Amanda to Helen “I wasn’t coming after you.. I am now.. it’s not a personal thing it’s game”

POV Holder: Elissa Next POV Aug 24th
POV Used POV Ceremony Aug 19th
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 22nd
Original Nominations: Elissa and Helen
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD, Jessie
Have Nots (head cheese and habaneros) GM, Amanda, Helen and Elissa


6:28pm Cockpit Elissa and Helen

They are agreeing that McCrae and Amanda’s vote’s are out of reach for them right now.

Elissa: “I think Aaryn is the most dangerous for my Game” Elissa says she knows they want Amanda out but for her she wants Aaryn out first.
Helen: “I agree we have to get her out to.. “ Helen adds that Amanda is the more dangerous player. Helen keeps repeating that Aaryn is happy if Spencer goes home. In order for Helen to stay they need to convince Aaryn they will work with her and spencer is the biggest threat.

Helen says she made an alliance with Amanda and McCrae to try and get JUDD out. Ever since JUDD has gone she really doesn’t talk much to Amanda.

Elissa: “Do you have loyalty to Aaryn”
Helen: “well if she keeps me safe this week.. You’re always more important to me”
Helen says it’s going to drive Amanda and MCcrae crazy when she stays and GM, Her and Aaryn start working together.

Helen: “Amanda was hoping if I go she will get you on her side.. you have to be careful to not get manipulated”
Elissa: “i have my own mind.. I might play into it for my own game but I can see through it”
Helen: “Now i’m starting to worry about Andy.. I love him to death I hope I still have him”

Elissa says she likes Amanda personally but thinks she is supper manipulative. Elissa: “Amanda would deserve it over Aaryn”
helen:’ Well if she makes it to the end without winning a single competition that’s an amazing game”
Elissa: “She is a master manipulator.. She’s super smart.. like really really quick”

Elissa more or less tells Helen they whould have taken out Amanda when they had the chance back when they had the numbers. Helen says Jessie was targeting her.
Elissa: “She hated Amanda”
Elissa explains that Jessie only started targeting Helen because it was her only chance at the time she knew she didn’t have Helen’s vote.

Helen: “If I leave I want you to know.. you have to see through.. I think you can trust Andy.. “

Helen: “If I leave I want you to fight to stay in this house.. fight your butt off.. “
Helen: ‘I want you to be there at the end”
Elissa says she doesn’t want to see a Spencer or GM making it to the end because she doesn’t think they played the game.
Elissa: “I got three huge players out and I have set up this game”
Helen: “MVP was so effective.. amazing how we got them out BAm bam bam.. it was used so well”

Helen: “I just need to lay low until after the Veto ceremony.. If Aaryn wants Spencer out they might just vote Spencer out”

Helen: “Ginamarie might be my ticket to staying in this house.. which is crazy.. I have a really good relationship with her”

Helen compliments Elissa on her yoga pants
Elissa says they are lu lu wunder under pants, “I have like 10.. you can never have enough”


6:51pm HOH bathroom GM and Aaryn
they find Clownie in the tub with a hairdryer wrapped around him.


6:58pm HOH Bathroom Aaryn and GM
Talking about scenarios where Spencer wins the HOH and puts them both up on the block. Aaryn says if the Veto is used Elissa will go up and Elissa will got home. Aaryn stresses if Spencer wins the HOH they must win the veto.

Aaryn says if Elissa wins HOH she will put up GM/Spencer or Aaryn/GM and Spencer would be the replacement and Spencer would go home.

Aaryn: ‘The scary thing is Elissa wins HOH the following week. the scenario she explains has Spencer going home next week and Elissa winning the HOH. Elissa would put up her and GM. If POV is played a pawn would go up and either Aaryn of GM would go home.

Aaryn tells her the next isn’t as important as the one following as long as Spencer and Elissa don’t win it they don’t want it either.

Amanda joins them

Amanda: “Elissa and Helen are being shady f*** in the cockpit”
Aaryn says they came up to them and told them they are going blindside Amanda and MC they want to flip the house. aryn adds that they think they have Andy, GM and Elissa’s vote. Aaryn adds that GM and Andy are not voting to keep Helen.

Aaryn: “that is what they want to do.. Helen made me swear not to tell anyone so please don’t say a thing”

Amanda: “is Elissa in on it”
Aaryn: “Yeah.. she just came to us and said the plan was to blindside McCrae and Amanda and vote out Spencer”
Amanda:’ I want a fight around here… maybe i’ll tell them i overheard it..”
Aaryn explains how Elissa and Helen are going around telling people they need to flip the house she’s come up to GM, Andy and Aaryn today. They are campaigning hard.
Amanda: “How stupid are they.. they are nasty to you and you (GM/Aaryn) and they think you are going to save them.. how stupid do you think we are.. “
Amanda: “Keeping Spencer and Helen together is the stupidest move”
Gm: “Ya”
Aaryn: “Did you hear that Helen is going around saying she liked GM more than me”
Gm: “Ya.. i never thought anything of it..”


