America “If I win HOH I’m putting Cirie & Izzy or Felicia & Izzy on the block. I don’t care!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players: Jag, Cameron, Blue, MEME, Jared, Red
POV Winner: RED
Veto Ceremony: Veto wasn’t used. Nominations are locked
Havenots:  Izzy, Corey & Bowie

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation
Invincibility power players: Cirie, Matt, ? , ?

11:45pm Backyard Hammock – America and Cory
Cory – I am telling you the burrito thing. I went upstairs because I thought he was going to talk to me and there was like nothing. Cory – but like no one sees that they just see you walking up to the HOH room. Like the story you say is true and the story they say makes more sense. America – I know .. I just wanted a burrito. I mean f**k them .. whatever! The 7 .. is so f**king stupid! Its so fake and you telling me that its like real is so dumb. Like no they’re loyal to their four and that’s it. Five including POO. But like we’re not in on it or I’m not in on it at all. Like I am walking into the storage room at 8am to change out my batteries and its Felicia, Cirie, Meme and Izzy and they like disperse like ants. Like at 8am in the morning what the f**k can you be whispering about!? Its just annoying! That was this morning.. you know what I mean!? Like its like am I not supposed to be in an alliance with you guys, like how f**King stupid do you think I am!? I am just annoyed! Cory – so what do you propose? America – If I win HOH I am putting Cirie and Izzy or Felicia and Izzy on the block… I don’t care! They have sh*t with everybody and nobody calls them out on it. Like the house is them.. They have the numbers. Like why not.. I just don’t understand. Cory – Uh.. We’ll talk about it. America – Like we’re just going to keep playing their game?! And like literally taking out Cam and Red and Bowie? Who are like … and I understand they’re not with us but like.. they’re targeting them because they’re not with them and I’m supposed to be doing that for them when like they don’t even f**king talk to me?! Cory – well lets talk it through, you put up Cirie and Izzy, what happens? America – one of them goes home? Cory – okay what happens next week? America – they play… AND?! Cory – and we’re just rooting for Cam, Red and Bowie? America – yeah. UGH! I just don’t like anybody. Cory – here is the optimistic way of looking at it.. America – what are the chances they win? They haven’t won anything! Cory – yeah but we’re getting close to a point where there is no one left but them. Here is the optimistic way of looking at it we are going to .. if we stick to our position now we are probably going to work our way to the final ten.. right!? America – MMMmmhhmmm. Cory – comfortably. We won’t have any problems and then this thing will start to collapse. America – Mmmmhmmm. Cory – Izzy is already talking about down the road. Jared is already talking about how do I keep Blue for as long as possible. There will be opportunities to… BB cuts the feeds.

11:54pm Meanwhile.. Jared – you want to turn it into a neck massage? Blue – I was already going to do it. Jared – why don’t you get naked first? Blue – your skin is so soft..

11:55pm BB blocks the feed again..
12:27pm Still blocked.
12:28pm Hammock talk continues..
Cory – you’re not nominating Cirie and Izzy… not yet. America – we’ll see! Cory – in the medium future. America – in the medium future.. UGH.. Cam and Izzy. Cory – that would be something. I mean it would just be Cam going home. America – not if he wins the veto. Cory – and then who are you going to replace him with? Bowie? America – I am looking at him. Cory – me, I think I would go home. Ahhh.. I think there would be a world I stayed. America – I think you would stay. Cory – I would need Red, Jared, Bowie, Blue and f**King Matt…. I would not stay. I would go home.. before jury. America – oh well. That’s what happens. You shouldn’t have rejected me in the swing bed. Cory – did I reject you OR like soft reject you? America – no, no, no, I wasn’t going to do anything.. EVER. Cory looks at her. America – I wasn’t, I wasn’t. I was just joking around with you. Cory – well the tape will tell all. America – I was just joking around with you. Cory – I know. I know. BB blocks the feeds again..

12:30pm Feeds are blocked..
1:08pm Still blocked..

1:30pm Feeds return to Matt, Cory and America chatting by the hammock about weights and working out.

