Cameron “Well how about I just win the motherf**ker and then we decide what we want to do!” **Updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Hisam
Nominees: Reilly & Cameron
POV Players: Reilly, Cameron, Hisam, America, Matt, Blue
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

Veto players were picked-> Reilly (Houseguest choice picked Blue), Cameron (Drew America), Hisam (Drew Matt), America, Matt, Blue
Bowie is in the NetherRegions

12pm HOH room – Hisam, Cirie and Izzy.
Hisam – If you (Reilly) don’t win, you’re going home. If Reilly wins veto and comes down. Matt would go up and for Matt to go home. Which sucks because I actually really do like Matt. Cirie and Izzy – me too. Hisam – But the truth is if Reilly wins Matt has to go home. Cirie – right. Hisam – and if Cameron wins, Reilly goes home. If America and I win, I let her go home. If Blue wins, is it Matt? Cirie and Izzy – its still the same scenario. Hisam – but its got to be Matt because we have to prove to Cameron that he is on our side.. so we can still attack them. Cirie – right. Hisam – But I don’t want to send Matt home. God that would be the worst. Cuz I have really come to like him and he really wants to demonstrate that people with disabilities can play these games. He was just talking about how he doesn’t want that to be cut short but the truth is I can’t keep all of those to rally around her. Cirie – exactly. Hisam – that jeopardizes everyone winning and that would be the worst feeling. But that would show Cam that we’re on his side and we said what we said. That he can trust us. And then hopefully we will go after the three of them. Its crazy that the 3 of them think that they’re going to take on the whole f**king house. Izzy – the ego there is spectacular really!? Hisam – no its just f**king stupidity! Its just plain f**king stupidity. Its like emotional game playing with very little thought of where they actually stand. I don’t think they understand that Red is actually working with us.

12:20pm Jag, Reilly, Cam, Cirie sitting in the living room waiting around for the veto to start while chatting about random things.

1pm Comic bedroom – Cory and Cirie.
Cirie talking about how some of the other house guests want to go on other reality shows now after this one. She says that Red and Izzy want to go on Survivor. Cory – here’s my concern if Matt wins and takes Reilly off .. I think I am in trouble. I don’t think he would nominate Blue. Cirie – he (Hisam) said he can’t nominate Blue because of the LGBTQ. If Matt wins and takes Reilly off, he can’t choose Jag.. but there’s still America. I know no one wants to be on the block, I don’t ever want to be on the block but even if we’ve got the numbers he wants Matt gone because that will break up .. that’s one more with Reilly that will go. He said he (Hisam) is going to straight up tell him (Matt) that he would go up. But I don’t think it is a good idea. I don’t know why he doesn’t just let Cameron go. Cory – the noms should just be America because no one is going to vote America off. Cirie – maybe you should talk to Hisam.

1:04pm Bedroom – Red and Cameron.
Red – another reason why she should go. Cameron – I know she is turning it on and when she is just being herself. Red – I think if we can’t make it Reilly, it would be Blue. Well I know it will be. Cameron – well how about I just win the motherf**ker and then we decide what we want to do. Red – there you go!

1:25pm HOH room – Jared and Hisam
Jared – lucky draw huh!? Soon as I had seen it I was like Okay… Hisam – I can’t believe it. Jared – yeah it was a perfect draw for her.. two on four. Its alright we will figure it out. You’re a competitor. Our team is a real solid team. I am not even worried about it. Hisam – yeah. I am just worried about the consequence of her coming down. I just don’t know why they want to preserve her so badly. Jared – me either. Hisam – I just don’t understand it. It doesn’t make any sense why they’re doing what they’re doing. Jared – without her (Reilly) they have no nucleolus. Hisam – I know. We can’t lose this and she is a comp beast. Hisam – wait she has won .. one comp. So hold up .. she has won one comp. Jared – true. Hisam – we don’t know if.. Big Brother switches the feeds.