7:10pm Backyard Amanda, Andy, Spencer and MC
Amanda: “OMG.. Elissa and Helen are trying to flip the hose on use right now”
Andy: “Just let them think that”
Amanda: “It makes me mad they are saying that”
Amanda: “How many different alliance is she going to try to make to save themselves.”

Amanda: “I want to start something.. “
Andy: “I think if you get in a fight with Helen she won’t be like Jessie.. she will cry and you’ll feel bad”
Amanda says she just wants to sit Helen down and tell her look Helen I was on the fence but now that you are telling everyone I am da threat I feel that you need to be evicted.
Andy: “Don’t that will f*** me”
MC: “Don’t say anything”
Amanda: “UGH I want to”
MC: “You say something it’ll be mad
Andy: “Me to


7:20pm Backyard Amanda, Elissa and Amdan
Helen: “I heard from Aaryn Spencer is the target.. should I believe that”
Amanda: “I don’t know now.. I heard everything when jessie was up why don’t you think I would hear everything when the tables are turned”
A: “My target was always Spencer”
H: “We’ve been loyal since the beginning.. we’ve kept you safe”
H: ‘Each week when you were the MVP nominee Jessie would come up to us telling us to target you and I kept telling her lets do it next week.. to be honest that is why you stayed”
A”: The reason why I stayed is Andy.. he is the reason I stayed.. and I think if you stay this week the entire house would be targeting me and McCrae am I wrong”
H: “No “ She wants to stick to their Final 5 plan.
H: “I am worried you are getting close to Aaryn.. we can stick to the five or we can go after each other and cause chaos”

H: “You and I have been together this entire game.. Jessie was coming to me”
Amanda:’ I think you found out you didn’t have the numbers that is why I wasn’t targeted”
Andy, MaCrae join them. Helen:” “Great all 5 are here”

Helen says if she lobbied hard she could have gotten the votes to evict Amanda, “A lot of people wanted to send you out… I never had any intentions of getting you out until final 5”
Amanda: “Right”

Amanda: “What does Gm want to do what has she been telling you”
Helen: “GM says she support me I’ve been trying to get her vote.. it’s up to you guys you know.. if you want to keep me here awesome.. we can come together like last week when we stayed true to the 5”

Elissa: ‘I feel that as far as the big brother game goes we have fought to be here.. “ Elissa points out that GM and Spencer do not deserve to be in the game. Elissa: “Wouldn’t that suck if Ginamarie goes out before you”

Helen: “Amanda together we are unbeatable.. it’s up to you.. if you keep me it returns the loyalty from when you were the MVP nomination”
Amanda: ’I’m going to do what the house wants to do”
Helen: “Lets just do it.. we can do it.. I mean.. we can just stop the BS.. you know”
Helen: “we have a way it’s worked really well so far.. “
Amanda: ’if you win HOH who do we go after”
Helen: ‘Whoever we as a group goes after”

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Helen: “people are trying to pin us against each other”
Amanda: “you are trying to get the house against McCrae and I”
Helen: “I’m not”
Amanda: ’So you are not trying to ally with GM and Aaryn to come after me. c’mon i’m not stupid i’ve heard everything”
Helen: “I’m trying to stay in the game i thought you were coming after me”
Amanda says she knows Helen was targeting her and didn’t go through with it because she never had the votes. Now Amanda is hearing she’s trying to flip the house.
Helen: ”I thought you and Macra were targeting me”
Amanda: “Why did you think that”
Helen: “You stopped talking to me:”
Helen says she will not go against Amanda and MCcrae if they stay loyal to their final 5 deal.
Amanda: “Why would you think I was turning on you”
Helen: “I don’t know why I did I felt like you were distant to me.. I was wrong”
Amanda: “It’s alright it’s just a game”
H:” I was worried you were getting close to Aaryn and Aaryn was targeting Elissa and I”
A: “You were never Aaryn’s target”
Helen: “I was wrong i’m, sorry”
Amanda: “Don’t be sorry you make choices in this game.. “
Amanda: “I don’t think Jessie was lying”
Helen: “You’ll see the tapes.. I think if I really wanted to do it I could get the votes”
Amanda: “Put yourself in my position.. what if it was Spencer and me were on the block.. what would you do”
Helen claims she would vote to keep Amanda.

