Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Cameron
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: ?
Lock your ranks in before midnight
7:22 am Felicia and Cirie
Felicia says Cameron is trying to prove he’s the best player in the house by taking Matt and Jag to the end.
Cirie – he knows he can’t play next week. Who is going to help him to keep him safe? That’s why Jared was his perfect person. He won one Jared won one.. he won one.
Cirie – If he’s smart who can he trust like that? that is his problem. Everybody knows that the probability if him winning is there. I think he will probably keep…
Felicia – he’ll keep and Matt or a Jag if he’s smart.
Cirie – to help him win
Felicia – he’s taking for granted if they win they’ll protect him
Cirie – who can he trust. The fact he thinks it’s going to be mental.. I don’t think he trusts Corey like that.
Felicia says they have three more weeks until they get a mental competition.
Cirie – he’ll try to make deals with people and people be taking those deals.. If Jag wins the veto he’ll try to deal with Jag.
Cirie – you saw how close Matt came.
Felicia – MMMMhmmmmmmm
Cirie – I don’t know what is more important for him now. Staying safe and getting further down the road or eliminating the competition.
Felicia – Goddamn we had his a$$ out of the house. This is the part of BIg Brother where you go Really? WE had his a$$ out of the F***ing house and you guys brought him back.
Cirie – they got rid of the one person willing to go after him
Felicia – mmmmmmhmmmmmm
Felicia is going to talk to Cameron and say “YOu do realize when they (Matt/Jag) have the opportunity they will take your ass out they did it once they’ll do it again”
Cirie laughs says Cameron only trusts Bowie Jane.
Felicia will tell Cameron “Bowie Jane loves whoever is in power for the week.. She loves you this week and next week if you become the threat for the house she will vote with the house and she will talk about you to the house. She’s done it the whole season. SHe hated your guts 2 weeks ago”
They laugh
Felicia goes on about how Bowie Jane couldn’t wait for Cameron to go once he was out of power.
Cirie says Bowie Jane is like a pancake.
Felicia says the majority of people in the house don’t want to make a move that is “their move” they just want to follow everybody else.
Cirie – mmmmhmmmmmmm
They wonder what everyone was talking about until 3am.
Felicia – those same conversations you have at 3 in the morning you can have at 3 on the afternoon.
They laugh
Felicia – I said tomorrow when they wake them all up at 7:30 for the veto they’ll all be mad.
Felicia – I got to figure out how to get 4 votes.. It depends who he sits my a$$ next to. I’ll know if he wants me gone based on who I sit next to.
Felicia says if they get the backyard today they know veto is in the basement. If it’s closed they know it’ll be in the backyard.
Felicia – they don’t have time to build OTEV
Cirie – what is OTEV again?
Felicia explains “You find the face.. Climb up the rope and get to the top.. each time they get rid of the rope”
Cirie wonders what Jared is doing. Does he have his phone, is he travelling home?
Felicia – He might be doing some publicity stuff, I bet he stays for a day or so. The audience liked Jared.
Cirie – Mmmmhmmmmm
Felicia – if he had stayed and Matt had won..
Cirie – a whole different ball of wax
Felicia now saying she could see Cameron put up a Jag and a Blue again.
Cirie – would he risk Jag winning the veto? Jag has been noted to perform under pressure
Felicia – he backdoors Corey.
They laugh.
Felicia says Cameron has to have his conversations and they have the ceremony before 1.
Felicia – I ain’t going home. Not this week.
Cirie – I don’t know why you are dead set with going up.
Cirie says Cameron came to her and said “I got you” but he’s said that before to her.
Felicia says Corey has been lying “all day long”
Felicia doesn’t think Matt and JAg are going to Cameron lying about them. Bowie Jane might and MEME doesn’t talk to him so all Cameron’s information about Cirie and Felicia comes from Corey.
Cirie – girl girl girl
Felicia – the snake in the grass
Cirie – all his information from America and Corey
Felicia – Corey used Matt to get out Jared. They used Jared to get out you (Cameron)
Felicia thinks Matt, America and Corey threw the HOH. She says Corey wanted Cameron to come back he had nothing to fear.
8:33 am
Scary room is sleeping. Felicia reading the good book and Cirie in the Diary room likely getting pointers from Production.
