Cliff “I love Michie & Holly. I made an agreement with them. I hate breaking it BUT we’re talking 500k!”

Head of Household Winner: JACKSON
Havenots are:
Nominations are: Tommy & Cliff
Power of Veto Players are:
Power of Veto holder: Nicole
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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4pm Nicole, Cliff and Tommy are talking about books and movies.
Cliff says he doesn’t like the slasher, torture p*rn movies. Cliff tells Tommy that he is glad he is here. Tommy heads inside. Nicole – I am stressed Cliff. Cliff – I am too. I’ve been going back and forth. There is a part of me that is playing with it but part of me says we have a few days. Nicole – I know I couldn’t sleep last night. Cliff – This morning I was thinking why wouldn’t we go with Tommy? That gives us better odds of making it to final 3. But even though there is less odds of us making it to the final 3 with Holly .. I feel like our chances are better beating them in the final 3. I just don’t know. Nicole – my argument is if its the four of us regardless it will be 2 v 2 next week. If Tommy is with us and legit with us it will be 3 v 1. Cliff – which is good it just means we got to final 3 with Tommy as opposed to potentially going to final 3 with Holly. Which I would rather go to final 3 with Holly because I think she is easier to beat but taking that chance also means you could go to final 3 with Michie which is the worst case. Nicole – or get bumped out and only be one of us. Cliff – we also have to look at who does Tommy get votes from in the jury because he has always been on the other side as opposed to Michie and Holly. I just can’t wrap my head around it at this point. I think in a final four situation we’re better off keeping Tommy. But once you get to three .. it almost goes the other way. I would be worried about competing against Tommy in the final competition. In the best case scenario it would probably be better to keep Holly. But maybe only one of us gets to the final 3. We may have a better chance of both of us going final 3 with Tommy here. Nicole – yes we have a better chance of beating Holly but Tommy has a better chance at beating Michie. Cliff – I love Michie & Holly. I made an agreement with them. I hate breaking it BUT we’re talking 500k! Nicole – and that’s what I’ve come to the realization this whole time … my whole thing is the title. I love the show and want the title winner of Big Brother. And now as we get closer .. you start thinking about the money and helping family. Its bigger than just me. Nicole at home is screaming you idiot this is your chance to break up the showmance. Cliff – they will be pissed but hopefully they get over it like a lot of other people. And I’m not saying we do it .. there is a lot of time to think about it. And as much as I’ve talked about honoring your word ..I don’t want you to think that I am not strongly considering it because at the end of this.. Nicole – what is sticking in my head is that Michie put up you and Tommy .. and I wonder did they secretly want you gone?

4:20pm – 5:30pm All the house guests are chatting in the backyard and playing pool.

5:30pm – 6pm Backyard. Tommy, Jackson and Cliff.
Tommy to Jackson – how do you feel about her (Holly) moving forward outside of this house? Jackson – we were just talking about that .. honestly I don’t know. She is always going to be a part of my life whether I’m dating someone else or she is dating someone else. Like I am not going to lose that friendship and relationship with her. But not so much on a maturity level but where we are in life level 24 to 31 there are a lot of things that change over those subsequent years and where I am in life and over the next few years may not be the same place that she is in life and I am not saying she isn’t but.. I just know that it is going to .. by the time she is 32, 33, 34 she is going to be wanting to settle down probably I am assuming .. who knows and I don’t know if I am at that point in my life right now. I have spent the last 6 or 7 years doing things for other people and I need to force myself to be selfish and where I want to take it. If someone is going to be in my life they need to fit into my equation rather than writing an equation. If I am not doing something to make me happy .. I will be unhappy down the road. Tommy – yeah. Jackson – I would be happier if she was with someone that makes her happier. If she is with someone that has the same goals as her, I would rather her do that. Its not that I don’t want to be with her, I just want her to be happy. I am not putting pressure on it. If it works out .. then great. If it doesn’t she live 20- 30 minutes away and we will still get together whether she or I am dating someone else. It doesn’t bother me if she was with someone else.

6:35pm Bedroom. Holly – lets try to set up a vacation. Jackson – lets do it after the new year. Holly – for my birthday. Jackson – done. Holly – we will reach out to places. I just want to travel. Jackson – me too. Holly – I want to start up my youtube wine channel. Jackson – I’ll support that. I just want you to be happy and follow your passion. I want to see you succeed. You deserve it. Holly – I’ve never had anyone say that to me. All of that! Jackson – you deserve to be happy. Be with someone that fuels your flames not smother them.

Nicole and Tommy in the hammock.
Tommy – I want to play a clean game and let this week ride out. Should anyone say anything I will figure it out. I am not a messy player. I am not. Nicole – I just want to do what I’ve been doing which is going with my gut. Nicole – this whole process I’ve always said one step at a time, one day at a time, one week at a time. And I know who I selfishly would like to see in final 3. You know what I mean? Tommy – yeah, but its got to match up. Nicole – so I don’t know. Tommy – its really tough because you don’t know who has deals with who. That’s what I’m thinking about. I just have to offer the best deal that I can and not worry about that. Nicole – maybe I am to honest in telling you this but at this point there is only 5 of us so no offense its not like you can tell anyone else to come after us … but a deal was made between the four of us. Tommy – right, I knew that because the same deal was made between us. I know it. I know what it is. Nicole – we all made the same deal and I guess I was the one that broke it but I had to look at it like we’re all individuals. Tommy – I appreciate you even entertaining this. Nicole – the second Cliff tells me he is on board it is DONE! I don’t know if we would talk to them beforehand or just let it happen on Thursday. I think Michie and Holly are smart and know that the smart thing to do would be for Holly to go. So they try to guilt trip us.