Heleen calls Spencer over asks him if she ever talks about getting Amanda out. Spencer : “To be honest up in the HOH room you and elissa both said you wanted her out before Jury and there was one more time you said you wanted her out then a third time when you said you wanted her out once we got to Jury” Spencer sums up there was 3 times.
Helen: “Ok thanks Spencer”

Amanda says the GM, Aaryn, Elissa and Helen alliance will not happen. Amanda: “That was a slap in the face”
Helen: “Again I thought you were coming after me.. they didn’t make me think you were not”
Amanda: “I wasn’t coming after you.. I am now”
Amanda tells her was on the fence but is now voting Helen out. Reminds her that there is still a lot off time .
Amanda: “I feel like I can trust Elissa more without you here.. it is not a personal thing it’s game”

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7:38pm HOH MC, GM, and Andy

MC telling them that Helen and Amanda are talking downstairs he says Helen is trying to get the final 5 solidified. He explains the them the final 5 includes, Elissa, Amanda, Andy, McCrae and Helen. Aaryn and GM laugh they say a hour ago they were telling Aryan and GM to flip the house on Amanda and MCcrea.

7:50pm Spencer joins them

Spencer: “Helen was like did I ever want Amanda out.. I was like Yes.. “
Spencer explains that he told the truth says Helen had brought up 3 times that she wanted Amanda out.
Aaryn:’ She’s trying to flip the house on Amanda and McCrea so everyone is Team Helen”
MC: “The way she talks is so degrading.. “
They agree every two hours Helen makes up a new lie and Alliance.

Aaryn says getting Helen out is HUGE .. bigger than getting out Jeremy.


8:11pm Backyard Andy, Elissa and Helen
Helen says Amanda isn’t voting for her. Helen: “Andy if Amanda and McCrea want you to vote me out will you” Andy: “all you need is 3 votes don’t worry about us” (Elissa and Him) Helen says she needs to work on McCrae.

Helen tells him he’s not going to lie to her it’s going to be tough to get McCrae’s vote. Helen says it sucks that she cannot trust GM and Aaryn anymore. Elissa:’ So they ran up to Amanda and MCcrae.. which one first” Helen: “Probably Aaryn”

Helen says she’s going to talk to McCrae wants Andy to join them. helen leaves. Andy tell Elissa if Helen goes home they have to stick together there is only so much they can do to save her but regardless they need to have each other’s back. Elissa agrees.


8:23pm HOH Amanda, McCrae, Spencer, GM
Comparing notes.
Amanda:” I’m not believeing a f*** word they are saying”
Aaryn says Elissa is saying that Amanda and MCcrae are trying to get Elissa and Aaryn fighting..
Amanda:” They are trying really hard”
GM: “Helen I liked her but game wise.. she a walks around with a big head.. you know.. walking around like she the queen of Sheba.. ”
Amanda: “She’s a flip flopper”

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it would be funny seeing the look on amanda’s face if helen returned,
but im still rooting for candice and jessie!


I expect an evicted HG to return to do the following:

Put up McManda. If one of them wins VETO, put up Andy.

Of course, this is what I would prefer, BUT… Julie says….expected the unexpected.

Get a Clue

I agree that initially placing Amanda and McCrae on the block is the best move to evict Amanda. You can’t be sure one of them will win the veto, so a backdoor attempt easily be thwarted. Because we now know Andy is expendable to Amanda and McCrae (I believe they were discussing it with Aaryn either yesterday or Friday), I question if he has enough “staying power” to send Amanda packing. He’s probably the best secondary choice, though. Anyone else against Amanda, and it seems her minions will keep her. My question: Do you think if McCrae won POV, he would take Amanda off the block instead of himself? Would Amanda sacrifice herself by taking McCrae off the block if she won the veto? Are either of them that altruistic? My initial thought is that both would save themselves, but who knows? Seriously just wondering…

Yeah right...

I’m starting a petition for CBS to require Julie Chen to change her catch phrase for the remainder of BB15 to, “Expect the expected.”


Hopefully Amanda is evicted….


she won’t couse the game is rigged and she WILL win it all, thanks to her cbs friends.


i would hope Helen comes back before Candice she is an idiot if candice comes back she would just pput up Gina and aaryn

give me a break

Helen go home….she is the worst judge of character…….all her assumption about the people in the house and how the season is being view by totally OFF base…

Helen:(1) I know America is thinking this is the best big brother season ever (2) GM will be Americas Favorite(3) America can’t be the M.V.P. America loves you Amanda.(4) I believe you never said anything racist Aryan..Candice is lying (5) I believe Amanda is telling the truth about Howard(5) Andy is the person i trust most in the house.

Helen go home… screwed Candice and Jessie…..and threw Elissa under the bus when she tried to keep Kaitlin over Aryan N.


