Natalie “7 people are voting tomorrow. We have 4 of them, so it doesn’t matter! Those 3 .. f**k’em!”

10:42pm Lounge room. Tom and Natalie. Tom – we need to do a 5 way snails McGails and then say Team Fun. Natalie – yeah! Natalie runs out of the room. Kato joins them. Kato – so here is what I think is happening. They’re trying to see about the rules or something. This is weird. Kandi is going to come in next ..I guarantee it. Something very strange is going on. Joey went into the diary room for awhile ..after not being called. And then they called Ryan immediately after. Something strange.. Big Brother switches the feeds.

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“They will decimate us. In one vote they could tear our alliance to shreds”

12:17pm Tom

T – got to watch your back in here. Keep looking over your shoulder
T – I got my team we’re working together.. but.. we aren’t really listening to some of my overall strategic thoughts. (AKA get Ricky out)
T – I think everyone is thinking of their next move they’re not thinking of this properly..
T – I have to make a choice do I really really double down and fight for what the next move should be risk pushing away my alliance
T – I don’t want to be arguing all the time with people. I’m going to lay low today see how it unfolds.. this next move is important.

T – I don’t think we’re making the right choice to be honest with you but I’m not Head of Household I don’t hold the power.
T – I’ve made my opinion known.. I gotta sit back back and hope for the best. It’s precarious man.. there’s two of three people that if they win head of household and their looking at the chessboard like I am they will decimate us in one vote they could tear our alliance to shreds

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