Cameron – “8 never lasts. EVER” **Updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Cameron
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots:  ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Sounds like Blue and Jag are going to be nominated. Primary target is Jag. Cameron hasn’t voiced a backdoor plan yet.

10:03 am Cameron alone looking at the memory wall
Cam – If you all are listening just get me a set of allen wrenches in here and I’ll fix all these damn chairs. OK. Sh1ts wobbly.. Just give me a couple tools me and REd will fix all kinds of sh1t around here ok. It’s embarrassing. (LOL)
Cam – You’ll notice that I have a new feather in my cowboy hat I’ll let you guess where that feather came from. you’ll see his name on nomination day.

10:28 am Most of the houseguests are sleeping. Cameron and Bowie are chatting in the kitchen.
Cameron asks how long after the professors were formed that Hisam came along.
Bowie – I have no concept of time, the other would have a better idea of time frames.
Cam – I really don’t care I just knew he wasn’t there for the conception.
Bowie – He started bossing us around
Cameron about HIsam “he was so weird man I hope he doesn’t come back”
Cameron – when they said go put on your athletic gear, America, Jag, Blue, Corey, jared they all went and started
Feeds flip.. when we’re back Jag is with them.
Bowie – I never want to do that again.
Cam says that MEME was allowed to go outside to pee and when she came back in she told them all it was morning.
Feeds Flip When we’re back they are talking about who has and hasn’t been a Have not. Sounds like Cam gets to pick.
Bowie – 7 people to choose from there’s no point to choose me then.
Cam – you will complain the least.
Jag leaves.
Cameron – from our group there was only two people in Trouble. it was Red first then me.
Bowie – ohh you mean from the other side.
Cameron – it was easy for Cirie and Jared to drop out no one is target them. No one’s targeting Corey.. No one is targeting Izzy.. I was like why the f*** are you here go away
Bowie – my plan was to stay in it until Blue jumped off then I realized she wasn’t going anywhere. I was like I can’t do it.
Cam – I was going to stay until at least Jag jumped off then I was going to start talking. Float something to Blue.. She went first then he went 5 minutes after.
Bowie wonders who would go up If America won.
Cam thinks Red would have been the target.
Cam – I did promise her (America) she wouldn’t be a third nominee.. MEME knows.
Cam says him going up was 100% Felicia’s idea. He’s not mad at her though. It was a great plan.
Bowie says it’s best they stick with their alliance until Jury
Cam – there’s some options there but lets not rock the boat. Let’s have a good week I’ve had two f***ed up weeks I want to have a good week.
Cam curses that he is playing in the veto again this will be the 9th consecutive competition he’s been in.
Cam – If Jag goes home BIG win if Blue goes home a win not as good but still a win. She’s shifty. He might win some athletic stuff but she’s more nimble.
Bowie – I trust him more than her.
Cam – Jag wants to trust me because we used to be really close, Jag is close to a lot of people. Blue is close to one person and plays social with everyone else. She’s not close to anyone but she has her finger in everything. Jag is honestly well liked and that is a problem. The veto he murdered that veto.
Bowie – where do you think Jared sits?
Cam – we’ll find out this week. I think he believes he’s closer to us than he really is. We’re keeping him at a distance. I think Felicia and Cirie are keeping him closer than we think.
Bowie – I don’t know about Cirie…
Cam – she’s a little leary of him Felicia is keeping him close.
Bowie – I really trust Cirie
Cam – they are so loving and trusting that they don’t want to give up on him. Jared is one of my best friends in here I love that guy.
Cam is going to tell “their alliance” that America is not a backdoor options this week.
Cam said America asked him to not put Corey or Matt up.

Bowie – I just want to get to jury. If we stick to the plan.
Cam – 8 never lasts. EVER
Bowie – it has to change at some point

11:20 am Cam attempting to fixes the chair

11:40 am Cirie and Cameron
Cirie – every time you went on that block you were safe..
Cameron – you never shot be nothing but straight you have nothing to worry about.