7:50pm Hammock. Tommy, Nicole, Holly, Cliff and Jackson.
Holly is telling them about the adventures and travels shes been on..

8:30pm Kitchen. Tommy and Holly are cooking. Michie working out. Nicole laying out on the hammock.

9pm -9:40pm Holly puts out an assortment of finger food and wine out on the pool table. They all hang out on the backyard couches. Holly tells them all the different wines and how they’re made.

They set up the beer pong game that BB gave them.

10:23pm Cliff, Nicole, Jackson and Holly are sitting around talking about TV shows and drinking the wine. Tommy is in the diary room.

10:40pm Wine drinking continues…

10:43pm – 11:05pm HOH room. Holly, Jackson, Nicole and Cliff.
They talk about when Nicole’s game was exposed and Jackson wouldn’t let her into the HOH room. Cliff – y’all are going to see her (Nicole) walking down those stairs and go Whoa ..that’s the Nicole we learned about later in the season. That’s where you flashed.. you do not talk to me like I’m a child! Nicole – I was pissed! Jackson – And that’s where I know I come across wrong wasn’t like I was trying to say we don’t want you here. It was that I was hearing in one side of the room.. Holly – it was vicious in there. Nicole – its funny because had I been a 6 foot something man with muscles you would have let me in that room. But because I’m little old Nicole and rainbow. She is not allowed in. Cliff – well they didn’t let me in either. Jackson – well no, honestly if you look at it from my point of view you were very shy and looked like you didn’t fit in and I didn’t want to let you into a room where 8 people were chomping at the bit. Holly – 8 people were going crazy. Jackson – about you. I was like I can’t let her in. Nicole – well I hope you guys realize, I would have buried you. Holly laughs. Jackson – I didn’t realize that. Some of the things that we said were true. We were talking about Nick and Bella. I called them the two headed snake.. but I denied it and denied it. I was acting mad ..and in the middle I was like we almost got caught. Tommy comes back. Cliff gets called to the diary room.

11:27pm – 1:45am They continue to talk about past events of the season.

1:50am Holly and Tommy get ready for bed.. Jackson – for a sommelier that wine seemed to hit you pretty hard.

2am Holly, Cliff, Tommy and Jackson have gone to sleep.

2:04am – 2:17am HOH room. Nicole alone in the HOH room. Nicole – my message to Tommy’s family is that by golly I am trying to keep him safe this week. I really am. Tomorrow I host a veto meeting which is incredible to me. To Holly’s family I am sorry but to Tommy’s family, you’re welcome. I am trying so hard and I think it might happen to get Cliff on board to keep Tommy. And to be honest this could all go to sh*t and next week Tommy could be the one that potentially votes me out. Who knows. But at least I can go out of this game with my head held high. That I won the double and got rid of Christie. Won the BB comics got Michie to put up Holly and got rid of Holly and therefore broke up the two duos with the exception of me and Cliff. I know its the best move to make. To be honest Michie isn’t going to bring me if Holly is still in the picture. Tommy isn’t going to bring me if he isn’t here. Nicole runs over the possible scenarios. If Cliff wins HOH and Michie wins Veto.. I am in trouble. I don’t think Michie would keep a duo over Tommy. I have to win something next week. One day at a time, one step at a time.

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170 thoughts to “Cliff “I love Michie & Holly. I made an agreement with them. I hate breaking it BUT we’re talking 500k!””

    1. I’m with you dayday!

      Jeez I’m hoping for Michie. He deserves to win.

      For us viewers it isn’t a tough decision though is it my friend.

      1. I think production is pushing Nicole and Cliff to keep Tommy because they really don’t want Jackson to win. It won’t look good for the show.

    2. This is easy. Play with your head not your heart. The odds are better for Cliff and Nicole. Got to break up the showmance. With Tommy its 3 to 1 and Mitchie doesn’t play in the next HOH. It all comes down to the Veto and that will be 3 to 1. and I think if Mitchie wins it he would get rid of Tommy then.

      1. I believe michie takes out nicole . Maybe not cliff.
        If Nicole don’t win hoh and she is on the block with tommy, i think he will take her out saying he is doing the same move they made .
        But!!! it still is a better shot

  1. Nicole said–this is the sword I’m dying on if I do–now she’s going to die on a sword sharpened by Crusty if she keeps Tommy!! They better tell her they knew each other before Thursday!!!

    1. It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t make it to the end. The odds are better for her to make it – if Holly goes. Then, Michie cannot play in HOH and MUST win veto – if not, he is gone (if these people have half a brain)

  2. Jackson is going to lose holly’s phone number by the time the day after the wrap up party takes place.

    Holly run now…..or You will never see him again in 3 weeks!!!!

  3. If Nicole doesn’t learn about Tommy’s secret advantage, and helps production “give” him the game, she’s going to feel like a royal idiot afterwards…and I don’t believe she’ll be too happy when she finds out that Cliff knew all along.

    Sam has to be happy. It’s look better and better for him to get AFP.

  4. I greatly dislike Tommy; having said that, I think they should keep him. If I were in jury, I would see it as a bigger move to use the veto and take out Holly. I think from an outside perspective it is a move Nicole is making in the game vs. leaving noms the same and it looking like they are going along with what Michie wants . That makes it look like Michie took out Tommy instead of Nicole making a big move to break up another duo. If Nicole wants to win, keep Tommy, Ugh!

    1. Nicole is making the right decision, she’s covering all her bases. If she ends up in final 3 with any combination of michie/tommy/cliff, they all will take her to final 2. If she keeps Holly and she ends up with Michie/Holly they will take each other. Evict Holly, it’s best for her game even if she gets 2nd is better than fouth or third!
      get it done Nicole!

    2. Now it will look like Michie’s idea to get Holly out though. He sort of gave them the ok…later he will claim it was his masterful plan.