2:05pm Living room – Blue, Jag and Reilly.
Reilly – we really need to win the veto. I mean we already knew that but I need to talk to Cirie and Felicia and make sure that they will vote with us. Jag – yeah. Reilly – I know that Cirie will. Jag – but make sure Cirie is good and talk with Felicia and see if she can.. Reilly – help a sister out. America listened by the door and it was just Hisam talking and he said without Reilly they would be nothing. Blue – that is bold after one week. Jag – that is really bold .. that is a crazy statement. Reilly – we’re the best competitors here. Jag – well.. Reilly – Hisam is so scared of me.. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when I win or when I come off the block. He can’t even talk to me right now. He is so in his head. Reilly – Felicia will be the golden ticket. Jag – I think it is very obvious that our side is starting to rally for you… but we’re going to have to see. They’re panicking. Reilly – because of the veto meeting. Jag – I would panic if I were him .. because he made a bold bold move. He was like I will front door your a$$. Reilly laughs – oh my god. Jag – when Bowie comes out it will probably be something good because I gave out something bad.

2:22pm The live feeds switch to the kitten cams.. The power of veto competition is starting now…

5:04pm Still blocked..

6:15pm Still nothing..

7:07pm Nothing yet..

8:04pm No feeds for you..

9:05pm Still blocked..

10:05pm Nope..

11:01pm Kittens all day, all night..

12:31am Longest POV feed block ever…

5:30 am No feeds FOR YOU!

6:33 am FEEDS? NO!

7:40 am NO
9:19 am Feeds return

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59 thoughts to “Cameron “Well how about I just win the motherf**ker and then we decide what we want to do!” **Updated**”

    1. Praying for a Reilly win but I’d rather see Matt go than Cameron since unfortunately won’t be Jag

      1. Reilly should go because she’s good at comps and her side of the house is obsessed with her. Dangerous player despite being ditsy at time.

    2. I pray Matt wins, takes Reilly down, Hasim can’t put Matt up because he won. He won’t put up Jag or Blue. That’s the best case scenario.

  1. I don’t understand.
    We have to prove to Manson that we trust him? A mob of 9 have to prove their trust in a turncoat that jumps ship at the first sign of danger?
    I think something’s been lost in the sauce.

  2. Reilly will be back to crying crocodile tears later. Cameron is right about her on that level. Do these people even know what a BB Comp Beast is? It’s not Reilly. She won one Comp that 95% of the people who competed, threw. Jag is the threat on that side, not Reilly or Matt. Jag is playing a Paul game. He’s very strategic and observant. I think he’s on to Jared but he’s letting it play out for now. Cory is terrible at this game.

  3. I don’t believe Reilly was leading the way last week. She was the puppet of whoever spoke to her last all week.
    That said, I don’t care if she stays or goes, but I prefer Manson leave.
    Why I don’t care: her big mouth is a detriment to anyone she aligns with.
    The other reason: she’s fulfilled her production purpose to be a week one Cirie protector, and week one and two snitch to Jared even though she’s been told 4 times that Jared jumped ship.
    At this point I’m feeling prodo got in her head early week one saying don’t believe anything bad about Jared and Cirie, always trust Jared and Cirie, and never notice Jared is Cirie junior.
    I still prefer Manson goes.
    I will always prefer Manson goes.

    1. Really does feel set up to be Cirie and Jared with Felicia as the third wheel in the end with Hisam set up as their shield.

      Unless they bring another survivor vet into the house to really just make it suck.

    2. Jared looks so much like his mother, and somebody, I think Reilly, made a comment that Cirie LOVES Jared. I can’t believe no one has figured it out! Except for Icky, I mean, Izzy.

      1. Right, the smile, the laugh, all of it. I think that’s why he wears that ridiculous bandanna around his head like an old woman so no one notices the resemblance.

  4. The Mystery Region:
    Even with live feeds we still aren’t completely filled in about the Nether Region. Cory returned with an announcement for the house, Jared returned to pick someone to replace him while Jag returned to advise he had safety for the week, sent Bowie back in his place AND picked Red to not compete in the POV.

    The disparity in Jag gaining three actions seems to suggest either Cory/Jared are withholding advantages gained OR played a competition/spun a wheel netting only the single action. (OR production arbitrarily decides)

    With Jared going as part of the HOH comp we should learn more on Sunday’s episode.

