9:50pm Kitchen, Ragan, Kathy and Enzo Ragan is wondering why Boy George is even outside playing pool. Kathy explains that it’s showtime and showtime will be showing the pool table.

9:59pm Backyard couch Brendon, KAhty and Enzo. Kahty tasks Enzo if he drinks win, He says he drinks wine every evening. Kahty asks him how much is a bottle.. Brendon starts talking about how he never pays more than 10 dollars for a bottle of wine. You can hear Rachel saying that her and Brendon taste in alcohol is very different In Vegas she drinks expensive liquor. Brendon now goes into explaining a bunch of wine stuff to Enzo.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments

10:08pm Hammock Brit and Ragan
Brit: “I just love how she’s trying to be nice”
Ragan: “I know it’s so painful for her to be nice to us.. She hates us so much”
Brit tells him that during the pool game Brit was making comments about how when matt’s under pressure he always comes out on top and how he always wins whens under pressure. Ragan laughs. They briefly talk about pranks they can pull on B/R.
Ragan: “I actually dislike him more than her”
Brit: “I do to hes just despicable”
Ragan: “I would be hell on earth to be with him in the jury house”
They both agree if they get evicted week 3 they they will lock themselves in a room and tell b/r to get lost they are in no way interested in spending any time with them. Ragan tells her they need to keep the finale classy, B/R think they are America’s sweethearts and come finale they won’t have any idea of the response they are getting. Ragan thinks the response will be negative, “that jeff and jordan thing solidified it for me that America is disgusted in her”. They’re both bummed that the finale is in Vegas, Brit hopes that Rachel just takes Brendon away and they hang out with her pose. Brit: “I have to be really careful if I wear a dress not to sit where she’s sat before … I may need to bring a inflatable donut”. They start talking about emails.

10:22pm Matt, Boy George, and Hayden working out

10:30pm Pool Tournament still underway
Go brenchal .. they are not going anywhere this week just watch 🙂
Family of contestants not allowed to comment !
They are going to help you, Gavin, bag groceries. Now go stock the fish bitch.
Gaven: this may sting a little (kind of like when you have to tell your kids there is no Santa) but neither Rachel nor Brenda have even the slightest chance in hell at winning this season. EVEN if one of them made it to the final 2 somehow, he/she would only get one vote from the jury house. ANYONE would win up against either of them. They have zero chance at winning and there are still several weeks left. Now go get your blanky and pout in a corner somewhere.
Santa DOES exist. Allison wears red quite often, and I’m sure you’ve noticed that she has a house full of childish elves who follow all of her commands and orders.
Am I the only one who notices that Lane gets kinda jealous when Britney brings up Nick?
Hi there! I agree…I think that Lane is more than a little taken with Britney. They flirt like fifth graders sometimes. Loved the comment he made when she was asking him where the doctors got the skin from for the graft for his ankle injury as she was rubbing it with her finger…”That’s my foreskin.”! Lane can throw out the quick one-liners every once in a while! LOL
They obviously need to hook up. A southern shotgun wedding in the making. She is definitely smitten, as is he.
The coveted pool trophy – if Ragan wins,,,,it will be a fruit bowl…..
Dr. Laura Schlesinger I presume!
Hi Simon…post some more nudes maybe some of the guys
I think Sabetour should have a message where they show a clip of each HG saying something incriminating in the DR. (Except ragan’s could be of his choice). That would get the pot stirring and add some entertainment to this season.
Saboteur is a lame duck idea. CBS will tr and play it up for the broadcasts, but I think they’ll have a hard time selling it. Really, who comes up with these ideas?!?!
And then give them all extra libations
Hi Everybody! I would like to propose a toast! Im reading this afternoons posts and as usual there is one Douche who thinks they are running shit here….trying to tell people what they should and shouldn’t say and how to spell shit and what comments should and shouldn’t be written in the naratives blah, blah, blah! I propose everyone make a donation today or tomorrow in honor of todays DB “Gavin” If everyone here donated $1.00 measley dollar in Gavins name Im sure it would add up to a decent amount! I personally am unemployed but am sincerely going to make mine a simple $10.00 today! Please join me in my crusade!
Hard to pin point one person … because SO many people try to tell people what they should and shouldn’t say, who they should support, how to spell/speak, that they should STFU while other people spout viewpoints, etc. So, just make a donation for all the loud mouthed hypocrites who can’t seem to let others voice their opinion without a personal attack (but then crucify the house guests who play “personal”). Lets go!
Does this make you feel better now? Okay “Im King of the World”. I guess it’s true that this site does bring out our best character defects. Oh that’s right you and Ms. Hairyknuckles below are without flaws! Man you two are some piece of work!!!!!! Please don’t procreate!!!!!
Dont worry I wont be! After 5 failed pregancies doesn’t look like our so called “God” wants me to! Which is fine, gives me more time to hang out here with all the other crazies! Not You of course! :O)
Maybe everyone should agree to disagree
and instead of a leatard they should have to be totally nude for a week and rig it so britney wins
What’s with Hayden wearing the sunglasses over his mop at night?? Also … LANE, yum. Want me some country boy. That guy is HOT HOT HOT. Strong silent type. Speaks with purpose. I’ll bet everything he does is with purpose. SWOON. Can we get some shirtless pics of lane. How about a pic of that foreskin ankle? ANYTHING would be appreciated.
forget that show us his disco stick…yummmmmm id drink his bath water
Somehow, I don’t think he’s the type that wants someone drinking his bathwater. But, hey … whatever gets you going! I don’t even care about seeing the disco stick (fantasies are great), but would love to see more of his manly charms. Oil rigs, big beafy guy, well-placed tattoo, quick wit, and somewhat aloof. YUM … I want more LANE.
reason rachel won 2 HOH comps: She thought winner gave head to household
O.k. That was some funny shit there
I didn’t know Monet turned into a gay white guy
yum if i have to hear lane say cuurrrrs light again i am going to scream. not cute
Just put those ear plugs in. Who can listen anyway with all that machismo?
and the academy award for best actor on a reality television show… ENZO for gassing the 2 hypocrites up maing them not only think that brendon is being voted out thursday, but also that he will throw the HOH comp to whoever stays.
Im not a fan of b/r either, but the b/r bashing is gettin old! jus sayin!!
I agree 100%
Geezz…all Britney does is talk crap about everyone! maybe its time she realizes shes defianatly not perfect either! Im getting tired of all the crap she comes up with..i hope she goes home soon!
It’s funny no one thinks the game is fixed since Matt
got the diamond pov. Now if that went down during Rachels
hoh it wouldbe a different story……I ‘m just saying
Simon, I love the ginormous grenade on the pool table! It’s positioned so perfectly. The guys are all standing around “looking” at it!!
how do you know what she got she must have got it off you