  5. How does everyone feel that Nicole is going to win BB21??????? I find it interesting it’s always the nerds that end up winning. Ian=BB14 Steve=BB17 and now Nicole = BB21.

    I hate seeing people say that Michie has a great shot to win. He has 0 chance to win. You guys will see September 19.

    1. Ian won by 1/3 gameplay and 2/3 bitter jury. People are saying Jackson will win because he has played a good game, people haven’t been able or willing to get him out, and there doesn’t appear to be any bitter jury members this year

      1. Are you watching the feeds? Everyone wants him out. They are voting out holly to weaken Michie. He’s leaving September 19. I am 100000000% sure. There’s no way he’s winning the veto.

        1. And Nicole could always change her mind again and vote out Tommy, which inevitably makes it that much harder to get rid of Jackson

        2. I hope that he doesn’t win the veto (because I don’t like his attitude) BUT to say that he can’t win the veto isn’t really realistic. He has won a bunch of comps.

    2. Tommy will win if Jackson is gone. Nichol more than likely would win over Jackson, Cliff would win over Jackson. You must consider who is voting, who is bitter.

      1. That’s exactly what I was going to say!

        3 out of 21 and that’s only IF Nicole wins. Otherwise it’s 2 out of 21.

  6. Just watching tonight’s show reminded me of how much of a commitment Nicole and Cliff made to Jackson and Holly. Now I know this is BB, but, one of the things we all seem to love about Nicole is her ability to play an honest game. So having said that, how much respect, and jury votes, would she lose if she doesn’t at least honor her final four agreement?

    1. Respect? From the jurors that r all liars?
      Why should Nicole want to keep Holly or the duo when Jackson doesn’t even seem to want to keep Holly?
      And as far as the deal, I swore Cliff was the one who actually made the 4 person deal.
      Finally, who cares, its BB and its $500,000. If u gotta go, u gotta go

    2. Exactly that’s what I’m saying! The agreement they SHOOK on was F4 then duke it out, but now production wants to keep Tommy?! Nic is not thinking about jury votes she will lose 2 automatically, maybe more if Jack follows suit with his vote. Kat is not voting for her so I’d rather she evict Tommy who would 1000% best her an gun for that all important POV! Stay true to your word Nic and Cliff. Period

  7. Nicole needs to think about those jury votes if she keeps Tommy all but a couple vote for him she loses she has a better chance against Holly these people in jury are voting friends n who they were close with not game that’s how I see it I mean they might think a lil game n who won n made moves she needs to stick with sending Tommy out!

    1. Flip side: You get rid of Holly and Jackson loses the person who would have voted for him to stay in the house when it is time to decide the final 3

    1. Holly needs to go-(100%). You have to make it to the final two to worry about jury votes. Jackson will take Holly-not Nicole.

  8. Holly – we will reach out to places. I just want to travel.

    Look I’ve been on a reality TV show so I should get free vacations but I’ll mention you on social media and people will know about you…I’ll try that at Outback next time…I was on TV in high school, quiz bowl state finalist! Maybe I can get some onion rings…

  9. I really hate that Nicole is thinking of going back on her word. Michie has tried to protect her and Cliff, and he has honored their final 4. I will lose a lot of respect for her if she jumps ship now.

    They also seem to have forgotten that the veto winner is all that really matters next week. The HOH is safe, but the veto winner decides who goes home.

    1. You may not like it but it is a smart game move. This is Big Brother; blindsides happen all the time (at least on good seasons)

      1. This isn’t a game where integrity means never lying and always sticking to your word. The rules of the game include deception. The poker player who bluffs isn’t dishonorable but the one with cards up the sleeves is.

    2. Wasn’t there a conversation between Cliff and Jackson where Jackson implied that if Tommy had won POV and Nicole was on the block she would be voted out? Cliff basically told him not to say anymore. That they had an understanding. Because they wanted to see each other go further in the game.

      Jackson wasn’t protecting Nicole in that situation. Let Nicole jump the ship. Buy a trampoline so she can jump high as she can because Jackson protected her before but Cliff was his priority before her as well as Holly and Nicole is trying to $500k for herself and NOT for Jackson nor any other HG.

    3. Come on !
      Jackson was asking holly to throw the hoh , in the double.. he even talked about throwing the one after together.. he wouldn’t mind risking Nicole game
      He wanted them to go after tommy and Christy and vice versa
      He wanted to protect him and holly and believed nicole will be so easy to beat
      He didn’t made that deal with her for her best interest
      But for his

    4. LOL Mickie is only protecting himself & using Nicole & Cliff & probably hoping Holly leaves by their hands.

      1. And he’s only playing up this I’m protecting you to make himself look better. He’s all butt-hurt over his image outside of the house. Holly too.

      1. i think jackson will keep Tommy (in the final 4) . But I truly believe Tommy will vote Jackson out , especially being greatfull to nic and clif for keeping him.

        It will also make a good rasome for him ,
        And will ensure he takes the part one hoh (endorence)

  10. You don’t have to worry about breaking your word Cliff because your not going to win. Neither will Nicole if she keeps Tommy. She is just feeling herself and getting cocky because she won a couple comps. I hope she loses if she goes back on her agreement, I don’t think she realizes that she loses 2 votes immediately. Just a typical case of poor jury management.

    1. Are you kidding? Nicole has been most forthright player in a long time. She kept her agreement when she was in power for the FIRST time. When you are down to final 5 then one person of the 4 person alliance will have to sit on the block. Right there the F4 has been compromised. If you have the power to put yourself in a better position within the F4 then of course you will take it. I don’t think anyone on the jury would consider a Holly eviction anything other than good gameplay.