9:08 am Felicia and Cirie
Felicia thinks Cameron is going to shock them and take out a power duo and putting up Jag/Matt
Felicia – he knows sitting next to Matt he can’t win he might be able to beat Jag sitting next to him.
Felicia – Jag plays more of a Bowie Jane game where he sucks to the power. Matt doesn’t do that.
Cirie called into the Diary room.
Incase you were wondering…
9:57 am houseguests getting up
10:30 am America and Blue
Blue asks her how COrey feels.
America says Corey feels pretty good he’s always been “Buddy Buddy” with Cameron
America mentions they are getting the yard today.
Blue – I want to talk to Felicia, Cirie, MEME.
Blue – I want to make sure they’re ok. Especially Momma FE
America – I feel good about Cirie, Everytime I speak with her. I’m just like ‘Reporting for duty’
America says whenever she speaks to her she folds immediately.
America – I don’t think she’s a threat at all. She’s not somebody that we should be looking at
Blue – I feel bad for her.
America – I’ve been trying to make her feel better.
Feeds cut
Blue tells a “Funny” Story about Felicia or Cirie last night sleeping and woke up in their sleep because of a dream. (kinda sounds like a someone had fashioned a gremlin cave.)
Blue – that b1tch is hilarious
America – I feel like she’s on our side
Blue – I do to.. I need to make sure she’s good
America – at least we’re doing stuff.. It’s so exciting it’s so much fun
Blue – even though it feels like I”m getting punched in the f****ing GUT
10:45 am diggin the Unibomber look
10:55 pm Bowie and Cam
Bowie – nothing’s changed right?
Cameron – no I just like talking to you first.
Bowie – I can’t handle these grumpy people again
Bowie – is it MEME and Felicia right?
Cameron – yeah.. I guess I’m not allowed to talk about who or what specificity. They’ve told me that every time
Bowie – who are you’re options
Cam – I have two options I’m running around my head
Bowie – what will you tell MEME?
Cam – she’s a pawn pretty simple.
Bowie – Who do you think I shouldn’t be trusting in here.
Cam – there’s three people you should trust
Bowie – You, Jag, Matt.. What do you think about Blue?
Cam – Keep a distance. don’t tell her things.. if she asks you be Bowie.
Bowie – YEAH ..
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What basement?
Basement of the BB house is usually used once a year for a competition.
I’m sorry but it’s early and they are already up hating on people? I hope the negative Nancy’s see the door soon
No Kidding. The way they speak about Bowie is awful. Bowie just wants a friend not a fake friend. She is smart enough to know who the phonies are. She still plays up them because it is smart, but just be real with her and she will come to your side. Cam has been real with her and would never go after her. Heck, if she could at least win ONE challenge Cam would be her #2, but he can not go all in on someone who provides him no value.
On Wednesday Cam worried to Matt and Jag that he’d be revolving doored, and asked the boys to push Bowie as nom next to him so they could vote out Bowie instead of him. This is after the fake final 2 was made. That puts the Cam being real with Bowie idea into perspective to me. She’s just another Squeaky in his Manson family.
Felicia does it while holding the Bible. I wouldn’t want her praying with me……lightening you know. :). Cirie and Fel’s vitriol is not becoming.
These old ladies love to talk shit in the morning hours lol.
Go back to bed…
Yeah, talk shit …. then pray for wins & read the bible.
Eat, pray, hate.
Not necessarily in that order.
eat is def #1
Shut your racist ass up
“Felicia – He might be doing some publicity stuff, I bet he stays for a day or so. The audience liked Jared.”
Wasn’t it quieter than usual when Jared came out? Also, he had to sit there through that whole commercial break (I am assuming) with the audience. I wonder if he picked up on the negative vibes … which may explain all those damn tears!
Yeah, he is not doing any publicity any time soon. Byeeeeee!
I read an interview he did with Parade and he was asked questions about his questionable behavior. The ableist comments he made about and towards Matt. The r-word towards America and his misogynist comments and actions. He basically skirted everything. He never addressed the comment to America at all. He didn’t face anything head on. He kept saying that THAT is not him in his normal life and he has no room for that in his life. It was just more lies, lies, lies…
Even reading some of his responses, I could absolutely tell those were his words. There wasn’t a lot of bro this or brah that, but it wasn’t a good sense of an apologetic tone.