First Howard warned Helen and others about Amanda and MC and too get them out they are running the house, but no one would listen.
2nd Candice warned others, but no one would listen
3rd Jessie no one would listen
4th Helen No one would listen and it is karma for your ass!!!!!!!!!! You had plenty of chances to flip the house and have the numbers to get the showmance out, but NOOOOOO!!!! you wanted to wait. Well Helen the wait is over and you have been evicted.

Those of you saying BB is rigged might be right, but BB didn’t have to do much to make Amanda the winner because these spineless people is more than happy to hand her the money………..I really don’t like Amanda, but she played big brother while MC played submissive house boy and everyone else played let’s follow the leader.


Like you said even if its rigged these people they picked for BB15 are just stupid ? Helen had so many times where you got Amanda on the block . Elissa even asked ? Do we vote Amanda or Howard and she picked Howard who never won any competitions or veto’s ? They hem and Candace could have easily been kicked out after Amanda ?


Amanda is not attractive, both inside and out


You want to know how good Amanda really is?

After 45 minutes of Amanda telling Helen why she is not going to vote for her
to stay, and explaining how she knows Helen wants her out….Helen then says
after Amanda walks away “I should have gone to Amanda at the beginning of the week and talked to her”.

LOL ohmy effing gods…..How do you turn someone inside out so much they blame
themselves for being a target??

I am sorry, but Amanda is a master in that house.

This Season Blows

“I am sorry, but Amanda is a master in that house.”

Ehhh, she hasn’t really played the game very well in weeks. The rest of the house is just that dumb.

Fatuma G

She hasnt won a single thing but she’s controlling every dang thing that happens in that house! And yes her HG’s are dumb to not notice that.

helen is clueless

To be fair Amanda seems to be running the game because Andy has been totally loyal to her. Helen did want to put Mcranda on the block last week and if Andy was loyal to Helen one of the Mcrandas would be gone and it would look like Helen is running the game. Hate to say Andy is the determining factor at the moment.


No , Helen is just that lousy at the game. She has no common sense. Tell Helen half a truth and she will believe it.


DAMN….. U know what…..After reading that….Forget worrying about GM with Nick. We bloggers were not looking at the biggest psycho in the house.


Amanda can manipulate a homelessman into giving her his last spare change.

RUN, MCCRAE RUN! AND DON’T LOOK BACK! This b!tch is good at twisting facts.

I SOOOOOOO want her to be evicted. I want to look at my television screen and go, “So….you did all that and you only got jury? Damn, you were cheap.”


That whore Amanda needs to learn to close her mouth when she chews and sit with her legs closed. Total classless bitch. She’s disgusting. She has a mouth like a sailor.

give me a break

Amanda is not a master manipulator…..there are just alot of week minded people in the house….

Jeremy's Boat

I suppose it’ still too early to backdoor Amanda though, right Helen? lol

C3PO has a recorded message

Helen i got one shot to blow Death Star up should i take the shot ? Helen answer me answer me ? Helen to Luke you must wait the time is not right ? Wait till next week ? Next week comes . Luke Skywalker is put in a JEDI PRISON . And Darth Vader is never defeated . Han Solo to Helen where is LUKE ? Luke is in prison she tells Han Solo . Helen i am in my MELIINIUM FALCON right now i got a shot i can blow the DEATH STAR UP I can do what Luke couldn’t ? Han solo asks Helen should i take this shot now Helen ? Helen to Han Solo Do not take the shot Han Solo we must wait till next week ? Han Solo to Helen . F$UCK you Helen i am taking the shot . Han Solo blows the Death star up

November 22nd 1963 ,Dallas, Texas

November 22nd 1963 Dallas ,Texas -Helen come in . Helen come in Helen this is FBI AGENT White . I have a situation the President is being targeted i believe i have a shot to take out the guy that looks real suspicious . Helen should i take the shot he is aiming something at the president ? Helen to FBI AGENT White . You must wait he is just a big fan of the president that’s all . FBI AGENT no no something gonna happen . Helen says That is a order don’t take the shot . FBI agent to Helen I have my gun aimed at the guy i cant tell what he has Helen i need to shoot this guy. Helen says the time is not right to take this shot ? Helen to FBI AGENT White do not take the shot . FBI AGENT WHITE says but Helen Helen HELEN the President . Helen says to agent the guy is just a big fan . 1 HOUR later John F Kennedy is shot and killed . Secret Service to Helen come in we need to see you . This FBI agent just said you were the reason he did not take the shot . He says you said it was a big fan of the President . Did you tell him not to take the shot that could have saved President John F. Kennedy . Helen responds I did not speak to this man at all on this day i never lie . Arrest the FBI agent he had something to do with all of this . FBI agent White to Helen nonooooooo no no please Helen tell them the truth Helen no no noooooooooooo . Secret Service agents say Helen never lies we trust her . 5 YEARS LATER Helen is over secret service agents that are watching Martin Luther King on April 4th 1968 . FBI AGENT BLACK to Helen there is a guy that looks like he has something aimed at Martin Luther King should i just shoot the guy i have a real good shot . Helen to FBI agent Black He is just a big fan says Helen . Helen says just wait .1 hour later . FBI AGENT BLACK says to Helen Martin has been shot . Helen asks is he alive ? NO we think he is dead . Helen says to agent Black i do not know you anymore . What he asks she says I DO NOT KNOW YOU ANYMORE .