      1. They shook hands to go to the final 4 together. If you do the math of course one of the final 4 has to be comprised because there are only 5 players left. My point was they were suppose to gun for each other after Tommy was gone. As for Jackson not taking Nicole over Holly to final 2 I seriously doubt Nicole would take Jackson over Cliff so it goes both ways. But none of that matters anyway because it looks like Nicole and Cliff are going to take out Holly. An agreement is an agreement and at this point it is anyone’s game and I don’t think that it would be to anyone’s advantage to break that agreement. That’s just my opinion. And I still hope she loses if she pulls this off because I think it is a dirty move from someone that is perceived to be so righteous .

        1. Sherry..get it straight (go back and watch feeds) CLIFF shook hands, Nicole didn’t know about it until they all filled her in. Cliff doing Cliff.

          1. I’m pretty sure Nicole shook hands too – not to mention that she said there wouldn’t be a wonky vote from her this week. She also agreed on a few other occasions that she would be loyal to the 4 as well. Guess I’m just old=fashioned because I think a deal is a deal. I would be the worse Big Brother player in history because my word is all I have and is a core value of mine. I’m done commenting on this so get that straight wolfwoman.

        2. Let’s also not forget when Christy went up against Sis, Christy was the target and they all four agreed to THAT! Later in the week after Christy went to Jackson and Holly whining and crying, offering for them to USE her, that she would be a pawn for THEM for the rest of the game, etc., all things that were good for Holly and Jackson, Jackson switches the target to Sis, because IT WAS BEST FOR HIS GAME. He then expected Cliff and Nicole to follow suit and vote Sis out, which they did.

          If Jackson can change targets for the betterment of his game, why can’t Nicole and Cliff do the same? Yeah, Holly is part of their four, but she is also part of Jackson’s two, and there are only five people left. It’s time to make moves or die and Nicole is at least thinking logically about what her best probabilities are of getting to the final two. If she doesn’t get there, jury management doesn’t mean sh!t! I’d rather get there and lose, rather than not get there at all.

          1. Ok…but nobody is saying “well Michie can do this and you can’t.” If he agrees to a 4 or 2 and clips the person…I think that’s shady. The time you mention…he was HOH. Christie was his target. Ok, he changed it…but it doesn’t take away from the fact it was his. Also, Nicole and Cliff weren’t in a final 4 with Michie and Holly at that time….because if they were, and Michie just changed it to Sis without discussing it. that’s shady. Lastly…it is no sweat off my back if Holly leaves. Whoever is gonna win, is gonna win. I’m not going to speak for everyone else who is posting about this…but for me…I’m of the opinion that it is worse for everyone’s game, except for Tommy’s, if he stays, because if he is sitting there on finale night, he wins!

  11. Interesting!
    Now for Nicole’s sake, a showmance is not good for numbers but at this point Jolly and Tommy both keeping the secret will allow her to lean towards keeping Tommy.
    Now I remember Cliff handshaking the final 4 but I don’t remember Nicole doing it. Yes she went along with it, but is she tied to a duo when shes trying to win $500,000?
    If Jackson wanted to make chances better for himself and ensured Holly stayed as a number for him, why keep the Chommy secret? Blow that ish up for Tommy!
    Why did Jackson give the “Its not her (Holly) it’s me” speech? Sounds like he is starting the slow break up as we speak. Or am I just reading this all wrong?
    I see u Jackson! R u plotting or playing?
    #BBDrama or #BBGameplay?

    1. While Nicole did shake on it, one need only ask did she have a pre-existing deal? Tommy and Nicole have some pinkyswear from early August (the weekend after Jack left). I don’t remember what the context or parameters of that was (duration of deal is the big question), but I know it happened after Tommy became HOH but before he made his noms. The final four deal started after Kat left, but before Sis left. This means that Nicole possibly has a longer standing deal of some sort with Tommy by at least one week. Nicole has a pre-existing deal from week one, reaffirmed on week 5. I’m not sure of the duration of the deal she had with Tommy, but I know it predates the creation of the four. It’s a possible loophole.

      1. Cliff shook on the deal to have a four I don’t remember Nicole ever shaking anyone’s hand. I don’t know this about pinky swear with Tommy. I think Cliff made the deal with Holly/Jackson and pulled Nicole along. Cliff’s word is not Nicole’s which is what is bothersome.

        Right now just because Cliff is being so stubborn Nicole should almost use the POV on Tommy to show Cliff she is not his property but someone that has ideas of her own then perhaps after Cliff is shook and Holly voted out Cliff will realize he has to listen and not DICTATE terms to continue so they can see how they continue as a united team to take out Jackson and win so they can then take out Tommy together.

        1. Dear BBfanbeforethismess,
          Thank you for clearing up the hand shake. It’s all about “semantics” and not absolutes in BB. I knew the handshake by Cliff and lack there of by Nicole could be used saying “Cliff was looking out and made the deal but I never shook on it”
          I dont even remember her asking him to do this and I was bothered as well
          Tommy realized he helped vote his whole alliance out to keep Christie now she is gone with everyone else
          Holly is mad at Jacksom because he keeps talking about Jack Jack jack! His ride or die final 2 and not her
          Yeah I could care less which goes, whatever it is, i hope it’s what helps Nicole’s game moving forward

      2. Wait! There was a pinky swear?! If that gets broken Sam will return and start stomping mudholes in people’s chests and use the viscera to make paper mache’ dolls of the house guests. Are we sure Tyler’s still alive?

        1. I explained what stomping a mudhole was a few weeks back. It’s quite visual, and horrid. Not very pretty. Even she said it was horrible. Real definition has to do with with beating someone almost to the point of death, them needing a colostomy bag which then gets ripped out to leave an opening for (to clean it up) so that it can be molested by a male part of the body.

