…

So unlike the queen they will not win and will join the jury brokenhearted…

I really don’t understand them. They will kick themselves in the butt for the rest of their lives and rightfully so.

Congrats Jackson. He easily should win unless we have a super bitter jury. His cougar didn’t do much compared to him so despite despising his actions the first half of the game (really didn’t care care about this season post jury) he earned it.

another name

yeah, it must have been so difficult for her to win, what with three hoh’s before jury talking about nominating her, getting called to d/r immediately upon saying it for a half hour, and coming out saying oh on second thought, putting her on the block is a bad idea. oh the trauma.

Cliff’s a wuss

Bye Nicole.

My prediction is Michie wins round 3 and takes the shower stool with him to final two. The shower stool wins the pity vote for dealing with those two all season long and gets the 500k.

See you all next year to watch the next group of deplorables that Grod selects play.


Just sent a donation. Season is almost done. Proud of you And dawg for sticking it out. Hopefully you will cover bbcan this year as well. Fingers crossed for a better season up here in the north!


Thanks Katie!

We’re hoping for a fun BBCAN in 2020

House Stark

You guys are the best! Thanks for everything.