Not surprised. ONce he starts doing more fan run interviews he’ll be pressed about it and will make some apology it’ll go away like Dumbledore. Mainstream interviews won’t press him he’s been given a pass.
The dimwit lied to his mother. His mama. Repeatedly.
Anyone expecting an ownership interview is in for a long wait.
Cameron is HOH. Wow! This guy just won’t quit, lol.
GO CAM…He is like the energizer bunny.
Awesome Cam won HOH. I see why he wants to align with Cam/Jag. The question is can they be trusted. If they knew what was best for them they would align with him, but Matt especially thinks with his heart rather than his brain. He will always gravitate towards Cire. Jag will go where Matt goes. The three of them would be unstoppable because who out of the rest of the house has really won any comps. Corey won ONE and Felicia won ONE. That is it. They were both Fluke wins. The best person to align with on a trust level is probably Bowie but she is useless on winning challenges. Cam needs to put up Cirie and Felicia. I think he would have enough people to get out Cirie. Once Cirie is gone maybe Matt gets locked in. At some point though they are going to say Cam needs to go because he is too good at challenges. The good thing though is that as we get less house members all will be able to compete in the veto comp.
Cory’s win wasn’t a fluke.
I humbly disagree that Jag will do whatever Matt wants… it’s Jag who is the stubborn player. Once he gets stuck on something he might pretend to forget but he never does. he keeps pushing, reiterating his objections, and forcing his agenda. With Matt, it’s not that hard bc he just agrees. But, ask yourself why he’s suddenly against Blue and for Bowie. It’s not for the reason he’s giving (she’s too selfish) it’s bc she doesn’t accept his agenda without discussion or a debate whereas BJ just does as told with ZERO opinion.
He’s also experiencing HOHitis (power ego) without ever winning HOH.
He spent the entire day reeling Cam & Matt back in from targeting Cory & pitching Matt that keeping Cam around was a great idea.
Jag wants Meme out next week (assuming Felicia leaves this week) and there is a very good reason why… she is the ONLY person he’s not in an alliance with.
Remember how angry Jag got about all the alliances Cirie was in? Well, fast forward to today & Cirie has three semi-real/fake alliances: F3 with Matt/Jag, F4 with Matt/Jag & Blue & F3 of BSBs that imploded especially with Felicia dragging her as frequently as possible.
In contrast, with 10 players in the house, Jag has TWELVE real alliances and two fake ones:
TWO F2s: Matt, Blue
FIVE F3s: (w/Matt+) Blue, Cam, Bowie, Cirie, Cory
FIVE F4s: (w/Matt+) Cam/BJ, Cam/Blue, Blue/Cirie, Cory/Amer, Blue/BJ
TWO F7s: 2 versions of SDS (both fake).
Jag has always been the guy who wants the big alliances except this time he’s shifted to several smaller ones but his modus operandi is the same – KEEP THEM ALL.
I rolled my eyes earlier when he was pitching Matt & Bowie they should gun for next week’s HOH & take out Meme (using Cirie as the pawn). I thought to myself okay so what if Cirie lucked into winning the POV then Jag would be forced to show his cards & it could possibly result in an angry Blue, America, Cam, Cory, or Bowie. Four of those five could get LOUD and suddenly everyone would be comparing notes going wait a minute…
Other than aligning with Bowie (which is a smart move – made for the wrong reasons) most of Jag’s takes/reads are bad.
He’s convinced Cory/America won’t target them before Blue, Cirie, Meme & Cam but America was already pushing Jag/Matt OTB on Friday at bedtime.
Furthermore, he believes America is less competitive than Blue. While they’ve both had their moments only one (America) has purposely thrown comps awaiting jury so she could start killing the copious Q&A and date-related comps.
And he believes Bowie is more loyal to M/J than Cam. Okay so Another Name has a point about the F2 being fluid bc she could just be his person to sit beside. But for Bowie, based on how happy she was when he walked back in the door, how she celebrated his comp win to stay Thursday & again his HOH tells me that’s also not a given.
She might be loyal but she’s not dumb so having the best competitor saying you’re his F2 versus two wanna-be alphas who’ll always take each other is a no-brainer. (read: if you think BJ will put up/target Cam ahead of Matt or Jag I have some amazing Eskimo ice to sell you).