    Honesty & Integrity is a slippery slope:
    Hisam vows he’ll never put up Blue/Jag bc of their shared communities & that he’s playing a game of integrity — so then WHY is he so mad at Jared for sending Jag to the Nether Regions?

    It’s not like Jared saved Reilly (his main target) or that Hisam wasn’t aware Jared was still posing as a member of Family Affair. Hell, he even wanted Jared to continue collecting intel/posing as a spy for their side.

    This ^^^ shows a few things:

    1. Hisam is a control freak- EVERYTHING must run so it benefits HIS game primarily
    2. Hisam is selling integrity but is willing to blindside Reilly’s group if necessary
    3. Go back to when Hisam first won HOH & said “I don’t believe in backdoors” I called BS immediately & stated it was solely for his own benefit bc he wants to ensure no one will backdoor HIM.
    4. How we know the above to be true is Hisam has stated if Luke wins & wants to use the POV he’ll threaten to put up Blue (someone H said he’d NEVER put OTB) blowing his honesty & integrity game out of the water.

    Power struggle brewing?

    When Jared sent Jag to the Nether Region you would think he’d return feeling extremely thankful for being safe. Per above, we still haven’t learned enough about the NR offers but the way Jag is acting it sure seems like there is more to his trip than what we’re aware of.

    At least a handful of times he’s brought up Jared picking him instead of Reilly to send to the Nethers & questioned Jared’s motives/trustworthiness repeatedly.

    If my first assessment is correct he’s not allowed to discuss what happened in the Nethers but he can and is questioning Jared.

    Meanwhile, Jared has gone directly to Jag’s top allies to plant (negative?) seeds. To Reilly, he suggests Hasim told him Matt/Cam were going OTB not her which is why he sent Jag to the Nether Regions.

    He dives into a deeper diatribe with Blue on how Jag seems smitten with both her & Reilly to the point that J feels like it’s high school antics – ie: that Jag gets jealous if he hangs out with Blue. (Actually, he might want to check that thought & insert Izzy/Meme who were twisted over Blue/J hanging out for over an hour – – gasp!).

    While Jag keeps taking shots at Jared’s trustworthiness, etc he also seems to know he needs to align with him in order to have Cirie/Fefe/Izzy in this corner in case his side loses HOH again.

    In contrast, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Jared took the shot at Jag if he won HOH bc he correctly views Jag as the glue/brains of all the alliances on that side & esp of Crowd Control. If he personally takes out Jag it likely means the loss of Blue & Reilly’s loyalty (if she’s still in the house) BUT it might work in the exact opposite way with Jared replacing Jag’s position in that trio.

    This situation and how much bigger Hisam paints his target will depend greatly on the POV winner (and their actions). As the clock reaches three hours since the comp started it feels like this could be one of long feed blocks which means another late night of gaming.

      1. Yes – you’re right. I’ve done it since night one constantly mixing up their two names. So in the future it’s sure to happen again (esp when I’m tired) so just know I mean Matt.

        And thanks for being nice about it- someone on Twitter was ready to draw & quarter me for the same mistake.

  5. Interesting how production stacks up POV contest against Hisam…1 vs 5….trying to influence the outcome of the contest and the “game”.


    1. So what you are saying there were only 3 tokens of names to draw from.
      Highly unlikely even from production.

  6. Suspicion:
    I still expect that the parity between feeds and episode has to be made.
    Manson ducking out on Squeaky and the family has no reason.
    Reilly’s breakdown was never shown.
    the breakdown of the alliance was never shown.

    Why do I keep thinking the current noms is meant to create that parity?

    1. instead of paranoid erosion and goofball ship jumping that was always nonsensical, and is part of the conversational memory wipe we’ve seen, it’s now explainable as The professors chipping away at the alliance with superspy Jared misdirection.

    1. i think Blue throws. I think if Matt wins Jared and Jag and Hisam all take turns trying to talk him out of it.

