Big Brother 6

Big Brother 6 aired on the CBS network from July 7 to September 20, 2005.

Season 6 was the first season to have the house guests live in the newly remodeled house, which was located on the CBS sound stage in the building where the sitcom, “Yes, Dear” was filmed. This seasons twist was advertised as the “Summer of Secrets”, where each of the house guests had a secret partner that they knew from the real world. The house guests had to keep their secret partner a secret and initially each of the house guests thought that they were the only secret pair. CBS upped the grand prize where if both of the pairs made it to the final two then the winner would win $1,000,000, and the runner up would win $250,000. Prior to entering the house James was cast with his friend Mike, however, he withdrew from the show and James was paired up with Sarah. With the casting of another female, this increased the women in the house to eight and only 6 males. Other twist was revealed during the season where the viewing public was able to vote for an evicted house guest to return to the big brother house through America’s Choice Poll. Kaysar received the majority of the votes and returned to the house. Four of this seasons house guests (Kaysar Ridha, James Rhine, Janelle Pierzina, and Howie Gordon) came back to compete again on Big Brother 7 All-Stars.

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The following is a list of the Big Brother 6 house guest secret pairs and their pre-existing relationship.

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Big Brother 6 Highlights:

  • This season became known for having a lot of animosity between the house guests which had the house divided. The first alliance formed in the house was named by its members (Eric, April, Maggie, Ivette, Jennifer, and Beau) as the “Friendship Alliance” and later named by their enemies as the “Nerd Herd”. The other alliance formed in the house was the “Sovereign Six” by Kaysar, Rachel, Janelle, Howie, Sarah and James.
  • Jennifer angered the Sovereign Alliance when she broke her promise to Kaysar to not nominate him for eviction when he had made a deal with her letting her win the HOH. When Rachel won the power of veto and used it to remove herself from the block, Jennifer nominated Kaysar as the replacement and successfully had him evicted.
  • Big Brother Controversy – During this season there was a confrontation between two house guests over comments Michael Donnellan made about Eric Littman family. Earlier in the day before the confrontation house guest Rachel had overheard Michael and Janelle talking in the Gold Room when Michael made a joke about Eric’s grandparents. Rachel then went and told Eric that she had overheard Michael talking bad about his family. Later in the evening Eric was telling Ivette about the incident and Michael came out into the backyard. Eric then confronted Michael which Michael responded by calling Eric a “midget with a small penis.” Eric then lost it and went to attack Michael when the other house guests stepped in and blocked the two house guests from fighting. Big Brother then intervened and told Eric to report to the diary room immediately, and then told Michael to go to the storage room. Not long after the altercation, Ivette then started to attack Kaysar saying that he had no respect for women, made racial remarks about him and attacked his religion. Once again Big Brother intervened and warned the house guests about their behaviour. After Eric returned he apologized to the other house guests for his behaviour and stated that he would never hurt anyone.
  • During week 6 Howie Gordon went on a rampage attacking April for 48 hours, insulting her dog, husband and calling her “Busto” (a breast implant insult). Also during week 6, Janelle attacked Maggie, Jennifer and April for their hand in back dooring Kaysar.
  • During week 7 Janelle won HOH and yelled “Give me the key bit*h” to Jennifer. Janelle then nominated Jennifer and Maggie for eviction and said “By, Bye, Bit*hes!” Janelle and Beau also got into a fight after consuming alcohol won from a competition. The fight got physical where they scratched, pushed, and poked each other before they were broken up. Janelle called Beau a “Gold Digging Wh*re” and Beau called Janelle a “Polyester hair Bit*h.”

Week 1 – In the HOH endurance competition called “Wipe Out” Rachel won by being the last house guests still standing after 2 hours. As HOH, Rachel nominated Ashlea & Kaysar for eviction. During the power of veto competition called “ Rec-Tangled” Rachel won and ultimately chose not to change her nominations during the power of veto ceremony. By a vote of 9-2 Ashlea was the first house guest evicted form the big brother 6 house.

Week 2 – In the HOH competition called “Fast & Easy” Eric won and chose to nominate Michael and Janelle for eviction. During the power of veto competition called “High & Dry” James won and opted not to use it during the veto ceremony. By a vote of 9-1 Michael was the second house guest evicted from the big brother 6 house.

Week 3 – In the HOH competition called “Majority Rules” Kaysar won and decided to nominate James and Maggie for eviction. Kaysar created and formed the alliance called the “Sovereign Six” with James, Sarah, Howie, and Rachel. They worked together to allow James to win the power of veto called “Knight Moves” which he used on himself during the veto ceremony. As HOH, Kaysar then nominated Eric as the replacement nominee. By a vote of 5-4 Eric was the third house guest evicted from the big brother house.