And….Helen’s reply to you will be……drumroll please…..

Helen: “It’s not time yet. We have to wait until Amanda makes it to final 2 before we can evict her.”

Meanwhile, GM will be saying, “And America thought I was the only one that lost it! I think not!”

The Black Fish

LOL @ Helen. It’s really just embarrassing now.

White Fish imperial wizard

You are at top of comments . Black fish you suppose to be on the bottom .


spencer cracked me up:

helen: have i ever talked about wanting amanda out?
spencer: yes, 3 times, it was here, here, and here.

too funny!


Typical Spencer, only thinking of his own game and not Helen’s. When Helen asked him that question, he was supposed to have Helen’s back so they all could vote out Spencer this week.

weighing in

Seriously! When you’re on the block campaigning for votes, do you ask the other person likely to be sitting next to you to back you up? Of course not! What did she expect would happen?

Howard friend in dirt poor Mississippi

The Howard comment by Gina Marie was racist ? So she only saw him as a TOEKIN BLACK GUY ? But he has a college degree and she doesn’t ? How was he just a TOEKIN BLACK GUY ?


GinaMarie has made the most offensive racial comments in the last few days… the different species comment ( she’s right, we are all human, she is gutter trash), token black guy( I am sure Howard would love to celebrate your stalker, love wedding with the cardboard Nick at the alter!)… if Nick hasn’t got a restraining order in his back pocket at the end of this, I am afraid for his life. He might have to give up on New York and move out west.


What was the different species comment ?


Pleaseeeee, I bet nick is loving this lunatic talking about him 24/7
She is the reason why his one minute if fame turned into 15.

Top That

Gina from Brooklyn is trying to say something outrageous every day in order to be relevant. Gina thinks she is being funny, but it’s just insulting her comments. Criticizing Gina’s comments every day is just a waste of time. Gina is who she is and she has a whole lot of mental issues. Now she’s planning her and Nick’s wedding. For me who wins BB is not the highlight of the finale. I want to see Nick’s body language when Gina goes to hug him. I want to see his facial expression when Gina tires to kiss him before the cameras. I want to hear his answer to Julie’s question concerning Gina’s dying devotion for him.


Apparently the people that thumbed you down are racist too, what a shame, i don’t understand why people defend the ignorance.


Helen is learning the hard way, when you choose to be a sheep, you can’t ever go against the sheep herder, or you will get slaughtered and turned into “lamb chops”.

Just Saying

I don’t think that sleep with sheep saying goes like that…but I get your meaning.

This Season Blows

Helen must GO!


Candice and Jessie will get a kick out of seeing Helen get evicted, using the same tactics of getting votes to stay in the house. how you like them apples Helen?

Amanda's Towel

Helen must suck at being a lobbyist.

helen is clueless

Well she is flip flopping. Helen wanted to work with GM and Aaryn against Mcranda, now she wants to work with Mcranda against GM, Spnce and Aaryn. Nothing worse than a flip flopper unless it’s you. Not so easy is it Helen when you’re” allies” betray you and you don’t know where to turn.


So has she forgotten Howard wanted her to help them take down Amanda ? And Amanda was on the block 2 times . Howard went to Jessie that night and Candace went to Helen and Elissa . Together they could have taken them down ? And it could have been a level playing field a fair fight for everyone again ?

Not Really

I think Helen is probably a very good lobbyist. She manipulated pretty much the whole house for most of the game. I am just being real. Helen’s problem was she thought everyone was buying the BS she was selling. Definitely, Candice, Elissa, Judd and Jessie bought it lock stock and barrel. What Helen didn’t anticipate was that Andy was just as devious as her. For some reason everyone trusts the gay guy. I think if I play next season in BB16, I would pretend to be a gay guy. Yep, for a chance to win half million dollars I would totally fake gay for 10-12 weeks. However, it would just be my luck they put another gay with me in BB16. That would be the twist, two gays in one season. BB Production would be hoping for the first gay showmance. There is only so much I am willing to do for a half million dollars and that’s not one of them. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Its just if I had a choice between Andy and Kait. I am choosing Kait. If I had a choice between Candice and Andy, I am choosing Candice. If I had a choice between Aaryn and Andy, I am choosing Aaryn. If I had a choice between Gina and Andy…..and that was my only choice……I would choose Andy. I would rather go with the gay guy then that delusional psychopath

Jim 64

Hey Helen now you know how you made
Jessie feel last week. Lets hope the house
Does not flip flop.