1:33pm BB blocks the feeds again.
1:37pm The feeds return to Cory eating in the kitchen

1:45pm Backyard Hammock – Matt and America.
Matt – we would be on the wrong side of the house we were to work with them. America – I know, yeah. Matt – because if I don’t put up Red and Cam, HOLY F**K! Everyone would go after me. America – like who would you go for? Matt – Its the obvious answer that you have to do because you’re f**ked. I feel like. There are so many other alliances that we need up and stuff. You have to go for the two (Red & Cam) that everyone else wants to get out, right now so that’s what I would do. And I would feel really f**king bad because I know they would be pissed but like only one will survive. America – yeah only one can, yeah. I mean I was thinking Red and Bowie but you have a good point. If Cam wins the veto and takes Red off.. then both of them are safe. Matt – and then they would be out for blood. America – exactly. Matt – and that’s the thing if you put those two up, one is guaranteed to go home.. breaks the alliance. And even that just breaking one off of them, the other will coming running to everyone else now. America – red thinks that he is in with Cirie and Izzy. Have you noticed? I don’t know. Like I feel like she talks to him a lot too. Matt – She talks to him a lot. I haven’t really noticed that. I see the obvious factors that Cam and Red hang out all day. America – its so stupid, like they were saying that they weren’t working together. Matt – now you’re doing what we did our first week. America – yeah. Like come on bro. What did you think about Hisam’s speech? Matt – I fell asleep. I think he had some truths to it and some lies to it.

2am Quad cam of the HGs in the havenot room on is all that’s on the feeds.

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55 thoughts to “America “If I win HOH I’m putting Cirie & Izzy or Felicia & Izzy on the block. I don’t care!””

  1. The next time Cirie plays survivor & makes it to the family visit, her little Chinese grandson Greenpoo is going to run out to greet her.

    1. thankfully i think cirie is done on survivor. they may not hold to it but i think the producers said after season 40 they would not be bringing back contestants from seasons 1-40 again.

  2. America is so smart. I’m rooting for her and Cory.

    Hopefully they can get out Cameron or Red next week worst case scenario and then America can win the wall competiiton later that night. Cirie’s power (or whoever’s if she doesn’t have it) should be expired by then right?

    I thought it was good for just this eviction between Jag/Blue and next week’s which seems likely to be a combination of Cameron/Red/Bowie/Blue or someone that Cirie would not care to stop potentially going home. Most likely the person going would be one of Red or Cameron and almost everyone seems to be fine with them leaving.







    1. They all told him, but nobody was making eye-to-eye contact with him at the time to avoid any “bloody hands”

  4. If Matt can tell Cirie and Felicia about his convo with America, they can get the votes for a Blue blindside without Jared.

  5. Australia has a crush on Corey despite his underbite, enormous forehead, & his obsession with passion-pink baseball caps. This shows she has a heart of gold & is wifey material.

  6. I decided I am going to just continue watching old BB and be satisfied. This season is weak. And I don’t like the Cirie show. Just over it. Unless Jag, Cory, Matt, or (maybe) America at this point win, it is a waste in my eyes. Unless we’ve yet to see someone like Mecole take a swing at the Top 3…which surely she sees. Surely they all see it? I know it isn’t common knowledge (somehow) that Jared is Cirie’s son but I’m not understanding why no one suspects anything. Maybe it’s production and maybe this season was slated for a Cirie win but my question is why? I’m bored.

    1. This season sucks I just knew Hisam would leave last week. Jag Would go this week and most likely it will be cam next. Meme, izzy, Jarat, cam, red, all suck. You can throw cirie in that group it seems set up for her and her son to make it to the end when they’ve been sloppy at best with there gameplay. After Taylor winning last year the bar has been set an all time low and it’s getting worse.

      1. No, Matt won, and Cirie controls Matt- therefore Cirie won. It makes for a very boring season, with 75% of the HGs running and ratting out the other side to Cirie. Cirie won’t win anything and cruises to the end.

    1. This is exactly what I’m talking about. Really? Cirie gets it? What a great season that’s definitely not rigged for Cirie to win.

      1. Individual time comps are notorious for being ‘production decides who wins.’
        So she needed to compete in the individual time comp… not necessarily have the best time if production wanted her to have the prize.
        if they don’t show a single cam no cuts run of all of them doing the comp straight through, we have to trust production’s word. Production lies. we know this by comparing feed storyline to episode edit storyline.

    2. Wait until she gets a have not double diamond butt veto and then wins fan safety for three weeks and they do a final three this season because final 2’s traumatized her.

    3. No way she actually won an individual competition to win anything. In 4 seasons of Survivor she won exactly ZERO individual immunity competitions!

      If she won, and it was some kind of individual timed competition, where they weren’t competing side by side with one another, you can rest assured she didn’t really win jack. Production decided who they wanted to win, massaged the times accordingly, and awarded her with the prize. It’s as simple as that. Nobody can prove any different because – editing.

    4. How do you no this. It’s not being reported any place else. I’m hearing Matt won it. It’s this an assumption or something just to Trigger engagement?

    5. I called from the first show. It’s all about Cirie. Just like the last few seasons. It’s predictable who they want to win.

  7. How is all this info being said when all I see is this all day? Am I not paying enough for paramount plus to have access to 24/7 feeds? Geez this is BS!