11:30 am the Entire house appears to be trying to sleep.

12:30 pm who wants to see my HOH room?

Cameron’s letter is from his daughter.. Everyone takes a hit in the feels including Simon. Multiple houseguest cry.
Cameron – “I miss you so much you are the best daddy ever. I hope you win the money so we can get our house.. I miss you so much ready set GOOOOO daddy”

After everyone leaves Cameron breaks down and cries.

12:51 pm America and Corey
America says the nominations will be Jag and Blue.
Corey – Jared thinks it’s him and Blue
Corey says they will be doing One on ones with everyone in the HOH. They’ll tell Jared they are pushing to keep him off the block and when it happens they will take the create.
America points out it sounds like Jared could be a replacement nominee.
Corey agree adds Jared has the votes to stay against either of Jag/Blue.
Corey – You’re right you’re expendable to them. This is what we need for next week. we need Jag to win HOH or something. I was really worried about you winning HOH. they would have pushed hard for RED and Cameron that would be stupid as hell. You did the right thing. They do think you made a deal.
America says when MEME was gone she made the deal with Cameron.
The agree they need to keep Jag this week and neither care if they lose Blue.
Corey – here’s the thing would Jag over jared make sense for us? maybe
America – YEAH
Corey – how to make it happen. They would have Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, MEMEMEMEM.. I dunno
America – we’ll see when we get there. I would rather Blue go than Jag.
Corey – if it’s Jag vs Blue we’re kinda f***ed it’ll be Jag. If Jag one the HOH we would lose Cameron with Cameron winning HOH we los Jag. You’ve been talking to Red and bowie more right?
America – F*** red
Corey – everyone says f*** red. can we be friends with red?
America – I guess… I can be friends with Bowie I guess..

1:06 pm They’re worried Jared might go up.
Felicia – he’s going to put up Jared.. we gotta be able to convince Jag and Matt to vote to keep Jared.
Felicia – They will be the next target. They have to know that. We have to convince them you guys cannot go along with their vote today.. Then the only people they got is Matt and red.. (WTF)
Felicia says they have to start working Matt right now if it’s Blue and Jared on the block he’s got to save Jared.
Cirie – wait to see what the noms are..
(It’s going to be paranoia land if we find Jared and Blue on the block come Monday evening)

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62 thoughts to “Cameron – “8 never lasts. EVER” **Updated**”

  1. Why does no one even talk about putting up Cirie??? Because production is telling them not to so she wins! I cannot do it.

    1. Agree, you would have to be pretty dump to not see a Survivor cast member as a big threat, let alone playing with her son,,,icky….time to spill the beans. Oh that’s right she is tooo paranoid to make a solo move…..

    2. Or maybe because she’s excellent at the social game, just like she was on Survivor? People always defaulting to “Production is to blame” is hilarious. Production always to blame when things don’t happen the way people want it to happen.

      1. Did you even watch the show last night? The difference between the reality of what’s happening in that house, versus the reality they portrayed that happened after Hisam was back doored, was like night and day. At first I thought they were trying to give Hisam they “redemption” edit, but the total misleading of the audience that there was ANY chance of him staying, when everybody knew the flip had been squashed, was disingenuous at best.

        They are constantly leaving out alliances, misleading casuals to believe players are “on sides” they aren’t on, and editing or flat out leaving out material that doesn’t support the “storyline” they want to tell, whether or not it’s the story that’s happening.

        I’m sorry if you’re disappointed that production interferes in the actual playing of the game – so am I, but burying your head in the sand and ignoring the fact that it happens, doesn’t mean it doesn’t. Cirie’s game play to this point in the game has been erratic, almost to Frenchie like levels. They wanted Reilly out, then they wanted to flip and save her, then they wanted her out again. Same deal with Hisam. She’s aligned with almost everyone in the house or tried to, and while you may think that’s great social game play, people have trashed others in the past for the same strategy – It’s really hard to get someone to vote for you after you align with them and then back stab them and vote them out.