Week 4 – In the HOH competition called “Power Roller” Maggie won and chose to nominate Kaysar and James for eviction. In the power of veto competition called “Couch Potato” Sarah won and during the veto ceremony she used it on her secret partner James to save him from eviction. The house guests were also treated to a luxury competition where Jennifer, Sarah and Rachel won a movie night to watch a screening of the film “Four Brothers”. By a vote of 7-1 Kaysar was the fourth house guest evicted from the big brother 6 house.

Week 5 – In the HOH competition called “Eliminator” Howie won and decided to nominate Sarah and James for eviction. Maggie had successfully convinced Howie that James and Sarah were betraying their alliance. The house guests also learned that “a previously evicted house guest will return by a viewer vote.” During the power of veto competition called “A Lotta Pinata” James won and in the veto ceremony he used it on himself. As HOH, Howie then nominated Ivette as the replacement nominee. By a vote of 6-1 Sarah was the fifth house guest evicted from the big brother 6 house.

Week 6 – In the HOH endurance competition called “Pressure Cooker” Jennifer won by lasting 14 hours while standing and pressing a button. It was the record for the longest HOH endurance competition, where the first house guest didn’t drop until after 6 hours. April, Janelle, and Beau also won prizes during the competition. The host Julie Chen announced that Kaysar won the America’s Choice vote to return to the house. Jennifer had promised to nominate two of her own alliance members, however she chose not to and nominated Rachel and Janelle. In the power of veto competition called “Coast for the Most” Rachel won and in the veto ceremony she used it to save herself. As HOH, Jennifer nominated Kaysar as the replacement nominee. By a vote of 7-0 Kaysar was once again evicted from the big brother 6 house.

Week 7 – In the HOH competition called “Face the Facts” Janelle won. The host Julie Chen announced that this week would be a Big Brother Fast Forward / Double Eviction. Janelle had to immediately make her nomination, which she chose to nominate Maggie and Jennifer. In the power of veto ceremony called “Goal for it” Janelle won and during the veto ceremony she used it to save Maggie from eviction. As HOH, Janelle nominated Ivette as the replacement nominee. By a vote of 5-1 Jennifer was evicted from the big brother 6 house and became the first member of the jury. In the second HOH of the week called “On the House” Beau won and nominated Rachel and Howie for eviction. During the power of veto competition called “Get your Pairings Straight” James won and opted not to use the veto. By a vote of 6-0, Rachel was evicted from the big brother 6 house.

Week 8 – In the HOH competition called “High/Low” April won and nominated Janelle and Howie for eviction. April planned on nominating Janelle and Howie as pawns in order to back door James. In the power of veto competition called “Playing Dirty” April won and used it to save Janelle from eviction. As HOH, April then nominated James as the replacement nominee. By a vote of 4-0, James was evicted from the big brother 6 house.

Week 9 – In the HOH competition called “Playing it Straight” Howie won and nominated Beau and Ivette for eviction. Julie Chen announced that Janelle won an America’s Choice poll where she received a phone call from former house guest Michael. The members of the “Friendship Alliance” was pissed at Americas choice and April called the viewers “Pieces of sh*t”. April also accused the producers were rigging the show. Julie Chen also announced that this week would be another Big Brother Fast Forward/Double Eviction week. In the power of veto competition called “Roll me a veto” Maggie won and decided not to use the it during the veto ceremony. By a vote of 3-0 Beau was evicted from the big brother 6 house. In the second HOH competition of the week called “Magnetic Attraction” Ivette won and nominated Janelle and Howie for eviction. In the power of veto competition called “Morph-O-Matic” Janelle won and during the veto ceremony she used it to remove herself from the block. As HOH, Ivette then nominated April as the replacement nominee. After a tie vote of 1-1, Ivette used her tie breaking vote to evict Howie from the big brother 6 house.

Week 10 – In the HOH competition called “Before or After” Janelle won and nominated Maggie and Ivette for eviction during the nomination ceremony. During the power of veto competition called “The Missing Link” Ivette won and used the veto to save herself from the block. As HOH, Janelle then nominated April as the replacement nominee. By a vote of 1-0 April was evicted from the big brother 6 house.

3 Part HOH Competition:

  • HOH Part 1 Ivette, Janelle & Maggie competed: Ivette won. (Ivette also won 2 Vespas)
  • HOH Part 2 Janelle & Maggie competed: Janelle won.
  • HOH Part 3 Ivette & Janelle competed: Ivette won.

Big Brother Finale:

  • Maggie then won Big Brother 6 by a vote of 4-3, winning the grand prize of $500,000.
  • Ivette won the runner up prize of $50,000.
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Gosh I wanted either Janelle or Ivette to win. Honestly Ivette was working that freakin house and deserved the win. I’m not going to finish lol.