  8. Strategic Analysis
    You have the power to save an evicted houseguest or yourself over the next two weeks.

    1. Use it this week to cancel the eviction
    2. Save it for next week.


    1. this week the hoh is generally disliked and widely considered egotistical
    2. No idea who the next hoh is.
    3. This week’s noms are a lustsloth and a one compwin wonder.
    4. No idea if you or closer ally might need saving next week.


  9. Wednesday so far
    Cirie / Felicia talked of a female top 6 plus Jared. f’n Bowie Jane not included.
    Cirie / Felicia / Izzy gossipped.
    Red and cam are obviously talk blocking today.
    Izzy / Cory talk. He’s trying to remove heat from hitting the block with America. Tells Izzy America is feeling left out of the 7. Says he feels like a dick for using her for game, but he doesn’t develop feelings that fast, it takes a while. He says he knows that she can’t stay in the game too long because it would be bad for his game, but later mentions her in final 7.
    Jag campaigns to Felicia, and learns that the women’s word isn’t good. They might not be able to keep him because they fear Red / Cam reprisal. So much for Saturday’s we’re keeping you promise.

  10. Wed so far 2
    talking final 8.
    Jared wants Matt included. Maybe instead of America. Izzy is worried if any of the 8 would nom her in final 8, bur more worried if someone would nom Cirie and Jared together.
    Talk of Blue maybe not making it to 8.
    Cam is the target next week.
    Cam continues to talk block the comic room.

    1. Wed so far 3
      Jared / Cory talked about Cam saying things that crosshair Cory.
      Jag kept campaigning.
      Felicia and Cirie like the campaign. but…
      Izzy poopooing Jag now (he doesn’t have a strategy laid out for what he’ll do in week 7)
      Jared is shittalking Cory and America (that showmance is taking focus off his cheatmance).
      Red is getting anxious.
      Bowie is coasting and pretty much telling Red she’s coasting.

      1. Someone said 11:53 pm last night on bathroom camera jag said he won. Do not know as fact. I don’t really watch the feeds. I enjoy reading the recaps and comments.

  11. I am getting really annoyed with Blue and Jag. Why are they sitting alone in that room and not campaigning to other people!!!

  12. Jag won? I’m glad. He can save himself now. So what happens next? Is the eviction cancelled? Or does he or Cam have to put someone else in?
    I wish they’d bring back the sabatour. Remember? That was fun.

  13. Wed so far 4
    chaosspiral incoming?
    Blue’s pretty comfortable. She’s not campaigning.
    Could Blue be working with Cam?
    me: what was Felicia’s campaign week one? What was Cams week two or three?
    room dynamic: Cirie, Izzy, Jared practically huddled on top of each other defensive postures by the hot dog…Cory is on the cheese (stands alone).
    Talk of Red baiting people and making things up.
    Cirie defends Red.

    Izzy / Cirie leave.
    they wonder if Blue has deals…and is Felicia going to stab them?
    Izzy: do I have the votes against Blue?
    Is Cory too cut throat to be trusted? Matt said Cory bused America to Red, that’s why he’s after her.
    How does Cory know about Legends? Cam must have told him. (nope, Izzy told America told Cory Plus… Jared and Izzy told Cory after America told him, and he totally dismissed America because how could she have info he doesn’t have).

  14. Wed so far 5
    while Blue is complaining that she’s having a shitty day having to campaign and talk to people…
    Loyal I Ride You Die Jag is telling Izzy that Blue is playing an individual game, thinks she’s on the bottom, may have to switch things up, but he doesn’t know if she’s working with Red / Cam.
    *yes I know they’re both on the block, but Jag’s I’m loyal schtick is a fraud. Over and over.

    Jared telling Felicia and Meme that Cirie and Izzy are targets ahead of them if they keep Red and Cam comfortable by keeping Jared’s lustsloth.

  15. Premonition:
    Chaoscoven Corynoia.
    Izzy will think Cory wants Jag gone to scoop up Blue.
    She’ll leave out Jared…who proposed the couples alliance to the other 3 when he was mad at the coven.

  16. I think Cirie just lied to Jared.
    She knows way more about the power than she should.
    Has MATT even iised that many words in a week?

  17. Watching the feeds and it cuts to Circe and Jared in the have nots real quick and then cuts back to the bathroom with girls doing there hair talking bout nothing and purposely does not show the have nots until it flashes back later with Jared in there alone and then they call Cirie to the diary room. Whyyyyyyyyyy

  18. At 10:24 BB time, Cory and Izzy are talking. Cory asks her “do you think I should do anything with this superpower” and feeds cut…….
    feeds shortly came back but I wonder if it means he won?

  19. Blue is campaigning to Cirie’s bodyguard that doesn’t have to listen to her paranoiaspiral.
    Blue is saying every wrong thing.

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