        She’s known for one great play on Survivor, and everybody agrees the guy she pulled it on is a moron and buffoon for falling for it. So, is she a genius social player, or did she just get lucky and happen to end up playing with the most gullible guy in the world on that particular day? I’ve seen nothing in these first 3 weeks that indicate she’s a great strategist, other than she’s been lucky enough to 1) be playing along with her son and 2) a lot of those players are hero worshiping her because of her Survivor experience and I don’t think either of those qualify as great strategy. Now she gets the added advantage of winning this America’s Vote thing and you don’t think production knows she’s going to win that? Of course they know!

        1. She was a great survivor player in more than 1 season. I agree she has been a paranoid mess and pretty bad at big brother but you can’t blame production for people not targeting her than also say it’s because of hero worship lol. She’s paranoid and insane but still playing a good social game and is aligned with everyone to stay off the block.

          1. So how many times did she win the money? How many final tribal counsels did she get to sit at and present her case to the jury in order for her to win? in four seasons, how many individual immunity comps did she win in order to keep herself safe in the game?

            Answer those questions and I think we’ll know if she’s a great player of the game of Survivor or not. Fooling one idiot does NOT a great Survivor player make, just like talking one boob into not using the power of Veto on himself (Marcellas) does not make anybody a Big Brother legend.

            Tyler was aligned with everyone in BB 20 and a lot of people think that’s the reason why he lost to Kaycee in the final vote – especially the vote from Sam Bledsoe. He couldn’t be loyal to everybody he aligned with and ended up having to vote some of them out, which hurt their feelings and cost him votes.

        2. I totally agree, and the thing I noticed was that she was the ONLY person with a Winter coat on in the competition (although selfishly gave up first or second). The others were complaining that they wish they knew how to dress other than athletic gear which is what they told them. How did she know?? I know she didn’t’ bring that coat for LA weather!

          1. There have been comps in prior seasons where the HGs were exposed to cold, and many times viewing those I thought it’d be wise to bring some clothes that provide more coverage and warmth. It would take some speculating on what comp to expect, but in this case they did seem to have opportunity to get some clothes.

          2. It’s not as big as the coat that Bowie walks around in. Cirie always dresses for warmth, especially inside the house.

        3. Eviction night episode always has spin to make the vote seem up for grabs, even when it’s definitely been decided by the HGs. Editing material is always meant to increase viewer interest; that’s not evidence that production is interfering with the actual game, especially to such a degree as you state.

          You’re basing your argument on the premise of producer motivation to increase viewership interest, with evidence that this is done during programming.

          In no way does that prove that the motivation spills over the actual game play.

          But you can think what you wish.

        4. None of this is connected to “production interference” which usually means production hinting about things in the diary room to get people to vote or ally a certain way. (Can also mean throwing a surprise advantage towards a favored player, but I think this happens a lot more rarely than folks think it happens.) What you are mainly ranting about is editing. I agree that the editing shows a particular narrative. Mainly because they want viewers to be in suspence but also because they want to highlight various characters. Editing does not influence the players though. They literally don’t see the editing! I agree that Cirie has been erratic. She likes to bat things around in her mind before settling on a decision and she did this in Survivor too. I get that this is frustrating to live feed viewers. But ignoring the fact that houseguests clearly like her because of her social abilities and instead going on about production interference is not understanding human nature. People gravitate towards Cirie because of her warm, relatable, down to earth presence. Which is also a big part of her strategy. She used that on Survivor and we’re seeing it happen on BB too. We’re clearly seeing this social strategy work, but because people are frustrated that she goes back & forth in her decision-making, they are in hysterics about so-called production interference. Which is hilarious to me.

          Also, she’s not “lucky enough” to be playing with her son. This is an actual planned twist like many BB twists. Like, you know, EVEL DICK AND HIS DAUGHTER. Not even the first time this twist has happened for chrissakes.