          Sorry it’s still, no way to clean it up. It violent. Tyler is doing well modeling, traveling with Angela who wrote a book.why do I know that?

  12. Take Tommy off put holly up that should rattle Jackson a bit if he cares at all. That bb movie was so fixed it was embarrassing it all ran in a line michie, Tommy Nicole cliff and holly every time. Jackson knows he has won the game unless they get their heads out of their asses and get rid of him somehow.

  13. This is only this complicated and difficult because bringing Tommy this far wasn’t the right move. Should’ve kept Jessica—no votes in jury and not that great at comps.

    1. Yes -but – that’s what jackson wanted
      Destroy potentials ally for nicole and cliff
      She wouldn’t had put her up final 6

  14. I’m hating how much influence Cliff has on Nicole. She wants to wait for him to be onboard. No, just tell him what you want.

      1. Actually, Nicole does not need Cliff’s vote. If she’s committed to getting Holly out (the smart move) and Cliff won’t agree to it BEFORE the POV ceremony today, Nicole can simply use the POV on Tommy, then she can make a deal with Cliff to keep him safe if he works with her to get Jackson out – and Tommy and Nicole can vote Holly out. Yes, it’s heavy-handed, but Cliff’s attachment to Jackson, and by proxy, Holly – needs a heavy hand to break apart.

        1. That’s a stretch considering tommy has wanted cliff out for awhile now. He could very easily vote out cliff and again, Michie is the tiebreaker.

  15. Nicole and Cliff too close to the end to worry about hurting feelings. You will build your resume by breaking up another strong duo. In the game of big brother you win or you lose. Play smart.

    1. That’s true time for Nicole to take the shot and Cliff to take his adult diapers off…….play for your final 2 not “honoring” Jackson/Mommy deal.

        1. It’s not unusual for people in their 50’s to have to start wearing adult diapers. Their called Depends and from what I’ve heard, they sell well.. Guess you haven’t seen the TV ads with a youngish looking lady wearing what are either Depends or some other brand.

  16. I hope they’ll show more of the jury house on upcoming shows so we can get a better idea of how they’ll vote.I can envision scenarios where each of them could win.

    1. Yuk; I couldn’t stand most the people in jury when they were in the BB house so I couldn’t care LESS what they are doing or who they are doing.

    2. They know there are not cameras on them 24/7. I’m not sure there’s much they could show you…they may have to hire crime scene cleanup folks afterwards.

  17. The deal Cliff made was final 4………close enough Holly…..see ya. I’m tired of Cliff making deals (on his own) and expecting Nicole to honor them……as far as finale goes rarely does the best player win anymore people always seem to vote in a petty way it seems. Taking Tommy to 3 is risky but so is Miche….toss up.

  18. Nobody likes Jackson he’s a snake using holly just to help him in the end if Nicole keeps noms the same then she really doesn’t know how to play big brother because she is just handing the snake the money and looking foolish as she does it.

      1. But unless Cliff goes along with her…Tommy is voted out and Jackson still gets his way. She should use it on Tommy to ensure Holly walks out the door.

        1. It’s not as much about Michie having his way…as it is about enabling the Final 4 team…well what was the Final 4 team…have an equal opportunity with the jurors. They all lose to Tommy. So yes…if I’m a Tommyfan….I would def hope he stays.

    1. All those “I love you’s (fake)” were for their own benefit if they got to the end, not because they truly love each other…its to secure a possible vote. So actually no one loves Jackson at all. He’s not winning. Jury will give it to whoever is sitting next to him just to see his face.

  19. So pop tv tonight the wine was flowing. Funny how Jackson had a lot to say. Good luck outside the house with him holly.
    Pompous douchebag.

    1. Well a pompous douchebag goes well with a sniveling passive aggressive name caller. He is 24…come on people…remember when you were 24? You want to have fun! Now team him with Memaw who is pushing 32 and ready to “settle down”. She knew what he was like and still kept being with him. So both are equal.

  20. Nicole has great arguments for jury. Won when it mattered, never touched the block all season, got out big threat(s), never apart of the big alliance and underestimated. Jackson got out sis and jess…come on now. Tommy got out bella i think… I think on those points alone I think Nicole can convince people that she had better game play.

    1. I agree with you about nicole , but so you know
      1. Nicole was on the block , when cliff got evicted,
      She was also Nick’s target . (Funny that they came realy close after)
      2. Tommy got out kat , not belle.
      And getting out kat was big , cause she was close to everyone and Jackson and holly would really protect her. If she is here now instead of cliff, tommy can start packing. Was probably no way kat will voted out holly.

  21. Everyone is always saying Nicole would lose 2 votes in the jury by going back on her deal
    Well if she is always playing Jackson game , she is losing a lote more votes
    Ok she takes out tommy
    Jackson/nicole final 2 – jack holly and i belive kat is not voting for her
    Holly/nicole- Jackson and kat are not voting for her
    Cliff and Nicole- for now she is kind of winning him anyways
    So losing votes in the end shouldn’t worry her as for earning the rest and getting there!
    You guys are talking like she is guaranteed final 2 and 3

  22. I’d like to see someone else doing the jury round table this year, just for a change of pace. Dr. Will seems to always ask the exact same questions, year after year. Maybe Ian? Dan? Maybe Derrick?

    1. I believe Grodner is hosting it this year…via her surrogate, Crusty. Indeed, it’s been going on for some time now.

      1. Derrick came as a visit, I don’t know if it had to do with a comp or not. He was probably shilling his show on one of the crime show channels.

  23. After watching and listening to Cliff Tommy and Jackson talk life and game play. I want the two girls gone and let those three guys fight it out. Any one of those three I would be happy with as the winner.