Itty Bitty Britty

Why did Helen set herself up for Spencer to expose her lies? Did she think he was going to protect her? Her ship is sinking fast…


She’s actually diggind holes so it goes faster…

Amanda's Therapist

SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION…….THE PERSON FROM BB…Allison Grodner – white ? OR black? Can’t see why CBS does NOTHING about ” racist ” remarks going on daily – in the BB house? This is beyond crazy – and needs to be dealt with. ASAP!


Alison Grodner is a large Jewish woman who should have handed over the reigns a long time ago… she is bored with her position and can’t bother putting down her fork to get ahold of this crew. SEE-B.S is making money and media exposure from this catastrophe, so they are hoping to keep these foul thinking jerks on t.v. for a lot longer. I did not watch the show tonight, for the first time ever…. didn’t even DVR it! Read the comments from the east coasters, could not be bothered to watch a rehash of Amanda gloating while floating.

One thing though, I wish they would have a clothing comp or 2 mins of free shopping so Amanda can return her stolen clothing to the Senior living center laundry room she stole them from, McCrae can give back Andy’s orange striped wife-beater, Aaryn can give the purple t-shirt a rest and Spencer might find a new blue t-shirt to wear… Andy, you are going to have to go to ToysRUs for your new wardrobe, we can wait!


Why can’t you make your point without referring to her religion & size. Learn something from this show at least – you can criticize effectively & fairly without resorting to personal insults and bigotry.

GM, your patient

she’s jewish and that’s why amanda gets away with all that bull chit!

weighing in

And you guys call Aaryn and GM racist?


IT’s NAZI fime again. Thanks, Buddhistgyrl.


She is white. From San Diego. But asking this makes me realize… Do you think only people of a specific colour can be racist or tolerate racism? Do you think all white people agrees with bad comments that were said in the house? Really, if you wanna preach by giving the example, you are doing it the wrong way…

Oh Hellen

I would feel sorry for Helen, but she is the one that dug her own grave. She had her chance to get out Amanda, but she didn’t do it. Maybe if she wins the comp to get back in the game she will be able to open her eyes and see where the loyalties lie, but I don’t know.

Teri B

I’m not sure she will EVER see the truth. Seems to be talking too much, listening to her own voice, can’t see what’s right in front of her. UGH I agree with you 100%….she totally dug her own grave.


Helen would not be in this position if she had just a little bit of doubt about her trust in Andy. But NOoooo. She thought Andy was on her side and now she is going to pay the price for not thinking and truly listening what Andy was saying to her for the past 3 weeks. So long Helen. We won’t miss you.

Get a Clue

If she is able to hear the goodbye messages before that competition to return to the house, she’ll have a better idea of who she can and cannot trust. Not sure if that will happen, though. The vote will at least give her an inkling of the posture of the house…


Are you kidding? Andy is so concerned with not ruining his chances for her vote his goodbye message will be” So sorry, I tried but had to with what the house wanted”


Nothing will change unless Elissa or the returning player wins HOH.

Elissa is a fake

And as if on cue botoxed duck lips is cramming food in her pie hole. Elissa you skinny phony rat, stop eating when BBAD is on. It just adds to your unattractiveness (along with your fake eye lashes, fake eyebrows, hair extensions, and shitty stuck-up disposition.). Better yet, production should turn down the volume on all these hogs eating. The noises are disgusting!

Bring Back Chicken George

I really hope whoever comes back returns as the HOH. If the don’t, they are heading right back out the door!


Elissa has done nothing which would qualify her to win this game. Unless you count yoga, in which case we should just give her the money now. She has got to be one of the worst BB players ever. Rachel must be having a hissy fit if she’s watching the show.


Amanda is suce à boss, why they jeep benefiting her game. Are they that much scared of this woman?


Good for you Spencer!!! Helen is an idiot, Spencer is going up beside her, Why the hell would he defend her??


Damn these people are stuck on stupid! Congrats Amanda and McCrae! You will win by having total control over the weaklings and doing absolutely nothing. Oh well the dummies had their chance!


I honestly wish Spencer was the target. I am so sick of his mouth. He is a horrible excuse for a human being.