      2. Exactly! That’s their default response. I hope Cirie and Felicia both get a chance at the Invincibility power. I voted for both of them. I would like to see Matt win a slot as well. I bet the same people that are complaining about a perceived Cirie/Jared advantage, had no problem with the Twin Twist and Evil Dick playing with his daughter in past seasons. Cirie/Jared is no different. I actually think Jared’s presence makes Cirie’s game harder. I want to smack him myself! I love Felicia and the ageism expressed in some comments regarding her are quite ugly. She is not THAT old. My goodness!

        1. Actually there is a big difference because it was know from the jump by dick saying this is my daughter! Everybody knew and it wasn’t a secret! On top of two other pre-existing relationships that season. Having dick announce from the start this is my daughter is a big difference.

      3. Or maybe as a Survivor vet she has notoriety and has instant shields like Izzy and to some degree Cory. Add her son which is clearly a choice by production and you have an extreme competitive advantage.

        Honestly, getting rid of Hisam and her constant flip flopping based on what stage of paranoia she’s in shows lack of any cogent strategy.

        She will make it to the end even with bad play.

        1. Notoriety, yes. Production interference, I highly doubt it. Unless you also consider Evel Dick + daughter to be “production interference”

    3. This season is the worst. I’ve never been so disinterested in a season. There just isn’t a lot of people to root for. Stupid ass mother/son twist is the main culprit as ruined the more likable group from running the house. I hope the ratings tank this year.

    4. I’d like to know the same…if they would just put her and Izzy up together, then I believe Izzo would spill the entire connection!

  2. Know who wouldn’t have won pressure cooker? Reilly.
    Both my nopes could be gone right now.

    Reilly was as strategically moronic as Jag, and Cameron.
    They all think they know more but listen less.

    Realistically, Cory and Matt weren’t options when Cam was trying to build his middle army.
    He thinks Bowie is in it already. Red and Cam stopped formation when question of the middle uprising happened. Red thinks Matt is his boy.

    Did America jeopardize Cory and Matt? Will Cory try to reveal the flipflopmadness of the last 36 hours?
    This is the question of the day.

  3. I guess I’m missing something here…I don’t understand the fear of Jag…..He seems to mope around and hug people. He won a veto when he was on the block and saved), his butt, but I don’t see him as a mastermind in this game. There are far more dangerous people in the house that are not afraid to plan and scheme. The Mamas and the Papas..(Cirie, Felicia, Jared, Izzy)…that put you on the block, Cameron…..Wake up …go for bigger fish than Mr. Mopey. Or you will be on the block next week….Ugh.

    1. To him, Jag was the usurper who took his daughter Reilly from him the night Reilly listened to Jag’s opinion, not daddy’s.
      He thinks he can’t pull in his youth army of middle fighters, like Matt, until Jag is gone because, to Cam, Jag is the group brain.
      Jag beat him and Red in veto.
      He’s created an odd fairytale version of the season… and nobody can tell him any differently: he won’t believe it if it wasn’t his idea. Fact and events that don’t put him as the superstar of the season? He won’t believe it.
      I secretly think he believes Cirie was put in the house to help in his rise to superstar.

      1. Reilly only partially listened to Jag and then did stuff against his advice (kind of like what Corey has been dealing with). We shall see how smoothly this week goes for him and whether there is side drama from the usual suspects

        1. the problem that night that Cam jumped ship:
          Reilly was worked up that the other side aligned and was coming for her.
          Cam said stop being hysterical there’s no other side.
          Jag said they’ve aligned, we just have to beat them.
          Reilly chose Jag’s plan over put your head in the sand, daddy will take care of it.
          Reilly got huffy at Cam for the there, there stupid girl talk.
          Cam was out.
          Told Blue he was packing up his toys and imbedding himself as a spy cus they aren’t even a side yet, and he’ll jump ship to save them all.
          Blue told him he was being an idiot.