    As for the showmance. I thought maybe they had a chance in the outside world. But it seems every Sunday as the alcohol flows something derails them. If they don’t really care and are using the showmance as a ploy they are good actors. But I think they care just life will get in the way.

  24. Holly please have some dignity and drop Jackson now don’t try to hang on to a sinking ship! He is not the one for you it is sad to see you be so desperate over a guy who is going to discard you just like he discarded Kat. Save yourself get the heck away from Jackson

    1. Holly is the one who initially said Jackson was too immature and the relationship was ok in the house, but not once they are outside.

  25. Beth should drink wine more often.
    Sure, she’s a dumpster fire of side eyes and jealousy, but we can vicariously live through her as she calls Snackson a fugging icehole.
    Sure, His feelings are hurt and he’s nevah been so violated and disrespected (tons of eyerolls, maybe i’m vicariously enjoying the wine as well as the snark) and he has nothing else to say to her. Remember the last time he had nothing else to say to her? You remember… it was round two and three and four of the spat after the veto when she was all passive agressive and crying and he was all this is why i’m right and you’re an old hag that should get on your artificial knees and praise me…. for hours and hours of night vision fun. No bacteria infested stool required. Yeah. He had nothing else to say to her… that was fifteen minutes ago and he’s still going. Awful lot of squawking for someone with nothing to say.
    Okay. I haven’t had wine. I’ve taken some colorful liberties in description of their argument content post veto a week ago. But I’m still liking that somebody is calling him exactly what i think he is.
    It’s the little things.

    1. Well its funny u should talk about the little things!
      For me, it’s all about when Cliff, Holly n Jackson were talking about their “ride or die” and their “dream final 2″
      Cliff kept it vague by saying something about initially being an outsider now at the end and how even $50,000 is alot of cash
      Jackson on the other hand said his ride or die was Jack. 30 minutes into the game it was Jack! Day 1 I worked with Jack. And even on day 44 it was Jack and oh so how I miss Jack. That final 2 with Jack was my dream.”
      Not what the girl u r banging wants to hear!! Clearly and loudly he is letting u know where u stand Holly.

    2. They aren’t even a real couple. She behaves more like an insecure teenage girl instead of a grown woman. She needs to fly over the room ( as my mom always told my siblings & I ) and watch your behavior. You will more than likely have eyes wide open with what you will see. Try it…it works!

  26. There are pros and cons on keeping both. I’m still trying to decide if Cliff would keep Nicole over Michie. Cliff and Michie seem pretty close and did share that handshake. I dislike Cliff more and more everyday.

    1. I was over Cliff fairly quick.

      As for the current arguments regarding whether Nicole should or shouldn’t honor her deal, I have to agree, if she doesn’t that is good “game play”. On the other hand, her making a decision in the dark about Tommy’s secret jury advocate is “production manipulation”, not game play.

      Nicole isn’t a fool, but production will do everything it can to play her as one. Big Brother? Rename it Grodner’s Great Giveaway.

      1. My jury’s still out on Cliff. IF he sticks with Nicole, I’d like to see him get 2nd place to her. His protection of her has been longer and seems genuine, as opposed to Michie’s “little sister” spiel–likely intended to pull on Nicole’s heart strings. My worry is this: what if Trixey’s right about the handshake…Cliff COULD vote Tommy out (without telling Nicole beforehand), so that Michie breaks the tie!!! Cliff then has Michie/Holly’s allegiance, AND he can tell Nicole later that he had info about Tommy/Christy’s relationship that BB forced him to keep confidential (so he was protecting his F2 with Nicole with his vote). WHOA.

      2. She has to make it to the final two. I don’t know why people seem to think that the jury will award Tommy something over Nicole. I think that they shared the same friends….She would do as well against him as anybody left.

        1. Perhaps because his secret partner is inside the jury house prepping the vote to go to him.

          Yes, I know some people don’t understand the difference between his relationship and the others. It’s simple really. Everyone would expect Sis for example to defend and build up Jack. The same with Holly building up Jackson.

          But as far as they know or expect, Crusty, who is annoyingly persuasive, has only known Tommy (who has been a pal of most of them the entire time) as long as they have…whereas few of them except Jess have spent any real time with Nicole. So as Crusty is spinning her lies about the great game Tommy has played, how Tommy is such a great person, etc, etc, etc, no one will be doing the same thing for Nicole.

          So yes, I can see why people might get the impression that Tommy would get more votes…and which is why production is doing everything possible to prevent Nicole or the jury from knowing the truth.

        2. They shared a couple friends…and yes, you can argue that she MAY do as well against him (Tommy) as anyone else, but that’s not the point. The point is that Tommy creams everyone, Nicole, Cliff, Michie, Holly. That’s why a lot of us are arguing that he shouldn’t be saved. He has an unfair advantage over everyone and that’s why I wanted him and Christie taken out. Then everyone can more/less be judged on their game.

  27. BB should not give them booze, especially Holly. She called Jackson names again late last night/early this morning…and the hours long fight was on again.

    1. I agree,booze brings out the hidden or suppressed agendas.Just remember,the three things that don’t lie,young children,people that have had too much to drink and yoga pants!

      1. zingading ding…well since she’s pulling her usual “boo hoo is me” act with Tommy this morning, my guess is either to get sympathy therefore nobody votes her out. Like I said before, she’s very passive aggressive

    2. They’ve been saving those bottles for several weeks from their HOH hoards until they could find a time so Mrs. Robinson could put on a wine tasting demonstration an they could get their drunk on. As Cliff was regaling Jackson with tales of debauchery and competition on MTV’s The Challenge, Mrs. R was doing a slow burn and drinking from her bottomless wine glass. If she hasn’t figured out that she and Jackson are in very different places in life and temperament she’s just a bustafoolagan.