Bottom line Jag wants to be the loudest voice in the room and similar to Cam wants full agreement with HIS AGENDA. But just remember, after next week for Jag or Matt winning HOH will mean they have to get blood not just on their hands but up to their elbows. Or maybe they just plan on throwing every HOH until one team is decimated believing no one can beat them in POVs.
Either way, it reinforces for me that Jag might be a nice guy but he’s not a very good Big Brother player.
GREAT post! All valid points and all on the money IMHO, especially the part about Bowie and her allegiance to Cam.
I’m not trying to steal your thunder, but I’ve been saying for a long time that both Jag and Matt are playing stupidly, and that America was the only one in the house who had a decent read on what was going on in there, despite the fact Cory wants everybody to think he’s the brains of the house. Yes, he’s the one most of the others trust, but only because he poisoned them against her early on in the game by backstabbing her and ratting her out, trying to play the middle.
I have no doubt neither Jag nor Matt ever heard of “the middle” before Cory told them about that strategy sometime during week 3 or week 4, and they’ve been obsessed with it ever since, even though they don’t seem to understand it. At this point they’re just lucky nobody on TOS can compete for sh@t, so they don’t seem to have any worries, at least for the short term.
It’s crazy how this group has a hard on for Cirie and think the show is rigged for her when it’s clearly rigged for Cameron from the comps and everything else but carry on
Definitely don’t have a hard on for Cirie… Barely have one for America…
Jared, is this you? ?
Is there a way to check comment history? Any posts from Karma before today? I am surprised there were no “Bro’s” in the post though.
There were fewer athletic people selected for a game that traditionally has physical comps. That may give Cam some advantage but Im not sure its purposeful. Not sure what else you are referring to. I am by no means a Cam fan and I will happily see him go…again.
Tin foil hatters would love some additional info on why you think this.
Donkey comment of the day.
I want cameron or Matt to win Cam proved he’s a great player and matt well afte the adonis photo every girl is cheering for matt. He should team with cory and matt to the end. one is smart and the other is good at physical.
I think we all want cirie and felicia gone.
Blue has quickly risen to one of my least favorite house guest.
I feel that way also. I call her Jared2.0 since every word is “bro” and so negative just get her out PLEASE
I saw Izzy in ridiculous Pig Suit cry. I saw Jared in his Ashy Zombie Suit cry. Seeing them cry as they leave the house I feel so bad… oh H3LL no
Now do next:
Evict Cirie
Evict Meme
Evict Blue
Evict Felicia
I want to see them cry. Useless crusty stinky a*s entitled people. I don’t like them.
Felicia throws down the “G@dd%mn” and then picks up the Bible to read….Wow
I hate to say it but I’m digging Cam and Bowie now.. WTF has this season done to me.
Lets open up the discussion to the pros and cons of Cirie opening up about Jared being her son and Izzy knowing and how that had affected her game up until now. With Izzy and Jared gone shes now a free agent with something valuable that she can offer up, loyalty. She could use that ploy to work closely with Matt & Cameron. However ive been off feeds for a minute and unsure of the state of the house and relationships atm.
I won’t laugh, but Cirie offering Loyalty is no different than any house guest can offer. She really offers nothing because she can not win any challenges. Another thing that has become apparent is Cirie does not know Big Brother. Her gameplay comes from her experience in Survivor. House guests were discussing upcoming challenges and Cirie has no clue what OTEV is. Without knowing the challenges AT ALL her chances of winning any are even smaller than ust having limited skills.
it was really interesting to watch hayden talk about survivor vs. big brother. big brother moves much slower. each elimination on survivor is at minimum once every 3 days with it often speeding up near the end plus even double eliminations thrown in. big brother is an elimination a week plus all the battle back shenanigans that make it longer. as a viewer since we get an elimination a week they look like they move at the same speed, but as a player they’re very different and require adjustments that i’m thinking cirie didn’t make? but if you look how high she was riding the first month, her gameplay worked well for survivor’s speed.
Cerie cannot offer loyalty to anyone. She is only loyal to one person there now… Cerie. She was loyal to Jared but he is gone finally (we hope). She could not even stay loyal to her bestie in the house, Felicia. She tried to vote her out and really hurt Felicia.