          THIS IS WHY.

    2. I agree that for SOME REASON nobody even thinks about taking a shot at MUMMA (Cirie) and ICKY. Those two seem to be running and plotting all the schemes.

      In addition, EVERYBODY seems to be TOTALLY BLIND to MUMMA AND SON. If there was any brains in the house, those two would be TARGET 1 (jointly). Or at least one of them (preferably the MUMMA). J

      JARED has been playing double agent the entire time, and NOBODY appears to pick up clues on him. My gut feeling is that he will spill the beans on BLUE, and the MUMMA is going to kick his a** when they get home from the show.

      1. Cerie/Jared got lucky that Izzy is a loyal fan of Cerie’s, rather than someone who could have used that information in the future to work against them. Add in the connection between Cerie and Felicia, with both of them having very good social games where no one is ever angry at Felicia even with her domineering tendencies. That’s what helped them gain control of the house as no one wants to go against them.

  4. I think Manson has a light read but he is to dumb to realize the true players he needs to remove in order to win this game. Jag, may be physical but not sure he has the brain to do some of the mental comps.

    we know that Cirie mama clean and izod have been counting and observing and sharing information with each other.

    I want to see what happens when he tells them America is not a renom option bet the chaoscoven starts pressuring him to go back on his word.

    1. Think you’re underestimating his intelligence.

      “Jag said that he wants to make his fellow contestants believe that he’s a loud, outgoing, air-headed guy, but in college he pursued three majors. According to a post on his Instagram page by his alma mater, UW Foster School of Business, he graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor of Business Administration with focuses in Marketing Analytics and Management Information Systems and a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative History of Ideas. Jag is not only personable, but very smart, calling himself “a secret genius.””

  5. TIMES
    JARED 1H30M
    CIRIE 1H31M
    IZZY 3H59M

    BOWIE 8H37M
    MATT 9H42M
    RED 10H10M

    CORY 12H19M
    BLUE 12H45M
    JAG 12H48M

    MEME 13H33M
    AMERICA 13H52M

    1. Actually a pretty solid showing by everyone, except for the first two who knew they were safe, had no real reason to gun for it, and a lot of reasons to NOT gun for it.

      Not to mention production has a built in safety measure for them, with the whole America’s Vote thing, which everyone knows Cirie is going to win, and be in the top 4 (did I say top 4? I meant top 1!), so she’ll be playing in whatever comp it is the 4 play for this power to remove someone from the block for sure, along with either Jared, Izzy or Felicia, and possibly 1 or 2 from TOS (Jag or maybe Matt). Given they just had an endurance comp, it will likely be some puzzle, or random luck comp to ensure Jag or Matt’s athleticism doesn’t play into it.

      Doesn’t really matter though since it seems Cam is focused on getting Jag or Blue out this week, which I can’t blame him for that seeing as how Cirie and her minions seem to have a lock on the power in the house, and if he decided to fire a shot at them, even if he hit, he would be the target next week. Little does he know, he’s already a target, along with Red – but according to the Geriatric brain trust (Cirie, Izzy, Felicia) it’s a target rich environment, as everybody other than those three and Jared seems to be targets, depending on the paranoia level of the moment, and who was last seen going into a room with whom.

  6. Well, was hoping for some chaos this week. Too bad that Cam seems to be going after players that aren’t too big of threats. Hopefully word gets back to him that he was a target and he then targets Cirie, Felicia or Izzy. My assumption is that won’t happen until after Veto is played w/ Jag & Blue on the block, but who knows. If he has to put up a 3rd nominee, does he betray his deal w/ America an and put up Cory or Matt…orrrr does he return the favor to Felicia and say “the whole house wants them (Blue/Jag) out, so with one of them coming down I need to put you up as a pawn the same way you did me.” Then hopefully some chaos happens and we don’t get a house unity vote.

  7. Can someone please tell Cam that Cerie Fel and Izzy were ready to flip that vote against him on several occasions of both HOHs…..please……….