I’m tired of seeing Amanda control this house and having Aaryn and Andy give her information like they need to to help their game…. NEWSFLASH if you know Amanda is running the house why wouldn’t they want to be the one to get her out and take her spot. These people need to wake up and listen to Helen who in a sad twist of irony is being put through the same troubles of Candice and Jessie who “dared” to speak there minds and think logically concerning Amanda’s dictatorial and evil plots in the weeks past. I really would rather Helen stay, at least she is making it an interesting game and at least she isn’t like most of the people who are really trashy and disrespectful to women, people of other races, and each other. Amanda needs to go, what are you waiting for people the time is right RIGHT NOW while you still have votes against her. It is making me so annoyed watching them go to Amanda like they need to tell her everything, if Candice or Jessie comes back now that would be a show.


I really enjoyed watching that Have Not Competition. Too funny!
Helen is just embarrassing herself. Spencer completely screwed her over after she asked him if she tried to get Amanda out. I couldn’t help but laugh as I was reading it. I still want her to stay though solely for the purpose of pissing off Amanda.

Black Fish

Feeeeeeddddd mmmmeeee


Go back to the bottom token black fish… you will get whatever floats down from the top, and you will like it. What species are you anyhow?

Why do I keep watching?



It’s gonna feel good watching Helen flounder but I want to throw rocks at these people’s faces I hate them so deeply the way they run and tell Amanda and McCrae EVERYTHING. I fall for it when they talk as if they’re considering this big move to flip the house around and then it never fails, less then an hour later they’ve gone and told McManda every little detail and laugh about it.

I hope the returning HG is granted HOH automatically.


See B.S introduced a bounty this season… whoever can run the fastest to Amanda and deliver information gets a pay increase for the day. Andy’s winning, but Aaryn is coming up quick for the win.


At Helen’s eviction:
Helen hugs Elissa and whispers in her ear: “Stay strong. You need to win HoH.”
Elissa: “Do I backdoor Amanda?”
Helen: “No it’s too early.”


Helen: don’t forget to trust Andy!


The clownie suicides are the funniest thing is this season! Who’s doing it? Spencer?

derick alaska

I think I’m going to read this article again…its just soo beautiful to look at..especially when the name HELEN right next to the phrase VOTED OUT.

Oh happy day…(Oh happy day) OH HAPPY DAY!!! (oh happy day) WHEN HELEN IS VOTED OUT!!! (when Helen is voted out)


I am singing with you in the chorus….


Also, it’s really getting so annoying reading any of these conversations with Andy and Aaryn. I can’t f***ing stand Andy. After every conversations he’s in, I’m like let’s see if he will break his record of how fast he will run to mommy Amanda and tell her what they said. Can’t keep his mouth damn shut. So many plans that we could look forward to have been ruined by him. Ugh!


Agreed!! I wish people would hate on Andy more as he is a huge part in the unprecedented success of the very useless, pompous, and disgusting Mc%@#Dah. His RAT A@S!!!!!! has single-handedly ruined BB15 for the fans. I pray he does not get rewarded for this type of game-play.



You are exactly right. I have been wanting Andy the Rat to be evicted for 3 weeks. He would be number one on my hit list. I would put him and McPussy up next week if I were Elissa (HOH). If one of them wins veto, then nominate aMANda. At least aMANda and Hellllllen stop talking to you when you are the target. Andy the Rat befriends them then talks shit behind their back as he helps to bury the knife in you.


No Shizo! Someone plz..quick..throw a dick in Andy’s mouth so he can stfu and stop being a lil ugly red headed fire crotch rat! Ppl do not and will not respect his game play! It’s the worst kind. I rather a floater win than him. He is a floater but mixed with rat dick. Mmk great thnx!


Also, I feel some vindication from this last conversation after thinking about the way Jesse had to feel last week when Helen left her stranded and alone and smashed a hole into her boat for good measure.


I lost count of how many times Helen said “I’ll be honest with you” today. Just add that to her “okay” and “ya know” and “I love you” annoying Helenisms.


when is this going to be a real game of players not followers.


when is this going to be a real game of players not followers.


So Amanda is whining about them trying to flip the house on her? Does she know she is playing Big Brother? Or, was she assured by AG that she will get a free pass to Final 2 and can’t believe that anyone is going against the game plan? What an entitled BI*CH! I am not a big fan of Helen, but I would love for Helen to be the one that comes back into the house as she is the biggest threat to Amanda. Then I would love to see either Helen or Elissa win HOH and out McRanda on the block. Then, we will see if the fix is in. If neither of them goes home because of some special power – then it is a lost cause and the season is over – the check already written to Amanda.


The ultimate house flip would come from McCrae against his domme bride… would love to see that happen!


its kinda pathetic of helen to apologize to amanda. girl, can you have some dignity?


GO AMANDA GO!!! Control the house and control this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye-Bye Helen

Boring season

Amanda annoys me. She needs to go she is running this house and hasn’t won anything. If a houseguest says they want her out like Helen did then that person is on the block and goes home. This season is so predictable it annoys me. If Helen gets evicted which she will i hope either her Jessie or Candice come back and hopefully get out someone from the 3am alliance. I hate when they say this is what the house wanted so that’s how they are going to vote its not what the house wants its what Amanda wants she has the most blood on her hands and no one knows it. I can’t wait til Amanda watched this season back and sees that America is the one who put her up on the block.

