Big Brother 22 Live Feeds begin on August 5, Following the west coast broadcast of the series premiere

This has been quite the debate. When do the Big Brother 22 live feeds start? CBS has an answer for us. In a press release this morning it’s stated that the Live Feeds for BB22 start after the airing of the west coast TV episode. 11:30pm PST tomorrow.


BIG BROTHER Live Feeds: CBS All Access’ BIG BROTHER Live Feeds offer an in-depth, exclusive pass to the show across platforms. Fans will have the opportunity to watch all the action inside the BIG BROTHER house when the Live Feeds begin on Wednesday, August 5, after the west coast broadcast of the series premiere (after 11:30 PM, PT/2:30 AM, ET on Thursday, August 6). Feeds will be available through the CBS All Access subscription service.

If you don’t have it already you can grab the live feed subscription with a CBS all access account.

41 thoughts to “Big Brother 22 Live Feeds begin on August 5, Following the west coast broadcast of the series premiere”

  1. FYI Chr1stmas confirmed via an email to her fitness moms that she’s going to be on BB22 so buckle up folks we’re in for some of that this season.

    1. I wonder if she was able to pack her dildo? Who will she smack in the face first? Hopefully there won’t be any bumper cars -type HOH comp, she’d win that for sure!

    1. I’ll let you know my prediction once the cast is official, Duration and some starting twists are offical.

      I’m leaning towards Kraken.

      1. I’m happy to just get a season and I feel like they have some solid people on especially while pulling this together last minute during a pandemic.

  2. You mean i don’t have to listen to Josh cry and whine (joy) but I have to listen to *insert holiday name here* pontificate and whine (sad). Hmmm – weighing which side of the scale i’m on there. Evil thought: would it be mean in lieu of good luck to say break a leg? Well. Not toooo evil.
    I read what i hope is just a joke where someone brought up the idea of there being a move in competition. Maybe Jody can host it? If there is a special safety competition in week one of an All-Star season we might as well just roll our eyes and practice the mantra “dis is some bulllllzhit goin on here” while cracking on the Kraken. Just sayin. What have extra add on safety cometitions given us? They gave us Paul in 19. Week one add on comps are some bad juju. Reallllly hoping it’s a bad joke. Unless the move in comp is everyone has to pass a temperature check. 3/4 eyeroll.
    Only thing worse would be a return of camp comeblack. full eyeroll.
    Okay. not the ONLY thing worse.
    All comps being individual time runs in order to be covidconscious (and so times can reflect whatEVer the flying monkeys want) would definitely be just as bad. Feed outages for all individual run comps would make it feel like a season of bbcanada. Shudder. Let’s all hope they DON’T do that.

    1. Survivor for its last season with all the winners (best season ever BTW) had the castoffs playing basically a second game with only one person opting to quit. This really made it more interesting and we didn’t lose a fan favorite week one. I can’t imagine BB not doing something the same.

  3. i wonder how much of the hoh comp we see tonight on the episode…likely the hoh is crowned before feeds come on?

    theres apparantly no thursday episode tomorrow due to the live move in, and the sunday episode will be at about 10 et due to the pga championship golf final round finishing late

    1. Reverse the thinking. Start out by thinking the season will be a burning pile of turd and then your view of the season will only go up from there

  4. looking at feeds countdown clock it looks like feeds will start 30 minutes earlier than first expected, right after the west coast airing ends, so 11 pm pt/2 am et rather than 11.30 pm pt/2.30 am et

  5. What’s up guys. I’m not great with figuring any of this kind stuff out, but are you guys able to guide me through getting the live feeds in Canada?

      1. Get a Us iTunes account, VPN, and a US iTunes card from pay for the feeds using the itunes card you bought from carddelivery

        1. Thank you man!! Hopefully I can figure this out. Any specific VPN you recommend? I have never used a VPN. And are the feeds monthly subscription? How does that work with an iTunes gift card. Is there a certain amount $ I should get?

  6. I don’t know I kinda think Having Big Brother during a Pandemic isn’t right. I work in Healthcare and these houseguests are not social distancing or wearing masks. I don’t care if they have been tested This Virus needs people in order to replicate itself. The beds are not even 6 feet apart. I honestly hope no one in the house becomes Covid posative, but if anyone does thats when the Producer of this show should shut it down. MLB thought they could do it and they were all tested but then one team after another became covid positive.

    1. Tbh, they’ve been under sequester social distance rules for two weeks. they’ve been tested before being allowed in.
      The only safety breech is if staff isn’t in contamination suits in d/r or comp set up or restocking or repairs.

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