  8. What a waste of an HOH if Cameron puts up Jag and Blue. I thought he would shake things up and really play by going after Cirie, Jared, Felicia or Izzy. How disappointing probably be a boring week. Someone needs to tell him that him and Red were going to be their target. The whole season is probably rigged for Cirie to win.

    1. He thinks he’s in an alliance with Cirie & Izzy! Why did you think he’d go after his own “alliance”?

    2. I’m not so sure. Could it be possible that Cam has an agenda that he is keeping to himself? Like a backdoor of one of the major, if not THE major key player in the house?
      Something about him tells me that he is sneaky and would be very good at keeping his ideas secret.
      I just don’t trust him to reveal what he is truly thinking and planning.

  9. I said if Cameron didn’t leave soon, he was going to win something. Now he’s HOH and the only people who I know are safe are Red and Bowie.

    This is gonna be a long week.

  10. I don’t vote. haven’t since the bbcan and bbott votes where they changed the rewards everyone was voting on AFTER voting ended. Then there’s the whole ‘production reserves the right to negate votes during or after the voting period in order to combat bots (ensure production’s chosen outcome) in the rules section of the bbcan6 website.

    That said…wanna force the subject? Give your votes to anyone not in the cirie power structure….and don’t give it to Cam or Red.

    My thought is Cory and America need it most if the tealeaves are correct for next week.
    The people storyline is about to steamroll would appear to be Cory, America and Matt if you listened to chaoscoven then cory/jared talks this morning.
    Izzy revealed Cory told her they can’t win final 2 with Cirie/Jared. Cory told Jared we could roll on Cirie/Felicia if you are in danger. Felicia is mad Cory stopped the flip.
    Nobody trusts America.
    Matt… everyone thinks he’s on their side… so perfect pawn that goes home.

    just a warning. if you vote think strategically, not knee jerk.
    think 2 weeks not just today.

    1. America got all of mine but they are wasted as prodo will say that Cirie gets them all. I think they need a third party to do the counting like the awards shows claim lol. ?

  11. Cam 8 never works. Also cam I’m not gonna make any waves I want an easy week before the 8 evicts me next week. Idiot

  12. Y’know who I feel bad for?
    Those snakes.
    Bass and loud noise are stress inducing to most snakes. Cold? more stress.
    Big Brother just ptsd’d a bunch of snakes. And didn’t even let them bite Izzy.
    Those snakes need a new management team….and to bite Izzy.
    not venom inducing death bite… just maybe sleep for hours bite.
    We need the break.

      1. as dumb as release the flies (matt reward) into a 35-40 degree room.
        of course they’re not going to fly around.
        temp dormancy.

    1. We’re they real I never saw one move maybe they were fake or peta may be filing suit on their behalf lol ?

  13. Red, puffed up cus he knows he’s safe.
    confronts Jared about warning Blue that Red thought she was a liar.
    ONLY person he told.
    stammering deinial….bus Jag….stammer denial. almost sounds front mixed with panic. yo yo i’m no simp. yo can’t trust that Jag.

    Red should now know direct questioning ‘tells’ when Jared is lying.

    1. When will some people realize that Jared’s panic about nominations had nothing to do with him and everything to do with Blue

  14. I’m sorry but can people stop using the phrase “The path forward” in this game? It is an obvious tell

  15. Go Cameron Go win Big Brother so you can buy your daughter her house!!!! Win Win Win

    Bye Jared. You couldn’t last 2 hours on the Pressure Cooker, first one off. Now whining you going on the block. Just yesterday you couldn’t stand Red because he was “picking” on you. Now running to Red throwing Jag under the bus since “you can’t read him” oh I want you nominated and gone!

  16. I would be THRILLED if Jared left this week.

    I would rather it was Izzy of course but Jared is my next least liked person and honestly him leaving would be a better since he can actually win the game (nobody is voting for buggy eyes).