Lightbulb moment

wow.. dirty tricks, lies, deceipt.. Now I understand how Republicans actually get elected.. – stupid, angry people vote and support the worse excuse for a human being. Same thing happening in BB 15.


Ugh…… This is so stupid. Helen will make you all pay when she returns to the game.


But she wont make them pay too soon!


Holy shit….there needs to be like a time limit on how fast things can get back to Amanda. At least 5 minutes for someone to sit and think about what was just said to them. Man! The squealing right away is so annoying. I wish these people would play for themselves already.


Agreed. There also needs to be a limit on the number of players CBS recruits that are there to play the SCUMBAG RAT role.


Amanda: The reason why I stayed is Andy.. he is the reason I stayed..

Did Amanda just rat on the rat? And if so why didn’t Helen pick up on it?

Amanda's Therapist

OBVIOUSLY …. McCrae – has – read the book (from the BEST player EVER in the BB house)….Dan Gheesling !!!! imo. Should have never let the whore “suck” you into her “onion” patch – pizza boy. Big Amanda is gonna bring your ass down! LOL. And no one to blame but YOU.


I really can’t stand GM she is too comfortable and I hate to say this but because no one had the balls to get Amanda out when they had the chance I think Amanda will win this game.


Helen, it’s not like Spencer will be put on the block or anything. It’s not like you’re trying to get him evicted, ok? He should defend you and sacrifice himself since you let him into jury you know. Why would he ever say you were targeting Amanda?


I love how Spencer basically said screw off to Helen. i wanna see JUDD win the comp to come back.


I’m still watching and will continue to but the only thing that will revive this season for me is if McCrae realizes that he doesn’t have the votes if he and Amanda make the final two and forms a final 2 alliance with someone else like Andy or Spencer or GM or even better Judd. Then he blackmails her by voting her off. It would be even better if both of them made it to the final four and if McCrae won the veto and sent her packing with the only vote.


All I have to say is “Poor Clownie!”


Don’t worry about him – his eyebrows are still the same (exactly like Aaryn’s).


When Howard was on the Block with Amanda and Spencer that’s when Helen should have made her move.

She had Elissa, Jessie and Candice against McRae Ginnamarie and Andy with Judd as a wild-card and Aryan as HOH.

Didn’t Helen still have her hooks in Aryan that week? Why go after the non-threat Howard when you can take out a power-duo like Mcranda?

Howard would have remained loyal to Helen but she chose to trust Amanda and the supremacists and now she’s begging to stay.


Amanda told Helen that Andy was the reason she was able to stay in the house not her,Helen. I bet this went all over Helen’s head. Read between the lines Helen, Andy is the rat


Hellen did not hear the remark about Andy, she does not listen to anything anybody else has to say. If she did , she would of heard Jessie and Elissa talk about Andy, she would of also followed their advice about voting Amanda out. Of course Andy and McCray didn’t hear Amanda say she wants to take Aaryn to the final 3. These numb nuts make Amanda look like a genius, I would of loved to see Amanda try this garbage with Dr. Will, Boogie Dan or Memphis, she would of been out the door before she could crawl onto the HOH bed.
I am watching BBAD and Elissa just told Helen the public does not like them, look at the food they chose. Like I said before, Elissa is not as dumb as she puts out there, she playing them. If she wins HOH, I am going to laugh, because Andy thinks he can control her.


My big question is whether or not Andy and Aaryn are so brainwashed they will worship Amanda forever? Will they choose 4th or 5th place and vote for her to win as their loyal leader?

Will they have the guts to put McManda up?


All this “coming after you” business is crap. That’s a given in the game. How is it a strategy point? Also all this vote with the house–what the house wants is still going on. Was Amanda trained by the mafia?


Elissa had better clue in. She needs to now be putting in her vote to cast out Helen and let the others know it. She can’t talk the way she is and hope to stick around. Helen is ruining her game. Helen’s got to go.

Andy and Aaryn are still being tattle rats.

McCrae is still sliding through as Amanda’s pet.


If McCrae blindsided Amanda he would earn the respect as the best butt-kissing player.


Watching BBAD…. Aaryn just said she wants Amanda to win the game. What the hell is wrong with these people??? There is no doubt in my mind that Amanda the pig Zuckerman was picked to win this game!!! It’s not fair and CBS and Allison Grodner better watch their backs cause they really wronged us BB fans by rigging it for that manly Sasquatch Amanda. She is the most repulsive human being I’ve ever seen!