Cerie has shown repeatedly how loyal she was to Jared that it’s all but impossible for the houseguests to not know that he is her son. A couple of them do know but she hasn’t been formally outted yet.
She has nothing to offer. She doesn’t know the game or how it is played. That’s not to say that she still can’t win. She is playing the game like you would play Survivor. This game cannot be played with the same strategy you would use to play Survivor.
She is not very outgoing or friendly and prefers to keep to herself. Outgrown the chatty frivolous stage if she ever had one. The only real commodity one has to offer in this game is loyalty and hers has walked out the door. She has expressed that she doesn’t like being in the house and she doesn’t like the game. Why is she here? Cirie needs to go.
Still a nope. Not sorry. Don’t like it? Too bad.
Having watched casuals that relied on the edit during bbcan seasons give fav player to Kiefer and Marty, when their episode edits were fraudulent lies compared to their feed behavior, I’ve dug in my heels. A nope stays noped no matter what the rest of the fanbase says.
Is the idea of targeting Felicia good? Hard pressed to see her vote Cam to win, so it’s not horrible. Is Felicia the big bad? Only in his fairytale version of house dynamic. Then again (tinfoil warning) he was one of the leave d/r and immediately promise Cirie safety people. The pattern was there (end tinfoil moment).
His onion at the moment has Fugitives at the center. outside of that his blooming onion has Blue, Bowie and Cirie as weaklings strung along as a band of Britney. Cory and America? They’re the outer layer.
However, we can’t overlook pattern. If Cam isn’t the leader, he jumps ship. Reilly got too close to Matt and Jag. Bye Handful. Thanked Hisam for targeting Reilly. Legends 25? First time there was pushback, he tried to counter alliance his own alliance. Verbally agreed to take out Red. Three with Cory/America? Showmance jealousy for the second time. Now we’re on Fugitives plus Bowie… and he’s already said Bowie’s an acceptable loss if Cam’s on the block, push Bowie with him as nom and cut the chaff.
Logic Error Redress:
Been in Danger the whole game? Look at landsharking and the reason is clear. He backstabs or jumps ship pre-emptively, then psa’s about how he was forced. He wasn’t forced. He chose.
If you’re cheering his third HOH AND saying been in danger the whole game give your head a shake. HOH 1/3 of the game means he was safe 1/3 of the game, plus safe week one. That’s the math that maths.
Thank you for sticking to your guns about the noping of Cam despite the massive patriotism wave on this website. He has a pattern of jumping ship with no hesitation each time he makes an alliance, but Matt/Jag are beginning that same pattern. As soon as they jumped ship from the 7DS upon learning it was fake, they have merely jumped from HOH to HOH and will certainly turn against Cameron next week if it looks like he’ll be targeted.
A big part of Big Brother is social. Cam’s social game blows chunks. Why do I say this? When people say he’s been in danger and had to win comps to stay, that’s because he couldn’t manage being in a majority alliance of 3/4 of the house without becoming the target of 5/6 of the house. That’s horrible social management.
“Thank you … despite the massive patriotism wave on this website”
u a commie ?
I am sure that there are 100’s upon 100’s on OBB who would stand FIRM, LONG, AND PROUD next Washington, Lincoln, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and others like Macdonald,Chrétien, Mulroney, Trudeau, ….AND CAM !!
ALL GREAT alternatives to Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, and other similar piranhas of history.
Oh you’re so comical, just because someone doesn’t share your frankly insane levels of national pride doesn’t make them a communist… this ain’t the 50s Mr. McCarthy. And for your information I’m libertarian, so quite the opposite of a communist <3
Sounds as if Cam has been coached that he is not allowed to reveal his final person for a backdoor. I remember that rule from way back at the beginning of the series. Cam seems to be the only one that can follow that rule. He keeps his choices close to his chest. It seems like I remember BB on the intercom saying, “…you are not allowed to talk about nominations.”.
Most times we know who is the one going. I like the suspense! There should be a penalty for the HOH revealing their choices for nomination like if they are heard talking about it they would be unable to play in the next TWO HOH competitions. There might be more suspense and drama added to the show.
I agree that it is a dangerous move to let Cerie stay in the house for much longer. She has a way about her that she can make people feel convincingly safe around her. People are easily deceived by her secure persona. Especially young people…like Matt. She needs to go sooner rather than later. If I was in there, I’d especially not want her in jury.