  7. eavesdropping on the post comp production notes meeting:
    okay everyone, if you haven’t gotten into your mandatory sub alliance with a Fields yet… you’re running out of time. remember….ixnay on the family recognition talk, you saw what we did with Kirsten.
    Iggy, a little more with the crazy eyes and meltdowns… remember, you’re drawing attention away from ms fields, that’s you’re purpose.
    Squeaky… we need you to pull tears at least 4 more times.
    Jaaaag…yeah doll, thanks for taking our nether notes so well and dropping your Jared issue.
    Blue…. ditto with going from the don’t gametalk in front of him to fauxmance but ms. fields wants you to dial it back, that’s her baby and you’re not good enough.
    Red, you’re twin brother Whitey is still trying to dye match the beard before we can unveil the america red white and blue alliance. he’s got one more shot with miss clairol or we’re cutting the plotline.
    Somebody take Matt’s veto blindfold off. just say we’ll tell him later.

    1. on the way back to the house felicia demanded they stop at a grocery store. she made a list. the cast is now searching the store for her mic pack and one of her socks.

    2. 11 hours and 18 minutes So far… damn scrambleverse veto took place on survivor island in fiji and they left the losers out there…..right?

    3. told you if felt like they’d hired production staff from bbcanada. wait until the veto feedcut hits 26 hours before throwing a fit.

    4. during a break discount Manson poured half the cast some koolaid…. now it’s become big brother jonestown.

    5. on the return trip Manson and Iggy got into an argument about the flute just being a snooty pennywhistle… feeds will return when one of them finally gets the last word.

    6. Angie showed up to tell them David’s dead. the house thought she meant Bowie Jane….
      mass confusion ensued.

  8. 430 am here on east coast and feeds still down. I wonder if someone got tossed? Hopefully it was Hisam lol.

    1. Was thinking the same. Someone jumped ship to lighten the load. Ushered outta the house in a XL straightjacket.

  9. Dawg, did you kidnap the person in charge of the feeds this weekend and that is why the feeds are still down at 7:30 am East Coast time on a Sunday morning ?

  10. Feeds still down wonder if Rielly beat a son and he lost it and attacked her and prodo is trying to get her not to file charges. Or she beat Hisam again and he lost all control. Perhaps Matt won and broke rules said Reilly you are safe and Manson and Hisam attacked him.

    only production knows for sure lol ?

  11. Felicia flipped her shit…
    Came in from playing there still was NO earl grey Tea. OR Johnnys seasoning.
    I’d be pissed too.

  12. Theories
    1- Someone got hurt
    2- Someone expelled (Breaking rules, losing their sh1t for not winning etc)
    3- Neather region twist stacked on top of a Endurance Veto
    4- Production busy adding more elements into the game to benefit Cirie.

    1. The ants finally took over and devoured everyone, including production. CBS furiously trying to replace everyone with AI.

  13. PROBABLY NOT …..
    BUT WHAT IF …….

    Cirie and Jared came clean, told them
    Everything .
    Asked everyone if they are being spoon fed
    Crap in the D/r just as much as they are!?
    They all agree they want to take back the
    Game, play it the way they want too, with
    Zero influence or spoon fed story line or
    Intel from production. They tell BB this
    After veto was rigged, and if they don’t they
    All self evict and no season 25.

    So now BB is scrambling to make them happy and ask them to not speak of their influence /plot lines, rewrite contracts or whatever, before live feeds ?
    Houseguests agree to this , while in house but can later Spill the beans when season is over.

    CBS announces this is the last BB ….. no further comment.

    From outside the Big Brother House
    I’m Julie Chen Moonves , love one another

    1. As much as it would be nice it won’t happen. Cirie wants her or boy to win so they won’t say a word. Notice Kristen was told and put on a shocked look even though she had already mentioned it in the house.

      notice icky eyes has not mentioned it since first episode. The powers that be are pushing hard even though everyone knows inside and out.

  14. OR

    1. Everyone that’s been to Nether verse : Jared. Corey’. Jag. And Bowie are all in one of those again..

    2. Those 3 legends laser beamed the other house into each one of those regions and they now come back as teams

  15. Maybe Luke returned to the house in his Hitler outfit demanding to re-enter the game or else… .

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