Hisam – “I feel great, I am feeling so comfortable with you being HOH”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Felicia
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  America, Matt, Red

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The situation Cameron and Jag going up. Hisam is the backdoor plan.

12:27 pm Hisam and Felicia (Hisam is frantic holy sh1t)
Hisam – I feel great, I am feeling so comfortable with you being HOH
Hisam – Right.. if Matt wins (Veto) he’ll save jag.. right.. he’s not saving Blue.. right.. he’ll save Jag.. Right. Jag will pick Matt Right.. to play in the competition. YOu have those three people playing against you.
Felicia – I have to talk to Matt again. I don’t fulling beleive he’s willing to blow up his game to save Jag.
Felicia – Reilly had the connection with Jag, Matt was just onboard. he doesn’t have as deep loyalty to Jag like Reilly had.
Hisam about Cam “His target is them” (The ‘other side’)
hisam – he’s upset they campaigned against him right to the bitter end. We has a lot of animosity to them. Cameron is already fired up about them. Cameron has a chance to be picked.. right.. you know what I’m saying.. Like in the veto competition.
Hisam – you just don’t want all three of them playing right.. you are going to have to put two of them up.. right.. if you put Cam up right.. I wanted Cam to go home anyway I don’t have any feelings towards Cam. right.. he’s a little bit sly
Felicia says if Cameron wins the veto Matt goes up and if he doesn’t win their 7 decide who to evict.
Hisam – Blue is the weakest of the three. She gives up easily.
Hisam – if you are really set for Jag to going home I think putting Matt next to him makes it the highest likelihood Jag will be Stuck.
Hisam – RIght right right right right..
Hisam brings up reasons for her to put up Matt instead of Cameron. RIGHT
Hisam – RIght.. Whatever you decide WE are 100 percent behind you right and the target being JAG all day long we all want Jag out Right.. I want JAG out right. The thing about it is.. lookin at the numbers putting Matt up next to him.. Right.. then telling Matt listen.. I know you and Jag are close because you were close with Reilly and the truth of the matter is Jag is my target and I cant afford for you to basically get picked for Veto and take him off..
Felicia – Right
Hisam – Right.. I need you competing against him .. right.. to endure he goes home.. right.. and I do think Matt would do that to preserve his game.. Right.. He wants to make a statement about the deaf community adn I do think he will turn on Jag but you have to give him the opportunity to turn. Right..
Felicia – Right. ..
Hisam – if he’s safe.. right .. and he plays in Veto and Jag picks him as houseguest choice now.. and he wins.. now you have them both off.. right..
Felicia – right
Hisam – right..
Felicia – right
Hisam – this way you ensure one of them goes home
Felicia – right right
Hisam – Right (I’m not making these bloody rights up they are actually saying right this many times)
Hisam – you get the animosity between the two of them. right.. now they are actively competing against each other Matt will distance himself from jag.. Right.. Cam is the safest choice Right..
Hisam continues to reiterate his reasons to put Matt on the block and Not Blue or Cameron. RIGHT RIGHT
They hug.

1:36 pm Felicia and jag
She fills him in on the super secret backdoor Hisam plan.
Jag – if you win the veto do you use it on me or Cam
Felicia – I’ll use it on you.
Felicia asks him if his people are Matt and Blue. Jag says he trust them yes. She then asks who does he see in final two with. Jag says it was Reilly he doesn’t have anyone. Jag goes on about wanting to work with Izzy, Cerie, and Felicia.
Felicia wants to get good trustworthy people in the Jury.
Felicia – how tight are you with Blue?
Jag – we’re close I trust her. I’m not sure exactly what is going on with her game play. I know she’s close with Jared.
Felicia points out a group of 6 people Izzy, Cerie, Felicia, Jag, Blue and Matt.
Jag – we protect each other..
Felicia – there you go.. we can bring Jared into that. It’s 7 people that is what you need to sway a vote.

Felicia goes on about their new 7 person group “No one will anticipate both side”
Jag – Says at this point they’ve gotten to know who is tight lipped and who is not. who is mingling with who.
Felicia – that is where Hisam is making his mistake. He’s going around getting f**ing..
Jag – do you know the conversation he had with me and Blue?
Felicia – no..
Jag – the level of disrespect afterwards.. what he brought in is our culture my religion my identity my background. He’s talking to me that I am vulnerable with im I share the hatred.. all these really deep rooted values I have..
Jag – He said everything that happens in this room never leaves this room I give you my word. My word is everything. .. Integrity integrity blah blah blah.. honour honour honour integrity.. Right afterward.. the nerve.. I would never talk to someone like that just to walk out and say something.
Jag – he had us here for an hour or more and 90% of the talking was him He was saying some things about.. a lot.. the way he does it.. .
Feeds flip when we’re back Felicia is chatting with MEME

1:56 pm Izzy and Matt
Izzy says they have just four days to keep up the “Act”
Izzy – the final days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday he’ll be on the block it doesn’t matter..
Izzy – if there’s a battle back lets watch Reilly kick his a$$