  28. What I loved most about Cliff and Nicole was their honesty and now at least Nicole is proving she is just like everyone else. Very disappointed in her right now. Yeah I see why she is doing what she is doing but to lie straight to someone and say I will die on this sword not a good move for her. Money changes everyone as it gets closer and she sees the chance to win she is willing to lie. Not sure about Cliff yet guess we will see what he does. Believe me I know its a game and the name of the game is to lie, cheat and make it to the end but when you see one of your favorites do it, it kind of hurts.

    1. Not playing patty cake here…bb is a brutal game & you gotta do what u gotta do…You really think Mickie wouldn’t throw even Holly under the bus if he thought she could beat him…smh

      1. I didn’t say he wouldn’t but he wasn’t my favorite. What I loved about Cliff and Nicole is they played honest to this point. Just hated to see either of them have to do this at the end. I know Jackson and Tommy stab someone in the back doesn’t mean I want to see Nicole do the same.

  29. Ok dummies, you didn’t take out Jackson while you had the chance and now he is HOH of the top 5…make up for not taking Jackson out by taking out Holly NOW on Jackson’s HOH.

    The next HOH put Jackson up and send him out

    Come on

  30. If Jackson were the vulnerable one instead of Holly, I dont think as many people would be holding Nicole to the “handshake” and would be saying she should take him out rather than Tommy. Nicole is basing her decisions on the information she has. She at least has given the “end game” a lot of thought and isnt just counting on someone else taking her to the finish line. Respect for whatever she decides to do. I like her. She’s good to the core and not just “acting” good because shes been shady and is worried about her image. The more Jackson and Holly mention “their perceived image” the more I dont like them. They cant be portrayed in a bad light if they arent putting themselves in a “bad light” to begin with. If Nicole wants to make it to the end, Nicole needs to win the comps. She cant rely on anyone else to do it for her. It comes down to character for me this season because now that Nicole has won some comps when it counted, shes not just riding cliff or Jackson or anyone elses coat tails to the end. Shes earned respect for winning comps. shes earned respect for loyalty, and honesty and she’s genuinely a “good person”. Cliff also has earned that respect but has thrown Nicole under the bus a couple of times with things he has said behind her back and for outing his alliance with his stupid “camera chat time” that, I dont like him as much. I’d like Tommy more if he didnt have the advantage from the beginning with knowing Christy and for me, Jackson and Holly can “try” to make up for their crappy mistakes in the beginning by turning over a new leaf and being nice but, deep down, Jackson is a jerk and Holly is selfish and entitled. Tommy chose the “mean” kids to align with in the beginning and while I think he is a nice person, he’s guilty by association. I want Nicole to win and Cliff for 2nd. I’d also like to see Nicole win Americas favorite because, lets face it… she deserves it. Im manifesting it to the universe… hope it happens.

  31. While breaking up the showmance is a fun idea, it presents way too big a risk for Cliff. If he goes back on his word at this point, he likely loses the jury and introduces the idea that he was fake the whole time. And if Tommy makes it to final two (assuming word about the Tommy/Christie thing does not get out), he wins with any of them, hands down. He has very little blood on his hands (especially compared to everyone else left) and has told them all that he loves them every chance he got.

    Best move for Cliff before eviction: After the veto ceremony, he should approach Holly and tell her Nicole wants her gone. If she agrees on the spot to flip on Michie and target him next week with Cliff and Nicole, he can convince Nicole to change her mind. If Holly is unwilling to make that deal on the spot, she risks going (he has to honor his final 2 with Nicole now that she is a “comp beast”…). Shows loyalty to the final 4 deal he made and if he gets Holly to bite, he can say he didn’t go back on his word. Also if Holly goes to Michie, Cliff can highlight that Holly entertained it.

    I think Cliff can win next to Nicole, Holly or Michie assuming he does not break his deal. He will lose next to Tommy.
    Nicole can win next to Holly or Michie. She will lose next to Cliff (it would be close) or Tommy.
    Holly can win next to Nicole or Michie. She will lose next to Cliff or Tommy.
    Michie can only win next to Holly. He will lose next to Cliff (might be close), Tommy or Nicole.

    Best move this week for all of them: eliminate Tommy. HOH gets pass to final 3, and unless Cliff wins that, he should go next.

    If Cliff does win HOH, he puts up Michie and Holly, with a deal this week with Holly throws the veto to him or Nicole ensures she stays.

    The other combinations are obvious, though Nicole might want rethink her alliance to Cliff if she wins HOH to ensure she wins the whole thing.

    1. Didn’t they always say that the agreement was in force until they got down to final 5 and then they would have to start mixing it up?

  32. Oh Good Lord! Took awhile but I finally found the “handshake deal” between Cliff and Jackson. Holly and Nicole weren’t even told till after the fact! Nichole has no “bonds” to break since she wasn’t in on the original deal.

  33. Do Jackson and Holly just not realize how this show is done? That they are filmed 24/7 and we see pretty much everything? How can he possibly think she won’t see eventually that when they wouldn’t let her into the HOH room that day that they ALL were being vicious. I realize he’s telling her this crap now so she won’t mess with their game but at times it seems like they truly don’t get it.

  34. My thought is Nicole take Cliff down Holly goes up for the renom. Nicole and Cliff vote out Tommy ,they would ha e a better shot at winning the next HOH and then put up Holly and Jackson . And pray one of the 2 win the veto and keeps noms the same . If they don’t then Tommy will send one off them home he would most likely keep Holly and Nicole. Based on the last veto where cliff won.

    1. How can tommy keep holly? She won’t be here.
      He will be going after Jackson. They could pray. Or just make a move .