  17. One on Ones
    Pt 1
    Izzy: small talk and we cool
    Jag: going up, we can work together, math mathing, other side too close, win veto.
    other nom Blue…but just going through the motions. if ur still on block Thursday? these are not the droids you’re looking for. tell ya what i’ll throw veto… i want you to win. this isn’t about targets. (oh eyeroll, whodafuq u kiddin, Manson). Jag asks if you win would you use the veto? Now hold on there, slugger, you haven’t even touched your koolaid.

    meanwhile, Jared is already busing Jag to Matt. We don’t even have to use veto and we can keep Blue (Matt doesn’t like Blue much…).

    Felicia: Jag’s going up, had to make a deal with America or she’d have stayed on (she’s not in legend25 so we had to have power indication)
    He’s talking big move if veto is used but no backdoor plans.
    Who is a big move to Manson??

    meanwhile Jag tells the youngs he’s going up. Jared says he’s renom if veto is used.

    America: I have people, you have people… we love the same people…we should become a commune. how would you like some koolaid, it was Reilly’s favorite. Hints that renom could be from a core 3/4. Bets on Izzy after Red’s disclosure this morning. he said the least to her, it was small talk. This read is word for word what Cory told Cam last week.
    This is the week we start playing says the egomaniac that almost left yesterday for not packin a damn bag.
    ugh he’s getting fairytale insufferable again.

    Manson: I’m getting covered in blood saving you by getting rid of your allies and keeping our enemies numbers intact, are you not grateful to daddy?
    we have to appease the majority this week for my safety, but we’re (you’re) going to blow this house apart and sacrifice yourselves for my rebellion.
    America: (internally screaming)….or just take out an enemy would be good.

  18. Finally Red is talking some sense into Cameron and his horrible noms he wants to make. Red is pointing out that Izzy should be their #1 target as its obvious we are both hers. Wake up Cam and stop drinking the kool-aid.

  19. One on Ones

    Cory: me and america feel good with you mr manson, and we all know who your targets are, i know you don’t like the word target. by the way, did you know someone tried to flip the vote yesterday? Why, yes, it was Izzy. don’t worry, i told her there was no way i’d turn on my glorious leader. smile and bow…..sure i’d love some koolaid but i just brushed my teeth. but don’t worry, i set that scamp Izzy straight, she wouldn’t have targeted YOU this week…maybe not.. next…week either?

    Blue: we’re playing checkers, there’s the field, go play.
    i’m levelling the playing field by putting up the house targets and doing what the majority wants. think of the camera time you’ll get.
    this is the best move for us.

    I need to gather an army and start a war that begins after i martyr you and do what everyone wants so i’m not a casualty of the war i’m declaring…after my hoh. drink the koolaid….be a good little moron and die for your glorious leader.

    Blue immediately tells Jared that Izzy, Fe or Cirie is renom, he’s fully after the 7 sins.

    Matt: me, you, america, cory, jag, bowie, red.
    Red; me, you, cory, america, matt, bowie. (no jag). If veto used target Izzy, she’ll never be on our side, we’ll always be her targets.

    meanwhile Jared has tough face on. he’s going to demand replacement nom name. or he’ll hold his breath until he passes out and his mama will kick Cam’s ass.
    Cory tells Jared we’re in a 7 person alliance and America is all in with us… that means we have a 6-4 vote if one of us is on the block (dontcha trust your alliances with 10/13 of the house, big tough boy?
    what about if i win veto?
    we don’t even know if you’ll be picked to play.
    yeah but..
    let’s have a chill week.
    keep them the same?
    We’ll talk about what’s best for the group to keep the house chill after veto.
    let’s just chiiiiilllllllll
    more koolaid? I’m not a king… I’m not Hisam (i’m glorious leader).

    Meanwhile, Blue out spilling her one on one like she’s the Exxon Valdez.
    Cory travelling behind her trying the hype up chaoscoven paranoia.

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