2:00 pm America, Jag and Matt
Going over hoe Jag will act after being nominated.
Jag – this is my dyumbasses fault for saying I wanted to play in a veto.
Matt – if I pulled for veto do you want me to throw it or win it
america – WIN IT
THey laugh
America – we’re f***Ed
Jag – my brother if I’m on the block and you throw the f***iung veto I’m going to kick your a$$
they continue to laugh..
Jag tells him they want anyone other than Hisam to win it.
Matt – the chances of him getting pick are so low one in three

2:08 pm Izzy and Hisam
Izzy – how do you feel about this
Hisam – Great. .feels great
Izzy – next week you’ll play.

Hisam – I am so chill right now .. feels really good.. I couldn’t be happier who won.

2:18 pm Felicia and cerie (Hard to hear at one point Big Brother tells them to not obstruct their microphones)
Felicia says she brought up to Jag an alliance of Matt, Jag, Blue, Felicia, Cerie Izzy and Jared.
Felicia – Jag is all in

2:22 pm Hisam, Izzy and Cerie (Another nonsense conversations)
Hisam – Right… the target is the target.. right..
Izzy – that’s right
Hisam – I don’t care right.. like nuts.. right like it’s like.. right..

2:28 pm Jag, Blue and Jared
Jared – I know for a fact that Cerie and Felicia are not trying to come after you. That is not what they are trying to do. Don’t panic.. Don’t be bugging.
Jared says Cameron is panicking

2:29 pm Jag and Cerie
Talking about this new 7 person alliance.
Cerie – it’s so fantastic especially after we get Hisam out.

2:39 pm MEME, Felicia and Cerie
Felicia – He’s going to lose his mind.
MEME – if he doesn’t go this week he’s going to go on a rampage.
Felicia – he doesn’t have the house behind him … I don’t think he’ll get any votes for what he is trying to do. Nobody wants to work with him.
MEME – they shouldn’t if they have any kind of sense..
Cerie – Loose cannon
MEME – Reilly was sloppy but he is very sloppy.
Cerie – he thinks he’s doing way better than Reilly that’s the crazy part.
Cerie – he was just as obsessed with Reilly but from a different angle. He was harshed.. what was the obsession.
MEME – he was mad because he wasn’t invited to the cool kids club.
Bowie joins them
Bowie – He’s got a temper he’ll snap

3:15 pm Feeds on Pound puppies

3:45 pm Feeds still down for the nominations ceremony. Felicia will be putting Cameron and Jag up.

15 thoughts to “Hisam – “I feel great, I am feeling so comfortable with you being HOH””

  1. Fingers crossed everyone keeps this charade going until Veto. Just don’t want to see Hisam or MeMe win Veto.

  2. Every season it seems production needs the “Villian” to stay to keep things interesting – conflict makes for good TV. I hope they don’t interfere with Hisam leaving because he is do hard to watch. His self-righteousness, mannerisms and ego make for an unwatchable character/cast member. I also hate that Izzy knows about Cerie and Jared…I loved Cerie on Survivor and can’t believe how no one knows just how manipulative of a player she is!

    1. yeah, it’s pretty frustrating to know she should be everyone’s target and yet she’s nobody’s target. kudos to her, she is playing well imo.

  3. as much as i want hisam to go, i don’t think it’s particularly beneficial to felisha to get rid of him this week when there are so many players on the other side of the house remaining and he’s ostensibly a number for her side.

    1. the ‘sides’ could technically flip because Felicia is nobody’s target and Cirie has deals with just about everyone.
      in the first flip version, cirie felicia and izzy sit in the middle between the young and old side.
      in the second flip version, Red gathers his view of middle people (Cam, Meme, America) to go after Matt and Izzy.

    2. He is only a number for her if it is in his best interest. Now is the time to get rid of him. Karma for Reilly. He should have been taken out before now for violating the BB code of conduct. Called Reilly several names.

  4. Week 1, they evicted a beautiful Black woman.
    Week 2, they evicted a beautiful White woman.

    So, for Equity, they NEED to evict the beautiful Hispanic woman and the beautiful Asian woman.

    They really need to keep the egotistical psycho, Izod, mountain man, bushy hair Cam and the family affair. That could really be the end of BB.

    He says this tongue in cheek. At the start, I had one or two favs but now, don’t give a rats butt.

  5. HEY Hisam The Horrible, please do us all a favor and sit or lie with your bare legs CLOSED..no one wants to have to look at your crotch when they are looking at you. What rock did they find this Creep under. RIGHT…..RIGHT……How did this psycho pass the CBS psyche exam to get on this show. I am sick of him and his out of control EGO. If they don’t get rid of him this week, they deserve all his mean, angry gameplay. RIGHT

  6. I know it’s a weird combo probably but my favorites thus far are…


    I’m indifferent to…


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