  35. Nicole is making a mistake keeping Tommy jury wise. He will win hands down if he gets to final 2. She needs to be told about Christie so she is making a decision based on all the information other wise it will be her downfall

    1. I watch Big Brother since season one. I’ve never once heard people saying to keep a Show mance verses 1 person. Especially since Holly and Mickey and cat all have a connection to each other outside of the house. You always break up the show mance.

      1. I actually completely agree with you. BUT….I’ve also never seen another juror have a long-term friendship or w/e you choose to call it…with a potential final 2 person. So all of us are not simply arguing FOR a showmance. We’re arguing against a potential final 2 having a connection in the jury.

  36. How can Cliff and Nicole get rid of Holly without Jackson taking a dump in his shorts and whining like a baby? Use Jackson’s own argument against him. Jackson got rid of Sis so that Christie and / or Holly would not have an external option. Jackson got rid of Jess so that Cliff and Nicole or Tommy and Christie would not have an external option. Jackson’s justification for targeting has been to remove obstacles that inhibit him from isolating his allies and making him their only option. Getting rid of Holly can be viewed as another example of the same premise.
    Just as I argued for weeks that Tommy really wouldn’t mind Christie in Jury as long as he didn’t have a hand in her eviction because he’s been doing jury math, I believe Holly is included in Jackson’s jury math.

    My Impression of Jury Math if I’m in each one’s head:
    Tommy thinks he has Christie, Sis, Jess, maybe Nick. Hopes he has Jack. counting on gr8ful votes and Jess as a back up added vote. Needs to outlast other Gr8ful members.
    Jackson thinks he has Kat, Jack, Nick. To be Honest, He thinks he has everyone’s vote. Add Holly. If his argument to Jack was Holly and Kat are good to work with because they are a pair, seeing Holly in jury should make Jackson see Holly and Kat as a twofer for him. I don’t think he gets Sis. Christie would require incentive (such as Nic/Cliff failing to break showmance twice).
    Nicole might have Jess, Nick, Depending on final jury make up she could have two more, possibly three. Depends on who is evicted this week to be honest.
    Cliff might have Spencer. Thinks he might have Nick or Kat maybe Jess.
    Holly might have crabs again. Joking. Holly thinks she has Kat and maybe Sis. She can’t think she has more. Given her thought process though, she could believe she might be able to get Christie, might be able to get Nick. I doubt it.
    Yes there is overlap. More than one of them would think they had the same juror from their perspective.

  37. This is how I see it. Right now Nicole is a virtual lock to make final 3 If holly goes Jackson is in revenge mode and coming for Nicole. Tommy is going to break up the duo. Basically nicole or cliff have to beat two tough competitors twice to make 3. On top of that Tommy has played the best social game and has the least blood on his hands of any house guest Jackson has the most. If they eliminate Tommy they only have to beat 1 strong competitor to both make final 3. I don’t get how it’s an easier path by getting rid of holly and I don’t get how Nicole thinks Tommy would uphold a promise if she won’t after all 500k on the line. I actually like all remaining houseguests with holly being the only exception. I want to see the old guy win it even if he has no shot.

  38. Cliff needs to come down–put up Holly–then both of them vote 1 each for Holly and Tommy–throw the heat on Jackson to evict the next person–heat off of them. Make Jackson take the heat!

    1. Information that either production won’t allow to be shared with Nicole before the vote, or that Jackson, Holly and probably Cliff are too stupid to share with Nicole.

  39. Holly in the jury would be a vote for Jackson, so I don’t see him being too upset with her eviction. He also told Holly evicting her would be the best game move for Cliff and Nicole.

  40. Yes Nicole very smart move keeping tommy and def is smart for your game and resume with jury! It’s a No brainer to take out the other half of a duo and jackson cant play in next hoh. Veto shld be days n i dont know if jackson knows his days, i doubt it. That is a nicole, cliff possible tommy veto win! Nicole and cliff know them very well…. Jackson may be going out right behind holly…. hooray! Nicole for the WIN!!!! Yes Yes Yes!!!!

  41. Nicole and Cliff must keep Tommy if they see any chance of winning this game. If first Holly goes then Jackson won’t be playing in the HOH(Holly leaving will ensure the pair doesn’t win HOH) and they have a chance. Then all hands on deck to beat Jackson in the veto. If not Jackson still might pick her forfinal 2. Nicole might be picked by all remaining players for final 2. No one is going to pick Cliff, or if he makes it Jackson to final 2. Tommy might have to go with Nicole if Holly is out also for final 2.

    1. That’s assuming that Tommy won’t make a deal with Jackson to break up the one remaining duo of course.

  42. Smartest game play for Nicole is taking Tommy F2! I see her getting: Kat, Nick, Jess, Holly, Jackson,Cliff =6-3 Nicole is Winner of BB21!
    Tommy only gets Jack, Sis, Christie…

    F2 Cliff vs Nicole can flip possibly 2 votes for Cliff to win! Cliff prob gets Kat, Jackson, Christie, Sis, Holly ??? Jack ??? if she’s salty, Jack I dont know who he wld vote for its a toss up. Holly a toss up if she votes how jackson votes but wld think Nicole.

    Nicole gets Nick, Jess, Tommy,

    Not sure on this vote cuz Holly and Jack are toss ups but i think Sis votes how Christie votes…

    1. Only way Michie and Holly go for Nicole is if she wins out. Then, they def will. If she doesn’t…they’re not going to vote for her for winning 2 comps and being sweet. If she breaks their Final 4…she is going to have more to prove between now and finale, because Tommy, even though I don’t think he has a great resume, it’s better than Nicole’s at this moment in time.

  43. I kind of hate that Jackson gave them the green light, in a way, to evict Holly. Now it will look like it was HIS idea. and I’m sure he will claim it as such…later down the line.

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